Melon compote is like pineapple. Melon compote for the winter - memories of a warm summer

In the summer season, sometimes you really want freshness and coolness! Therefore, melon is the most popular and favorite product of the summer season. They eat it both fresh and dried. Melon can be made into jam or even honey. But if you want to preserve its taste and aroma for a long time, you can make compote in the following way:

650 g granulated sugar,

liter of water,

lemon acid.

To begin, choose a ripe melon that has dense and aromatic pulp. Rinse it well and remove the skin.

Cut the melon into two hemispheres, then use a tablespoon to scrape out any excess seeds from the melon halves.

Next, prepare a sugar solution. To do this, you need to use an enamel pan, into which we pour purified water and add granulated sugar. Bring the solution to a boil over fairly high heat and cook for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide the melon that you have prepared into small cubes and soak for 3-4 minutes in a hot sugar solution. Make sure the solution doesn't cool while you prepare the melon.

The jars that you will use for compote must be sterilized in advance and then dried thoroughly.

After this, put the melon, blanched in a sugar solution, into prepared jars and pour it over the pieces.

Add a little citric acid, no more than the tip of a knife, and cover with varnished lids. After this, the jars must be placed for sterilization. If you are using half-liter jars, you will need about 20 minutes. Then roll them up immediately.

Banks with melon compote Place upside down on the counter and cool to normal room temperature.

This compote will not only preserve the wonderful taste of melon, but will also be pleasantly refreshing on hot summer days. And if a glass of melon compote ends up on your table in winter, it will certainly bring you back to warm memories of the past summer.

See also:

In winter, due to the lack of fresh fruit, I start opening jar after jar of winter compotes. If in the summer I make drinks from ripe berries, then in the winter I can no longer find them. Of course, they would be on sale, but they would not add up to the price. Therefore, in the summer I try to bottle up more different compotes for the winter. This is very convenient when you have children. After all, they won’t always want tea, and coffee can’t always be given to children as food. For such occasions, I have delicious sweet compotes in my pantry, including melon compote with caramel flavor for the winter, the recipe for which I will tell you today. If you follow each step according to my photos, you will be in for a wonderful winter drink. The aroma of melon will not disappear, but on the contrary will become very rich.

Required Products:

- 400 grams of melon;
- 1.8 liters of water;
- 150 grams of honey;
- 150 grams of granulated sugar.

I peel the melon and separate the seeds from the middle. I cut the melon into cubes. For such compote, it is better to buy Uzbek melon, as they are very aromatic and will give all their warmth and smell to the drink.

I fill the melon with 1 liter of hot water and add granulated sugar to it.
The melon should become as caramelized as possible with a little water. I boil the melon in sweet syrup for 20 minutes.

Then I pour in the required amount of honey. It will make the compote even more aromatic, which will have a good effect on its taste. This one is very cool too.

When the honey has dissolved, stir the compote with a spoon, and then pour in the remaining water. I bring it to a boil and immediately pour it into jars while hot.

I screw the lids on the jars so that the aroma of the compote does not escape.

The compote must cool completely under the “fur coat”, and only then I put it in the pantry, where I store all the winter preparations. Be sure to prepare this one too.

I have never tasted a tastier compote, and all my friends who drank my caramel-flavored melon compote for the winter have the same opinion.
This drink is especially good if you cool it in the cold before drinking and then pour it into glasses.

Bon Appetite!

It certainly makes sense to close the melon compote for the winter. Indeed, in addition to taste and juiciness, this summer fruit contains many useful substances. Therefore, those who have not done this yet should definitely try it.

Features of melon compote

Unlike other compotes that are prepared for the winter, melon drink has pleasant features:

  • most of the vitamins (C, B, PP) and microelements (potassium, calcium, iron) contained in fresh melon are preserved;
  • is an excellent way to relieve thirst;
  • has a beneficial effect on the stomach, cardiovascular system, and pelvic organs;
  • the folic acid it contains normalizes metabolism;
  • preparations made from this fruit help cope with insomnia and stress;
  • the drink is easily digestible;
  • has rejuvenating properties;
  • prepared from the pulp of ripe and juicy fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages of melon compote

In addition to melon compote, many other preparations are prepared, such as jam, jam, candied fruits, and jelly. It is also frozen in pieces and canned. In comparison with such methods of preparation, melon compote has its advantages:

  • easy to prepare, there are many technologies;
  • if properly preserved, it can be stored for a long time;
  • melon in compote goes well with other berries and fruits, which give it different shades of taste;
  • This drink retains most of the vitamins contained in the fresh fruit.

In addition to the advantages, melon compote also has disadvantages:

  • a high sugar content negatively affects teeth and figure, unlike preparations from this fruit, the recipe of which does not include sand;
  • Not every melon is suitable for compote; it must have certain characteristics. Whereas for jams, jellies and jams and juices, you can use any fruit.

Methods for preparing melon compote

There are several options for preparing compote, you just have to choose the one that suits you best.

Melon compote with sterilization

  1. One small melon is peeled, the seeds are completely removed and cut into cubes.
  2. Prepare the jars - wash and sterilize.
  3. Place the melon pieces in the jars as tightly as possible.
  4. Pour a liter of cold water into a saucepan, add five hundred grams of granulated sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid, mix everything and put on fire until the syrup boils.
  5. The prepared syrup is poured into jars with chopped melon.
  6. The filled jars are covered with lids and sterilized in a saucepan for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Next, they are twisted and wrapped, leaving to cool.

Melon compote without sterilization

  1. Take a small melon, weighing about a kilogram, cut into slices of about three centimeters.
  2. Cover with sugar and put in the refrigerator for four hours so that the fruit gives juice.
  3. Then the sugar slices are poured with water brought to a boil.
  4. The resulting mixture is placed on the stove and boiled for another five minutes.
  5. The compote is poured into clean, sterilized jars and covered with lids.

Melon compote in a slow cooker

  1. About seven hundred grams of melon are cut into small pieces and placed on the bottom of the cooking bowl.
  2. Add one and a half glasses of sugar and pour in a liter of water.
  3. The multicooker is closed and set to soup cooking mode.
  4. After finishing cooking, the compote is simmered in the heating mode for about half an hour.
  5. Next, pour into sterile jars and close.

Melon compote in the microwave

The recipe is designed for three liters, if the microwave allows for the dimensions, then you can take one jar of this volume. If the stove is small, the amount of ingredients should be proportionally reduced.

  1. The jar is pre-cleaned with soda and doused with boiling water.
  2. The container is half filled with pieces of fresh melon.
  3. A syrup is prepared from two hundred grams of sugar and a liter of water and poured onto the fruit.
  4. Next, boiling water is added to the resulting mixture to the top.
  5. Place in the microwave and watch until the compote boils.
  6. Take out the finished drink, roll up the jar, turn it on its side and cover with a warm blanket.

Delicious additions to melon compote

You can prepare not just melon compote, but also include additional ingredients that will give the drink certain flavor notes. Melon goes best with the following additives:

  • vanilla, cinnamon and cloves - make the drink spicy and aromatic, placed at the bottom of the jar after it is sterilized;
  • strawberries and mint – add berry notes and guarantee a refreshing effect. A few sprigs of mint are placed underneath, then a melon, and strawberries are sprinkled on top;
  • plum – makes the color richer and the taste a little sour. The plums are cut and pitted, boiled in sugar syrup for about five minutes before the melon is added;
  • watermelon – gives a sweet, bright taste. Pieces of watermelon and melon, cut in equal proportions, are thrown into sugar syrup and boiled for ten minutes;
  • grapes - complements the taste of melon. It is placed in a sterilized jar along with pieces of melon.

In addition to the listed additive options, apples go well with melon; they are the ones most often used in preparations. This drink has a slight sour tint and perfectly removes thirst. This combination saturates the body with useful substances, cleanses the stomach, normalizes appetite and lowers cholesterol levels.

A simple recipe for apple and melon compote

You will need a piece of melon, about two hundred grams, two sour apples, a liter of water and two hundred grams of sugar.

  1. Apples are peeled and cut.
  2. The remaining peel is thrown into water and boiled, then taken out and thrown away.
  3. Add sugar and apple slices to the resulting broth and boil for another eight minutes.
  4. The melon is cut and thrown into a common pan, stirred.
  5. Cook for another three minutes.
  6. The finished compote is poured into jars.

Selection and preparation of melon for preservation

Not every fruit is suitable for making compote. To make it tasty and healthy, the melon must be:

  • fresh;
  • small size, about a kilogram;
  • ripe and juicy;
  • contain a lot of pulp.

Before preparing the compote, the melon is thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into two halves. Then they clean out all the seeds and cut the fruit into pieces about two centimeters in size.

To make the drink tasty and aromatic, there are several tricks that will help you achieve excellent results.

  1. If the fruit turns out to be very sweet, then adding citric acid, a slice of lemon or plum will add a slight sourness to the compote.
  2. If the melon is very soft, then to prevent it from boiling, throw the pieces into sugar syrup and immediately remove from the heat, then let it brew.
  3. The fruits should be cut into small cubes of the same size.
  4. Melon should be thrown into boiling syrup, so it will retain more vitamins.
  5. Adding a small amount of lemon or orange zest will improve the taste.
  6. Sour apples go best with melon.
  7. The syrup for compote should be transparent in color with a golden brown tint.

Storing melon compote

After the jars have been closed, they need to be wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket and allowed to cool for several days. Then the compote is placed in a dark and cold place, for example in a cellar.

If properly prepared and preserved, this drink can be stored for several years, but it is better if it is drunk in the coming winter.

Delicious pleasure from incredibly aromatic melon compote. I tried and prepared a lot of different compotes, but when I made melon compote, it turned out to be the most delicious and unusual. Melon compote for the winter really smells like summer and sun.


  • Peeled ripe melon - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 600 milliliters;
  • vinegar 9% - 155 milliliters;
  • sugar - 650 grams.

For a liter jar:

  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • a piece of orange peel;
  • cloves - 2 pieces;
  • a small piece of cinnamon stick;
  • vanilla optional.

Steps th recipe for melon compote

  1. Rinse the melon, cut in half and remove the seeds with a spoon, and cut the pulp into slices.
  2. Cut off the peel from the slices, then, then cut them with a knife into equal pieces.
  3. Place the pieces in a bowl and fill them with a solution of water, vinegar and sugar, so that the melon is completely submerged.
  4. Leave the melon in the solution for 24 hours.
  5. Then pour the solution into a saucepan, bring to a boil and gradually immerse the melon pieces in it and boil them until transparent. Remove the boiled pieces with a wooden spoon, place them in dry, heated, clean jars, add a piece of washed lemon and spices.
  6. The remaining syrup needs to be evaporated to half the volume, then pour almost boiling into jars with melon, and then immediately roll up and turn upside down.
  7. Store in a cool, dark place.

Would you like me to tell you how I once made melon compote? I decided to experiment and cut the melon not into cubes, but cut out balls using an ice cream scoop. I remember opening this compote at a feast for friends, my delight and surprise knew no bounds. It was so beautiful and delicious!!!

Most people search for recipes for making melon compote because of the special aroma and taste characteristics of this fruit. If you know the intricacies of preparing such a drink, you can get a very interesting taste that will remind you of summer throughout the winter. It is also attractive because it fights thirst well and is very beneficial for the body.

Before you directly prepare compote, you need to know about the following subtleties of this process:

  1. For compote, only sweet and ripe fruits are used, but not soft ones.
  2. The drink will be stored all winter only if sterilized jars and lids were used for preparation.
  3. In all recipes, only the pulp of the fruit goes into the compote.

Selection and preparation of melon

You can only use melons that have no signs of spoilage. It is also advisable that the berry is not soft, as there is a risk that the result will be porridge. First of all, it is better to pay attention to melons up to 1 kilogram and small in size.

If it is not fresh, the drink will not taste good.

For proper preparation, the fruit is washed well, peeled and cut into 2 halves. Afterwards, you should remove all the seeds and cut it into pieces, 2-3 centimeters in size.

How to make melon compote at home

Before closing the compote for the winter, it is worth preparing jars of the required size (preferably 3 liters) and deciding on the recipe. You can add a lot of fruits and spices to this drink, it all depends on the person’s preferences.

A simple recipe for a 3 liter jar

For this compote you will need 1 liter of water, 1 kilogram of melon and 200 grams of sugar. Cooking method:

  • thoroughly washing and slicing the melon;
  • everything is put into a bowl, covered with sugar and put in the refrigerator for 3.5 hours;
  • sterilization of jars;
  • then you need to boil water and pour it over the fruit;
  • then this container is placed on the stove, where the fruit should be cooked for about 4 minutes;
  • Now the compote can be poured into bottles and sealed with sterilized lids. In this condition it can be stored at least until next summer.

Without sterilization

The recipe without sterilization is completely identical to the one described above. The difference is that the jars do not need to be prepared in any way other than a good rinse. It is also worth considering that in this state the compote made will be stored less.

With apple

For this drink, only sweet varieties of apples are used. If you prepare sour fruits, this will negatively affect the taste. During the cooking process, you first need to cut, wash and cut the fruits (apples into slices, melons into cubes). Now you should prepare the syrup and pour it over the apples. They should cook for at least 5 minutes, after which you can add the melon and soak the fruits for another couple of minutes.

With lemon

To prepare this drink, follow these steps:

  1. Peel and pit the fruit and cut into cubes.
  2. Lemon is cut into rings and placed in a bowl on the stove.
  3. Sugar and melon are also placed there.
  4. When it has reached a boil, you need to cook the fruit for no more than 1 minute.
  5. Afterwards the lemon can be pulled out.
  6. Now it is advisable to make blanks of equal weight, put them in jars and fill them with drink.
  7. Containers must be closed with sterilized lids.

With gooseberries

In this case, the compote is prepared according to the standard procedure, but before twisting the jars, you can add gooseberries to the compote. Before doing this, it is advisable to rinse it well and select only sweet and unspoiled fruits.

With watermelon

To prepare such a compote for the winter, the watermelon must be prepared in the same way as a melon, namely, remove the seeds and remove the peel. In the process of preparing syrup with sugar, add pieces of these fruits and cook for 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, the liquid can be poured into sterilized jars and closed with the same lids.

With grapes

For this drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • sweet grapes;
  • lemon juice;
  • melon;
  • sugar.

First you need to prepare the melon according to the standard procedure and wash the grapes well. Sugar is poured into boiling water and grapes are added directly with tassels. When it floats, add melon. After it also appears on the surface, you can turn off the stove and pour the compote into jars.

With orange

Compote with orange is cooked in the same way as with lemon. The only thing is that you don’t have to take it out before pouring the drink into cans. The fruit must be without peel.

With peaches

As in all cases, the melon needs to be prepared by peeling the skin and removing every single seed. Next, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, add sugar and citric acid to the liquid and cook for 10 minutes. Afterwards they should pour the fruits for 5.5 hours. Next, the liquid, along with the peaches and melon, needs to be boiled for another 5 minutes. The compote is ready!

With spices

The process of preparing such a compote is as follows:

  1. Making regular sweet syrup.
  2. Blanch the melon for 3 minutes.
  3. You can put a vanilla pod on top of the boiling water for no more than 2 minutes.
  4. Pieces of the fruit are placed in jars and cinnamon, lemon zest and cloves are added.
  5. Filling with syrup and twisting the cans.

With plum

To prepare you will need:

  • 3 grams of citric acid;
  • 1 kilogram of melon;
  • 1.4 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kilograms of plums;
  • 1.4 liters of clean water.

The pits must be removed from all plums. While preparing the syrup, add plums and cook for no more than 3 minutes.

Then you can add the melon for another 6 minutes. The drink is ready to swirl.

With citric acid

Almost any recipe can include citric acid. It is added before pouring syrup over the melon. The process of preparing the drink itself looks like the standard one described above.

With mint

To make compote with mint, you need to prepare 1-2 branches for each 3-liter jar. They are placed in containers immediately before placing fruit and other ingredients on the bottom. The result is a refreshing drink, especially if consumed cold.

How long and how is compote stored?

After the compote has cooled where the sun's rays do not reach, it can be sent to the pantry or other place where the rest of the preserves are stored. It is recommended to drink the drink until the period exceeds 1 year.