How to pickle large patissons for the winter. Canned patissons and cucumbers

Patisson, like a sponge, is able to absorb taste qualities spices and vegetables marinated with them. Therefore, you definitely need to experiment and make pickled squash for the winter in combination with other components. They can be closed not only in pure form with spices, as well as combine with cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, sweet and bitter peppers, and other ingredients. Many people think that patisson is a zucchini. From the zucchini he got only taste. It's actually a type of pumpkin. Unusual appearance gives the workpiece piquancy and originality.

About the beneficial properties of patisson

Before asking the question: “How to pickle squash for the winter?”, You need to understand their need in general. Unusually beautiful outlines and a distant association with UFOs bring this vegetable to the first steps of popularity in cooking, and especially in canning. But he is not only attractive on the outside, his beneficial features Nothing beats outward beauty. The presence of beneficial microelements improves human vision and liver function. Alimentary fiber help get rid of excess cholesterol. The abundance of fiber normalizes bowel function, prevents various failures. Seeds of squash struggle with excess salts in the body and relieve gout.

Nice yellow vegetable contains vitamins - A, B, C, PP, minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium. All these useful material kept for a short time. 12 days after flowering, the patisson loses its advantages and is no longer suitable for human consumption. Such fruits are considered to be overripe and sent for animal feed.

The vegetable in question is recommended to be consumed with meat. Pickled patissons are most suitable for protein products, the recipe of which will give detailed description how to do tasty addition To meat dishes. Such a tandem is useful for people with problematic gallbladder, liver, gastric ulcer. For dieters, patisson is a necessary element in the diet, because it fights toxins and obesity.

In cooking, you can salt, pickle, preserve for the winter, make jam and add to salads. For provisions, you need to take only young vegetables with a thin skin. They will be ready in a month, regardless of how the preservation is stored, under nylon cover or under a tin. Without waiting for winter, you can uncork a jar of pickles and enjoy the result.

Whole marinated squash

You can get the sour-salty taste of provisions if you follow a step-by-step recipe with pictures of marinating squash. It will take 1 kg of squash, which will take 1 liter of water to prepare the brine.


Pickled patissons should be stored in the refrigerator so that they do not turn sour.

Pickled squash slices

If you have too ripe and hard vegetables on hand, pickled squash for the winter in slices will come in handy. To do this, you need 4 pieces of large squash and one carrot.


Pickled patissons in spicy sauce

For cooking, you will need approximately 300 grams of squash, which will be immersed in 0.5 liter jar. Among the ingredients there will also be red pepper, the amount of which is adjusted according to your preferences. The recipe uses apple cider vinegar.


Pickled patissons with cucumbers

Combining squash with cucumbers is a great idea. Provisions are obtained not only aesthetically beautiful, but also tasty. Pickled patissons with cucumbers have a sweet aftertaste and are stored for a long time under tin lid. The recipe will require 1 kg of squash and 1 kg. These ingredients will fit in a 3 liter jar. It all depends on the size of the vegetables.


Pickled squash with zucchini

To make pickled zucchini and squash for the winter, you need 1.5 liter jar, for which 0.5 kg of squash and 0.5 kg of zucchini will go. The main ingredients are diluted with two carrots and the same amount of sweet pepper is added. Feel free to add onions.


Pickled patissons with tomatoes

Squash marinated with tomatoes for the winter are not very spicy and slightly sweet. To implement this recipe, we take a 3-liter jar, which we will fill with 1 kg of squash and 1 kg of tomato.


For piquancy, you can add a few chokeberry berries to the recipe, which you need to hold for 10 minutes in boiling water before adding to the jar.

By canning vegetables, we hope to get a lightning-fast result, and not just a result, but tasty and rich. Pickled squash according to recipes fast food help to cope with this task. In fact, quickly pickling vegetables of the pumpkin family is not difficult. First, the patisson must be cut into pieces. Thus, the marinade will be able to quickly saturate the vegetable. For greater reliability, it is advisable to boil the squash together with the brine. And finally, in no case do not skip the blanching procedure. Bon appetit and delicious pickled patissons to you!

The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, bouncy and juicy vegetables reminiscent of appearance flying saucers are made in marinades, salted in jars, put on caviar or used for all kinds of salads. Squash recipes for the winter with photos are simple. Many of them suggest how to make blanks quickly, without tedious and time-consuming sterilization. You only have to choose suitable option from our collection and on snowy, cold days your table will be decorated with beautiful, bright, fragrant and delicious homemade vegetable snacks.

Marinated squash for the winter in slices without sterilization in jars - a recipe with a photo

Following this recipe with a photo, you can cook delicious squash slices for the winter without sterilization. The dish will turn out to be quite spicy and even slightly burning due to the fact that bitter chili peppers are included in the composition. Such a bright and juicy snack on cold days will pleasantly diversify daily menu, and on the festive table will not go unnoticed.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for harvesting marinated squash for the winter in jars

  • squash - 2 kg
  • dill (twigs) - ½ bunch
  • dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs
  • parsley - 1/3 bunch
  • tarragon - 1 sprig
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pod
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 100 g
  • table vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for squash marinated for the winter in slices without sterilization in jars

Squash caviar for the winter with mayonnaise in jars - a simple recipe with a photo without sterilization

This simple recipe with a photo suggests preparing squash caviar with mayonnaise for the winter without sterilization. Ready meal pleases very pleasant, delicate taste and subtle, unobtrusive aroma. Lungs creamy notes the workpiece adds mayonnaise, which is part of the composition. If you want to strengthen this shade, you need to take the maximum fat mayonnaise, and if, on the contrary, weaken it, then use the lightest or ordinary store-bought sour cream.

Necessary ingredients for a simple recipe for squash caviar without jar sterilization

  • squash - 4.5 kg
  • onion - 2.25
  • garlic - 15 teeth
  • mayonnaise - 375 ml
  • tomato paste - 450 ml
  • vegetable oil - 225 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 4 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe with a photo of winter squash caviar with mayonnaise without sterilization

  1. Rinse the patissons, cut into slices of the same thickness and fry for vegetable oil to a nice, light golden hue.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, chop finely, simmer until soft in a pan, then transfer to the squash and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.
  3. Add garlic, passed through a press, salt, sugar, tomato paste and mayonnaise. Stir gently, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour hot caviar into jars, roll up iron lids and cool, turning upside down and wrapping in a warm blanket. Store in a cellar or basement.

How to salt patissons for the winter in jars - a recipe for harvesting with a photo

How to salt patissons in jars for the winter, this recipe with a photo will tell. The process is very simple and almost identical classical way pickling cucumbers. It is quite acceptable to change the composition and quantity of spices for yourself, adding or, conversely, removing some positions. For example, many housewives do not like to put in conservation currant leaf believing that it gives seamings a specific flavor and aroma. Those who are in solidarity with this position, it is quite possible to confine ourselves to horseradish leaves only. Or, to enhance the crunchiness of the patissons, add horseradish root chopped into rings.

Necessary ingredients for a recipe for pickling squash for the winter in jars

  • squash - 4 kg
  • garlic - 16 cloves
  • water - 3 l
  • dill - 4 umbrellas
  • horseradish and black currant leaves - 3 pcs each
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • salt - 6 tbsp
  • mustard seeds - 10 pcs
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • vinegar - 100 ml

Step-by-step instructions for a blank recipe, how to salt squash in jars for the winter

  1. Carefully sort out the squash and leave the same unspoiled fruits of medium size. Wash thoroughly and drain in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Put garlic, currant and horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, laurel, black peppercorns and mustard seeds on the bottom of dry sterilized jars. Then fill the jar with patissons, trying to lay them out as tightly as possible.
  3. Bring water to a boil over medium heat, add salt and cook until it dissolves completely. Then pour boiling brine into jars, cover with lids and leave at room temperature for three days.
  4. After the time has elapsed, return the old brine to the pan again and boil. When the liquid begins to boil strongly, reduce the heating level and cook for 10 minutes. At the end, pour in the vinegar, mix, fill the jars with squash with brine almost to the neck, roll up with metal lids, turn upside down and leave until completely cooled under a warm blanket or blanket. On winter storage send to the basement or cellar.

Squash salad for the winter - step by step recipe with photo

Following the tips and tricks of this step by step recipe with a photo, you can make for the winter very juicy and fragrant preparation from patissons. The consistency of the dish is most reminiscent of vegetable salad, but also as soup dressing looks quite good. The taste is distinguished by tenderness and pleasant tomato notes, but it does not sour at all, since there is no vinegar in the composition.

Ingredients for the recipe for making squash salad for the winter

  • squash - 2 kg
  • onion - 700 g
  • bell pepper– 700 g
  • tomatoes - 700 g
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for harvesting delicious patissons for the winter

  1. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry finely chopped onion in it until transparent. Then add the Bulgarian pepper cut into thin short sticks and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring regularly.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, pat dry and turn into a smooth puree. food processor, pour in to the onion and pepper, mix well and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Chop the patissons into pieces, add to the saucepan with the rest of the vegetables, reduce the heating level to the minimum and simmer for about 40-45 minutes. At the end, salt, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, then pack the salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn upside down and cool completely under a warm blanket. Send for storage in a cool room.

Squash for the winter You will lick your fingers - a recipe with video

Canned squash for the winter are distinguished by a pleasant, elastic texture, delicate taste and delicate, barely perceptible aroma. But, prepared in jars along with other vegetables, they acquire a completely new bright sound. The author of the video below suggests pickling squash in jars along with Bulgarian and hot peppers, onions, lemon and fresh herbs. The finished dish is quite spicy and goes well with various meat and fish dishes, potatoes or pasta. In addition, it can be consumed as a juicy snack or added to soup as a dressing. Well, for those who are not too fond of spicy and salty vegetable preparations, we advise you to pay attention to the recipe with a photo very delicious caviar from squash, which can be prepared even without tedious sterilization.

When we lived in Uzbekistan, we always prepared a lot of squash for the winter. They twisted them separately, and also made assorted, adding cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and onions to them. Could add young zucchini and cabbage. Canned jars turned out to be very "cheerful" in color and were quickly eaten. You try all the vegetables in two pieces, and the jar is already empty.

But here's what's interesting. While we lived there, we always bought small-sized patissons at the market. And until some time I could not even imagine that they could grow big.

But when they moved to live in the Urals, I first saw big squash sold by grandmothers at the store. It was their garden-grown crop. And when I once bought such large patissons from my grandmother, she asked me: “Daughter, what are you going to do with them?”

Such large specimens I then fried. And it turned out delicious. vegetable dish. But in order to preserve them small, I had to grow them myself.

Pickled patissons - this is something! I consider them a delicacy. But not because they are difficult to pickle, but because in order to pick them small, you need a large enough place to grow. I don’t have such a place, apparently, like those grandmothers at the store.

Therefore, I had to indulge in a trick. I grow them slightly larger than small ones. And I cut it in half, and at that moment I collect some small patissons. So I marinate, small ones whole, and more - halves.

The main thing is that they are not overgrown. If they have outgrown, they will not be so tasty, they will also not crunch. Because there are already quite large seeds in the middle, and during heat treatment the middle becomes soft. So when you marinate these delicious vegetables, pay attention to the size. Size matters here!

Pickled squash - preparation for the winter

We will need (the recipe is given for a liter jar):

  • squash - 500-600 gr (depending on size)
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • dill - 3 sprigs
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs
  • horseradish leaf
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • red Bell pepper bitter - piece
  • allspice peas - 3-4 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp


2. While the jars are being sterilized, let's prepare everything else. Wash the squash and cut off the stems. Also cut out with a sharp knife the dark place where the flower is attached on the opposite side.

3. Boil water, dip the squash into it and blanch for 5 minutes.

4. Then take them out with a slotted spoon so that the hot water is immediately glassed, and place them in cold water for fast cooling. Patissons should not become soft during heat treatment. Our task is that after opening the jar, they are dense and crispy.

5. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into two halves.

6. In a clean and sterilized jar, put horseradish on the bottom. From a large sheet, you will need to cut a strip 3-3.5 cm thick.

7. Then put 1 bay leaf, all peppers, clove buds. Put a small piece of red capsicum, no more than 1 cm thick.

8. We also spread half of the dill and parsley.

Dill sprigs can be replaced with dill seeds. And you can add both! When I have seeds, I add a couple of pinches. It turns out a very aromatic marinade.

9. Now we put the patissons themselves in the banks, the less space left in the bank, the better. So try to fit them as tightly as possible. Put the remaining bay leaf and parsley in the middle. And on top - sprigs of dill. We shift the layers with slices of garlic.

10. Pour water into a saucepan at the rate of 0.5 liters of water per liter jar. Put it to boil. When it boils add salt and sugar. It should be calculated like this.

Half a liter of water will go to a liter jar, which means we need to add a tablespoon of salt and sugar. If you boil 1 liter of water, then add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, and so on.

11. When the water with sugar and salt boils, boil it for 5 minutes.

12. Pour into the brine vinegar essence. And immediately pour the marinade into jars under the very neck.

Or pour the essence directly into jars with brine so as not to boil it. I do exactly that.

Immediately cover the jar with a sterilized lid.

13. Let stand for 5 minutes. In this case, it will be good to rotate the jar from side to side so that no air bubbles remain in it. But make sure that the lid does not open at the same time.

In order not to scratch the table, it is better to put the jar on a towel.

14. In the meantime, cooking large saucepan. Its bottom is lined with gauze or cloth. pouring hot water but not boiling water. And put in it a jar of squash for sterilization. In this case, the water should reach the “shoulders” of the jar.

There are recipes where squash canned without sterilization. But I don't risk it. Over the years of my practice, patissons have shown themselves to be quite capricious when preserved. Therefore, I now always sterilize them, just to be sure.

I feel sorry when so much work has been spent on growing and preserving, and the lid takes and swells. And such a workpiece has to be opened and thrown away. And if you sterilize them quite a bit, then the jars stand all year, and they can stand even more. And nothing happens to them.

15. Sterilize a liter jar for 20 minutes. Two-liter - 40 minutes, three-liter - 1 hour.

Time is counted from the moment when the water in a large saucepan boils, that is, it reaches 100 degrees. Water during sterilization should constantly boil, while it is not necessary that it boils and pours out of the pan.

Probably few people will spin squash in three-liter jars. But if someone decides, then follow the temporary rules.

16. When the set time is up, remove the jar from the water with special tongs and tighten the lid with a seamer.

If you accidentally opened the lid when taking it out, you will have to repeat the procedure, but slightly reduce the time.

If such a moment has occurred, then add boiling marinade to the jar and cover the lid again. Then again put the jar to be sterilized, but for 7-10 minutes.

17. When the jars are twisted, turn them over and place them on the lid to cool. At the same time, you do not need to cover them with a blanket or blanket. Patissons are very tender, and we don't need them to cook!

18. When the jars are completely cool, turn them over again and put them in a dark, cool place for storage. Let them stand for one month so that they marinate as best as possible.

Pickled patissons prepared according to this recipe are stored well, the lids do not swell and the jars do not explode. The recipe has been tested over many years of practice.

Marinating them is quite easy. It takes about 35-40 minutes for one liter jar. If you make two cans, then the time increases by only 10 minutes. That is, in an hour of time, you can marinate three to four liter jars.

But when in winter you open a jar and put delicious pickled squash on festive table, then this will be the most sought-after snack.

I always save this jar for New Year and for your birthday! And the plate with them is always empty first. And it shouldn't be otherwise, bright yellow, small summer "suns" always remind us of summer, sun and warmth. Plus, they are delicious and crispy.

Therefore, if you have summer cottages, plant several squash bushes in your home. And be sure to pickle them for the winter, at least as a whole, at least in pieces. Then you will see for yourself how much positive they will bring to you in the winter.

I hope you give this recipe a try. And I want them to be delicious and crispy!

Bon appetit!

Sunny and slightly funny squash is a favorite vegetable that housewives not only grow in their gardens, but harvest for the winter. There are no difficulties with this vegetable either in cultivation or in harvesting for future use. Therefore, patissons for the winter are not only simple, but also tasty. Shall we try?

Sunny and slightly funny squash is a favorite vegetable that housewives not only grow in their gardens, but harvest for the winter

When we are talking about zucchini and squash, most under classic recipe often understood as a procedure with sterilization. But if we take the recipe of grandmothers as a basis, then they cook squash very in a simple way without the hassle of sterilization.

To make them you need to take:

  • about one and a half kilograms of small squash, which is no larger than the neck of the container for conservation;
  • a couple of large dill umbrellas;
  • dill greens, finely chopped - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • about a dozen branches of parsley;
  • peeled head of garlic;
  • a small piece of horseradish, washed and peeled;
  • pair large leaves laurel;
  • small pepper variety "Gorchyak";
  • vinegar.

How to do:

  1. Prepare containers for conservation in advance, which must be washed and sterilized.
  2. Wash the squash, cut off the place with the stem and inflorescence from them.
  3. At the bottom of the container for preservation, put spices, divided equally among all banks.
  4. Pour vegetables into jars boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Drain the liquid from the container into a saucepan, add a glass of water here and start boiling with brine.
  6. To do this, add a tablespoon of salt to each liter of water. If desired, you can add granulated sugar two tablespoons per liter of brine, this will make the workpiece more saturated and sweetish in taste.

Pour half a hundred-gram stack of vinegar into a jar, as well as very hot brine. Roll up.

Pickled patissons (video)

How to make patissons for the winter with tomatoes?

Recipes allow you to pickle squash with the most different vegetables. Due to the fact that patissons in canned and salted form resemble cucumbers, it is best to close them with tomatoes. Such a tandem is balanced in taste, and one can of it will be able to satisfy the needs of all family members.

For 1 kilogram patisson take:

  • a couple of kilograms of small tomatoes;
  • a couple of large laurel leaves;
  • a bunch of cilantro and celery;
  • large head of garlic;
  • 5 peas of black and allspice;
  • five tablespoons of salt.

Recipes allow you to pickle squash with a variety of vegetables

How to cook:

  1. Salting patisson begins with washing all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Finely chop the last one.
  3. Dissolve salt in a liter of boiling water, add pepper here. Boil 5-6 minutes.
  4. Put prepared patissons and tomatoes in a container, layering them with greens and chopped cloves of garlic, laurel leaves.
  5. Pour in brine and leave under pressure in the room for a week.
  6. Transfer to jars that have undergone sterilization, close with lids.

Store salted patissons in the refrigerator.

How to pickle patissons for the winter?

Salting vegetables is national tradition Russian cuisine. And patissons are no exception. If you add different spices to the recipe, you can get new taste such salting. This will make the usual salty squash an original and interesting snack.

For cooking you will need:

  • young squash with delicate skin, which is easily separated by pressing the nail;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • cilantro;
  • allspice and black pepper.

Salting vegetables is a national tradition of Russian cuisine

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Wash the squash, remove the stalks and the center of the inflorescence.
  2. Finely chop or grate the garlic coarse grater. How much it will be depends on taste preferences, and on the amount base vegetable. finished product should be very fragrant.
  3. cut cilantro large pieces. Adjust the quantity to your liking.
  4. Make a pretty cool pickle. Usually, pickles that will stand all winter are cooked according to the “egg” principle. It means that fresh egg immersed in it will not sink.
  5. Put a special pickling bag into the bucket, and fill it with squash, alternating them with garlic and spices.
  6. Pour in brine and put under oppression in a room with room temperature. The bag will need to be tied.

After a week, you can lower the workpiece into the cellar for storage.

Simple salting

It implies that before eating, salted vegetables do not need to be washed and soaked from excess salt. After all, only a large number of salt prevents vegetables from spoiling, but it makes them too salty. The recipe is the same as above, but the amount of salt must be reduced by half.

To prevent the workpiece from spoiling, you need to add either vinegar or aspirin tablets to it.

To prevent the workpiece from spoiling, you need to add either vinegar or aspirin tablets to it. In the first case, you will need to put 100 ml of vinegar per liter of brine, and if these are tablets, then 3 pcs. for the same volume of liquid. For the rest, do not change either the number of products or the procedure itself.

Cooking marinated patissons with bell peppers

Any man will appreciate such a snack. According to this recipe, both patissons and peppers are fragrant and crispy. Kids and those who are on a diet will love this preparation, because it is an excellent and low-calorie side dish for any dish.

For such a blank, you need to take;

  • a kilogram of patissons and bell peppers;
  • 100 grams of salt and granulated sugar;
  • spices for "Korean-style carrots";
  • 50 ml of vinegar in each jar;
  • two large heads of garlic.

Any man will appreciate such a snack

How to cook:

  1. Wash and clean peppers and patissons of everything unnecessary: ​​seeds, legs and parts of inflorescences.
  2. Cut the pepper into large slices, and leave the squash whole, if large, then they will need to be cut into quarters.
  3. Put the vegetables in a jar, alternating them with each other.
  4. Pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid and add spices, salt and sugar to it. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the prescribed portion of vinegar into the jar and pour hot brine, roll up.

Pickled patissons with carrots and tomatoes

Such a preparation will be a salvation for mothers who are trying to feed their children. healthy vegetables . It is this preparation that children will eat with great pleasure, because it is beautiful and bright, and also tasty and healthy. The recipe is simple, but you will have to tinker, because it contains carrots, which can inflate jars with blanks and make them unsuitable for consumption.

For 1 kilogram patisson you need to take:

  • 300 grams of carrots;
  • large head of onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 80 grams of salt;
  • 30 ml of vinegar in each jar;
  • spices to taste.

How to do it:

  1. Squash must be whole, which means they must be young and no larger than two five-kopeck coins. They need to be washed and the stem and inflorescence removed from them.
  2. Wash the carrots and peel them off. Cut into thin slices.
  3. Peel the garlic and onion and cut into any convenient shape.
  4. Put spices on the bottom of the prepared container. After that, carrots should go, in the middle - squash and carrots again on top. Layer them with onion and garlic.
  5. Pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Drain the water, add salt and sugar to it. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  7. Pour vinegar, brine into the container.
  8. Cover with a lid and send for sterilization. Banks, the volume of which does not exceed 1 liter, are sterilized for 30-40 minutes. Roll up.

How to preserve squash (video)

True gourmets claim that pickled squash and zucchini are no worse than those familiar to everyone. canned cucumbers. They are well stored, and the price policy of these crops at the height of the season is budgetary, so do not miss the opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones with wonderful pickles.

The advantage of salting squash is the ability to store zucchini and, as in oak barrels as well as glass containers. The most delicious will be crops with dense pulp and thin skin and young seeds.

How to pickle squash

The most common way to salt squash and zucchini

Before salting, wash the squash thoroughly, you can select a clean brush and use it only for washing vegetables. Cut off the top and stem.

In the selected container, line the bottom with dill, horseradish, parsley, put a little celery and currant leaves, then fold the resulting squash next to each other as tightly as possible. You can salt squash according to the same recipe as cucumbers, only double all the spices used in the recipe for squash. Fill everything with brine and you're done!

Recipe for pickling squash with spicy garlic and crunch

For salting patissons you will need:

Dill 90 g (good bunch)

Garlic 5 large cloves

Horseradish leaves 15 g (three sheets)

Cooking method

Sterilize glass containers. Select fresher medium-sized squash, wash the vegetables well and cut the stalks. At the bottom of the jar, put a third of the entire list of herbs and spices, then lay the squash on half the jar, then put another part of the herbs and another layer of vegetables to the very neck. Place the rest of the greens tightly in a jar.

Fill jars with pre-prepared brine. To make a brine, you need to add 60 grams of salt to a liter of water. Seal all jars with lids and leave indoors room temperature for ten days. After ten days, it is worth adding the brine to all the jars so that they are completely covered with water.

How to pickle patissons simply and tastefully

The benefit of this recipe is exact proportions all components and the patissons themselves.

Squash two kg

garlic medium head

Water 1.5 liters

Salt 3 tablespoons

Horseradish 3 large sheets

Dill 1 bunch

Currant leaves 6 pcs

Black peppercorns 5 peas per jar

Cooking method

Take all the patissons, wash them thoroughly, cut them into rings 3-4 cm wide. If your patissons are small, you can cut them into half rings, so they will always look beautiful and appetizing when served.

At the bottom of each jar, lay a few cloves of garlic, currant leaves, and dill. Put the squash in jars to the very top.

Prepare the brine: add salt and peppercorns to boiling water.

Fill all jars with squash with brine and cover with lids, but do not close tightly and leave for 3 days.

On the 4th day, drain the brine and container and boil it again. Fill all the patissons again and close the lids already. Turn the jars upside down and wait for them to cool. Store in a cool place and eat according to your mood.