Carob (carob) is a healthy sweet without a drop of harmful sugar! Benefits of carob: use for various diseases. Possible harm of carob to the body

Let's play a guessing game? Sweet brown powder - but not cocoa. An aromatic, invigorating drink – but not coffee. An appetizing soft candy – but not a truffle. What is it? And this is a mysterious carob, the benefits and harms of which have been known since biblical times. Today, carob (as carob is officially called) is a fashionable low-calorie delicacy, but a few centuries ago it was used to save Mediterranean residents from hunger and vitamin deficiency, especially during drought. What else is carob so famous for and why is it an ideal place for it in your kitchen?

Black gold of Cyprus

This is what a carob tree looks like

Cooking with carob: secrets of Mediterranean cuisine

Carob gum, sometimes mistakenly called oil, is an important product in the food industry. Thanks to it, ice cream becomes viscous and soft, pudding acquires its ideal consistency, and icing hardens on cakes in the most bizarre form.

But if you decide to buy carob syrup for your home, the instructions for use will pleasantly surprise you. This “almost chocolate” sauce, like the powder, can be used in a variety of ways!

  1. Sprinkle or pour carob over fruit salad or homemade dessert with cottage cheese - instead of powdered sugar, and.
  2. We prepare an alternative to cocoa - just stir a spoonful of carob in a glass of hot water or milk. You can make coffee from carob in the same way: it is sold in stores as a regular instant drink (from regular coffee or).
  3. We use ground carob in baking. The Egyptian fig will give your desserts a rich chocolate color and an original nutty-caramel taste.
  4. Mix with butter and honey. Lovers of morning toast with butter and jam will definitely appreciate this creative approach to breakfast.
  5. We make homemade truffles, chocolate or Potato cake from carob.

Recipes with carob

Do you want to pamper your family with unusual pancakes or cocoa with an original taste? Stock up on Cypriot black gold urgently. Banana muffins, pumpkin pie, coconut truffles – you can find the most unexpected recipes on the Internet. And if you prefer dried carob, recipes for drinks made from it will also please gourmets.

Please note: carob itself is very sweet, so you need to add sugar to desserts in very small quantities - or not at all. The taste of Egyptian figs is also unpredictable: reviews seriously differ in their descriptions of carob cakes and drinks. To some, carob resembles dark chocolate, others talk about a delicate nutty hue, and many believe that the bright taste of carob is so unique that it simply defies description.

Date smoothie with carob

You will need: a glass of unsweetened yogurt, 5 seedless yogurt, 1 ripe banana, 2-3 large spoons of carob powder.

Finely chop the fruit, put it in a blender bowl, fill it with yogurt and add carob. Whisk. If the drink turns out too thick, you can add a little milk.

Carob chocolate

The recipe for this chocolate can be changed depending on your tastes - add nuts, dried fruits, spices, experiment with combinations.

You will need: 100 g of cocoa butter, 50-60 g of carob, 50 g of milk powder, additives to taste - nuts, coconut flakes, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, etc.

Sift the carob through a strainer and at the same time melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Add sweet powder (keep one large spoon in reserve). If the chocolate butter thickens, melt it again.

Then add dry milk, if necessary, the remaining carob. The dough should resemble the consistency of thick sour cream. Add nuts, dried fruits and other delicious ingredients.

The finished mixture can be placed in shaped ice molds (you will get interesting truffles with hearts or apples) or formed into a chocolate bar. Cool in the refrigerator for several hours and the homemade chocolate is ready.

Is it possible to grow carob at home?

The main requirements of carob are a temperature of 25 - 27 ° C and an air humidity of 85%. In winter, the tree needs rest and cooler temperatures, and it lives best on a southern windowsill.

Well, while you are waiting for your home harvest of Egyptian figs, feel free to look for carob in stores. Today you can buy carob and carob syrup in special online stores and spice departments. They cost almost the same - 300-350 rubles for 500 grams of powder and 250 ml of syrup, respectively.

Carob or St. John's bread is an evergreen fruit tree that grows up to 20 meters in height. The tree blooms in the sixth year of its life; after the flower, pods appear, 3 cm wide and 20 cm long. The pods are filled with seeds and sweet, juicy pulp. The carob tree bears fruit for 90 years. The youngest trees bear about 7-10 kilograms of fruit per year, and the yield increases every year.

Beneficial features

The fruits of St. John's bread have the following beneficial properties:

  • A good replacement for chocolate and coffee. The taste and aroma of the fruit is very similar to the taste of cocoa; chocolate is made from it. The fruits do not contain theobromine and caffeine, which are harmful to the heart. It contains 50% fructose, glucose and sucrose. When using drinks based on carob syrup, it helps people stop drinking coffee. It is also an excellent option for diets and diabetes.
  • The composition of the blood is restored. The fruits contain a high concentration of iron, which significantly improves not only the composition of the blood, but also its quality. The beneficial properties of the fruit actively help in rehabilitation after injuries and serious illnesses. It is very helpful for people suffering from anemia.
  • The functioning of blood vessels and the heart improves. The beneficial properties of the fruit are due to the high concentration of magnesium and potassium. These components normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, restore blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has a diuretic effect. The composition mainly contains potassium, which helps remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. A great way to relieve stress on the heart and restore electrolyte metabolism.
  • The digestive system is put in order. The beneficial properties of carob fruits prevent intestinal diseases, relieve fermentation in the stomach and symptoms of diarrhea, eliminate nausea and gas formation.
  • Treats throat. The medicinal properties of the fruit are effective for sore throats and colds. You can gargle with the decoction, as this procedure makes breathing easier.
  • Good for the eyes. Taking the syrup relieves eye fatigue well due to its beneficial properties and high content of vitamin B2. Used in the prevention of hemeralopia and cataracts.
  • Helps with weight loss. Nutritionists recommend taking this syrup as part of complex therapy for weight loss. The glucose contained in the syrup can create the effect of satiety, so you can reduce the amount of food you eat.
  • Increases libido in men. The zinc elements that the fruits of the tree contain are involved in the synthesis of testosterone. Effective in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis and adenoma.
  • Strengthens the immune system. The beneficial properties lie in the content of vitamins that stimulate the immune system. Recommended for young children as a means to prevent rickets.


No harmful or allergenic substances were found in carob. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can consume in small quantities. If you have diabetes, it is best to consult your doctor. It is recommended not to exceed the dosage to avoid an allergic reaction.

Carob fruits: benefits and harms

Fans of healthy food only welcome the consumption of fruits, since they are non-toxic and do not cause allergies. Due to the high content of sugar and chocolate substitutes, it is widely used in the confectionery industry. The syrup is used to make chocolate, which does not affect the functioning of the heart, and the powder is used to make sweets.

The syrup has a negative effect on people with poor absorption of fructose and individual intolerance.

Use of carob in folk medicine

Carob syrup: beneficial properties and contraindications
The syrup contains starch, pectin, organic acids, vegetable protein and tannins.

Some tips for using carob:

  • For gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Not recommended for children under two years of age.
  • For ARVI, cough and flu, dissolve 1 tablespoon of syrup in hot water and drink until complete recovery.
  • A good remedy for headaches and migraines. Drink a tablespoon 6 times a day, for results you need to drink for 3 months, then take a two-week break and repeat the course again.
  • When losing weight, before meals, dilute a spoonful of syrup in a glass of warm water. Drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The drink will not only help you feel full and stay energetic throughout the day, but also remove harmful substances from the body.


Fruit oil has many beneficial properties. It stimulates the immune system well and increases hemoglobin. The oil is very popular; it is used in folk medicine and pharmacology. They treat anemia, vascular and heart diseases, poisoning and diarrhea, nervous diseases and insomnia.
Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and for people with allergies.

Herbal tea

Tea brewed with crushed carob pods is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty. A cup of tea drunk in the morning energizes you for the whole day.
To prepare herbal tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of the dried mixture with a glass of water and leave for 15 minutes. It is good to drink for colds and nervous breakdowns.

Carob is the fruit of the tropical carob tree, which is widely used in cooking, medicine, industry, and also in cosmetology. The plant produces a powder that looks exactly like regular cocoa. The difference is the presence of a pink tint.

The taste of carob also resembles the well-known drink, however, due to different roasting, the aftertaste will be somewhat different. This product is popular among people who are adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to understand whether the fruits of carob (or carob as they are sometimes written) are really beneficial for humans.

Where is carob grown?

The homeland of this plant is considered to be Mediterranean countries, where the tree originally grew wild. Later it was grown as a useful crop in Australia. Currently, the main suppliers of the product are Spain, Italy, Portugal and some other countries.

Product benefits

The beneficial properties of carob are numerous and varied:

  • The product contains many antioxidants that fight the aging process. These substances are able to bind free radicals that destroy skin cells and cause aging. In terms of antioxidant concentration, carob is somewhat inferior to cocoa.
  • The product does not contain caffeine, which is present in cocoa. This allows children and people suffering from hypertension to drink carob juice. Cocoa contains salsolinol, which is addictive, as well as theobromine, which affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. Drinking carob does not threaten addiction or sudden changes in mood; on the contrary, the drink is characterized by a calming effect.
  • The amount of fat in the product is almost 10 times lower compared to cocoa. The sweet taste is ensured by the content of fructose and sucrose, which allows children to consume carob. A low fat content helps products made using this product maintain their freshness for quite a long time.
  • All vitamins and beneficial microelements of carob are easily absorbed by the body, which cannot be said about the same substances contained in cocoa. This is the obvious benefit of the product.
  • Carob also contains some fiber. This substance has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and together with antioxidants helps eliminate toxins. The beneficial qualities of carob were known back in antiquity, when the product was used as an antiseptic. The fruits help in the treatment of diarrhea and poisoning when emergency measures are necessary.
  • Constant consumption of a drink made from carob powder reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. This allows you to use the product to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Cocoa connoisseurs should pay more attention to such a healthy alternative drink
  • Carob is characterized by a high content of glucose and fructose, so there is no need to add sugar. Diabetics can consume it, but should do so with caution. It is worth giving preference to the fried product, since it contains less sugar.
  • For people who are on a diet, carob is an ideal product to replace artificial sweeteners. In addition, it reduces the production of the hormone grenaline, which controls hunger. A cup of the drink can be an excellent snack during an afternoon snack or lunch.
  • Another advantage of carob is environmental safety. The powder usually does not cause allergies, but in order to insure yourself as much as possible, it is worth doing a test for a possible negative reaction, and also consulting with a doctor. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to the components of this exotic drink.

Contraindications and harm

The powder made from the fruits of the pod tree is so good that it is quite difficult to find flaws in it. As mentioned earlier, individual intolerance is the main contraindication for using the product.

In general, the powder, as well as carob syrup, is well absorbed in the human body, without causing allergies or other side effects. Drinking the drink does not threaten the development of addiction, which is typical for analogues containing caffeine.

Experts recommend introducing carob fruits into your diet with caution, this is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children. The cautions are due to the fact that the product and its properties have not yet been fully studied. It is known that you should not drink carob with milk, as this can lead to nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence.

Nutritionists do not recommend that people suffering from excess weight get carried away with the use of this product. The fact is that it can slow down metabolic processes, which does not contribute to weight loss. It is not recommended to use carob for those people who are especially sensitive to fructose. Uncontrolled consumption of products made from carob fruits will lead to increased blood sugar levels. Before the decision is made to introduce carob into the diet, consulting a specialist will not hurt.

Areas of application of carob

In cosmetology, fruit extract, as well as the gum that they contain, are actively used in the production of a wide variety of products. The components are suitable for creating natural thickeners, which scrubs, masks, and gels cannot do without.

Gum and extract help prolong youth and slow down the aging processes occurring in the body. The effect of these ingredients is similar to hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Other positive properties of carob have also been used in cosmetology: moisturizing, softening, eliminating skin irritations. Products based on this product effectively fight acne, kill microbes, and have an antioxidant effect. Serums, creams and masks restore, renew and rejuvenate cells. As a result, the skin becomes attractive, velvety and well-groomed.

Carob has also found application in the medical field. Gum is a valuable raw material that is used in the pharmaceutical industry. The component is the basis of many medications: extracts, syrups, powders, gels. Most of these medications are used to treat colds, stomach diseases, and coughs. Gum has a good effect on a weakened body, strengthens the immune system, and gives strength.

In the case of carob, the benefits and harms are not comparable. The product can be very valuable for the body when used correctly and relatively dangerous in certain situations. It has not yet become widely known in our country, although its amazing properties will probably soon become known to a wide range of consumers.

Carob is a plant product that is gaining great popularity as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. It can be used in home cooking to prepare a wide variety of dishes. In addition, carob fruits have extensive beneficial properties for women, men and children.

From this article you will learn:

Carob: what is this product?

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree, which grows freely in Mediterranean countries, also known as Constantinople horns, Ceratonia capita and Carob. The latter option is borrowed from the English language and is now more often used to refer to the fruits for which the tree is cultivated. That is, carob is the crumb of the carob tree, sold either whole or in powder form.

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree


In the modern world, fruits and the product of their processing are distributed under the English name carob. And the botanical name of the plant - Ceratonia - has Greek roots: εράτιον means “horn”. The specific epithet is taken from the Latin language: siliqua means “bean”.

Among the peoples of the Mediterranean (especially those whose history is strongly associated with Christianity) the name “John's Breadfruit” is found. It was obtained because carob pods have a slight yeasty odor.

Carob has been highly prized in the Mediterranean since biblical times, when it was used in the region as a measure of weight. By the way, it is from εράτιον that the word “carat” comes from, used as a measure of weight in jewelry.

Botanical description

Ceratonia capita is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of dense, feathery leaves that can reach 12 meters in height. The main habitat is at 400-1600 meters above sea level. The carob tree grows slowly, but for a very long time - specimens 2-3 centuries old are not uncommon. The trunk is strong and dense, the bark is brown and dark gray in color.

Carob - Carob

During the flowering period, it is covered with small flowers collected in brushes with an inconspicuous, quickly falling calyx. The first flowering occurs at the age of 5-7 years, and fruiting occurs at 8-10 years of age. Over the next 80-100 years, each season one tree produces up to 200 kg of fruit.

The fruits of the tree are beans elongated to a length of up to 25 cm, 0.5-1 cm thick and about 3 cm wide. What does a bean look like? Like a fleshy brown bean pod curled to one side. Inside the beans there are seeds and juicy pulp with a high content of carbohydrates - sugar takes up approximately 50% of the composition. But in its raw form, the taste is overwhelmed by the astringent components of the composition. The pods become sweeter as they dry in the sun.

From the dried pulp of the fruit, carob is produced - a powder that has similar taste and aromatic qualities to cocoa, but does not contain caffeine.

Ceratonia pod seeds are distinguished by a high content of polygalactomannan. This polysaccharide gives them constant mass. Thanks to this feature, the seeds came into use in ancient times as carats.

Scope of application of fruits

In the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, carob fruits have been widely used since ancient times:

  • in Egyptian culture, carob, as a surrogate for cocoa, appeared in ancient times, from where it spread to other countries;
  • in Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Malta and Sicily, the sweetness of carob fruits was used in the preparation of compotes and liqueurs;
  • among various Mediterranean peoples, ceratonia beans are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, weakness and malaise, colds, coughs;
  • in Cyprus, carob seeds are fed to domestic animals;
  • In modern industry, seeds serve as raw materials for the production of food thickeners.

Carob benefits and harm to the body

Chemical composition of carob

Carob - what is it? Flour obtained by grinding the pulp of dried carob pods. This is a dry product, most of which is carbohydrates. The proportions of the main nutrients in its composition look something like this:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 49.1 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • dietary fiber - 39.8 g;
  • water - 3.6 g;
  • ash substances - 2.27 g.

The calorie content of ecrobe in dry form is about 220 kcal.

The vitamin and mineral base of the product is distinguished by the presence of vitamins B1-B6, E, PP, as well as impurities of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium. In addition, the composition contains a large amount of tannins, which determine the tart taste of fresh fruits. When dried, some of these components evaporate, and the sugar is most noticeable.

An important feature of carob fruit is the absence of gluten. This allows people with celiac disease to safely eat beans and carob.

How is carob produced?

Before preparing carob flour, the ripest ones are selected, the seeds are removed and only the soft middle part is left, because the tails are usually bitter. The beans are dried in the sun, but suspended in the air.

The answer to the question of which carob - roasted or unroasted - is better to buy depends on what it will be used for:

  • The pulp can be immediately ground into a sweet, beige powder with a slight nutty flavor. This product has a fairly large fraction and is used in the food industry as a sweetener.
  • To produce finely ground flour, the raw materials are first fried for 10-12 minutes, heated to +205ºC. This carob has a darker color, small particles and a bitter taste. It is from this that a drink is prepared that replaces cocoa for people who avoid caffeine.

Carob of both types is used in the confectionery industry. It is added to sweets, pasta, and flour products. Hard, dark bars similar to traditional chocolate made from cocoa beans are called carbolate. Carob cream has gained great popularity in Western countries.

What are the benefits of carob?

Many people now pay attention to carob not because of what it contains, but because of what it does not contain:

  • The product has minimal fat content. This significantly extends the service life of carob. Among those fatty acids that are still present in the composition, oleic and linolenic acids predominate. They are not produced by the human body.
  • It does not contain theobromine or caffeine, so the product does not have a neurostimulating effect. This also prevents the development of addiction, as is the case with coffee or chocolate.
  • The composition does not contain oxalic acid, which interferes with the absorption of potassium and zinc, and also provokes urolithiasis and kidney stones.
  • For people suffering from migraines, carob is good because it lacks phenylethylamine, a neurotransmitter that provokes attacks of pain.

Obviously, drinks and sweet products made from carob are more beneficial for people suffering from nervous disorders, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and supporters of a healthy diet than natural chocolate made from cocoa.

Carob derivatives and their uses

For several decades now, food stabilizers - pectin and gum - have been made from the fruits of Ceratonia pod. In various food products and semi-finished products they can be found under the notorious “eats”: E440 and E410. Both of these components are safe for health, and even have antioxidant, coagulating, adsorbent and bactericidal effects.

In the countries where carob grows, carob syrup is made. This is a thick, dark brown liquid with a high sugar content. To prepare it, the seeded beans are finely chopped, thrown into water and evaporated for a long time. The syrup can be used for food purposes, but is prepared for other purposes. It can be used to treat various health problems:

  • diarrhea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic shortness of breath.

Experts explain the beneficial properties of the syrup due to its high tannin content. It helps prevent osteoporosis and contains three times more calcium than cow's milk.

Medicinal use of syrup:

  • Taking a glass of warm water with a spoonful of syrup every day on an empty stomach helps speed up the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • to treat cough, flu and respiratory infections, it is recommended to drink hot water (1 glass) with a spoonful of syrup dissolved inside several times a day;
  • For relief from diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, it is recommended to take a spoonful of syrup three times a day before meals.



Carob oil is very rarely found on sale in Russia. But in Mediterranean countries it is used for medical purposes. This product is known as an effective immune booster and a means to improve the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties of carob for health

The therapeutic, prophylactic and immunomodulatory qualities of ceratonia and carob pods are due to their rich chemical composition. Thus, a large amount of dietary fiber has a positive effect on digestion:

  • a dense mass, like a brush, passes through the intestines and removes ballast from it;
  • swelling dietary fiber gently massages organ cavities, increasing blood circulation;
  • Due to indigestible fiber, the feeling of fullness is prolonged.

The high content of polyphenolic compounds gives grounds to consider carob a strong antioxidant. This means that it is part of a complex of products that inhibit cancer tumors and prevent their appearance. Regular consumption of carob-containing foods and drinks is believed to reduce the risk of developing cancer of the lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, stomach and other organs.

A small proportion of fat and a lot of fiber help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiac diseases - the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases and the heart experiences less stress.

The pods contain substances that have a calming effect. They act as natural antidepressants, relieve irritability, fears, anxiety and reduce the risk of panic attacks. It is noteworthy that addiction is never observed.

Carob: how to prepare the drink

The most delicious carob (as a drink) is obtained by brewing the powder with milk. It can be of both animal and plant origin. Moreover, the aromatic almond milk base will even enhance the aroma and taste. In general, the preparation procedure is similar to regular cocoa. You need to heat two glasses of milk and dissolve 1.5 tablespoons of powder in them. To reduce fat content, you can dilute milk with an equal amount of water.

Although carob itself is very sweet, adding a spoon of linden or flower honey will make the drink even tastier. It is recommended to immediately mix carob with milk, adding the powder while stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.

Carob: recipes and uses in cooking

  1. Carob powder, similar to cocoa, is used in baking and confectionery. And it also gives the dough a rich brown color. The product proportions are maintained.
  2. Cocoa substitute complements and enriches cold yogurts and ice cream when sprinkled on top or added to a recipe.
  3. Fruits and berries sprinkled with carob instead of sugar are just as tasty and sweet.
  4. Carob milk, similar to milk chocolate, is made with a mug of hot liquid and a spoonful of dark powder.
  5. Carob can be used to complement recipes for dessert pastes based on coconut oil, butter, honey and spices.
  6. Carob powder mixed with oil and additional ingredients (berries, sesame seeds, nuts, etc.) produces delicious candies, which, by the way, are very quick to prepare.

Chocolate carob pudding


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds;
  • a glass of almond or other plant-based milk;
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 tbsp. carob;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare, you need to combine all the ingredients and mix well, and then put them in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes. After this time, a simple, tasty snack with a healthy composition will be ready to eat.


  1. Mix 10 g butter with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. milk and 3 tbsp. powder. Heat the mixture until a glaze forms.
  2. Dip dates, prunes or some other seedless dried fruit into the base, place on a plate and place in the freezer to cool.
  3. The remaining glaze can be frozen to create a delicious chocolate-like bar.

Chocolate without cocoa with spit chips

To prepare, you need to take equal amounts of carob powder, coconut flakes and coconut oil (butter will do). This is a basic recipe, but you can add dried fruits, honey or nuts to your taste.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Melt the butter until it becomes liquid, remove from heat.
  2. Dissolve the powder in oil without lumps.
  3. Add coconut flakes and a little honey to the mixture, mix well.
  4. Pour the mixture into the mold.
  5. Sprinkle with dried fruits or nuts.
  6. Place the pan in the freezer for at least 1 hour.



  • milk - 200 ml;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • carob powder - 2-3 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar, salt.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Place all ingredients in a common bowl and whisk until a traditional pancake batter is formed without lumps.
  2. Heat the pan well and bake the pancakes.

Harm and precautions

Carob is a product widely used in Europe and Arab countries, safe for men, women and children. The latter is even prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea and excessive regurgitation of food. Scientists' studies of the powder have confirmed its toxic and carcinogenic safety. There are no direct contraindications for use during lactation and pregnancy, but it is still strongly recommended to consult with your supervising physician and try the product with caution.

The US Food and Drug Administration recognizes carob powder as safe for humans and animals. For adults, the recommended daily dose is limited to 20 grams. There are no exact instructions for children, so you need to focus on half of this volume.


The pods retain their beneficial properties when stored in a tin or glass jar with a tight lid that prevents air from entering inside. The storage location should be cool and dry. In such conditions they remain in better shape for 18-24 months.

To preserve the taste and medicinal qualities of the powder, it is better to pour it into a foil bag and place it in a dark cardboard box. The place is dry and cool. Duration: no more than 1.5 years from the date of production.

Where to buy powder?

Today, ceratonia fruit powder can be found in almost any major city in Russia. To do this, however, you need to contact specialized stores that sell products for adherents of a healthy diet and an organic diet. Medium roasted powder is suitable for both brewing and confectionery experiments. It is inexpensive and costs no more than 400 rubles per 0.5 kilogram. For reasons of economy, it would be better to buy medium-roasted carob online via direct delivery from the manufacturer. This guarantees the quality of the product, its natural origin and affordable price.

Frontier Natural Products powder is a natural, non-irradiated product suitable for kosher, vegan, vegetarian and halal diets.

Unlike cocoa, it has more minerals, less fat and does not require added sugar, as it is very sweet in itself.

Criteria for a quality product

  • Country of origin: Australia, USA, Mediterranean countries.
  • Good reviews about the manufacturers and the product itself.
  • Powder from unroasted raw materials should have a light nutty aroma and a light beige tint.
  • The product made from lightly roasted carob fruits is dark in color. Its taste has faint caramel and sour notes.
  • Medium roast powder is similar to ground coffee, has a chocolate aroma and bitter taste.

Greetings, dear readers! Today's article is dedicated to all those with a sweet tooth, as well as those who want to lose weight! Yes, yes, it turns out that you can eat sweets and still lose weight. For this, a product such as carob - carob - is a wonderful assistant. So, make yourself comfortable, let's start absorbing sweet information

What is carob?

Carob grows in Cyprus, Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. Its fruits are pods similar to bean pods, although their size can reach 30 centimeters. Both the tree itself and its fruits, as well as the powder and syrup from them, are called carob.

Historically, these fruits have other names: “Egyptian fig”, “John’s bread” (it is believed that John the Baptist ate carob in the desert), Constantinople pods. Seeds have been used as a measure of weight since Biblical times.

The peculiarity of these beans (carob belongs to the legume family) is their very sweet and juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% sugars. This pulp is used to produce a “substitute” for chocolate and cocoa – kerobe.

The taste of carob is slightly astringent, reminiscent of cocoa with sugar, therefore, in the process of preparing a drink from carob, there is no need to add sugar.

Carob juice is used to produce syrup, which is used in cooking, medicine, and, more recently, for weight loss.

Composition and properties of carob

Carob fruits are useful due to their diverse composition; they are rich in vitamins (A, C, D, E B, B2, B3, B6, PP), amino acids (contain almost the entire set of essential and non-essential amino acids), minerals (per 100 g : potassium – 1100 mg, calcium – 307 mg (much more than milk and cottage cheese contain!), iron – 104 mg, phosphorus – 79 mg, magnesium – 42 mg, sodium – 13 mg, zinc – 0.59 mg, manganese – 0.4 mg, copper – 0.23 mg, as well as barium and nickel), because they are used in dietary nutrition, especially in the nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus, with impaired metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as with excess weight.

The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal per 100 g of product, it contains 4.6 g of protein, 0.7 g of fat, and 89 g of carbohydrates.

With the help of tannins from carob fruits, it is possible to deactivate toxins in the body, and carbohydrates in the fruits give carob stickiness, which is used in the food industry to make a thickener such as carob gum (E 410).

In most cases, it is still possible to buy carob only through online stores or in some health food stores. It is sold both raw and fried.

Another advantage of carob is that it does not contain:

  • psychotropic substances in chocolate - caffeine and theobromine, which are addictive and provoke allergic reactions. In addition, the influence of caffeine on our feelings and alertness is known, it causes rapid heartbeat, nervousness, unreasonable anxiety, caffeine can remove vitamins C and group B, provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar, in general, create a lot of troubles for our body;
  • the substance phenylethylamine, which also contains chocolate, so people sensitive to this substance will not suffer from migraines by consuming healthy carob;
  • oxalic acid (which is found in many plants, as well as coffee, chocolate, cocoa and some teas), which binds calcium, causing the body to stop absorbing it, which leads to;
  • the substance salsolinol (chocolate contains it), which is what develops dependence and constant craving for chocolate;
  • harmful fats and, moreover, the benefit of consuming carob also lies in the fact that it prevents the absorption of cholesterol from other foods, and is 2 times more effective than other dietary fibers.

As for the beneficial properties of carob, they are quite diverse:

Thanks to such beneficial properties, it can be safely recommended for use for:

  • obesity and
  • gout and kidney stones,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia and chronic migraine-like pain,
  • allergies to chocolate in children (carob is most often found in desserts and baby purees, not cocoa),
  • diarrhea in newborn babies, as well as with their frequent regurgitation,
  • During pregnancy and lactation, mothers have to give up coffee because of its stimulating properties, so a drink made from carob flour can be a salvation for them.

For chocolate lovers, carob is also a great alternative. After all, a lot of culinary dishes are prepared from its fruits: carob bars, which are in no way inferior to chocolate bars (and they do not contain sugar, so they can be consumed even if diagnosed with diabetes), hot chocolate and cocoa drink, cocktails (chocolate, soy and milk) and puddings, muffins and cakes, liqueurs and compotes, candies and bars, waffles and gingerbread cookies, chocolate glaze and “chocolate” coating on ice cream, condensed milk and processed cheese.

And many people still buy carob for weight loss. How can you reduce weight using these pods?

Carob syrup for weight loss

For several hundred years, an excellent remedy for coughs, bronchitis, sore throats and colds, as well as gastrointestinal disorders, has been known - carob syrup. Now it is recommended not only by traditional medicine, but also by traditional medicine for problems with sleep and poisoning, sludge and diarrhea, stress and for strengthening bones, teeth and improving immunity. And recently there has been talk about losing weight with the help of this syrup.

To prepare the syrup, take the pods and evaporate them with water or boil them in water sweetened with sugar. The most interesting thing is that without adding sugar, the boiled syrup is twice as sweet as regular sugar syrup! Of course, if you are trying to lose weight, you should use syrup evaporated with water without sugar - this will reduce its calorie content.

  1. We were all told as children that eating sweets before meals would kill your appetite. If you drink sweet carob syrup before meals, you will already feel somewhat full and will eat less food later. By helping to increase sugar levels due to the fructose contained in carob, the syrup also helps fill the stomach.
  2. In addition, sweet syrup will help you survive restrictions on sweets during the weight loss process. It becomes much easier to mentally survive the necessary refusal of sweets.
  3. If the body has enough minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium, metabolic processes accelerate, excessive appetite decreases and the person loses weight. But, as I wrote above, the fruits of the Tsaregrad pods contain these minerals.

To lose weight, syrup should be used as follows: mix 1 tbsp. syrup with 200 ml of water and juice of 1/4 lemon and consume 5-15 minutes before. before eating. At first, the drink is consumed twice a day before meals: in the afternoon and in the evening, after 2 weeks add a third dose - in the morning, if there is no discomfort.

You should not replace a meal with such a drink, as some recommend. Malnutrition causes your metabolism to slow down, making it much more difficult to lose weight.

Of course, do not forget that a drink made from carob syrup will only be beneficial if your diet is balanced and your physical activity is adequate to the calories you eat per day. It is impossible to lose weight by drinking a glass of this drink before dinner and 15 minutes later. “having eaten” him pizza in front of the TV...

Treatment with carob syrup

If we return to the benefits of carob syrup, you can use the following recipes to treat many problems:

Removing toxins, treating vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders:

  • for children 5-12 years old - 1 tsp three times a day;
  • for children under two years old - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • Children under two years old should not be given syrup;
  • adults consume 30 minutes before meals. 1 tbsp each syrup up to four to five times a day.

For colds, sore throat, cough and ARVI dilute 1 tbsp. syrup in 200 ml of water at a temperature of 60° and drink up to five to six times a day.

If you suffer from headaches, insomnia and nervous system disorders, for 3 months, drink 1 tbsp before meals. syrup five to six times a day, take a break for 15 days and repeat the course.

Unfortunately, almost any product has harm, including this Tsaregrad pod.

Harm of carob - carob

  1. Since taking syrup before meals helps to increase blood sugar (albeit more slowly than when consuming sucrose), it means that its use should be limited to people who are susceptible to surges in blood sugar and who have diabetes mellitus. Maximum dose: 0.5-1 tsp. twice a day.
  2. Those who are lactose intolerant should not mix carob fructose with milk, otherwise they will have a powerful laxative effect.
  3. You should not use syrup if you have problems with the kidneys, liver or stomach. If a negative reaction begins to acidic drinks, drink 20 minutes before meals. 1 tbsp each pure carob syrup. This will reduce excessive appetite.
  4. Individual intolerance is also quite possible, which may be experienced by those who are sensitive to large amounts of fructose in foods.

Although harm to carob is most often possible due to the individual reaction of the body to its components, and also with this product, it is indeed very high. By consuming carob, you will not only make your diet richer, but you will also be able to improve the taste of many dishes without resorting to harmful sugar and more aggressive products such as chocolate and cocoa.

Bon appetit and good health!