What souvenirs can you bring from Hungary? What to bring from Hungary: the best Hungarian souvenirs and gifts

Many of you have probably already heard the interesting word Hungaricum. Hungaricum is a traditional Hungarian product and an item of very high quality. The word unique in its composition speaks of the uniqueness of the product.But in addition to products and objects produced in Hungary, Hungaricum also includes entire phenomena that are closely related to Hungarian traditions, culture and way of life, as well as outstanding Hungarians, their inventions and achievements.The Hungarian language is also a kind of Hungaricum, which is a source of special pride for Hungarians.

If you know the Hungarian language, then you will already be worthy of respect from the Hungarians. In short, Hungaricum is all typically Hungarian. With this topic I am opening a new section on the blog called Hungaricum. Today in the topic we will look at the first seven Hungaricum, because everyone knows that the number seven brings good luck. Plus, today you will find out what useful souvenirs you can bring from Hungary.

Perhaps the most famous hungaricum is red paprika: hot or sweet. Dry paprika is sold in small cloth bags, usually red, white or green. Kalocsa and szegedi paprika from Szeged are especially prized. You can buy paprika in jars as a paste or cute dried paprika pods strung on strong strings. Her can be found in almost any grocery store.

In souvenir shops, local markets and fairs you can buy paprika in more beautiful gift packaging, for example in a beautiful, bright bag, complete with a wooden scoop, or in small ceramic containers with lids. This is a wonderful gift for all housewives without exception. If you are not a fan of spicy things, then choose sweet paprika, with the inscription - édes paprika.

In Budapest, a store with Herend porcelain can be found at Andrassy útsa, 16. The prices are certainly steep, but for true connoisseurs of unique works of porcelain art, this is truly a godsend.

And in the photo under this text you can see another Hungaricum. Or rather, this stuffed animal is a model (is it really like a real one?) of a rare breed of pig called Mangalitsa. There was a time when it was on the verge of extinction, but now consumer interest in Mangalitsa products is growing in Hungary and abroad every year, and at a fairly rapid pace.

The Hungarian pig, the Mangalica, has thick, long hair, which is why it is nicknamed the “wool pig.” Several types of these pigs are bred on farms in Hungary; varieties such as red, white, mixed, and black are known.

Mangalitsa meat is considered healthier than regular pork. Weight gain in mangalitsa occurs more slowly, so the fat and meat have a lighter structure and differ in taste from ordinary pork for the better. Farmers produce from mangalitsa delicious sausages, sausages and lard. Be sure to try Mangalitsa meat products, and you can bring sausage as a gift. You can buy Mangalitsa products at local markets.

And if you suddenly see such a huge horned animal in Hungary, don’t be scared. This is also Hungaricum. This Hungarian cattle with huge horns and quite impressive size is a very peaceful animal and completely unpretentious in its maintenance.

Between Keszthely and Heviz, right next to the road, there is a small zoo where, among other inhabitants, you can see these Hungarian monsters if you wish.

Now let's talk about the world-famous, outstanding Hungarians. First on the list isErnő Rubik, creator of the famous Rubik's cube.

The Rubik's Cube was born in 1974. And his father was a very young, thirty-year-old Hungarian inventor and sculptor Rubik Ernő.

In 1987, the inventor received the title of professor of architecture, and then founded the Hungarian Technical Academy.Awarded the State Prize of the Hungarian People's Republic.

In Hungary, you have a chance to buy a real Hungaricum - a Rubik's cube as a gift for your children, friends and relatives, and not a fake produced by someone unknown who and where.

The next world famous Hungarian is football player Ferenc Puskás ( Puskás Ferenc), member of the Hungarian “Golden Team”, recognized during his lifetime as the best football player of all time. A stadium in Budapest is named after him and the FIFA Best Goal of the Year award bears his name.

Five-time champion of Hungary, Spain, three-time winner of the European Champions Cup, Olympic champion.FIFA recognized him as the best scorer of the twentieth century. All his merits and awards can be listed for a very long time.If you want to give a gift to a person who is passionate about football, then buy him, for example, a T-shirt with a portrait of a famous Hungarian football player or soccer ball with the initials of the football player.

Third on our list is Anjos Istvan Jedlik (1800-1895) - physicist, teacher of mathematics, physics and natural sciences, scientist who invented the dynamo in his time. After work on the dynamo was completed, the scientist was captivated by the idea of ​​​​creating soda water, which was realized quite soon, in 1829. A little later, the first siphon for soda water appeared. The pop very quickly fell in love with the Hungarians, and in 1841 it was opened in Pest. industrial production soda water, in Hungarian soda water sounds like szódavíz.

Based on soda and wine, Hungarians prepare a refreshing drink under the funny name fröccs. Very popularthe so-called big fröccs (nagyfröccs). To prepare it, you need to add 100 grams of soda to two hundred grams of wine. You can also make a drink called small fröccs (kisfröccs), when the proportions of wine and water are the same. We tried both options at a local beach bar Frech.

Fretsch Variations There are many, you have to try and choose the one you like. The fact that it lifts your spirits and on summer days this light drink is simply an escape from the heat. Hungarians believe that it is also good for digestion.

Sometimes at home, in the summer, when it’s hot, we prepare this drink in the following proportions. Pour approximately one-third white wine into a large glass and two-thirds soda. It quenches your thirst very well indeed! We buy soda in the same farm store, which I have already told you about more than once.

So, when in Hungary, drink frecs in the summer heat, and in You can bring a beautiful painted siphon as a gift from Hungary, like in the photo.

Next time we’ll talk about Hungarian alcoholic drinks, products and traditional Hungarian dishes. Which ones are better to choose and what to bring as a souvenir from Hungary.

When we go on a trip, we anticipate in advance the delight of the kaleidoscope of impressions awaiting us. And with him - the joy of bringing various amazing things as gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

After all, they, as a rule, reflect the uniqueness of the places visited and the uniqueness of the cultural characteristics of the people living there.

No wonder that on the way back the luggage increases significantly in volume.

A small European country on the banks of the Danube, Hungary after all the invasions of the invaders, it retained the originality of the Finno-Ugric culture and declared itself:

  • composer F. Liszt, I. Kalman;
  • recognized football star - F. Puskas;
  • thermal spring bath - Gellert;
  • the first ballpoint pen;
  • underground tram;
  • wines from the Tokaj Valley;
  • a puzzle for intellectuals - the Rubik's Cube.

The capital of Hungary is a former fortress, currently a resort, due to the features and beauty of its architecture, has received unofficial recognition as “little Paris”.

This is a museum town and a great place for shopping: shopping mega-centers with an area of ​​50 hectares, crowded markets, specialty stores and shops and boutiques of brand names.

The working day of local stores begins differently- grocery stores from 7 am, clothing stores - from 10, but they all close at 18.00 (on weekends - at 13.00). And only the Tesco retail chain is open around the clock.

Souvenirs from Hungary - what to bring?

What can you buy in Hungary? Of course, you will have to be guided by the funds you have and your preferences in the assortment, otherwise you will not get rid of the desire to buy everything.

Alcohol products

In the land of grapevines and popular wines that have won worldwide recognition, It would be wise to go to a specialized department of a large store to select one of the suggested items:

  • Tokay wines - “Furmint”, “Yellow Muscat”, “Zeta”, “Namorodno”, “Asu” (wine of kings);
  • sparkling wines - “Terley” and “Hungari”;
  • blended wine "Bull's Blood";
  • apricot (cherry) liqueur - “Palinka”;
  • Frech is a refreshing drink made from soda and wine, in a ratio of 1/2.

Can be exported duty free 1 liter of wine and 1 liter strong drinks.

Hungary has been recognized in Europe as the capital of perfumes since the 17th century., and now in its perfume stores you can find licensed samples of famous brands. But the following have gained great popularity among tourists:

  • local cosmetics based on therapeutic mud, mineral salts and natural oils Helia-D and PANDHY’S brands;
  • cosmetic products for children from the companies “Caomilla” and “Gabi”;
  • shampoos, conditioners, masks from Kallos;
  • makeup cosmetics from Kiray cosmetics;
  • european perfume excellent quality at affordable prices.

What to buy and bring from Budapest as a gift? The highlight of the Hungarian cosmetics industry is lavender soap.


"Made in Hungary"- labeling support for many medicines known to our compatriots. Reliable and efficient, some dosage forms have not left pharmacy shelves for decades.

The only difficulty in acquiring them can be that in Hungary prescriptions are required even for those medical supplies, which we sell in the public domain.

Extremely popular in the country and abroad, a herbal balm created 200 years ago from 40 herbs from different continents. The distinctive sign is a red cross on a pot-bellied bottle, and the name is liqueur "Unicum".

In the resort of Heviz you can buy pumpkin oil, which we do not have, with exclusively medicinal properties for a large list of diseases.

Healing Heviz mud(thermal lake Heviz) are sold in packages of different sizes: in paste and dry form; With its help, mud applications are made according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Mud therapy in Hungary is a common service in specialized sanatoriums, mud baths and just hotels.

Hungary is a country of gourmets, they love and know how to eat delicious food here. And the unforgettable taste of national dishes is created by a bouquet of spices and a local brand - paprika (red hot pepper).

From what you can bring in a tourist’s suitcase:

  • bags of various, including souvenir, packaging of spices and paprika;
  • the famous “Salami” with ginger and pepper from the Piсk factory;
  • sausages made from Mangalitsa (a local breed of pig);
  • Tihany cheeses;
  • Hungarian Foie gras;
  • honey (acacia, mint or cinnamon);
  • marzipan (in candies and figurines).

Clothes and shoes

Once Hungary (Budapest) was the leading supplier of the Land of Soviets for consumer goods - clothing and footwear.

But specialization in the EU has changed the guidelines in the economy, and high-quality clothes and shoes can only be found in the boutiques of famous European brands Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Cavalli.

What clothes should you bring from Budapest? A truly worthwhile purchase would be:

  • sportswear and sneakers from Tisza Cipő;
  • men's cotton shirts;
  • children's items made of knitwear;
  • underwear, socks;
  • cotton bathrobes;
  • handmade clothing made from tapestry fabrics.

The country is widely represented folk crafts, which have not lost their relevance among modern products:

  • hand embroidery on table and bed linen, clothes, children's things. Panels, lambrequins, towels. The floral pattern of 27 color combinations has a centuries-old tradition. Center of embroidery skills - the city of Kaloch;
  • porcelain production in the city of Herend decorated the table settings of European royal houses with elite products; sets and single pieces of Hungarian porcelain are a luxurious gift for a significant event;
  • crystal from Herend;
  • leather key holders, purses, wallets, gloves, handbags with embossing and inlay, embroidery and decorative fittings;
  • scarves and shawls made of pashmina (cashmere goat fluff) with complex colored prints - a work of weaving art;
  • Garden and black ceramics “Zholnai” and “Nadudvara” are of interest among tourists;
  • Kokrtt glass mosaic jewelry and garnets in silver.


Connoisseurs of antiques can only satisfy their thirst for antiques in Budapest, walking through Falk Miksa - market, where there is an abundance of unique rarities and material witnesses of antiquity:

  • etchings and woodcuts: unframed, matted, in a stylish frame;
  • decorative interior elements from the times of Austria-Hungary;
  • porcelain, silver;
  • vintage cookbooks(even in Russian!);
  • carved wooden boxes;
  • dolls;
  • lace umbrellas and wicker shelves;
  • albums with examples of Magyar art;
  • ancient coins and banknotes from the early 20th century.

Souvenir products

Spread all over the country Folda Collection store chain, where the anxious tourist is offered to immerse himself in a wide assortment of a wide variety of souvenirs:

  • decorative kitchen furniture (curtains, napkins, potholders, coasters);
  • mugs for mineral water with a secret;
  • keychains and thematic booklets;
  • wood carving;
  • dolls in national clothes;
  • Rubik's cube (in all versions);
  • decorative items filled with dried lavender;
  • leather goods;
  • T-shirts with the autograph of F. Puskas and national symbols;
  • mini-models of the Trabant car;
  • magnets depicting recognizable memorable places in Hungary.

To a man

If the surprise is intended for a man, then it is worth taking into account his age and hobbies.

Both a young man and a middle-aged man will be pleased souvenir bottle of fruit vodka - “Palinka” or cherry brandy.

And, if he is a principled teetotaler, then he will probably be interested in leather sneakers from Tisza Cipő, or collectible mini-model cars.

More suitable for older men balm "Unicum", a high-quality pure cotton shirt, leather gloves or key holders.

Any of them will not leave indifferent Pick sausage, impressively packaged in the colors of the national flag.

To a woman

With choice of gift for women (girls) simpler: anything that is distinguished by the beauty of its design and originality of form will suit them:

  • embroidered blouses;
  • goat down shawls;
  • Jewelry;
  • porcelain or crystal products;
  • bags made of thick leather with national flavor;
  • marzipan sweets.

To kid

You can bring your child some lovely marzipan figures, which are so fun to play with, and when the game gets boring, you can feast on them.

National dolls, will definitely delight girls, and boys will be happy to ride mini-model cars.

An older child will benefit from an educational toy - a Rubik's cube in any modification, or a soccer ball with Puskás's initials. By the way, such a gift would be appropriate for an adult.

Whatever you bring from Hungary- this will always be a good memory of a beautiful sunny country with folk traditions that preserve centuries-old cultural identity.

Budapest is one of the most popular capitals among tourists; they know that they will find here many architectural masterpieces of all times and styles, and many rarities in museums and galleries. The city also attracts with delicious gastronomy, magnificent landscapes, vibrant folk festivals and international cultural events. Shopping in the Hungarian capital also finds a place on the list of things to do that is important for guests and travelers. So, what goods and souvenirs can you take away from the city for your family, close friends and colleagues?

The famous liqueur "Unicum"

Where can I buy:

One of the most typical Hungarian souvenirs is Unicum liqueur; not a single tourist leaves the capital of Hungary without a bottle or two, while the Hungarians managed to turn a seemingly simple alcoholic drink into a real tourist brand. It tastes similar to the equally popular German liqueur"Jägermeister" has a pronounced taste of herbs and spices.
Manufacturers claim that although “Unicum” refers to strong alcohol, it is used more as a medicine. Included in it healing herbs, collected at a certain time and in a specific dosage, help fight various diseases. Firstly, liquor improves digestion and leads to normal gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Thirdly, it is a powerful biostimulant and helps strengthen the immune system.
IN herbal tea includes about 40 plants collected in ecologically clean areas of Hungary. It is not used as an alcoholic drink; its taste is most pronounced when added to tea or coffee. You shouldn’t even try to make the drink again, it’s real recipe is almost a state secret of Hungary, kept as a holy of holies in the archives of the Esztergom Basilica.

Hungarian white wine

Where can I buy:
- Zwack Heritage and Visitors" Centre, Dandar utca 1.

Another Hungarian alcoholic product makes the hearts of tourists skip a beat - these are the famous white wines, primarily Tokaji. The grape drink received this name because of the region in which its production was first established - Tokaj-Hegyalja.
The history of Hungarian winemaking goes back centuries, the first tastings noble wines carried out already in the 16th century. Tokay Asu, a product on the bottles of which, in addition to the name, can also be found with a number, is popular among guests of the country.
The secret of the appearance of numbers on the label is simple - they indicate sweetness, the larger the number, the sweeter the wine purchased by the tourist will be. In Hungary you can safely purchase not only white wines, but also their “colleagues”, red ones, which also have an exquisite aroma and excellent taste.

Hungarian vodka "Palinka"

Where can I buy:
- Restaurant Palinka Station, Szirtes ut 32.

Any visitor to Budapest will note that it is difficult to find traditional vodka among alcoholic drinks; residents of the capital, and after them tourists, prefer to buy “Palinka”. It is another Hungarian alcohol brand that makes travelers sad about the norm for transporting such products across the border.
"Palinka" is a strong alcohol based on fruits, berries and fruits traditionally grown in Hungary. The most popular vodka is made from apricots; it has a pleasant orange hue and a slight apricot flavor.
With a slight sourness - plum "Palinka", cherry vodka has a beautiful burgundy hue, some people like pear or grape. For friends or colleagues, you can buy a drink in souvenir bottles, which look very nice. For personal use it is better to buy a regular one - gift wrap affects the final cost.

You can’t forget about Hungarian sausage

Where can I buy:
- Pick Markaaruhaz, Kossuth Lajos ter 9.

Approximately these words are used to send travelers to Hungary; they have been kept since the times of the Soviet Union. good memories about the delicious sausages produced in meat factories this European power. Hungarians still “keep their mark” today; sausages are on the list of the most common goods leaving the country in suitcases and backpacks of tourists. Traditionally, the first place is occupied by the Pick factory, which produces different varieties semi-smoked, smoked, dried sausages.
Among meat products It also has its own leaders; salami takes the top spot in the ranking. It has been made for several centuries; the company tries to adhere to the original recipes of the 19th century. The answer to the question of how not to make a mistake with a purchase and choose the products of this particular company is simple. The sausage has original packaging, which uses the colors of the national flag of Hungary - red, white, green. Experienced tourists buy these products this way.

Paprika - a delicious symbol of the Hungarian capital

Where can I buy:
- Paprika Market, Voeroesmarty ter 1.

Magyar paprika occupies a worthy place in the list of Hungarian brands; you can buy this tasty and healthy product at any food market in the capital, in a hypermarket or in a small shop. Available in up to seven varieties, sweet or spicy, ready-made mixtures For traditional goulash. Since the Hungarians made paprika national product and a kind of business card, you can buy it in a variety of packaging. Moreover, bundles of dried bright peppers will cost less than the same products, but packaged in beautiful canvas bags.
Tin containers decorated with cheerful designs will cost even more; such jars are not a shame to place in the most luxurious kitchen. Glass containers look beautiful, a real sunny treasure. And the most expensive in price are ceramic pots with spicy aromatic seasoning, since they are most often made and painted by hand using traditional motifs. But then it’s not a shame to give such a gift to your beloved mother or aunt, a noble cook.

Hungarian foie gras

Where can I buy:
- Restaurant Comme Chez Soi, Aranykez utca 2.

In this European power, the famous bird liver pate has been prepared for centuries, which is why it is revered by local residents as a national treasure and gastronomic pride. True, this product has its own local name - “liba mai”; the Hungarians are ready to fight to the end with the French for primacy in the “invention” of the dish. In any Hungarian restaurant, liver pate is sure to be on the list of delicacies and specialties.
They learned how to cook canned liver for tourists here. It undergoes sterilization, which helps the final product remain fresh for a long time. The pate is packaged in metal cans, which allows it to be easily transported over long distances. There are little secrets - on the packaging they indicate whether it is a whole liver or a “liver block”. The first product is more expensive, since it is preserved in one piece, the second is cheaper, it is minced meat with pieces, which is placed under a press.

Hungarian sweets - expensive and incredibly tasty

Where can I buy:
- Szabo Marcipan Museum, Hess Andras ter 1 - 3, Hilton Budapest.

Unfortunately, tourists coming to Budapest know very little about local chocolate, but it is becoming one of the most delicious gifts for relatives. Residents of the Hungarian capital call ChocoMe the best, founded by Gabor Mészáros, today one of the most famous chocolatiers in the country. The list of products includes exquisite sweets, for example, chocolate with the addition of flower petals, spices and pepper. The company pays great attention to the packaging of chocolate products, so even the most ordinary (without additives) product looks like an ideal gift.
Marzipan is another very popular sweet, one of the main gifts taken by tourists from Hungary. Almond paste began to be used in Hungarian cooking back in the 15th century. local chefs They treat it very respectfully and are ready to offer a large assortment of delicious marzipans, with a variety of additives. It is especially good to purchase such things on the eve of the holidays - New Year, Christmas, Easter. Almond confectionery products are made in various shapes; chocolate and various toppings are actively used. This culinary miracle is completed with bright, stylish packaging.
The best purchases for marzipan desserts are made not in supermarkets or souvenir shops, but in marzipan museums, which can be found in different cities and, naturally, in Budapest. The establishment must have a cafe where you can taste sweet products and then make purchases.
Marzipan candies have different shapes, the most popular among children are medals, candy bars, figurines of animals or characters from famous fairy tales. And the museum displays real works of art, confectioners create true miracles from this sweet product, palaces and gardens, parks and flower beds, and sometimes even fountains appear before the eyes of tourists. For young creators it is suggested to buy marzipan mass, painted in different colors. Children enjoy making figures and candies from edible plasticine; such a gift will help the young artist realize all his creative ideas and please his family.

Hungarian textiles - color and style

Where can I buy:
- Memories of Hungary Basilika Souvenir Shop, Hercegprimas utca 8.

Local textiles will not be the last place in the list of Hungarian gifts for the fair half of humanity. First of all, guests pay attention to handmade products decorated with elegant embroidery. There is one little secret that allows you to find among hundreds of embroidered napkins or towels those made by local craftswomen. One of the main embroidery motifs is peppers (the famous paprika), they look cute and very appetizing. The shopping list may include tiny items, such as bookmarks, napkins, and large items, such as a tablecloth embroidered with peppers and flowers.
The second place among textile products is occupied by national costumes, however, their cost in most cases is quite high, since sewing and embroidery takes a lot of time from the craftswoman. Children's traditional costumes are the most popular; foreign guests also often buy elements of adult national attire, for example, vests or belts embroidered with the same peppers.
Interestingly, in a bright Hungarian suit, the color palette is dominated by three - green, red, white, which are reminiscent of the main state symbol of the country. The traditional women's outfit is characterized by the following elements - a snow-white blouse with a corset, a skirt consisting of two layers and an apron. Most often, foreign ladies try on blouses whose bodice is made of lace, the sleeves have flounces or gathers and are richly decorated with embroidery.
Male tourists pay attention to felt hats with wide brims, sometimes jauntily curled up. Hungarian headdresses are decorated with ribbons with traditional embroidery and artificial flowers. Men's attire traditionally includes two shirts; it is clear that no one wears that today. You can purchase any one - either the lower one, made of linen, or the upper one, its peculiarity is the presence of embroidery and lace. The most expensive item in the national costume today is the dolman, which replaced the vest. It has short sleeves, a stand-up collar, gilt buttons, heavy embroidery and sometimes stone inlay.

You've already enjoyed unforgettable vacation in Hungary and are going to your native land? Be sure to share your joy with your family and friends by choosing for them unique souvenirs that this country is rich in. And the choice here is really large and varied - these include famous Hungarian delicacies, drinks, and beautiful clothes with embroidered elements. Let's take a closer look at what you should bring from Hungary as a gift.


Hungary is famous throughout the world for its alcoholic drinks with unique and rich taste properties. Winemaking is most highly developed in three regions - Tokaj, Eger and Lake Balaton.

Hungarian wines are notable for the fact that neither sugar nor alcohol is added during their production. Tokaj and Balaton wines are predominantly light, white, while Eger wine, in contrast, is red, viscous, with a pronounced spicy-fruity aroma.

But Hungary is not rich in wines alone. Liqueurs and fruit vodka leave no one indifferent. But beer, alas, is somewhat inferior to its German and Czech counterparts.


One of the most remarkable alcoholic souvenirs is Fröccs (Fröccs) - a drink of freshness and good mood. The basis of this drink is wine and soda pop. Depending on the proportions of the ingredients, large and small frech are distinguished.

The gift set consists of a beautiful painted siphon, a bottle of excellent Tokaj wine and a bottle of sparkling soda. A refreshing and invigorating frech is indispensable in summer heat, besides, the Hungarians claim that it is not only tasty, but also healthy!

Tokaj wines

Among all wine regions Hungary's championship belongs to Tokaj, a mountain range where the best varieties of light, golden grapes grow. Due to their luxurious color and special taste of raisins and honey, Tokaj wines are called liquid gold.

The most popular of them are “Native Tokaj” made from unsorted grapes, “Tokaj Essence” made from raisins, and “Tokaj-Asu” (wine of kings) - a dessert wine that is infused for up to ten years.

Fruit vodka “Palinka”

“Palinka” is the name of the famous tincture of fruits- one of the main national drinks Hungary. It is prepared mainly from apricots, grapes, quinces, plums, pears and apples.

All fruits must be thoroughly washed, cut and pitted. In order for “Palinka”, which was not without reason called “Carpathian brandy”, to acquire a softer and refined taste, it is aged in strong oak barrels.

Balm “Unicum”

The recipe for this unique Hungarian drink was invented back in 1790 and is still kept in the strictest confidence. What is known is that this balm is infused with more than forty types of medicinal herbs.

Unicom balm is consumed both as an independent aperitif and in combination with various fruit juices. According to the manufacturers, the balm is characterized beneficial effect on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems of the body.

Rubik's Cube

A wonderful gift for both children and adults will be the Rubik's Cube - an amazing puzzle for intellectuals. Only in Hungary can you find original product, produced decades ago by Erne Rubik. Here this souvenir is presented in the most various options!


The famous Hungarian marzipans will certainly please any sweet tooth. Choose any option - bitter or sweet almond kernels powdered sugar or aromatic syrup in the form of a wide variety of figures.

In supermarkets in Budapest you can buy not only ready-made sweet products, but also sugar and almond mass in bulk, so you can create delicious masterpieces yourself.

National clothes

Are you wondering what to bring from Hungary in terms of clothing? Pay attention to the national costumes, which at first glance captivate with their beauty and brightness.

Women will be delighted by fluffy multi-layered shortened skirts combined with vests and shirts with wide sleeves gathered just below the elbow, richly decorated with embroidery.

The men's version of the suit is more modest and consists of a simple short shirt, canvas trousers, a vest and high boots.


One of the gastronomic symbols of Hungary is ground paprika, which is an indispensable component many national treats. The taste and spiciness of this spicy spice depends on its shade.

It is noteworthy that the soft pink color of paprika actually indicates a burning and rich taste, while rich red is characteristic of a spice with a mild and delicate taste.


Would you like to know what products to bring from Hungary? Of course, true Hungarian salami. This delicacy is notable for the fact that it can be stored for a very long time without loss of quality, so it can become one of best options gift for any holiday.

Such types of salami as “Peak” and “Hertz” have won the greatest sympathy among tourists from all over the world. In addition, there are other varieties of this meat treat with added ginger, red hot pepper and other spices.

Foie gras

Another wonderful Hungarian delicacy is Foie gras. In this country, by the way, it has its own unique name - libamaj, which consists of two words - liba (goose) and maj (liver).

Textile and embroidered products

The famous Hungarian embroidery deserves admiration. The main techniques are called matio and kalochai.

Matyo embroidery cannot be confused with anything else - in the very center of the textile product there is a large flower, surrounded by small elegant patterns. Such multicolor patterns richly decorate Hungarian national clothing.

Embroidered Kalocsa lace, which is called “Hungarian inlay,” first appeared in the ancient town of Kalocsa. They are characterized by a unique color scheme consisting of 27 shades.

Speaking about textile souvenirs from Hungary, it is impossible not to mention the openwork Halas lace, created by art teacher Arpad Dekani from the city of Kiskunhalas.

Crystal, ceramics and porcelain

If you are thinking about what to bring from Hungary as a souvenir, pay attention to crystal, porcelain and ceramic products.

Elite Hungarian crystal “Ajka Crystal” has been known since 1878. This is the choice of bohemians all over the world.

Porcelain produced in the Hungarian village of Herend since the beginning of the century before last is also very interesting. These products were preferred by all noble persons.

The city of Nadudvara produces excellent ceramic tableware, which, thanks to a special firing technology, acquires a deep, noble black color.

Cannot be exported

  • any types of weapons and ammunition;
  • more than 2 liters of wine;
  • more than 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks;
  • more than 250 cigarettes, 50 cigars and 250 grams of tobacco.

For the export of historical valuables, jewelry, food and medicines Additional permits and receipts are required.

In the hour of lost dreams and last hopes,
From a continuous veil of snowfalls
And golden Budapest appeared in the mists
With the bright paint of luxurious facades...
A. Kozheikin

And all this luxury is ready to fit on a souvenir magnet from a trip to Budapest.

What things and souvenirs can you bring from Hungary?


Traveling around the world, you can taste delicious traditional cuisine, attend festivals and concerts, and photograph attractions. But you can’t bring all this as a gift or as a souvenir, so tourists try to find original and useful things that preserve the impressions of the trip.

Most often, clothes from sales are brought from Hungary in the summer. During this period, on the central streets of Budapest you can find branded trousers or a jumper with a discount of up to 50%. Popular boutiques among shopaholics include: MaxMara, Burberry, Louis, Gucci.

Porcelain figurines and ceramic dishes also often end up in luggage on the way back. Such souvenirs are typical of almost any country, but you can find something original that will remind you of a walk in Hungary.

Name Briefly about the souvenir Cost in rubles Selection advice
Marzipan Pastry made from almond dough, to which several museums are dedicated in Hungary. from 150 You can safely buy it in any confectionery shop; thanks to the long shelf life, the gift will “live” home without losing its taste and shape.
Paprika A spicy seasoning that Hungarians add to all their dishes. from 200 per jar Sold in any grocery store.
Wines "Tokay Asu" Only in this country is this series of wines produced according to an old secret recipe. from 700 for 0.5 l Each drink is assigned a “puttioni” number; the higher it is, the sweeter and more expensive the wine.
Porcelain and ceramics Hungarian porcelain has been famous for its quality since ancient times. The sets were made to order for the royal families of England. from 1000 There are 2 main factories where they produce quality products: “Zsolnai” and “Herend”. The best place to buy dishes is on Flac Mixa Street in Budapest.
Hungarian dolls Made from porcelain, wood and fabric. They are dressed in national costumes and are very attractive to look at. from 750 Handmade products are more expensive, but much better in quality.
Salami All sausages made from natural meat with the addition of spices, including paprika. from 500 per kg Choose raw smoked options that have a long shelf life.
Perfumes and perfumes In the 17th century, Hungary was nicknamed the capital of spirits. Many perfume stores will allow you to choose the right scent. from 500 per bottle The most famous brands Helia-D and PANDHY"S. To choose a scent, take coffee with you, which you need to smell between different bottles. This method does not allow smells to mix.
Pumpkin oil A unique herbal medicine that is difficult to find in Russia. from 300 Sold in the resort of Heviz and in some pharmacies in Hungarian cities.
Antiques For antique lovers, it is worth visiting the antique shops where you can find interesting examples of porcelain figurines, clocks with a winding mechanism, and much more. from 1000 Can buy interesting souvenirs from past centuries in the bazaars (Falk Maksa). Remember to keep receipts for your antiques so they can be released from the country.
Decorative items with lavender Handmade pillows with " soothing herb"Instead of filling, decorated with traditional embroidery will be a great gift for any age. from 500 Interesting options easy to find in local markets and souvenir shops.

Cheap Hungarian souvenirs


For those who like to save money, it is always interesting what cheap and cute things can be brought as gifts to friends and relatives. For such “economists”, below is a list of popular pleasant little things:

  • Rubik's cube in any modification and at a price of 100 rubles;
  • a T-shirt with the autograph of football player Ferenc Puskás will cost only 60 rubles;
  • mugs for mineral water with a secret - from 100 rubles;
  • lace umbrellas cost no more than 500 rubles;
  • handmade wood products with carvings – from 300 rub.

And also don’t forget about keychains, postcards and magnets.

Where to buy souvenirs in Budapest?


Find clothes, pleasant trifles and spicy condiments are easy at the new MOM Park shopping center. It’s easy to drink coffee and taste sweets at the Mammut shopping center. And sports and leisure goods are located in the Polus Center - one of the first entertainment complexes in Budapest.

Don't forget about the bazaars and markets, jewelry workshops, china shops and numerous bakeries located on the countless streets of the capital of Hungary.

What should you not bring from Hungary?


You will not find any restrictions on the export of souvenirs at the airport, but you can take them with you a large number of alcohol or drugs will not work. And for antiques, customs officers will ask you to present receipts and documents.

And also you shouldn’t expect that traditional goulash soup, desserts in the form of pancakes or stewed potatoes With hot pepper will “live” home. Better find the locals and ask about the methods of preparing various delicacies to reproduce culinary arts Budapest in your kitchen.