Frappuccino coffee from Starbucks: what is it, recipes. Starbucks coffee drinks

As for the price range of Starbucks products, it is a reflection of the oil-driven economic boom. Classic coffee Toll size costs 75 rubles, or about $2.92. The most expensive drink on the menu was a venti-sized mocha at 230 rubles, or about $8.96, while in New York it costs $4.71. Accordingly, prices are about 40% -50% higher than American ones, although for Russian establishments these are quite normal and acceptable figures (for example, 220 rubles for 473 ml of cappuccino).

Compared to competitors, the average cost of a cup of coffee in fashion coffee shops is more than 270 rubles. ("Coffeemania"), Costa Coffee has 185-240 rubles, while large Russian networks the cost of coffee varies from 180 to 230 rubles. Two factors influenced this pricing policy - firstly, because of the high rent, and secondly, to create an upscale image associated with the Starbucks brand. However, the company focuses on relatively inexpensive but high-quality coffee products so that consumers do not perceive it as an inaccessible and intimidating coffee chain, as compared to its competitors in Russia, the cost of drinks is slightly cheaper than that of competitors such as "Shokoladnitsa", "Coffee House", "Costa Coffee" and other caffeine (Fig. 5). (At first glance, Starbucks products seem to be slightly more expensive than the rest of its competitors, but if you pay attention to the volume of the cup, then the cost per 1 ml is lower than others).

Figure 5. Comparison of prices for coffee drinks in Moscow.

In developing its business, Starbucks tried to follow its mission and continue to put its soul into every cup of coffee sold, both in the Russian market and in all other markets where the company exists.

Market segmentation

The coffee shop market Russian Federation has a wide geographical location, but most coffee shops are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On the this moment There are over 3,000 coffee houses in Russia.

At the same time, more than half of the coffee shops are chain stores. According to the company inFOLIO Research Group, of the coffee houses operating in the Russian Federation, about 510 are located in Moscow, about 390 - in St. Petersburg.

The rest of the million-plus cities account for only a little over 400 coffee houses. At the same time, in cities with a population of less than 150 thousand people, the company's specialists recorded only 77 establishments positioning themselves as coffee houses. The rest of the coffee houses are located in cities with a population of 150,000 to 1 million people. These cities account for about 2,000 coffee shops.

All representatives of the coffee market can be divided into two categories: expensive establishments where average check ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles (Coffeemania, Alexandria, Moscow-Berlin), and establishments designed for a visitor with an average income level, where the average check amount is 500 - 1,000 rubles (Starbucks, Shokoladnitsa) , "Coffee House", "Coffee-Tun",). The widest chain of coffee houses in Russia is "Shokoladnitsa", which occupies 19.1% of the total coffee house market. Shokoladnitsa is followed by the Coffee House chain of coffee houses, which occupies about 17% of the coffee house market. "Shokoladnitsa" and "Coffee House" are the two largest players in the market, the share of which in total is about 30%. "Starbucks" holds 5.4% Russian market, and "Caffeine" 3.1%.

As for the potential customers of coffee shops, it is worth noting that, in general, coffee shops are losing popularity: according to Synovate Comcon, in 2013 they were visited by 18 percent of the population (about 25 million people a year), and already in 2014 attendance fell to 13 percent (about 18 million people per year). In 2014, coffee shops are outperformed by establishments offering fast food (19.7 percent), sushi (16.4 percent) and pizza (15 percent). Therefore, it can be expected that by the end of 2015, the number of coffee shop customers will decrease due to the unstable economic situation in the country.

Data on the total sales volume are presented in Figure 2. This diagram shows that the sales volume in 2012 amounted to 6593.7 million rubles. In 2013, the sales volume increased by 6% and amounted to 6989.4 million rubles. Then, there was a sharp decline of 15% in 2014, and sales amounted to 5940.9 million rubles. A sharp decline in 2014 occurred in the second half of the year.

This decline was caused by a reduction in customers, an increase in the exchange rate and an unstable economic situation in Russia.

In Russia, coffee is drunk differently than in the rest of the world. Firstly, in winter we love ice-cold frappuccino, and secondly, to get real pleasure from coffee, we do not always have enough knowledge. coffee house manager Starbucks in the mall VegasCrocusCity, Vyacheslav Schepotkin, shared some of the most important facts about coffee that everyone should know.

Russians and coffee

Speaking about preferences when choosing drinks in a coffee shop, Vyacheslav noted that traditionally cold drinks order in the warm season, and spicy and warming - in the cold, but the Russians out of this statistics are knocked out. They can order an ice cold frappuccino even at minus 30.

Coffee should be drunk

Many of us throughout our lives drink coffee like water, in large sips. Few people know that, in fact, the drink, the sales volume of which is second only to oil worldwide, should be drunk with a drink so that the taste and all the shades of coffee are fully transferred. By sending a portion of coffee into the mouth and sipping loudly, we simultaneously activate all the receptors located on the tongue, which allows us to feel everything. taste characteristics coffee. The taste of the drink with such drinking, even without sugar and milk, does not seem bitter, not sour, but really pleasant.

Taste characteristics of coffee

· Aroma

Contrary to popular belief, roasting coffee beans has little effect on taste qualities drink. Notes in the aroma are mainly associated with the coffee growing region. The main thing to remember here: the darker the variety, the richer taste and vice versa - the lighter, the less saturated it is.

· Kislinka

Sourness is usually felt on the sides of the tongue and at the tip, the sensation is similar to tasting citrus or berries. Varieties of coffee with a strong acidity - bright, sharp, invigorating, with a slight acidity - leave a smooth aftertaste.

· Taste

The taste of coffee, as a rule, is determined by the region of growth, the method of processing and the degree of roasting. Some flavor notes of coffee are obvious, while others are barely perceptible. Try to "open" the coffee to taste. Citrus, cocoa, berries are just a few flavor notes you can feel.

How to choose coffee

When choosing coffee, you need to pay attention to the region of growth: African coffee has a pronounced acidity, hints of citrus fruits and berries, for which we love many connoisseurs of coffee from Africa. Varieties from Latin America have a nutty aftertaste, hints of cocoa and soft spices. Coffee from Asia is valued for its herbaceous and spicy notes in taste and aroma.

Special roast Starbucks

Starbucks has its own special coffee roasting technology, which is divided into three stages: blonde, medium, dark (only high-quality Arabica is used for roasting):

The first stage - green coffee beans are sent to a heated container, where they begin to roast, like corn. Gradually, the grains begin to lose moisture and weight (about 74 kg of coffee per 100 kg of grains).

"First Cotton". The second stage of coffee roasting takes place over the next 7-8 minutes, when the so-called "first cotton" begins - the green beans burst, turn light brown and begin to release coffee oils.

"Second Cotton". From the third stage, a special Starbucks roast begins - the light brown grains burst again and now become dark brown, and then darker, depending on the duration of the roast.

To prepare the perfect cup of coffee, you need to know 4 basic points:

· Proportions

The recipe for great coffee is two tablespoons of ground coffee (10 grams) for every 180 ml of water. Correct Proportions allow you to feel the full bouquet of coffee taste and give a rich fragrant cup.

· Grinding

Each method of brewing coffee has its own specific grind. So, to prepare a drink in a French press, the grinding should be coarse, and for the Turks - fine.

· Water

A cup of coffee contains 98% water, so the water you use to make coffee must be clean, fresh and free of impurities. Ideally, water heated almost to a boil (90 to 96 degrees C) is ideal.

· Freshness

Freshness - important element To prepare the perfect cup of coffee, for best results, coffee should be ground just before brewing.

Coffee and food: the best combinations

What goes best with coffee? As an addition to the drink, choose the product whose flavor notes are felt in the coffee itself: in African varieties there are berry and citrus notes, so pastries with berries, candied fruits or just fresh fruits. Suitable for Sumatra roasted coffee cream cheese, cinnamon and other spices. Variety "Columbia" is best supplemented with nuts, nougat or caramel.

About coffee storage rules

The main enemy of coffee is air, it is he who, upon contact with grains, causes them to lose their precious oils, therefore, when storing coffee, it is necessary to protect it as much as possible from the penetration of air and sunlight. It is best to store the bag in a dark place.

Photo: Starbucks press service

If you decide to go into business, but don’t know which area to choose and which way to go, then buying a franchise of your favorite coffee or shop will help you. For example, the Starbucks coffee mogul provides the opportunity to open your own coffee shop under your brand name. We will look at how to purchase a Starbucks franchise, how it differs from the standard franchise scheme and what its prices are here.

A few statistics about the Starbucks Corporation chain in a nutshell. The company has more than 19 thousand operating points in 60 countries around the world, including Russia. The coffee house is loved by many customers for its uniqueness of the products offered and, no doubt, for its quality. Starbucks restaurants offer freshly brewed coffee different recipes, cakes, sandwiches. The interior of each object creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, conducive to sincere conversations. The target audience of Starbucks is students, businessmen and creative people.

The history of the development of the popular Starbucks coffee house

There is a whole story about how the Starbucks coffee shop was born. It cannot be mentioned, because it was the history of creation that generated a huge interest in Starbucks coffee shops. It took forty years to turn from a small shop selling coffee and equipment for roasting it at home into a world-famous network with a recognizable brand in almost all parts of the world.

The beginning of the creation of the coffee magnate was laid by three people in 1971, when they decided to open their own shop and sell coffee, equipment for its preparation. Further, the network developed at a slow pace. The firm's name was taken from Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" (the name of a mate on a whaling ship). In 1987, a small chain store is bought out by its hired head Howard Schultz. The popularity is growing rapidly around the world.

Starbucks is known for being aggressive against competitors in its market. Because of a large number players, the competition could only be won by hard advertising campaigns, which Starbucks did, despite the fact that the cost of products in coffee shops exceeds the average price of competitors.

In Russia, Starbucks is also remembered for the history of its appearance. A certain Starbucks LLC company illegally opened the first coffee house under this brand, after which it had long legal proceedings with the founder and owner of the brand. The original coffee shop opened in Russia only in 2007 in Moscow.

How does the Starbucks franchise differ from the standard franchise system in Russia and in the world?

Perhaps due to the negative first appearance of the Starbucks brand in our country, or other consequences, it is not so easy to buy a franchise. And to the question "how much does it cost?" it will be difficult to answer with one sentence and a number here.
To date, 74 facilities have been opened in Russia, of which 64 are located in Moscow. This suggests that it is still possible to create your own Starbucks coffee shop, but will it be a franchise or another way? What is the specificity of the brand's franchising system, does it really exist?

  1. It should be noted right away that Starbucks does not and will not have a specific strategy for the development of the franchising network. The concept of "franchise" does not exist in the development policy of the company, it tries to avoid this term and any negotiations regarding franchising;
  2. The corollary of the first point is that each proposal to open a Starbucks-branded coffee shop is considered on a case-by-case basis;
  3. The European and American Starbucks coffee chains are developing through the purchase of outlets of chains of other brands, due to which a joint venture is organized;
  4. Official operating Starbucks franchise facilities do exist, but they are given as an exception. The latter were sold to famous personalities. But this, again, suggests that each offer to open a new coffee shop is considered individually by the company;
  5. In Russia, it is quite difficult to get an agreement to open a new Starbucks outlet. To enter the trust of the company and get approval for the operation of your coffee shop under the Starbucks brand, you need to go through many approval procedures and act according to the strict requirements of the company. See below for more details on this.

The cost of investing in opening a coffee shop

Since Starbucks does not sell a franchise, there will be no support from the company. This means that all procedures for opening a coffee shop are carried out on their own. This suggests that the cost of investment will be quite high.

On average, opening a coffee shop in Russia requires an investment of 2.5 thousand dollars per square meter of premises. In total, the cost of investments will be 170 thousand dollars, which is much higher than buying a franchise under the standard system. The price includes necessary equipment, the corresponding interior design, as well as the purchase of goods.

How much will the investment pay off? Despite the high purchase and opening price of the facility, the coffee shop will pay for itself in 2 years, since the profitability of each new Starbucks outlet reaches 50-100%.

How to buy a Starbucks franchise: conditions

There are two ways to operate under the popular Starbucks brand in Russia: open your own coffee shop and work on a joint venture basis in the future, or get a license agreement signed with the company.

The main difference between such work and the franchise system is that an individual entrepreneur will not receive support from the copyright holder company. The terms of the license agreement for Russia include:

  • the right to use the Starbucks brand and technology;
  • monthly deductions of the parent company, the amount of which is calculated on an individual basis;
  • conducting strict control of the licensee on compliance with all company standards.

Starbucks establishments are a brand with a worldwide reputation. These coffee houses are most popular, of course, in America. But in other countries they are no less in demand. Americans even have a common expression that they spend almost as much time at Starbucks as they do at work and at home.

What allowed the popular coffee house to win such a love of customers? Just the presence quality coffee, which in these institutions is undoubtedly beyond praise? quality products Starbucks food products are by no means the only reason for the popularity and relevance of this brand. We will talk about how Starbucks started its journey and developed.

How it all began

The history of the legendary Starbucks began back in 1972. Pals Zev Siegl, Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker decided to open small business for three - a shop selling coffee beans, as well as various devices for roasting and brewing coffee. Entrepreneurs owe the name of their business to the world-famous literary work "Moby Dick" by the author Herman Melville.

Why coffee? Yes, it’s just that all three of them loved this freshly brewed passion, flavored drink. For about 10 years in a row, the coffee shop did very well. And in the 1980s, the business began to undergo some changes.

The arrival of Howard Schultz in business

Zev Siegl was the first to leave the business, and it happened in 1980. At that time, the business was no longer one small store, but a whole network of six outlets throughout Washington.

Howard Schultz, who today is a key figure in Starbucks, was a spokesman for Hammarplast in 1981. One of Hammarplast's activities was the production of plastic thermoses. And it was these thermoses that Starbucks owners often bought for use in their business. Howard Schultz became interested in their activities and began to provide all kinds of support to the business.

A year later, Schultz headed the marketing department of Starbucks. After working quite a bit, he went to Milan, where a major exhibition of tableware for institutions was held. Catering, to represent Starbucks. There he learned about the traditions of making espresso coffee, which sowed in his soul even more love for the coffee business. Continuing to study the Italian culture of drinking coffee, Schultz also visited Verona, from where he brought a recipe for the now mega-popular coffee - latte.

Around the same time, an idea was born in Schultz's head, which at that time became something like an epiphany. He wanted to create institutions in which only admirers would gather good coffee and enjoy this drink in a cozy atmosphere. He developed the whole concept of such establishments for a couple of years, improving and honing even the smallest details.

Embodiment of a new concept

Jerry Baldun, who at that time was still the head of the Starbucks chain of stores, for some reason did not want to fully immerse himself in catering business however, Howard's idea appealed to him. Thus, the first espresso bar was created on the territory of one of the existing Starbucks stores. Businessmen were interested in what would come of it.

The Starbucks chain continued to grow, and when the first coffee shop in Seattle was opened, it gained wild and instant popularity among coffee lovers. Within a couple of months, the daily number of visitors just went through the roof, and sales were several times higher than in all other Starbucks stores combined.

1987 was the year that ownership of the coffee shop chain passed to a group of Seattle investors. The deal was worth $3.7 million. Howard Schultz, using his talent of persuasion, was able to persuade investors to pay exactly this amount, promising that in the next five years, the network could expand to 125 outlets. Shops that had until then only sold coffee beans were transformed into cafes. The Starbucks logo has also been tweaked and redesigned into a more "decent" version (previously the logo featured a topless mermaid).

Further, the development of Starbucks began more than rapidly. Separate cafes appeared in cities such as Chicago, Portland, Vancouver and others. In the early 1990s, the company experienced the following changes: Starbucks grocery stores were opened at airports; the state of California was conquered; as well as the company went public and began to openly place its shares.

In 1997, the number of Starbucks coffee shops was already ten times higher than in the early 1990s. Not only residents of America, but also residents of Japan and Singapore could treat themselves to a trip to this legendary place. By the way, the first Starbucks outlet outside of America was opened in Tokyo (Japan) in 1996.

Expansion of activities

After a while, it became clear to business owners that it would be time to expand their activities and go beyond the sale of coffee in catering establishments. Then an agreement was concluded with United Airlines, the subject of which was the sale of Starbucks coffee on airplanes. Started cooperation with the manufacturer elite tea Tazo Tea Company.

Starbucks also began to completely conquer the Internet, and the first step towards this was the service of ordering products online. In cooperation with Dreyer, the production of high-quality coffee ice cream began, and ground coffee and Starbucks coffee beans were now available at Wall-Mart.

As you know, the most effective advertising It's word of mouth. It is largely to this ad that Starbucks owes its overwhelming success. In 2004, a record-breaking coffee business number of points of sale, namely 1344. Starbucks coffee shops appeared in Bulgaria, Chile, Hungary, Romania, Bahrain, Canada. Now the number of coffee houses has about 17 thousand.

Starbucks today

To date, the famous logo with the image of a mermaid in a crown can be found in more than 9 thousand cities, and more than 20 million people around the world become customers of these establishments every day. In Starbucks establishments, you can enjoy not only coffee itself, but also other drinks, as well as snacks and sweets.