Cupcakes with cream and mastic. Cupcake delicious recipe

Americans have long been famous for their tradition of hosting lunch and dinner parties. As usual, guests do not go to such events empty-handed. Typically they bring homemade sweets or main courses.

One of the most common American desserts is cupcake. This miniature cake, resembling a cupcake. However, unlike a cupcake, a cupcake has a flat top, which allows you to come up with a variety of interesting options decorations.

Cupcakes look cute, tender and festive. Every housewife can approach the production of this dish and its decoration individually, investing the maximum of your imagination and creativity.

Such mini-cakes can be decorated in the style of a wedding, birthday, bachelorette party and other holidays. The base is made like for a cupcake, from sand or biscuit dough .

Decorate ready-made baked goods You can use cream, mastic or glaze. Traditionally, cupcakes were prepared in aluminum cups, however, today they are used for these purposes. special molds , which can easily be found on store shelves.

A simple recipe for making classic cupcakes

Classic recipe The test is quite simple. Even a novice cook can prepare it. To get a good result, you just need to strictly follow the instructions and not change the proportions of the products.

The dessert preparation time is 60 minutes. On average, 20-40 minutes are spent on decoration. The simpler the design, the faster you can decorate the cupcake. Calorie content per serving from 270 to 300 kcal.

To prepare batter for 24 cupcakes (5 servings), you need to have the following ingredients on hand:

  • butter– 200 g
  • salt - two pinches
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • flour – 400 g
  • baking powder – 2 teaspoons
  • sugar – 300 g
  • cow's milk – 240 ml

Classic cupcakes are topped with buttercream. Myself decoration process takes little time and is very easy to do. However, you should take the production of the cream itself seriously. For this you will need these ingredients:

  • vanilla - a few pinches
  • low-fat cream – 90 g
  • butter – 200 g
  • powdered sugar – 150 g

Step-by-step cooking recipe will help even inexperienced cooks make tender and tasty miniature cakes. The main thing is not to overdo it with adding sugar, since the cupcakes will be additionally decorated with cream, fondant or icing on top. Better add a little less sugar so that the baked goods do not turn out cloying.

After everything necessary ingredients Were prepared, let's start preparing the dish:

  • Step one: mix butter and sugar. First you need combine butter and sugar. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a mixer with
    specially designed nozzles.

    Butter should not be melted over a fire or water bath. It is best if it is slightly melted.

    So take it out of the refrigerator required amount oil about 30 minutes before cooking. Beat the ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

  • Step two: Add salt and eggs. After the butter and sugar have turned into a thick, homogeneous mass, you need to add two pinches of ordinary table salt.
    salt and 2 chicken eggs. Salt is needed to enhance the taste.

    Eggs act as a binding component for the dough. All ingredients are also whipped using a mixer. However, at this stage you can also mix them using an ordinary tablespoon. Make sure the eggs are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. The integrity of the finished cupcakes depends on this.

  • Step three: Adding flour. First you need to carefully sift the flour through small
    sieve. This will get rid of small debris, husks and lumps.

    Next you need to add baking powder to the flour. It is important to remember that baking powder cannot be replaced with soda and vinegar. Otherwise the dough may not rise, or, on the contrary, become too fluffy.

    After you have mixed the sifted flour with baking powder, slowly sift the resulting mixture into the remaining ingredients. In this case, you need to stir the dough with a spoon or whisk.

  • Step four: Pouring milk. The final stage preparing the dough mixture is
    adding milk. There is nothing complicated here.

    You just need to pour the required amount of ingredient into a bowl with ready-made dough and mix it all carefully. It is also important to ensure that lumps do not form, which during baking can remain raw and ruin the entire dish. After thorough kneading, the dough is finally ready.

  • Step five: Baking. Before preparing cupcakes, you need to make sure you have special baking molds. Today such paper "cups" for sale
    in almost any supermarket or kitchenware store.

    The molds need to be filled a little more than half with dough. The oven should be preheated to 175 degrees. Place the molds on a baking sheet and put them in the oven.

    If there are no lumps left on the wooden stick, then the baking is completely ready.

  • Step six: Preparing the cream. While the cupcakes are cooling, there is time to work on their equally important component - the cream. Oil cream is a classic and used in many recipes. However, too much sugar in it will not please everyone, so you should be careful when adding powdered sugar. It is best to take for cream
    fatty oil that does not contain additives with vegetable oils.

    Before preparing the cream, you need a little heat in a water bath, and the oil should be at room temperature.

    The butter must be thoroughly ground with powdered sugar, and then add the cream and beat the mixture for another 15 minutes. The final stage of preparing the cream is adding vanilla. Then you need to mix the mixture thoroughly again.

  • Step seven: Decorating cupcakes. When the baked goods have cooled and the cream is ready, you can begin the final stage of preparation - decoration. For
    To do this, you need to get a pastry bag and a rose-shaped nozzle.

    The cream is filled into a bag and squeezed out through a nozzle onto each cupcake. Thus, baking is formed cream rose hat.

    The top of the mini-cakes can be additionally decorated with fresh or canned cherries. This will add sourness and remove excessive cloying.

Video recipe for hearty cupcakes for the whole family

How to make cupcakes with fondant?

Mastic is used for decoration mini cakes. At the same time, the dough recipe and baking process remain unchanged. The advantage of mastic is that absolutely any flat or three-dimensional figures can be sculpted from it.

It is the so-called confectionery plasticine. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g marshmallows, 1 glass of powdered sugar and the juice of half a lemon.

Marshmallow and lemon juice must be poured into a glass container and placed in the microwave for 30 seconds. This time will be enough for the marshmallows to melt. Next, you need to thoroughly knead the resulting mixture with powdered sugar until it reaches the consistency of plasticine (first with a spoon and then with your hands).

If you need mastic for decoration different colors, then you can use food coloring. Further any figures are made from mastic, which are used to decorate cupcakes.

Preparing a dish without milk - what will you need for this?

The classic dough recipe is based on milk. However, there are situations when this ingredient cannot be added to the mixture. For example, if someone is allergic to milk, or this component is simply not on hand.

In this case, only one change is made to the recipe: instead of milk in the dough add ordinary water.

In this case, the cupcakes will turn out less sweet, and the baking time should be increased to 35 minutes. If you want your baked goods to be rich and sweet, then you can add more than 350 g of sugar to the dairy-free recipe.

Experience shows that cupcakes made with water are just as tasty as those made with milk, since the main the cream gives the taste for decoration or mastic.

How to make delicious and fluffy cupcakes at home

Options for serving ready-made cupcakes

If you are preparing cupcakes for entertaining guests at home, then there are no difficulties.

Baked goods can be laid out on beautiful dish . Place berries, such as strawberries, raspberries or cherries, between each cake.

When you bake cupcakes to bring them to guests, work, school, etc., you need take care of a special box for data confectionery. You can build such a box from cardboard.

To do this, you need to glue a small box and make a lid for it, which should be slightly smaller than the box itself and fit into it. You need to make round slits in the lid the size of the cupcakes and insert mini-cakes into them. The box itself can be additionally decorated with ribbons, lace, bows, drawings, etc. It all depends on your imagination, the amount of free time and the nature of the event.

Many lovers confectionery art People often wonder what cupcakes are? A cupcake is a small American cupcake that is decorated with a top of whipped cream. In Russia, kapeykas are very popular; they are often served in famous restaurants with tea or coffee. Some confectioners are engaged in making these cakes to order: in many online stores you can find small boxes with these cupcakes, which are decorated thematically, for example, for a loved one’s birthday.

If this is the work of a home pastry chef who was involved in the manufacturing process by hand, then such a gift will cost a lot of money. Often brides, instead of the usual wedding cake order a lot of cute cupcakes for their guests who come to the celebration. And this is not surprising, because the name of this small cake literally translates as “cup cake (pie).”

Why have cupcakes become so popular? Probably it's not just a matter of interesting presentation, but also in taste: the cake is amazingly tender and soft; one can say that a properly prepared cupcake is a real work of art. Even in one of the episodes of the American television show “ Best Chef America" ​​Gordon Ramsay praised this wonderful dessert.

In this article you will learn how to make cupcakes step by step at home. If you try and enjoy culinary process, then you will get the right one American dessert, which you can please your loved ones, or give to a friend for a holiday. Homemade cupcake recipes are very diverse.

Cupcake recipes with photos

The ingredients for making cupcakes are quite simple and can easily be found on grocery store shelves. This cake is made from classic sponge dough. Classic Cupcake Ingredients:

  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Milk fat content 2.5% - 100 ml.
  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.

You will also need silicone molds for cupcakes that can simply be greased with butter, but it is better to purchase paper molds for cupcakes and place them in silicone. By the way, if you are making themed cupcakes for a birthday, you can find molds with funny drawings and congratulations or special toothpicks that stick into the finished cupcake.

Preparing cupcake batter

The cupcake batter should be liquid, so the ingredients must be thoroughly beaten. Use the mixer at maximum speed.

First you need to mix the butter and sugar to form a paste-like substance. First remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it melt at room temperature. If you don’t have much time to cook, you can melt the butter a little in the microwave, but be sure to cool it to room temperature.

In the received sugar mass add eggs, flour. If desired, you can add a pinch of vanilla. Beat the mixture with a mixer, slowly adding milk. The better you beat the dough, the more tender the cake will be.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

In no case should the biscuit dough be left after beating. Lightly grease and flour the sides of paper molds (silicone molds can simply be wetted with a little water) so that the cake does not stick after baking. Fill the molds about half or 2/3 full with dough. Place the baking sheet with the future dessert in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until ready (15-25 minutes). We determine readiness with a match or toothpick by piercing the cake in the middle. If the toothpick is dry, the cake is ready. Remove from the oven and set to cool at room temperature.

The recipe for chocolate cupcakes is quite simple and not much different from the classic one. Just add cocoa powder to the resulting biscuit mass. It is advisable that it be bitter, without sugar, because otherwise the dessert will turn out to be quite cloying. You can also add a little red wine or cinnamon to the dough for flavor.

Interesting fact: according to legend, popular french dessert « Chocolate fondant“The cook of the Lafayette restaurant turned out quite by accident: he simply didn’t bake the chocolate cupcakes through carelessness.

The cream for chocolate cupcakes is usually prepared according to the classic recipe (whipped butter, sugar and cream), but grated dark chocolate is added to it and, if desired, Walnut or cherries.

You can also prepare it as a cream chocolate ganache, for which you will need:

  • Elite dark chocolate - 100 g bar.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 115 g
  • Cocoa - 50 gr.

All ingredients need to be melted, constantly stirring with a mixer until smooth and thick. Fill in your ready-made cupcakes warm cream and let cool.

Fans of this will really like banana cupcakes. tropical fruit, little children will be especially happy with this dessert. The recipe for banana cupcakes is easy to prepare, the main thing is to buy a very ripe bananas.

In addition to the classic ingredients, we will need a little full-fat sour cream (2-3 tablespoons) and 2 bananas (fruits whose skin is covered with dark spots are ideal - they are the sweetest). By the way, instead of regular flour you can use whole grain - it will turn out pretty healthy dessert.

Mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth. Try to get rid of any lumps. Add sour cream and bananas to the pre-beaten classic cupcake batter (see above) and mix well with a mixer. Banana cupcakes are baked for about 20 minutes at the same 180 degrees.

This is a very tasty and healthy dessert; even a beginner can handle this recipe for cottage cheese cupcakes.


  • Medium fat cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Baking powder - 10 g or 1/3 teaspoon of soda.
  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • 3 eggs.

We start preparing the dough for cottage cheese cupcakes in the same way as the classics. Then knead the cottage cheese thoroughly through a fine sieve. Add cottage cheese to the butter, then 3 eggs and sifted flour. Mix all ingredients until smooth. It's simple!

These cupcakes should be baked for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. In any case, be sure to check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick. Almost any type of white cream will go with this dessert.

The cupcake recipe seems quite complicated, but everything is much simpler than you thought. Fill the mold 1/5 full with dough, then add any filling (preferably thick so as not to spread) into the center using a pastry syringe and then fill the mold with dough to approximately 4/5 level.

For chocolate cupcakes, the filling can be in the form of melted dark chocolate, cherry jam, berries and whatever your imagination allows. For whites, you can use anything, from condensed milk to grandma’s strawberry jam. You can use classic silicone molds for cupcakes with filling; there is no particular difference in their choice.

Besides classic ingredients The carrot cupcake recipe includes nutmeg, walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon and carrots.

  • Pre-clean the carrots, wash and dry. Rub it on yourself fine grater, also grate the walnuts.
  • Add carrots, nuts and spices to the dough, mix well.
  • Bake the cupcakes at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

For carrot cupcakes, you can use classic cream. Add kernels if desired walnuts and pineapple pieces for decoration.

The recipe for cupcakes with cheese cream is classic, in which only the cream differs. Although you can use any dough, be it biscuit, carrot, chocolate or curd. The classic ones turn out very tasty white sponge cake with raspberry filling.

How to cook cheese cream. Ingredients:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin
  • Strawberries (optional)

Dessert mascarpone cheese itself is very thick, so whipping it won’t be difficult. Just add a little vanilla, a tablespoon of powdered sugar and stir well. Ready cheese mass add finely chopped strawberries. Bake in the oven until cooked for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to decorate cupcakes video

Cupcakes are a type sweet pastries, which is very popular in Western countries such as America and UK. Not a single celebration, not a single holiday is complete without cupcakes. Although the fashion for them came to our country relatively recently, the history of these cakes goes back several hundred years.

If you decide to make cupcakes for the first time, then I advise you to read this article to the end. In it you will find several proven recipes for cupcakes with photos, as well as a lot of secrets for preparing this delicacy.

The decor for decorating such sweets can be anything

And further. You simply must learn how to make awesome biscuit balls on a stick called - this is a new trend that will definitely delight you!

Cupcakes - recipe with photos step by step

Over the course of many years of history, hundreds and thousands of cupcake recipes have appeared - chocolate, curd, carrot and others; with filling, with various decorations. Some cakes already look more like works of art. Initially, cupcakes were not so difficult to prepare, and not from large quantity ingredients - flour, eggs, sugar and milk. We'll try to make our own cupcakes simple recipe for beginners.

To prepare this dish you will need a small amount of ingredients

To make cupcakes, you will need special molds - aluminum, paper or silicone. I prefer paper cupcake tins, since the cakes can already be served in them, and now there are very beautiful paper tins on sale with a variety of designs that can greatly decorate the dish.

You can whip the cream either with a whisk or use a mixer.

If you can’t find paper molds, then it’s better to take silicone ones - they are less likely to cause cupcakes to burn, and it’s much more convenient to take cakes out of silicone molds than from aluminum ones.

The set of ingredients for making cupcakes consists of: a glass of flour (200 g), a glass granulated sugar(200 g), half a stick of butter (100 g), two chicken eggs, 100 ml of milk, a packet of baking powder and vanilla and cinnamon to your taste.

The baking dish is selected depending on the type of oven

Prepare the dough as follows. Grind the butter and sugar thoroughly until it forms a paste, then add the eggs, vanilla and cinnamon and mix well. Then you need to add flour mixed with baking powder and also mix. Pour in the milk slowly, in a thin stream, constantly stirring the dough. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Next, preheat the oven to 170-190° and begin filling the molds, which we pre-lubricate with oil. There is no need to fill the molds to the edge with dough, as the dough will rise a little during baking, leave 1-1.5 cm from the top edge. Next, put our cupcakes in the oven for 15-20 minutes. The readiness of the cupcakes is checked by in the usual way- pierce the dough with a toothpick; if it remains dry, then the cupcakes can be removed from the oven.

Ready-made cupcakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or decorated with icing, cream or mastic as you wish.

Cupcakes with filling recipe

Variations of cupcake fillings depend only on your taste preferences. I really love banana cupcakes and chocolate filling, but you can make the filling that you like, for example, berry, vanilla, caramel, cottage cheese and many others. Making cupcakes with filling is no more difficult than making without it. I will tell you a recipe for cupcakes with chocolate filling, which I really love, and you can prepare cupcakes with the filling to your taste.

A special highlight can be the filling of the cake: for example, fruit or chocolate

I suggest preparing the dough for these cupcakes according to basic recipe which is listed above.

For the filling we need milk chocolate– 1 tile and about 100 ml of cream. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and then add the cream, stirring constantly, you should succeed chocolate mousse, medium thickness so that it does not leak out of our cupcakes during baking.

During the berry season, parts of such baked goods are decorated with them, and in winter - with jam made from them.

The fun part is filling out the forms. First, we put half the dough in them and carefully try to distribute it along the walls of the mold to make a glass. We put our filling in it; it’s more convenient to do this using pastry bag or syringe. Then close the molds with the second part of the dough. Place in the oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes.

The choice of cupcake filling is limited only by your imagination. You can make the filling from frozen berries, just grind them with sugar. I like very much curd filling based on mascarpone, with the addition of cream and powdered sugar.

You can safely experiment with cupcake fillings, the main thing is to maintain the required thickness so that the filling does not leak out of the cupcake.

Cupcake cream recipe

Cupcakes are different from regular cupcakes because they, like small cakes, are usually decorated in every possible way, including cream. You can choose any cream you like, I’ll just tell you about a couple of time-tested recipes.

The most skilled craftswomen make real flowers from cream

So, the cupcake cream should be thick enough so that you can not just spread it over the cake, but give it beautiful shape, using cream injector. This is the main and, perhaps, the only criterion for cupcake cream. Recipe base cream for butter-based cupcakes is extremely simple. You will need:

  • half a stick of butter (100 g);
  • sugar 80 g;
  • milk 50-70 ml.

The butter must be mixed with sugar, and then begin to beat at high speed, gradually adding milk. The secret of how to achieve a thick cream is simple - you need to warm the milk a little.

To be honest, I am not a fan of this cream, as it turns out quite greasy for my taste. Therefore, I will share the recipe for cupcake cream that I usually make, this is the so-called chocolate “ganache”. We do it this way: melt the chocolate in a water bath (I take 1 bar, about 90-100 g). It is important to choose quality dark chocolate with enough high content cocoa. Then pour 25% fat cream into the chocolate, about half a glass of 200 ml and add sugar - one tablespoon. Stir the resulting mixture constantly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Don't let it boil! Cover the cupcakes with the resulting cream.

Cupcakes "STAR WARS"

Video recipe for baking with original design in the style of Star Wars.

Cupcakes with fondant recipe

Cupcakes are a very elegant and festive pastry that is usually decorated and decorated. Mastic comes to our aid - it can be called “confectionery plasticine”, which does not limit the flight of imagination. The capabilities of mastic allow you to make all kinds of figures, flowers and any other decorations.

Today, such a sweet treat has become a frequent guest at children's parties.

This is especially true when you are preparing cupcakes for an event; in this case, the cupcake decoration can be personalized for a particular holiday, for example, by making a figure of Santa Claus or making letters with your baby’s name.

I won’t re-describe the cupcake recipe here, you can see it above; I’d rather tell you how to make mastic using the simplest marshmallow recipe. We will need:

  • marshmallows 100 g – white;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 1 cup powdered sugar.

Marshmallows along with lemon juice must be placed in the microwave oven for 20-30 seconds. It should melt. If you want to get mastic of different colors, then add food colorings. Then you need to add half the powdered sugar and stir in the remaining mixture. powdered sugar add gradually, stirring constantly. When it becomes difficult to mix, the mixture must be kneaded with your hands like dough until it becomes similar in consistency to plasticine. So, the mastic is ready! If you do not want to use it immediately, then wrap the mastic tightly in cling film and place in the refrigerator. You can store the mastic in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Hello my friends!

If you want to surprise your guests with a delicious yet easy-to-make dessert, then this homemade cupcake recipe is just what you need.

Cupcakes are a universal thing: they are prepared simply, quickly, do not require any special skills and are suitable for any celebration. But for me their greatest value is that you can always take them with you. Cupcakes are very convenient to treat colleagues at work or your child’s classmates at school. Essentially, this is the same piece of cake, but for which you don’t need any plates or forks, you don’t have to think about how to cut it so that there is enough for everyone. In short, beauty.

The only thing I want to remind you: use paper molds for these cupcakes, after placing them in a metal mold. If you use silicone molds, then you don't need paper capsules. There are also thick disposable paper forms on sale; these also do not require molds.

Main - do not try to bake cupcakes in simple paper capsules without any support. It will be sad.

This recipe is my lifesaver in those cases when I need to put something somewhere egg whites, since these cupcakes are prepared only with egg whites.

But mascarpone cream is best suited here.

For it we will need:

  • heavy cream, cold, 33−36% - 250 ml
  • mascarpone cheese, cold - 120 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • fruity or berry puree- 50 gr. (0optional)


  1. Place all ingredients (except puree) into a mixer bowl and beat at low speed for 1 minute, then at high until stiff peaks form (the cream should hold its shape clearly).

    If you have over-whipped and the cream has curdled, add 50 grams of liquid cold cream and mix.

  2. At the end, if desired, enter fruit puree and mix gently with a spatula until smooth.

Cupcake Decoration

Perhaps my main tip for decorating cupcakes is to please... don't buy plastic tips for a pastry bag and those terrible syringes! This is money thrown away. You won't get anywhere with them. It’s better to cut off the corner of the bag, such a hat will look much neater.

And ideally, of course, you need metal attachments, then your cupcakes will be beautiful even at home.

Decorating cupcakes fresh berries, herbs, cookies, candy, etc., etc.

Good luck, love and patience.

How to eat a cupcake:
1. Choose a small cupcake that has more frosting than the others.
2. Remove part of the paper mold,
3. Take a bite.
4. Then try only the cream.
5. Repeat all over again as soon as there is nothing left from the first cupcake.

(from the Runet)

It won’t be difficult for a person, even someone who did poorly at school, to translate the word “cupcake” into Russian. Cup (cup) - cup, cake (cake) - cupcake. A cupcake the size of a cup is what a cupcake is. The fashion for bright sweets has taken over the whole world. And it all started in America in 1828, when a recipe for small cupcakes decorated with a top of cream was mentioned in a famous Western cookbook E. Leslie. Over time it formed classic recipe, called the “quarter” because it consisted of four ingredients: 1 stack. butter, 2 cups. sugar, 3 cups. flour, 4 eggs.

In America, cupcake baking is treated with almost the same reverence as in Russia Easter cake. In no case should butter be replaced with margarine, the freshest eggs should be used, finely ground sugar, and all kinds of fillers, of which there is no limit - the most best quality, and all in order to end up with tender, melt-in-your-mouth delicacies. Decorating cupcakes is a separate topic. A cream hat or frosting with marzipan figures, thematic drawings or funny abstract patterns, chocolate, hearts, faces, butterflies and even miniature “teddy” bears made from cookies - all this variety will turn the head of any sweet tooth! Cupcakes are the perfect treat for an office party or buffet. Multi-tiered “cakes” made from cupcakes look no less elegant than monumental structures made from sponge cake and cream, and they are a pleasure to eat - they do not require dishes or cutlery and do not need to be cut.

With the arrival of microwave ovens in our kitchens, cupcakes began to be prepared again in the old-fashioned way - in mugs! Pour the dough into a suitable mug and set to bake at maximum power; 3-5 minutes is usually enough. But we'll talk about baking cupcakes in the oven. Special metal molds with non-stick coating so that the cupcakes can be removed from the molds without much difficulty. Silicone forms in this regard it is much more convenient. Well, if we talk about the classics of the genre, then real cupcakes need to be baked in corrugated paper molds, which are inserted into denser ones (metal or silicone). Paper forms It is also preferable because the cupcakes in them remain fresh longer, while the molds themselves become an additional decoration for the cupcakes and make their consumption more hygienic. The molds must be greased with oil and filled with dough to no more than ⅔ of the volume. At first glance, the dough for cupcakes is not much different from the dough for muffins, with the only difference being that muffins can be not only sweet, but also fresh and even salty, but cupcakes can never be. A cupcake is a mini cake, and that's it.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar,
3 eggs,

½ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.

Beat butter, powdered sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating each time. Add half the amount of flour and milk, stir thoroughly, then add the remaining milk and flour. Grease the baking pans with oil and fill ⅔ full with the mixture. Bake at 180ºC for 15-17 minutes. After baking, keep the cupcakes in the pans for a couple of minutes, then remove from the pans and cool on a wire rack. Decorate with cream.

2 stacks self-raising flour,
¾ stack. powdered sugar,
¾ stack. milk,
125 g butter,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla.
For decoration:
1 ½ cups powdered sugar,
1 - 1 ½ tbsp. water,
pink food coloring,
“Petit Bon” or “M&M”s candies - for decoration.

Mix the sifted flour and caster sugar in a bowl and make a well. Pour in the milk, melted butter, eggs and vanilla and stir until smooth. Place in prepared molds and bake at 200ºC for 12-15 minutes. Leave in pans for 5 minutes, then cool on a wire rack. To make the glaze, sift the powdered sugar into a bowl, add the coloring and mix. Add water little by little, stirring constantly, until you get a smooth, shiny mass.
Spread the frosting onto the cupcakes and arrange the candies into patterns.

150 g flour,
2 tbsp. cocoa powder,
1 des.l. baking powder,
¼ tsp. salt,
1 egg,
40 g powdered sugar,
120 ml milk,
50 g butter,
50 g dark chocolate.
65 g dark chocolate,
24 maraschino cherries,
powdered sugar.

Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt into one bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar, milk and melted butter. Take a sieve and sift the dry ingredients directly into the bowl with the egg-butter mixture. Then quickly, literally within 15 seconds, stir the mixture, add the grated chocolate and also stir as quickly as possible. Divide the dough into 24 miniature molds and bake at 200ºC for 10 minutes. Then let sit in the pans for 5 minutes and cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile on steam bath Melt the chocolate, pour over each cupcake and place a cherry on top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

200 g sour cream,
1 stack Sahara,
100 g butter,
2 stacks flour,
3 eggs,
2 tsp baking powder,
100 g raisins,

Beat eggs with sugar, butter, sour cream and vanilla. Gradually add in small portions flour with baking powder and stir batter. Dry the pre-soaked raisins and add to the dough. Pour the dough into greased molds, filling them ⅔ full, and place in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 20 minutes. Brush cooled cupcakes with frosting and sprinkle with colored sugar.

1 ½ cups flour,
½ tsp. ground cinnamon,
½ tsp. soda,
¾ stack. brown sugar,
¾ stack. vegetable oil,
3 eggs,
½ cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
300 g bananas,
150 g pineapple,
powdered sugar.

Sift the flour, cinnamon and baking soda into a bowl, add the sugar and make a well in the centre. Pour in the oil, lightly beaten eggs, mashed bananas, finely chopped pineapple and chopped nuts and stir. Place in molds and bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Decorate with any cream.

125 g butter,
155 g powdered sugar,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla essence,
200g self-raising flour
50 g cocoa powder,
185 ml milk,
16 bears made from cookies.
400 g concentrated milk,
1 tbsp. liquid honey,
30 g butter.

Beat softened butter and sugar until white using a mixer. Add the eggs one at a time, beating the mixture each time. Add vanilla, flour and cocoa and stir until smooth. Place the dough in greased molds and bake at 180ºC for 15 minutes. Cool in the pans for 5 minutes, then remove the cupcakes from the pans and cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, pour the milk, honey and butter into a saucepan and place it over low heat. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook the caramel. Cool slightly, pour over the cupcakes and place the bears on top.


125 g butter,
165 g powdered sugar,
3 bananas,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
300g self-raising flour
45 g coconut flakes,
100 g dark chocolate,
powdered sugar - for dusting (or colored glaze For decoration).


Beat the butter, powdered sugar, bananas, eggs and vanilla with a mixer until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, coconut and grated chocolate, add the banana mixture and stir. Place in molds and bake at 200ºC for 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Dust with powdered sugar or decorate with icing.

200 g cottage cheese,
200 g sugar,
200 g flour,
150 g butter,
3 eggs,
1 packet of baking powder.

200 g soft cream cheese,
powdered sugar to taste,
cocoa powder - for coloring.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat eggs with sugar, add cottage cheese, melted butter and flour with baking powder. Stir until smooth and place in greased molds. Bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Cool. For cream, whip cream cheese with powdered sugar, color with cocoa powder and apply to cupcakes in the form of a cap.

250 ml heavy cream,
450 g dark chocolate,
5 eggs
165 g powdered sugar,
150 g flour,
1 tbsp. cocoa powder,
½ tsp. baking powder,
colored sugar - for decoration.
Chocolate sauce:
100 g dark chocolate,
80 ml 10% cream.


Mix the cream and grated chocolate in a saucepan and melt in a water bath, stirring so that the chocolate does not curdle. Let cool slightly. Beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer until white and the mass doubles. Enter slowly chocolate mixture and stir. Sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into a bowl and mix into chocolate mixture. Divide the dough into the molds, filling them ⅔ full, and bake at 180ºC for 15-20 minutes. For the sauce, grate the chocolate into a saucepan, place it over simmering water so that the bottom does not touch the water, and melt while stirring. Drizzle the tops of the cupcakes with chocolate and sprinkle with colorful sugar. If you don't have sugar, use colored coconut.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar,
3 eggs,
2 ½ cups self-raising flour,
½ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
250 g marshmallows,
½ cup diced almonds,
½ cup coconut flakes,
500 g milk chocolate.

Prepare cupcakes according to the basic recipe and cool. Place chopped marshmallows, almonds and coconut flakes in a saucepan. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour in the nut mixture. Stir and pile onto cupcakes. Place in the refrigerator to let the chocolate harden.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar,
3 eggs,
2 ½ cups self-raising flour,
¼ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.
For the glaze:
3 oranges,
2 ½ cups powdered sugar.


Remove the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice. Add the zest of 2 oranges and ¼ cup to the cupcake batter. orange juice along with ¼ cup. milk. Bake the cupcakes in small pans and let them cool. For the glaze, mix powdered sugar, orange zest and ¼ cup. orange juice and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous smooth mass is obtained. Spoon frosting onto cupcakes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

3.5 stacks flour,
500 g pumpkin puree,
1 tsp salt,
3 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
½ tsp. ground cloves,
½ tsp. ground nutmeg,
½ tsp. ground allspice,
2.5 stacks Sahara,
½ cup brown sugar,
1 stack vegetable oil,
4 eggs.

For the glaze:
1 stack powdered sugar,
1-2 tbsp. milk.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl and stir. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar, add vegetable oil And pumpkin puree. Then enter flour mixture and stir until smooth. Place the dough in the molds, filling them no more than ⅔ full, as the dough rises well. Place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick. Mix powdered sugar and milk until smooth and shiny and pour over cooled cupcakes. Ready-made cupcakes can be sprinkled with lemon or orange zest.


1 stack grated carrots,
¾ stack. Sahara,
2 eggs,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
1 tsp vanilla,
½ tsp. salt,
¾ stack. raisins,
¾ stack. nuts,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. baking powder.

Lightly beat the eggs with sugar. Sift flour and dry ingredients, combine with eggs and mix until smooth. Divide the batter into greased pans and bake the cupcakes. Use for decoration butter cream, placing a rose on the cupcakes.

You can easily trust your children to decorate cupcakes, especially if you prepare small treats for children's party. Colored sugar, colored coconut flakes, confectionery topping for cakes or small colored dragees can be an excellent palette for children's fantasies. If you are preparing a treat for adults, you will have to awaken the talent of an artist in small forms: cupcakes, decorated in a simple style or, on the contrary, are real cream bouquets, will decorate any holiday table.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina