How to boil eggs so that they are easy to peel: cooking secrets. Why is a boiled egg difficult to peel?

Anyone who has peeled boiled eggs at least once in their life has encountered the problem of poor shell cleaning.

Why are eggs difficult to peel after boiling?

There are only two options:

  • either they are very fresh;
  • or were frozen for a long time (unheated warehouse, refrigerator).

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh eggs, then when boiled they will be very difficult to peel off their shells.

In this case, however, as with frozen eggs, you can use several culinary tricks, which were invented specifically to deal with this problem.

  1. Although fresh eggs are difficult to peel, adding salt to the water for boiling them allows you to avoid the long and painstaking work of peeling them.
  2. Another trick would be this recipe: you should only cook eggs in cold water so that they heat up gradually along with it. After cooking, you need to immerse them in cold water and let them stand until almost completely cooled.
  3. Some housewives use this method - after the cooking process is completed, they break the shell in several places and only then begin to cool chicken product under running water. This effect will help water penetrate the eggs, making them easier to peel.

Modern ones can also come to the rescue kitchen appliance such as a double boiler - if you are not in a hurry, then fresh eggs can be placed in a double boiler, set the timer for 20 minutes and after turning off, immediately dip the product in ice water. After this, cleaning will not be difficult and will not take much time.

When boiled eggs are poorly peeled, there is another little-known and “risky” way to avoid a long process - before boiling them, punch a small hole in the hole with a needle. blunt end eggs.

There is a so-called “air pocket” and if you give the egg the opportunity to “breathe” through it, the shell and inner white film will be easier to separate from the egg itself.

Saving time in the kitchen thanks to valuable and simple tips, you can please yourself and your family delicious dishes, cooking twice as fast.

How to quickly peel a boiled egg?

Why are boiled eggs difficult to peel?

In the kitchen, where its own culinary magic reigns, each housewife uses her own secrets and “magic”. There are several ways to peel boiled eggs very quickly, because sometimes you just need to peel a large number of boiled eggs for salad, pies for the whole family or chicken bouillon for a sick relative.

The method is not only super-fast, but also funny

Take it cooled to normal temperature boiled egg, put it on the table, cover it with your palm and begin to roll it out with pressure so that the shell cracks under the weight of our hand. Remove it from the round protein with a slight movement of your hand.

How to peel quail eggs?

Since these little ones are small in size, it will be a little difficult to clean them like chickens. Therefore, there are several tips on how to clean quail eggs after cooking.

  1. First, cool them in running water until completely cool.
  2. Take a quail egg, place it between the table and your hand, roll it out, pressing lightly, and peel the shell.

During this time, the thin shell will completely dissolve and you will only have to peel the quail eggs from the film.

Delicious dietary products, which benefit our body, should be on our table almost every day.

Don't deny yourself this pleasure due to laziness or lack of time, because now you know several ways to save energy and time in the kitchen.

Why are boiled eggs difficult to peel?

Not only ordinary people, but even chefs often encounter the fact that boiled eggs are poorly peeled. With what it can be connected?

As you know, very fresh eggs that are a few days old are poorly cleaned. But why this happens, scientists still cannot answer. Since the mystery has not been solved, below we will tell you how to rid yourself of this tedious task, or at least make peeling eggs at least a little easier.

We all know that if you place a pan of eggs under cold water, they will be easier to peel. This opinion is somewhat erroneous. The fact is that the shell is also difficult to remove from a fresh product, even under water. It’s another matter if you break the integrity of the shell - then water will get between it and the white, as a result of which peeling the eggs will become much easier.

Another option is to add salt to the water. True, this method does not always help and the shell can come away from the protein with great difficulty.

In the vastness of the RuNet, I came across this advice - on the side of the blunt end of the egg there is a kind of pad where air collects. Before cooking, it is necessary to make a tiny puncture in this place with a needle so that air can escape while the product is being cooked.

How to boil eggs so that they peel well? Cooking secrets

Many people don't know how to boil eggs so they peel well. This causes some inconvenience. Our article is entirely devoted to this topic. We'll tell you how to boil eggs so that they peel well, and share some tricks.

Eggs are frequent guests on any table. They are eaten boiled, fried and even raw. Added to dough, cutlets, cream and, of course, to a variety of salads. The popularity of eggs is explained by the fact that they are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Even a child can cook himself a “gift from the chicken” for breakfast.

But not everyone knows how to boil eggs so that they peel well and don’t burst. experienced housewife. The result: spoiled mood, unpresentable appearance dishes and significant protein losses, sent to the trash bin along with the shells. To avoid this, you need to know the secrets of how to boil eggs so that they peel well.

Secret #1: egg age

There are several cooking methods. The main three are soft-boiled, “in a bag” and hard-boiled. They differ from each other primarily in the cooking time, and you should also pay attention to the freshness of the product.

Many housewives do not know how to boil fresh eggs so that they peel well. And this is really difficult. Because than fresh egg, the more difficult it is to clean it. Experienced cooks When hard-boiling (for salads or appetizers, for example), it is advised not to chase “youth.” In this case, it is better to choose eggs that are five or more days old (within reasonable limits, of course). Eggs “in a bag” also do not have to be fresh. And only when soft-boiling, it is advisable to choose the most “young” product.

Determining the age of an egg is easy. The older it is, the easier it is. Therefore, it quickly floats up in the water and spins for a long time around its axis on a horizontal surface when pushed.

Secret No. 2: puncture

This procedure requires some skill, but is guaranteed to protect the shell from cracks during cooking and ensure easy cleaning. You need to use a needle, awl or the tip of a sharp knife to make a one millimeter puncture on the blunt side of the egg. It is very important that only the shell is punctured, and that the film underneath is undamaged. Otherwise the egg will leak.

Secret #3: salt

Almost everyone likes to add salt to boiled eggs. But only after they are taken out of the water and cleaned. But they don’t realize that salt is needed much earlier. Meanwhile, she is an important ally in the fight for intact, neat, perfectly cleaned eggs.

Salted cooking water makes the cleaning process much easier. True, this only works in the case of eggs that are at least five days old. In addition, salt tends to clog the small cracks that sometimes appear on the shell, thus preventing the protein from leaking out. Below you will find out how much it is needed and what the cooking algorithm is.

Secret No. 4: hard “mode”

You cannot treat boiling eggs as something very simple and arbitrary. Like, they won’t come out of the water raw anyway, so why worry? A lot depends on the temperature of the water and its quantity, the eggs themselves, the power of the fire and the cooking time. For example, eggs that have been in boiling water for about an hour are strictly prohibited from being eaten - this seriously threatens health. Undercooked ones are not suitable for salad, and a temperature imbalance can ruin all endeavors by damaging the shell ahead of time.

The action plan is:

  • Having chosen eggs that are suitable for freshness, you need to take them out of the refrigerator and wait until they warm up to room temperature. It is not advisable to cook cold ones.
  • IN small saucepan or use a ladle to place the eggs tightly together so that they don’t move back and forth during cooking. This is necessary so that they do not crack from impacts.
  • Next, pour half a tablespoon of regular table salt into the pan.
  • The next stage is water. It should be cold, but not icy. And in such quantity as to cover the eggs by two centimeters.
  • The fire is made high at first, and after boiling is reduced to medium. Boil soft-boiled eggs for 3-4 minutes, “in a bag” for 4-9 minutes, and hard-boiled eggs for 9-15 minutes.
  • When ready, take them out with a spoon and quickly immerse them in cold water. As it heats up, you need to change it several times. Or you can cool the eggs under the running tap.
  • After about five minutes of cooling, you can begin the cleaning process.

Now you know how to boil eggs so that they peel well. It’s not that difficult if you follow the sequence of actions outlined above. These simple tips will be useful to any housewife. We wish you to delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious dishes and egg salads.

How to properly boil eggs so that they are easy to peel and tasty

The famous American chef, culinary blogger and writer Kenji Lopez-Alt, being a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, often conducts scientific and gastronomic experiments. One of them concerned boiling eggs.

I've boiled thousands and thousands of eggs over the past few years. And believe me, there is no one hundred percent reliable method. However, old lady science increases the chances of success. If you listen to its laws, you can get an easy-to-clean hard-boiled egg with a well-cooked yolk and tasty white.

Kenji Lopez-Alt, chef, food blogger, writer

Freshness level

You've probably heard from mothers and grandmothers that eggs that have been sitting for a while are easier to clean.

Peeling a fresh hard-boiled egg requires a lot of patience.

The “age” of eggs really matters, but only if they are very, very fresh, literally from a chicken. If you buy eggs from farmers or keep chickens yourself and don’t want to go through the hassle of peeling the eggs, then let them sit in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

If you buy eggs at the supermarket, then there is little point in waiting. By the time they are packaged at the poultry farm and distributed to retail outlets, enough time will pass for the eggs to “grow old.” In addition, what is much more important for the final result is not the expiration date, but the method of boiling the eggs.

What kind of water should I put it in?

Most residents of megacities store eggs in the refrigerator and cook them immediately, as soon as they take them out, since there is no time to wait for them to warm up at room temperature. Usually we just put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and put it on the stove. And that is why part of the protein then remains on the shell.

To peel eggs quickly and easily, place them in already boiling water.

Even if you take two- or three-week-old eggs and boil them in cold water, half of them will not peel well. The following picture clearly demonstrates the advantages of a “hot start” over a cold one.

According to Kenji, it’s like with steaks: if you put a piece of meat in a cold frying pan and heat it slowly, the process of blood clotting will begin and the juice that should be released, soaking the meat, will remain inside. Heated together with water, the egg white cooks slowly and adheres firmly to the shell shell.

So, “hot start” ensures easy peeling of eggs. But, alas, there is a flip side to the coin. When you boil eggs in cold water and over low heat, the yolk remains properly in the center; When you throw eggs into boiling boiling water, they spin and flop around. As a result, when you cut into a boiled egg, you may find that the yolk is uneven and, to put it mildly, is located asymmetrically.

The way out is steaming - in an electric egg cooker or in a saucepan on a special grill. It's easier to control thermal processes inside the egg.

What happens to an egg during boiling?

Take a look at this photo. There are eight eggs on it: the first was boiled for one minute, the second for three, the third for five, and so on.

Let's see what happens to the egg when it ends up in the pan and starts to cook. First, let's look at how proteins react to rising temperatures.

  • 0–60 °C. Liquid protein heats up slowly.
  • 60 °C. Some of the proteins, called glycoproteins, begin to bind together to form a matrix. The protein acquires a milky white color and a jelly-like consistency (in the picture above - an egg after three minutes of boiling).
  • 68 °C. Glycoproteins egg white formed: it is no longer transparent, quite dense, but still a bit like jelly (see egg after five minutes of boiling).
  • 82°C. Ovalbumin is released - this is the main protein of egg white, thanks to which it becomes snow-white and elastic (see eggs after seven and nine minutes of boiling).
  • 82 °C or more. The higher the temperature, the stronger the protein bonds. With what longer time cooking, the more dry and hard, like rubber, the protein becomes.

Yolks have a slightly different set of temperatures.

  • 63 °C. The yolks thicken and begin to cook.
  • 70°C. The yolks have set, but they are still tender and bright yellow.
  • 77 °C. The yolks turn pale and become crumbly.
  • 77 °C or more. The yolks begin to dry out, their texture resembles chalk. The sulfur contained in the protein reacts with the iron in the yolk - iron sulfide is released, which slightly colors the yolk. Look at the eggs that were boiled for 11 and 15 minutes: a characteristic gray-green rim has formed between the yolk and the white.

Thus, to get the perfect hard-boiled egg, with an elastic white and a delicate yolk, which will be perfectly peelable, you need to put it in boiling water, and after 30 seconds, when the subsided boiling is reactivated, reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes . In the first half a minute the whites will harden and turn white, and in the remaining time the right temperature The yolks are cooked.

We’ve sorted out the temperature and time, but what about the fact that eggs sometimes crack and leak when boiled?

Steamed and oven

When cooking the old fashioned way, in cold or hot water, such incidents, alas, are not uncommon. Ugly cracked and leaking eggs usually go into salads and other dishes where needed. fine cutting. After all, you can’t serve them to the table and you can’t paint them for Easter.

Rejection can be avoided by steaming or oven-cooking eggs. But there are nuances here too.

For a couple
The gentlest and most practical way to cook hard-boiled eggs

Pour water into the pan to a level of one and a half centimeters, place a special grill on the bottom. When the water boils, put required quantity eggs and turn on the timer for 11 minutes. When steamed, the whites turn out a little tougher than when boiled, but not rubbery.

Multicooker or steamer

Many housewives have adapted to boil eggs in a slow cooker or double boiler. At the same time, they write on culinary forums that eggs boiled in them literally jump out of their shells themselves, and their yolks do not turn green.

Cooking eggs in a slow cooker

They usually write that a hard-boiled egg is cooked in a slow cooker for 10 minutes. But in practice, a lot depends on the model and power of the device, the cooking mode, and the amount of water poured into the bowl. To determine the ideal ratio of all parameters, sometimes you have to lime more than a dozen eggs.

In addition, when cooking eggs in a slow cooker and double boiler, in addition to temperature, pressure affects the result. If during regular cooking in water or steam it is not so important whether the egg will take 10 or 11 minutes to cook, then in the case of a multicooker (double boiler) every second matters.

Compare: The picture below shows eggs that were steamed for five, six and seven minutes.

At the fifth minute the yolk is still a little runny, at the sixth it’s just right, tender, bright yellow, and at the seventh it’s already loose, a greenish shell has formed.


This is a popular method of preparing hard-boiled eggs and has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is good when you need a lot of boiled eggs at once. Secondly, the eggs will not hit each other.

To cook eggs in the oven, celebrity chef, TV host and food writer Alton Brown recommends soaking and wringing out a towel and placing it on the rack. oven, put eggs on it and send it all to cold oven for half an hour, setting the temperature to 160 °C.

Cooking eggs in the oven

As you can see, the visual result leaves much to be desired: brown spots appear on the shell. You'll be even more disappointed when you peel the egg. The yolk moves to the side on which the egg lies, and the white in this place turns gray. If you reduce the cooking time, the eggs will look better when they come out of the oven, but it will be difficult to peel them cleanly. These are the main disadvantages this method.

In addition, a lot here also depends on the oven model. The temperature inside the oven is distributed unevenly: it is always colder near the door, and hotter near the burners, which can have different configurations.

If you need to cook a lot of even, smooth and delicious eggs, steam them in several batches.


Before cooking, many people pierce the eggs at the blunt end, where the air chamber (puga) is located. They even sell special devices for this.

Why pierce eggs? Firstly, it is believed that this is less likely to crack the shell and the eggs are better cleaned. Secondly, the puncture helps avoid the formation of a dent on the surface of the egg.

The older the egg, the more frightened it is, the larger the dent will be during cooking. Eminent french chef, TV presenter and writer Jacques Pepín recommends getting rid of the air chamber through a puncture. But the problem is that water can flow into this small hole, and then the surface of the egg will resemble lunar craters.

There is another way to get rid of a puga pit. To keep the egg oval, place it in ice water immediately after cooking.

Kenji says the ice shower works like shock therapy. The yolk and white of a freshly boiled egg are still flexible. When you put a hot egg in cold water, steam is created in the air chamber, which in turn is converted into water, and this takes up only 0.5% of the original volume of the puga. Thus, the pliable yolk and white take up the free space - the egg becomes oval.


The decisive factor in the matter of quick and easy separation of the shell from the protein is temperature.

In order for the eggs to peel well, they must cool well. Keep the boiled eggs in cold water for 15 minutes, or better yet, leave them in the refrigerator overnight.

The cleaning technique itself is quite simple: crush the egg shell well with your fingers, then place it under cold running water and carefully peel it.

5 Secrets to Perfect Boiled Eggs

To summarize, we can highlight the following formula perfect egg hard-boiled:

  1. Use two or three week old eggs.
  2. Dip the eggs not into cold, but into boiling water or steam them.
  3. After 30 seconds, reduce the heat to low and cook the eggs for 10-11 minutes.
  4. Ready eggs Place in ice water for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Clean completely cooled eggs under cold running water.

By following these rules, you will get an almost perfect boiled egg: oval, smooth, with elastic white, delicate, neat bright yellow yolk, tasty and easy to peel. There is no shame in stuffing such eggs and serving them at the holiday table.

Many people don't know how to boil eggs so they peel well. This causes some inconvenience. Our article is entirely devoted to this topic. We'll tell you how to clean them well and share some tricks.

Eggs are frequent guests on any table. They are eaten boiled, fried and even raw. Added to dough, cutlets, cream and, of course, to a variety of salads. The popularity of eggs is explained by the fact that they are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Even a child can cook himself a “gift from the chicken” for breakfast.

But not every experienced housewife knows how to clean them well and not burst. The result: a spoiled mood, an unpresentable appearance of the dish and significant protein losses, sent to the trash bin along with the shell. To avoid this, you need to know the secrets of how to boil eggs so that they peel well.

Secret #1: egg age

There are several cooking methods. The main three are soft-boiled, “in a bag” and hard-boiled. They differ from each other primarily in the cooking time, and you should also pay attention to the freshness of the product.

Many housewives do not know how to boil fresh eggs so that they peel well. And this is really difficult. Because the fresher the egg, the more difficult it is to peel it. Experienced chefs advise that when hard-boiling (for salads or appetizers, for example), do not chase “youth.” In this case, it is better to choose eggs that are five or more days old (within reasonable limits, of course). Eggs “in a bag” also do not have to be fresh. And only when soft-boiling it is advisable to choose the most “young” product.

Determining the age of an egg is easy. The older it is, the easier it is. Therefore, it quickly floats up in the water and spins for a long time around its axis on a horizontal surface when pushed.

Secret No. 2: puncture

This procedure requires some skill, but is guaranteed to protect the shell from cracks during cooking and ensure easy cleaning. You need to use a needle, awl or the tip of a sharp knife to make a one millimeter puncture on the blunt side of the egg. It is very important that only the shell is punctured, and the film underneath is undamaged. Otherwise the egg will leak.

Secret #3: salt

Almost everyone likes to add salt to boiled eggs. But only after they are taken out of the water and cleaned. But they don’t realize that salt is needed much earlier. Meanwhile, she is an important ally in the fight for intact, neat, perfectly cleaned eggs.

Salted cooking water makes the cleaning process much easier. only works with eggs that are at least five days old. In addition, salt tends to clog the small cracks that sometimes appear on the shell, thus preventing the protein from leaking out. Below you will find out how much it is needed and what the cooking algorithm is.

Secret No. 4: hard “mode”

You cannot treat boiling eggs as something very simple and arbitrary. Like, they won’t come out of the water raw anyway, so why worry? A lot depends on the temperature of the water and its quantity, the eggs themselves, the power of the fire and the cooking time. For example, eggs that have been in boiling water for about an hour are strictly prohibited from being eaten - this seriously threatens health. Undercooked ones are not suitable for salad, and a temperature imbalance can ruin all endeavors by damaging the shell ahead of time.

The action plan is:

  • Having chosen eggs that are suitable for freshness, you need to take them out of the refrigerator and wait until they warm up to room temperature. It is not advisable to cook cold ones.
  • The eggs are placed in a small saucepan or ladle - close to each other so that they do not move back and forth during cooking. This is necessary so that they do not crack from impacts.
  • Next, pour half a tablespoon of regular
  • The next stage is water. It should be cold, but not icy. And in such quantity as to cover the eggs by two centimeters.
  • The fire is made high at first, and after boiling is reduced to medium. Boil soft-boiled eggs for 3-4 minutes, “in a bag” for 4-9 minutes, and hard-boiled eggs for 9-15 minutes.
  • When ready, take them out with a spoon and quickly immerse them in cold water. As it heats up, you need to change it several times. Or you can cool the eggs under the running tap.
  • After about five minutes of cooling, you can begin the cleaning process.

Now you know how to boil eggs so that they peel well. It’s not that difficult if you follow the sequence of actions outlined above. These simple tips will be useful to any housewife. We wish you to delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious dishes and egg salads.

Anyone who has peeled boiled eggs at least once in their life has encountered the problem of poor shell cleaning.

Why are eggs difficult to peel after boiling??

There are only two options:

  • either they are very fresh;
  • or were frozen for a long time (unheated warehouse, refrigerator).

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh eggs, then when boiled they will be very difficult to peel off their shells.

In this case, however, as with frozen eggs, you can use several culinary tricks that were invented specifically to deal with this problem.

  1. However, by adding salt to the water for cooking them, it is possible to avoid the long and painstaking work of cleaning them.
  2. Another trick would be this recipe: you should cook eggs only in cold water, so that they gradually heat up with it. After cooking, you need to immerse them in cold water and let them stand until almost completely cooled.
  3. Some housewives use this method - after finishing the cooking process, they break the shell in several places and only after that they begin to cool the chicken product under running water. This effect will help water penetrate the eggs, making them easier to peel.

A modern kitchen appliance such as a double boiler can also come to the rescue - if you are not in a hurry, you can put fresh eggs in a double boiler, set the timer for 20 minutes and immediately plunge the product into ice water after turning it off.

After this, cleaning will not be difficult and will not take much time.

When Boiled eggs don't peel well, there is another little-known and “risky” way to avoid a long process - before boiling them, punch a small hole in the blunt end of the egg with a needle.

There is a so-called “air pocket” and if you give the egg the opportunity to “breathe” through it, the shell and inner white film will be easier to separate from the egg itself.

By saving time in the kitchen, thanks to valuable and simple tips, you can please yourself and your family with delicious dishes prepared in half the time.

In the kitchen, where its own culinary magic reigns, each housewife uses her own secrets and “magic”.

There are several ways how to peel boiled eggs very quickly, because sometimes you just need to peel a large number of boiled eggs for salad, pies for the whole family, or chicken broth for a sick relative.

The method is not only super-fast, but also funny!

We take a boiled egg cooled to normal temperature, place it on the table, cover it with our palm and begin to roll it out with pressure so that the shell cracks under the weight of our hand. Remove it from the round protein with a slight movement of your hand.

How to quickly peel boiled quail eggs?

If you need to deshell a large number of quail eggs, then there is one effective method: put eggs in an enamel container and fill them vinegar solution(2 parts vinegar to 1 part water) and leave them there for two to three hours.

During this time, the thin shell will completely dissolve and you will only have to peel the quail eggs from the film.

Delicious dietary products that benefit our body should be on our table almost every day.

Don't deny yourself this pleasure due to laziness or lack of time, because now you know several ways to save energy and time in the kitchen.

For many housewives, the pressing question is how to properly boil an egg so that you can peel it quickly and easily? This question is especially relevant when a lot of eggs are boiled, for example, for another dish or for a large family.

The first factor that affects the speed and ease of shelling is the freshness of the product. Fresh eggs are more difficult to peel, while eggs that have been lying around for 1-2 weeks can be peeled quickly and easily. The most difficult thing is to peel very fresh eggs that are 2-3 days old.

For hard-boiled and “baked” recipes, it is not necessary to use fresh eggs. It is best to cook those whose freshness period is 5-6 days. The product must be fresh only for soft-boiled cooking. However, peeling eggs should not be a reason to eat expired eggs. It is imperative to take into account the shelf life and not risk your health and feeling good household ones for quick cleaning.

Shelf life of chicken eggs (according to GOST)

If you do not know the exact age of the egg, then you should pay attention to its weight and whether it floats when lowered into water. Also, stale eggs rotate around an axis when they are pushed.

The second, main factor is the cooking process itself. In most cases, the difficult cleaning process is associated with improper cooking of the egg. There are five basic secrets how to cook properly chicken eggs so that they are cleaned well after cooking:

  1. It is not worth boiling eggs just taken out of the cold. If you want to cook an egg that is easy to peel after boiling, then you need to warm it to room temperature.
  2. Do not put into already boiled water. That's right: place it in a container of cold (not ice) water and place it on the stove. The liquid should be poured with a margin so that there is 2-3 cm above the top of the eggs.
  3. Place in a saucepan of boiling water table salt. The recommended amount is a teaspoon of salt.
  4. Do not allow strong bubbling when water boils. If the eggs begin to collide with each other and hit the wall of the pan, the heat should be reduced.
  5. After finishing cooking, the eggs should be placed in a bowl with cold water or under running tap water. Cooling takes 10-12 minutes.

The result of following the above tips will be the receipt of impeccable eggs: oval, without breaks or “bitten” edges, with elastic white and evenly cooked yolk. This product is easy to clean and is great for decorating salads and stuffing.

Unusual methods to make peeling a boiled egg easier: blowing and piercing

A complex and unusual approach to proper cooking eggs is the preliminary piercing of the shell of still raw eggs. This method requires experience, caution and precision. The puncture is carried out with a thin sharp object: a sewing needle, an awl, the tip of a knife. The puncture is carried out on the blunt side of the egg, the depth is 1 mm. To prevent leakage, it is important not to touch the film that protects the protein.

Positive results from shell piercing are:

  • Easy peeling after welding;
  • Avoid cracks during cooking;
  • Prevents the formation of dents on the surface of the protein. As you can see in the picture, the more aesthetic option is with a puncture (left), while without punctures, the welded product has an irregular shape with a concave end.

Blowing out a boiled egg will reduce the cleaning time to just a few seconds. The blowing algorithm is quite simple, but requires some accuracy:

  1. The cooled egg is cracked at both ends;
  2. 0.5-1 cm of shell is removed from each side;
  3. The sharp side is brought to the mouth and you need to blow strongly into the hole formed.

The result is that the egg slips out of the shell, which, together with the film, remains in the hands.

Proper cooking is the key to quick cleaning

Over the years, craftsmen and culinary experimenters have come up with many ways to clean boiled egg quickly and efficiently. However, before you learn how to peel an egg in 5 seconds, it is important to learn how to properly boil it and then cool it.

So, raw eggs must be filled with strictly cold water so that it covers them by about 1 cm. high fire It is necessary to bring the eggs to a boil and cook for another 7–9 minutes with moderate bubbling.

To make the shells easier to separate from the whites, you can add a generous handful of salt or soda. This is especially true if very fresh homemade eggs are boiled. Noticed than fresh product, the more difficult it is to clean it. Why this happens, even scientists find it difficult to answer.

How and why you need to cool

Once the eggs are completely cooked, drain them immediately. hot water and fill them with as cold as possible. Ideally with the addition of ice. If the water gets hot, you need to change it several times until the boiled egg cools completely.

In the matter of peeling eggs, proper and, most importantly, rapid cooling plays a decisive role. But why do this if even eggs that have cooled on their own can be peeled quite well? Here there is already a question of benefit finished product. Rapid cooling is required for several reasons:

Even a very fresh homemade egg is much easier to peel if you cool it in ice water. The protein, which has hardened as much as possible due to temperature changes, separates from the shell without any problems.
Cooling stops the cooking process and you can get the egg as done as intended. Whereas in the cooling naturally product, this process, although to a small extent, continues.
If you remember well, eggs that have cooled on their own are most often distinguished by the presence of a slight hydrogen sulfide odor and an unsightly gray-green layer covering the surface of the yolk. Rapid cooling prevents the yolk from changing color and creating an unpleasant aroma.
Typically, the egg cooling process lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. After this, you can proceed to cleaning them.

You can peel an egg very quickly using several methods. For example, if you carefully pierce another a raw egg with a thin needle, the cleaning process will only take a couple of seconds. The fact is that during cooking, the liquid will definitely penetrate under the shell and create space between the protein and the surface layer. Then it's a matter of technology. And now in more detail about how to peel an egg in 5 seconds.

Option 1: by rolling

Place a properly boiled egg on a flat horizontal surface. Place your palm on top and, pressing lightly, roll it back and forth a couple of times. In this case, the shell will crack at the widest point of the egg, split into two halves and be easily removed.