Chinese medicinal mushrooms against cancer. Mushroom treatment How to make reishi tea

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Western medicine and pharmacology have taken a lot of useful things from Chinese fungotherapy. Scientific interest in medicinal mushrooms has increased sharply thanks to the discovery of penicillin by A. Fleming, which revolutionized medicine. Currently, science continues to actively study the properties of medicinal mushrooms, expanding their list.

Medicinal mushrooms

The cohort of medicinal mushrooms of traditional Chinese medicine includes:

  • reishi, also - lacquered tinder fungus, lacquered ganoderma (lat. Ganoderma lucidum)
  • shiitake (lat. Lentinus edodes or Lentinula edodes)
  • cordyceps (lat. Cordyceps sinensis)
  • curly griffola, also - meitake, maitaki, (lat. Grifola frondosa)
  • Coriolus, also - misty mushroom, “butterfly wings” (lat. Coriolus versicolor)
  • coconut poria, also coconut pakhima, coconut polypore, Indian bread, Virginia truffle (lat. Poria cocos)
  • auricularia ear-shaped, also - “ear of Judas” (lat. Auricularia auricula)
  • Umbrella tinder fungus (lat. Polyporus umbellatus)

These mushrooms contain a complex of polysaccharides that can fight tumors. Mushroom polysaccharides have a strengthening effect on the body’s protective functions, rather than destroying the tumor directly. That is why they are called “protective function enhancers” (HDP). The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body.

The most effective are the first three on the list. Shiitake and cordyceps have a greater antitumor effect, while reishi has an immune-regulating effect.

It has been noticed that mushrooms not only heal themselves, but also enhance the therapeutic effect of other drugs. Also, over the centuries, the correct combinations of mushrooms with each other have been selected, in which the most powerful healing effect is achieved.

Of the species listed above, shiitake, auricularia auriculata and polypore umbellata are also used as food. However, eating mushrooms, even edible ones, is not always healthy. Therefore, before treatment and before eating any mushrooms, you should consult your doctor.
When collecting yourself, you need a good knowledge of mushrooms, otherwise you can pick up poisonous ones.

The Lingzhi mushroom belongs to the group of polypores, it is known under different names: reishi, lacquered polypore, ganoderma, lin-chi and others.

Its exceptional healing properties have been known in Eastern medicine for more than two thousand years.

In this regard, it is called the mushroom of immortality, the imperial mushroom, the sacred mushroom, and other names are also known.

It is quite difficult to find the mushroom in nature; it settles on weak, dying deciduous trees. Most often it is peach, apricot or wild plum.

The famous ancient healer Wu Xing wrote a treatise on medicinal mushrooms, which describes the properties of more than 100 species of mushrooms growing in China and Japan. He pointed out in his work that “the healing properties of mushrooms are much higher than those of medicinal herbs.”

And the lingzhi mushroom is the leader among mushrooms. Its medicinal properties are very diverse. One of the ancient medical books says that this mushroom is “The best of 365 medicinal plants in China.”

The use of Lingzhi mushroom gives positive results in the treatment and maintenance of all physiological systems of the body. That is, lingzhi fills with energy all 5 dense organs in the Wu Xing system (liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys). You can read about U-Xing here: What is the theory of U-Xing

At the end of the twentieth century, it became possible to grow the mushroom under artificial conditions. Since that time, the price of Lingzhi mushrooms has become more affordable.

It contains amino acids, vitamins, microelements, and biologically active substances.

It is used both to achieve a therapeutic effect and also for preventive purposes.

When to use Lingzhi

The list of healing properties of the mushroom is impressive:

  • balances yin-yang in the body. In this sense, it is similar to the Chinese cordyceps mushroom - it also affects both yin and yang. But Cordyceps still has 2 priority channels, where its influence is more significant: the kidneys and lungs. Lingzhi works on all channels!

Mushroom-based medicines effectively fight against malignant and benign neoplasms. There is an opinion that if you drink lingzhi mushroom for a year, you will not get cancer. In order to prevent oncology, it is effective to drink the mushroom at least during winter and autumn.

  • Its effect on the nervous system is effective; drugs based on tinder fungus stabilize the emotional state, have a calming effect, and are effective for mental disorders. Used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

It has proven itself excellent for diseases of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, and improves blood circulation. Used for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, as well as in the recovery period after heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, even after severe strokes, it is possible to restore all body functions.

  • This is an excellent remedy for allergies,

A powerful therapeutic effect has been proven in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Especially in cases where there is little sputum and there is shortness of breath.

To this list you can add antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and antispasmodic effects.

Mushroom-based medicines activate metabolic processes, normalize liver function, slow down the aging process, improve vision, hearing, memory, and increase concentration.

Benefits of medicinal reishi mushroom:

The mushroom does not contain toxic substances, but on the contrary, helps remove poisons from the body. Mushroom-based drugs have no side effects, the only exception may be individual intolerance,

The medicine has a complex healing effect on the entire body.

But you shouldn’t take Lingzhi mushroom as a panacea. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Features of Lingzhi reception

To achieve truly stunning results, you need to take drugs based on tinder fungus for a long time.

In addition, you need to choose the right dosage regimen.

Select the time of administration in accordance with the activity time of the organ you want to influence, according to oriental medicine. The time of activity of the meridians is described here: Wu-hsing theory: what are the Jing-lo meridians.

The drug can be used in reduced concentrations by pregnant women in later stages.

It is also necessary to remember that the medicine must be taken in courses, between which it is necessary to take a break. This is a prerequisite for maintaining the functionality of the body's immune system.

The minimum courses of taking the drug are 40, 90 days, in severe cases - 6-12 months. After the course, take a break of 1-2 weeks, then repeat if necessary.

Take 30 minutes before meals, 1-2 capsules 2 times a day. Drink with warm water.

This amazing organism, given to us by nature, allows us to prolong youth and saves us from fatal diseases.

The video talks about the Lingzhi mushroom in great detail.

Use this wonderful source of health and longevity!

You can find out the cost of products and order by clicking on the link: How to take lingzhi

All the best to you!

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Chinese mushroom of immortality Lingzhi

Chinese mushrooms for cancer: shiitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, etc.

Ganoderma lucidum

It is one of the greatest longevity tonics of ancient Chinese medicine used in the treatment of cancer. It is used in traditional and modern Chinese medicine to increase vitality, strength and endurance, and prolong life. Reishi enhances the immune response, reduces chemotherapy side effects such as nausea and kidney damage, and protects cellular DNA by increasing antioxidant capacity.

You can find out more about how reishi mushroom can fight cancer here - Reishi mushroom for cancer: use in oncology.

Lentinula edodes (other names: Shiitake, Japanese forest mushroom or Xiang-gu, “Fragrant Mushroom”)

Lentinula edodes

This tender and tasty mushroom is present in many Asian cuisines. It is considered a delicacy and a medicinal mushroom. Shiitake contains a glucan called AHCC (active hexose-linked compound) and is widely used in alternative and complementary cancer therapy in Japan due to its immunomodulatory functions. Shiitake mushroom is also effective against cancer thanks to lentinan in its composition. Lentinan, a compound found in Shiitake mushrooms, is used as an intravenous anticancer drug with antitumor properties. Clinical studies have linked lentinan to longer survival, higher quality of life, and a reduced likelihood of cancer recurrence.

Coriolus versicolor (other names: Trametes versicolor, Polypore polypore, Turkey Tail, Yun-Zhi)

Coriolus versicolor

This is one of the most well-studied medicinal mushrooms in the world. Trametes versicolor is a biological response modifier. It has been used in Chinese medicine as a tonic for centuries. Research shows that this mushroom improves survival and acts as an immune modulator with immunostimulating and antitumor properties. Some studies suggest it may enhance the effects of chemotherapy in traditional cancer treatments and reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.

You can learn more about the medicinal properties and uses of this Chinese mushroom here - Trametes versicolor: medicinal properties, uses.

Cordyceps sinensis (other names: Cordyceps, Chinese caterpillar mushroom, Dong Chun Xia Cao)

Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps acts as an immune stimulant, increasing the number of T cells (natural killer cells) that fight cancer cells and viruses, and prolonging the life of white blood cells, thereby improving resistance to infections. Scientific research shows that cordyceps has significant antitumor properties and also protects the kidneys from the side effects of chemotherapy. It is one of the most widely used tonics in anti-cancer formulas in Chinese medicine.

You can learn more about the Chinese anti-cancer mushroom Cordyceps here - Cordyceps mushroom: properties, use, composition, dosage and contraindications.

Grifola frondosa (other names: Grifola curly, Maitake, “Dancing mushroom”, Hui Shu Hua)

Grifola frondosa

Chinese medicinal mushrooms for cancer include the famous Maitake mushroom. It is widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to strengthen the immune system, and is one of the main mushrooms in Japanese cooking. Research has shown that it can enhance both the innate immune response to fight infections and the adaptive immune response to provide long-term immunity boosts. Maitake also protects cells through antioxidant properties and reduces the inflammatory factor COX-2 enzyme, so common in cancer physiology. Research has also shown that Maitake has potential antimetastatic properties as it inhibits the proliferation (spread) of cancer.

You can learn more about the Maitake mushroom, its beneficial properties and uses here - Maitake mushroom (Grifola curly) - use in medicine.

Inonotus obliquus (other names: Chaga mushroom, Tinder fungus, Inonotus obliquus)

Inonotus obliquus

Chaga is a cancer mushroom that does not belong to the category of Chinese mushrooms. However, it is still worth mentioning, since it is one of the most powerful natural anti-cancer agents (some scientists call chaga the most effective anti-cancer mushroom).

You can learn more about the birch chaga mushroom for cancer here - Chaga mushroom for cancer. What do scientists think?

Treatment with mushrooms for cancer allows you to heal the body from this life-threatening disease. Doctors recommend using any natural remedies in combination with modern treatment methods. However, it is up to you to decide whether to use chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery to treat cancer. In any case, it is recommended to consult an expert in the field of cancer treatment, regardless of what type of medicine he or she relates to.

Shiitake mushrooms: photos, reviews and properties. Benefits and harms of Chinese shiitake mushrooms:

Increasingly, in our supermarkets you can find such a curiosity as shiitake mushrooms. Dishes made from this product are in demand in the most expensive restaurants. And traditional healers, nutritionists and cosmetologists vying with each other about the beneficial properties of the plant. In the article we will find out what this mushroom is, where it comes from, learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications for use, and share culinary recipes. We will also reveal the secrets of some folk remedies based on this plant.

Chinese mushroom: description

The name shiitake literally means “mushroom that grows on the shii (chestnut) tree.” This is exactly how it grows in its natural environment - on a tree trunk or stumps. You can find the plant not only in China, but also in Japan.

It has been used in Chinese medicine for several centuries. Writings dating back to 199 were found, which indicate the healing properties of this mushroom. Eastern emperors believed that shiitake gave them strength, youth, and protected them from disease. Therefore, the plant is also called the “imperial mushroom” or “elixir of youth.”

Shiitake mushrooms (the photo of a wild plant below confirms this) do not look very attractive.


Shiitake is one of the few mushrooms that people began to grow artificially. They invented an effective method for cultivating the mushroom on logs in 1940. Thus, shiitake does not lose its healing properties and retains all its beneficial substances. Therefore, this method of growing under artificial conditions is still used today. But there is another method - mushrooms are cultivated on sawdust. This method reduces the healing properties of the plant. In addition, the selection processes that enriched the taste of mushrooms and increased yields led to a significant decrease in beneficial substances in the composition of Chinese mushrooms.

Shiitake (mushrooms) are cultivated in almost all countries of the world, including Russia. Photos of artificial growing conditions can be seen below.

Mushroom composition

The composition of shiitake attracts special attention. This is where the secret of its healing properties lies. Includes:

  • macroelements: sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • trace elements: zinc, copper, iron, selenium, manganese;
  • vitamins: groups B, D, PP, C, A;
  • amino acids: lysine, arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, methionine, tyrosine, alanine, glycine, glutamic and aspartic;
  • fatty acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • ash;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • coenzymes.

Despite the large number of beneficial substances that shiitake mushrooms contain, the benefits and harms of the plant have not been fully studied. Therefore, excessive consumption of the plant can lead to unexpected reactions in the body.

Chinese mushroom for diseases

Since ancient times, the mushroom has been widely used to eliminate various ailments. It is not for nothing that in Eastern medicine, healers very often prescribe products that contain shiitake mushrooms. The benefit of the plant lies in its composition. Thus, thanks to biologically active substances, with regular and correct use, you can be cured or significantly improve the patient’s condition with the following ailments and conditions:

  • hypertension;
  • viral infections;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • problems with blood vessels and cardiac activity;
  • neurological and autoimmune diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • long-term stress and depression;
  • overweight;
  • problems in the sexual sphere;
  • dermatological diseases and aesthetic imperfections of the skin;
  • oncological diseases and benign tumors of various origins.

Shiitake mushrooms: benefits and harm

Despite all the beneficial properties of shiitake, its excessive or improper use can cause poisoning or an allergic reaction. In addition, pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age, as well as people prone to allergies and patients with bronchial asthma should not use this plant.

Use in cooking

It is difficult to imagine Asian cuisine without traditional shiitake. The mushroom is added to sauces, broths, marinades, served as a side dish and as a main dish. Dishes with Chinese mushrooms are also popular in Russia. A pronounced taste with a slight spice will add originality and sophistication to any, even the simplest dish. We offer you a recipe for noodles with shiitake. It is very simple and quick to prepare:

  1. Prepare the vegetables: chili pepper, garlic and ginger, peel and chop the shiitake mushrooms.
  2. Quickly fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil over high heat. Add pepper, garlic, ginger, and simmer everything a little.
  3. Cook the noodles. The most suitable option for this dish would be rice, but if it is unavailable, you can use any other one.
  4. Now prepare the sauce. To do this, mix ingredients such as soy sauce, a little vinegar (preferably apple or rice vinegar), chili sauce and vegetable oil.
  5. All you need to do is mix the mushrooms with the noodles and pour the sauce over everything. The dish is ready to serve!
  6. By adding or changing the main ingredients, you can create a completely new dish: seafood, pieces of fried chicken fillet or marinated veal will radically change the taste of shiitake noodles.

In our country, dried Chinese shiitake mushrooms are often used in cooking. To use in a dish, you need to first soak them in water for 8–10 hours. This storage method, such as drying, retains the maximum amount of useful substances in the mushroom. When using Chinese mushrooms in cooking, it should be taken into account that when exposed to high temperatures, the nutritional and healing properties of the plant sharply decrease, so heat treatment should be minimal and short-lived.

Mushroom cosmetics

Shiitake mushroom is also used in cosmetology. The properties of the plant include the ability to moisturize, nourish, tone, increase skin elasticity, as well as whiten and eliminate excess pigmentation. It is noted that the substance lentinan, which is part of the mushroom, has a rejuvenating effect, and coenzyme Q10 nourishes cells with oxygen and removes impurities. In addition, the polysaccharides, vitamins and microelements that make up the mushroom also help improve the condition of the skin: accelerating metabolism in cells, saturating them with water, regeneration, and also have an antimicrobial effect.

Many popular manufacturers of cosmetics began to produce preparations based on mushroom extract. For example, in 2002, the Yves Rocher company released a whole line of skin care products for women over 40.

At home, you can prepare a decoction or alcohol tincture using shiitake mushrooms. Such products can be used as lotions for the skin of the face and body, eye lotions, and hair rinse. Suitable for oily, porous, problem skin. Using cosmetics made from mushroom extract, you can eliminate skin pigmentation, reduce wrinkles, and tighten the shape of your face.

Chinese mushroom in folk medicine

Shiitake mushrooms are used in folk medicine for many diseases. We offer several such recipes:

  1. To increase immunity, eliminate nervous tension, reduce stress and problems in sexual life, dry mushroom powder is used. You need to take it one teaspoon three times a day before meals for a month.
  2. In folk medicine, it is believed that alcohol tincture of shiitake helps prevent cancer. To make such a product, you need to mix 50 grams of dry mushroom powder with 0.75 liters of forty-proof quality vodka. You need to leave it in a glass container in the refrigerator for a month. The method of use is the same as in the first case.
  3. For hypertension and infectious diseases, the following recipe is recommended: dissolve 10 grams of mushroom powder in olive oil heated in a water bath to 37 degrees. Leave for a month in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before breakfast and dinner.

Medicines based on mushrooms

In pharmacies or homeopathic medicine stores you can purchase various preparations from Chinese mushrooms. Most often, dry powder is used, and then various vitamins and microelements are added. Such agents are used both externally and orally. The spectrum of action of drugs is wide: from acne to malignant tumors. The following products can be mentioned: shiitake mushroom in capsules, Shiitake tablets, Shiitake 30. They contain crushed dried shiitake mushroom. Reviews about such medicines are contradictory. They are quite expensive, but in fact they are only biologically active food additives, and the effectiveness of such drugs has not been fully studied.

Shiitake mushrooms are a tasty and healthy product. Use it in cooking to the delight of your household and guests; you can pamper yourself with a nourishing mask or a refreshing tonic. But you still shouldn’t count on miraculous healing from all diseases thanks to this plant. If you are concerned about health problems, it is much more effective to seek help from a doctor.

The miraculous composition of the unique oriental reishi mushroom

Mushrooms have always occupied an interesting place in human life. They are used as food, medicinal agents, poisons, and hallucinogens. Mushrooms contain a food category that has gained medical and scientific popularity. The world's research is increasingly focused on the use of mushrooms for the prevention and treatment of health problems - immune disorders, viral diseases, coronary artery disease, liver disease and cancer, high cholesterol. One of the most widely used members of the mushroom kingdom is the reishi mushroom.

Healing and healing properties

Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) is one of the most revered mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has used these mushrooms to enhance human longevity, spiritual radiance and wisdom. Reishi was supposedly believed to transform the human mind into a universal species that eliminates mental states of disorder, thereby promoting enlightenment.

  • Research conducted around the world shows that reishi is one of the best remedies for treating tumors, this is due to the presence of polysaccharides in it.
  • Reishi also increases the effect of immune defense T cells and macrophages. The mushroom exhibits antibacterial and antiviral activity and speeds up recovery time from infectious hepatitis.
  • Reishi mushrooms can protect the liver from damage from chemical toxins, most often carbon tetrachloride.
  • The presence of inhibitory compounds, histamine and other substances makes this mushroom useful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis.
  • Reishi is a valuable source of adenosine, which inhibits platelet aggregation in arterial pathways, thereby providing protective activity.

Reishi mushrooms are dried and used medicinally

Beneficial features

Reishi contains many benefits that are important for health and this is because it contains many nutrients. The mushroom contains minerals such as copper, calcium, niacin, folate and potassium. It also has antiviral, antiallergenic, antioxidant, anticancer and immune properties. In addition, the mushroom is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Reishi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B and protein.

The mushroom has many healing properties, which is why it is used to treat many diseases. Reishi treats the following diseases:

  1. Bronchitis, hepatitis, insomnia.
  2. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby eliminating the risks of heart problems.
  3. Red mushroom has numerous benefits for those who suffer from respiratory diseases (asthma and the like).
  4. The mushroom is used as a tonic to treat arthritis and hypertension.
  5. Reishi helps improve health in people with HIV and AIDS, and also helps with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. The mushroom is an excellent antidepressant.
  7. Reduces blood sugar levels, hence recommended for diabetic patients to control sugar levels.
  8. This type of mushroom helps regulate water and sodium levels in the body. People who suffer from heart failure are recommended to use it for treatment.
  9. Reishi mushroom helps with mental illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This use promotes mental acuity, improving a person's energy levels.
  10. The mushroom improves and strengthens the immune system, which then helps in the fight against infectious diseases. This reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases.
  11. Reishi improves the functioning of the metabolic system, which prevents any metabolic problems.
  12. Reishi mushrooms are beneficial in treating skin problems.

Active substances:

  1. Sulfur compounds.
  2. Proteins and amino acids.
  3. Alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds).
  4. Nucleosides and nucleotides (phosphorus esters).
  5. Polysaccharides (a class of high molecular weight carbohydrates that consist of tens of thousands of monomers, that is, monosaccharides).
  6. Terpenes and triterpenes (class of carbons, biosynthetic products).
  7. Sterols (natural compounds, steroid derivatives containing a hydroxyl group in the 3rd position).
  8. Steroids (substances of plant origin with high biological activity).
  9. Glucosides (natural compounds consisting of carbohydrate residues and non-carbohydrate parts).
  10. Coumarin glycoside (unsaturated aromatic lactones).
  11. Essential oil.
  12. Riboflavin (water-soluble vitamin).
  13. Ascorbic acid.
  14. Minerals including Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu and Ge.
  15. Ergosterol (natural compound from the group of sterols).
  16. Fungal lysosome.
  17. Acid protease (enzyme).

Red reishi is distinguished by a large range of amino acids, proteins and polysaccharides.

Reishi as an antidepressant

For the experiment, the researchers extracted mycelium from the mushroom. Mycelium is a biologically active substance that is a plant component for the fungus (mycelium is important for the absorption of nutrients in the external environment). After which rats were selected for the experiment. The rats were divided into groups, one was given reishi mycelium, the other was given distilled water. The substances were administered orally. To study the effect of substances on depression, forced testing was carried out in a swimming pool and in an open field. To assess the effects of anxiety, rats underwent a maze and conditioning test. After assessing test performance, the researchers found that the reishi groups performed similarly to the non-depressed group in the open field and pool test, unlike the other group. This suggests that the groups given the mycelium showed greater antidepressant effects. Based on this result, it is believed that reishi may be valuable in the treatment of depression.

Reishi mushrooms have demonstrated antidepressant activity, which means that serotonin receptors are affected by the calming effect.

Check with your doctor before taking any mushroom supplements. Do not stop or change your treatment without your doctor's approval. Treatment must be taken very seriously, as this is a very dangerous method. In order to stop treatment, it is worth developing a special program to reduce the dose and gradually wean off the substance; if this is not done, this will entail potentially dangerous side effects.

A drug based on reishi mushroom mycelium is a good antidepressant.

Reishi mushroom tea

Reishi mushroom, also known as lingzhi mushroom, is one of the oldest mushrooms to be used in herbal infusions. Herbal experts in China have the advantage of centuries in researching the effects of various plants and herbs. Over the centuries, it has been observed that reishi mushroom has beneficial properties that can contribute to good health.

Reishi mushroom tea may help regulate important body functions such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. People with high blood pressure were able to notice a decrease in blood pressure by drinking this tea. In addition, the body is able to reduce cholesterol levels and detoxify the blood after starting to drink tea regularly. In addition to this treatment method, it is recommended to follow a good diet program as well as regular exercise.

One of the effects that reishi tea has is its antioxidant property, which can strengthen the human immune system and stimulate cell growth after injury. This tea will help you be in a state in which you will be significantly less at risk of various diseases. You will get an overall feeling of good health with this tea.

How to make reishi tea?

Tea bags can be purchased as prescribed by a doctor. To prepare tea, you will need to take one bag and place it in a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes. If possible, it is preferable to use filtered water.

Please note that taking tea must be as prescribed by a doctor. This will eliminate unwanted negative consequences. This drink may not be suitable for all patients, as it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Chinese medicine for you: properties of Chinese Ganoderma

You will need:

  • mood
  • Ganoderma mushroom
  • wish

Today there are a lot of drugs discovered in science and medicine that are very popular among product consumers, but not all of them can give the desired result. Ganoderma sinensis has achieved tremendous success in oriental medicine, which is also popularly known as an immortal mushroom that allows you to prolong youth and restore your former strength. The Chinese mushroom Ganoderma never ceases to amaze with its unique composition, because it contains amino acids, a large number of multivitamins, micro- and macroelements. Reishi mushroom, as it is popularly called, is a very common medicinal product that is known not only in eastern countries, but also in Russia. Recently, this fungus has begun to be found in cleared forests, on deciduous trees growing in Altai, so it is worth noting that Ganoderma is distributed on many continents.

Almost all oriental books that contain recipes for medicines say that Ganoderma can be sour, bitter, sweet, salty and spicy at the same time. It is worth noting that it is precisely because of its unusual combination of flavors that Reishi is so popular among thrill-seekers. Eastern legends claim that the mixture of these tastes fully corresponds to the five human organs that suffer from various diseases. In order to feel good and maintain health, you need to eat food every day that contains all the flavors. Today, drinks have already been created that contain all the flavors - these are teas, coffee and cocoa, which help get rid of various diseases. The addition of the amazing Ganoderma mushroom only enhances all the medicinal properties of the drinks, promoting better absorption of nutrients.

Today, several properties are known that have a positive effect on the human body suffering from various diseases. While taking medications containing Ganoderma, you can get rid of the progression of tumors, so you can forget about the dangers of their exposure. Also, preparations containing the beneficial Reishi mushroom help in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Medicines based on the mushroom can dilate the arteries of the heart, enrich the blood with oxygen, eliminate coronary heart disease and prevent heart attacks, so patients are often prescribed exactly these drugs. In order to improve the level of cholesterol in the blood, you should take medications containing the Ganoderma mushroom, because they can remove all the substances that worsen the human condition.

Ganoderma mushroom can also help eliminate mental illness because this remedy has a positive effect on a person with a stress disorder. Medicines that contain Reisha can cure allergy sufferers, as well as prevent a possible relapse of allergies, so you should not worry about dermatitis and bronchial asthma. In numerous studies of Ganoderma, scientists have found that medications can cure lung diseases, so doctors are increasingly recommending taking medications containing the fungus. Reishi has various antibacterial properties, so it can quite successfully prevent the development of pneumonia, bronchitis or tracheitis, and this in turn suggests that it can soothe cough and shortness of breath, and also helps remove phlegm from the body.

Chinese cordyceps mushroom

In the 90s, Chinese athletes won victories one after another at all championships, championships and Olympiads. The final chord for bringing forward a powerful accusation was the marathon: after running it, the Chinese team indulged in jasmine seagull as if they had not run at all. The judges demanded an answer: how do you manage to break world records and still feel great? Doping tests eliminated all suspicions, but Chinese representatives still had to divulge a secret that had been kept for centuries by the doctors of the Imperial Palace - the tea that the athletes enjoyed contained a mysterious cordyceps mushroom.

Divine gift of nature

To this day, there are ongoing discussions regarding the origin of Cordyceps; even quite serious scientists cannot but agree with the fact that this creature is one of a kind. There are also suggestions that it was once given to people by alien civilizations... One can only think and guess, but this mushroom has become not just an intermediate link between animals and plants, but itself, in its development, directly goes through the stage of an insect and a plant.

It has long been noticed that harsh living conditions give plants and fungi not only vitality, but also a rich composition. Likewise, the Chinese cordyceps mushroom has the highest biological value, for which it is highly revered in oriental medicine. It is used for fatigue and depression, to slow down the aging process and in the treatment of many diseases.

The most valuable components of cordyceps are:

  • Vitamin E is a reproduction vitamin and a powerful antioxidant.
  • Ubiquinone, better known as coenzyme Q10, cleanses blood vessels, accelerates the removal of toxins and free radicals through the liver and kidneys, and is an essential component of cellular respiration. Coenzyme Q10 is now actively used in the treatment of heart diseases.
  • Specific polysaccharides with immunomodulatory effects
  • Beta-carotene, which stops the growth and reproduction of tumor cells, helps reduce inflammatory reactions in the body
  • Unsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids - structural units of cell walls
  • Enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fats
  • Cordyceptin and cordycepsic acid are substances with antibacterial and antiviral properties.

In addition, Chinese cordyceps contains a number of essential amino acids, B vitamins and a huge range of minerals - potassium, calcium, fluorine, boron, selenium, iron, zinc, cobalt and others. This miraculous mushroom replenishes the few natural sources of vitamin B12, due to a deficiency of which almost half of the world's population suffers.

Applications of Chinese mushroom

In traditional Chinese medicine, famous for centuries of experience and excellent results, cordyceps is used very widely. However, official medicine recommends using it as a dietary supplement to complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

In particular, the indications for taking Chinese mushroom capsules are:

  • Heart disease – ischemia, angina, rehabilitation period after a heart attack. Antioxidants and ubiquinone stimulate coronary circulation, and phospholipids and fatty acids are involved in the renewal of cardiac muscle cells
  • Enuresis and renal failure
  • Respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and others
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Immunodeficiency conditions
  • Autoimmune diseases - diabetes, rheumatism and others
  • Malignant tumors in different stages of development. Cordyceps is often recommended for patients undergoing radiation or chemical therapy.

To replenish deficiencies of B vitamins, selenium, iron, zinc and as a general tonic, Chinese mushroom can be used by completely healthy people. It would not be amiss to take it during the winter-spring period of pandemics of viral infections, because scientists around the world attribute antiviral properties to cordyceps.

Chinese doctors also advise students and people of intellectual work to take the mushroom - its components stimulate the activity of the cerebral cortex, improve cerebral circulation, which results in increased concentration and a lower threshold of fatigue.


In official medicine there is a law: the more effective the drug, the more contraindications it has. Traditional Chinese medicine, contrary to such beliefs, has few provisions regarding the dangers of the drugs used. However, Cordyceps is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant
  • Children under 12 years old
  • For easily excitable people
  • For schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy, neuroses and other disorders associated with excessive stimulation of the nervous system.

Until the 90s, the cordyceps mushroom remained a secret of Chinese doctors, passed down only by inheritance. They were used to treat imperial families for many ailments and prolong the lives of important people. Nowadays this remedy is being actively researched by Western doctors, who never cease to be surprised by new discoveries of the amazing properties of the mushroom.

Mushrooms as medicine

Mushrooms are very diverse in their properties. They can be both fatal to humans and have a healing effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Native American healers in South America are familiar with many different types of mushrooms. For thousands of years they have been turning to their healing powers. In modern Western medicine, mushrooms have also increasingly become used as a remedy, prescribed by homeopaths in capsule form. More and more patients around the world are resorting to so-called mycotherapy, that is, treatment with mushrooms.

The range of diseases that can be overcome with the help of mushrooms is very wide - from cough and asthma to thrombosis and elevated blood sugar levels. Mushrooms can also help strengthen the immune system and are even suitable for anti-aging.

Chinese medicine and mushrooms

Mushrooms have been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for over three thousand years. They are even used here to combat cancer. Mushroom treatment is also becoming increasingly popular in Western countries.

The main thing is to choose the “right” mushroom and dosage, doctors say. Finding such a mushroom and determining the dose is not so easy. This requires a lot of experience. In China, experience with mushroom treatment has been accumulated over centuries.

Do not resort to self-medication

Compared to Chinese mushroom science, Europe is still new to this industry. Research in the field of mycotherapy promises mostly good treatment results and chances of recovery. Indeed, mushrooms contain a number of unique substances. Suffice it to recall the ancestor of all antibiotics - penicillin, which is obtained from mushrooms. Or cyclosporine, without which transplant medicine would not be possible.

Currently, medicinal mushrooms are grown in entire plantations, as the demand for them is growing. However, it should be remembered that so far there are no definitive thorough studies of their healing properties and the side effects of such treatment. Therefore, patients often have to decide for themselves whether to use mycotherapy or not. At the same time, doctors categorically warn against self-medication.

Mushrooms: Ganoderma mushroom of immortality Ganoderma lusidum Lingzhi Reishi


Lingzhi (Garnoderma Lucidum), Reishi price for 250 grams.

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name of a species of Red mushroom. Ganoderma is known in China as Lingzhi and in Japan as Reishi.

Has a powerful oncoprotective effect; Protects the body from the effects of toxic substances, electromagnetic radiation and other negative influences of the external environment;

Stimulates weakened immunity and restores the body's natural defenses;

Optimizes metabolism, has a rejuvenating effect, accelerates healing processes;

Promotes internal cleansing of the body;

Regulates the state of the nervous system, activates brain activity, and helps improve memory. Increases resistance to stress;

Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and blood composition;

Suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora;

Effectiveness of Lingzhi mushroom:

  • Strengthens the immunity of cells and the humoral system.
  • Improves liver function, stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • Prevents and alleviates the symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases and hyperlipidemia.
  • Relieves symptoms of nervous system diseases.
  • Relieves cough symptoms, relieves asthma symptoms, has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Inhibits the production of free superoxide radicals.
  • Removes hydroxyl radicals.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Restores blood flow to the pancreas.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.

Lingzhi has five main healing properties:
- strong antitumor effect (when taking the drug from Lingzhi, there is a regression of any tumors - both benign and malignant). Second- treat cardiovascular diseases, and it is so pronounced that it is not only not inferior to shiitake, but exceeds its effect by an order of magnitude. Third— Lingzhi treats mental illness. This rare property was first noted in the 17th century, when it was used to cure epilepsy in the heir of Mikado. Fourth- treat allergic diseases. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called “lanostane” was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. Now bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations are successfully treated (and cured!) with the help of Lingzhi. Fifth- treatment of any pulmonary diseases. Of course, treatment with the Lingzhi mushroom is a long process (takes one to two years), but it is effective and does not cause any side effects!

Oncological diseases

A study of mushrooms showed that Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in that it contains not only active antitumor polysaccharides, but also so-called terpenoids, which increase resistance to stress and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body and are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, incl. in case of AIDS and antitumor activity depends on the duration of therapy using Lingzhi. It is believed that it is enough to take a course of Lingzhi at least once a year to avoid getting cancer!

Antimicrobial action and allergic diseases

Lingzhi has an antimicrobial effect, and it does not act by suppressing, for example, staphylococcus or pneumococcus, but by killing them. Improves all types of metabolism: mineral, carbohydrate, fat, has an anti-allergenic effect. Treatment of allergies with Lingzhi is a long process (takes 1-2 years), but reliable and effective and does not cause any side effects!

Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are successfully treated with Lingzhi.

Cardiovascular diseases

The use of Lingzhi to improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The results of research at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking preparations from lingzhi mushrooms, cholesterol levels decreased! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.

The mushroom normalizes blood pressure, it is also effective against symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and other heart diseases, including angina pectoris, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and memory loss.

The immune system

Lingzhi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen it helps to adapt to stress, improves health and normalizes the functioning of the body.

When using the mushroom, the production of cytokinins in the body is activated. Cytokinins are regulators of the immune system that act immediately and do not require significant time for their effect on the immune system. Therefore, Lingzhi mushroom is a fast-acting immunoregulator. It is able to strengthen the weak, weaken the strong, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged, significantly increasing the body's resistance to disease and overall vitality.

In addition, Lingzhi corrects the immune system of the intestinal mucosa and actively protects the body from the effects of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

Hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus

Compounds that lower blood sugar are polysaccharides, ganoderan A, B and C, isolated from mushrooms and their protein compounds. It has also been found that the corresponding polysaccharide extracts from Lingzhi in an alkaline solution also have a hypoglycemic effect.

Lingzhi brings great relief to patients with epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted back in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that were used to cure epilepsy of the heir to the Mikado (Japanese emperor).

The use of the mushroom can last for a long time, since, unlike drugs of chemical origin, lingzhi has no side effects, including delayed ones, and is safe in a wide range of doses.
But it should also be noted that even in microdoses, higher mushrooms have an effect on the human body to a certain extent. A. Girich describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “The absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ begins (energy-information mechanism), and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of this effect, there is an improvement in the elasticity of the cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.”

Cosmetic properties

Lingzhi is characterized as a very good remedy for giving youthful skin. The fungus regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, and also, at the level of cellular metabolism, blocks the destructive effects of free radicals and reduces oxidative processes, which significantly slows down the aging process of the skin. Lingzhi polysaccharide complexes promote DNA synthesis and stimulate cell division, powerfully activate regeneration processes, which keeps the skin youthful for a long time. Masks with Lingzhi extract allow you to quickly give your skin a beautiful and healthy look, make it elastic, noticeably smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and fill it with vital energy.

Lingzhi contains: almost all groups of vitamins: beta-carotene, B, D, E, C; 13 types of amino acids; proteins; unsaturated fatty acids; immunomodulatory polysaccharides; minerals: potassium, phosphorus, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, manganese, boron and cobalt; more than 80 types of enzymes that are involved in all processes of breakdown and construction.

Do not forget that each disease has its own dosage and its own methods of using this mushroom.

Mode of application:

Powder: Grind Lingzhi mushroom into a fine powder and take ½ teaspoon of powder before meals in the morning on an empty stomach.

Alcohol tincture: 25 gr. chopped mushrooms, pour vodka (0.25 liters), leave in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Tea: Boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Before use, the drink can optionally be heated, filtered and drunk as tea. For one person, 2 grams of dried mushrooms per day (1 clove) is enough.

Quantity and weight: Lingzhi mushroom 1 pc. (from 30 g.) Cut slices from 1 to 3 g. thing. Ganoderma spore powder depends on the manufacturer and packaging method.

There are no contraindications.

Gelatin capsules “Reishi mushroom (lingzhi)” - Mushroom of immortality, elixir of youth.

Name:"Reishi mushroom (lingzhi)" /Ganodermalucidum/

Characteristics a: The biologically active product in the form of soft gelatin capsules “Oil from the spores of the varnished tinder fungus” is a powerful anticancer agent. The products have a GMP certificate: GMP-0030.

The Chinese themselves call this plant “Mushroom of Immortality” and even “Elixir of Eternal Youth.” For several centuries, the Chinese people have used this plant to treat tumors at different stages. The polysaccharides contained in Reishi promote the production of the protein perforin, which, in turn, stops the division of cancer cells. Regression of tumors (benign and malignant) occurs. Sick cells stop multiplying, their blood supply and nutrition stop, and the disease recedes. Studies have shown that the condition of patients improves, courses of chemotherapy and radiation are tolerated much easier, because the body receives a powerful impetus to fight the disease. A huge number of useful substances enhance the body's antitumor resistance.
Currently, this unique mushroom is well studied. As a result of research, antiviral, immune-regulating, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, anti-allergenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been proven. Highly effective in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The mycelium and fruiting bodies of the Reishi mushroom contain amino acids, essential oils, carbohydrates, peptides, steroids, proteins, glycosides, triterpenes, vitamins (B3, B5, C, D) and trace elements (magnesium, selenium, manganese, calcium, molybdenum, zinc, sodium , potassium, iron, sulfur, copper, germanium.

Compound: oil based on powder from varnished polypore spores with a destroyed shell; polysaccharides, vegetable oil; shell: gelatin, potassium sorbate, glycerin, water.

Indications for use: cancer at different stages, as well as with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, period of remission; diseases of an immunological nature - HIV, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, sclerosis; hepatitis (A, B, C); seizures, epilepsy; skin allergies, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis; coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. (Reishi helps expand the coronary artery of the heart, prevents myocardial infarction, strengthens the heart muscles, nourishes tissues); diabetes mellitus, stroke; liver diseases - cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, stomach diseases - gastritis, etc.; chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, nervous disorders, depression, mental disorders.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation period, children under 12 years of age, individual intolerance to components.

Mode of application: 2 times a day, 2 capsules

Package: 60pcs
Keep in a closed container in a dry, dark place at room temperature.
Best before date: 24 months.
Manufacturer: Biotechnology company "Li Shizhen", Qichun.

Lingzhi Ganoderma mushroom

Lingzhi mushroom known as the “Sacred Mushroom” (Russian), or “Mushroom of Immortality” (Tib.). For 2000 years, residents of the Asian region knew about the healing properties of the rare forest mushroom Lingzhi and used it as a medicine - this explains their long life, devoid of serious illnesses. In traditional Chinese medicine, Ganoderma is given the “highest” category, taking into account the breadth of its effects and the absence of side effects.

Chemical composition:

Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in the content of active antitumor polysaccharides B-glucans, which potentiate the action of superoxide dismutases, preventing the accumulation of free radicals.

The famous B-glucans have strong antitumor and antibiotic properties. They contain at least one hundred ganoderic acids - bitter triterpenoids that increase the body's resistance to stress, stop allergic reactions and lowering blood sugar levels. The substance cyclooctasulfur and protein blocks the action of autoimmune processes, and the presence of adenosine nucleotide in the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma determines its use in cardiovascular diseases.

The capsules are an extract of crushed mushroom. Unique Chinese technology makes it possible to isolate from them components that activate protective immune mechanisms based on the Lingzhi mushroom, which allows the body to absorb it in full. The multi-level extraction process allows you to create the maximum concentration of active ingredients in the finished product. As a result, Powder of Life Capsules contain maximum standardized amounts of triterpenes, which promote detoxification of the body and have antioxidant properties (6%) and polysaccharides (13.5%). According to these indicators, Powder of Life Capsules are leaders among other products currently on the market.

Mechanism of action:

Polysaccharides and ergosterols together have a stimulating effect on natural immune functions. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level.
By increasing the number of leukocytes in peripheral blood,

Lingzhi powder is extruded from the mushroom cap. The cap is ground into very small pieces, resulting in a size of 50 microns. As a result, the rate of absorption by the body, compared to traditional medicines, increases by 9.2 times.

For cancer:

Linji powder in combination with its spores helps to significantly resist cancer. Patients experience excellent results after use. For diseases of the cardiovascular system and cerebral vessels: 1. Effect – regulates blood pressure in two directions, – dilates the coronary arteries, – improves oxygen supply to the heart muscles, – alleviates the symptoms of angina pectoris (angina), – lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, – indicated for high blood fat levels.

2. The principle of action of Linji has the following actions: – strengthens the coronary arteries, thereby increasing the intensity of blood circulation, – restores blood circulation and oxygen supply in the heart muscles, – indicated in the treatment and prevention of coronary thrombosis and angina, – regulates the nervous system, – restores capillaries of blood vessels after atherosclerosis, - strengthens the function of the heart, - indicated for fragile vessels, - lowers high blood pressure, - increases low blood pressure, - prevents the formation of atherosclerosis, - cleanses the blood, - prevents the formation of blood clots,

All these versatile actions of Linji help prevent stroke.

For hepatitis: 1. Effect – protects the liver, removes toxins, reduces damage to the liver. – helps a lot with dizziness, fatigue, nausea, diseases of the liver area. – restores liver function and also helps normalize its functioning. – helps a lot with oxyhepatitis and is definitely useful for any liver diseases. 2. Operating principle Linji has the functions of protecting the liver and removing toxins from the body. Linji protects the liver from most damage caused by physical and chemical factors.

In case of chronic hepatitis, long-term use significantly reduces dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.

When the nervous system is weakened: 1. Effect – helps against insomnia, improves sleep quality. – significantly relieves the symptoms of headaches and dizziness, indicated for multiple sclerosis, stress, and lack of appetite. 2. Principle of action Pharmagologically certified. Linji has a calming and analgesic effect; regulates the nervous system. Linji treats the aging nervous system without causing addiction and without side effects. For diabetes: 1. Effect – Lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Relieves side effects from medications that lower blood sugar. 2. Operating principle

Linji raises insulin levels in the blood. Study Results: In patients who have decreased insulin production, Linji also lowers blood sugar levels.

For prevention: 1. Effect – Maintains the level of vital activity, strengthens the immune system. – Accelerates metabolism, removes waste and toxins from the body, improves the body’s protective functions. – Has a calming effect, improves liver function and vision. – Slows down the aging process, has a rejuvenating effect.

2. The principle of action of Linji, when used for a long time, strengthens the body and restores the vitality of the body by improving the quality of blood and increasing the immunity of cells, and increases the human body’s resistance to disease. Environmental pollution directly negatively affects human health. Linji speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body, thereby reducing harm to the body. The content of substances such as polyleptic protein and poliose in Linji significantly reduces the aging process of the body. Linji effectively eliminates free radicals, prevents lipid oxidation, protects cell structure, prolongs the life cycle of cells, and therefore slows down the aging process. In the ancient books of China they write: “after long-term use of Lingji, the body becomes light and does not age, life is prolonged.”

Method of preparation and use: 1 teaspoon of powder per 1 glass of warm water. Take 2 times a day in the morning and one glass in the afternoon. Infusion: pour 1 dessert spoon of mushroom powder into a glass of hot water (70 degrees) and leave covered in a porcelain or glass container for 40 minutes, take 1/2 cup 2 times a day before meals in small sips. There are no contraindications.

Release form: packaging -250 grams

Fungotherapy - treatment with mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms and their properties. Action of mushrooms

Fungotherapy is a whole branch of medicine. Fungotherapy (from the Latin Fungus - “mushroom”) is a treatment with mushrooms. Of course, we are not talking about ordinary forest mushrooms, but about special, medicinal ones.

In recent years, this science has been increasingly mentioned in the media. In Russia, this treatment method has also found fairly widespread use. Many experts believe that fungotherapy is the science of the future. Its capabilities have not yet been fully explored.

History of fungotherapy

It should be noted that fungotherapy originated a very long time ago, more than 2 thousand years ago. Its origins lie in Japan and China. The famous healer Wu Xin compiled a very extensive treatise on the medicinal properties of mushrooms. It describes more than 100 species of mushrooms that are found in China and Japan. He wrote that mushrooms are many times superior to herbs in their medicinal properties.

In our country, people have known about the beneficial properties of some mushrooms since ancient times. For example, Yaroslav the Wise was treated with chaga. Morels were used to cure cataracts in monasteries.

Then, in the middle of the last century, science began to obtain antibiotics from mushrooms, which became a real breakthrough in medicine. This discovery greatly contributed to the development of fungotherapy.

Since then, numerous studies have been carried out in the field of pharmaceutical mycology.

The most famous medicinal mushrooms

Shiitake mushroom already very well studied. For its excellent healing properties in Asia it is usually called the “Imperial Mushroom”. It is prescribed for cancer, hypertension, arthritis, immunodeficiency, atherosclerosis and allergies. It has also been proven effective in the treatment of diabetes, stomach ulcers, and viral hepatitis B. Helps patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, fears and depression.

Cordyceps Most often prescribed for cancer, immunodeficiency, asthma, bronchitis, atherosclerosis. It is used by athletes for rapid muscle recovery after high sports loads. It is also used to increase libido, relieve stress, fears and depression.

Reishi (Brilliant Ganoderma) is the most famous mushroom of Chinese traditional medicine. It ranks first in the Great Pharmacopoeia of China and has been known to mankind for more than 2,500 years. It contains a huge amount of various useful substances. It helps in the treatment of cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, immunodeficiency, multiple sclerosis. This mushroom is used for allergic diseases, intestinal ulcers, thyroid diseases, hemorrhoids, and heart rhythm disorders. Helps get rid of extra pounds, effective for skin diseases and mental illnesses.

Brazilian Agaric has very strong antitumor properties. It is used for cancer, immunodeficiency, edema, diseases of the thyroid gland, skin, hepatitis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and hypertension. Helps men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Meitake ("Dancing Mushroom" or "Chicken's Tail") was opened about thirty years ago. It contains many polysaccharides - beta-glucans. Experts prescribe it for patients with cancer, diabetes, AIDS, and osteoporosis. It is recommended to use for hepatitis, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, as well as pathological menopause. It is one of the few fungi that can destroy adipocytes - fat cells. This helps to get rid of excess weight.

How to take medicinal mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms are sold today in powder and extract form. They are packaged in capsules at the pharmaceutical plant. The regimen and duration of treatment should be prescribed by a fungotherapy specialist. Each patient is given an individual prescription, which depends on the existing diseases and the general condition of the body. There are no contraindications for the use of medicinal mushrooms. They should not be used only by people with individual intolerance.

Beware of fakes!

It is very important to know that fake mushrooms are also sold. For this reason, you should only buy officially certified mushrooms. They must be accompanied by the conclusion of a sanitary and epidemiological examination. If there is no data on the examination, both on the packaging and in the annotation, then such mushrooms are not worth buying. Firstly, they will not bring the desired result. Secondly, they can even be dangerous to human health and life. As you know, mushrooms are excellent at absorbing various harmful substances from the environment. And certified mushrooms are specially grown in enterprises where sterile conditions are provided.

How do mushrooms work?

Medicinal mushrooms are used for a variety of diseases, but most often they are prescribed to people suffering from cancer. This is not surprising, because, according to scientists, mushrooms contain such biologically active polysaccharides as: lentinan, lanostane, ganoderan, lanofil, and grifolan. Their main beneficial property is the ability to adapt the human immune system to the current needs of his body. In addition, these substances enhance the production of perforin. This protein inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells. It becomes easier for the body to fight it. Fungi have different mechanisms of action on tumors.

Medicinal mushrooms can also reduce the side effects of traditional anticancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which are very difficult for patients to tolerate.

Terpenoids can effectively help patients with allergic reactions. Antioxidants in mushrooms reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and promote the removal of salts from the joints.

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Cryptoporus volvonosus

Family: Coriolaceae.

Synonyms: tinder fungus.

Description. The mushroom Cryptoporus volvonosus has annual fruiting bodies in the form of small, up to 1-5 cm in diameter and 1-3 cm in thickness, flattened (or somewhat more flattened below) balls, with a rudimentary lateral stalk or sessile, with a fleshy consistency when fresh and corky - in dry. The surface is shiny, with resinous secretions, gradually becomes matte, from pale yellow to light brown, the edge is rounded, shiny, brown-yellow or light brown, directly turning into a film covering the pores, about 1 mm thick, resembling suede, matte , pale yellow in color, when ripe, bursting into a rounded hole (sometimes two or three) at the base of the fruiting body for the release of spores. Spores are tubes 2-5 mm long, grayish-yellow, round pores. The surface of the tubular layer is grayish-white, grayish-yellow to brownish-gray. The pulp has a fleshy consistency, pale yellow, almost white.

This southern tinder fungus grows in pine forests, coniferous-deciduous forests, develops mainly on dead and dead (sometimes living) trunks of pine and cedar, less often spruce and larch, as well as on logs prepared from these species, in small groups, colonies or singly. The fungus causes light brown peripheral rot of wood.

Cryptoporus volvonosus in Russia is known only in the Far East (Amur region, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, south of Sakhalin Island). Included in the Red Books of the Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk, Amur and Sakhalin regions. Widely distributed in East Asia (Japan, China, Korea Peninsula) and North America.

Similar species. A characteristic tinder fungus, distinguished from others by the presence of a film protecting the tubular layer and a cavity between these structures.

Medicinal properties: The mushroom Cryptoporus volvonosus contains polysaccharides, ergosterol (provitamin D), a mixture of sesquiterpenes and aromatic compounds; rich in essential oils. It has antitumor, immunomodulatory and hypolipidemic effects, and is effective against tracheitis and asthma.

Pharmaceutical tests have shown that Cryptoporus sesquiterpenes stop coughing, relieve asthma attacks, and also have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

The substance CVFS (Cryptoporus volvatus ferment substance) obtained by fermentation of cultural mycelium has anti-inflammatory activity, is capable of regulating immunity, as well as the release of leukotrienes (mediators of immediate allergic reactions and mediators of inflammation), which leads to a slowly increasing persistent contraction of smooth muscles of the bronchi and gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese biochemists have extracted acid E, which is active against transplantable tumors in mice (sarcoma-180 and Ehrlich carcinoma). Japanese researchers have found that acid E can inhibit the release of oxygen free radicals and further prevent tumor development. In South Korea, it was found that hot water extracts a glycoprotein from cryptoporus, which has antitumor activity. The mechanism of this activity is associated with the regulation of the release of reactive oxygen species.

The use of cryptoporus in the form of decoctions reduces the level of lipids in the blood.

According to Japanese physicians and biochemists, the mixtures of sesquiterpenes contained in Cryptoporus are important compounds for the prevention of heart and coronary artery diseases, promote cerebral circulation, and suppress the aging process and arthritis.

Application: In Chinese traditional medicine, the mushroom is used to treat asthma. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends placing pieces of fresh cryptoporus in the child's mouth during ablactation (weaning) for 1-2 weeks.

Rules for collection and preparation for medicinal purposes: Fresh fruiting bodies are collected for subsequent drying.

Use in cooking: Not used directly for culinary purposes. Since this mushroom contains aromatic substances, it is customary for people to store it in the house to aromatize the air (data from Yunnan Province, China).

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Chinese mushrooms. Chinese mushrooms in medicine and cooking

Chinese mushrooms are very popular not only in the original national cuisine, but in other countries. They are salted, dried, stuffed and stewed. Mushrooms can be bought in the supermarket, most often they are sold in compressed form. In order for them to increase in volume, they must be filled with water and left for about an hour. After this, you can rinse and start cooking.

Many people are distrustful of these mushrooms because they do not know how to cook them correctly. In their original form they are a sticky briquette. But after soaking, it easily turns into familiar mushrooms.

Tree mushrooms

Chinese tree mushroom, also called cloud abalone, is widely used in the cuisines of different countries. It is thin and brittle, so it looks like pieces of charred paper. If you pull the ears out of the bag, you can feel the smoky aroma. But it completely disappears as soon as you soak the mushrooms.

Wood abalones are used to prepare soups, fried and stewed dishes. They have a pleasant crunch and a smooth surface. After soaking, the mushrooms increase approximately 7 times in size. When the ears swell, you need to rinse them and drain them in a colander.

Before cooking, you must thoroughly clean them of dirt and debris and remove hard roots. Do not cut the ears too finely; just divide them into separate parts, maintaining their shape.

Where does tree mushroom grow?

Chinese mushrooms can be found not only on trees, but also on cellulose and other materials. They are easy to identify: they have large and fleshy caps, and the legs can be short or long.
The color of the cap depends on the type of mushroom and the environment in which it grows. Young ears are distinguished by a gray-blue color, and with age they become light brown. No matter what shade the cap is, the flesh of this mushroom is always white. They taste like seafood and their texture is smooth and soft.

Is tree mushroom good for you?

All parts of the ears that can be eaten are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are rich in vitamins B and C and also contain large amounts of protein. They contain all the microelements that a person needs.

Chinese tree mushroom is especially useful for the following diseases:

  • Anemia.
  • Hypertension, obesity and diabetes.
  • With increased levels of acidity and cholesterol.
  • With reduced immunity.

How to cook mushroom?

Wood abalones should not be cooked over high heat or, conversely, over too low heat. This will cause them to become either stiff or flaccid. The broth should boil for about 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of the mushroom.

Chinese black mushroom (muer)

This species is very healthy, it is rich in iron, protein and vitamins. You can cook it with the addition of dates or lotus seeds. Chinese black mushrooms are soft and silky, yet a little crunchy.

Muer can be eaten as noodles. To do this, you need to cut them and then fry, stew or add to the broth. Whole mushrooms can be stuffed. To make them swell, it is not enough just to fill them with water.

How to prepare muer for cooking?

First of all, Chinese mushrooms should be cleared of debris and washed in cold water. After this, add warm water and leave for a couple of hours. Then you need to sort them out and put them in cold water again. They should last a couple of days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After time, the mushroom will open and become approximately 10 times its original size, and will also acquire the desired softness.

Shiitake mushroom

This species is considered a delicacy and is grown on tree stumps that are specially processed. Shiitake mushrooms are very popular due to their pleasant aroma, delicate texture and unusual taste. The photo will help you figure out what they look like.

The dark brown lamellar cap reaches a diameter of 5-20 cm and has a beautiful pattern created by thickenings and cracks. In young mushrooms, the stem is protected by a plate. It breaks when the spores mature. The most delicious mushrooms are those whose caps do not exceed 5 cm in size. They should be 70% open, with a dark brown, velvety color.

Shiitake in medicine

These mushrooms are used not only for cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. Even in ancient times, their properties were noticed, which have a positive effect on male strength.

A large number of vitamins and beneficial components contained in the mushroom reduce cholesterol, blood sugar levels, purify the blood, relieve tumors and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

Shiitake mushrooms, the photo of which conveys their beauty and appetizing appearance, are also used for viral diseases, immunodeficiency, stress, constant fatigue, depression, gastrointestinal and vascular diseases. Chinese doctors are confident that regular consumption of this mushroom prolongs life.

Shiitake is used for cosmetic purposes, as it regenerates epithelial cells and treats various skin diseases.

Shiitake mushroom in cooking

This product is considered universal, as it goes well with other ingredients and does not interfere with their taste. The characteristic caramel flavor gives dishes an unusual aroma.

These mushrooms can be prepared according to various recipes; there are a huge variety of them. Shiitake goes well with vegetables, noodles and meat. If you bake them on the grill, it is better to choose those mushrooms that have caps with a large diameter.

Are there any contraindications?

Shiitake fruits should be consumed with caution as they can cause allergic reactions. They should be introduced into the diet in small portions, as they contain bioactive substances. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid eating dishes prepared with the addition of these mushrooms.

Although the benefits of shiitake are undeniable, you should consume no more than 200 grams of fresh product or 18 grams of dried product per day.

Lingzhi mushrooms

They have great healing power, so their price is quite high. It is difficult to grow the Chinese lingzhi mushroom; they only grow on the trunk of a wild plum tree and under certain weather conditions. Today, this Chinese mushroom is also used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Properties and composition

“Mushroom of Immortality” has a rich chemical composition and contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are essential for humans. Lingzhi pulp has antihistamine and antiallergic effects, and also improves oxygen absorption. Thanks to terpenoids, the mushroom increases resistance to stress and prevents free radicals from accumulating in the body.

Chinese mushroom is also used in cosmetology. The photo will help you recognize lingzhi. It improves metabolic processes, stimulates tissue regeneration, slows down the aging process and has a rejuvenating effect. Based on it, special face masks are prepared, which are very popular among girls and women.

Lingzhi boosts immunity and prevents autoimmune diseases. It is effective for bronchial asthma, viral infections, disorders of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.

Chinese mushrooms are used to obtain extracts. They are extremely popular, as the positive result is noticeable after the first use.

Cordyceps chinensis - a mushroom that mummifies insects

Like other members of the genus, the fruiting body of Cordyceps sinensis consists of two parts - stroma and sclerotia. The stroma is dark brown or black, in more rare cases yellowish. Its length is 4-10 centimeters, and its girth does not exceed 5 millimeters.

The knife is bare, slender, ribbed. It ends with a fusiform or club-shaped granular head. The taste of the mushroom is sweetish, and the smell is gentle and pleasant.

Propagation of Cordyceps sinensis.

This fungus reproduces by spores, but what is surprising is that it shoots spores, as if from a homing weapon, only at the moment when a butterfly caterpillar of the species of hop spiny is nearby.

The spores first stick to the caterpillar’s ​​body, and then dissolve its skin and penetrate inside. The spores remain dormant in the caterpillar's body until it begins to burrow into the ground to pupate in the winter.

Caterpillars infected with the fungus always bury themselves in the ground with their heads up, like “soldier soldiers.” As soon as the caterpillar is in the ground, the spores enter active form, they begin to germinate, and after some time they completely eat up the caterpillar. The caterpillar's body is mummified and completely filled with sclerotia.

The root grows from the spore, and from it the body of the fungus. Cordyceps chinensis sprouts from a caterpillar in late spring or early summer. The mushroom looks like a blade of grass. The growing fruiting body uses substances from the larva's body as food.

One of the Chinese names for the mushroom, due to its development, translates as “caterpillar in winter, mushroom in summer.”

Where does Cordyceps chinensis grow?

At all times of the year, the living conditions of Chinese Cordyceps are extreme: rocky soil, low temperatures, thin air, lack of moisture. This is probably why Cordyceps manages to survive in such conditions precisely thanks to the use of insect nutrients.

Use of Chinese cordyceps in medicine.

These mushrooms are actively used in traditional Tibetan medicine. Cordyceps chinensis boasts a wide range of medicinal qualities. These mushrooms are an effective remedy for pain. They also reduce the risk of developing cancer.

For centuries, Cordyceps sinensis has been one of the most sought after remedies in Chinese medicine. Scientific research has shown that the fruiting bodies of these mushrooms contain biologically active components that activate the vital functions of the body.

Capsules and drops are produced based on Cordyceps chinensis; for this, 100% pure mycelium is used, which is processed using modern high-tech biotechnologies.

These drugs contain about 40 vital substances, for example:

  • Vitamins B1,2,12, K and E;
  • Organic acids: stearic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic. These acids reduce cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure;
  • More than 18 types of amino acids strengthen the immune system and protective properties of the body;
  • Trace minerals: iron, calcium, selenium, sodium, manganese, potassium, copper and zinc. They are the main elements for carrying out metabolic processes in the body;
  • 6 types of nutritional compounds strengthen overall tone and immune system.

The healing effect of Cordyceps sinensis.

Preparations made from these mushrooms have the following effect on the body:

  • Have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. They serve as a preventive measure for the formation of blood clots and normalize the condition of patients after a heart attack. Effectively lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood circulation;
  • Cordyceps is one of the best known natural immune boosters. Within 1-2 weeks of using the capsules, immunity is enhanced by 80%;
  • Cordyceps preparations are used to treat respiratory diseases, bronchitis and eliminate phlegm. They also relieve asthma symptoms. If you take the capsules for a long time, you can painlessly quit smoking and get rid of smoker’s cough;
  • These mushrooms are also used in the fight against kidney inflammation. They increase blood circulation in the kidneys and treat chronic renal failure;
  • Cordyceps preparations regulate the release of hormones and adrenaline, which helps enhance sexual function;
  • Also, preparations based on cordyceps mycelium protect the liver and prevent the risk of fibrosis formation. They are indicated after drug treatment and in case of liver damage from exposure to alcohol;
  • Most valuable, Chinese cordyceps prevents the formation of malignant tumors, and also stops or slows down the growth of existing cancer cells;
  • Cordyceps capsules increase the body's endurance and relieve the feeling of fatigue. The drug quickly removes lactic acid, which collects in the muscles after physical exertion, which makes the muscles sore;
  • The active components of cordyceps renew subcutaneous tissue, dilate blood vessels, and normalize blood circulation in the epidermis. This optimally affects the condition of the skin, its elasticity, color and appearance are normalized, swelling and bruising go away.

The spectrum of action of drugs based on the mycelium of these fungi is practically unlimited, which is associated with its ability to enhance immunity. These drugs trigger mechanisms that help the weak body resist the disease. That is, they improve the functioning of every organ.

  • First of all, preparations based on Chinese cordyceps are recommended for older people;
  • Patients with sclerosis, arrhythmia, stroke, heart attack, with high cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • People engaged in physically demanding work, exposed to overwork, stress and intellectual stress;
  • Patients with renal failure, diabetes mellitus, uremia;
  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Cancer patients;
  • People who have undergone long-term drug therapy;
  • Heavy smokers and alcohol abusers;
  • Patients with asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic hepatitis and tuberculosis;
  • Suffering from depression, nervousness, allergies, regular colds, low immunity, weakness, insomnia.

Cordyceps chinensis in history.

The first written mention of Chinese cordyceps dates back to the 15th century, although its medicinal properties were used much earlier. Tibetan physician Zukar Namney Dorje wrote about the mushroom. The Chinese are confident that due to the developmental features of Cordyceps, an ideal balance of yin and yang has been achieved, which is why it fights numerous diseases.

In Tibet and China, the medicinal properties of these mushrooms became known hundreds of years ago. Locals call cordyceps a “magic talisman” and a “gift from the gods.” For centuries, only imperial families had the right to use the medicinal properties of Cordyces. This was due to the rarity of the species.

Butterflies and caterpillars are not used in artificial conditions. Fungal spores germinate on a sterile nutritious extract, simulating the conditions of the natural habitat.

Scientists crossed different types of cordyceps, and they managed to obtain hybrid varieties with a high content of active substances.

Insect infected with Cordyceps.

Chinese cordyceps is harvested exclusively by hand. In the summer, when cordyceps stroma sprout, peasants from villages go in search of mushrooms sticking out of the ground. They are dug up along with the mummified bodies of insects. Each year, peasants manage to collect up to several tons of Chinese cordyceps. For one kilogram the price of these mushrooms reaches 50 thousand dollars.

A powder is made from dried fruiting bodies, which is then packaged into capsules. Some scientists believe that after fruiting bodies are heat treated to dry them out, they lose their beneficial qualities. Therefore, many people prefer a liquid extract made from alcohol. The extraction of cordyceps is very labor-intensive, and the raw materials are expensive, so for a long time scientists have debated what or who is cordyceps - a plant or an animal? In China, they have repeatedly tried to grow these wonderful mushrooms artificially. Positive results were achieved only in the last century. After many unsuccessful attempts, they finally learned to cultivate it. Cordyceps chinensis is produced industrially in large quantities.

Chinese caterpillar mushroom

The Chinese pharmaceutical industry ranks first in the world in the production of medicines based on natural ingredients of plant or animal origin. We are accustomed to calling such products dietary supplements, drugs that can have an effect not on the cause of the disease, but on the body as a whole. Among dietary supplements, special attention should be paid to drugs to increase potency and improve sexual life, which provide good results after use, have a long-lasting effect, and have no contraindications or side effects. We bring to your attention the latest remedy for increasing erection - Chinese caterpillar mushroom, which has been famous for its medicinal properties among Chinese healers for hundreds of years. The medicinal effect of the caterpillar fungus has been scientifically proven. In traditional Chinese medicine, the therapeutic effect of the caterpillar fungus has been scientifically proven; it is widely used for therapeutic and preventive purposes to combat various ailments, including erectile dysfunction. On our website you have the opportunity to buy Chinese caterpillar mushroom in the form of tablets for internal use.


The Chinese caterpillar mushroom contains about 77 different microelements, vitamins, as well as cordycepsic acid. This composition allows you to increase blood circulation to the pelvic organs, increase vitality, and improve the function of the genitourinary system. Cordyceps, which is in this drug, is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, which is also found in many other dietary supplements for increasing erection.

Indications for use

The use of Chinese caterpillar fungus can increase potency, cope with disorders of the genitourinary system, prevent premature ejaculation, increase stamina, improve sperm quality, increase the duration of sexual intercourse, and increase libido. In addition, the rich composition of the mushroom has a positive effect on the whole body, improves immunity, and has an anti-cancer effect.

Mode of application

Take Chinese caterpillar mushroom 1 capsule 30 minutes before sexual intercourse with a small amount of water. The effect of the drug lasts for 48 hours.


Buy Chinese caterpillar mushroom You can on our website or in Moscow pharmacies. After visiting our website, fill out an online application; it will take no more than 5 minutes. After a short time, our pharmacy consultant will contact you to clarify some details. We offer home delivery service, so you don’t have to waste your time going to the pharmacy. The products you ordered will be delivered by courier as quickly as possible.

Shiitake mushrooms - tasty and healthy

Recently, Japanese shiitake mushrooms appeared on the Russian market; scientifically they are also called edible lentinula. They immediately established themselves as having an excellent taste, comparable to the taste of everyone’s favorite champignons and porcini mushrooms. But, “there’s no arguing about tastes,” but in terms of useful qualities, this mushroom will give a head start to any other, because practically a “superfood” and even a medicine.

The name “shiitake,” which is unusual for our ears, has a simple and understandable origin to every Japanese: “Shi” is the Japanese name for the tree (Castanopsiscuspidate), on which this mushroom most often grows in nature, and “take” means “mushroom.” Shiitake is often also called simply “Japanese forest mushroom” - and everyone understands what we are talking about.

This mushroom is commonly called Japanese, but it grows and is specially cultivated, including in China. Shiitake mushrooms have been known in China and Japan for more than a thousand years, and according to some written sources, since the second century BC! One of the oldest reliable written evidence of the benefits of shiitake belongs to the famous Chinese medieval healer Wu Juey, who wrote that shiitake mushrooms are not only tasty and nutritious, but also healing: they heal the upper respiratory tract, liver, help with weakness and loss of strength, improve blood circulation, slow down the aging of the body and increase overall tone. Thus, even official (imperial) Chinese medicine adopted shiitake as early as the 13th-16th centuries. Tasty and healthy mushrooms, also known for their ability to increase potency, quickly fell in love with the Chinese nobility, which is why they are now also called “Chinese imperial mushrooms.” Along with Reishi mushrooms, these are the most beloved mushrooms in China - and in this country they know a lot about traditional medicine!

The information of medieval doctors - most likely based on observations and experience - is not outdated to this day. On the contrary, modern Japanese, Chinese and Western scientists are finding more and more scientific evidence for it. Doctors, in particular, have proven that shiitakes help reduce cholesterol in the blood (just a week of taking mushrooms as a supplement reduces cholesterol in the blood plasma by 12%!), fight excess weight, help with impotence, and improve skin condition. The latter, of course, is especially interesting to the general consumer, which is why fashionable and highly effective cosmetics are being created these days based on shiitake mushrooms in Japan, the USA, China and other countries. In addition, preparations using fungal mycelium extract are successfully used as an auxiliary in the treatment of malignant diseases. In any case, shiitake contains strong antioxidants that protect the body from the development of tumors - so in our days of far from ideal ecology, this is a good prevention.

It is commonly said that “the bitter medicine is good.” But the case of shiitake mushrooms is a happy exception to this rule. These mushrooms are already known all over the world; many people love them; More and more new recipes are appearing with shiitake - fortunately, their preparation is simple and quick, and the taste is rich, “forest”. The mushroom is sold dried, raw and pickled. Not surprisingly, shiitake production is booming, at around 800,000 tonnes per year at the start of the 21st century.

There is one curious nuance in growing shiitake - they grow fastest on sawdust, and this is the simplest and most profitable commercial (mass) production method. Wild mushrooms, or those grown on solid wood (on specially prepared logs) are much healthier; they are no longer food, but medicine. The first harvest of such mushrooms can be harvested only after a year, while “sawdust” shiitakes can be harvested only after a month! Restaurants all over the world use mushrooms of the first type (from sawdust) - they are tastier and larger. But the second type is more expensive and is supplied mainly to the pharmacy chain. They contain much more beneficial polysaccharide Lentiana, which, as Japanese science has found, helps fight cancer and other serious diseases. First grade mushrooms grown on sawdust also contain Lentian, but in small doses, so it is a tasty and healthy food, rather for the prevention of diseases and general health promotion.

“Food” shiitakes act gradually, gently. Such data were discovered during a special study in 1969 by an advanced Japanese doctor, Dr. Tetsuro Ikekawa from Purdue University, Tokyo (this unknown institute in Japan is famous because it specializes in the study of drugs for malignant tumors). The doctor also found that it is the decoction (soup) of shiitake that is most beneficial, and not other forms of consuming the product. This is also confirmed historically - the emperor and the nobility were fed and watered in the past era with decoctions of shiitake mushrooms. Ikekawa became famous throughout the world for his discovery - although it should be called a “re-discovery”, because according to Chinese historians, back in the 14th century, the Chinese doctor Ru Wui testified that shiitakes were effective in treating tumors (scrolls with his notes are kept in the Imperial Archives in China). Be that as it may, this discovery is useful and reliable, and today shiitake extracts are officially recognized as a treatment for cancer not only in Japan and China, but also in India, Singapore, Vietnam and South Korea. It is clear that if you do not have cancer or impotence (and thank God), then eating this healthy mushroom will also not be harmful at all, but very useful - because Shiitake does not act aggressively against any disease, but has a beneficial effect on the entire body, primarily strengthening the immune system as a whole.

Shiitake mushrooms are not only medicinal, but also very nutritious - they contain vitamins (A, D, C, and group B), trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium, etc.), as well as a number of amino acids, including essential ones, and in addition fatty acids and polysaccharides (including the famous Lentian). It is polysaccharides that have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

But the main good news for vegetarians is that these nutritious and healthy mushrooms are really tasty, quick to prepare, and you can make a ton of recipes with them!


Shiitake is an “elite” product, dishes from which can be found in expensive restaurants. But it can also be used in an ordinary kitchen: cooking shiitake is easy!

Mostly the caps are used for food, because... legs are hard. This is often why shiitake caps, including dried ones, are sold. The caps are used to prepare (besides the obvious mushroom soup) sauces, smoothies, sweets (!), and even yogurt.

Dried mushrooms must first be boiled (3-4 minutes), and then, if desired, you can fry them a little so that the water completely evaporates. When frying, add seasonings, walnuts, and almonds to taste. From shiitake it is easy to achieve the appearance of a “meaty” taste, which will appeal to “converts” and not ideological, but dietary vegetarians.


You cannot get poisoned by shiitake mushrooms, but excessive consumption (the maximum daily intake is 16–20 g of dried mushrooms or 160–200 g of fresh mushrooms) is not beneficial and can cause stomach upset, especially in children under 12 years of age.
It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to consume shiitake, because... This is actually a medicinal, highly effective drug, and its effect on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Shiitake is also not indicated for bronchial asthma.

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Western medicine and pharmacology have taken a lot of useful things from Chinese fungotherapy. Scientific interest in medicinal mushrooms has increased sharply thanks to the discovery of penicillin by A. Fleming, which revolutionized medicine. Currently, science continues to actively study the properties of medicinal mushrooms, expanding their list.

Medicinal mushrooms

The cohort of medicinal mushrooms of traditional Chinese medicine includes:

  • reishi, also - lacquered tinder fungus, lacquered ganoderma (lat. Ganoderma lucidum)
  • shiitake (lat. Lentinus edodes or Lentinula edodes)
  • cordyceps (lat. Cordyceps sinensis)
  • curly griffola, also - meitake, maitaki, (lat. Grifola frondosa)
  • Coriolus, also - misty mushroom, “butterfly wings” (lat. Coriolus versicolor)
  • coconut poria, also coconut pakhima, coconut polypore, Indian bread, Virginia truffle (lat. Poria cocos)
  • auricularia ear-shaped, also - “ear of Judas” (lat. Auricularia auricula)
  • Umbrella tinder fungus (lat. Polyporus umbellatus)

These mushrooms contain a complex of polysaccharides that can fight tumors. Mushroom polysaccharides have a strengthening effect on the body’s protective functions, rather than destroying the tumor directly. That is why they are called “protective function enhancers” (HDP). The specific effect of these polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body.

The most effective are the first three on the list. Shiitake and cordyceps have a greater antitumor effect, while reishi has an immune-regulating effect.

It has been noticed that mushrooms not only heal themselves, but also enhance the therapeutic effect of other drugs. Also, over the centuries, the correct combinations of mushrooms with each other have been selected, in which the most powerful healing effect is achieved.

Of the species listed above, shiitake, auricularia auriculata and polypore umbellata are also used as food. However, eating mushrooms, even edible ones, is not always healthy. Therefore, before treatment and before eating any mushrooms, you should consult your doctor.
When collecting yourself, you need a good knowledge of mushrooms, otherwise you can pick up poisonous ones.

The book provides descriptions of more than 50 species of medicinal mushrooms used in traditional Chinese medicine, including their taxonomic position, ecology, distribution, morphological features, chemical composition and nutritional value. Particular attention is paid to the results of studying the pharmacochemical properties of wild and cultivated species.

The latest achievements in the field of fungotherapy of tumor and viral diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, radiation injuries, etc. are shown.

Prospects for the development of fungal biotechnologies aimed at obtaining standardized medicinal raw materials for the production of pharmacologically active drugs and the food industry are presented. The book is of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of mycology, resource science, pharmacognosy, biochemistry, and agricultural biotechnology.



  • K. Schnorrenberger
  • Plants of Tibetan medicine. Pharmacological research experience
  • Kunsal-Nanzod. Tibetan medical treatise on the preparation of medicinal elixirs. Danzin Phuntsog
  • A precious Necklace of collected medicinal compounds used in everyday practice. (Reciper from Amdo).
  • Liu Zhengcai
  • Medicinal plants of Tibetan medicine. Tibetan Medicinal Plants. Tsewang Tsarong
  • The Art of Facial Diagnosis, Atlas, 8th Edition. E.I. Gonikman. The proposed atlas contains detailed descriptions and images of various types of faces, divided into zones, with their corresponding interpretation in Chinese medicine. Very important in this diagnosis is the ability to find out in advance about upcoming excesses inside the body and promptly correct them.
  • Treatment and diagnosis by palm. Atlas with visual examples. Zhao Liming. By appearance, skin color, muscle density, nails and palm lines, you can make a diagnosis and determine the nature of any disease. Even if you have never encountered palm reading, it only takes 5-7 days to master the basic skills of clinical diagnosis.


  • The film tells the story of the origins of Chinese medicine. Qigong, acupuncture, herbal treatment... Chinese doctors say that we are not treating a disease, but a person. Nowadays, the experience of Chinese doctors has become widespread, and is now being studied by many clinics, research institutes and medical practitioners, including outside China.

Year of issue: 2007

Genre: Biology

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: Interest in traditional oriental medicine and its integral part - fungotherapy - in our country, as well as throughout the world, is extremely high today. This is due to the broad search and study of pharmacologically active compounds of plant, animal and microbial origin that began in the middle of the last century, which could not but affect higher fungi. Since the discovery of penicillin, thousands of specimens of micromycetes and later macromycetes have been included in research. It should be noted that the strategy of using mushrooms along with plants to create medicines was developed mainly by Eastern scientists. Today, the healing properties of mushrooms, well known in folk medicine in different countries of the East, are widely used as the basis for a wide variety of medicines and dietary supplements used in the treatment of various diseases.
The purpose of the book “Medicinal Mushrooms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Biotechnologies” is to acquaint the Russian reader with the results of studying the medicinal properties of mushrooms, as they say, first-hand. The book summarizes the results of research on medicinal mushrooms at the Institute of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University (Changchun, China) and other scientific, medical and pharmaceutical institutes in the countries of the Pacific region. The first author of this book, Director of the Institute of Mycology, Professor Li Yu, is a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. On his initiative, in accordance with the agreement on international scientific and technical cooperation between the State Institution Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East named after N.V. Rudnitsky of the Russian Agricultural Academy and the Institute of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University, the Chinese-Russian Center for the Study of Mushrooms was created. The tasks of the center include the study of mushroom resources on the territory of the Russian Federation, expeditionary collection of biological material; measures to protect biodiversity and create a gene bank in the field of mycology; study of the chemical composition of representatives of local mycoflora in order to obtain biologically active substances for use in pharmacy and medicine; development and implementation of technologies for industrial cultivation of mushrooms for food and medicinal purposes.
In the summer of 2006, a joint Chinese-Russian mycological expedition was carried out to collect mycological material in the Kirov region, during which the idea of ​​a joint monograph on mushrooms, their medicinal properties and the development of mushroom biotechnologies arose.
The work in this direction of our foreign colleagues was supported by the phantom of the State Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China. Honored Scientist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China, Professor Wei Jiang Chin, highly appreciated the completed project. In his opinion, this book is not only one of the first fruits of scientific cooperation between our countries in the field of mycology, but also a symbol of friendship between the peoples of China and Russia.
The introductory part of the review examines the thousand-year traditions of using the healing power of mushrooms in the medicine of the East and West, special attention is paid to the results of studying the chemical nature of individual pharmacologically active substances of medicinal mushrooms, and the therapeutic value of mushrooms for food use is shown. The main part of the book contains descriptions of several dozen species of medicinal mushrooms, used in traditional Chinese medicine. Many of them are known and widespread in our country, and some representatives, thanks to the development of artificial cultivation technologies, throughout the world.
Since mushroom technologies today open the era of new drugs and biologically active substances in medicine, and along with this, the experience of medical use of artificially grown mushrooms is growing, the monograph concludes with a section devoted to mushrooms as objects of modern biotechnologies. Prospects for the development of fungal biotechnologies aimed at obtaining standardized medicinal raw materials for the production of pharmacologically active drugs and the food industry are presented. The book “Medicinal Mushrooms in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Biotechnologies” separately examines the prospects for the development of mushroom growing as a knowledge-intensive branch of agriculture.

"Medicinal mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine and modern biotechnology"


  1. Marasmius androsoceus
  2. Lyophyllum decastes
  3. Hirschioporus locteus
  4. Piptoporus betulinus
  5. Inonotus obliquus
  6. Trametes roblniophilo
  7. Flammulino velutipes
  8. Armillaria tobescens
  9. Laetiporus sulphureus
  10. Coprinus comotus
  11. Chroogomphus rutilus
  12. Hypholomo sublateritium
  13. Pholiota nameko
  14. Pholioto adiposa
  15. Armillariella melleo
  16. Auricularia auricula-judae
  17. Agaricus bisporus
  18. Trametes versicolor
  19. Cryptoporus volvatus
  20. Gonodermo tsugoe
  21. Loctorius deliciosus
  22. Lentinus edodes
  23. Lepista nuda
  24. Tremello fuciformis
  25. Gonodermo lipsiense
  26. Conthorellus cibohus
  27. Wolfiporia extenso
  28. Bulgaria inquinans
  29. Ustilago maydis
  30. Omphalia lapidescens
  31. Phellinus igniarius
  32. Pleurotus eryngii
  33. Beauveria bassiana
  34. Schizophyllum commune
  35. Panellus serotinus
  36. Gloeostereum incarnatum
  37. Phallus indusiatus
  38. Hericium erinaceus
  39. Hericium corolloides
  40. Grifola umbellafe
  41. Pleurotus ostreatus
  42. Polyporus umbellatus
  43. Monascus purpureus
  44. Gonodermo lucidum
  45. Cordyceps sinensis
  46. Cordyceps militaris
  47. Shiraia bambusicola
  48. Trich&loma matsutake
  49. Tricholoma mongolicum
  50. Volvariella volvacea
  51. Pleurotus citrinopileatus
  1. Medicines and biologically active compounds from microscopic fungi
  2. Biotechnological problems of creating drugs based on basidiomycetes
  3. Industrial mushroom growing

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name of a species of Red mushroom. Ganoderma is known in China as Lingzhi, in Japan as Reishi and in Korea as Yongzhi. Lingzhi - this tree mushroom is called the longevity mushroom. Its history dates back to the second millennium BC. Finding Lingzhi in the wild is a great success and all because the spores of this fungus are very rough, hard, cling to any tree bark, but can only germinate at a certain temperature and on wild plums, and not on every one. Healing properties of Lingzhi: More than two thousand years ago, the invaluable book “Shinnoh Honsohkyo” was published in Japan; it is the original textbook of Eastern medicine. Among all the listed super drugs, Ganoderma Lucidum took first place, even standing much higher than ginseng!

In traditional Chinese medicine, Lingzhi mushroom is called the “Mushroom of Immortality”; it is assigned the highest category in terms of its breadth of action and lack of side effects.
Linji mushrooms have unique anti-stress, regenerative, antiviral properties, as well as moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
The properties of lingzhi have been clinically proven to increase the body's immune functions, metabolism and improve overall well-being. Linji mushrooms are rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This is the strongest antioxidant.

The healing properties of Lingzhi have been known in China for a very long time. Eastern medicine has been accumulating information about it for 4 millennia. More than 2000 years ago, in the Chinese “Sacred Book of Miracle Medicinal Plants,” the Lingzhi mushroom was called “the best among the 365 most valuable plants of the East,” surpassing the famous ginseng in effectiveness. The unique superior Lingzhi mushroom is a precious pearl in the treasury of traditional Eastern medicine. In ancient Chinese legends, this mushroom is considered a “magic medicine” that saves the sick from death and gives people the energy to live forever. The mushroom was called a plant that "gives eternal youth" or a "divine herb." In ancient China, he was so legendary that his image was carved as decoration on expensive furniture, on the handles of staffs, etc.
Ling-Shi or Lingzhi is the Chinese version of the name of this mushroom. The name Reishi (1000-year-old mushroom) is most commonly used in Japan. In the US and Canada, Linji is known as Ganoderma. The name Ganoderma lucium is of Greek origin.
Currently, the valuable properties of Lingzhi are being comprehensively studied in leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA, France, and Canada. In Japan, dry extract of the Lingzhi fruiting body is included in the official list of anticancer drugs. In traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is considered a miraculous remedy for many diseases.

Lingzhi mushroom infusion has the following properties: increasing work capacity, normalizing blood pressure, stimulating oxidation processes in liver mitochondria. The same therapeutic effectiveness of using Lingzhi in relation to morphological changes in the brain, liver, lungs and myocardium was revealed. And one of the most important properties is a strong antitumor effect. When taking Lingzhi, there is a regression of any tumors - both benign and malignant.

It can be concluded that Lingzhi has several main healing properties. First, it has a strong antitumor effect. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called “lanostane” was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. Secondly, it is indicated for allergic diseases. Now patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are being cured of them with the help of Lingzhi. Third, the positive effect of using drugs from this mushroom for any pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, etc.). Fourth, the widespread and successful use of Lingzhi for cardiovascular diseases. Fifth – hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus.

Oncological diseases
A study of mushrooms showed that Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in that it contains not only active antitumor polysaccharides, but also so-called terpenoids, which increase resistance to stress and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body and are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, incl. in case of AIDS and antitumor activity depends on the duration of therapy using Lingzhi. It is believed that it is enough to take a course of Lingzhi at least once a year to avoid getting cancer!
Antimicrobial action and allergic diseases
Lingzhi has an antimicrobial effect, and it does not act by suppressing, for example, staphylococcus or pneumococcus, but by killing them. Improves all types of metabolism: mineral, carbohydrate, fat, has an anti-allergenic effect. Treatment of allergies with Lingzhi is a long process (takes 1-2 years), but reliable and effective and does not cause any side effects!
Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atonic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are successfully treated with Lingzhi.
Cardiovascular diseases
The use of Lingzhi to improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The results of research at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking preparations from lingzhi mushrooms, cholesterol levels decreased! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.
The mushroom normalizes blood pressure, it is also effective against symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and other heart diseases, including angina pectoris, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and memory loss.
The immune system
Lingzhi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen it helps to adapt to stress, improves health and normalizes the functioning of the body.
When using the mushroom, the production of cytokinins in the body is activated. Cytokinins are regulators of the immune system that act immediately and do not require significant time for their effect on the immune system. Therefore, Lingzhi mushroom is a fast-acting immunoregulator. It is able to strengthen the weak, weaken the strong, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged, significantly increasing the body's resistance to disease and overall vitality.

In addition, Lingzhi corrects the immune system of the intestinal mucosa and actively protects the body from the effects of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

Hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus
Compounds that lower blood sugar are polysaccharides, ganoderan A, B and C, isolated from mushrooms and their protein compounds. It has also been found that the corresponding polysaccharide extracts from Lingzhi in an alkaline solution also have a hypoglycemic effect.

Lingzhi brings great relief to patients with epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted back in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that were used to cure epilepsy of the heir to the Mikado (Japanese emperor).

The use of the mushroom can last for a long time, since, unlike drugs of chemical origin, lingzhi has no side effects, including delayed ones, and is safe in a wide range of doses.
But it should also be noted that even in microdoses, higher mushrooms have an effect on the human body to a certain extent. A. Girich describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “The absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ begins (energy-information mechanism), and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of this effect, there is an improvement in the elasticity of the cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.”

Mystical properties
In general, the effect of higher mushrooms is noted both at the physiological and at the energy-informational level. In ancient Chinese books it is written that the mushroom has a simultaneously bitter, sweet, salty, sour and pungent taste and affects the meridians of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen. The mushroom was described by the ancient Chinese philosopher of the first century AD, Wang Chang, as a plant that enhances spiritual capabilities and cures bodily ailments.
It is believed that Lingzhi also has the mystical property of increasing the strength of the spirit and increasing a positive emotional mood. It is noted that within 20 minutes the mushroom restores the aura and helps to work out karmic problems. It was said about him that he also restores harmony between the energies of “Yin” and “Yang”.

Cosmetic properties
Lingzhi is characterized as a very good remedy for giving youthful skin. The fungus regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, and also, at the level of cellular metabolism, blocks the destructive effects of free radicals and reduces oxidative processes, which significantly slows down the aging process of the skin. Lingzhi polysaccharide complexes promote DNA synthesis and stimulate cell division, powerfully activate regeneration processes, which keeps the skin youthful for a long time.
Masks with Lingzhi extract allow you to quickly give your skin a beautiful and healthy look, make it elastic, noticeably smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and fill it with vital energy.
Lingzhi contains: almost all groups of vitamins: beta-carotene, B, D, E, C; 13 types of amino acids; proteins; unsaturated fatty acids; immunomodulatory polysaccharides; minerals: potassium, phosphorus, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, manganese, boron and cobalt; more than 80 types of enzymes that are involved in all processes of breakdown and construction.

In its wild form, the mushroom grows on the roots and fallen tree trunks, but is found only on two or three out of 100 thousand. Over the past 20 years, scientists in China, Japan and Vietnam have been able to cultivate the Lingzhi mushroom on special plantations, which has made this plant available not only to emperors.

Mode of application:
Alcohol tincture: 25 gr. chopped mushrooms, pour vodka (0.25 liters), leave in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.
Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: boil mushrooms for 5 minutes, then steep for 30 minutes. Before use, the drink can optionally be heated, filtered and drunk as tea. For one person, 2 grams of dried mushrooms per day (1 clove) is enough.