How to cook dried mushrooms. Dried mushrooms and methods for their preparation

I decided to make mushroom sauce, and ran into the following problem...

  1. Soak in boiling water for 3 hours, rinse in a colander, then cook for 20 minutes after boiling.
  2. For the sauce:

    Finely chop the mushrooms in a food processor (into small pieces), you can cut them into strips or grind them in a meat grinder. I chop the onion finely, fry it in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and fry everything together. Salt and pepper to taste. I usually add a mushroom cube. When everything is fried, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour and mix. I transfer it to a saucepan (preferably aluminum or glass, the sauce can burn in an enamel one). Gradually pour in the broth in which the mushrooms were cooked (it must be strained, there may be sand from the mushrooms), stirring. It should look like a thick soup. I put it on low heat for 20 minutes. At the end I add sour cream (200-250 grams). Let it boil and it's done! Very tasty with potato casserole and with everything in general. Bon appetit!!!

  3. I soak them overnight to save time.
  4. Just boil them and that’s it

  5. 20 minutes!
  6. 15 minutes if they were previously soaked in boiling water
  7. I soak dried mushrooms overnight, and in the morning I start cooking them like regular fresh ones :) Enjoy!
  8. It is best to soak dried mushrooms for 2-2.5 hours in hot water, then wash in a colander, and then cook for 1.5-2 hours.
  9. For the sauce, you can not boil them (pre-soak them), but grind them into powder
  10. hours three...
  11. no esli ti ix zamochila na noch, to chasa dva.

    v lyubom sluchae poprobui

  12. 2 hours

Urgently! How to boil dried mushrooms? Do they need to be pre-soaked? How long should you cook them?

And is it also important at what point to salt them? Is it possible to freeze already boiled mushrooms (Which is better with liquid or not)???

Thanks in advance everyone!

  1. I'll start from the end. Boiled mushrooms can be frozen. I always do this. You just need to drain the water.
  2. Dried mushrooms must be soaked, because otherwise they will have to be cooked for a very long time, and there may still be dry pieces left inside. I usually soak them for two hours, then cut them and after that I cook them. It seems to me that you can add salt at any time. The difference is not noticeable.

  3. And you should subscribe to the Cooking newsletter with step-by-step photographs - there’s everything there, it’s simple and delicious
  4. mushrooms must be soaked; the soaking time depends on the degree of dryness.. soak them in milk for at least half an hour, then rinse and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Pre-soak for 10-12 minutes, then lower into boiling water. You need to add salt when they are already boiling. You can freeze it, but it is better without liquid. :)
  6. Soak them in milk overnight, and the next day cook for 20 minutes, and they are ready to use, Bon appetit
  7. soak, the denser the consistency, the longer the period, flabby in tea, hard in milk, freeze without liquid,
  8. it can be used separately (for broths, sauces)

    add salt when cooking (but at the beginning, otherwise it’s tasteless!)

How long to cook dried mushrooms?

  • Cooking recipes

Every housewife at least once faces the problem of cooking mushrooms, and then the question arises: “How long to cook dried mushrooms?”

But before you start cooking dried mushrooms, you need to perform a number of actions.

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the mushrooms in warm water. Then they need to be soaked in cold water. Usually mushrooms are soaked for 3-8 hours, but there are those who believe that it is better to leave the mushrooms to soak for a whole day. After this, you can proceed directly to cooking. Mushrooms should be cooked in the same water in which they were soaked. It takes one and a half to two hours to cook, and they need to be cooked without salt.

If you want dried mushrooms to taste like fresh ones, then you need to soak them in milk for several hours. At the same time, you need to remember to add salt to the milk and put it in a cold place.

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Find out how long to cook dried mushrooms. how to cook dried mushrooms. ways to dry mushrooms: how to dry mushrooms in the air and in the oven. how to cook dried mushrooms.

Peel and wash mushrooms for drying at home, cut large parts: caps into slices about 3x3 cm, legs into circles. String the chopped parts of the mushrooms on a strong thread - the caps separately, as they dry faster, the stems - separately.

Hang the threads in a dry, sunny place with a distance from each other. Cover with gauze to protect against insects. Keep in the sun for 7-9 days, putting the finished dry mushrooms in jars. in glass jars in a dry, dark place. This way mushrooms can be stored for up to 5 years.

How to dry mushrooms in the oven

Cut the mushrooms as for drying on strings, arrange them in 1 layer on a baking sheet (or 2 baking sheets), using baking paper. Dry the mushrooms for 2.5 hours at a temperature of 25 degrees, the next 2 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees, then another 2 hours at a temperature of 55 degrees. To allow moisture to escape from the oven, open the oven door slightly.

Then you should check the mushrooms for readiness: properly dried mushrooms are dense, elastic, do not crumble or break. An under-dried mushroom is rubbery and soft. If you have not completely dried the mushrooms, you can later hang them in the kitchen on strings for final drying, which in this case will take 2-3 days.

Tip: when cutting mushroom caps for drying, keep in mind that in the future they will need to be strung on a thread - so that the mushroom slice does not crumble when cutting, provide a little lint-free dense part of the cap for each slice.

How long to cook dried mushrooms, how to cook dried mushrooms, dried mushroom soup

Before cooking, dried mushrooms are soaked and boiled in the same water for 2 hours.

How to cook dried mushrooms

1. Sort through the dried mushrooms and remove all debris.

2. Soak in cold water for 4 hours.

3. It is best to cook mushrooms in the same water in which they were soaked.

4. After the water boils, it is necessary to periodically remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

5. Cook for about 2 hours. Add salt about an hour after the start of cooking.

Dried mushroom soup


Dried mushrooms - 100 gr.

Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.

Onion - 1 PC.


Greens Preparation:

1. Let the mushrooms cook. Add salt. Cook for half an hour and remove from the pan.

2. Finely chop the onion and fry together with the mushrooms for about 7 minutes.

3. Place the mushrooms and onions back into the pan. Fill with water and add chopped potatoes.

4. Cook for 10 minutes.

5. Serve hot and sprinkle with herbs.

How to cook mushrooms?

Not everyone knows how to properly process dried mushrooms. Housewives often wonder how to boil dried mushrooms, because if not processed correctly, dried mushrooms will look like rubber: both in consistency and taste. Therefore, you first need to soak the mushrooms in cold water for 3-4 hours (some soak them overnight, but if you don’t have much time left, you can reduce the duration of soaking). After soaking, someone drains the water, pours in new water and cooks the mushrooms in it. It is better not to do this, because most of the mushroom flavor and aroma floats away along with the infusion. It is best to cook dried mushrooms in the water in which they were soaked. But pay attention to the cleanliness of the water - if there are leaves, sticks, or even sand floating in it that remains after poor-quality drying, then it is really better to drain the water.

If you are cooking mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, then it is also better to drain the cold mushroom infusion and boil the mushrooms in clean fresh water, which will be the broth for the future soup. It is better not to cook soup in dark mushroom infusion. Mushrooms (both for soup and for frying and stewing) should be cooked for 1.5-2 hours so that they become soft and tasty. It is easy to determine the readiness of mushrooms by lifting the pan by both handles. If the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom, they are ready.

If you are boiling mushrooms for subsequent frying, then salt the water in which they are boiled, and when ready, drain them in a colander, rinse with cold water, chop (if required) and place in a frying pan in hot sunflower oil.

How to cook frozen mushrooms

Frozen mushrooms are always sold (or at home) with a small amount of ice, since during freezing all the water cannot be drained. You cannot cook this frozen water, so you must first defrost the mushrooms in the fresh air or in a microwave oven in a special mode. This applies to any frozen mushrooms: chanterelles, champignons, honey mushrooms, and so on.

After defrosting, the mushrooms need to be rinsed well under cold water, then put in a saucepan, cover with cold water and cook. Frozen mushrooms are cooked only over low heat, covering the pan with a lid and regularly skimming off any foam that forms. You need to cook frozen mushrooms for 20-30 minutes.

How to cook different mushrooms

A common sign that all mushrooms are ready is when they sink to the bottom when the pan is lifted. But there are also certain time limits that it is better not to exceed when cooking this or that type of mushroom.

Cook the mushrooms, peeled and well washed; they cook for 35-40 minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam during cooking.

Boletus mushrooms are also boiled, washed, for 40-50 minutes. The foam needs to be removed.

It is enough to boil the champignons for 5 minutes.

Boil the chanterelles for 20 minutes.

The aspen boletuses are peeled from the film from the caps and boiled for 20 minutes.

Russulas are boiled for 30 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms are boiled for 15-20 minutes.

Milk mushrooms cook quickly, in just 15 minutes, but before that they need to be soaked for 2-3 days, and it is important to change the water to fresh water several times during that time.

Honey mushrooms are cooked until the water boils. Then the water needs to be changed to fresh and cook for another 40-60 minutes.

Do you know how long to cook dried mushrooms?

Many housewives wonder whether.

To begin with, we note that you cannot cook them right away. First usually dried mushrooms are soaked for several hours by putting them in cold water.

Some people have a different opinion and believe that dried mushrooms need to be soaked for a whole day.

Therefore, you will have to solve this dilemma yourself.

As for how long to cook dried mushrooms, opinions on this issue are mostly unanimous. Dried mushrooms are cooked for approximately one and a half hours.

After this, you can make an excellent soup from them.

But, if you do not know the origin of dried mushrooms, it is better to cook them longer.

Dried mushrooms! how to cook soup from them? - how long to cook dried mushrooms -

Well, in vain! The soup is very tasty and cooks instantly.

water+onions+potatoes+anything (mushrooms/cauliflower/carrots/etc.)+ rolled oats at the very end, boil. Then you can top it with melted or grated cheese (it’s better to grate it already on a plate), puff pastry or sour cream on a plate. Greens and pepper - to taste.

And, if you don’t shove flavor enhancers in there, it is very useful for the stomach, liver and intestines, because it is mucous and envelops the gastric mucosa, preventing irritation,

Have you heard about mucus soups, which are given after surgery on the digestive organs or during periods of exacerbations? They boil the barley they usually use; strictly speaking, it’s not for everyone; I like rolled oats better.

You can also make cutlets from rolled oats, add them to cottage cheese casserole, make salads, muesli, my eldest daughter in childhood preferred fried oatmeal as a sweet.

The correct cooking time for food - a guide


  • If we cook broth, put the meat in cold water so that most of the nutrients pass from the meat into the broth
  • If the meat is for the second course, put it in boiling water so that these substances remain in the meat.
  • After boiling, cover the pan tightly with a lid and cook over low heat. We do not open the lid until the end of cooking, do not remove the foam - this is a healthy protein.
  • After finishing cooking, let the meat steep in the broth for at least 10 minutes.
  • And we are not surprised that there is much less meat - this is normal, 35% of the liquid alone passes from the meat into the broth.

Dried mushroom soup. from dried mushrooms. how to properly cook soup from dried mushrooms - useful tips. secrets and recipes for dried mushroom soup from experienced chefs. /recipes for culinary dishes: simple, tasty, homemade, lean. recipes from meat, poultry, fish and mushrooms. recipes for appetizers and salads. recipes for cakes, pies and pies. /women's opinion

The easiest way to preserve mushrooms from summer or autumn is to simply dry them. When dried, they retain all trace elements, nutrients, and most importantly, aroma. It is because of the aroma that it is better to cook soups from dried fruits rather than fruits. It is advisable that every housewife have at least a couple of bunches of dried mushrooms in her kitchen. Store them in a paper bag or cardboard box in a dry place. You can keep the dried fruits whole or make mushroom powder - grind them in a blender. Soup made from mushroom powder reveals a richer flavor and is easier to digest by the body.

Many types of mushrooms are suitable for soup - boletus, chanterelle, boletus, but white mushrooms are considered the undisputed favorites. Soups made from dried mushrooms can be cooked with the addition of fresh or pickled ones; very often sour cream is added to the finished dish. The only spices used are usually pepper, sometimes bay leaf, so as not to interrupt the strong mushroom aroma.

Dried mushroom soup - food preparation

Before cooking, dried mushrooms are pre-soaked in boiling water for twenty to thirty minutes or in cold water for an hour and a half. After this, they are cut into pieces or slices and added to the soup. The water in which the mushrooms were soaked is usually also used for soup. It is carefully poured into another container so that no sediment gets in or filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Dried mushroom soup - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Dried Mushroom Soup

When it’s slushy or frosty outside, and you really don’t want to go to the store for groceries, a bunch of dried mushrooms saved up from the fall will help out. You can quickly prepare ordinary, but very tasty mushroom soup. It must be served with sour cream, it turns out even tastier. There are, however, fans who prefer mayonnaise with mushroom soup.

Ingredients: 50g dried mushrooms, 1.5 liters of water, 4 potatoes, one carrot and onion, bay leaf, peppercorns, butter for frying, a couple of table. spoons of wheat flour, salt, herbs, sour cream.

Cooking method

Wash the mushrooms and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20-25 minutes. And at this time you can put water to boil and fry.

Melt the butter, fry chopped onions and coarsely grated carrots, add flour at the end and fry for a couple of minutes.

Cut the swollen mushrooms, throw them into boiling water, add the water in which they were soaked, and cook. After 20 minutes, add the diced potatoes. After about ten minutes, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, add the roast, bay leaf and cook until the potatoes are ready. Let the soup brew, serve with sour cream, sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Kingdom Soup

A hearty soup with a rich taste is prepared from several types of mushrooms - always dried and a selection of fresh, pickled, salted, frozen. It turns out to be a friendly, assembled mushroom family.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 30g of dried mushrooms (preferably porcini), 300g of different types of mushrooms, one carrot and onion, 5 potatoes, a couple of bay leaves, herbs, salt, pepper, sour cream - 250ml, vegetable and butter.

Cooking method

Pour boiling water over dried mushrooms and leave for 20 minutes. Chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry them together in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil, add sour cream at the end and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Put the water to boil, as soon as it boils, put the cut potatoes and soaked mushrooms into it, add the water in which the mushrooms were soaked, and let them boil together for 15 minutes.

At this time, cut into slices any mushrooms you can find in the house - pickled, salted, fresh and put in the soup, add fried mushrooms with sour cream, pepper, bay leaf, salt, add herbs and let simmer for three to four minutes.

Recipe 3: Creamy Dried Mushroom Soup

The combination of dried and fresh mushrooms with the addition of cream gives the soup an amazing natural creamy mushroom taste, without any flavorings or additives. You can serve the soup with dried or fried croutons, smeared with garlic.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of milk (2.5%), a glass of cream (10-11%), 300g fresh mushrooms (champignons), 200g dried (white), 100g butter, salt, 3 onions, 3 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, ground pepper: black - ½ tsp. and 1 tsp. red (not hot).

Cooking method

Wash the dried mushrooms and add a glass of boiling water. Cut fresh mushrooms into thin slices.

Chop the onion and fry in half a portion of oil until golden brown. Add the second half of the oil, fresh and soaked mushrooms, cut into pieces and fry this mass for about 10-15 minutes. It is better to fry immediately in a pan, because... Liquid will then be poured in there.

Then add flour, fry it in oil for a couple of minutes and alternately pour first the water in which the mushrooms were soaked, then milk and cream. The mixture must be stirred to avoid the appearance of lumps. You can even use a whisk as an assistant. Cover the container with a lid. When the mixture boils, turn the heat to very low and simmer the soup for 20 minutes.

Recipe 4: Mushroom soup made from dried chopped mushrooms

What could be simpler than steamed turnips? That's right, our mushroom powder soup. To do this, dried mushrooms need to be ground in a blender to the desired state. It cooks in a matter of minutes, and the pleasant mushroom aroma from the kitchen, evenly distributed throughout the apartment, signals to the household that a delicious dinner will soon be ready.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 200g of dried mushrooms, 1 onion and celery root, 2 carrots, vegetable oil, to taste: salt, dill, dill and parsley, boiled pepper - 3 pcs., one lemon.

Cooking method

Grind the mushrooms into flour or powder.

Chop the onion and celery root, coarsely grate the carrots and fry everything in oil. Add vegetables to boiling water, add mushroom flour (powder), add all the spices and salt, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the soup into bowls, add half a chopped boiled egg, finely chopped herbs and a slice of lemon.

To soften the taste of the soup, giving it delicate notes, at the end of cooking you can add crushed processed cheese - creamy or mushroom-flavored.

If the dish is prepared with the addition of noodles or pasta, they must be heated before adding to the soup. Then they will not boil over and will give the dish a specific taste. Spread the noodles in a thin layer into a dry frying pan and cook on low heat until the color of the noodles turns light brown.

For soup, it is better to collect and dry mushrooms of medium maturity - not young, but not overripe. Then the aroma will be very rich, and the soup will acquire the pleasant tart taste of real forest mushrooms.

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The most popular forest mushroom is considered to be white, because it has an attractive appearance, a huge number of useful properties and a pleasant taste and aroma that remains even after processing. Boletus mushrooms are delicious in any form: fried, frozen, salted and pickled. In addition, they are often included in various dishes and caviar is prepared from them.

Naturally, for a dish of porcini mushrooms to be tasty, boletus mushrooms must be cooked correctly. The main stage is cooking, which is practiced with any cooking method. In this article we will look at how to cook porcini mushrooms correctly and how long this process will take.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms

Before heat treatment, boletus mushrooms must be properly prepared. That is, they must be cleaned. To do this, the stem and cap are first cleaned of large particles of debris: remnants of forest soil, adhering leaves and pine needles.

Note: Next, it is advisable to soak the product in cold water for 1 hour, but if you are going to dry the boletus mushrooms, it will be enough to simply clean them. In this case, you cannot wash or soak them.

Soaking helps to naturally remove small debris from hard-to-reach places. After this, you need to remove all the darkened pulp, and in old specimens you should additionally remove the thin skin from the stem. Next, all that remains is to cut the mushrooms into pieces of the required size. Small boletus mushrooms can be cooked whole (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Preparation for heat treatment

Cooking porcini mushrooms is a mandatory step in their preparation. While there are some general principles to this process, the duration and method of cooking will largely depend on how you cook them next. So that you don’t have any questions regarding preparation, we will look at each option in more detail.

How long to cook before frying

Boletus mushrooms belong to the highest category, that is, they contain many useful substances, have a pleasant characteristic aroma and a pronounced taste. However, this does not mean that you can skip the stage of thorough heat treatment.

Often they prefer to fry them with onions and then add them to boiled potatoes or porridge. To make the flesh tasty and dense, boletus mushrooms must be properly boiled before frying. To do this, the prepared product is poured with water so that it completely covers the pulp. Place the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Foam will form on the surface: be sure to skim it off with a slotted spoon, then add salt and spices to taste and continue cooking until done. Typically, this process takes about 30 minutes for small specimens, and 45 minutes for large ones (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Preparing for frying

Since in the future the product will undergo additional heat treatment in the form of frying, it makes no sense to change the water or cook the mushrooms longer. Overcooked pulp will lose density and simply fall apart during frying.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms for freezing

Note: Despite the fact that some housewives prefer to freeze boletus mushrooms raw, it is better to boil them first. The fact is that such pre-treatment will help not only reduce the cooking time in the future, but also preserve the density, taste and aroma of the pulp.

If you plan to freeze them, the first step is to sort them by size. Large specimens are cut into pieces, while small and medium ones can be boiled and frozen whole. As in the case of processing boletus mushrooms before frying, they are boiled only once before freezing, and it is better to do this in different pans, since small pieces cook much faster than large ones.

Figure 3. Cooking before freezing

Fill the prepared and sorted boletus mushrooms with water and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid, add salt and your favorite seasonings to taste and continue cooking over medium heat. For the pulp to cook, it will take 35 minutes for small pieces and whole mushrooms, and 45-50 minutes for large specimens.

How much to cook for soup

Mushroom soup is considered one of the most delicious dishes, and if you add wild porcini mushrooms to it instead of ordinary champignons, its taste will become completely exquisite.

Naturally, to prepare such a soup, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient - boletus mushrooms. According to the rules, they are added to the soup dried or pre-boiled, but a frozen product can also be used (Figure 4).

To pre-boil a product to add to soup, you must:

  1. Peel fresh boletus mushrooms and rinse them under running water.
  2. Place the prepared product in a saucepan and fill with clean water so that it completely covers the pulp.
  3. You need to add salt to the water. On average, 2-3 liters of water require a level teaspoon of salt.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil over high heat, and then reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too intensely.
  5. After boiling, the cooking time for fresh boletus is 35-40 minutes, and for dried boletus - 20 minutes.

During cooking, foam will constantly form on the surface of the liquid, which must be removed. The mushrooms will be ready when they settle to the bottom of the pan. After this, they can be thrown into a colander, allowed to drain off any remaining moisture and added to the soup.

Figure 4. Cooking boletus mushrooms for soup

When such preparatory activities are completed, you can begin to directly prepare the soup. When using pre-boiled fresh boletus, they are added to the soup about 20 minutes before the end of cooking. If you use frozen ones and did not have time to defrost them in time, you can add them 30 minutes before the end of cooking, along with the potatoes.

How long to cook dried porcini mushrooms

As a rule, dried boletus mushrooms are used as a separate ingredient for preparing stews, soups or casseroles. Unlike fresh ones, dried ones must be properly prepared for heat treatment (Figure 5).

First, they need to be soaked in water for 2-3 hours. This will not only allow the pulp to swell, but also remove any small particles of debris that may have accumulated on the surface. Secondly, it is advisable to pre-boil dried boletus mushrooms before adding them to dishes. To do this, fill them with water, add a little salt and cook over medium heat until tender within 20 minutes after boiling.

In most cases, it is recommended to use the same water that was used for soaking, since it is this liquid that gives the finished dish a rich taste and aroma. However, if you notice large particles of debris on the surface, it is better to replace the fluid.

The above recommendations are relevant if you need to add dried mushrooms to the finished dish already pre-boiled. But, if you are stewing potatoes or stews, you can add the dried mushrooms directly to the pan immediately after soaking. During the cooking process, the pulp releases juice, which gives the finished dish a characteristic taste and aroma.

How long to cook for marinating

Pickling is a process in which the density of the pulp, taste and aroma of boletus mushrooms are preserved with the help of preservatives - vinegar and citric acid. With this method of harvesting, boletus mushrooms must undergo a full cycle of heat treatment, since during pickling the pulp is simply soaked in brine. Accordingly, they must be completely ready for use.

There are several options for cooking before marinating. The first is that the boletus mushrooms are boiled separately, and only after they are completely ready are they poured with brine and sterilized. According to the second option, they are boiled together with brine. In terms of taste, preference should be given to the second option, since with such preparation the workpiece acquires a rich taste and aroma.

Regardless of the chosen method, boletus mushrooms must be cooked so that their pulp is completely cooked, and this depends on the size of the fruiting bodies. For example, small mushrooms, whole or pieces, are boiled for about 35 minutes from the moment of boiling. Large specimens require much more time to prepare: they are cooked for 45-50 minutes after the brine boils.

Figure 5. Preparing for marinating

You can determine that the mushrooms for pickling are fully cooked by several signs. First, the fruiting bodies must settle to the bottom. Because of this feature, you need to periodically stir them in the pan so that they do not stick to the bottom. In addition, you need to constantly remove the foam that has formed on the surface of the liquid.

Secondly, the color of the brine also serves as a sign of readiness. It should become completely clear, although the mixture will appear cloudy when mixing the ingredients directly.

Regardless of the chosen method of cooking for pickling, it should be taken into account that for long-term storage at room temperature or in the refrigerator, it is advisable to sterilize such a workpiece. This process will destroy pathogens, but at the same time preserve the taste and smell of forest boletus. On average, the duration of sterilization is 30-40 minutes for half-liter jars, and 45-50 minutes for liter jars.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms for pickling

The preparation of fruiting bodies before salting is carried out in a similar way. By the way, salting boletus mushrooms is considered one of the best ways to preserve this product during the winter.

As in the case of pickling, before salting, boletus mushrooms must undergo complete heat treatment and be completely ready for consumption. Only after this they are salted into jars or barrels. Naturally, before this, the mushrooms are sorted by size, cleaned, and large specimens, if necessary, are cut into pieces. Slicing before salting not only helps make the pieces more uniform, but also inspects the inside of the flesh for worms.

They are then boiled in lightly salted water. There is no need to heavily salt the liquid, since during the pickling process in jars the pulp will be saturated with aromatic brine. On average, for 2-3 liters of liquid you will need a level teaspoon of table salt. If you are afraid of oversalting the product, you may not add salt to the water at all. In addition, experienced mushroom pickers advise boiling large and small mushrooms in separate containers. Because they have different cooking times, you run the risk of overcooking small pieces or undercooking large ones. In the first case, the product will lose its taste, and in the second, it may even deteriorate.

To properly prepare porcini mushrooms before salting, they are sorted, washed under running water and cleaned. Small specimens can simply be cleaned of large debris, while large ones need to additionally remove the thin skin from the stem. If you are not sure about the purity of boletus mushrooms, you can soak them in clean cold water for several hours. This will remove even the smallest particles of debris from the pulp. After this, the mushrooms are boiled in water whole or in pieces. Cooking time directly depends on the size of the fruiting bodies. Small ones are cooked no more than 35 minutes after boiling, and for large specimens this time is 45-50 minutes. During the process, it is necessary to stir the product so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan, and also to remove the foam formed on the surface, as it can spoil the taste of the finished dish.

If you are interested in the details of boiling porcini mushrooms before preparing various dishes, we recommend that you watch the video, which shows not only the secrets of the heat treatment of boletus mushrooms, but also the nuances of cleaning them and preparing them for cooking.

You will find useful tips on heat treatment of porcini mushrooms in the video.

If not everyone, then very many people love mushrooms. However, their season is quite short. Therefore, thrifty connoisseurs of nature's gifts prudently dry their prey in order to feast on it until the next harvest. Knowing how to cook dried mushrooms, you can enjoy mushroom dishes even in the dead of winter. And they will be no different from those prepared from fresh product.

How to cook dried mushrooms

Drying is used in soups, main courses, and sauces. And it will be appropriate everywhere, if only you follow some simple rules.

The most basic of them: before preparing dishes from dried mushrooms, the latter need to be soaked. Different cooks call the soaking time differently. Someone insists on an hour - they say that's enough. Some people think that they should be filled with water in the evening, but they can only be cooked in the morning. But most cooks recommend soaking for a couple of hours.

The water is taken cold and poured so that even the edge of the mushroom does not protrude to the surface. It’s even better to pour too much: the mushrooms will swell.

Attention, special feature!

There is a subtlety in how to properly cook dried porcini mushrooms. Experts insist that boletus mushrooms should be soaked not in water, but in milk, and not in cold, but warm. Then the final dish will be especially aromatic, and its taste will acquire a refined tenderness.

This move can probably be applied not only to porcini mushrooms. If you are not inclined to skimp on trifles, you can try soaking any variety of mushrooms in milk. And compare with a control batch kept in water.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

After soaking, the product must be cooked. Even if your future plans include fried potatoes with mushrooms. Or even just fried mushrooms. Cooking time directly depends on the type of forest harvest and its size. It can range from 20 minutes to an hour. It’s easier to focus on the “behavior” of the mushrooms: if they sink to the bottom, then it’s time to take them out.

Note: if after soaking there is no debris left in the water and no sediment has appeared, it should be used for the broth, so it will turn out much tastier.

Just soup

There are many ways to prepare dried mushroom soup. For the basic recipe, in addition to the actual drying, potatoes, carrots and onions, you only need spices and herbs.

Mushrooms, soaked and boiled according to all the rules, are caught from the fish soup and cut if they have “grown” significantly in size during processing. Frying is done in vegetable oil: first, chopped onions are browned, then carrot cubes are added to it, and finally mushrooms. After five minutes of frying together, the vegetables are laid out in the mushroom broth, and the soup is added with salt. As soon as it boils, add chopped potatoes, and after ten minutes the fire can be turned off. You can pour it into plates after a quarter of an hour, when the dish has steeped. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Cheese soup

One of the best options for preparing mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. The main component is soaked, boiled, and crushed. The mushroom broth is salted and potato cubes are dropped into it. While it is boiling, fry the chopped onion, and later add mushrooms to it. The frying is added to the pan, and vermicelli is poured in almost immediately (it is better to take small ones). When it is almost ready (check the instructions on the package for cooking time), add processed cheese. Stir the soup until the last component is completely dissolved. Before serving, the soup is infused in a saucepan with a lid for 5-10 minutes.

For starters - chicken and mushrooms

Having figured out in detail how to cook dried mushrooms, you can use your culinary imagination and get creative. For example, treat the family to soup with forest products and chicken.

The broth is made from either a whole bird or its parts. Only the breast is not recommended: it will not be rich. To increase the dietary content, you can drain the first water and cook the soup on the second.

Mushrooms are boiled separately; If desired, you can add the broth to the broth later. The frying is prepared traditionally, from onions and carrots. There is no need to add mushrooms to them: they are cut and immediately thrown into the broth. The chicken is first pulled out of it, disassembled into pieces and returned back. All that remains is to add the frying, salt and pepper. There are no potatoes in this recipe, so the soup turns out light, although hearty thanks to the mushrooms.

Bean option

To make this soup, you need to soak both the mushrooms and beans separately. Then cook them separately as well. Chopped onions are fried in a frying pan (there should be a lot of them) with mushrooms added to them after they have acquired a “tan.” Next, the contents of the frying pan and the beans are transferred to the broth cooked in advance, and the soup is cooked for another ten minutes so that its ingredients are saturated with each other’s taste. After removing the pan from the stove, add the greens to the dish.

Soup with dumplings and mushrooms

The recipe is multi-step, and the result is incredibly tasty. This time we won’t cook the mushrooms, we’ll just soak them, cut them and fry them until golden. When soaked, there should be 250 grams of them per two-liter pan of soup.

Next step: boil four large potatoes and puree them. When it has cooled, beat in the egg, add four tablespoons of flour and make dumplings.

Step number three: fry an onion and a small carrot. Each housewife decides individually whether to cut or grate the root vegetable.

Fourth stage: sort out a third of a glass of buckwheat and dry-fry it a little.

At the last stage of preparation, all preparations need to be collected into a single dish. Buckwheat is first poured into boiling water, after ten minutes mushrooms and dumplings are loaded, after another five - frying, peppercorns and bay leaves. Five minutes of waiting - and lunch is ready.

Delicacy soup

Traditional first courses, even varied ones, become boring over time. If you want something hot and liquid, but are already tired of the “standard”, try making a light and unusual soup using this recipe.

It is better to take dried mushrooms either porcini or a set of different ones, so to speak, a mix. They are soaked, boiled and cut not too finely. Prepare more mushrooms, because besides them there will be practically nothing else in the soup. At the same time, a strong broth is cooked. Beef is recommended, but experiments are not prohibited. The main component is put into the base, and the broth boils for some time along with the mushrooms to absorb their aroma. When the result satisfies the cook, a dessert spoon of wine is poured into the pan and a small spoon of sugar is added. At the same stage, the soup is salted and peppered, and you need to add a little more pepper than you are used to. Beat eggs well in a bowl, at the rate of two eggs per liter of broth. They are introduced into the soup in a thin stream, with constant stirring. It should be eaten with plenty of greens and sour cream. Wine will give the dish an elegant tartness, and sugar will add piquancy.

How about frying?

That we are all about soups and soups. Since it’s no secret to us how to cook dried mushrooms, it’s time to remember the second courses. Mushrooms fried with onions will be an excellent side dish for meat and poultry. To do this, the soaked dried meat needs to be boiled, but less time is allocated for this stage - about ten minutes after boiling. Then the mushrooms are strained out of the liquid as much as possible - just enough time to cut the onion into half rings.

Now you need to melt the butter in a frying pan - it is ideal for realizing your idea. Onion chips are first fried on it, and after it is browned, strained mushrooms are fried. It is necessary to fry with intense stirring, since butter has less resistance to sticking than vegetable oil. At the very end, the mushrooms are salted, peppered and flavored with selected spices.

Don’t deprive yourself of gastronomic pleasure because it’s “out of season,” since cooking dried mushrooms is no more difficult than fresh ones.

Although the duration of the mushroom season ends with the arrival of autumn frosts, dishes from them can be prepared all year round. There are several ways to store forest products, one of which is drying. The taste of the dry product is not inferior to fresh fruits.

Drying is the simplest method of processing forest crops

Drying is the simplest method of processing forest crops. The finished product retains all nutritional elements and does not take up much space during storage, especially when ground into powder. Large fruits are usually crushed, while small ones are left whole. This way they will dry faster.

During the drying process, fruiting bodies should lose moisture gradually. They can be dried in the open air, strung on hard threads, in the oven or microwave. To avoid drying out, the mushroom layout must be regularly checked and ready-made pieces removed.

During the drying process, fruiting bodies should lose moisture gradually

Recipes for first courses with dried mushrooms

Preparing soup from dried mushrooms takes a minimum of time, and the dish turns out aromatic and satisfying.

Mushroom soup with vermicelli

Any mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. Many cooks use white ones. You don't need potatoes for this dish. but you need to take:

  • 50 g mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g pasta;
  • salt and herbs.

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse dry raw materials thoroughly, immerse in a container and fill with boiled water. After a third of an hour, strain. Leave the broth in the pan and rinse the mushrooms.
  2. Chop vegetables. Carrots can be grated. Fry for 5 minutes.
  3. Add water to the broth until the volume reaches 2.5 liters. Boil and add mushrooms.
  4. Place the stewed vegetables in the pan. Add salt.
  5. After 20 minutes, add vermicelli and keep on fire for another 5 - 7 minutes.

Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Mushrooms in sour cream (video)

Cabbage soup with mushrooms

For the recipe you need to purchase:

  • carrots and onions;
  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • wheat flour;
  • tomato paste.

To make delicious cabbage soup, you should:

  1. Pour a glass of mushroom broth over the cabbage and add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). If the cabbage is very sour, it must be rinsed with cold water.
  2. Fry vegetables with tomato paste.
  3. An hour after you start stewing the cabbage, place the contents of the frying pan into the pan and add mushroom broth.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, add a spoonful of flour, pepper and bay leaf fried in oil to the cabbage soup.

The dish is very tasty with the addition of sour cream.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms

Potato soup

Based on 3 liters of water and 1 kg of potatoes, you will need 60 grams of porcini mushrooms or champignons.

  1. Make broth from dried fruits.
  2. Chop vegetables (carrots, onions, parsley root) and fry.
  3. Boil potatoes in mushroom broth.
  4. Transfer vegetables to soup pot. After 5 minutes, season with spices. Before use, add finely chopped green onions.

Recipes for preparing main courses with dried mushrooms

It's very easy to prepare a healthy dish.

  1. Place dry fruits in water for 1.5 hours. After they swell, strain and cut into pieces. Do not pour out the water, but put it on fire.
  2. Place the chopped mushrooms in a saucepan with the same water. Add salt.
  3. After boiling, add the pre-roasted cereal.
  4. Once the contents have thickened, reduce the heat to low and leave on the stove for another 1.5 hours.
  5. Add fried onions to the porridge.

Buckwheat porridge with onions and mushrooms

Stewed mushrooms

For the recipe you need to take dried fruits. For 800 g of boiled mushrooms you will need a couple of glasses of sour cream, which can be replaced with butter.

  1. Fry peeled mushrooms with three onions. Then sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of flour, add a little water and simmer.
  2. Pour into a saucepan and simmer until done. Spice up. Season with butter or sour cream. At the end, sprinkle with herbs.

Stewed potatoes with dried mushrooms

  1. Boil the dry product and fry with onion.
  2. Separately, fry the potatoes, cut into slices. Then combine both ingredients in one pan. Pour in mushroom broth. Add spices and simmer for half an hour. If desired, you can add sour cream.

Roast dried mushrooms (video)

How to deliciously cook dry white mushrooms

There are many different recipes, where porcini mushrooms are the main ingredient.

Dried white mushroom soup

The dish turns out to be very rich. For 100 g of forest product you need to take:

  • potatoes;
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • spices;
  • sour cream to taste.

Dry fruits should be soaked first. Then boil for 30 minutes and chop. Further actions:

  1. Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots. Then fry.
  2. Pour the prepared mushrooms into the pan and fry for 8 - 10 minutes.
  3. Place the entire contents of the pan into the pan, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Then insist.

Serve, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs (parsley, dill).

Dried white mushroom soup

Hot appetizer with pasta

For the recipe you need to stock up:

  • pasta 300 g;
  • carrots and onions;
  • dill.

Step by step steps:

  1. It is better to pour dry fruits overnight and cook them in the morning. Then strain and cool.
  2. Grate the carrots and finely chop the onion. Then fry.
  3. Place the prepared vegetables into a deep bowl. Add pasta to it and add water. Add salt.

Hot appetizer with pasta

Stroganoff recipe

The following components are required:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • butter;
  • onion head;
  • tomato sauce or tomatoes;
  • 1 teaspoon wheat flour.

First of all, pour hot milk over the dry mushrooms. After they swell, cut them.

  1. Fry the mushroom strips and add flour. Then fry again.
  2. Heat oil with tomato. Fry chopped onion. Place everything in a frying pan and pour in sour cream.

Before serving, chop the dill and parsley. The dish goes well with fried potatoes.

Stroganov style

What else can you cook with dried mushrooms?

Although at first glance it seems that very few dishes can be prepared from a dry ingredient, in fact there are hundreds of options for preparing them. Soups, stews, solyanka, noodles or omelettes are very tasty. Many gourmets prefer to bake them in the oven with cheese or make mushroom cutlets from them with the addition of potatoes. Unusual sauces are prepared in a frying pan with oil and spices.

Mushroom sauce

This is just a godsend for the cook. To get a juicy and tasty dish, You will need very few products:

  • 100 g of forest product;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.

Mushroom sauce

Forest mushrooms can be anything.

  1. Pour hot water over the fruiting bodies. After they swell, boil for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Chop the onion and fry until the structure becomes transparent and soft.
  3. Strain the mushrooms and transfer to the frying pan.
  4. Fry all ingredients and add spices to taste.
  5. Pour in the broth, sour cream and boil for a couple of minutes.

Mushrooms in sour cream go well with any side dish.

Goulash with garlic and onions

Fruits can be dried, fresh or salted. The dish turns out very tasty if you use a mixture of different mushrooms, for 600 g which you will need:

  • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • onions (4 pcs.);
  • potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • carrots (1 pc.).

Goulash with garlic and onions

List of necessary actions:

  1. Soak dry fruits for half an hour, then drain the water. Pour boiling water over the raw material and boil for another 30 minutes.
  2. Peel the vegetables. It is advisable to cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots using a coarse grater. Fry. Add pepper there too. To diversify the taste, you can use tomato slices.
  3. Strain the broth and cut large fruiting bodies into pieces. Transfer to the pan. Put it out. If desired, you can add flour. Before finishing cooking, add chopped garlic cloves.
  4. The contents of the frying pan are laid out in the broth and chopped potatoes are added there. It is recommended to grate it. In this case, the required density is formed. After boiling, turn off the stove.

Goulash is served with any side dish. Don't forget to sprinkle some herbs on top.

Mushroom sauce made from dried mushrooms (video)

Stuffed eggs

Although the dish is not festive, it still carries enormous weight at the table. For 0.5 kg of raw materials you will need:

  • mayonnaise;
  • eggs;
  • bulb.

Step by step guide:

  1. Boil the fruits, skimming off the foam, until the pieces sink to the bottom (at least 40 minutes).
  2. Strain, rinse and set aside to cool.
  3. Then grind with a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Cut the boiled eggs into 2 parts, remove the yolks and mix them with the mushroom mixture. Add ground black pepper and remaining ingredients.
  5. Chop and fry the onion. At the end add butter. Pour the mixture of yolks and mushrooms over the mixture.
  6. Fill the egg halves with the prepared mixture and cover with a small amount of mayonnaise.

Dried fruits can be used to make delicious filling for pies. Raw materials must be dry to the touch and not spoiled. Since the structure of the fruiting bodies is very hygroscopic, the necessary rules must be observed during storage.

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With the onset of the autumn period of collecting forest gifts, many people go on a “silent hunt”. Mushrooms are prepared in different ways: they are salted, pickled, frozen. But perhaps the most popular way to prepare mushrooms is to dry them. In the cold winter, it will be nice to treat yourself to wonderful dishes prepared from dried forest products. Well, porcini mushrooms are considered the best, and in absolutely any condition. Mushroom pickers who are lucky enough to collect a sufficient number of boletus mushrooms know well how to prepare dried porcini mushrooms.

“The King of Mushrooms” is the name often given to a porcini mushroom, which has a tubular structure and an unusually strong, incomparable aroma acquired after drying. And in terms of its taste, the porcini mushroom is considered the most valuable among the variety of forest gifts. Freshly cut porcini mushroom does not have any bright aroma, but it is distinguished by its beauty and majesty. Moreover, the smell of dried porcini mushrooms is almost impossible to confuse with the aroma of other mushrooms.

Preparing mushrooms for drying

For drying, choose the strongest mushrooms, which must first be thoroughly cleaned of adhering leaves and blades of grass, and cleaned from soil or sand with a soft brush. It is not recommended to wash porcini mushrooms before harvesting, since the presence of water significantly increases the drying time. Contaminated roots are cut off. Of course, you can dry porcini mushrooms by placing the caps down on a sieve, but it is preferable to string valuable mushrooms on threads.

How to dry

Porcini mushrooms are dried in a dry room, oven or in the air under the influence of the sun. Of course, it is preferable to dry forest products in the sun, then the quality and aroma of the mushrooms are better preserved. Finding out about readiness is very easy. If they become brittle and bend easily, it means the mushrooms are ready for further storage.

How to prepare dishes from dried mushrooms

Dried porcini mushrooms can be used to prepare stews, soups, a variety of cold appetizers, and salads. When properly prepared, porcini mushrooms retain all their beneficial properties, and their taste is practically no different from fresh mushrooms.

A soup made from dried porcini mushrooms is considered a real culinary masterpiece. The lucky ones who managed to taste this culinary miracle will be delighted by the taste and delicate aroma of porcini mushrooms. It is prepared according to a recipe that is practically no different from preparing regular mushroom soup. Soak porcini mushrooms (50 grams) in water for an hour, then chop them, put them in a saucepan with boiling water, add pre-fried onions (2 pieces), carrots (2 pieces), cook for 30 minutes. You can add potatoes and vermicelli. Instead of noodles, you can add cereals - rice or pre-boiled pearl barley. But real gourmets believe that it is preferable to prepare soup from dried porcini mushrooms with noodles, since pasta emphasizes the indescribable taste of these forest gifts. At the end of cooking the soup, you can add a piece of butter to it, this will emphasize the taste and highlight the aroma of the mushrooms.

When considering the question of how to cook dried porcini mushrooms, it should be noted that they are very tasty when fried. It is necessary to fill the forest gifts with ordinary water at the rate of 100 grams of mushrooms per 600 milliliters of water. Leave to swell for a short time. Some people prefer to use warm milk instead of water. Then the mushrooms should be washed and chopped. There is no need to boil the boletus mushrooms before frying. In a frying pan greased with butter, olive or other vegetable oil, fry the onion and add porcini mushrooms.

At the end of frying, it is recommended to add a spoonful of sour cream to the dried porcini mushrooms and a little flour to thicken the sauce. A delicious dish is served with potatoes, vegetables, rice, and pasta. Some culinary experts recommend using dried fried porcini mushrooms for stuffing poultry.

Quite often, dried porcini mushrooms are soaked overnight, then they take on the almost fresh appearance they had before the harvesting process. Nutritionists note that broth made from dried porcini mushrooms is practically no different from meat broth in terms of calorie content and richness. Bon appetit!