Crab meat nutritional value. Features of the effect on the body, benefits, possible harm of crab and its caviar

Crabs, short-tailed crayfish (Brachyura), a suborder of invertebrate animals of the order of decapod crustaceans.

The head is small; the eyes are stalked. The cephalothorax is wide, the width of the pectoral shield is from 2 to 20 cm, in the Japanese deep-sea crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) it is up to 60 cm. The first pair of walking legs is equipped with claws.

The abdomen is short, tucked under the cephalothorax; The abdominal limbs in males (2 pairs) are transformed into the copulatory apparatus; in females (4 pairs) they are used for bearing eggs.

They live in the seas, in fresh water bodies and on land. All crabs, except freshwater ones, breed in the sea. The development of the crab occurs with metamorphosis; The zoea larva emerges from the eggs, which turns into a larva - megalopa, and then into an adult crab. Only freshwater crabs (family Potamidae) do not have a free-swimming larva. A pursued crab is capable of breaking off its limbs with a sharp movement, in the place of which new ones grow.

Crabs feed mainly on invertebrates. Many crabs are edible and serve as commercial fish. T.n. The Kamchatka crab is not related to crabs, but to hermit crabs. Some crabs destroy commercial shellfish - oysters and mussels, and the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) sometimes, entering rivers, destroys dams in which it makes burrows, and also spoils fishing nets.

More than 4 thousand species of crabs are known, in Russia there are about 50 species.

Crab calories

Crab meat is low in calories, since 100 g of such meat contains 73 kcal. Boiled crabs contain 96 kcal per 100 g, and the energy value of canned crabs is 85 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of steamed crabs contain 97 kcal. Crab meat has a large amount of proteins and saturates the body well with energy. In moderation, this product does not cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of crabs

Crab meat is a physiologically valuable food product. It is usually consumed boiled. It is valued for its high taste and for containing biologically active substances. When raw, crab meat has a gelatinous consistency and a grayish color.

Crab meat contains 80.1-82.5% moisture, 0.2-1.4% lipids, 11.6-19.2% protein, 1.2-2.2% ash. Crab meat contains more essential amino acids than fish meat. It also contains a large amount of glycogen (in Kamchatka crab - up to 2.4%). This carbohydrate gives crab meat a pleasant sweetish taste. Crab meat contains B vitamins. Compared to other food products of plant and animal origin, crab meat is distinguished by its high level of biologically active magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfur. Of the microelements, it contains a high content of copper. For this reason, crab meat is characterized by such a defect as blueing - the formation of colored copper compounds under the action of enzymes.

Edible meat is located in the limbs and abdomen. The limbs consist of armored tubes connected by joints. The bundle of muscle fibers that form the muscles of the limbs rests on chitinous plates connected to the shell in the area of ​​the joints. Under the shell, the crab's body is covered with a red film, which is the basis for the formation of a new shell after the crab molts, if it remained in the sea.

Crabs are not only dietary, but also rich in vitamins, amino acids and microelements. This includes iodine, calcium, zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants: taurine and vitamins, etc. Crabs are also useful for anemia, cardiovascular diseases and poor vision.

A number of high-quality products can be produced from crabs: canned food, boiled-frozen crab limbs, dried meat. The sale of fresh and chilled crabs should be done very quickly: at a temperature no higher than 12-15°C, crabs are stored for no more than 15 hours, and crabs sprinkled with finely crushed ice - 30-36 hours.

Today, many fish products are called crab meat, although they are not. You can get acquainted with the taste and nutritional qualities of the original product only if you choose it correctly. Crab meat is a valuable, healthy sea food due to its high cost.

Composition and calorie content

Under the guise of crab meat, manufacturers present customers with cheaper, less nutritious fish meat, most often surimi. Not many people manage to distinguish the original from the fake, and only if they have tried Kamchatka crab at least once before. True seafood connoisseurs and gourmets can easily find the right product just by looking at it. In addition to its taste properties, sea meat is valued for its high content of microelements necessary for the body, including vitamins and amino acids. A special place in the delicacy is occupied by iodine, the main element of sea water.

The nutritional value in calories of 100 grams of crab meat ranges from 95 to 110 kcal. Of these, the majority is occupied by easily digestible protein - there is almost 19 g of it, fat - 1 g. Surprisingly, this product does not contain carbohydrates at all - this feature allows us to call the seafood dietary. High nutritional value, pure animal protein, water - all this will help keep the body in good physical shape. The energy ratio (BJU as a percentage) of a 100-gram serving is 22: 1.5: 0.

All the benefits of Kamchatka crab meat are concentrated in its chemical composition:

  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin group B - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12;
  • vitamin RE;
  • vitamin NE;
  • niacin;
  • retinol;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • cholesterol;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • water.

Beneficial features

Only real crabs will contain a huge amount of rare, valuable elements necessary to maintain human health. A special place in the meat of marine life is occupied by fatty acids - Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. These components can improve the functioning of each organ, prolong the life of cells, and relieve various types of inflammation. The main feature of such acids is to stimulate brain function, which is mainly needed by children and the elderly.

Other beneficial qualities of crab meat can be highlighted in the following list.

  • Improves vision due to high vitamin A content.
  • Triggers metabolic processes, including protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • The digestive system is normalized.
  • Acts as a prophylactic against problems with stool, constipation, and flatulence.
  • Strengthens the heart muscles.
  • The walls of blood vessels become thicker, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • The central nervous system is strengthened.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Does not cause sugar spikes - can be used for diabetes.
  • 100% dietary product, rich in easily digestible protein.
  • Relieves insomnia, anxiety, irritability, relieves stress.
  • The functions of the thyroid gland are stabilized.
  • Prevention against goiter.
  • Acceleration of recovery processes, especially after operations and illnesses.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Brain activity, attention, and vigilance increase.
  • Stress resistance increases significantly.
  • The condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves.
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine system in case of its disruption.
  • There is an increase in male potency.
  • Saturates the body with energy.
  • Helps cope with vitamin deficiency.
  • Helps in building muscle mass, especially for athletes.
  • Blood condition improves.
  • Eating crab meat helps cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol.
  • Protects the body from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The product is superior in digestibility, outperforming the usual poultry and veal.
  • The musculoskeletal system is strengthened.


Doctors have identified a number of negative consequences after eating sea meat. The main harm lies, oddly enough, in its own structure. The fact is that with sea salt, heavy metals and toxins that are harmful to humans get into the meat. Sometimes even radioactive elements are found. Using such a product for cooking can lead to poisoning. Therefore, experts recommend not to overuse crab meat.

Surprisingly, nutrient-rich crab can lead to deficiencies in other biological components. High protein content quickly fills the stomach, making a person not want to eat other foods. It is best to combine small portions of meat with a side dish of cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

The main contraindication will be individual intolerance to animal protein or other elements included in its composition.

As for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors do not prohibit including crab in their daily diet. The main thing is to follow the daily norm, avoid overeating, and since seafood is considered an allergenic product, it is better to first consult with a specialist.

First of all, it is important to choose the right, natural product. Today, manufacturers often pass off other marine life as crab. Such meat, of course, is not more harmful, but its price is too high. In order not to overpay for a “dummy”, carefully study fish stores and markets; it would be nice if the seller provides you with a certificate of fresh catch, time, country. You can only eat fresh Kamchatka crab. The shelf life is relatively short - it can be stored in the refrigerator for only a couple of days. If extension is necessary, the meat must be sent to the freezer.

  • room temperature conditions are harmful to crab meat - you should not leave it for more than 2 hours;
  • the prepared product is wrapped in foil;
  • the shell does not shine - it means the meat is spoiled;
  • Defrost only in plastic containers;
  • Cutting the crab is of particular importance - individual parts are stored for two days longer than the whole carcass;
  • It is recommended to store in the lower sections of the refrigerator, for example, the vegetable/fruit compartments.

Rules of use

Kamchatka crab is common in almost all Western and Asian cuisines. Such popularity, of course, is ensured by the states' access to the sea/ocean, where a fresh catch is produced every morning. Boiled crab is great for dieting. The absence of unnecessary ingredients saturates the body with protein, which plays an important role in losing weight. In addition, it is fried in oil, batter, and egg. They prepare exquisite sauces that allow the sea life to reveal itself to the fullest.

Connoisseurs of Mediterranean cuisine wash down such dishes with white wine or champagne. It is served both whole and in parts. It also goes well with vegetables, herbs, cheeses, lemon or lime. It wouldn't hurt to drizzle with a drop of good olive oil.

In the next video you will find an episode of the TV show “Natural Selection” dedicated to crab meat.

Crabs are either marine or freshwater. The former are more valued because they are healthier and tastier. Crab meat is tender and white and comes from the claws, belly and legs. There are not many ways to cook meat. It is usually boiled first and then frozen, canned, or consumed straight away. It is used in all kinds of dishes as snacks or chilled. This product is considered a delicacy.


Crab meat contains many vitamins B, A and PP. The chemical composition of the product is also rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and other elements.

Beneficial features

Crab meat is a healthy food for athletes, as it contains a minimum of carbohydrates and a lot of easily digestible proteins. All this contributes to the active gain of muscle mass. Due to the fact that the product is dietary, it can be consumed by those who want to maintain their figure. Crab meat also improves the function of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs and brain.


A contraindication to the use of the product is considered to be individual intolerance. It is also recommended to exclude crab meat from the diet for people suffering from an allergic reaction to any seafood.

Crab meat is very rich in such an essential substance for the body as protein. 100 grams of this product contains 18 grams of protein, 1.8 grams of fat and virtually no carbohydrates - there are only 0.04 grams of them in crab meat.

The composition of crab meat is no less unique. For example, it contains a lot of niacin (vitamin PP or B3) - a substance that regulates cholesterol levels in the blood and helps normalize metabolism. And vitamin B5, also present in this product, stimulates brain activity, ensures good absorption of other useful components, improves the exchange of hemoglobin, lipids, fatty acids and histamine.

Contains crab meat and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in large quantities. This component has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, prevents early skin aging and promotes relaxation of muscle tissue. Other useful vitamins present in this product include the following: B1, B2, A, B 9, B12.

Among the microelements, crab meat contains phosphorus, sodium and potassium. The latter is required by a person for the normal functioning of the skeletal and muscular systems. In addition, it has a positive effect on brain activity and blood pressure. And sodium, along with other minerals, takes part in water-salt metabolism, in the work of muscle tissue and digestive processes.

Crab meat also contains macronutrients such as magnesium, zinc and calcium. The content of zinc is very important - a substance that promotes normal bone formation, improves memory, brain function and ensures a successful pregnancy. This product also contains quite a lot of other useful substances, such as iodine, selenium, manganese, iron and copper.

Beneficial features

Crab meat contains very few carbohydrates and fats, and most importantly, it is easily absorbed by the body. That is why it is often recommended in dietary nutrition. 100 g of this product contains only 87 calories.

Separately, it is worth noting the high concentration of taurine in this product. This is a natural antioxidant that suppresses free radicals in the body and prevents early aging. In addition, taurine has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and promotes.

Crab meat also contains unsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as they regulate the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

And due to the fact that crab meat is very useful for those who suffer from thyroid diseases.

Crab meat, like most other seafood, is considered a natural aphrodisiac. It increases male potency, promotes testosterone production, improves spermatogenesis and prevents loss of libido.


Crab meat has virtually no contraindications. Of course, it is not recommended to eat it for people who are allergic to seafood.

For information on how to prepare crab salad, see the story.

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Crabs are arthropods belonging to the class of crustaceans. They have five pairs of legs. The first pair of legs evolved into claws. Crabs live in all seas of the planet. Depending on its habitat, the colors of the crab can be varied. For example, crabs living in the depths of reservoirs have a brown, greenish color. Crabs that live on land are sandy in color.

Crabs reproduce by eggs and feed on invertebrates. Crab meat from its abdomen, claws and legs is used for food. The very delicate, pleasant taste of white crab meat makes it a delicacy.

Crab meat contains a fairly large amount of vitamins, such as vitamin A, PP and the entire vitamin B group.

Crab meat contains a lot of protein and almost no fat, which makes it very useful for people who want to lose weight or adhere to a healthy diet.

Beneficial features

The B vitamins contained in crab meat affect blood vessels, improve cardiac activity, have a positive effect on brain function, and improve memory. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system and has a preventive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The phosphorus and calcium contained in crab meat are of particular value. They strengthen bones and improve the condition of nails and teeth. Regular consumption of foods with these microelements reduces the risk of developing osteochondrosis, osteoaporosis and other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

For modern people, maintaining the required level of iodine in the body is very important, and eating crab meat can solve this problem. It contains a large amount of this necessary and important trace element.


Crab meat is very tasty and healthy and is used in many dishes. It is included in salads and snacks. Crab meat is also used as an independent dish. Meat goes very well with dry white wine.

The meat is pre-boiled in salted water. It is also possible to preserve crab meat for long-term storage. You can make very tasty, juicy cutlets from minced crab meat. In oriental cuisine, crab meat is one of the main ingredients. It is used in sushi and rolls.

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