Compote of whole small apples for the winter. Universal recipes for apple compotes for the winter

I close apple compotes for the winter without sterilization using very simple and easy recipes. They keep well even when room temperature, and in winter it is very pleasant to eat juicy apples, washed down with aromatic syrup. Especially delicious compote obtained from the autumn fruits of the Antonovka variety, but other varieties are also suitable. Today I will share simple recipes apple compote for the winter.

Compote of whole apples “White filling” for the winter

To prepare compote you will need next kitchenware: Bowl, large saucepan, cup, large mug or ladle, jars (3 l), canning lids and seaming key.

If the compote recipe will use whole apples, then it is important to choose fresh and ripe fruits, with even, smooth skin without damage, stains or holes from insects, otherwise the preservation will not be stored. Select medium sized fruits, which will freely fit into the neck of the container and keep in mind that after standing, the apples will be saturated with syrup and increase in volume, and it will be problematic to get too large fruits.

When canning whole apples, they must be thoroughly washed, especially in the stalk area. There are no such requirements for fruits that are cut, on the contrary, you can cut out broken and rotten or spoiled places, and use the rest. There is no need to peel the skin from the apples, otherwise they will not hold their shape.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sterilize the container and its lids. Sort the apples, set aside the broken and spoiled ones, wash the rest well (especially in the area of ​​the tails) and let them dry a little.
  2. Fill the container with whole fruits to the very top.
  3. Place two mint leaves in each jar.
  4. Fill with boiling water to the very top and cover with lids.
  5. Cover the jars with a towel and wait 15-20 minutes to cool.
  6. After cooling, drain the water into the pan through a special plastic cover with holes.
  7. Add sugar to the drained water at the rate of 250 g per 3 liter jar.
  8. Stir the sugar and place the pan on the heat until the syrup boils.
  9. In a jar of apples, put citric acid on the tip of a knife and fill with boiling syrup to the very top.

  10. Turn the jar upside down and cover it with something warm (an old coat or blanket). Leave until completely cool.

Store canned food with lids up in the basement or in a cool place.

Video with a recipe for apple compote for the winter

Do you want to enjoy summer taste“White Fill” apples in winter - then watch the video and preserve whole fruits, which turn out juicy, tasty and aromatic.

How to do compote from chopped apples for winter y, you will find out from the following recipe.

Compote for winter from the Antonovka apple variety

Cooking time– 1.5-2 hours
To prepare it you will need: large saucepan, board and knife, strainer, ladle, glass, jars and lids, seaming machine.


Step-by-step preparation

Recipe video

If you still have any questions about cooking, then after watching the video, everything will become clearer. And you can easily close the compote for the winter.

In order for the preparations to stand for the winter and not “explode”, it is necessary to properly prepare the containers for preservation. Take jars only with the neck intact and sterilize in any way convenient for you: microwave, oven or steam. The lids also need to be filled with boiling water.

Very often raspberries, currants or chokeberry to improve taste and color. Apples go well with these berries, and the compote turns out more rich. Healthy and tasty - this is a great alternative store-bought juices. And if you like pears more, you can close it for the winter.

Apples are on our table all year round, and if for some reason you did not have time to close the compote for the winter during the season, then you can cook it from fresh fruits.

How to cook apple compote

  • Pour cold water into the pan drinking water and bring it to a boil.
  • Wash the apples and, after removing the seeds, cut into 4-6-8 slices (depending on the size of the apple).
  • Place the prepared slices in boiling water and reduce the heat slightly.
  • After 5 minutes, add sugar to taste.

How long to cook apple compote

You need to cook apple compote no more than 20 minutes. If you want to get whole and not boiled apples, then cook them for about 10 minutes.

After this, remove the compote from the heat and let it brew. in winter an excellent alternative fresh apples are dried: very useful.

I’ve been planning to cook this apple compote for the winter for so many years that I can’t even count it myself. The first time I saw three-liter jars of compote full of whole apples was at my neighbor Lenka’s. Lunar-golden, seemingly translucent and, probably, so tasty... But I never got the chance to try these apples. No, no, Lenka’s mother, Aunt Sveta, was distinguished by her hospitability: either she would hand over a whole bowl of strawberries, or she would bring a huge bouquet of peonies from the dacha, stick it in her hands and quickly take it to herself so that they wouldn’t return it - but somehow those treasured jars of compote were opened without me. Then years passed. And at the market I saw what seemed to be the same apples. They were sold from barrels. I bought a package, brought it home, tried it - oh, it’s kind of salty! It turned out that they were soaked apples. But those from the compote were definitely sweet. Or rather, sweet and sour, juicy, I would have eaten the whole jar... Well, and further according to the proverb: better late than never. This year I bought three-liter jars, waited for Antonovka to appear on the market and got down to business. The recipe is not at all complicated. I will tell you clearly how to prepare apple compote for the winter for 3 liter jar, so that you don’t have to do calculations, conversions from kilograms to liters and other unpleasant things. I just took the recipe and made it.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar of compote:

  • Apples – 8-10 pieces,
  • Water – 2 liters,
  • Sugar – 300 g.

How to make apple compote for the winter

Making compote is very simple. No sterilization required. Processing of apples is minimal. Excellent workpiece for those whose apple trees are bursting with apples and there is no way to spend days on end cleaning and slicing the harvest. The apples for the compote will just need to be selected and washed.

Set aside all suspicious fruits, even those with minimal suspicion, to the wormhole. Size also plays a role - the apples should fit freely through the neck of the jar. In the compote they will swell slightly, and if you pushed them into the jar by force, you won’t be able to pull them back out without a fight. Some people beat the core out of apples special device. I limited myself to cleaning out the blackened remains of the petals and pulling out the stalks of those apples that managed to do this.

Place the washed apples in clean jars (just in case, I held them upside down over steam for 20 minutes. The maximum amount is 10 apples, the minimum is 8.

Then you need to boil the water. I boil a liter in a ladle, because I am afraid of large vats of boiling water. Again, pouring from a ladle is more convenient. I always pour boiling water carefully, placing a tablespoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst due to temperature changes.

Then cover the jars with lids and leave to cool completely. Some people also wrap jars of compote with a blanket, but I don’t see the point in that. My jars were already cooling down for the whole day - how could it be otherwise in the heat?

Pour sugar into the same pan at the rate of 300 grams per jar. I have 2 cans, so I put 600 grams. Bring the water to a boil, place a ladle with lids on the adjacent burner. I boil them for 5 minutes. In a large saucepan with syrup, the sugar should completely dissolve, then pour the apples again. We pour it strictly under the neck, because the apples will absorb some of the syrup and the compote will already be up to the “hangers”. Immediately roll up the lids using a key. Then we place the jars upside down. After making sure that the compote does not leak, we leave them to cool. Then we put it away for storage. This is how the compote turns out.

Whole apples are soaked in syrup rather slowly, so I don’t recommend trying the compote right away. Wait a month and a half and then open it. And try this pourable apple.

Bon appetit!

Apple compote in jars is simply amazing!

It is not even close to the drink that is boiled in a saucepan.

Summer scent, unique taste, army of vitamins.

It's time to take care of your drink for the winter!

Apple compote for the winter - general principles of preparation

Apples are placed in jars, cut into slices or whole. For compote from pieces, it is not recommended to use early varieties or soft fruits. After pouring boiling water, the pieces should not fall apart. If the drink is prepared from whole apples, then small fruits are chosen, and ranetki are often used. The second main ingredient of the preparation is sugar.

What can be added to the compote:

Other fruits;


Zest fresh or dry.

Compotes are prepared with and without sterilization. In the second case, the double filling method is most often used, often adding citric acid. In any case, it is important to maintain the sterility of the workpiece. The dishes are treated with steam or any other method. For hermetically sealed sealing, use a special key or screw caps if the neck of the jar fits.

Compote of apples for the winter in pieces (with citric acid)

The recipe itself simple compote from apples for the winter. This drink is always obtained, it lasts well all winter even at room temperature, but it does not require sterilization. Compotes with other fruits and berries are prepared using the same principle. Calculation of products per one three liter jar.


0.5-0.7 kg apples;

250 g sugar;

1 tsp. citric acid.


1. Immediately put water on the stove to boil; in total you will need about 2.5 liters, but boil a little more so that you have a reserve.

2. While the water is boiling, you need to rinse the apples, wipe them with clean napkins, and cut them into slices. No need to grind.

3. Place the apple pieces in a jar.

4. Fill boiling water, cover with a lid. Let the fruit warm up for a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain all the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar according to the recipe. Place on the stove and boil for three minutes.

6. Add citric acid to the jar.

7. Pour boiling syrup over the compote and cover with a lid.

8. Turn the jar over and cover it with something warm, such as a blanket. Keep until cool.

Apple compote for the winter (with whole fruits)

Another compote recipe without sterilization, but with whole apples. For this drink you will need small fruits of the Antonovka variety. For one three-liter jar there are 8 to 10 pieces.


8-10 apples;

2 liters of water;

300 g sugar.


1. Rinse the apples thoroughly and remove the stems. There should be no damage to the fruit.

2. Place the prepared fruits in a sterile 3-liter jar. There is no need to fill the jar with apples above the hanger. If the fruits are large, then put not 8 pieces, but less.

3. Fill the jars with boiling water, close nylon covers, cover with a blanket.

4. Leave the jars to cool for 12 hours, longer if possible, but do not keep for more than a day.

5. Drain the water into the pan, leaving the steamed fruits in the jars. During this time, the liquid will turn yellow and become imbued with the aroma of apples.

6. Boil the drained water, adding according to the recipe granulated sugar. Boil the syrup for at least five minutes to ensure purity.

7. Pour over the apples. Seal the jars and keep them upside down until they cool, covering them with a blanket.

Apple compote for the winter with sterilization

A reliable recipe for apple compote for the winter, which will definitely last until spring. If he stays, he will live peacefully until next year. Such drinks should not be stored for more than two years, since apples are used whole and with seeds.


300 g sugar;

600-800 g small apples;

2.5 liters of water.


1. Choose small apples without damage, wormholes, traces of mold or rot. Rinse well and dry.

2. Sterilize a three-liter jar and seal the lid.

3. Place the apples in a jar.

4. Boil syrup from sugar and water.

5. Fill the jar with apples, cover with a lid, but do not screw it on.

6. Place the jar in a tall saucepan with a cloth on the bottom.

7. Pour enough boiling water into the pan so that it reaches the jar hanger. Turn on the stove. The countdown of the sterilization time begins from the moment the water boils in the pan, not the compote in the jar.

8. Sterilize the compote with apples for 20 minutes. If you twist two liter jars, then sterilize for 15 minutes, do not forget to reduce the amount of sugar. Ten minutes is enough for liter jars.

Compote of apples for the winter with vanilla (Ranetki)

A variant of a very beautiful compote, for which ranetki are used. The drink is prepared in liter jars, they are filled up to the hangers. Calculation for three liter jars, workpiece with sterilization.


1.5 liters of water;

400 g sugar;

1 g natural vanilla;



1. Rinse the ranetki, remove the tails. Pierce each piece with a toothpick. This technique will preserve the thin skin on the fruit.

2. Place the ranetki in sterile jars.

3. Prepare a syrup from the recipe water and sugar, do not forget to add vanilla. Boil for two minutes, that's enough.

4. Fill the ranetki with boiling syrup up to the neck. Cover the jars with sterile lids.

5. Transfer to a pan for sterilization. There must be fabric at the bottom so that the glass does not burst during the process.

6. Pour boiling water into the pan.

7. After the water boils in the pan, sterilize the jars for ten minutes.

8. Take out, roll up the lids with a key, leave until completely cool under the blanket and upside down.

Fragrant apple compote for the winter (with grapes)

Option mixed compote, which is prepared with the addition of grapes. If the berries are dark, the drink will turn out bright and beautiful.


300 g apples;

300 g grapes;

1 tsp. lemons;

300 g sugar;

2.5 liters of water.


1. Wash the grapes and apples. Dry.

2. Separate the grapes from the tassels and place them in a three-liter jar. Cut the apples into slices and add to the grapes.

3. Pour boiling water over everything and leave for about twenty minutes.

4. Now put a lid with holes on the jar and drain all the liquid into an empty saucepan.

5. Add sugar, boil after boiling for at least three minutes.

6. Add citric acid directly to the jar.

7. Pour boiling syrup over the future compote.

8. Immediately roll up the lid with a key, leave the workpiece upside down under the blanket until it cools completely. This may take up to two days. Then the jar can be turned over to its natural position and stored.

Compote of apples for the winter with orange “Fanta in Russian”

Recipe apple compote with the addition of orange. To prevent the drink from becoming bitter during storage, be sure to remove all the seeds from the citrus fruit. Similarly, you can prepare a drink with lemon, but in this case you need to remove dry acid from the recipe. Will be sufficient fresh juice from sour citrus.


5-6 apples;

1 orange;

1 tsp. citric acid;

250 g sugar.


1. Cut the apples into slices, put them in a clean jar, and pour boiling water over them. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

2. During this time, you need to peel the orange, put the peels in a saucepan. It should be empty. There is no need to grind the crusts; the larger they are, the better.

3. Squeeze the juice out of the citrus and pour it into the pan. When squeezing the juice, be careful not to get any seeds, let there be pulp.

4. Drain the water from the jar of apples into a saucepan and place on the stove.

5. Boil the orange peels for ten minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon.

6. Add sugar to the pan and boil for a couple more minutes.

7. Add acid to a jar of steamed apples.

8. Pour boiling syrup over it and seal. The “Russian Fante” also needs to cool down upside down under a warm blanket.

Spicy apple compote for the winter with cinnamon and cloves

Option fragrant compote, to which it is advisable to add natural cinnamon. If the spice is ground into powder, there is a possibility of product contamination Low quality or synthetic origin.


0.3 cinnamon sticks;

2 cloves;

7-8 small apples;

300 g sugar;

2.3 liters of water.


1. The apples need to be washed, dried, and processed in the jar.

2. Pierce each fruit with a toothpick to maintain the integrity of the skin. Place in a sterile jar.

3. Immediately add cloves and cinnamon; if desired, you can also add a little vanilla or a piece of ginger. The aroma will be amazing.

4. Boil the syrup, pour the prepared filling into the jar.

5. Cover, transfer to a pan for sterilization, pour boiling water.

6. As soon as the water begins to boil in the pan, set the time for 15 minutes.

7. After this time, carefully remove the tank and roll up the lid using the key. Cool and store.

Temperature changes when pouring boiling water may cause the jar to burst. To prevent this from happening, put a large spoon inside, but only a clean one.

The syrup did not fit into the jar and remained? Dilute it with water, add some chopped apples, you can add other fruits, berries, and spices. Cook a regular compote.

Jars of compote need to be kept under a blanket until they cool completely, sometimes this will take two days. In the heat, further sterilization of the drink occurs, which ensures its safety.

You can add more than just berries and fruits to apples. Amazing compotes are made with mint leaves or lemon balm.

Granulated sugar is not always pure. That is why it is recommended to boil the syrup for at least three minutes; you can boil it longer. Never use sand from a sugar bowl that may contain crumbs or other debris.

Good afternoon.

I’ve noticed lately that visitors to my blog are showing increased interest in cooking. Apparently the first apple harvests are already ripening somewhere.

We still have about a month left before the start of collection, but that’s just it. good time to take care of the list of preparations that will be rolled up for the winter.

And I consider compotes one of the most important types of preserving fruits for the winter. It's tasty and healthy - what could be better in winter?

Well, in order not to limit myself to a compote recipe made from apples alone, I made a small selection of assorted dishes with different combinations of seasonal fruits, so that every time you open the jar you will enjoy a new combination of taste.

I selected only proven options for combining products so that the surprise would be joyful and not disappointing.

Apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar (without sterilization)

But let's start with classic recipe apple compote. We can do without sterilizing the finished compote, but the jars themselves still need to be checked before cooking to be sure that the lids will not burst during the winter.


For 1 three-liter jar you will need about 800 g of apples and 250 g of sugar.

1. For compote, it is best to use “carrion apples,” that is, apples that have fallen to the ground and received a “pulp bruise.” It will no longer be possible to store such fruits, but you can use them in seaming.

We take these apples, cut them into 4 parts, remove the core with seeds and cut off all suspicious places and wormholes.

We put them in pre-sterilized jars, filling them about halfway.

2. Then carefully fill the jars with boiling water up to the very necks, cover with sterilized lids and leave to steep for 1 hour.

3. We carry out further actions with each can separately. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, add 250 g of sugar into it, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

4. Pour the resulting syrup back into the jar, roll it up, turn it over and cover it with a blanket. We do this procedure with all banks.

5. Wait for the jars to cool completely (about 8 hours) and then store them in a cool place.

How to cook compote from whole apples, white filling

Variety White filling stored in fresh It doesn’t take long at all, so this is the first candidate for use as jam or compote.

Conveniently, this variety is not large, so it fits entirely into a 3-liter jar without any problems. So it is excellent as a starting material for compote.


1. For one 3 liter jar you will need about 1 kg of apples (depending on size) and one glass of sugar (glass - 200 ml). Since the apples are whole and round, the jar needs to be filled completely with them. Don't worry, there will be enough compote.

Fill a sterilized jar with bulk and pour boiling water up to the neck. Cover with a sterilized lid and leave the apples to “steam” for 15-20 minutes.

Please note that air bubbles will be released during this time. That's how it should be.

2. After 20 minutes, pour the water into the pan, add a glass of sugar and bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat.

3. Pour the syrup back into the jar up to the neck (if there is not enough, add regular boiling water), immediately roll it up and leave it to cool under the blanket upside down for 6-8 hours. Then store it in a cool place.

Assorted sour apples with red currants

This recipe has 2 advantages:

  • Firstly, currants do not necessarily have to be fresh; frozen ones will work just fine. Even from the store, suddenly it wasn’t my own.
  • Secondly, this is a great way to use sour varieties of apples that are not very eaten fresh.


To determine the proportions of the products, we use a simple formula: for 1 three-liter jar you need 300 g of sugar and apples with currants in the proportion of 1 part currants to two parts apples.

Simply put, for 1 apple we take 1 heaped tablespoon of currants.

1. Apples for compote can be prepared in two ways: either use a special tool to remove the core, or cut them into 4 parts and cut out the middle with seeds and bruised areas.

2. Fill pre-sterilized jars a third with prepared apples and red currants and fill them with boiling water to the middle. Cover with sterilized lids and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes.

3. Then pour the water into the pan and set it to boil. Pour 300 g of sugar into the jar itself, cover it again with a lid and wait until the water in the pan boils.

4. Pour the boiled water back into the jar, and then add regular boiling water to fill it to the very top.

During all these actions, the lid with which we either cover the jar or remove it must be placed not on the table, but in a separate pan with boiling water so that it always remains sterilized.

5. Now all that remains is to roll up the lid with a seaming machine and leave the jar to cool upside down under a blanket for 6-8 hours.

Store the cooled jar in a cool place.

Video on how to make apple compote with black currants

The recipe for making apple compote with black currants differs little from the version with red currants, so I offer you a short but informative video on this topic.

Recipe for winter compote with raspberries

The combination of raspberries and apples is one of the most popular. Because it is very tasty and unusual. So be sure to try it.


For this recipe we need 0.5 kg of raspberries, 2 large apples and 200 g of sugar.

1. We sort and wash the raspberries, cut the apples into slices and cut out the core. Place the vegetables in a sterilized jar.

2. Pour boiling water into the jar, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 15 minutes so that the fruits and berries release their juice.

3. Then pour the syrup into a saucepan, add sugar to it, put it on the fire and bring to a boil so that the sugar dissolves.

4. Pour the boiling syrup back into the jar up to the neck and immediately roll it up with a machine.

After this, turn the jar over, cover it with a blanket and leave it like that until it cools completely. Ready compote store in a cool place.

Apple compote with apricots for a three-liter jar

Another popular recipe. Apricots, unfortunately, do not grow in our latitudes, so we have to use purchased ones. So we don’t prepare such compote in large quantities and ends one of the first.


1. Take 3 liter sterilized jars, fill them by a third with apples and apricots and fill them with boiling water up to the neck. Cover with sterilized lids and leave for 10 minutes.

Place the apricots whole, after washing them first. We cut the apples into slices or put them whole if they are not large.

2. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add 8 tablespoons of sugar and bring the syrup to a boil.

8 tablespoons of sugar is for 1 drained jar. If the volume of the pan is enough to drain 2 or 3 cans, then increase the amount of sugar by 2 or 3 times, respectively.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, pour it back into the jars so that they are filled to the very top and roll up their lids. Then we turn the jars over, cover them with a blanket and leave them like that until they cool completely.

Remove the cooled jars and store them in a cool place.

Delicious apple and orange drink recipe

But this is probably the most original recipe in this collection. I don’t know if everyone will like it, so I advise you to first make one jar, try it, and then decide whether you need a supply for the winter.


For one 3 liter jar you will need 3-4 medium sized apples and half big orange. Also take 1 cup (200 ml) of sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife.

1. Peel and seed the apples and chop them thin slices. Cut the orange into slices.

Place the fruit in a jar and add sugar and citric acid. Pour boiling water over it. We do this carefully, in several steps, so that the jar does not burst.

2. B this recipe there is no need to drain and re-boil the juice, since we use citric acid, which acts as an additional antiseptic and in this case re-boiling is not required.

Therefore, after filling the jars with boiling water, cover them with sterilized lids and immediately roll them up. Then turn it over and leave it to cool under the blanket.

Store the finished compote in a cool place.

How to make a delicious compote with apples and pears

Well, at the end of the selection I left my favorite recipe for compote with apples and pears. In my opinion this is the most delicious combination, which will appeal to everyone without exception.

This is the collection I got today. Of course, the presented combinations are not the only possible ones. It all depends on your taste and the fruits that grow in your garden.

So don’t be afraid to experiment with the products themselves and their proportions; it is quite possible that you will like it better if the apples in the compote are not the main ingredient, but only a small flavor addition.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Fruits and berries


Compote of chopped apples for the winter– amazing fruit drink, which is very easy to prepare with your own hands without sterilization, if you use the technological instructions below with step by step photos. With its help, you will stock up on exactly that homemade drink for the winter, which in the winter season will definitely delight you with its divine and natural taste. Moreover, apple compote prepared according to this photo recipe will also reward you in winter canned fruit. This is because we suggest preparing for the winter is not easy. delicious drink, but also apples, cut into slices, which are subsequently preserved with it.

The main secret of making apple compote at home is the variety of apples chosen for this. Of course, using this simple recipe with photos, you can preserve absolutely any type of fruit in this way. However, the correctly selected type of such fruits will still have a positive effect on the preservation we offer. Because in our case, it is better to use the apple variety that has only juicy sweet and sour fruits.

So, let's move on to canning chopped apple compote for the winter!



    To prepare apple compote at home, it is recommended to use those apples that were collected in your own orchard. Only homemade fruits have real aroma and taste, which cannot be said about store-bought fruits.

    After the apples have been picked, they need to be washed very well. Advice! If fruits were selected to create this preservation different varieties, then it is better to package them in separate containers, so that subsequently each preparation will be prepared from one type of apple.

    Then the prepared apple slices must be placed tightly in sterile jars, after which they must be poured with boiling water. When all the jars are filled, they will need to be covered with lids for ten minutes so that the water in them is properly saturated with the fruit. Afterwards, the infused water will need to be drained from the jars into one common pan.

    Granulated sugar must be added to the liquid that was drained from the cans into a saucepan in order to subsequently cook from it. sweet syrup for fruits. The syrup should be kept on the stove until it boils for several minutes. Next, you should fill the jars with boiled sweet water. apple slices, and then seal them tightly with lids.

    Closed blanks must be turned upside down, after which they must be placed in a convenient place under a warm blanket until they cool.

    After one day, the cooled drink can be transferred to the rest of your winter supplies. That's all! Fruit compote made from sliced ​​apples is ready to delight you in winter, all you have to do is wait for the onset of this cold period of the year. Have a delicious winter!