Smoking fish and meat as a business. How to start a business with a small smokehouse

Smoking is a method of processing pre-salted products with organic components formed during incomplete combustion (pyrolysis) of wood. The processing medium can be wood smoke (smoke smoking) or a smoking preparation (smokeless smoking). As a result, the product acquires a specific color, taste and smell, and when cold smoked, it acquires antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which makes it suitable for food without additional cooking.
Smoking has been practiced in Russia for a very long time, but mainly for home purposes and local sales. In the XIII-XIV centuries. Novgorodians were the first to begin producing smoked fish for trade and exchange of goods. In the XVI-XVII centuries. Cold smoked salmon, called salmon, became the main export product supplied from Arkhangelsk to Holland and other countries. In the XIX-XX centuries. Smoking fish is becoming a very common way of preserving it, especially partial types. In the 19th century smoking enterprises were built mainly in fishing areas. In the 20th century The construction of smoking factories in large cities began to predominate, where they worked on imported salted or frozen semi-finished products. Currently, the practice of small smoking enterprises, which arise mainly in places where raw materials are available, has become widespread.
Modern classification classifies smoked products as snack foods. Among the latter, they have no equal in their special, specific properties characteristic only of them. Smoking allows you to improve the commercial properties of meat and fish, obtain shelf-stable products or a gastronomically attractive semi-finished product for preserves, canning or culinary production.
The development of analysis techniques has made it possible in recent years to make discoveries that have become turning points in the understanding of traditional smoking. The discovery of a whole group of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mutagenic nitrosamines and other harmful substances such as methanol and formaldehyde in smoke and smoked products has stimulated the search for environmentally friendly smoking methods based on effective smoke purification or the use of smoking preparations. The establishment of the harmful role of excess table salt in the body served as an impetus for the development of technologies for lightly salted smoked products. The study of the mechanism of formation of smoking effects (color, taste, aroma) became the basis for the creation of modern smoking installations in which it is possible to control the process.
It is rational to improve the smoking process to implement environmentally friendly, efficient production in the following areas:
regulation of the smoke generation process, use of smoke generation mainly with external heat supply;
neutralization of smoke before directing it into the smoking chamber and releasing it into the atmosphere;
the use of small smoking units, preferably chamber ones, with smoke recirculation and microprocessor control of the main parameters, a reasonable combination of manual and mechanized labor;
preparation of a semi-finished product with the maximum yield of edible parts, the minimum possible level of salinity, small portion weight, rational use of flavoring, coloring and preservative agents;
reducing the level of smokedness of products in terms of the content of organic smoking components through the production of smoked, flavored or tinted products;
the use of technologies that maximally imitate the effects of smoking on the surface, and not in the depths of the products;
the use of environmentally friendly, smokeless smoking media of a new generation instead of smoke;
improvement of production control and quality of smoked products based on modern methods of analysis and certification.
The most promising seems to be the use of smokeless smoking media, the chemical composition of which and application parameters can be regulated. Of the numerous smokeless agents offered today for smoking purposes, the most interesting are liquid smoking media obtained on the basis of aqueous solutions of smoke, as the most adequate in composition, sufficiently studied and accessible, with minimal potential toxicity.
Preface, chapters 1-8, appendices written by O. Ya. Mezenova, chapter 9 by S. A. Bredikhin, chapter 10 by I. N. Kim, chapter 11 by S. A. Bredikhin together with I. N. Kim . The authors express their gratitude to N. Yu. Kochelab for assistance in preparing the manuscript.

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1. Classification of smoking methods

2. Basics of producing smoke smoke

3. Friction smoke generator

4. Calculation of friction gears



Smoking is a method of processing pre-salted products with organic components formed during incomplete combustion (pyrolysis) of wood. The processing medium can be wood smoke (smoke smoking) or a smoking preparation (smokeless smoking). As a result, the product acquires a specific color, taste and smell, and when cold smoked, it acquires antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which makes it suitable for food without additional cooking.

Smoking has been practiced in Russia for a very long time, but mainly for home purposes and local sales. In the XIII - XIV centuries. Novgorodians were the first to begin producing smoked fish for trade and exchange of goods. In the XVI - XVII centuries. Cold smoked salmon, called salmon, became the main export product supplied from Arkhangelsk to Holland and other countries. In the XIX - XX centuries. Smoking fish is becoming a very common way of preserving it, especially partial types. In the 19th century smoking enterprises were built mainly in fishing areas. In the 20th century The construction of smoking factories in large cities began to predominate, where they worked on imported salted or frozen semi-finished products. Currently, the practice of small smoking enterprises, which arise mainly in places where raw materials are available, has become widespread.

Modern classification classifies smoked products as snack foods. Among the latter, they have no equal in their special, specific properties characteristic only of them. Smoking allows you to improve the commercial properties of meat and fish, obtain shelf-stable products or a gastronomically attractive semi-finished product for preserves, canning or culinary production.

The development of analysis techniques has made it possible in recent years to make discoveries that have become turning points in the understanding of traditional smoking. The discovery of a whole group of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mutagenic nitrosamines and other harmful substances such as methanol and formaldehyde in smoke and smoked products has stimulated the search for environmentally friendly smoking methods based on effective smoke purification or the use of smoking preparations. The establishment of the harmful role of excess table salt in the body served as an impetus for the development of technologies for lightly salted smoked products. The study of the mechanism of formation of smoking effects (color, taste, aroma) became the basis for the creation of modern smoking installations in which it is possible to control the process.

It is rational to improve the smoking process to implement environmentally friendly, efficient production in the following areas:

· regulation of the smoke generation process, the use of smoke generation mainly with external heat supply;

· neutralization of smoke before directing it into the smoking chamber and releasing it into the atmosphere;

· use of small smoking units, preferably chamber ones, with smoke recirculation and microprocessor control of the main parameters, a reasonable combination of manual and mechanized labor;

· preparation of a semi-finished product with the maximum yield of edible parts, the minimum possible level of salinity, small portion weight, rational use of flavoring, coloring and preservative agents;

· reducing the level of smokedness of products in terms of the content of organic smoking components through the production of smoked, flavored or tinted products;

· the use of technologies that maximally imitate the effects of smoking on the surface, and not in the depths of the products;

· use of environmentally friendly, smokeless smoking media of a new generation instead of smoke;

· improvement of production control and quality of smoked products based on modern methods of analysis and certification.

The most promising seems to be the use of smokeless smoking media, the chemical composition of which and application parameters can be regulated. Of the numerous smokeless agents offered today for smoking purposes, the most interesting are liquid smoking media obtained on the basis of aqueous solutions of smoke, as the most adequate in composition, sufficiently studied and accessible, with minimal potential toxicity.

1. Classification of smoking methods

Depending on the temperature of the process, cold, hot and semi-hot smoking are distinguished.

When cold smoking, the temperature during processing with smoking components should not exceed 40 ° C so that the proteins and enzymes in such products do not lose their native properties (are not denatured). The readiness of cold smoked products is achieved through the complex effect on tissue of table salt (3 - 8%), smoking components, dehydration, proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes.

During hot smoking, the temperature at the main stages of processing, including smoking components, exceeds 80 °C (80 - 170 °C); the proteins of such products are completely boiled (denatured) and the enzymes are inactivated. The products have a low level of salinity (1.5 - 4%) and smokedness, a fairly high moisture content (more than 60% ). Its readiness is achieved due to the high temperatures of the process.

With semi-hot smoking, the temperature range processed is 40 - 80 °C; the proteins of such products are partially denatured, enzymes are almost completely inactivated, and readiness is achieved through a complex of physical and biochemical changes in tissues.

Depending on the type of smoking medium, smoke, smokeless and mixed smoking are distinguished.

During smoke smoking, the product is processed with a smoke-air mixture formed by direct combustion of wood. Such products have unique taste and aromatic properties due to the rich chemical composition of the smoke (more than 10 thousand components are deposited on the product). However, the product also contains harmful substances such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), formaldehyde, methanol, and nitrosamines (NA).

Smokeless smoking is the treatment of a product with smoking preparations obtained from smoke or its individual components. Smokeless smoking products do not contain harmful components such as PAHs and nitrosamines, since smoking preparations are previously freed from them. Due to difficulties in obtaining perfect smoking preparations and the instrumental design of the process, smokeless smoking is slowly being introduced into production, although today it is the most environmentally friendly and sanitary technology.

With mixed smoking, the operations of smoke and smokeless processing are combined, which simplifies and speeds up the process.

Depending on the driving force of deposition of the components of the smoking medium, natural (traditional), electric and combined smoking are distinguished.

Natural smoking is carried out due to the precipitation of components of the smoking medium under the influence of gravity, Brownian motion, centrifugal and radiometric forces. Electrosmoking occurs due to the electrokinetic properties of smoke in a high voltage field; Compared to natural smoking, the speed of the process is much higher. Combined smoking is a combination of the above methods.

Smoking methods are also known using high-frequency currents, infrared and ultraviolet rays, etc. Currently, natural smoke smoking is widely used.

Depending on the design features of the equipment, smoking is distinguished in chamber, tunnel and tower types.

Smoking in chamber-type installations is carried out in special small batch chambers, where all stages of processing (drying, actual smoking, boiling, etc.) are carried out in one volume. The main types of chamber smoking installations are shown in Fig. 1. In old-style installations (see Fig. 1, a) a smoke chamber is located in the lower part, the process occurs under the influence of natural convective smoke flows. In modern smoking installations (see Fig. 1, b, c), smoke is produced by a special smoke generator, from where, under the influence of forced draft, it is fed into the chamber with the product, after which it is thrown away or recycled for more complete use. In these installations, the main parameters are automatically adjusted, microprocessor controlled, comprehensive smoke purification and automatic sanitization are carried out.

Chamber smoking installations shown in Fig. 1, b, c, can be easily converted from smoke to smokeless smoking.

The advantages of smoking in chamber-type installations are high quality products, simplicity and ease of maintenance. The disadvantages include manual labor when loading chambers and problems with the uniform distribution of the smoking medium when increasing the volume of the chamber.

Rice. 1. Main types of chamber smoking installations:

A - old-style smoking unit; b - modern smoking installation; V - improved smoking unit with smoke recirculation and denser product placement; 1 - smoke generator; 2 - fan; 3 - filters; 4 - air supply; 5 - power supply; 6 - water supply; 7 - steam supply.

Smoking in tunnel-type installations is carried out on a continuous basis (Fig. 2, 3); until recently, it was widely practiced in our country. Previously, such installations were installed with fireboxes under or next to smoking stoves; nowadays, they are installed with smoke generators placed in separate rooms. In tunnel smoking, operations are spatially separated, which allows for continuity and high productivity of the process.

The use of tunnel smoking plants in fish processing plants made it possible for the first time to practically eliminate manual labor in smoking. For these installations in our country, special robotic complexes have been created for loading fish onto cleaning rods, into cages and ovens and for corresponding unloading (N2-ITL04 and N2-ITL05). For small fish, mesh conveyors are used as mechanized carriers, for example, in linear slot furnaces (N10-ILD lines).

Rice. 2. Scheme of cold smoking of fish in tunnel smoking installations.

The disadvantages of smoking in tunnel-type installations are uneven product quality due to large spatial dimensions, the inability to quickly change the range of finished products, and difficulties in using modern smokeless smoking technologies.

Rice. 3. Scheme of hot smoking of fish in tunnel smoking installations.

Smoking in tower-type installations (Fig. 4) is a type of tunnel smoking with a vertical working space.

The installation occupies at least three floors; Loading and unloading take place on different floors with continuous movement of the conveyor.

Rice. 4. Scheme of hot (a) and cold (b) smoking in tower smoking ovens.

The advantages of smoking in tower installations are the rational use of the smoking medium during its natural upward movement, uniformity of product quality, high productivity and level of mechanization, the possibility of using intensifying agents (IR treatment, electric smoking). Disadvantages are the bulkiness of the equipment and the difficulty of its sanitization.

2. Basics of producing smoke smoke

In smoke smoking, smoke is the source of heat and the main components responsible for the smoking effect.

The composition and properties of smoke depend on the species and type of wood, its chemical composition and physical properties, combustion conditions and transportation to the product.

To generate high-quality technological smoke, mainly deciduous wood species are used: oak, beech, alder, birch (without bark), poplar, etc. The smoke obtained by burning fruit and berry wood has the best aromatic properties. To improve the aroma, add (up to 10%) branches, trunk and even berries of juniper, stinging nettle, heather, sage and laurel leaves, onion peels, etc. Coniferous wood (spruce, fir, pine, etc.) must first be aged to weather the resin fraction, otherwise the product acquires a foreign odor, bitter taste and dark color, and is also characterized by an increased amount of PAHs.

Fuel is used in the form of firewood, shavings, and sawdust. The higher the degree of fuel grinding, the less air and oxygen is required in the combustion zone, the more aromatic smoking components are formed, and the better the quality of the smoke. In practice, sawdust is mainly used in bulk or in the form of granules.

Wood moisture content should be no more than 25% in firewood and about 40 - 50% in sawdust, for which it is advisable to specially moisten them. With high humidity in the smoking environment, a lot of steam is formed, as well as low-molecular acids (formic, propionic), which is undesirable.

The elemental chemical composition of wood of different species is approximately the same: carbon contains 48.5 - 50.3%, hydrogen - 6.1 - 6.9%, oxygen - 42.4 - 45.2%.

The molecular chemical composition of wood depends on its species and is mainly represented by cellulose (fiber), hemicellulose and lignin. The walls of wood cells are made up of these substances, and the main amount of organic smoking substances is formed from them.

To produce process smoke, wood combustion must occur at a certain temperature (optimum 300 - 400 °C) and with limited access of oxygen in the zone, i.e. under pyrolysis conditions. Otherwise, the oxidation of the constituent parts of wood will proceed to the final products - C0 2 and H 2 0 and without the formation of aromatic organic substances.

During the pyrolytic decomposition of wood, the following stages are distinguished:

· intense evaporation of moisture at 100 - 170 °C;

· thermal decomposition of hemicellulose at 200 - 260 °C;

· thermal decomposition of cellulose at 260 - 310 °C;

· thermal decomposition of lignin at 310 - 500 °C.

Up to temperatures of about 280 °C, the process occurs with the absorption of heat and the formation of so-called endothermic smoke. At a temperature of 280 - 300 ° C, wood ignites, heat is released, and exothermic smoke is formed.

Substances that appear during the initial period of pyrolytic decomposition of wood are undesirable for smoking smoke. These are products of primary reactions of wood pyrolysis - primarily non-aromatic gases and liquids, charcoal and resin. To obtain high-quality smoke, substances formed during secondary pyrolysis reactions and are products of the interaction of the former with each other and with atmospheric oxygen are very important. As a result, a complex chemical mixture is formed, consisting of approximately 10 thousand solid, liquid and gaseous organic components, about 1000 of which are involved in the formation of the properties of the smoked product.

Under real smoke generation conditions, primary and secondary reactions occur simultaneously, since the pyrolysis processes are not spatially separated. The amount of heat released as a result of oxidative processes is very large, so the temperature in some areas can reach 700 - 1000 ° C. Under these conditions, charcoal burns to CO, CO 2 and H 2 0, liquid products are oxidized to non-aromatic compounds, and the resulting aromatic compounds intensively polymerize to form PAHs.

The optimal temperature in the wood smoldering zone should not exceed 300 - 400 °C.

Smoking smoke is an aerosol - a mixture of a dispersed phase (solid and liquid particles 0.5 - 7.5 microns in size) and a dispersion medium (various gases: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and dioxide, water vapor, etc.) . The mass fraction of the gaseous phase is about 10%. Both phases form an unstable system in which organic components are distributed depending on temperature, humidity, degree of dilution with air, type of wood and other factors.

The schematic structure of smoke smoke is shown in Fig. 5.

Smoking smoke as a multicomponent system is supported by thermal Brownian motion of molecules and charged particles (up to 70% liquid and 100% solid). Smoke enters the chamber with the product under the influence of draft and convection currents. In turn, under the influence of gravitational forces (gravity), radiometric (thermophoresis) and external, for example, when applying an external electrostatic field, etc., smoke components are deposited on the surface of the products. The intensity of deposition of components is directly proportional to the concentration of smoke, the speed of its movement, the degree of dispersion, the angle of location, temperature and humidity of the product. Mainly the droplet-liquid phase of the smoke is deposited on a dry surface, while the gaseous phase is deposited on a wet surface due to vapor condensation.

Rice. 5. Scheme of the structure of smoke smoke: 1 - particles in a gas (vapor) state; 2 - particles in solid and liquid states of varying degrees of dispersion; 3 - particulate carbon (soot); 4 - particles from condensed vapors with a shell.

When smoking components are deposited on the surface of a product from chemical interaction with product substances, the processes of their adhesion, cohesion, condensation, sorption (adsorption and absorption), as well as chemisorption are observed. Smoking components penetrate into the product thanks to a concentration gradient as the driving force of the process. The diffusion of substances is intensified by thermophoresis due to the temperature difference between the product and the smoking environment.

The density of the smoke depends on the type of smoke generator, type of wood, combustion conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.).

The dispersed composition of smoke (the ratio of dispersion phases and the medium, the predominant particle size) is also determined by the parameters of smoke generation. The bulk of the smoke consists of particles with a size of 0.1 - 0.7 microns (85 - 87%). As you move through the chimneys, the proportion of small particles increases by 4-5 times, medium ones drops by about 2 times, and large ones remain practically unchanged. The most finely dispersed smoke is obtained from coniferous wood (the proportion of particles with a size of 0.1 - 0.35 microns is about 60%), which is explained by the lower strength of the wood itself.

Depending on the supply of energy or heat, its absorption or release, two types of smoke generation are distinguished: with the supply of heat or energy only at the beginning of the process (exothermic smoke is generated) and with a constant supply of heat or energy (endothermic smoke is generated).

Exothermic smoke is generated during natural combustion of the hearth or in special smoldering smoke generators (Fig. 6).

When generating smoke in a smoldering smoke generator, sawdust is constantly fed to a rotating grate with electrical heating, which occurs at the beginning of the process or as the temperature drops below 300 °C. Primary and secondary pyrolysis reactions occur here simultaneously, so the main task is to maintain the temperature at a level of 350 - 450 °C.

Rice. 6. Scheme of generation of exothermic smoke in a smoldering smoke generator.

The advantages of this smoke generation scheme are the production of smoke according to the natural pattern of smoldering wood, and the disadvantages are uneven quantity and quality of smoke, difficulties in regulating the process.

Generation of endothermic smoke is carried out in industrial and laboratory smoke generators: friction, steam, fluidization, two-stage with an external heat supply - the pyrolysis temperature in this case is easier to regulate, and the smoke is generated more uniformly. The optimal pyrolysis temperature is maintained - from 300 to 400 °C, which is why endothermic smoke is also called pyrolytic. In this smoke, secondary reactions occur at the same temperatures as pyrolysis itself, or even at lower ones.

The diagram of smoke generation in a friction smoke generator is shown in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Scheme of generation of endothermic smoke in a friction smoke generator. 1 - wood log; 2 - ribbed friction cylinder; 3 - electric drive; 4 - water supply; 5 - air supply; 6- smoke exhaust.

When generating smoke according to the diagram in Fig. 7, the log is pressed, it presses with constant force on a rapidly rotating cylinder with a ribbed surface. As a result of the resulting friction, the amount of heat released is sufficient to obtain the required pyrolysis temperature. Before ignition occurs, the rotating cylinder stops and thus the temperature does not exceed 400 °C. As a result of intensive air supply, smoke from the friction zone immediately enters a zone with a lower temperature, and secondary pyrolysis reactions occur at a temperature of less than 400 ° C, which is important for obtaining smoke with a minimum content of PAHs.

The advantages of frictionally produced smoke are high controllability of pyrolysis, production of smoking smoke immediately ready for use (without cooling or dilution), minimal energy consumption. The disadvantages of this process are the specificity of the aromatic properties of the smoke due to the occurrence of pyrolysis in an unconventional way, and the high noise level in the smoke generator compartment.

Rice. 8. Scheme of generation of endothermic smoke in a steam generator: 1 - steam supply; 2 - air supply; 3 - sawdust; 4 - electric auger; 5 - heating plates; 6 - thermoelement; 7 - smoke exhaust; 8 - container for collecting ash and soot.

At During operation of a steam smoke generator, sawdust pressed by a screw is subjected to pyrolysis under the influence of superheated water vapor at a temperature of 300 - 400 °C. The resulting pyrolysis products dissolve in the smoke, and the resulting so-called “wet smoke” is removed from the smoke generator. In order for secondary pyrolysis reactions to take place, a small amount of air is supplied to the “wet smoke” to achieve the appropriate aroma.

The advantage of generating smoke according to this scheme is the virtual absence of harmful substances such as PAHs, and the disadvantage is high humidity, as a result of which it cannot be used for cold smoking.

Industrial smoke generators, implementing the above principles, differ in design features. In all cases, important controllable parameters should be smoldering temperature, type of wood, humidity, smoke removal and transportation.

The smoke produced in different smoke generators (Table 1) has different physical and chemical properties.

As follows from the table. 1, friction endothermic smoke obtained in a friction smoke generator is more concentrated, 3 to 4 times richer in essential organic components and has a humidity close to optimal.

The smoke from the smoke generator is very concentrated and hot. To obtain smoke with specified technological properties, it is mixed with air for cooling and dilution. For this purpose, each smoke generator is equipped with a mixing chamber into which cold air is supplied. Cooling must be fast to preserve the technological properties of the smoke.

The smoke generator should be located next to the smoking installation, since during transportation of smoke the droplet-liquid phase is deposited on the walls of the chimneys, especially at branches and turns. Resinous substances that accumulate in smoking installations, chimneys and smoke generators must be removed to avoid spontaneous combustion.

The duration of smoke transportation should be no more than 20 s with laminar supply and no more than 10 s with turbulent smoke movement.

3. Friction smoke generator

Let's look at the example of RF patent No. 2430627.

The smoke generator consists of a housing 1, in which a frame 2 is fixed, in which a groove 3 is located, a slider 4 is located in the groove 3. The slider 4 is hingedly connected to one end of the slide 5, in which there is a longitudinal straight groove 6, along which the slider of the slide 7 slides, which is connected to the crank 8. The crank 8 is connected to the power source through a variator (not shown). The second end of the slide 5 is hingedly connected to the body 1 through the earring 9. A plate 10 is attached to the slider 4, on which there are wooden dowels 11 for attaching a smoke source 12. In the body 1, a friction drum 13 is installed on a shaft connected to an energy source (not shown) . The friction drum 13 is connected to the clamping mechanism 14, and a fan 15 is installed on the drum shaft. A temperature sensor (not shown) is installed on the working surface of the friction drum 13. In the lower part of the housing 1 there is an inclined plate 16 for discharging ash; in addition, there is a pipe 17 for removing ash, a pipe 18 for air supply, and a pipe 19 for removing smoke.

The pressing mechanism is configured to regulate the degree of pressing of the friction drum to the smoke source. A general view of the smoke generator is shown in the drawing. smoking pyrolysis smoke generator

The smoke generator works as follows.

The smoke source 12 is installed on the plate 10 in wooden dowels 11. The friction drum 13 is pressed against the smoke source 12 using a clamping mechanism 14. The friction drum 13, mounted on a shaft connected to the energy source (not shown), is driven when it is turned on. At the same time, the crank 8 is driven, connected to the energy source through a variator (not shown). Together with the crank 8, the slider of the slider 7, attached to it, moves, sliding in a longitudinal straight groove 6, cut in the slider 5, which at one end is hingedly connected to the body 1 through the earring 9. When the crank 8 rotates, the slider of the slider 7 slides in the groove 6 of the slider 5 and rotates it around a fixed axis. The slide 5, connected to the slider 4, sets the slider 4 in reciprocating motion, sliding in the groove 3, which is located in the frame 2. Together with the slider 4, the plate 10 moves, on which the smoke source 12 is fixed in wooden dowels 11. Thus, the smoke source 12 performs a reciprocating movement along the frame 2. As a result of the friction of the smoke source 12 on the surface of the friction drum 13, smoke is generated. Cooling air enters through pipe 18. When the friction drum 13 rotates, fan 15 provides a directed flow of the smoke-air mixture, which is discharged through pipe 19. Ash is removed along an inclined plate 16 installed in the lower part of housing 1 due to the vibration of the installation through pipe 17 to remove ash. When the temperature of the smoke-air mixture exceeds a predetermined value, the temperature sensor (not shown) sends a signal to the energy source control unit to reduce the rotation speed of the friction drum 13 and reduce friction against the smoke source 12.

The technical and economic efficiency of the proposed smoke generator in comparison with prototypes lies in the fact that productivity increases due to an increase in the area of ​​the processed surface of the smoke source. The reciprocating movement of the smoke source along the frame helps to reduce the heating of the smoke source due to natural cooling, ensures uniform temperature conditions in the friction zone, maintaining a constant smoke temperature and thereby improving the quality of the smoke. The use of a temperature sensor on the working surface of the friction drum helps regulate the smoke temperature relative to a given value, while preventing overheating of the friction surface. Due to the fact that the friction drum is connected to a pressing mechanism, which is configured to regulate the degree of pressing of the friction drum to the smoke source, it is possible to obtain uniform smoke under constant conditions. Connecting the crank to the energy source through a variator allows you to regulate the speed of the smoke source (for different types of wood).

4. Calculation of friction gears

In friction gears with a constant gear ratio, the initial contact of the working fluids can be along a line or at a point. Under the action of pressing forces, the initial contact spreads across the area on which contact stresses act. When friction wheels roll over each other, each point on the wheel surface experiences periodic exposure to normal and tangential loads, as a result of which the main cause of failure of friction gears with metal wheels operating in oil is fatigue chipping of the surfaces. Therefore, friction transmissions should be calculated based on contact stresses for fatigue strength.

Most friction gears can be reduced to a design pattern of contact between two cylinders. The maximum normal contact stresses arising when two cylinders come into contact can be expressed by the Hertz formula

where F r - radial force; Ј pr =2E 1 E 1 /(E X + Ј 2) - reduced modulus of elasticity (I, and E 2 - elastic moduli of the cylinder material); b is the length of the contact area; p np = /?iR 2 /(R\ +*) - reduced radius of curvature of the cylinders.

When the friction transmission operates, tangential loads also act in the contact zone and the material of the working bodies is in a complex stress state. The influence of tangential loads is taken into account by choosing the appropriate permissible contact stresses.

For working bodies made of hardened ball bearing steel or high-alloy steels subjected to carburization and hardening to 59...63 HRQ, the contact endurance limit can be taken as follows:

[y] //0 =1800...2000 MPa - when working with lubricant;

[y] //0 =2000...2200 MPa - when working without lubricant.

For friction gears, the working fluids of which are made of improved steels (medium hardness of the material HB< 320), [у]„0 =(3,5...4,0)НВ, где [у]//0 в МПа

where Nhe is the equivalent number of loading cycles, which depends on the loading mode and the nature of the action of the friction transmission pressing mechanism.

With a limited resource, the permissible contact stresses can be determined, as for gears (see Chapter 11), with different hardness of the material of the working fluids: with a material hardness of HRC 3 > 58.


1. O.Ya. Mezenova, I.N. Kim, S.A. Bredikhin "Production of smoked food products."

2. Nevzorov Viktor Nikolaevich, Kholopov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Myadelets Olga Igorevna, Yarum Andrey Ivanovich patent work “Smoke generator” of the Russian Federation No. 2430627

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Smoked meat products are products that have high nutritional value, good taste and a long shelf life. The edible part of these products contains 25-45% water, 10-17% protein, up to 60% fat, and up to 7% minerals.

Based on the type of heat treatment, smoked products are classified into raw smoked, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, boiled, baked and fried.

The raw materials for the production of smoked meat products are mainly bacon pork, as well as meat and fatty pork, beef and lamb of the first fatness category, offal, sugar, curing mixture and spices. High quality smoked products are obtained mainly from the meat of young animals. Meat from exhausted animals, as well as meat that has been stored frozen or re-frozen for a long time, is not allowed for the production of such products.

Depending on the part of the carcass used and the processing method, hams, rolls and a wide range of different smoked meats are produced.

Hams are made from the back and front legs of bacon and pork. Thus, Voronezh ham is obtained from the scapular-shoulder part, Tambov - from the hip part.

Raw smoked hams are distinguished by a dense consistency, cherry-red color of muscle tissue, a pronounced smoky smell and a sharp, salty ham taste.

Boiled-smoked hams have an elastic, juicy texture, pink-red muscle tissue with a smoked smell and a pleasant ham taste.

Boiled hams have a fairly elastic consistency, pink-red muscle tissue and a salty taste.

These types of products, with the exception of raw smoked hams, can be produced with skin, with partial skin remaining, or without skin.

In addition to pork, boiled-smoked hams are made from the back part of lamb carcasses. They are inferior in quality to pork hams.

Rolls are prepared from front and rear legs and other parts of the carcass, with or without skin, the bones are removed, and the meat is rolled into a roll. Rolls are produced in raw smoked, cooked-smoked and boiled form. In addition, they produce smoked-baked roll and neck roll.

Beef and lamb rolls are also made. They have a dense consistency, sometimes dryish, dark red muscle tissue.

Of the wide range of different smoked meats, the most common are brisket, bacon, or boneless brisket, loin, Moscow ham in casing, smoked sirloin, smoked neck, boiled pork and carbonate, beef tongues, Stolichny and Lyubitelsky bacon.

Smoked brisket is made from the abdominal part of bacon fattened pork carcasses, leaving the skin on. The fat in the brisket contains a layer of muscle tissue. The brisket is given a rectangular shape and the lower part of the ribs is left.

Smoked loin is prepared from the back and lumbar parts of pork carcasses.

Smoked ham neck is made from the pulp of the neck part of pork carcasses of any fatness. The meat is salted using mixed curing, then soaked and placed in wide natural casings, tied with twine, smoked and dried. The taste of the neck is salty-sharp, the consistency is quite elastic, viscous, the color of the cut product is cherry-red.

Pork balyk consists of two fillets folded on the flat, fat-free side. Folded fillets with a small layer of bacon are placed in the intestinal casing, tied, boiled, smoked, cooled and simultaneously pressed. The taste of the product is slightly salty, pleasant, the consistency is quite dense, with a smoky aroma, the color when cut is light pink.

Buzhenina is made from the unsalted hind legs of young pigs. All bones are removed from the hams, the skin and part of the fat are cut off. The ham is rubbed with salt and garlic and baked. On the surface, bacon is sometimes notched in the form of rectangles. After cooling, the boiled pork is wrapped in cellophane or parchment. Baked pork has a gray meat color, soft consistency and the smell of garlic.

Carbonate is produced in the same way as boiled pork, but from the back and lumbar parts of pork carcasses.

Beef tongues in lard are prepared by salting the tongues, soaking them and boiling them, after which they are skinned, wrapped in a thin layer of lard and placed in intestinal casings, tied with twine, immersed in food blood to give a red color, then boiled and smoked. The taste of the tongue is specific, the aroma is smoky, the consistency is delicate, the color is dark red.

Smoked-baked products are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, golden color, pleasant aroma of smoke and ham, delicate, juicy texture and increased shelf life. The weight of one product is from 0.8 to 1 kg.

The quality of smoked meats is assessed by the presence of defects formed during production and storage, as well as by the salt and moisture content. Products made from low-quality raw materials are not allowed for sale.

The surface of smoked meats must be dry, clean, free from stains and dirt, snags and fringes of fabric. Residues of bristles, hair, slips, mold and mucus are not allowed. The cut surface should be dry and no moisture should be released onto it when pressed. The color of the cut surface should be uniform, the fat should be white or pink, without yellowing, with the exception of beef. The taste of raw smoked products is moderately salty and somewhat spicy, boiled smoked and boiled products are lightly salted, boiled pork and carbonate are unsalted. Smoked products should have a unique and fairly pronounced aroma of smoke and ham without any foreign odors.

Products with mucus, changes in color and odor of muscle tissue, especially in bones, and rancid fat are not subject to sale.

They turn their attention to the possibility of inexpensively producing high-quality food products. Smoking meat and fish is one such idea. At first glance, a smokehouse does not require expensive equipment, and the final product has a high cost. Good data to start with. But is everything really so smooth, and will the smokehouse as a business be able to provide sufficient profit for a small production? This will be discussed further.

Smoking business

Smoking is a food processing process in which the original product is exposed to the heat of smoke and is preserved due to its bactericidal properties. This is a very ancient method of preparing and preserving raw meat.

But the modern food industry has so distorted the very idea of ​​smoking in pursuit of volumes and cheaper production that what is sold today from supermarket shelves as smoked products has nothing to do with smoking. Most often this is a meat product - boiled, steamed and treated with liquid smoke. Of course, we are not talking about any benefits or bactericidal properties of such meat. Rather, it’s the other way around.

The disappearance of real smoked meats from the assortment of stores sent a good message to private businesses that are ready to invest money in the production of a natural and healthy product. But there are two limitations: only a small amount of smoked meat can be produced at home, and it is quite high, therefore, the final cost of the product is much higher than the price of a fake in a supermarket.

When starting to implement a business idea for a small smokehouse, you must take these two features into account.

The most expensive and time-consuming method of producing a smoked product is cold smoking. On average, the entire process takes about a week. As a result of hot smoking, the finished product can be obtained in a few days.

Hot smoking differs from cold smoking in the process of preparing raw materials and the temperature of the smoke. With the cold method, the smoke temperature is from 30 °C to 50 °C. The processing period is 3–5 days. When hot, the temperature is from 80 ° C to 110 ° C, and the processing time is from several minutes (for small sources) to five hours (for large pieces of meat).

The main difference between the product obtained as a result of cold smoking is longer storage, a minimum percentage of liquid, and brighter taste.

A small farm can organize both a hot and cold smokehouse. The choice depends on the entrepreneurial idea and market needs. If a businessman is willing to spend a large amount of time, produce a truly high-class product, and there is a circle of clients who are willing to pay for this quality, then it is worth thinking about a cold smokehouse for a small business. If the business is focused on the market and the mass buyer, then a hot smoker is more suitable.

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Purchase of raw materials and equipment

Private smokehouses as a business operate both on wood smoke and on smoke generators. The choice depends on the business model.

If an entrepreneur does not have constant access to firewood, or does not want to increase the cost of the finished product by purchasing expensive wood, then you can get by with a smoke generator. This device can be purchased from manufacturers, its cost is about 2 thousand rubles, or you can make it yourself.

You can make a smoking chamber yourself or order it from those craftsmen who know how to do it.

An industrial smokehouse with a built-in smoke generator and other smoking equipment costs about 500 thousand rubles. Note: subject to certain conditions, an entrepreneur can.

Today, households use equipment to generate electrostatic voltage in the chamber to increase the profitability of the smokehouse.

Due to the effect of such voltage, the smoking period is reduced several times. So, to obtain cold smoked products, only 10–12 minutes are enough.

The video shows an example of using an electrostatic smokehouse for a small business:

And another important point for opening your own smokehouse is the purchase of high-quality raw materials: pork, beef, poultry, etc.

The quality of the final product largely depends on how fresh and properly processed the meat was placed in the cabinet. Therefore, if an entrepreneur plans to engage in smoking, he must establish direct supplies from farms where beef cattle and poultry are raised, as well as from fisheries. The closer suppliers are to it, the better for business.

Payback of the idea

The initial investment in a business such as a smokehouse in a garage or on a personal plot does not exceed 60 thousand rubles. For this money you can purchase the necessary equipment, debug it and undergo training.

Here are some approximate calculations for a business plan for a smokehouse. In a week in a garage or on a personal plot, you can organize the processing of 10–20 kg of meat.

The average price of raw meat is about 200 rubles per kilogram. The average cost of smoked products is about 400 rubles per 1 kg. Consequently, having bought and smoked 10 kg of meat in a week, an entrepreneur will spend 2 thousand rubles. But you need to take into account that during smoking the meat loses about 15% of its weight. Consequently, from 10 kg of raw materials, about 8.5 kg of finished product comes out. The income will be 3.5 thousand rubles. Profit – 1.5 thousand rubles. Additional costs include payment for transport, fuel and electricity.

Obviously, a mini-smokehouse as a small business is a completely justified investment. But subject to all necessary conditions: loading high-quality meat, adhering to technology and refusing to use chemical additives in the form of liquid smoke, etc.

It is useful to read what is necessary. Composition and cost of the line, requirements for the sausage shop.

Everything you need to get started.

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A hot and/or cold smoked smokehouse is a profitable idea for a small business. Moreover, considering that start-up costs are relatively low, and profitability is about 40%. The difficulty of this production is that this product does not have a very large sales market, and therefore the entrepreneur is unlikely to be able to reach large production volumes.