How to salt tomatoes in a simple cold way in a bucket, barrel, pan, jars? Recipes for green and red salted tomatoes for the winter. Housewives: how to pickle tomatoes in jars

Pickling tomatoes is a great way to make homemade preparations for the winter. There are many different options for salting tomatoes, where in addition to salt, vinegar, citric acid, and even an aspirin tablet are used as a preservative. The salting procedure can be carried out using the hot or cold method.

Surely you have a favorite recipe for salting tomatoes, but there comes a time when you want a variety of flavors. Below are the best options for pickling tomatoes.

The right tomatoes for pickling

In order for canned tomatoes to delight you with their taste and elastic texture in winter, you need to choose the right varieties for pickling. Elongated, oblong-shaped fruits with hard, dense pulp are ideal. You can salt red ones, but it is better to choose brown (slightly unripe) tomatoes. These salted tomatoes in jars for the winter look beautiful and appetizing, have the right texture, and a memorable taste.

The following spices are usually chosen for pickling:

  • seeds, umbrellas, dill;
  • garlic cloves;
  • mustard seeds;
  • leaves of parsley, cherry, black currant;
  • bay leaves;
  • hot pepper (peas, fresh rings);
  • peeled horseradish root/leaves.

Spices are not put into the jar all at once, but in certain combinations. For example, lovers of the pungent taste of salted tomatoes add horseradish to jars, and fans of the sweet-spicy aroma add currant leaves.

If you are going to pickle green tomatoes, their variety and shape are not as important as their size: you should choose small-sized fruits.

Principles of salting for the winter

The process of salting vegetables in barrels or jars, compared to pickling, is considered a more useful way of preserving them for consumption in winter. Boiling water and vinegar used in marinades have a destructive effect on the vitamin composition of tomatoes. Cold salting (fermentation) preserves their benefits and increases them due to the formation of enzymes necessary for good digestion. Therefore, a salted tomato will serve as an excellent addition to “heavy” meat and fried foods.

Vegetables and spices that go into jars for pickling must be clean - this is the key to the success of preservation.

Tomatoes should be thoroughly washed with water and inspected for defects. Vegetables with damaged surfaces cannot be harvested for the winter, but they can be used for quick salting.

The jars that will be used for pickling tomatoes must be sterilized with steam (can be done in a double boiler, oven, or microwave). Metal lids are also subject to mandatory processing (boiling).

If you are going to use a cold salting method, then it is enough to clean the containers and plastic lids with baking soda.

Garlic and horseradish must be thoroughly peeled and washed. Leaves and greens should be sorted from debris, twigs, damaged parts, and rinsed with clean water.

Quick salting of tomatoes

When the harvesting season is just beginning, before salting tomatoes in jars for the winter, a recipe for quick salting is popular in many families. Lightly salted tomatoes stuffed with spices are cooked in brine for 24 hours; they are tasty as an accompaniment to barbecue, as an appetizer, and are usually eaten faster than they are cooked.

Lightly salted stuffed tomatoes

You will need red fleshy tomatoes the size of an egg. Cut them into halves with a knife or crosswise, cutting them to the end (it is convenient to use a bread knife). Place the filling of chopped garlic, parsley, and dill into the resulting gaps.

At the bottom of any convenient container, generously place dill umbrellas, sprinkle mustard seeds, add currant leaves, horseradish, pepper, and bay leaves.

Pour the stuffed tomatoes with brine (stir 1 tablespoon of salt without iodine, sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard powder into 1 liter of boiled, cooled water), press down on top with pressure. Wait one day and you can take a sample. These quick salted tomatoes are stored in a cool place for 5 days.

Salty aromatic tomatoes

By choosing this recipe you will get sweet-spicy salty tomatoes with the aroma of roasted peppers. You will need: a bucket of medium red tomatoes (each needs to be pierced with a fork), 5 sweet peppers, for connoisseurs of spicy taste - 1 hot pepper, a couple of heads of garlic, currant leaves, horseradish root, dill (seeds or umbrellas), oil (favorite vegetable) for frying peppers, salt.

Fry the coarsely chopped peppers in oil until soft, cool. Divide the spices in half, spread the first part along the bottom of the bucket, place half the tomato on top, then put the peppers on them and pour out the oil, from frying, lay out the second part of the spices, add the tomatoes to the top of the bucket. Close the lid.

A day later, prepare the brine (5 tablespoons of salt, 3 liters of clean water), fill a bucket with tomatoes, pick up pressure, and place the bucket in the kitchen. After 5 days, the fragrant tomatoes are ready quickly. Keep cool.

Cold barrel salting

Using a similar technology to lightly salted tomatoes, you can prepare real salted tomatoes for the winter. Pickling recipes are usually simple, and the results exceed expectations.

Pickled tomatoes

At the bottom of dry jars (3 liters), washed with soda or scalded with boiling water, place a pinch of dill seeds, a bay leaf, and a few peppercorns. Place the tomatoes quite closely, choosing fruits with hard flesh and thick skin. Pour 1 tbsp into jars. salt (without iodine, always coarse), 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 full tbsp. dry mustard powder. Pour cooled boiled water over the top layer, cover with washed plastic lids, and refrigerate for 2 months. The tomatoes will ferment, acquire a harsh, slightly carbonated taste, and become barrel-like. Tomatoes salted in this way should be stored in the cellar/refrigerator.

Fans of aromatic spices in pickles will love the following recipe.

Salted tomatoes

For preparation you will need firm red or yellow tomatoes, tender currant leaves, cherries, horseradish root/leaves, young garlic cloves, pepper, dill, mustard (dry), sugar, salt.

It is recommended to start filling jars with leaves, dill, and spices. In a 3 liter jar, it is enough to put a small young currant leaf, cherries, dill seeds/umbrella, peeled root, half a horseradish leaf, about 4 medium cloves of young garlic, 5 peppercorns. Place the tomatoes evenly on top of the spices. Pour 2 tbsp. l. sugar, coarse salt, dry mustard. Fill the jars with clean water (tap or bottled) and close with a plastic lid. Turn the jar over to dissolve the salt and sugar. Pickling tomatoes for the winter can a priori be considered the main event of August, and the first sample is taken in October. Tomatoes salted using this option are perfectly kept cool until spring.

Unusual salting option

Those who choose how to pickle tomatoes in an unusual way will like this method of preparation, when the tomatoes practically retain their original fresh taste and can simply be used in food and in the preparation of other dishes.

"Juicy" tomatoes

You will need tomatoes and salt. Jars and metal lids should be sterilized before sealing.

Place ripe tomatoes with a diameter of 5-7 cm into a boiling pan of water, a few at a time, hold for a couple of minutes, and remove to a bowl of cold, clean water. Remove the skin from blanched tomatoes, put them in a 5 liter saucepan, add a whole tbsp. salt (without iodine, coarse), without water, put on gas. From the moment of boiling, wait 5 minutes. Juice will be released. Mix very carefully and continue cooking for 5 minutes. We carefully pack the tomatoes into sterilized jars, filling them one at a time, pouring the boiling juice that has been released, rolling them up, and covering them until they cool.

Salted tomatoes according to the hot salting recipe deserve attention; they can be offered to small children. There is no vinegar, only tomatoes and salt.

Simple salted tomatoes

Any ripe red or yellow tomatoes will do. Large tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Place in jars (1 liter is convenient). Add 1 tsp. with a slide of salt and water to the top. Filled jars must be sterilized (lay a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars inside. Make sure they do not reach the walls of the pan or touch each other. Carefully pour water along the wall of the pan so that it reaches ¾ of the height of the jars, put the pan on gas You need to start counting the sterilization time after the water boils in the pan: 15 minutes for cans with a capacity of 1 liter). Roll up the lids (sterile), turn them over, and be sure to wrap them up. Keep cool.

Pickling green tomatoes

Weather conditions are such that all the tomatoes never have time to ripen before frost sets in. In this case, thrifty housewives will be helped out by recipes on how to pickle green tomatoes. It is important to remember that only medium and large green fruits can be pickled.

Spicy green tomatoes

If you have a medium-sized bucket of green tomatoes, you should have: 7 heads of garlic, hot pepper pods (adjust the spiciness to taste), a large bunch of parsley, salt. Make a side cut in each vegetable. Prepare the filling: chop and mix garlic, parsley, pepper.

Stuff the tomatoes with this mixture. Place the remaining filling on the bottom of the pickling bucket and tightly stuffed green tomatoes on top. Fill the container with brine (boil 3 liters of drinking water, add 6 tablespoons of salt, cool). Place under light pressure. After a week, transfer the tomatoes into washed jars, use the resulting brine for filling, close with simple lids, and hide in the cellar.

Be patient and wait the month required to salt the green tomatoes. You can eat such fruits right away, but their taste will become rich and full after a month.

There is a simpler recipe for tomatoes, picked green, in jars for the winter.

Green salted tomatoes

Prick medium green tomatoes in 3 places with a toothpick. In 3 liter jars: dill seeds, currant leaves, horseradish, hot pepper rings. Arrange the tomatoes, top with parsley, dill, and sprinkle with chopped garlic cloves. Add 3 tbsp. salt (iodine-free, coarse), 1 tbsp. dry mustard powder.

Fill the jars with cold water and seal with plastic lids. Twist the jars in your hands to dissolve the salt. Refrigerate. You can appreciate the taste of pickled green tomatoes after a couple of months.

The existing variety of recipes for preparing tomatoes (ripe and green) for the winter will allow the housewife to choose the most delicious ways to pickle tomatoes in order to delight her household in winter with natural and healthy products. Recipes for making salted tomatoes are often quite simple and do not require special cooking skills. An important condition for preservation by salting barrels/buckets/jars without adding acetic, citric, or acetylsalicylic acid is storing the finished products in the cold.

Be honest, do you know how to pickle tomatoes for the winter? Pickling tomatoes for the winter is a very simple and not labor-intensive process, but not all housewives end up with delicious salted tomatoes for the winter. And today, dear friends, I want to tell you about a recipe for salted tomatoes in jars for the winter, which my grandmother has been using for more than 50 years.

I have tried a variety of cold salted tomatoes for the winter: from the market, from the supermarket, visiting other housewives, but my grandmother’s salted tomatoes under a nylon cover for the winter remain for me the standard of quality. Grandma's recipe for delicious salted tomatoes for the winter involves using a certain set of spices and roots, as well as the ideal ratio of salt and water.

There is nothing tastier in the world than salted red tomatoes in jars for the winter, with mashed potatoes and rich pork goulash... As if just yesterday I was a little girl, and my grandmother was telling me how to salt tomatoes in jars for the winter. I helped her with interest, and the most I was tasked with was peeling garlic and washing tomato jars.

Today my little daughter helped me prepare salted tomatoes for the winter in jars using the cold method. She was incredibly interested in filling jars with tomatoes and arranging spices. But most of all she wanted to know: why you can’t salt lego with tomatoes

I hope I convinced you to prepare delicious salted tomatoes for the winter? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail how to pickle tomatoes for the winter simply and tasty.

Ingredients for pickling tomatoes:

  • tomatoes
  • parsley root
  • horseradish root
  • carrot
  • garlic
  • black peppercorns
  • hot pepper in pods


  • 1 liter of cold water
  • 1 tbsp. heaped salt

How to pickle tomatoes in jars for the winter:

The most time-consuming part of preparing salted tomatoes for the winter in jars is preparing the ingredients for pickling. I salted five liter jars at a time, so I had to work hard. Peel the garlic at the rate of 5-6 small cloves per 3-liter jar. We also peel and chop carrots, parsley root, and horseradish root. Don't forget to prepare hot pepper pods, black peppercorns and parsley.

Next, put the prepared ingredients into clean jars. I added all the spices “by eye”, but if you are preparing salted tomatoes for the winter in jars in a cold way for the first time, it is better to follow the golden mean and use the following proportions for a three-liter jar:

  • 5-6 cloves of garlic,
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 50 grams of parsley root
  • 50 grams of carrots
  • 3-4 pieces of horseradish root
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1-1.5 pods (small) hot pepper

Following the spices, fill the jars with washed tomatoes. During the stacking process, the jars need to be shaken so that as much of the tomato fits as possible. Place large tomatoes at the bottom of the jars, and place small tomatoes closer to the neck. I won’t recommend varieties of tomatoes for pickling, since I don’t know much about them. The main thing is that the tomatoes are small, fleshy and with thick skin.

Next, let's prepare the brine for our future salted tomatoes in jars: dilute one heaped tablespoon of salt in one liter of cold running water. Rock salt is needed, and in no case iodized.

Fill the jars of tomatoes with brine up to the neck to the level of the stripes.

At the next stage of pickling tomatoes, we cover the jars with nylon lids and put the jars of tomatoes in a dark, cool place for storage - in the cellar or in the refrigerator. After 10 days, the brine in the jars of tomatoes will become cloudy, and fermentation will be almost over.

At this stage, you need to pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into each jar of tomatoes so that a white crust does not form. Fully salted tomatoes for the winter in jars will be ready for use in 40-45 days.

Cold salted tomatoes in jars for the winter have one significant drawback: jars of salted tomatoes must be stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Salted tomatoes are prepared for the winter without vinegar and without sterilization, so they will not survive storage at room temperature. But even if you don’t have a cellar, I strongly recommend that you prepare at least one can of these delicious salted tomatoes and store it in the refrigerator.

You yourself will be surprised how quickly these salted tomatoes will go. Also, if you liked my recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter using the cold method, you can pickle the tomatoes at the end of September, when it is no longer hot, and store jars of salted tomatoes on a glassed-in balcony until the first severe frost.

Pickling tomatoes in jars- This is an opportunity to prepare a delicious and appetizing snack for the winter. Our recipes will convince you that it is not at all necessary to use barrels for pickling.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in jars

You will need:

Horseradish root
- water
- tomatoes – 5 kg
- laurel
- allspice
- salt

Cooking steps:

Prepare the containers: wash them with hot water with the addition of soda powder, sterilize. Select dense brown fruits and wash them thoroughly along with the greens. Place spices and tomatoes at the bottom of the jar. Add spices and fruits again. Cook the brine: prepare 5 liters of water, pour a glass of salt into it. Stir the brine thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Pour into containers, cover with plastic lids, and let stand in the room for 24 hours. As soon as the fermentation process begins, you can lower the workpiece into the cellar. After just a month and a half, the vegetables will be ready.

Be sure to prepare and. You definitely haven't tried anything better!

Recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars

You will need:

Bitter pepper
- salt – 5 tablespoons
- garlic head
- sugar – 10 tablespoons
- tomatoes – 2 kg
- a bunch of fresh dill

How to cook:

For uniform pickling, select fruits of the same size and variety. After preparing all the necessary products, they need to be washed and dried. Place garlic, pepper, cut lengthwise, and dill at the bottom of sterile containers. Cut the tomatoes lengthwise into 2 parts and fill the jars. Place greens and garlic on top. Prepare the brine: boil five liters of water, add salt and granulated sugar, wait 5 minutes, pour in the hot filling, cover with lids, let the brine stand for a day at a temperature of 20 degrees. Move the seams to the cellar or to the refrigerator shelf.

Recipes for pickling tomatoes in jars

"Bachelor's Tomatoes"

You will need:

Small tomatoes – 2.6 kg
- a tablespoon of sugar
- peppercorns
- garlic
- horseradish
- dill sprigs
- laurel leaf

Cooking steps:

Wash the containers thoroughly and steam for a few minutes. Take the tomatoes and punch 3 large holes in the “tail” area. It is better to do this with a knife. Place in a jar in layers, season each layer with spices and seasonings. One of the most important components of the workpiece is brine. It is prepared extremely simply: pour sugar into jars, sprinkle with salt, pour in filtered cool water, and cover with plastic lids. Move the container for 10 days to a room where the temperature reaches no more than 18 degrees. This time will be enough for the fermentation process to begin. But the entire salting will take three weeks. All this time, the snack can be stored under plastic covers.

Pickling tomatoes in liter jars


Sweet pepper
- carrot
- table salt – 6 large spoons
- black peppercorns - six pieces
- two aspirin tablets
- citric acid
- onion head

Cooking steps:

Chop the peeled carrots into slices into the treated container. Cut the peppers into strips, chop the onion. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and put them in jars. Boil water, pour vegetables up to the neck. Cover with lids and let stand for about 20 minutes. Once this time has passed, pour the liquid from the container into the pan. Throw out the aspirin tablets, add some lemon. Pour boiled brine over the fruits and roll up. Leave in an inverted position for 7 hours.

Required components:

Garlic clove – 4 pcs.
- a handful of dill seeds
- laurel leaf – 3 pcs.
- salt
- sugar
- identical medium-sized tomatoes – 10 pcs.
- cloves, sweet peas - 6 pieces each
- water

How to cook:

We will prepare vegetables in two-liter containers. Rinse the vegetables with a sponge under running water, thoroughly removing dust and dirt from them. Place a saucepan filled with water and steam the container. Peel the head of garlic and divide into individual cloves. Place garlic and spices on the very bottom, and fill with vegetables on top. Cover the first vegetable layer with dill seeds, and then lay out the next layer of vegetables. Pour boiling water directly from the pan, leave to steep and place back on the stove. Pour 3 tbsp into the water. spoons of granulated sugar and 2 spoons of salt. If the tomatoes are sour, you can increase the amount of sugar.

Immediately after the brine boils, pour it into the container with vegetables a second time. It is necessary to fill up to the very neck. At the very end, pour in a couple of small spoons of acetic acid. Cover the containers with treated metal lids and screw them on.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter in liter jars.

You will need:

- cream tomatoes - 1.6 kg
- garlic cloves – 4 pcs.
- cloves, dill umbrellas - 2 pieces each
- liter of water
- citric acid
- cherry and currant leaves - 4 pieces each
- celery, tarragon - ½ stalk each
- hot peppers
- black peppercorns – 10 pieces
- coarse salt - large spoon
- laurel leaf – 3 pieces
- sugar - a couple of spoons (tablespoons)
- oak leaf – 4 pieces

How to cook:

Let the filling cook. 10 minutes will be enough for it to be ready. Fill the container with ingredients in the following sequence: garlic cloves - peppercorns - tarragon - carrots - dill umbrellas - black peppercorns - cloves - currant leaves - cherry and oak leaves - tomatoes. Sterilize the filled jars (there is no need to add brine at this time). Sterilization takes place in the usual way. Pour boiling filling, add citric acid, seal the jars.

Prepare also.

Cold way.


Tomatoes – 1.7 kg
- table vinegar - a third of a glass
- purified drinking water – approximately 1.5 liters
- sugar, coarse salt - a tablespoon
- a sprig of celery
- aspirin tablet, bay leaf - 3 pieces each
- any spices
- black peppercorns – ten pieces

Cooking features:

Make a cold brine. Stir and let it brew. At this time, prepare the container for seaming. Fill it with all the ingredients in the following sequence: bay leaf - allspice - garlic cloves - celery sprig - dill umbrellas - tomatoes - again garlic cloves - celery and dill. Pour in the brine, throw in the aspirin tablets, and cover with a plastic lid. Place the seam in the cellar or put it in the refrigerator.

Dry method.

You will need:

Fruit leaves – 30 pieces
- coarse salt – 195 g
- tomatoes – 3 kilograms

Cooking steps:

Prick each tomato in the area of ​​the stalk, cut off the bottoms (be sure to wash the fruits in advance). Place the tomatoes in rows (stems up), pour salt into each cut. Cover the fruits with fruit leaves. Repeat layers. Place the fruit leaves last and transfer the snack to a cool place for several days.

Recipe for pickling green tomatoes in a jar.

Wash the unripe fruits thoroughly and place them in jars, layering them with black currant leaves. Prepare a brine from 40 g of sugar and 35 g of coarse salt. Add a few mashed allspice peas and bay leaves, boil it, after cooling, add 10 g of dry mustard, stir and leave to settle. Place a pressure on top and put it in any cool room. Pickling green tomatoes in jars for the winter is ready!

Pickling green tomatoes in jars.


Sugar - four tablespoons
- coarse salt – 2 cups
- black currant leaves - a handful
- vinegar essence – 2 tablespoons
- ground red pepper - a small spoon
- purified water – 10 liters

Cooking steps:

Make the brine: mix water with salt, sugar, red pepper and currant leaf, let the mixture boil. Boil it for exactly 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Immediately after the boil begins, add vinegar essence. Select clean jars and place dill seeds, mustard seeds, horseradish leaves and any spices you wish on the bottom. However, it is not recommended to add a lot of seasonings, as they can overwhelm the taste of the vegetables themselves. Pour cold brine over the vegetables, cover with metal lids, and place in the cold.

Tomatoes salted with cherry plum.

Required Products:

Sugar – 30 g
- salt – 20 g
- tomatoes, garlic – 100 g each
- cherry plum – 400 g
- dill

Cooking steps:

Fill the containers with cherry plum fruits, place small tomatoes, garlic cloves and dill sprigs between them. Pour cherry plum juice diluted with salt and sugar on top. Seal the jars and transfer to a cool, dark place.

Recipe with tomato juice.

You will need:

Mustard powder - small spoon
- 10 liters of tomato juice
- tomatoes – 10 kg
- salt – 320 g
- black currant leaves – 95 pcs.

Cooking features:

Tomato juice can be prepared from crushed and non-standard fruits. Line the bottom of the container with blackcurrant leaves, then lay the tomatoes, sprinkle them with mustard, and cover with another layer of blackcurrant leaves. Pour in tomato juice.

Try these variations too:

First option.

Wash and dry strong tomatoes (with stalks), literally put them in boiling water for a moment, lay them in rows, sprinkle with spices, pour in pickle made from (20 g of sugar, a liter of water and 65 g of salt). Sprinkle with dill and horseradish leaves, cover with a wooden circle and a small weight. The fruits retain their shape perfectly.

Option two.

Place red tomatoes in large glass jars, the bottom of which should be lined with spicy herbs and chopped blackcurrant leaves. Sprinkle with spices. Cover the containers with parchment paper and metal lids and place them in a dark place for a while. After soaking, pour in the pickle and store the workpiece in a room with a temperature of about 2-3 degrees.

In Russia they like to grow green and red tomatoes. On almost every personal plot there is a greenhouse built where they will sing in. There are many varieties of tomatoes, different in size, shape and ripening time. To preserve the harvest and enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetables in winter, there are many recipes for how to pickle tomatoes correctly, which have come down to us from our great-grandmothers. How to properly pickle tomatoes at home?

To properly and tasty pickle green or sweet tomatoes, choose only the strongest and ripest specimens. The tomatoes are washed well and placed in a container prepared for pickling. The tomatoes are stacked in such a way that all kinds of spices are located between the layers. To ensure that as many vegetables as possible fit into one container, the tomatoes are lightly crushed and the container is shaken. After laying, the tomatoes are poured with brine, covered with a plate and a weight is placed on top. After 1-1.5 months, salted tomatoes can be eaten. Enameled dishes - pots or buckets - are used as containers for pickling tomatoes.

12 recipes for pickling tomatoes

Let's move on to recipes on how to properly pickle red and green tomatoes in a jar and barrel for the winter. Sweet, spicy and salty recipes await you, for every taste!

With bell pepper

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Garlic – 30 grams
  • Bell pepper – 7 – 8 pieces

The classic way to pickle red tomatoes

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 100 grams
  • Bay leaf – 10 -12 medium leaves
  • Allspice – 35 - 40 peas

How to pickle tomatoes with garlic and horseradish

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Garlic – 6-7 small heads
  • Horseradish – 1 medium root
  • Tarragon – 3 stalks
  • Hot pepper – 1 medium pod
  • Water: 8 liters, salt 400 grams

Tomatoes with added cinnamon

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Cinnamon – 1.5 teaspoon
  • Bay leaf – 23 - 25 medium leaves
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 500 grams

Tomatoes with blackcurrant leaf

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Black currant leaves – 45-50 pieces
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Horseradish – 1 medium root
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 500 grams

Salting tomatoes in a barrel with a cherry leaf

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Cherry leaves – 45-50 pieces
  • Dill – 100 grams
  • Horseradish - 1 large root
  • Bell pepper – 3 - 4 pieces
  • Hot pepper – 2 medium pods
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 400 grams

Tomatoes with nut leaf and mustard

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Walnut leaf – 20-25 pieces
  • Mustard (powder) – 4 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf – 30 medium leaves
  • Sugar – 150 grams
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 400 grams

Close up of sweet tomatoes

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Sugar – 3 kilograms
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Black currant leaves – 170-190 pieces
  • Cinnamon – 5 grams

How to pickle green tomatoes for the winter with currants

  • Green tomatoes - 10 kilograms
  • Sugar – 200 grams
  • Dill – 400 grams
  • Black currant leaves – 70-90 leaves
  • Water: 5 liters, salt: 250 grams

An old recipe for cold pickling tomatoes

No matter how interesting new recipes are, any ancient method of preparing a particular dish always arouses interest: how did our ancestors make do with improvised means and natural products? Here is an example of an old recipe for cold pickling tomatoes.


  • water – 10 l;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • coarse table salt – 2 tbsp.;
  • ground red pepper – 1 tsp;
  • black currant leaves - a handful;
  • vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. l.


First we prepare the brine. To do this, mix water with salt, sugar, currant leaf and red pepper and let the brine boil. Boil it for about 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool. When the brine has cooled, add vinegar essence to it. Of course, our ancestors did without vinegar essence, but its use significantly speeds up the pickling process, and such tomatoes are stored for a long time and without problems.

Now we take clean jars, put horseradish leaves, dill seeds, mustard seeds or any other spices at our discretion on the bottoms. However, keep in mind that too much spice can ruin the taste of the finished product. Therefore, try to do without excesses. Fill the tomatoes with cold brine, close with metal lids and put in the cold. All! Tomatoes preserved in this way can be stored for 2-3 years.

Salting tomatoes for the winter, in a jar

Modern housewives prefer to pickle tomatoes in glass jars. They are more convenient to store, and the tomatoes do not crush under the weight of the load. They are first thoroughly washed with boiling water or hot steam. Ripe, strong tomatoes are placed in jars, spices and brine are added. The jars are rolled up with previously washed lids. The preparations are stored in a cool place. After a month, tomatoes can be eaten. And since you can pickle green and red tomatoes in a jar for the winter, here are the recipes:

For pickling in a liter jar

  • Tomatoes – 10-15 pieces (depending on size)
  • Allspice – 7-10 peas
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 leaves
  • Water: 1 liter, salt: 2 tbsp. spoons

Tomatoes in tomato juice

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Tomato juice – 10 kilograms
  • Salt – 300 grams
  • Black currant leaf – 90-100 pieces
  • Mustard (powder) – 1 teaspoon

This tomato recipe uses tomato juice made from irregular and crushed tomatoes. The bottom of the pan or bucket must be lined with blackcurrant leaves. Next, lay the tomatoes sprinkled with mustard. On top everything is covered with another layer of blackcurrant leaves. Tomatoes are filled with tomato juice. This tomato pickling recipe produces juicy and very tasty home-cooked tomatoes.

This is how you can easily and quickly pickle red and green tomatoes for the winter with your own hands, without much effort. Bon appetit!

Salted tomatoes are one of the most famous dishes of Russian cuisine. There is hardly a person who has never tried salted tomatoes with fried potatoes. Traditionally, we use tomatoes as a snack, and use the brine the morning after a good feast. The expression “craved salty” is known to everyone, and if you are one of the lucky pickle lovers, then stock up on our recipes and enjoy the results of pickling in winter.

Salted tomatoes

10 kg tomatoes,
100-200 grams of dill,
50 grams of horseradish root,
100 grams of horseradish leaves,
20-30 grams of garlic,
10-15 grams of red hot pepper,
10 liters of water,
500-700 grams of salt.

Rinse all greens and tomatoes thoroughly in running water. Place half of the dill, pepper, garlic, currant leaves, horseradish leaves and root on the bottom of the jars. Fill the jars with tomatoes and add the remaining greens. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 500-700 grams of salt. Fill the jars with cold brine so that the tomatoes are completely covered. Cover the jars with lids and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days, then put them in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice

10 kg tomatoes,
150-200 grams of dill,
50 grams of horseradish root,
100 grams of black currant leaves,
100 grams of horseradish leaves,
10-15 grams of dried red pepper pods,
20-30 grams of garlic,
10 liters crushed tomatoes,
500-700 grams of salt.

Pass thoroughly washed tomatoes through a meat grinder and season the resulting mass with salt. Place half of the greens in jars, then place the tomatoes and remaining greens on top. Pour the resulting tomato mixture over the tomatoes, cover the jars with lids and leave at room temperature for several days, then put them in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes in Georgian style

10 kg green tomatoes,
1-1.5 kg celery greens,
0.5-1 kg of garlic,
50-100 grams of fresh red hot pepper pods,
0.5-1 kg parsley,
5-6 bay leaves,
10 liters of water,
600-700 grams of salt,
mustard powder.

Finely chop the greens, red pepper and garlic, mix them. Wash medium-sized green tomatoes and cut them from the side to the middle. Fill the tomatoes with chopped herbs and place tightly in a wide-necked bowl. Arrange each layer of tomatoes with herbs, seasonings and bay leaves. Fill the tomatoes with cold brine prepared from 10 liters of water and 600-700 grams of salt, cover with a flat plate and place a weight. To prevent mold from forming, sprinkle the surface of the brine with mustard powder.

Salted Siberian tomatoes with horseradish

8-10 kg of tomatoes,
3 heads of garlic,
3-4 horseradish roots,
black currant leaves,
sprigs of dill,
allspice peas,
10 liters of water,
600-800 grams of salt.

Wash and dry the tomatoes. Break the garlic into cloves and peel it. Peel the horseradish root and cut it into pieces. Wash currant leaves and dill sprigs and let the water drain. Sterilize the jars. Place blackcurrant leaves, dill sprigs, allspice, a few cloves of garlic and 3 pieces of horseradish on the bottom of each jar. Fill the jars with tomatoes and place the greens on top, just like on the bottom. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of boiling water and 600-800 grams of salt. Let the brine cool slightly and pour it over the tomatoes. Close the jars with tight lids, refrigerate in a cool place and remove for storage after a couple of days.

Salted tomatoes with vegetables in Bulgarian style

2 kg green tomatoes,
2 kg white cabbage,
3 kg sweet pepper,
2 kg carrots,
500 grams of parsley, celery and dill,
10 liters of water,
600 grams of salt.

Wash the green tomatoes and dry them. Wash the sweet peppers and prick them at the base with a fork several times. Wash and thoroughly peel the carrots. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves and cut into 4-8 pieces. Wash the greens and let the water drain. Place greens on the bottom of a wide-necked dish and layer the prepared vegetables on top. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 600 grams of salt. Pour cold brine over the tomatoes, cover with a plate and place the weight. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 2-3 days, then transfer to a cool place for storage. Vegetables will be ready to eat in 20 days.

Salted tomatoes with mustard

8-10 kg of tomatoes,
10 liters of water,
300 grams of salt,
50 grams of mustard,
30 grams of garlic,
200 grams of dill,
30 grams of horseradish,
25 g tarragon,
100 grams of cherry leaves,
100 grams of black currant leaves,
20 black peppercorns.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly. Place the spices in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with dry mustard powder. Pack the tomatoes tightly, topping with dill, garlic, horseradish, pepper, blackcurrant leaves, cherries and tarragon. Cover the tomatoes with cherry and blackcurrant leaves on top and cover with a linen napkin. Fill with brine prepared from 10 liters of water and 300 grams of salt. Place a wooden circle on top and place a weight on it. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 6-7 days, then place them in the refrigerator. You will be able to try tomatoes in 30-40 days.

Salted tomatoes with squash

2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg squash,
3 bay leaves,
a bunch of celery greens,
a bunch of cilantro,
5 cloves of garlic,
10 black peppercorns,
3 peas of allspice,
100 g coarse salt.

Wash the tomatoes, squash and herbs thoroughly. Cut the squash into slices and finely chop the greens. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add salt and black peppercorns and allspice. Place garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves and herbs at the bottom of a sterilized jar. Then add the tomatoes and squash. Fill everything with the prepared brine. Place a weight on top and leave at room temperature for 6-7 days. After this period, transfer the squash and tomatoes into sterilized jars of smaller volume and close them with sterilized lids.

Various salted tomatoes

6 kg tomatoes,
1-2 heads of garlic,
2-3 pods of hot pepper,
4-5 dill umbrellas with stems,
4-5 horseradish leaves,
3-4 bay leaves,
8-10 currant leaves,
8-10 cherry leaves,
8-10 oak leaves,
2 tbsp. dry mustard,
1/2 glass of vodka,
allspice peas,
black peppercorns,
5 liters of water,
1.5 tbsp coarse salt,
1 tbsp sugar.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and sort them by ripeness. You don’t have to peel the garlic, just take the head apart clove by clove. Place half the spices, garlic and oak leaves, cherries and currants on the bottom of a 10-liter saucepan. Place the tomatoes tightly, stem side down. First lay out the green ones, then the pink ones, and the red ones on top. Red tomatoes should be firm. Place the rest of the herbs, spices and garlic on top. Bring 5 liters of water to a boil, add sugar and salt, then cool to 55-60°C. Pour brine over the tomatoes so that it lightly covers the top layer. Place a large plate and a 1 kg weight on top. Cover the pan with film and leave at room temperature for 3 days. To prevent tomatoes from turning sour and moldy, dilute mustard powder in vodka and pour into the brine. After 3 days, the tomatoes can be transferred to jars, filled with brine and stored in a cool place.

Salted tomatoes with carrots

10 kg tomatoes,
1 kg grated carrots,
4 pods of hot pepper,
3 heads of garlic,
5-6 bay leaves,
10 liters of water,
500 grams of salt.

Wash ripe tomatoes and herbs well. Peel the garlic and separate it into cloves. Without tearing off the stalks, place the tomatoes in jars, layering with grated carrots, pepper, dill, garlic and bay leaf. Prepare a brine from 10 liters of water and 500 grams of salt. Pour brine over the tomatoes and leave in a cool place. The tomatoes will be ready in 12-15 days.

Spicy tomatoes, dry pickled

10 kg tomatoes,
1 kg of spicy fresh herbs (tarragon, parsley, celery, basil, dill),
200 grams of black currant leaves,
200 grams of cherry leaves,
300 grams of salt.

Wash the red firm tomatoes and prick each fruit with a fork from the stem side. Wash the greens thoroughly and let the water drain. Place a layer of washed blackcurrant and cherry leaves on the bottom of pre-sterilized jars, then place the tomatoes tightly, sprinkling with salt and spices. Cover the filled jars with a clean cloth, place blackcurrant and cherry leaves on top, place a weight and place the jars in a cool place.

Of course, you can buy salted tomatoes at any time of the year, and you don’t have to waste time on salting them, but the pleasure you get from eating homemade tomatoes cannot be compared with eating store-bought ones. Cook according to our recipes, enjoy the pleasant sour-salty taste of tomatoes, and let every dish you prepare become a table decoration. Enjoy your meal!