DIY candy bar: a fashionable sweet table for any occasion. Useful tips for creating a backdrop (background) of a candy bar (Candy Bar)

A candy stand (candy bar) can be organized anywhere: in an apartment on a coffee table by the window, at an outdoor event in a tent specially set up for this purpose, on the street near the house. The main condition for this is a bright presentation format: the candy-bar should catch the eye.

Buy or bake

There are no clear recommendations on this matter - put what you want on the table. These can be store-bought sweets and homemade dishes. But the products should not be perishable: for example, if the event is taking place on a hot afternoon, then ice cream and a cake with a cream layer will be superfluous.

A traditional candy bar is:

  • sweets: loose and chocolates in boxes;
  • cookies and gingerbread;
  • macarons;
  • liquorice;
  • marshmallows and marshmallows;
  • muffins, cupcakes, cupcakes.

How to position

Sweets in the candy bar can be served in any way you like - on bright napkins, on disposable tableware, on traditional cake stands, in fruit bowls. Give up conventions - take everything you have on the farm:

  • pour M&M’s lollipops and dragees into regular 1, 2 and 3 liter jars;
  • Serve the cookies in a large round container (an aquarium shaped like a glass will do);
  • Place multi-colored marmalades into a tall glass vase.

Try to use a tiered system - then even on a small working surface of the candy bar you can place a lot of sweet treats.

What else…

Often, in addition to sweets, containers with lemonade and sweet compote are placed on the table. Show your imagination and make colorful water: raspberry and blueberry compote, lime and mint lemonade, chilled black tea. You don’t have to buy store-bought dyes – you can color your drink with natural ingredients both in summer and winter.

And fruit - serve fruit! Children love oranges, bananas and apples. Buy a couple of mangoes, place a pineapple and coconut in the center of the table - delight is guaranteed!

If funds allow, order a chocolate fountain for the candy bar (photo)

Warm chocolate flowing like a waterfall through a special container is stylish, unusual and tasty. This delicacy is not eaten with a spoon; the fruit is dipped into the sweet liquid. To do this, place plastic cups with toothpicks or multi-colored skewers next to the fountain - let guests prick banana slices, cherries and strawberries, orange and apple slices.

If you can’t buy (or rent a chocolate fountain), make fondue yourself: take a deep bowl or plate, arrange a stand, place a lit candle under the container, and crumble pieces of dark chocolate into the bowl.

Simple and stylish - from improvised means: do-it-yourself candy bars for children

Did the birthday boy wish for a bright holiday? No problem - create a candy bar for this day together with your child.

Boys will be delighted with the automotive theme:

  • Bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of cars. Cover them with multi-colored glaze, drawing windows and doors, car body, wheels.
  • Hang garlands of paper vehicles strung on string above the table.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to decorate the candy bar in an interesting way: “lay out” a highway on the table. To do this, cut out a route from black (gray) cardboard, and make road markings from yellow (white) paper. And don’t forget about traffic lights: fill a glass vase with balls of sea pebbles or your favorite M&M’s: it is important to maintain color balance - green candies first, yellow ones after, and red treats at the top.

Girls will definitely want a party in the style of princesses or fairies:

  • Try to decorate in the same color scheme. It’s better to give up white and pastel – choose rich colors (red, purple, hot pink).
  • Print three-dimensional figures of fairy-tale characters, everyone's favorite Barbie and funny ponies from the cartoons of the same name. An alternative option would be balls made in the shape of all these heroes.
  • Take care of magic wings for your little guests - they will become a bright decoration for a photo shoot.
  • To “fix” the spectacular result, do not forget to decorate the areas above the table - bright paper lanterns and helium balloons will help you with this.

Exquisite splendor: creating a candy bar for a wedding (photo illustration)

Decorated in an unusual way, the candy bar will be an excellent photo area for guests. Therefore, be sure to place a large poster or a huge photo frame with thematic wedding inscriptions next to the sweets (the name of the bride and groom, the wedding date, words about “tili-tili dough”, etc.).

Place photo props on the candy bar in a special stand. You don’t have to buy them - you can make them yourself: stick a paper mustache, glasses and huge cardboard lips, a thick beard, and a man’s bowler hat on long skewers (so-called kebab sticks). You should attach funny inscriptions cut out of colored paper to the sticks.

And don't forget about the big colorful candies! Undoubtedly, few people will eat them (except perhaps bored kids), but they will be a bright addition to fun photos. Also, for the sake of beauty, you can put a bouquet of sweets in the center of the table: an exquisite one from Raffaello or, on the contrary, an unusual one from “Squirrels” and lollipops.

By the way, you don’t have to buy a cake maker for a candy bar - you can make it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • several plates of different sizes (it is not necessary to take porcelain - plastic disposable tableware will do);
  • glasses or paper cups;
  • glue.

Glue a stand to the back of the plate - a glass, a candlestick, a cognac goblet or a wine glass. If you choose a paper cup, fill it with something (otherwise the stand may break under the weight of the sweet foods). And then build a “plate tower” layer by layer. The main thing is that after adding the next “floor”, check the structure for stability.

Themed candy bars at home: sample designs with step-by-step instructions

The candy bar can and should be decorated with additional accessories. At the same time, there are no clear rules or strict recommendations when decorating a sweet buffet table - be guided by your taste and desires. An excellent solution would be to decorate a candy bar based on a holiday theme.

  • For adherents of the rustic style, we recommend stocking up on wooden coasters for hot dishes (or banal cuts of small trees) - place jars and bottles with colorful dishes on them.

Borrow large wicker baskets and baskets from your grandmother in the village - they are also suitable for decoration. And of course, don’t forget about the straw – you only need a small amount of hay, but such a decorative element will act as the central “character” of your candy bar.

  • Does the celebration take place in the summer in the courtyard of a private house? Then make decor from available materials - an old box, pallet boards. Place the box on its edge: place bottles of drinks inside, place containers with sweets on top. And use pallets to knock down a multi-tiered cake pan.

And don't forget about the candles! They can be placed anywhere and any way you want (the main thing is that the flame does not light the tablecloths and paper decorations on the candy bar). Candles can be placed on an inverted glass or inside a wine glass filled with coffee beans. Place the burning splendor in hanging glass lanterns specially purchased for this purpose.

  • Nowadays, fruit-themed parties are very popular - for example, apple or orange (when the room is decorated with decor of the corresponding color, fruits are sent to guests as invitation cards). If you are planning a party in this style, stock up on canvas bags - you can put the same apples or oranges in them.
  • Fans of Soviet style can get a real siphon for soda from the bins... There is no siphon, but there is a samovar with a tap?... Take that too - it will do.

What's a children's party without a sweet table? Parents definitely want to pamper their children and guests with something tasty and unusual. But you can please children not only by serving goodies, but also by beautifully decorating a table for sweets, which is called a candy bar. This tradition came to us from America, where it is customary to make candy bars at weddings and other special events. A beautifully decorated table with snacks or sweets will make your holiday creative, magical and very tasty!

Tips for decorating a candy bar:

  1. Usually the sweets table is decorated in one style that matches your celebration. Today it is fashionable to devote children's parties to certain themes, fairy tales, and cartoon characters.
  2. Choose a small table, which is usually placed near the wall to create a background. For the background, you can use various decorative elements: balls, garlands, paper flowers, ribbons, etc.
  3. A tablecloth is laid on the table, which can also be decorated depending on your desire.
  4. Choose dishes in the same style, preferably neutral colors. You will also need stands and vases with high legs, beautiful jars, and cocktail tubes.
  5. You can make accessories in the form of flags, cards, inscriptions, toys, flower arrangements, and labels with your own hands. In craft and decor stores you can also find many suitable accessories for decorating a candy bar.
  6. And, of course, sweets. Often the main place is occupied by the cake; it is placed in the center. They also serve cupcakes, macaroons, cakes, glazed cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, baklava, sorbet, fruits and berries, dried fruits, glazed nuts and, of course, drinks.

Features of a candy bar for a children's event:

  • The candy bar doubles as a buffet, so you lay out everything you've prepared. It should be taken into account that there should be enough sweets for all guests, and children, as you know, have a sweet tooth. Therefore, for very young children it is better to lay out more fruits, berries, cookies and homemade drinks;
  • candy bar as a compliment and gratitude to the guests for coming. When the guests leave, each of them will take sweets with them. To do this, you should put bags (preferably paper ones) and boxes so that it is convenient to carry your sweet gifts home;
  • It is better to use plastic, wooden, or tempered glass dishes;
  • It is better to serve drinks in portions to avoid broken dishes. Hot drinks should be served separately.

Western Candy bar for a wedding is, in our opinion, a sweet table, only beautifully decorated. Such a corner of delicious treats is appropriate at any formal banquet, including a wedding. You need to start by choosing a holiday menu: for dessert, it is recommended to choose sweets that will not spoil in a couple of hours and will not create a heaviness in the stomach.

  • Chocolate covered fruits and slices. A summer favorite, the berries can be used to make stunningly beautiful and delicious combinations. Fruits in caramel or chocolate, slices, mousses, jellies with pieces of fruit and much more will please even picky guests. You can serve sweets in elegant dough baskets, on long skewers or on special napkins;
  • Cupcakes. They appeared at our weddings not so long ago, but have already gained enormous popularity. If you cover the mini-cakes with bright icing, they will also become an excellent decoration. Cupcakes are more convenient than traditional slices of cake, and they can be customized to suit your tastes;
  • Cake-pops. One of children's favorite treats, cake pops attract attention because they look like lollipops. In fact, it is a small cake, covered with icing and beautifully decorated. Served on wooden skewers, making it very easy to pick up;
  • Cookie. Recently, macarons, a colorful French dessert, are increasingly being served at weddings. During cooking, food coloring is added to the dough to give the delicacy a bright color. If the wedding is themed, it is quite possible to order macarons in a suitable color;

  • Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows. The advantage of this delicacy is that it can be eaten by both children and pregnant women. You can serve it in small bowls or on toothpicks;
  • Sweets of the peoples of the world. If the wedding is themed, then the treats should match the theme. For example, if this is an oriental style, then you can’t do without Turkish delight or churchkhella. Explore the traditional dishes of your favorite country - and surprise your guests;
  • Chocolate fountain. It looks very beautiful and at the same time adds a special flavor to the wedding. You can not only drink chocolate from it, but also dip, say, a strawberry or an orange. Amazingly delicious!;
  • Candies, lollipops, nuts. All your favorite sweets, which can be divided into small portions, can easily fit in a candy bar;
  • Cake. You can put it separately or ask to be taken out only at the end of the holiday - the choice is yours. Be that as it may, a tasty and beautiful delicacy will decorate the room;
  • Beverages. To support the wedding style, drinks can also be chosen in appropriate colors. These can be colorful cocktails, beautifully decorated fresh juices, compotes, punches, juices and much more.

At the end of the celebration, in order not to bother with bonbonnieres and gifts, you can give your guests a sweet surprise. Stock up on an extra set of sweets, pack them and give them to your guests.

Candy bar decoration

The main task of the designer is to attract attention to the candy bar. Sweets of 2-3 tones look great, then you can take wonderful photographs against the background of such a sweet table. You can use anything as decoration - beautiful dishes, vases, soft toys, figurines, trays, stands, ribbons, textiles. All kinds of signs, flags and posters with inscriptions look interesting.

Natural floral arrangements are a win-win option for any wedding theme. There is no need to overdo it: 2-3 bouquets in beautiful tall vases, flower petals randomly scattered on the table - and it will be impossible to take your eyes off the candy bar!

Balloons and garlands are also quite appropriate. If the theme allows, you can put elegant long candles. Then at the end of the evening, when the birthday cake is brought out, it will be possible to create a romantic atmosphere with dim lighting.

Suppose you have picked up a sea of ​​goodies, but now it would be nice to label the dishes, especially if they are exotic. Place cards next to each tray with detailed information about the dish.

The required quantity is calculated at 1-2 products of each type per guest. Dishes are placed on different levels: first flat trays, then vases and stands on legs, and in the background - tall cakes and multi-tiered sweets. If dishes are repeated, the display can be symmetrical. For example, there is a cake or stand with cupcakes in the center, and other dishes on both sides. Place spare spoons and skewers on the edges of the table, and place glasses on the side of a small table.

Dishes should be stylish, light and unbreakable. Desserts are placed in it in portions so that the guest can come up, choose and quickly take the delicacy he likes, and not create a crowd at the table. It is best to place lollipops, marshmallows, marshmallows, etc. in transparent containers, then people will immediately see what is and where it is.

Creams, mousses, jellies are served in small glasses: just put a few spoons of food, because guests will want to try everything. Cakes and cupcakes should be in corrugated molds so that people do not get their hands dirty; for sticky sweets, serve skewers; for loose dragees, use paper bags and a scoop into which you can pour the required amount.

Candy bar design styles

The easiest option is to make a small coffee shop or tea house. Choose several types of tea and coffee, juices and other drinks. Guests will be able to come up and choose something they like in their free time. An interesting solution is the fruit bar: fruit slices are served with ice so that they do not get stale.

Also on the table there may be cream, caramel, gravy, etc. You can place a juicer nearby so that your guest can make fresh juice. If children are present at the wedding, a separate sweet table with healthy treats will be organized for them.

A separate discussion is the stylization of the candy bar. The most popular styles are French, oriental, rustic, vintage, country and others. Choose a theme that is closest to your wedding - and experiment.

Candy bar is a trend in modern celebrations; it is not only a wonderful selection of sweets, but also festive decor that creates an amazing mood!

Candy bar - a beautifully decorated table with sweets. In recent years, this Western tradition has come into fashion at Russian weddings, becoming a special trend in wedding decor.

Why do you need a candy bar at a wedding?

Firstly, decorate the interior of the hall, surprise guests, lift their spirits and provide aesthetic pleasure.
Secondly, treat those gathered, and guests will be able to feast on delicacies both at the banquet itself and take their favorite sweets with them as a compliment from the newlyweds (in this case, the sweet table serves as a beautiful alternative to traditional bonbonnieres).
Thirdly, it is incredibly important to make children happy if they are planned at the wedding celebration.
Fourthly, a candy bar is an excellent “prop” for wedding photography. Sometimes decorators organize a sweet table in a certain style outdoors especially for a wedding photo shoot (later it can be moved to the banquet hall).

What sweets are used to create a candy bar?

If you are planning a Western-style sweet table, then you should pay attention to traditional European sweets. Let's list the main ones.

A candy bar is a fashionable trend for decorating a sweet table at any holiday. An elegantly decorated buffet table will become an unusual element and will help emphasize the style of the celebration.

The first Candy bar appeared in the USA, gained popularity in Europe and gradually migrated to us. Today we will tell you how to make original toppers for the Candy Bar. DIY creative crafts To decorate a festive event, not only the interior, but also the photo will be decorated.

Toppers for candy bar

- wooden sticks;
- scissors;
- marker;
- thick paper.

Master class creative crafts DIY toppers

1. You can look at templates for toppers on the Internet. Select the most suitable shapes and sizes, then print them on a printer. Templates can be absolutely anything: hearts, circles, triangles, stars, clouds, etc.

2. Transfer the blanks to thick colored and shiny paper.

3. Now you need to write a few thematic words with a marker, for example, if you are preparing decor for a wedding, write love, Eat me, the surname of the newlyweds, or come up with interesting phrases.

5. Cut the sticks so that the toppers are of different lengths. Now insert the paper blanks. If necessary, glue them so that they last the entire celebration and do not fall down.

The toppers are ready, now they can be inserted into cupcakes, pastries or other sweets.

We offer another manufacturing option toppers for Candy bar decorations.

For this you will need:
- wooden sticks;
- tissue paper;
- scissors;
- needle and thread;
- glue;
- scotch.

Master class DIY pompom toppers for Candy bar

2. Draw circles on paper using a compass. For one pompom topper you will need about 30 identical circles.

3. Take a thread of the same color as the paper. Thread it through a needle and sew circles through the center. Don't forget to make strong knots on both sides so that the circles don't fall apart.

4. Using scissors, you need to cut the circles from different sides. The cuts should not intersect; leave a distance to the center of about 1 cm.