How to grow your own pecans. Pecan nut: benefits and harm, what is more

Pecans grow on deciduous trees with thick, dark brown trunks that can be up to three hundred years old. The leaves on this tree resemble willow ones - medium-sized and slightly elongated. Pecans begin to bloom quite late - in late May - early June; under such conditions, future fruits will not be damaged by late frosts.

The fruit itself is a nut, the color of the shell changes from green to light brown as it ripens. A fully ripened fruit is oblong in shape, up to 4 centimeters long. It cracks easily, since the thickness of the dry shell is only 1 millimeter. The core is very similar Walnut- the same two cotyledons, only slightly more oblong. Pecans differ in taste from walnuts - they are richer and have no bitterness.

Where does it grow?

The pecan is an American plant that has long been eaten by North American Indians.

It grows along the eastern coast of the United States, starting from Indiana in the north and down to Texas in the south. Pecans are also found on the South American continent, as well as in Mexico. As you approach southern latitudes, the thickness of the trunk increases noticeably - from 60 cm in diameter in the north to 2 meters near the equator.

The main climatic condition for the comfortable growth of this plant is the presence of humid subtropical forests. The hot climate and moisture-saturated air create ideal conditions for fruit development. These requirements are fully met by the air that the wind brings from the warm Gulf of Mexico.

Pecan Monument in Sigwin (Texas, USA)

Useful and healing properties

In count useful substances In its composition, the pecan nut can compete with many medicinal crops. Thanks to a large amount of “healthy” fats, this nut helps control cholesterol levels in the blood, and lutein and beta-carotene, as substances with antioxidant effects, purify the blood at the cellular level.

Mineral composition pecan nuts include zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and folic acid, which is mandatory for use by pregnant women in the first trimester to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.

Vitamin E also present in pecans. It helps cleanse the body of harmful toxic effects environment and ultraviolet radiation. This vitamin also promotes skin rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process and increasing its blood supply. The main condition for the proper absorption of this vitamin is to combine it with polyunsaturated fats, which are abundant in pecans.

B vitamins The nuts contained in pecans promote proper metabolism, influence metabolism, and also play a significant role in the process of converting carbohydrates into fats, thereby helping to control weight. Also, vitamins of this group have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase muscle tone and support immunity.

Carotene, contained in pecans, has a beneficial effect on human vision, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and other ophthalmological diseases. In combination with the fats that are present in the nut, carotene is perfectly absorbed in the body, converted into vitamin A, which is the vitamin of youth.

Native American women consumed pecans to maintain their beauty. After all selenium, V large quantities contained in it promotes the production of the hormone estrogen. With its deficiency, the skin becomes dull and pale, hair becomes dull, and nails become brittle. When the amount of selenium in the body is replenished, these problems disappear, a sparkle appears in the eyes and a healthy girlish glow, and female libido increases.


The main rule when consuming any product is don't overeat. This also applies to pecans. Because it's oversaturated vegetable fats, at constant and excessive consumption You can become obese.

If you have an intolerance or allergy to substances in pecans, you should avoid consuming this nut to avoid a reaction or more serious health consequences.

If some time has passed after peeling the nut, it can cause harm to the body, since in its peeled form it is perishable product due to high fat content. Therefore, it must be consumed immediately after the shell is removed.

Keep refrigerated unshelled nuts you can do it for about a month, but we would recommend doing it within freezer- this way the nuts will retain all their beneficial properties and will not spoil.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Pecans are high in calories - 100 grams contain as much as 691 kcal!The nutritional value other substances per 100 grams is:

  • Squirrels– 9 g;
  • Fats– 72 g;
  • Carbohydrates– 14 years

In addition, it contains pecan nuts a lot of dietary fiber and fiber - approximately 10 g, as well as glucose, fructose and lactose - 0.4 g each.

Price for 1 kg

Pecan nuts are grown on the American continent and exported from there to our country, so their cost is somewhat high compared to other nuts. Average For 1 kilogram of product, distributors ask for $30. Including all wholesale markups, pecans reach retail consumers in Russia at a cost of approximately 200-250 rubles per 100 grams.

Pecan oil

Pecan butter is a real storehouse of nutrients. To save everyone healing properties it is made by cold pressing. This oil is very similar in color to olive oil and smells like hazel.

All useful microelements, the minerals and vitamins contained in the pecan nut are concentrated in the oil, which, accordingly, increases its medicinal properties.

The use of pecan oil internally is shown as homeopathic remedy in complex therapy for ARVI and influenza, heart failure, as well as to maintain immunity and cleanse the body.

In addition to being used internally, pecan oil is also used externally. It is used as unique remedy for massage, which perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, significantly increases its turgor and makes it radiant and fresh.

The oil is also used externally in the treatment of skin problems - burns, hematomas, rashes and urticaria on the skin, as well as to relieve inflammation from the bites of blood-sucking and stinging insects.

It is best to buy pecans in shell, as Their shelf life in purified form is very short. Make sure that the fruits are intact and free of cracks and unevenness. Spots on the shell may indicate nut disease during growth, insect damage, or improper storage. In any case, it is better to put such instances aside.

If you prefer nuts without shells, you should purchase them only from trusted sellers who offer customers freshly shelled fruits. The best option You will want to buy nuts in packaging that allows you to preserve the freshness of the products for a long time, for example, in a vacuum.


The Indians, who were the discoverers of the pecan nut, know more than one way to use it. If the mother doesn't have enough breast milk, the nuts are finely ground to form a liquid pulp, squeezed out and the resulting liquid is fed to the babies. This is for old people healing agent restores strength and health, and helps mature people restore the body’s strength after serious illnesses and injuries.

IN modern cooking Pecans are in high demand, especially in the kitchen. North America and Mexico. The famous pecan pie is made from it, baked with chicken and trout, and soups are made from it. It is also often included in various salads, as it goes well with cheese and vegetables.

For some ways to prepare pecans, watch the following video.

Wonderful coffee is brewed from medium-roasted beans with the addition of this nut, as well as Mexican liqueur infused with pecan fruits and vanilla.

In cosmetology Pecan oil is used to combat signs of skin aging. It is perfectly absorbed and promotes cell rejuvenation, stimulating the functioning of capillaries and saturating cells with oxygen. Very often, pecan nut extract is included in creams and masks for skin 40+.

It is also used to fight cancer. It is most effective when affecting the prostate. A special type of vitamin E, contained in large quantities in this nut, with proper complex therapy destroys the affected cells and promotes tissue restoration of the diseased organ.

The beneficial properties of which will be described in this article, it is exotic, since it does not grow not only in Russia, but even on our entire continent. Well, in North America it is an integral part of the diet of any family. Both in regular and holidays Americans definitely cook dishes with the addition of this nut. When did he appear?


Even before Columbus discovered America, the pecan nut, a photo of which is available in the article, was considered almost the main type of food. He helped the Indians survive in the absence of food. After all, the hunt did not always end successfully. And storing the same meat was quite difficult. Pecans can be stored for future use. Its strong shell is a sealed package that protects the contents from negative impacts and pests.

When the Indians explored new territories of the continent, creating villages, camps and camps, they always planted them nearby. After 7-8 years they began to bear fruit. The best nuts had a large core and a thin shell. It was these that the Indians collected in the first place.

For the first time, detailed information about pecans was provided by the Spaniard Cabage de Vacom in the 16th century, who noticed this crop among the Indians of North America. The information aroused interest in this nut among European researchers. They personally came to America to see the process of harvesting pecans for the winter in the fall. The oldest plantings of this plant (200 years) are registered in Mexico.

Agricultural production

The first place in the development of pecan culture belongs to settlers from New York. Now the range of this nut has expanded greatly. It is grown in Oregon, California, New Mexico, Florida, Georgia and Virginia. Despite its excellent qualities, pecans for some reason have not taken root on other continents. But still, outside of Mexico and America it is grown in South Africa, Peru, Israel, China, Brazil and Australia. In the United States, pecans are superior in importance. Production is established in 14 states. This is a whole area National economy, which has gone through many stages of development. According to statistics, in the 1920s, about 1 thousand tons of pecans were produced, and in the last decade this figure has increased to 120 thousand tons.

Nuts are collected from natural stands mainly in the states of Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Georgia. Fluctuations in annual production depend on changing weather conditions. Thus, due to weather problems, 86 thousand tons of nuts were harvested in 2008, although a year earlier this figure was 175 thousand tons. Almost 90% of all pecans are harvested in the United States. Americans mainly export it to Hong Kong, Canada and Mexico. For example, in 2008 they sold 52 thousand tons of nuts worth a quarter of a million dollars. At the same time, 40 thousand tons were imported, most of which came from Mexico. It and the United States own 100% of the world market.

Appearance and taste

In appearance, pecans, the beneficial properties of which you will learn below, resemble olives. Take a look at the picture and see the similarity. And when peeled, it is very similar to a walnut. A pecan without a shell also resembles a human brain. It tastes almost the same as walnuts, only more tender and softer, and the fruits are not bitter at all. Pecans have one more feature - there are no partitions inside the shell, which makes it easy to remove the kernel. Now let's look at its composition.


The pecan nut, the price of which in Russia is about 900 rubles per half kilogram, has a rich nutritional composition. It includes many micro- and macroelements (copper, iron, selenium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.), as well as ash, fiber and vitamins (K, E, C, A, B). Among the B vitamins, the presence of folic acid is especially valuable.

Beneficial features

Thanks to the presence of vitamin E, the nut has anti-cancer properties. Pecans are also useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia. If you regularly consume this nut, the content of a component such as gamma tocopherol will increase in the body. This is a substance that protects DNA, proteins, fats and cholesterol from oxidation, which has a beneficial effect on the heart, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, coronary disease and varicose veins.

Pecan nut, the beneficial properties of which are known to all nutritionists, stimulates appetite, helps relieve fatigue, and optimizes the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems.

When used wisely and replaced with it high-calorie foods you can reduce your own weight. But if there are pecans in large quantities, and even with the addition of other fatty foods, the result will be the opposite. The optimal single serving is indicated at the end of the article.


Not only the pecan nut itself, the taste of which was described above, is healthy, but also the oil obtained from its fruit. To get this quality oil, retaining all the beneficial properties, it is necessary to use the cold pressing method. The final product should have a nutty odor and a golden yellow color. Pecan oil tastes very similar to olive oil. As for the composition, it contains a lot of fatty acids, phytosterols, vitamins and minerals.

This oil is suitable for both external and internal use. In case of external use, it is used as cosmetic product. Pecan oil helps get rid of insect bites, sunburn, fungal infections, skin irritants, and also reduces bruises. It is recommended to take it internally for decreased appetite, fatigue and headaches. In addition, many people know this oil as an excellent preventive medicine against colds.

How to choose

Pecan nuts, the price of which was indicated above, are best purchased at a supermarket or specialty store. In this case, you can find out the expiration date of the product indicated on the packaging. A quality product has a clean, undamaged shell. If, when shaking a nut, you hear the sound of the kernel hitting the shell, then it has dried out and lost its beneficial properties. When purchasing peeled fruits, make sure they are whole, fleshy and shiny.

Use in cooking

The pecan nut, the benefits of which are undoubted, has a significant advantage - universal application. It can be consumed fried and dried. It goes well with dried fruits, other nuts and is used for cooking confectionery And vegetable salads. Pies, cookies, and bread are baked from this nut. And, of course, oil is made from it, which we wrote about above.

Storage methods

Pecans, which have photos in many plant encyclopedias, do not keep very long. High content fat at room temperature will make it rancid, and the wonderful nutty aroma will be replaced unpleasant smell. To increase shelf life, it is best to store pecans in the refrigerator. In this case he will not lose his beneficial properties 4 months. In the freezer this period increases to six months. Peeled fruits should be placed in airtight packaging and stored for no more than 2 months.


Pecan nuts, the beneficial properties of which you learned from this article, can be harmful in certain cases. For example, with excessive consumption. This may cause stomach upset. The optimal harmless single serving is 100 grams. This nut should also be used very carefully by those who have liver problems, allergies or individual intolerance to this product.

The pecan is an exotic tree in our area, native to North America. Today, pecans grow successfully in Central Asia, Crimea and some regions of Russia.

The common pecan or Illinois hazel belongs to the genus Hickory and the Walnut family. It is in many ways similar to walnuts. Under favorable conditions, it lives up to four hundred years. The height of the pecan reaches sixty meters, and its crown, wide and spreading, has a diameter of up to four meters. The trunk of the tree is straight, covered with slightly cracked light brown bark. In adult specimens, the trunk can reach a width of up to three meters. Pecan leaves are large, lanceolate-shaped with a dense structure and a smooth surface. The fruits are edible. They have an oblong shape, up to eight centimeters long and up to three centimeters wide. The nuts are collected in bunches of a maximum of eleven fruits. Kernels of exotic nuts have a sweetish taste and high calorie content. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-September.

Pecan nut belongs to unpretentious plants. Some of its species safely withstand quite low temperatures, can tolerate drought and infertile soil well.

The most popular Pecan varieties are:

  • textan;
  • success;
  • Indiana;
  • major;
  • stewart;
  • greenriver.

This type of nut has many beneficial properties. Its wood, thanks to its high quality characteristics used in the furniture industry. The fruits are used in food industry, medicine and cosmetology. Walnut kernels are characterized by high nutritional value, so they are used as food for loss of appetite, loss of strength and fatigue. Just a few kernels are enough for the body to replenish nutrients, because they also contain mass useful elements(potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc. Magnesium, calcium and a whole group of vitamins). IN Food Industry made from pecan fruit peanut butter, which according to taste qualities and its beneficial properties are almost as good as olive oil.

Walnut oil is used for colds, headaches, and strengthening the immune system. It is also used in the form of lotions and compresses to treat sunburn, irritation, and insect bites.

In addition, the oil perfectly nourishes the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to rub it into the skin to nourish it.

But despite such a large number of useful properties, the tree is not very common in our region. And this is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about how to grow Pecans.

Reproduction and cultivation

Pecan (Karia illinois) is an unpretentious plant. Perhaps the most important condition for its cultivation will be correct definition landing sites. The tree is a long-lived tree, characterized by great growth (50-60 meters) and an extensive crown. Therefore, when planting seedlings, it is necessary to take this feature into account.

You can plant Pecan either with seedlings purchased from specialized plant growing farms or by growing it yourself, since the nut has a good ability to reproduce using seeds or vegetatively.

And so, you can get an adult tree yourself using the following propagation methods:

  • cuttings;
  • rootstock;
  • budding;
  • grow from seeds.

Let's consider the seed method. As planting material Ripe nut fruits that have fallen off on their own are taken. They can be planted both in autumn and spring.

Autumn planting is carried out as follows. Holes are prepared in the soil about ten centimeters deep, nuts are planted in them, watered and covered with earth. In spring, shoots appear. It should be noted that planting seeds before winter gives good results; in the spring, germination reaches almost one hundred percent, and the seedlings are strong and viable.

To carry out spring planting, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. Nuts need to be stratified. To do this, they are kept in cool water for two days, and then placed in damp sawdust and left in a cool place for two months, periodically moistening. Then they are brought into the room, and in the spring, in mid-April, they are planted in open ground.

In order for the seedlings to grow and develop well, they need to be planted in a well-lit place, and the soil must be fertilized with compost before planting.

The pecan nut grows quite slowly. Therefore, for the first three years it can not be transplanted to a permanent place, but grown in the same place where the seeds were planted. At the initial stage, seedlings form a root. Therefore, the increase in plant size is insignificant. By the age of three, a walnut seedling grows only up to half a meter. Now you can continue growing in a permanent place. The trees are planted in planting holes, the size of which must be at least sixty centimeters in depth and width. To achieve neutrality, add a little lime and compost to the soil for nutritional value. Then the nut tree is carefully planted in the hole, while leveling its roots. Soil is sprinkled on top, compacted a little and watered well. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the seedling with peat. In order for the trees to take root faster and begin to actively grow, they need to be regularly watered and fed.

In spring, nuts need nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And in the fall you need to feed pecans with phosphorus and potassium. This applies to young trees, but adult specimens that have been growing for more than twenty-five years need to be fed with potassium salt, nitrate, and superphosphate.

Pecan care, in addition to watering and fertilizing, should also include care for its crown. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and formative pruning, removing dry and damaged branches.

At proper care, a self-grown nut from seeds begins to bear fruit no earlier than ten years later.

You can achieve earlier fruiting, at the age of four to five years, if you grow Pecan using a scion or budding. But these propagation methods require a little more knowledge and skills, so most often gardeners use either the seed propagation method or purchase fairly mature seedlings at the age of three to five years.

The nut has strong immunity and is not afraid of almost any garden pests and illness. Under favorable growing conditions and sufficient space, this specimen will bear a fairly large amount of fruit (an adult tree can produce up to two hundred kilograms of nuts) up to three hundred years of age.

Botanical name: Common pecan or Illinois pecan (Carya illinoinensis). A representative of the Hickory genus, the Walnut family. A close relative of the walnut.

Homeland of the common pecan: North America.

Lighting: sun, partial shade.

The soil: deep, loose, drained, fertile.

Watering: abundant.

Maximum tree height: 60 m.

Average life expectancy: 300-400 years.

Landing: by seeds, vegetatively.

The common pecan is a tall deciduous tree, reaching up to 40–60 m. The crown is wide, spreading, tent-shaped, up to 40 m in diameter. The trunk is straight, 2-3 m in diameter, covered with gray-brown fissured bark. The buds are pubescent, yellow in color. The shoots are brown, at first pubescent, then bare. The leaves are large, about 50 cm long, bright green, alternate, imparipinnate, consisting of several opposite, elongated lanceolate leaves. The leaf blade is smooth, shiny, dense. Flowers are male and female. Male - drooping, multi-flowered catkins, formed in the axils of the leaves and at the bases of the shoots of the current year. The female ones are sessile, collected in spikelet inflorescences of 3–10 pieces. Formed at the ends of young shoots. In warm climates, flowering lasts from May to June. Pollination occurs mainly with the help of wind, so the proximity of other trees is necessary for the ovary to germinate.

The fruits are oblong, false drupes, 6-8 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, weighing 15-20 g. They are covered with a fleshy-skinned shell, which becomes woody and cracks when ripe. Collected in bundles of 3-11 pieces. Pit (walnut) oval shape, with a pointed apex, 2 cm long. The surface of the nut is smooth, shiny, ribbed, slightly wrinkled, brown in color. Contains an edible oily core inside sweetish taste, shaped like a walnut kernel, but differs from its relative in the absence of partitions and smoother convolutions. Pecans ripen in September-October. Ripe fruits immediately fall off the tree.

Fruiting is abundant, annual, and with seed propagation occurs at 9-11 years of age. Grafted trees begin to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting. One young plant bears up to 5 kg of fruit, an adult – up to 15 kg. Old individuals produce a harvest of up to 200 kg of nuts. The average lifespan of a pecan is 300 years.

Pecan Spread

Not everyone knows where the pecan nut grows, since this crop is little known in Russia. The spread of the pecan nut came from North America, where its fruits were eaten by ancient Indian tribes. Today, the largest plantings of this plant are in the southeastern United States and Central Asia, from where its fruits are exported to other countries. On the territory of our state, Illinois caria is grown only in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Industrial value does not have.

IN wildlife grows on deep fertile alluvial loose, well-moistened soils.

Pecan is a heat- and light-loving plant of the tropics, however, the resistance to frost of some of its varieties is quite high, this allows the tree to be grown in northern regions. Young individuals are able to withstand cold temperatures down to -30°C.

Currently, about 150 varieties of common pecan have been bred.

The most suitable for planting in Russia are:


Growing and propagating pecans

Caria Illinoisa is unpretentious to growing conditions. Many of its varieties are characterized by cold resistance, good resistance to drought, low demands on soil maintenance, and regular fruiting. Despite all the listed advantages, this valuable crop is a rarity in the personal plots of Russian gardeners, since not everyone knows how to grow pecans. Meanwhile, the technology for growing pecans is similar.

Pecan nuts are propagated by seeds, grafting, cuttings, and budding. Seeds are collected in the fall after ripening, then immediately sown in the ground, or stratified for 2-3 months before spring sowing. Before this, the beds with furrows are prepared. The seeding depth should be at least 7 cm. 15-20 seeds are sown per 1 m. After planting, the ridge is watered and covered with a layer of mulch. Shoots will appear in a month. Caring for young plants involves regularly removing weeds, watering, and loosening the soil. In the first years, pecan growth is slow. For a year in good conditions seedlings grow up to 20-30 cm, by 2-3 years - up to 50 cm. Developed, strong seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at one year of age, small or weak ones are left in the same place until 2, 3 years. When caring for a young tree, it is important to constantly provide the roots with moisture and nourish them.

You can grow pecans in a greenhouse or winter garden. To transplant a grown seedling, take a large pot or wooden box. Caring for exotic plants at home is carried out in the same way as other tropical plants, that is, regular watering is carried out, the crown is sprayed, and fertilizing is applied. It should be borne in mind that hazel tree needs a cool dormant period, so from November to March the tree is kept at a temperature of 8-12°C. The volume of watering is reduced during this time.

Pecans are not just an excellent substitute for animal protein, they contain many more beneficial nutrients, including antioxidants. And unsaturated fatty acids (mono- and poly-) make this exotic nut ideal product nutrition for cores.

The central and eastern regions of North America, as well as the valleys of Mexican rivers, are considered the birthplace of pecans. Since ancient times, they have been actively collected and eaten by the Indians.

The inside is similar to a walnut, but it has a smoother elongated shell and is more delicate, soft taste no bitterness. The set of nutrients also differs. This North American nut is special and unique.

Pecans are a real storehouse of energy. There are 690 calories hidden in 100 g! Moreover, these gentle, different creamy taste and their oily texture, nuts contain many vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants.

The mineral profile of the product includes: selenium and zinc, magnesium and iron, calcium and potassium, and manganese. Among the vitamins, the favorites are vitamin E and B-complex vitamins.

One handful of pecans (28 g) contains 2% daily value fat-soluble vitamin E, which has proven itself in the fight against negative impact polluted environment and solar radiation. It also reduces the risk of viral and other infections.

Returning to B vitamins, it should be noted:

  • vitamin B1, or thiamine (12% in one handful): participates in the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins, necessary for the nutrition of nervous and muscle tissue;
  • vitamin B2, or riboflavin (2%): participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in cell division, helps in tissue regeneration and growth;
  • Vitamin B3, or niacin (2%): involved in fat synthesis, plays an important role in the functioning of nervous system;
  • folic acid (2%): promotes the formation of red blood cells and other types of cells, plays an important role in the formation of DNA;
  • vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid (2%): involved in the energy metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • vitamin B6, or pyridoxine (3%): required for the formation of red blood cells, lipid synthesis for the immune and nervous system, is a coenzyme in complex process formation of neurotransmitters.

A diet rich in all of these vitamins can give you a lot of vitality, smooth strong nails, glowing skin, protect from muscle spasms and cramps, increase tissue elasticity, improve hair condition and lower blood sugar levels. I think it's an excellent prospect.

Pecans also contain modest amounts of ascorbic acid (water-soluble vitamin C, which is needed for collagen synthesis and antioxidant protection) and 1% of the daily value of fat-soluble vitamin K (regulates blood clotting and helps with calcium in the bones).

By the way, about antioxidants. Let's look at them in the pecan: zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene and. They protect us from harmful free radicals and their destructive effects at the cellular level. These wonderful substances give a supply of vigor and energy, protect youth, protect against heart disease and cancer.

Beneficial features

More "good" cholesterol

This incredible nut is rich in monounsaturated fats, such as oleic acid, which helps in increasing the level of so-called “good” cholesterol and reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol. The fatty acids in pecans are beneficial for their antioxidant properties. They protect the human body from cancer, coronary disease and reduce the risk of heart attack.


One of the key purposes given to antioxidants by nature itself is to fight aging. For centuries, gerontological scientists have been searching for a cure for this natural process. Dream of eternal youth too tempting to just give up. But for now, the antioxidants that pecans are so rich in remain the most effective. Don't miss the opportunity!

For vision

Carotene found in pecans is beneficial for vision. Prevents eye diseases associated with aging, excessive visual tension and stress.

Ophthalmologists recommend that everyone who has vision problems include in their diet as much as possible more products, rich in carotene. In addition to carrots and cod liver, carotene can be found in dairy products, eggs, green and yellow vegetables.

Cleaning blood with nuts

“Nut” carotene helps in cleansing from poisons, which are abundant in the bloodstream of every civilized person. Environmentally unfavorable environment and harmful products nutrition only worsens the situation. Along with its antitoxic properties, carotene prevents atherosclerosis by preventing the deposition of fatty oxidation products on the walls of blood vessels.

Anti-cancer properties

Scientists are confident that the antioxidants in pecans may help prevent certain types of oncological diseases. Nuts are especially effective against prostate cancer, duodenal cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. This entire range of anti-cancer benefits of pecans is based on real medical research. In other words, he can be trusted.

Harm and contraindications

In large quantities, high-calorie pecans can harm your figure, especially since they satisfy hunger less intensively, unlike pistachios. Like many other nuts, they can cause an allergic reaction. At the first sign, seek help!