When you cook corn, you need to salt the water. How to cook corn on the cob in a pan with salt - recipe step by step, nuances and rules

Corn was brought to Europe from sunny Mexico in the 16th century. European gourmets could not resist this exquisite delicacy, and corn, appetizing, juicy, ripe, sugary and tender, with a tantalizing aroma, took its rightful place on the tables of royalty and the poor. There are many ways to cook corn, and they are all simple; the main thing is to choose high-quality cobs and master some of the subtleties of preparing the vegetable. In this case, success is guaranteed!

Choosing the “right” cobs

If you want corn dishes to be tasty, soft and nutritious, you should carefully choose it in the store or at the market. It is advisable to buy cobs with leaves, which are a natural “packaging” for grains, protecting them from spoilage and mechanical damage. At the same time, it is good if the leaves are green and not yellow, since this indicates the degree of freshness of the vegetable, and soft, milky-yellow, sweet grains without mold, spots and bald spots should be easily separated from the cob. Bright yellow and hard grains tend to be tough and tasteless after cooking.

Secrets of cooking corn

  • Before cooking, corn can be soaked for a couple of hours to soften the grains.
  • It is best to cook cobs in unsalted water, as salt makes the grains tough.
  • You can cook corn directly with the leaves, after removing the fibers - this will give it flavor and juiciness.
  • Cook young corn for no more than 20 minutes, and overripe corn for at least 2 hours. During the cooking process, you can take a sample - if the grain is soft, tasty and sweet, the corn is ready!
  • Drain the water, close the pan with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel, since the cobs should “cook” a little after cooking. This evaporation will make the corn more tender and palatable.
  • Peel the leaves from the cobs, sprinkle with salt, pour in butter, and you can begin the royal meal.

Alternative ways to cook corn

In the oven. Grease a deep form with oil, place the washed cobs, pour in water (it should cover the cobs halfway), cover the form with foil and place in the oven for 40-120 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the grains.

In a steamer. Fill the container with water, grease the grate with butter, add the corn and cook for 40 minutes with the lid tightly closed.

In the microwave. Soak the cobs for an hour in cool water, then place them in a plastic bag, add a couple of tablespoons of water, tie tightly and make several small holes for steam to escape. Microwave the corn at maximum power for 15 minutes in a special bowl.

In a convection oven. Wrap the cobs in cling film, place in a convection oven and bake at 210 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

In a slow cooker. Fill the multicooker with water to the maximum level, place the cobs, cover them with the removed leaves, set the high pressure mode, and in 15 minutes the juicy, spicy and amazingly tender corn is ready!

Corn can be grilled, made into delicious salads, popcorn, tortilla chips, polenta, cornbread, canned, fried, added to soups, pizza, pie fillings and vegetable stews. A huge number of varieties of corn grow in Mexico - white, red, blue, and even black, but for us Russians, yellow is enough if you learn how to cook it correctly and tastefully!

Boiled corn is one of the most popular summer delicacies, known since childhood. Both adults and children love this product. It is a real storehouse of fiber and beneficial microelements. It is important to cook the cobs in such a way that they do not lose their nutritional properties. There are no difficulties in the process of cooking corn; the cooking technology seems simple, but there are a large number of details that can have a significant impact on the final result.

Cooking time

The two most commonly consumed types of corn are:

  • feed, which is used to feed livestock;
  • sweet food.

The first type of corn is simpler, it has less nutrients and a lot of starch. It takes much longer to cook (more than four hours). Sweet corn can be cooked in minutes.

Corn needs to be cooked on the cob. It is worth immediately noting that overripe cobs are not suitable for heat treatment, since they remain tough even after a very long cooking. You can only deal with fruits that are ripe, but not overripe. You can determine the ripeness of an ear by its color: if it is bright yellow, then the ear is overripe. Corn that is middle aged or not very ripe will take noticeably longer to cook.

Fresh corn is quickly prepared and ripens in early August. It takes 7 minutes to prepare such a product in a double boiler or pressure cooker.

In this case, the corn should be milky and have a whitish-yellow color, and its grains fit tightly to each other.

To make a small test, take raw corn, cut one kernel from the cob and crush it. It will not be difficult to see a milky white, viscous substance called corn milk. If there are depressions on the sides of the fruit, this indicates that the product is not of the first freshness. Old or frozen corn takes longer to simmer. Once boiled, the cobs remain in the pan for a couple of hours (sometimes longer) until they are edible. Small corn takes much less time to cook than large corn.

Corn grits are often used to prepare various dishes:

  • for porridge;
  • for casserole;
  • for various fillings.

Corn porridge should be cooked for at least 60 minutes, and the volume of the product should increase by 3.5 times. In soups, the cereal is cooked for approximately 45 minutes, and it is poured into boiling water. To make flatbreads from cereals, half an hour of heat treatment in the oven is usually enough.

The benefits of corn are great. This cereal removes harmful substances from the body. Corn contains a lot of fiber, so it can effectively act as an antioxidant. For people suffering from heart and vascular diseases and high blood pressure, eating corn in reasonable quantities alleviates the severity of the disease.

Corn is very useful for children, it does not cause allergies, and can be consumed in large quantities. It is important to cook the cob correctly to preserve all its beneficial properties. For example, corn “hair” has a lot of useful properties; you shouldn’t throw it away; it’s better to prepare a decoction from it and drink it.

The benefits of this are as follows:

  • tone is normalized;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • metabolism improves.

Cooking methods

The cob grains are light yellow, and it is recommended to choose medium-sized ones for cooking. Young corn has a bright white stalk. Southern varieties of corn have always had a richer taste, so this fact is also worth taking into account.

It is better to cook cobs at home in large pans with thick walls or a bucket. They are often cut into several parts if there is no large container available. Corn is a product that needs to be salted after heat treatment (water should be salted). Most often, the cobs are boiled over low heat. The method of slow cooking is popularly called simmering. The advantage of this preparation is that thermal energy is used rationally; there is no fear that the liquid contents will quickly boil away or “run away.” You should add water on time, because sooner or later it will boil away.

In ancient times, the “queen of the fields” was boiled in milk, adding a little sugar. This made it possible to significantly reduce the time required for cooking. To cook using this method, you will need to add 120 grams of milk per liter of water, as well as 2 tablespoons of sugar. The tougher the cobs, the longer they will have to cook.

The step-by-step recipe for preparing the product at home is simple. Before you start cooking, be sure to take cobs of the same size. It is recommended to leave them in cold water for 2 hours. If the fruits are too large, they are cut crosswise.

Often the bottom of the pan is lined with leaves (in one layer), and selected corn is placed on them. All contents are poured with boiling water, the container is placed on low heat. Young cobs are cooked for no more than 30 minutes. If the cobs are overripe (hard), then you will have to cook it for at least 180 minutes. It is best to eat the dish right away.

Corn is often boiled in a double boiler, and this takes about 10 minutes. After washing the corn along with the leaves, it is placed in a container. If the product is overripe, the heat treatment process will be delayed for up to 45 minutes. To ensure that steam is always present in the steamer, you should monitor the amount of liquid in the container.

The product is also prepared in the oven, but first of all it is cleaned and washed. The container is treated with butter or margarine, and the cobs are poured with boiling water. The oven is heated to +125 degrees, then the cobs are baked.

A similar technology is used if the product is cooked in a pressure cooker; This takes no more than 16 minutes. If the cobs are overripe, then three more times are needed - 45 minutes.

It is best to cook young cobs in the microwave. The product is placed in a food-grade PVC bag, which is processed in the unit for no more than 12 minutes at a power of 810 W. The cobs can be boiled with the leaves for five to seven minutes, using the same amount of power.

To cook corn in the microwave, do the following:

  • cut the cobs;
  • put them in a special container,
  • add boiling water;
  • cover the container with a lid;
  • turn on the unit for 30 minutes at maximum power (if necessary, for a longer time);
  • when the specified time is over, you need to add water and turn on the microwave again for 17-18 minutes.
  • After cooking, drain the water, leave the pan open and let the contents sit for 10 minutes.

If the cobs are freshly picked from the garden, then very little time is required for cooking. When cooking, it is important to monitor the water level in the container, as it can boil away quickly.

The product is prepared simply in a frying pan:

  • the frying pan is greased with butter;
  • the cobs are cut (if they are too long) and placed in a frying pan;
  • spices and salt are added;
  • the contents are covered with a lid.

The corn is cooked over low heat; the cobs should be turned over periodically.

In a slow cooker, the “queen of the fields” is prepared in almost the same way as in a saucepan:

  • water (200 grams) is added to the container;
  • the unit turns on in the “Heat” mode.

The time until ready is usually 7-8 minutes.

Dried corn has its own characteristics. It should be remembered that only 60 grams of this product is equal in quantity to one medium-sized cob. The container is filled with milk or water. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Quantity: one teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of sugar per liter of liquid.

It's good to cook corn in sour cream:

  • the fruit is first boiled and cooled;
  • The grains are cut from the cobs and placed in a separate container;
  • sour cream is poured into the container, the contents are mixed;
  • the resulting substance is placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven;
  • spices and grated cheese are added.

The product is prepared for no more than a quarter of an hour, then taken out, sprinkled with herbs and spices and served immediately.

Often the product is canned.

Canned corn retains its nutritional properties for a long time, the technology is as follows:

  • the fruit is immersed in boiling water (for 90 seconds);
  • take out, water with cold water;
  • The grains are removed from the base, placed in a container, and poured with boiling water (for 2 minutes).

The water should be salted and sugared (three teaspoons of salt and sugar per 1 liter of water). The jars are separately sterilized in boiling water, then cooled, the corn is poured into the jars, which are immediately sealed.

You can store such a product until spring, nothing will happen to it. It retains its taste and all nutritional properties.

How to check readiness?

The readiness of the fruit is determined using a fork or knife. During cooking of the product, you should monitor the softness of the grains. As the process nears completion, the grains become soft. It's easy to check - just pierce a few pieces. If no milk flows out of the grain, then the process is completed.

After cooking, the broth is drained, the cobs are allowed to cool for some time, without covering the container with a lid. Then spices are added, the cobs are rubbed with olive or butter and served.

They eat corn using salt, ketchup or mustard. On sale you can find special cutlery (holders) for eating corn. They are stuck on both sides of the cob and held in place while eating. The holders prevent you from getting your hands dirty and getting burned by hot corn.

Properly cooked corn is tasty, juicy and soft.

  • Be sure to use low heat when cooking, avoiding active boiling of the contents of the pan.
  • Corn should not be left in the broth for a long time; it quickly loses its taste and becomes “grassy.”
  • It is important to remove dry and spoiled leaves, if present, before starting cooking.
  • If the corn is soaked in milk, it takes at least four hours.
  • It is important not to overcook the corn, otherwise almost all useful microelements are lost and the product becomes bland.
  • The ideal vessel for cooking corn is a large cast iron or clay pot.
  • Before you start cooking the cobs, you shouldn’t add salt to the water, so the grains won’t be too hard. Corn is salted at the very last moment before the end of cooking, and sometimes before serving.
  • The more the corn cools, the more “stony” and tasteless it becomes; we should not forget about this feature of boiled corn.
  • In summer, it is recommended to consume one cob per day. Thus, the body will receive a sufficient amount of useful microelements and amino acids, which are extremely important for proper metabolism.
  • Diabetics are allowed to consume about 60 grams of corn per day, this is enough to regulate blood sugar without exceeding the permissible level.
  • Corn can be effective in overcoming relapses of dementia and the effects of stroke. The beneficial elements it contains strengthen joints and bone tissue, the walls of blood vessels, and stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

  • It is best to cook corn that has recently been removed from the garden: no more than 4 hours have passed since then. It is during this time that it retains the maximum amount of nutrients.
  • It is better to buy corn unshelled, as the grains are better preserved. When choosing, the most valuable are the cobs, where the leaves have a bright green color.
  • To assess the suitability of the product, just press a little on the blunt edge of the cob with your fingernail. A thick white mass should appear, and if this does not happen, then you should not purchase such a product.

It is better to eat the corn right away while it is warm; if this is not possible, then it is better to leave it in a pan with hot water for a while. But this time is limited to the cooling period. In this state, it can “hold out” for no more than 2 hours, and the water must be at least 50 degrees.

Corn cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, a maximum of two days, then it hardens.

For the perfect boiled corn recipe, see below.

One of the most favorite summer delicacies is boiled corn, which is loved by both children and adults. Despite all the apparent simplicity of this culinary masterpiece, many do not know how to cook corn on the cob so as to preserve all its taste and nutritional value. The popularity of delicious golden corn is rivaled only by ice cream and watermelons. On the seashore, freshly boiled corn is perhaps the most popular commodity, for which vacationers are willing to pay as if they were real delicacies. To please yourself at home, you will need mere pennies and a little efficiency. Heated debates and discussions take place not only about the methods of cooking corn, but also about the cooking time. But in reality, this matter is not so complicated, it is only important to know some subtleties.

Detailed video instructions

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Choosing corn for cooking

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Varieties and their differences

At first glance, identical cobs may actually turn out to be completely different in taste, which depends on the type, variety of corn and its degree of maturity. Without delving too deeply into the variety of varieties, all corn can be divided into two main types: food or sweet and regular feed, which is intended mainly for animal feed. You can eat both food and feed corn. Some “gourmets” like the harsh and less sugary feed varieties even more, but still it is food corn that has the best taste, because its juicy sweet grains simply melt in your mouth. To prepare young food corn of early varieties it will take from 15 minutes to one hour, while forage and late varieties will have to be cooked from two to five hours.

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How to choose corn

It is best to choose freshly picked ears of young edible corn for cooking. You should buy unhusked corn, since the natural “wrapper” will indicate not only the freshness of the cob, but will also prevent it from drying out prematurely. First of all, bright green leaves and slightly damp, cool “antennae” will help you identify young cobs. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that the corn was picked a long time ago and may have already lost some of its juiciness. So that there is not a single doubt about the quality of the purchased product, you can carry out a simple ripeness test: at the very base, press one of the grains with your fingernail: if it turns out to be soft and juice comes out, then everything is in perfect order - this is young, so-called milk corn . The tougher and drier the seed, the riper and older the cob. The degree of corn ripeness affects not only the cooking time, but also the taste of the product. The fact is that when corn dries, the sugar inside the grains begins to turn into starch, which deprives it of its aroma and sweetness.

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How to cook corn on the cob correctly

1. Preparing the cobs for cooking

First of all, you need to prepare the cobs for cooking. Some people prefer to completely remove leaves and tendrils from raw corn. Others only remove dirty leaves. Both the first and second are right in their own way. The fact is that leaves and fibers make corn more juicy and aromatic, but when boiled they are rather poorly cleaned. What to do? Completely clean the cobs of all excess, and place the leaves and “tendrils” in a saucepan separately.

2. Select a container for cooking

The pan for cooking corn should be wide and deep enough so that you don't have to break the cobs, and thick-walled. A cauldron or cast iron pot that can be tightly closed with a lid is ideal. Using a pressure cooker will significantly speed up the cooking process. In order for the corn to retain all its nutrients, it should be cooked over low heat, at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.

3. Lay the cobs

Place corn leaves on the bottom of the pan, and place the peeled cobs on them. It is advisable to place the leaves on the sides so that the corn does not come into contact with the walls of the container. We also cover the top of the cobs with leaves and add “antennae” that will make the corn sweet and appetizing.

4. Fill with water

Fill the corn with water so that it completely covers all the cobs and put the pan on the fire. How long to cook corn? On average, corn takes 40 minutes to cook, but depending on the variety, the process can take from 20 minutes to 3-5 hours. When cooking, it is important to periodically check the corn for doneness. During cooking, the corn must be completely covered with water, and the water, even when cooking over low heat, must be boiling.

5. To salt or not to salt...

There is no need to add salt to the water under any circumstances., especially if you are cooking dessert varieties of corn, whose grains contain significantly more water than feed and milling varieties. Salt speeds up the process of releasing water from the grains into the broth and the finished product will be less juicy and tasty.

6. Readiness test

We carefully monitor the cooking process, from time to time picking up the cob with a fork, pinching off a grain and tasting until the corn is boiled. If the kernels are soft, juicy and easy to chew, then the corn is ready and can be turned off and served.

7. Serve piping hot

The most delicious corn is when it's hot, so it's best to enjoy it immediately after cooking. Remove the cob from the pan, let the excess water drain, and clean it of leaves and fibers if the corn was boiled unpeeled. Corn is served to the table on a hot plate with skewers so you don’t have to get your hands dirty, rubbed with salt and eaten. In addition to salt, the corn can be coated with butter and spices.

8. Subtleties of storage

The cooked corn should cool right in the pan. If you take it out of the water, it may shrink and lose its appetizing appearance. Without loss of technological and taste qualities, corn can be left in water for three to four hours at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. You can store boiled corn in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Frozen corn

When the corn season is behind us, but you still want to enjoy the golden grains, a semi-finished product will come to the rescue - frozen corn on the cob. It is processed with steam and instantly frozen, which helps preserve all the valuable consumer properties of the product. Cooking frozen corn will not be difficult, because it is much less hassle than with fresh corn. Just put it in boiling water and cook until done. After secondary boiling, complete cooking time is only 20-25 minutes. Place the finished corn on a skewer, grease with vegetable oil, rub with salt and serve.

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Useful properties of corn

Golden corn is not only tasty, but also a very healthy food product - a real treasure trove of vitamins and microelements! To provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, it is enough to eat 40-50 grams of corn per day. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamin C, E, B, PP. Due to its high fiber content, corn helps cleanse the body of toxins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Doctors recommend consuming corn for people with diabetes, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, obesity, and gastrointestinal pathologies. Regular consumption of corn is an excellent prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the substances contained in corn help normalize metabolic processes in the brain and improve memory. Corn also has a positive effect on the functioning of the neuromuscular system: it nourishes and restores nerve cells, and also affects the formation of healthy muscle fibers. Few people know that golden corn kernels are also the only carrier of natural gold! Don't deny yourself the golden pleasure!

Usually the main question for housewives is this:

“How long should you cook corn so that it is juicy and sweet, and not tough and tasteless?”

Let's start with the fact that the choice of time to cook corn in a pan depends on the variety and degree of maturity of the corn cobs.

How to choose the right corn for cooking

There are several tricky tips that will 100% help you not make a mistake in choosing cobs:

  1. Look at the shape of the corn cobs - large and plump, slightly rounded - these are just right.
  2. After you have chosen the ears of corn you like, you need to look at their degree of maturity. This can be easily determined by the color of the corn cob and tendrils - they should be light. The brown color indicates that the cobs are overripe - these are not worth taking.
  3. The leaves of the cobs should be green and not withered. You shouldn’t buy corn without leaves; it could dry out and you won’t be able to cook it tasty.
  4. The color of the grains should be light yellow or light beige. This is milk corn - the best for cooking.
  5. If the corn grains are small and completely milky white, then these are very young ears. They have not yet collected the necessary juice.
  6. Kernels with dimples are an indicator of overripe corn.
  7. Also, if the corn kernels are bright yellow, then it is already overripe.
  8. An additional test for maturity can be another examination of the cob grains. Try piercing the largest kernel at the base of the corn with your fingernail. If the nail goes in easily, it means the corn is milky, moderately ripe and very tasty - you will feel it right away.
You shouldn't choose this kind of corn

How long to cook corn in a saucepan

In order for the corn to cook at the same time, you need to cook approximately equal sized cobs in one pan. If the cobs are large, they can be cut into pieces or in half.

  1. Very young (still unripe) small corn should be boiled in boiling water without salt for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Milk corn (the best choice for boiling) should be cooked for about 20-25 minutes. In this case, you need to taste the largest kernels at the base of the largest corn in the pan to understand the readiness of the cob.
  3. If you end up with overripe corn, then it is advisable to cook it for 50-60 minutes (sometimes longer), while tasting it.


Salt should never be used when cooking corn.

Only after the corn is removed from the pan, it is rubbed with salt, and you can also add butter (if desired).

Corn recipe - how to cook it correctly in a saucepan (step by step)

Corn can be cooked with or without leaves, the main thing is to soak it for an hour in cold water before cooking.

Taking into account all the tips for boiling corn on the cob, you can easily and quickly cook sweet, juicy and tender corn.

1. Select the right ears of corn, peel them from the leaves (you can cook them with leaves), wash them and soak them in cold water for an hour.

2. Pour water into the pan and wait until it boils, add the corn only to boiling water - the cobs should be completely covered with water.

3. Cook milk corn for 20-25 minutes.
4. Remove and rub with salt. You can add oil as desired.

This is how easy it is to prepare delicious and sweet corn.

Video - How to eat corn correctly

How can you cook overripe corn deliciously?

You can try soaking overripe corn for 3-4 hours in milk mixed with water in proportions of 50 to 50. And then boil it in boiling water for an hour and a half.

Knowing how to cook corn soft and juicy, you will be able to improve the quality characteristics of your favorite delicacy and enjoy its excellent taste. You can cook the cobs traditionally in a saucepan or use other kitchen gadgets.

How to cook corn deliciously?

If one of your favorite summer dishes is boiled corn, the method of preparing the delicacy and secrets for improving its taste will help you improve the results when boiling corn on the cob.

  1. The key to success will primarily be the correctly selected raw materials. The ideal option is young corn of milky ripeness, with slightly soft, but elastic and plump grains of light yellow or milky white color. The rich yellow color indicates that the cobs are overripe.
  2. Corn is often stripped of its green leaves before cooking. However, this procedure is not mandatory and can be performed after heat treatment of the raw materials.
  3. There is an opinion that the foliage gives the finished snack an unprecedented aroma and retains juiciness, so many housewives recommend even alternating peeled cobs in a bowl with washed leaves.
  4. The dish will be juicier if you pre-soak the corn for at least an hour in a container of cold water.
  5. Preparing boiled vegetable sugar corn of suitable quality takes no more than 30 minutes. Of these, the cooking time is 15-20 minutes. It is important not to miss the moment of readiness and not to overcook the grains, which will lose their juiciness and acquire unnecessary hardness.
  6. No salt is added to the water during cooking. Add some salt to the finished product upon serving or add salt to the water upon completion of heat treatment.

How to cook corn in a saucepan - recipe

Even the most common, simple and accessible recipe for boiled corn in a saucepan can be executed in different ways by adding spices or other additives to the cooking water. The version proposed below can be used as a basis for your own culinary experiments, looking for a unique option that suits your preferences.


  • young corn – 6-7 pcs.;
  • water – 4-5 l;


  1. Place the prepared corn into the pan. Large cobs can be cut in half.
  2. Fill the contents of the container with cold water until it is covered by 2 cm.
  3. Place the vessel on the stove and cook the corn from the moment of boiling for 15 minutes.
  4. When serving, season the hot cobs with butter and salt.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

The following recipe is how to cook corn soft and juicy using a microwave oven for this purpose. Supporters of classical cooking will be pleasantly surprised by the final result and will undoubtedly adopt the method. Depending on the power of the device, the cooking time may be longer or shorter than stated.


  • young sweet corn – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, butter for serving.


  1. Unpeeled cobs along with leaves are sent to the microwave oven for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Before serving, the cooked boiled meat is peeled and seasoned with salt and butter if desired.

How to cook corn on the cob in a slow cooker?

Easy and simple to prepare A couple of small cobs can be steamed on a wire rack, and larger quantities or large specimens should be filled with water in a bowl until completely covered. The indicated cooking time is designed for using exclusively sugar grade vegetables.


  • corn – 6-7 pcs.;
  • water – 4-5 l;


  1. The cobs are cleaned of leaves and fibers and placed in a multi-pan.
  2. Pour in water until the contents are completely covered.
  3. Turn on the device in the “Steam” or “Steam” mode for 20 minutes.
  4. After the signal, the soft boiled corn will be ready for tasting.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker?

Boiled corn in a pressure cooker will be ready within 6-7 minutes from the moment the water boils. Therefore, if your kitchen has a similar gadget as part of a multicooker or as a stand-alone device, feel free to use it to prepare your favorite snack. With good initial quality of the base product, the taste of the delicacy will delight you with its constant juiciness and softness.


  • corn – 6-7 pcs.;
  • water – 4-5 l;
  • salt and butter for serving.


  1. Place the cleaned cobs into the container of the device and fill it with water.
  2. When using a multi-cooker, select the “Steam” mode and cook the contents for 7 minutes.
  3. It will take the same amount of time to cook the cobs in a device on the stove.

How to cook corn in a double boiler?

It will be especially fragrant and most useful. In a similar manner, you can cook both fresh and frozen cobs, increasing the cooking time of the latter by 10-15 minutes. The resulting hot delicacy will be tastier if you grease it with a slice of salted or spicy butter.


  • corn – 6 pcs.;
  • water;
  • salted butter.


  1. Clean the corn from leaves and fibers and place it on a steamer rack.
  2. Pour water into the device and turn on the timer for 35-40 minutes.
  3. When ready, hot cobs are seasoned with butter.

How to cook corn in the oven?

Boiled corn on the cob, the recipe for which will be outlined next, is prepared in a non-standard way, far from classical cooking. In this case, the cobs are baked in foil in the oven, which gives them an extraordinary rich taste, preserving the juiciness of the grains. Often, the vegetable is rubbed with a mixture of butter with the addition of herbs, garlic, and all kinds of spices and seasonings.


  • corn – 6 pcs.;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • greens – 0.5 bunch
  • spices - to taste;
  • salt for serving.


  1. The prepared cobs are rubbed with a mixture of softened butter, chopped herbs and spices.
  2. Wrap each cob in foil and place on a baking sheet.
  3. Turn on the device for 45 minutes, setting the temperature to 220 degrees.

How to cook old corn soft and juicy?

From the recommendations below, you will learn how to cook old corn so that it turns out to be as soft and juicy as younger, milky-ripe cobs. By properly preparing the initial product before heat treatment, it will be possible to transform the characteristics of raw materials that, as previously seemed, were no longer suitable for cooking.


  • corn – 6 pcs.;
  • milk – 1-1.5 l;
  • water;
  • salt and butter for serving.


  1. Peeled old corn must first be soaked in a mixture of milk and cold water, taking the components in equal proportions.
  2. Leave the corn in the milk medium for at least 4 hours, ensuring the cobs are completely covered with liquid and pressing them down with a plate.
  3. Rinse the product after soaking and boil it, choosing any accessible and convenient method.
  4. The cooking time for corn in this case may be longer than usual and amount to 30-40 minutes.

Boiled corn with salt - recipe

Boiled salted corn is a recipe that for many knowledgeable housewives may seem like a utopia. After all, it has long been known that salt increases the hardness of grains and prevents the production of a soft and juicy snack. However, if you salt the water after boiling the cobs and leave them in the pan under the lid for 30 minutes, the grains will not become hard, but will acquire the salted juiciness that many people adore.


  • corn – 6 pcs.;
  • water – 5-6 l;
  • salt, oil - to taste.


  1. The peeled corn is poured with water and placed on the stove to cook.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, remove the pan from the heat, add salt to the water, cover the vessel with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Serve the delicacy, flavored with butter if desired.

How to cook corn in milk?

Another original method with recommendations on how to cook sweet corn soft and juicy is presented below. The secret to getting the perfect taste of the delicacy is to use a milky cooking medium. In this case, milk and butter are added to the water, which transforms the characteristics of the snack beyond recognition and speeds up the process.


  • corn – 6-8 pcs.;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • water – 2 l;
  • butter – 0.5-1 pack;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. The peeled cobs are poured with water and brought to a boil.
  2. Add milk and butter and let the contents boil again.
  3. After 8 minutes of cooking, corn boiled in milk will be ready. You can salt it to taste and enjoy its excellent characteristics.

Sweet Boiled Corn – Recipe

The next one is presented at home for true sweet tooths. The already sweet sugar cobs are even richer in taste thanks to a portion of granulated sugar added to the water. Butter or milk will add extra tenderness to the grains.