Classic Thai Tom Yam soup: recipes. Spicy Thai tom yum soup

Preparations and various recipes Tom Yum soup.

If you really want to surprise your family and friends, and also open the curtain of the famous and popular all over the world Thai cuisine, then start with the first courses, you can find them great amount for every taste. Let's take a closer look at how you can prepare one of the most delicious soups in Thailand - Tom Yum at home.

Ingredients, composition, spices, seasonings of Tom Yum soup

Thailand is a country of contrasts and a huge amount of nourishing and high-quality products. Many tourists travel to the country not only to see the sights, but to try a huge number of interesting dishes.

Any gourmet will find something of his own and will not remain indifferent. This country captivates at first sight and amazes with the diversity of its cuisine.

If you are deciding where to go on vacation with your family or friends, then do not lose this wonderful opportunity to see everything with your own eyes. But if it still doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged, Thai dishes can end up on your table thanks to your efforts.

The main feature is the combination variety of ingredients and seasonings. Once you try it, you won't be able to forget it refined taste and an original, memorable aroma. There are many different variations classic soup, choose the one you like.

If Thai cuisine has won your heart, you like to spend your free time in the kitchen, preparing various delicacies, then for the classic spicy and very tasty Tom Yam soup you will need (for 2 servings):

  • 200 g boiled meat Chicken
  • 350 g shrimp
  • 200 g mushrooms to your taste
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 1 tsp sugar

As a seasoning, you will need 0.5 tbsp of a special hot paste, which is based on various spices. It can be ordered in special online stores that provide a wide selection of cooking products:

  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 0.25 g lemon juice

Aromatic spices will add a special Asian touch to this soup:

  • lemongrass – 3 stems
  • Galangal – 2 pcs.
  • Hot chili pepper – 2 pcs.
  • bunch of cilantro
  • 3 medium kaffir lime leaves

To prepare this soup, follow the proportions and add hot paste to taste. The basis of the dish is a broth of chicken, shrimp and mushrooms. Added to them specified quantity spices

Everything should boil for no more than 5 minutes. Finally add tomato, garlic, lemon juice and sugar.

Remember that the spices need to be drawn out; they will release their aroma immediately after boiling a little. Pleasant sour pungent taste, reminds us of the peculiarities of Thai cuisine and brings back feelings of delight and true pleasure. In the future, you can use this recipe, adapting it depending on your preferences.

Video: Recipe for real Tom Yam soup

Original recipe for Tom Yum soup with coconut milk with photo

To prepare this soup, you need (for 7 servings):

  • 800-900 g chicken meat
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Celery - 2 stalks
  • Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs. This is needed to prepare the broth.

To prepare the soup, take:

  • 450 g mushrooms
  • 400 g tomatoes
  • Fish – 450 gr
  • Lemongrass – 3-4 stems
  • Green lime leaves – 10 pcs.
  • Galangal 3 pcs
  • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Spicy paste - 1 tbsp. l
  • Coconut milk – 0.5 l
  • Half a lime
  • Fish sauce – 0.5 cups
Tom Yum with coconut milk

The first step is to make the broth. For this:

  • Take 2 liters of water and prepare all the necessary ingredients.
  • Fry the onions and carrots until golden color, place chicken and vegetables into boiling water.
  • Then prepare the fish, cut it into small pieces.
  • Cook it for about 5 minutes so that it retains its shape.
  • Add mushrooms to the previously cooked broth, the main spices that are used as business card for this famous dish.
  • After these ingredients have simmered for 4 minutes, squeeze out the lime juice and add coconut milk.
  • Finally, if you wish, you can garnish with cilantro or chili pepper slices.

Bon appetit everyone.

Tom Yam soup with shrimp: recipe

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp chili paste
  • 400 g shrimp (it all depends on their size)
  • 4 finely chopped pieces of ginger
  • 2 stalks lemon grass
  • 3 kaffir leaves
  • 2 pcs. galangal
  • 100 g mushrooms

In order to prepare this dish, you need to find all the ingredients in advance, because it is they, in their amazing combination, that create perfect taste, which sets it apart from others. Every tourist dreams of trying it in order to understand the specifics of Thailand and, at least for a moment, to touch the heart of the country - an original cuisine rich in a variety of heady aromas.

You can easily prepare chili paste yourself; to do this, take:

  • 4 onions
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 4 chili peppers and blend everything thoroughly using a blender.

To make the resulting mass more homogeneous, add a little water and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. So that the soup has a little sweetish taste, you can add 4 tomatoes and 1 tsp sugar.

The resulting mixture needs to be heated a little in a frying pan so that all the aromas are fully revealed. Meanwhile:

  • Carefully clean the shrimp and cut them a little so that they take on an interesting shape when cooked.
  • When serving, they can be beautifully displayed to complete your cooking masterpiece. Don’t throw away the shells; they will be perfect for making fat in the future.
  • Fry all these ingredients in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil to spicy aromas connected with each other.
  • Add 2 liters of fish stock and let sit for 5 minutes. boil and you can safely pull out the spicy spices and shells, because this soup is served on the table without them. They will give off their aroma and make the soup very rich and unique.

Tom Yam with shrimp

You will feel thin spicy taste, which cannot be compared with anything in the world. Pamper yourself, make a holiday just like that, without any special reason, and you will plunge into the world of unforgettable taste emotions.

Recipe for Tom Yum soup with chicken

This soup can be prepared with different ingredients, in combination with spices you will get the same taste. If you prefer chicken meat, then preparing the original Thai soup will not be difficult.

Its advantage is that it is universal and can be prepared in the styles of different cuisines. It will turn out just as rich and aromatic as in previous recipes. In order for you to succeed, you will need:

  • a set of spices that were listed above: lemongrass - 2 stems, green lime leaves - 2 pcs., galangal 1 pc., chili pepper - 3 pcs. medium size.
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. a special hot paste based on various spices. It can be ordered in special online stores that provide a wide selection of cooking products, or you can prepare it yourself, as described above.
  • 900 gr. chicken meat
  • 2 bouillon cubes
  • 0.25 ml coconut milk (amount can be increased depending on the number of servings)
  • 1 lime
  • 3 chili peppers
  • cilantro

Tom Yum with chicken

The sequence of the cooking process is as follows:

  • Mix the spices together and place on low heat so that they transfer their aroma and taste well to each other.
  • Meanwhile, wash the chicken thoroughly and cut it into small pieces.
  • When the spices are ready, add the pre-made broth, when all the ingredients begin to boil, add the chicken and place on low heat.
  • Add spicy paste to taste, taste and stir constantly.

Coconut milk can be replaced with cow's milk, and its quantity can also be increased if you do not have enough softness.

  • Add lime juice at the end.
  • Before serving, garnish the dish with cilantro, it will add a special touch.

Your family will certainly appreciate your efforts, especially if they are fans of spicy dishes. Bon appetit!

Video: Tom Yum with chicken

Tom Yam soup recipe with seafood

This version of this dish captivates all seafood lovers, because:

  • Lobsters not only very tasty, but also have many useful substances that contribute to the normal functioning of the body and saturation with microelements.
  • Squid are the main component of a balanced, healthy eating, they contain a huge amount of vitamins that are necessary for normal human life.
  • No less worthy of attention crabs and lobsters, their meat is very tender and has a special mild taste.
  • Oysters and mussels rich in phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium, and they also help improve metabolic processes in the body.

Of course, the choice is yours, but all of them are ideal for making this soup. The main thing is to enjoy the cooking process itself.

Tom Yam with seafood

You will need:

  • 0.5 tbsp chili paste
  • 500 gr. favorite seafood (it all depends on your preferences)
  • A set of previously mentioned spices
  • Bouillon cubes 2 pcs
  • Coconut milk

It is necessary to prepare all seafood in advance and remove all unnecessary elements. Further:

  • In a preheated frying pan, fry the spices with the seafood. When they are ready, add 1.5-2.5 liters of broth and wait until it boils.
  • After this, add coconut milk and lime juice to taste.
  • Spices can be pulled out, they gave all theirs beneficial features and aroma.
  • After boiling for 5 minutes on low heat, you can turn it off and pour into plates.

Best eaten with rice, but there are people who really like spicy, hot spices that they get real pleasure when they don’t snack on anything, but feel all the sophistication of the dish.

Choose your method, which will reveal to you the real aroma of this unforgettable soup. Have a nice day!

How to cook delicious Tom Yum soup in a slow cooker?

Multicookers have now become indispensable assistants in the kitchen. With them, the cooking process has become much faster, and the housewife has the opportunity to combine cooking with other equally important chores around the house.

To prepare this soup in a slow cooker, prepare all the necessary spices. Put all the necessary ingredients and click on the “Soups” mode.

While the spices are cooking, prepare:

  • chicken meat
  • mushrooms
  • shrimp or other seafood

Tom Yam from a multicooker
  • Pour fish broth, which will give the dish a special soft taste and extraordinary aroma.
  • After this, add the remaining ingredients, do not forget to stir constantly.
  • Let it simmer for 5 minutes. and you can add milk and lime.
  • Don’t rush to add salt, but try everything several times to determine exactly what is missing and what exactly needs to be added.

Once you have made sure that everything is perfect and spicy aromas are heard throughout the kitchen that drive everyone crazy, you can rest assured that your soup is ready to eat. All that’s left to do is to serve it on the table and invite all the relatives to dinner. Appreciate the richness of taste and abundance of aromas that permeate this famous dish.

How to make Tom Yum soup from a dry set?

If you decide to cook spicy soup from Thailand, and purchased a dry set, then you will also need:

  • 150 g of any seafood
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • chicken meat 700 g
  • 2 tomatoes
  • fish sauce
  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • lime juice
  • spicy paste
  • cilantro
  • greenery
Dry set for Tom Yum soup


  • To the boiling broth, add 2-3 dry peppers, 2 ginger roots, 2 lemon grass stalks, 2 kaffir leaves and 3 pcs. galangal.
  • These spices should simmer for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then add other ingredients: mushrooms, shrimp and chicken and tomatoes
  • Let them simmer for 5 minutes. and add 0.5 tbsp of hot paste, add coconut milk and a little lime juice to taste.

Thanks to special storage technology, sets for this soup retain their aroma and useful material long time. Don't worry, you won't lose anything if you cook it with dry spices.

They will be enough for you 3-4 times (it all depends, of course, on the number of servings). You will save time searching for everyone necessary ingredients and time to prepare lunch or dinner.

After all, dry sets do not require much time to cook; 2 minutes is enough. Try it and you will be able to experience all the benefits of such convenient sets.

Calorie content of Tom Yum soup

If you are watching your figure and constantly monitoring the amount of food you consume, then rest assured that from one serving you will receive a sufficient amount of kcal, but the product is not fatty and heavy for the body.

The table shows caloric content before the cooking process, as well as the finished product.

Product Measure Weight, g Bel, g Fat, g Angle, g Cal, kcal
Chicken broth 500 gr 500 8 2 1.2 60
Vegetable oil 4 tbsp 68 0 67.93 0 611.32
garlic 3 pieces 10 1.3 0.1 5.98 28.6
Lemon peel or lemongrass 5 g 5 0.05 0.01 0.15 0.8
Ginger root 10 g 10 0.18 0.08 1.58 8
Shrimp or other seafood 450 gr 450 99 4.5 0 436.5
Lime juice 20 gr 20 0.18 0.02 0.6 3.2
Coconut or cow's milk 400 gr 400 7.2 59.6 10.8 608
Hot peppers 2 pcs 40 0.8 0.08 3.8 16
Fresh or dried mushrooms 100 gr 100 4.3 1 1 27
sugar 2 tbsp. 50 0 0 49.85 199
Cilantro and other greens for garnish 30 gr 30 1.11 0.12 2.28 14.1
Total 1593 122.1 135.4 77.2 2012.5
1 serving 266 20.4 22.6 12.9 335.4
100 g 100 7.7 8.5 4.8 126.3

Video: Principles of cooking Tom Yum soup

Love to please your family and guests with delicious and unusual dishes? Choose original recipes? Don't stop at creating dishes traditional cuisine? Then you will probably be interested in a recipe that will help you prepare Thai Tom Yum soup. This hot and sour soup is... National dish Thailand, which has also spread to nearby countries. Prepare this dish you can do it at home.

The classic Tom Yam recipe involves creating a hot and sour soup that will appeal to many. Its base is usually pleasant chicken bouillon with squid, shrimp or other popular seafood, or with chicken or fish. It is widespread in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

If you translate the name of the dish, you will get the translation of 2 separate words: “Tom” - boiled, “Yam” - spicy salad. Following this logic, this concept unites almost everything hot and sour soups region, which are served hot. To clarify the type of dish, the type of meat used or the type of broth prepared is often added to the name.

  • Tom Yum Kung - a dish with shrimp, popular among visitors;
  • Tom Yam Pla is a dish with fish, the most common among the local population due to the availability of fish;
  • Tom Yam Gai – chicken version;
  • Tom Yam Thale - Thai soup with selected seafood (mussels, squid, shrimp);
  • Tom Yam Nam Khon - shrimp soup, the recipe of which involves adding coconut milk or coconut pulp at the end of creation;
  • Tom Yam Ka Mu is a pork based version.

Now let's look at the most common recipes that can be used to prepare this dish.

Tom Yum Kung with shrimp

So, now more about Tom Yam Kung. Prepare the following products:


  • 400-450 milliliters each of chicken broth and coconut milk;
  • cream 10-15% - 200 milliliters;
  • peeled shrimp – 400 - 450 grams;
  • champignons, mushrooms – 250 - 300 grams;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • a few centimeters of fresh ginger;
  • two medium chili peppers;
  • one incomplete spoon of sugar;
  • one and a half tablespoons of oil;


  1. First, let's prepare seasonings for Kung. To do this, heat the oil in a frying pan and add the chopped in small pieces garlic, ringed chili peppers.
  2. Fry these ingredients for a few minutes. Now the garlic and pepper are extracted from the oil, then they are crushed. The creamy mass (after the blender) is again placed in the pan.
  3. Squeeze lemon juice into a separate cup, grate the zest and fine grater or ginger in a mortar. Pour sugar in there too. Mix well this composition, add to the oil and seasonings whipped in a blender into the frying pan. This mass is simmered over low heat until cooked. The sauce is ready.
  4. Let's start preparing Kung soup with shrimp and coconut milk. To do this, heat the broth in a saucepan, and when it reaches a boil, add coconut milk to it.
  5. After boiling, the pasta prepared a little earlier is placed in the pan, and after boiling, shrimp and mushrooms are added. Mushrooms must first be cut into medium-sized pieces. The Thai soup cooks for a few minutes. Now let the dish sit a little.

As seen, this recipe Kung is not that complicated, and even a novice housewife can cook Tom Yum Kung with coconut milk and shrimp at home.

Soup with shrimp, but without coconut milk

This recipe can also be called very common among tourists and can be prepared at home. Its distinctive feature is the absence of coconut milk. We will need:


  • chicken broth - about half a liter;
  • 250 grams of shrimp and mushrooms;
  • two small tomatoes;
  • three chili peppers and a clove of garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • one large spoon of tamarid paste;
  • lemongrass stem;
  • a few kaffir lime leaves.


  1. First, prepare the seasonings: the stem of the lemongrass is crushed and tied in a knot, the kaffir lime leaves are washed. Chili and garlic are crushed.
  2. In a pan with sunflower oil, first fry the spices, then add lemongrass and kaffir lime. After this, pour in the chicken broth and cook for about five minutes.
  3. After this, add shrimp, tomatoes cut into small slices, as well as mushrooms and cook for about ten minutes over medium heat. Finally add tamarid paste and lemon juice.
  4. Served this soup with rice, most often warm. You can sprinkle it with cilantro first. If you don’t have any seasonings, you can slightly change the recipe to suit your needs.

Thai seafood soup

Another popular recipe– Thai soup with seafood. So, it will require:


  • various seafood (clams, mussels, shrimp) - about half a kilogram;
  • four medium tomatoes;
  • one onion;
  • 100 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  • galangal root – 20 grams;
  • lemongrass leaves – 5 pieces;
  • lemongrass - several stalks;
  • three pieces of chili and a clove of garlic;
  • ginger – 20 grams.


  1. First, prepare the spicy paste. To do this, grind ginger, pepper and garlic in a mortar. After this, this composition is fried in oil until cooked.
  2. Now let's start preparing the soup. We prepare all the ingredients: wash the spices and process the seafood. Cut mushrooms, onions and tomatoes into cubes.
  3. Place the spices in a saucepan with water and bring the mixture to a boil. Now add the tomatoes, onions and mushrooms and cook over medium heat until the vegetables are cooked.
  4. After this, add seafood and bring the soup to a boil. It cooks for several minutes. Now the paste is added and the heating is turned off. Let the dish sit for a few minutes and serve with lime slices.

If you like the recipe but find it too spicy, you can use coconut milk to neutralize the heat. It will perfectly complement seafood soup.

If you have ever been to Thailand, you probably admired not only the magnificent sea and endless clean beaches, but also culinary delights Thais. Distinctive feature their cuisines make extensive use of seafood (they are found in almost all Thai dishes), as well as a fairly spicy taste ready meals. Perhaps it is these properties of dishes that make Thai girls so slim and beautiful, and men incredibly fertile.

Meanwhile, Tom Yam soup is also known outside of Thailand. Any restaurant in the world that serves food oriental cuisine, will treat you to this soup. Only here can a slight embarrassment occur: Tom Yum soup in Thailand can be very different from Tom Yam soup in Dubai or Istanbul. What's the matter? The reason is that this dish has long become world famous, and each nationality has brought something of its own to the recipe. We will learn how to cook Tom Yum both according to the classic Thai recipe and adapted to European cuisine recipes

Tom Yam soup - preparing food and utensils

What is a dish with such a mysterious eastern name? "Tom Yam" is creamy soup with shrimps. It is special in that instead of cream, Thais use coconut milk, as well as a lot various additives in the form of herbs that do not grow here and are rarely found on sale. Fortunately, there are two options here. The first option is that small boxes called “Ingredients for Tom Yam Soup” have long appeared in hypermarkets in large cities, in which you (for a very reasonable fee) will find everything you need for the recipe. The second option is that each of the ingredients unfamiliar to us can be replaced with a similar one used in our latitudes.

So, for Tom Yum soup you need to make a base from the following ingredients ( classic version Thai soup): galangal root (a hard plant very, very reminiscent of ginger root) 100 grams, lemongrass, lime leaves, krachai (this is a Thai variety of ginger). Fill a saucepan with water (2 liters) and put the chopped ingredients there. When the water boils, add the following ingredients to the pan.

Now let’s look at what we can use to make the base for Tom Yum soup if you haven’t found the above plants. Instead of lemongrass, galangal root, krachai and lime leaves, take 150 grams of ginger root and lemon leaves and do the same procedure. Place the chopped ginger and lemon leaves in a pan of water and bring to a boil.

In addition to these herbal ingredients, for a classic Thai soup you will need coconut milk, shrimp, chili paste, fish sauce, and mushrooms. For other Tom Yum soup recipes, use seafood and some varieties of vegetables.

Tom Yum soup recipes:

Recipe 1: Tom Yam Soup

Let's cook classic soup“Tom Yam”, using all the ingredients that the Thais put in the dish. Ideally you should use king prawns(you should get 3-4 shrimp per serving of soup), but you can buy regular ones, then there should just be more of them. Fish sauce is sold in stores and is used instead of salt; if you can’t find this product, you can simply replace it regular salt or soy sauce.

Required ingredients:

  • King prawns 400 grams
  • Fish sauce 2 tablespoons
  • Oyster mushrooms 300 grams
  • Coconut milk 0.5 liters
  • Chili paste, 2 tablespoons
  • Lime 1 piece
  • Cilantro

Cooking method:

  1. While water is boiling in a saucepan, prepare the ingredients.
  2. Wash the oyster mushrooms under running water and chop with a knife. Add to the pan.
  3. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Add to the boiling water in the pan, along with 2 tablespoons of the chili paste. Reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. While the mushrooms and onions are cooking, remove the shells from the shrimp. Add them to the soup along with the fish sauce. Squeeze the lime juice and let the soup simmer.
  5. Pour coconut milk into the pan, stir and let the Tom Yum soup boil again, after which it must be removed from the heat.
  6. IN ready dish add chopped greens. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Dubai style Tom Yum soup

If you want to try Tom Yum soup in Dubai restaurants, you will be somewhat surprised - this dish will turn out to be fish, but without mushrooms. Try cooking Tom Yum Dubai style too!

Required ingredients:

  • Soup base (2 liters of water with boiled plants)
  • Shrimp 300 grams
  • Crab meat 200 grams
  • Squid 2 carcasses
  • Coconut milk 0.4 liters
  • Chili paste, 2 tablespoons
  • Lime 1 piece

Cooking method:

  1. While the water is boiling in the pot with the plants, prepare the ingredients.
  2. Remove the shells from the shrimp, peel the squid from the films and cut into thin strips. Cut the crab meat into cubes. Please note that this dish cannot be used instead of crab meat crab sticks.
  3. Place seafood in boiling water, add chili paste, salt, and squeeze out lime juice. Let the soup simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. After this period of time, add coconut milk to the pan, stir and bring the soup to a boil, then remove from heat and serve.

Recipe 3: Turkish Tom Yam Soup

Turkish soup differs in that it contains pieces of red fish, giving the dish a unique fishy aroma. Turks also generously add herbs to the dish - parsley, cilantro and dill. Turkish Tom Yam soup is more rare than the classic one, but it is no less tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • Soup base (2 liters of water with boiled plants)
  • Regular shrimp 300 grams
  • Red fish of any kind, raw or lightly salted 300 grams
  • Leek 150 grams
  • Coconut milk 0.4 liters
  • Chili paste, 2 tablespoons
  • Lime 1 piece
  • Parsley, cilantro, dill

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pot with the plants for the Tom Yum soup on the fire, and while the water is boiling, prepare the fish ingredients.
  2. Remove the shells from the shrimp, clean the fish from bones and skin, cut into squares large pieces.
  3. Wash the leek and cut it with a knife. Place shrimp, fish and onions in boiling water, add chili paste, salt and squeeze out lime juice. Leave the soup under closed lid over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Then pour the coconut milk into the pan, stir and let the soup boil.
  5. Finely chop the washed greens and place in the pan 2 minutes before they are ready.

Recipe 4: Mediterranean Tom Yam Soup

The dish, prepared according to European standards, is not so spicy (since it does not contain chili sauce), and is also more vegetable, thanks to the use of carrots, tomatoes and onions.

Required ingredients:

  • Soup base (2 liters of water with boiled plants)
  • Shrimp 400 grams
  • Onion 1 piece
  • 1 carrot
  • Coconut milk 0.4 liters
  • Lime 1 piece
  • Parsley, basil
  • Soy sauce, ground pepper
  • Sunflower oil 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pan with the ingredients for the Tom Yum soup on the fire, and while the water is boiling, prepare the remaining ingredients.
  2. Clean the shrimp.
  3. Peel the onion and cut with a knife. Wash the carrots and grate them. Cut the tomatoes into small slices. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil. First add the onions, then the carrots, and after a couple of minutes the tomatoes. Fry the vegetables for five to six minutes.
  4. Add shrimp to the pan, fry, squeeze out lime juice, 2 tablespoons soy sauce and pepper.
  5. After 15 minutes, pour the coconut milk into the pan, stir and bring the Tom Yum soup to a boil.
  6. Finely chop the washed greens and place them in the pan a couple of minutes before they are ready.

Recipe 5: Tom Yum Soup with Cream

Instead of coconut milk you can also use regular cream fat content 15-20 percent. Replace oyster mushrooms with champignons and enjoy Thai soup with elements Slavic cuisine!

Required ingredients:

  • Soup base (2 liters of water with boiled plants)
  • Shrimp 400 grams
  • 2 medium sized tomatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • Champignon mushrooms 300 grams
  • Cream (15% fat) 0.5 liters
  • Chili paste 2 tablespoons
  • Lime 1 piece
  • Parsley

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pot with the soup plants on the fire.
  2. Wash the champignons thoroughly and cut into cubes with a knife. Add to the pan.
  3. Peel the onion and finely chop. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  4. Remove the shell from the shrimp. Add shrimp with vegetables to the boiling soup, chili paste, salt and squeeze out lime juice. Reduce heat for 10 minutes and cover with a lid.
  5. Pour the cream into the pan, stir with a spoon and let the soup boil.
  6. Finely chop the parsley and add to the pan a minute before it is ready.
  1. Thais do not eat bread, instead they eat all dishes with boiled rice. If you want to get closer to the Thais in eating Tom Yam soup, then boil 200 grams of rice in lightly salted water along with the first dish.
  2. Do not use Tom Yum soup Forest mushrooms, they are too aromatic and can overpower the subtle fishy aroma. Make do with oyster mushrooms and champignons.
  3. If you are not preparing the classic Tom Yum soup, but are experimenting, then add as much seafood to the dish as possible - fish, octopus, mussels, squid.
  4. Coconut milk can be safely replaced with medium fat cream.
  5. If you couldn't get a lime, you can replace it with the juice of half a lemon.

Tom yum is a recipe for Thai cuisine, the execution of which will provide the opportunity to taste the delicious thick Hot soup. This dish cannot be called budget, but the final result fully compensates for the money and time spent on creating such a culinary masterpiece.

How to cook tom yam?

When planning to cook tom yum, you need to study and purchase the ingredients in advance, since not every kitchen has overseas ingredients, without which a Thai dish will not be the same.

  1. To prepare classic volume yam, you will need the following ingredients: lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves and shrimp or fish sauce. In addition, the technology often requires the addition of coconut milk
  2. Seafood is often used as a filling for soup: shrimp, scallops, squid, less often mushrooms or chicken.
  3. Lime juice is added to the dish at the end of cooking.
  4. An integral part of Thai food is spicy paste. How to prepare tom yum paste at home can be found in the next section.

Tom Yum paste - recipe

Tom yum paste is an invariable basis for preparing spicy Thai soup in all its variations. In addition, the spicy, fiery mixture can effectively transform the taste characteristics of other culinary creations of your own invention, filling them with spiciness and amazing taste.


  • chili pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • shallot – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Fry the garlic in hot oil until golden brown and remove it to a plate.
  2. The shallots are browned in the same oil and added to the garlic.
  3. Place chili in oil, fry for a minute, return onion and garlic to the pan.
  4. Allow the ingredients together for a few more minutes, then grind with a blender.

How do you eat tom yum?

For those who are not yet familiar with Thai cuisine, it will be interesting to know how to eat tom yum soup, with or without rice.

  1. Large pieces of meat or seafood from soup are eaten with chopsticks.
  2. For small pieces ingredients and broth are served separately with a small Thai spoon.
  3. For tom yam soup, as for others Thai dishes, be sure to serve rice, which neutralizes excessive spiciness. It is scooped up with a spoon, dipped into the broth from the soup and put into the mouth.

Tom yum with coconut milk - recipe

Tom yam, the recipe for which will be presented below, is prepared on the basis of fish broth with the addition of coconut milk. Instead of shiitake mushrooms, you can use always available champignons, and instead of galangal ginger root. Seafood is pre-boiled or fried in oil until cooked.


  • coconut milk and fish broth - 300 ml each;
  • lemongrass stems – 5 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • galangal – 1-2 pcs.;
  • shrimp – 10-15 pcs.;
  • shiitake – 5 pcs.;
  • fish sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • brown sugar and sesame oil - 0.5 teaspoon each;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • cilantro and tom yum paste - to taste.


  1. Add lemongrass cut into 3 parts and lightly beaten, lime leaves, galangal, cut crosswise into medium-thick slices and tom yam paste into the boiling broth and cook for 2 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms and fish sauce and heat for another 2 minutes.
  3. Pour in coconut milk, lime juice, add sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  4. Place boiled seafood into the prepared dish.

Tom yam with chicken - recipe

Tom yam, authentic recipe which involves using it as a component for broth and a filler for chicken dishes, it turns out to be especially rich and rich in taste. Replacement of cherry tomatoes is allowed regular tomatoes, galangal ginger, and canned mushrooms Tsaogu with fresh champignons.


  • chicken broth – 1 l;
  • chicken fillet – 250 g;
  • lemongrass stems – 2 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 10 pcs.;
  • galangal – 2 pcs.;
  • canned mushrooms Tsaogu – 1 jar;
  • coriander – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • fish sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cherry tomatoes – 7 pcs.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cilantro.


  1. Add lime leaves torn into several pieces, coarsely chopped galangal, crushed and softened lemongrass with a hammer and tom yum paste into the broth and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms and chicken and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add cherry halves, coriander, fish sauce, lime juice, and sugar if desired.
  4. Remove the dish from the heat and serve with cilantro.

Tom yum soup with seafood - recipe

Tom yam, a popular recipe for which will be presented below, will delight seafood lovers, because it is prepared with their participation. Classic set with shrimp, scallops and squid can be expanded with other sea creatures. Instead of fish sauce, shrimp sauce is used in this case.


  • coconut milk – 350 ml;
  • chicken broth – 600 ml;
  • lemongrass stems – 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • galangal – 1 pc.;
  • shrimp, scallops and squid – 100 g each;
  • fish sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cherry tomatoes – 7-10 pcs.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste – 2 tbsp. spoons or to taste;


  1. Cut the lemongrass into several pieces, beat it a little, tear the lime leaves and cut the galangal diagonally into 3-4 pieces. Fry everything together for 2 minutes.
  2. Add seafood and fry for another 2 minutes.
  3. Add cherry halves and fry for 1.5 minutes.
  4. Place green onions in a container, add hot broth and coconut milk.
  5. Seasoned tom yum with seafood spicy paste, sauce, lime juice, after boiling, remove from the stove.

Vegetarian tom yum

Tom Yum soup is a recipe that, even without meat and other animal products, can become the basis for obtaining an amazingly tasty, satisfying and nutritious dish. In this case, shiitake mushrooms are used as a filler, which can be replaced with champignons or oyster mushrooms.


  • coconut milk – 250 ml;
  • water – 1 l;
  • lemongrass stems – 1-2 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • galangal – 1 pc.;
  • shiitake – 300 g;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste - to taste;
  • cilantro, parsley.


  1. Galangal is prepared first, the leaves are cut into 3 parts, the lemongrass stems are cut into 3 parts, beaten until soft, the lime leaves are torn into several parts by hand.
  2. Add lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves and hot paste to boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in coconut milk, and after 5 minutes add mushrooms and tomatoes.
  4. Boil the dish for 10 minutes, season with lime juice, add herbs.

Spicy tom yum soup - recipe

Tom Yum is a recipe that, when authentically prepared, turns out to be extremely spicy and is served only with rice. The latter acts as a heat neutralizer and is moistened by the hot broth as a sauce. In addition to adding the paste, a whole red chili pod is added to the broth, which will highlight the character of the dish.


  • coconut milk – 350 ml;
  • chicken broth – 400 ml;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • lemongrass stems – 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • galangal – 3 pcs.;
  • seafood – 400 g;
  • fish or shrimp sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • mushrooms – 200 g;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • tom yum paste – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled rice.


  1. The lemongrass stems are cut first, beaten, the galangal is cut into 3 plates, the lime leaves are torn by hand.
  2. Lemongrass, lime leaves and galangal are added to the boiling broth.
  3. Add pasta, sauce, mushrooms, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour in milk, cream, lime juice, add chili pods and boiled seafood.
  5. Spicy tom yum soup is served with.

Tom Yum soup with shrimp - recipe

Excellent in taste characteristics and the tom yum with shrimp turns out fragrant. The taste and aroma of tropical ingredients are maximized when they are first fried in a sesame oil. At the same time, you should add the components of the acute Thai pasta or a ready-made hot additive.


  • coconut milk – 400 ml;
  • shrimp broth – 400 ml;
  • lemongrass stems – 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • galangal – 5 pcs.;
  • shrimp – 400 g;
  • fish or shrimp sauce – 40 ml;
  • sesame oil – 30 ml;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Cut the lemongrass, soften it, cut the galangal into 3 slices, tear the lime leaves.
  2. Fry galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves in oil for 2 minutes.
  3. Add tom yam paste and then shrimp, fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Separately, bring the mixture of broth and milk to a boil and pour it into the main ingredients.
  5. Season the dish with lime juice and sauce.

Tom yum with beef

Thick tom yum soup with beef is not a traditional or authentic version of the dish, but rather an exception to the rule. However, even in this version, the culinary creation has many admirers. As an accompaniment to spicy dish rice is used roasted peanuts and sesame seeds.

Tom Yam and Thailand are synonymous. At least as soon as I stepped off the plane in Bangkok,
everyone just ate their baldness - have you tried Tom Yam?! Be sure to try it!!
Tom Yam comes in several variations - the most popular are Tom Yam Kung (Goong) - with shrimp, Tom Kha Gai (tom yam with chicken) and Tom Nam Pla (with fish) and you can even
make vegetarian Tom Yum soup without everything, just with vegetables.

Tom Yum Kung can be made with or without coconut milk. I like it with coconut milk, the taste is much softer and brighter with it.

Making Tom Yum Kung soup is easy and simple, even if you don’t have most of the ingredients, it doesn’t matter.
I will tell you how to prepare Tom Yum soup not only in the original, but also with those products that are on hand in Russia.
So, let's begin!

Tom Yum Kung soup with shrimp (tom yum goong) - step-by-step recipe with photos

I'm in Thailand now, so I have on hand the ingredients needed for Tom Yum soup, which are sold here in a set and are cheap, about 20-30 baht.

in addition to mushroom paste and milk - this is a set for tom yam in any Thai store - vegetables section

Even with them you can already prepare Tom Yum soup, but we will go further and add everything you need to make Tom Yum Kung with shrimp ( tom yum goong)
it turned out right, as needed.

I’ll tell you right away. I don’t claim the originality of the recipe, but Tom Yum tastes like my favorites Thai cafes- spicy and rich.

Tom Yum Kung soup with shrimp (tom yum goong) - what ingredients are needed?

2 chicken breasts for the broth(can be replaced with anything)
200-300 grams of shrimp(I take the peeled ones) - with what more shrimp, all the better.
Kaffir lime- leaves
Galanga- can be replaced with ginger
Schisandra - 3-4 stems
1 small hot pepper(you can do without it if you don’t like spicy food)
lime- 1 piece
2 tomatoes
mushrooms— the original contains shiitake, but you can replace it with any, even champignons (I had some king mushroom, similar to our white ones)
coconut milk(powder is possible)
fish sauce to taste (teaspoon)

Step one

Boil chicken broth.

I take 2 skinless chicken breasts. I cook for 30-40 minutes. We don't add salt.
Remove the breasts and set aside.

Step two

I cut the greens that I have:
kaffir lime leaves - it’s better to take 1 leaf, otherwise it will taste bitter. Then you can remove it from the soup.

I cut galanga, lemongrass (schisandra is similar to green onions, so only the white part is cut, like onions)
tomatoes, mushrooms, lime, pepper.

“About Schisandra” (chopped Schisandra roots boiled in water are an excellent tonic drink,
which helps increase blood pressure and relieve headaches, pain in the intestines and stomach due to gastritis, I drink it myself
all the time, I really like the smell)

We throw all this into the broth, put the soup on low heat, and cook.

Step three

Boil the shrimp separately. We throw them in with everything else in the soup.

Step four

The soup is almost ready, all that remains is to add Tom Yum paste (a teaspoon, less if possible)
stir, add salt to taste. add 1-2 teaspoons of fish sauce to taste.
Even in Russia it is cheap. You can replace it with soy, but add just a little bit.

If you have coconut milk in powder, you need to dilute it in a cup with cow's milk, previously warmed, but not boiled.
Add milk to the soup, but do not boil!!! Otherwise it will curl up.
I have liquid coconut milk, bought for 20 baht at the nearest 7 eleven.

You need 2-3 tablespoons of liquid milk per medium saucepan. Do not overdo it, the color of the soup should remain orange.

Stir, taste, mmm!! You can eat!

Now about how to cook Tom Yum Kung Soup with shrimp (tom yum goong) - in Russian conditions, when
There is no trace of such delights as kaffir lime.

Of course, to make Tom Yum Kung soup, and not just soup, you need to have at least Tom Yum paste or
powder - seasoning for Tom Yam. They are sold in stores selling Japanese goods or order them for those traveling to Thailand.
If you don’t have any of this, and you desperately want Tom Yum, you can prepare the paste by mixing finely chopped chili with ketchup.
Of course it won't be exactly the same, but it will be similar. Replace the kaffir lime with regular lime zest.

Pasta in Thailand is cheap.

Family Mart sells Tom Yam paste in bags and costs 17 baht.

There are a great variety of such pastes, I like mine better, which is in the picture, I bought it at the central festival department store, no more than 30 baht.
Usually, such pastas either show soup or say, at a minimum, Tom Yam Pasta

So, let's imagine that you have pasta.
Then you only add pasta + tomatoes + coconut milk + mushrooms and shrimp. It turns out no worse.

If you don't have shrimp, add chicken and you will get tom kha gai soup. Which is also very tasty!

Be careful with pasta. it is VERY spicy. So sometimes even a teaspoon is too much.

What other versions of Tom Yum soup have I come across here?
Tom Yam soup from the “homeless package” in ours, doshirak, in Thai from the company - mom :))
By the way, absolutely edible.

And already ready Tom Yam in bags of 200 and 400 ml. A poison that is impossible to eat.
Being in Thailand, it makes no sense to buy such a soup, because a normal soup is cooked in 40-50 minutes maximum, and if
you have ready broth, generally in 10-20 minutes.

For those nostalgic for Thailand - bon appetit!

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