How to make baked goat milk. How to make baked milk at home

In the kitchen, baked milk is used in the same way as fresh milk, so it is very tasty and easy to introduce it into your daily diet and thus significantly improve your health.

The big plus of baked milk is that you can make it yourself.

What are the benefits of baked milk?

Baked milk is otherwise called stewed, which reveals the essence of its preparation - long-term simmering at a moderate temperature, as a result of which simple fresh milk turns into a very special product.

Baked milk has a light beige color and a characteristic creamy taste; its consistency can be drinkable like fresh milk, or it can be thick, like liquid cream (if it has a high fat content or is baked cream).

The benefits of baked milk are created by more than 100 components - amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fats, mono- and disaccharides. And in many ways, the positive effect of baked milk is similar to what fresh milk has on the human body.

But, if you compare them in detail, you can find both pros and cons:

Baked milk is easier to digest than raw milk, in particular, due to the reduction in the size of fatty molecules during heat treatment;

When simmering, excess liquid evaporates from milk, which increases the concentration of nutrients, in particular, the content of iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E and D increases;

After heat treatment, the content of vitamin B1 in the drink decreases by half and vitamin C by four times;

Baked milk differs from the original product in its higher energy value (on average 75 kcal per 100 g) and fat content, which imposes restrictions on its use for those who want to lose weight.

It can be found on the dietary table for various diseases, for example, diabetes.

And athletes and fans of an active lifestyle will love it due to its easily digestible protein, which helps build and rejuvenate muscle mass at the cellular level.

The features of the vitamin and mineral composition of baked milk also deserve attention:

Iron - normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, relieves migraines and dizziness that accompany physical and psycho-emotional stress;

Sodium - supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, improves the condition of joints and water-salt balance;

Phosphorus - necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of hormones and DNA;

Magnesium - supports the health of the cardiovascular system, including strengthening the heart muscle, normalizing blood pressure;

Retinol (A) - improves appetite, prevents diseases of the respiratory system;

Tocopherol (E) - acts as an antioxidant, cleanses the liver of toxic substances, prevents premature aging;

Calciferol (D) - ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, protects against harmful sun radiation, regulates insulin production and blood sugar levels.

Baked milk is extremely beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract - it relieves inflammation, prevents the development of gastritis and ulcers, treats heartburn and speeds up digestion.

Also, regular consumption of baked milk contributes to:

Reducing the strength and frequency of allergic reactions;

Prevention of visual impairment, including as a result of overstrain of the optic nerve;

Normal functioning of the thyroid gland;

Reducing the risk of thrombosis;

Normalization of hormonal levels;

Improving complexion.

How to get baked milk at home with benefits and wonderful taste

Unfortunately, today it is practically impossible to prepare baked milk the way it was done centuries ago, that is, in a real ancient oven.

But you can also get an excellent dairy delicacy in your home kitchen.

To prepare the drink you will need whole milk, usually cow's milk, but goat's milk is also a good choice.

It is better to take what is fattier and, of course, the freshest.

Baked milk in the oven is very tasty and with characteristic foam (it is recommended to use ceramic pots for it), but you can also cook it on the stove and even in a slow cooker.

The essence of preparing the drink is that it is first heated almost to a boil (85-99 degrees), and then, slightly lowering the temperature, it is left to simmer in a sealed container for 3-10 hours. You can keep it this way, for example, in a thermos, but in the oven a lid is not necessary - it is replaced by thick foam. Ready milk, cooled to 40 degrees, can be poured into containers for further storage in the refrigerator (48-72 hours).

To prepare baked fermented milk, repeat all the above steps, and when the drink has cooled to the required 40 degrees, add a little sour cream to it, cover the dish with a towel and put it in a warm place for 4-6 hours - by this time it should sour deliciously.

The caramel color and taste of milk is given by melanoidin compounds, which arise during simmering at high temperatures from the synthesis of milk sugar and protein amino acids.

Baked milk is delicious to drink warm or chilled, you can pour it over dry breakfast, cook porridge or make dough with it, add it to coffee, desserts, jelly and marinades for poultry are made from it, and you can also make Varenets, Ryazhenka and even cheese.

In what other cases will baked milk be beneficial?

Baked milk is very useful during pregnancy, when the body actively transfers a significant amount of beneficial substances it synthesizes to the child and the lack of calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the formation and maintenance of the health of the skeletal system (including teeth) of the mother and child, often comes to the fore. And it is important to note that these minerals are absorbed better from baked milk than from fresh milk. It is recommended to include stewed milk in your baby’s first meal before fresh milk.

Baked milk is useful to drink during a flu epidemic to increase immunity, as well as in autumn and spring to reduce the manifestations of seasonal vitamin deficiency, and if a full diet and vitamins are used against it, for better absorption of nutrients.

A glass of warm baked milk at night promotes healthy, sound sleep; the drink soothes and helps you think clearly during stress, and banishes the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Is there any harm in baked milk?

Few products are distinguished by such a combination of beneficial properties and harmlessness as baked milk, and with many strict diets you can drink baked milk without harm.

In fact, the main contraindication to its use can be called an allergy to lactose, but sometimes, if the reactions to raw milk are not very pronounced, in principle, there is no harm from baked milk.

Due to the increased content of saturated fats, baked milk is classified as a product that can increase the level of “bad” cholesterol, so it is likely that baked milk will cause some harm in case of atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders and after a stroke.

Baked milk is an original Russian product. Traditional baked milk is prepared only in a Russian oven - this is where ideal conditions are created for obtaining this drink. However, in the modern world it is impossible to find a real Russian oven in the city. But this does not mean that you cannot prepare and taste baked milk. In changing historical conditions, recipes for making baked milk have also changed. In this article we will tell you how to make baked milk at home.

Today we will look at how to make baked milk in the two most common ways. This is cooking in the oven and in a slow cooker.

How to make baked milk in the oven?

It is necessary to pour all the milk (about 3 liters) into one pan and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove the resulting milk film after boiling and pour the hot milk into clay pots.

Clay dishes are ideal for preparing baked milk in the oven. It allows it to heat up evenly and does not emit any harmful substances (like plastic dishes, for example). Standard baking pots have a capacity of 500 ml, so 3 liters of milk will easily fit into 6 pots. If you do not have that many clay pots, you can use any other containers for baking in the oven. In this case, you need to recalculate the amount of milk you will use.

We recommend using clay containers because ceramics allow the milk to heat evenly and, if the temperature is maintained, does not allow the milk to burn. Milk boils at a temperature of 100 degrees, so it is important to maintain a temperature in the oven of 80-90 degrees, then the milk will not run away and burn, and your oven and dishes will remain clean.

According to the recipe for making baked milk, it should simmer in the oven for several hours. When cooked for 2-3 hours, the milk acquires a delicate creamy hue and a pleasant caramel aroma. The longer the milk is heated in the oven, the more saturated its color and aroma become. The recipe for baked milk in the oven does not involve leaving the milk to simmer for more than 8 hours. Because after this time, most of the beneficial substances are destroyed.

Preparing baked milk in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an alternative to the oven. In the modern world, when the pace of life is ever faster, and there is no time to spend a lot of time on cooking, multicookers have become a real salvation for housewives, as they allow you to prepare the most complex dishes and save a lot of time. Baked milk can be prepared in a slow cooker, and its recipe is not at all complicated. To do this, you need to select the optimal amount of milk and select the stewing mode. After 4-6 hours the milk will be ready. When using a multicooker, you don't have to watch the milk all the time, so you can devote time to other things. How As a rule, after 4-5 hours, milk baked at a temperature of 80-90 degrees acquires a soft caramel color and aroma, which makes it a tasty and healthy delicacy.

There is an opinion that when milk simmers, most of the beneficial substances are destroyed, so baked milk is completely unhealthy. This is only partly true - indeed, baked milk contains little vitamin C compared to whole milk. On the other hand, the heating process makes the milk fatter due to the evaporation of some moisture. Baked milk also has a higher content of vitamin A, calcium and iron. It is recommended by doctors for dietary nutrition for digestive problems, because it is absorbed better than whole cow's milk.

In addition, heating milk kills all unwanted bacteria, so it can be safely given to children. And it is for this same reason that it stays fresh longer and does not sour.

At home, in addition to baked milk, you can prepare it, or, be sure to try it.

Today everything is about the beneficial properties of baked milk and recipes for cooking in the oven or slow cooker. Among the huge number of food products, there is a product that I especially have a passion for. Many of our regular readers probably realized this - too many recipes involve stewed milk. Its taste takes me back to childhood, and the memories are the most pleasant!

There is no such product in any country, it exists only here, in Russia, and we share with you our homemade recipes for its preparation. Just like our grandmothers used to do, who made stewed milk in Russian stoves. We, who have joined civilization, now prepare it in ovens, multicookers, pressure cookers, and thermoses.

In other foreign languages, there are not even words meaning a rendered product. In England there is a "baked" but it is a completely different dish.
In the old days, milk was simmered in clay pots, they stood in a Russian oven for a whole day, the result was a dish of amazing taste! As a result of extremely long and slow simmering, a crust formed and the color of the milk became delicately creamy and caramel.

The benefits of this wonderful product do not depend at all on the method of preparation. Nowadays, there are many recipes that satisfy home cooking conditions.

How to make baked milk at home

Want some advice? If you don’t want to part with your loved one, drink a melted drink with him, prepare it yourself, adding a drop of fresh honey and ripe pomegranate seeds - this is an ancient belief, and it works, I guarantee!

Recipe in a saucepan on a gas stove

Pour fresh milk into a saucepan and place on the stove. When the milk begins to rise, reduce the heat to low and simmer for several hours, covered with a lid.
Skim off the foam periodically. The drink is considered ready when it becomes creamy.

How to heat milk in the oven

The closest thing to cooking in the old days, although more labor-intensive. You can make it in a clay pot - the most ideal option. If you don’t have it, don’t be discouraged - any cookware with thick walls will work perfectly: portion pots, cast iron, cauldron, cauldron.

  1. Pour the milk into a clay pot and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. When the milk boils, reduce the temperature to 80 degrees (look at the situation, you can raise it to 100 degrees, the main thing is that it does not boil over).
  2. After about an hour, a golden crust will appear on the surface; lower the temperature – 70–80 degrees. Leave the milk to simmer for 7 hours.
  3. Be sure to observe the behavior of the milk. If the crust begins to swell and tend to jump off the edges of the pan, reduce the temperature slightly. At the right temperature, the milk breathes, the crust rises and falls evenly.
  4. The crust will be crispy if you do not cover the pot with a lid during simmering. If you want a soft crust on top, cover it.

Recipe for milk in a thermos

Boil the milk and pour it into a thermos (warm it with hot water first). Screw on the lid and leave the milk for at least 6-7 hours - the longer the better.

Milk in a pressure cooker

A suitable recipe, especially for lovers of milk with foam. Boil the milk in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes and leave until cool, but do not open the lid.

Baked milk in a slow cooker

Absolutely no hassle recipe for homemade milk.

  • Pour the milk into the multicooker, first set the “Stew” or “Milk porridge” mode, depending on the model, for 15 minutes. When the milk boils, the multicooker will switch to the “Warming” mode. Simmer the milk for 10–12 hours, no less.
  • To prevent the milk from boiling over, do not fill the multicooker container to the top, leave some space. There is a trick: take a piece of butter and draw a line with it above the milk line, then it will not boil away, with a guarantee - tested.

Useful properties of baked milk

Homemade baked drink is useful because all the benefits of regular milk are concentrated in larger quantities. Lots of fats, proteins, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, and in terms of calcium content, the product is generally a champion.
For people who cannot tolerate fresh milk, melted milk is the solution; it is digested without causing trouble.

What they sell in the store is far from perfect. The composition contains preservatives, and the taste is disappointing, it only vaguely resembles the real thing, homemade. I hope I have convinced you that it is worth trying to prepare a healthy product yourself. All that remains is to teach how to do it.

So... grandma's recipes in a modern kitchen... but I want to warn you right away, we will use natural cow milk, store-bought milk - pasteurized is not suitable.

You can get acquainted with a wonderful recipe for baked milk prepared at home by cooking it in a slow cooker - watch the video, the recipe is easy! I wish you good health, come visit more often. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Baked milk is an unusual product; it is widely used in the cuisine of Slavic peoples, but is almost unknown outside its borders. Its main advantage is its ability to withstand long shelf life in a dark, cool place without loss of taste. At the same time, its beneficial qualities for human nutrition are now being questioned.

Partial evaporation of moisture during the preparation of the product helps to increase the concentration of some beneficial substances in the composition compared to regular milk. This property makes it indispensable in the diet of women carrying a baby, as it helps solve the problem of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, preserve their teeth, skeleton and hair, and also prevent the development of rickets in the child.

Baked milk helps preserve vision, maintains the immune system in a state of “combat readiness,” and harmonizes the functioning of the endocrine glands. It improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps its restoration, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and relieves headaches.

Children love this drink for its unusual, pleasant taste; it can be taken with honey or poured into tea. The product can be added little by little to the diet of a one-year-old baby, but it should not completely replace regular milk. Curdled milk made from baked milk is sweeter and denser, so it can serve as an excellent addition to breakfast or dessert.

For older people and those struggling with excess weight, it is preferable to choose a drink with a reduced fat content or prepare it yourself from a low-fat product. Natural fresh milk from a private farmstead just needs to sit for several hours in a container with a wide neck, after which you can easily remove the top layer - the cream - with a spoon.

A higher digestibility of baked milk has been noted compared to pasteurized and raw milk; in some cases, it is processed by the human body even better than curdled milk and kefir. This quality allows us to recommend it for use by people suffering from diabetes, allergies, and chronic intestinal pathologies.

Warning: You cannot independently decide to include baked milk in the diet of people with the listed diseases; this requires consultation with your doctor.

The benefits of baked milk for cosmetic use

Baked milk is widely in demand in cosmetology and medicine. Face masks based on it can make the skin soft and elastic, relieve irritation and cure inflammation. Wiping your face with a cotton swab dipped in a warm drink can replace the use of a nourishing cream.

The product is also useful for hair care. For oily hair types, a homemade mask based on baked milk and chicken eggs is especially good. To prepare it, you need to warm the drink slightly, beat the yolk and white into it one by one, and add a drop of oil. To get excellent results, just apply the mask to your hair and scalp for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Preparing the drink

Industrial baked milk is prepared from pre-pasteurized and normalized milk. It is kept at high temperature (about 90°C) for 3 hours, stirring constantly, after which it is allowed to cool to 40°C and refrigerated.

In the old days, this unique product was made in a Russian oven, keeping raw whole milk in its heat for 24 hours in clay pots. In a modern apartment, it is also easy to prepare.

The basic rule is long-term, uniform heating of milk in a closed container. In the process, milk sugar enters into a chemical reaction with amino acids, the results of which give the product a creamy color, a special smell and caramel taste.

To prepare baked milk, it is better to take a stainless steel pan with a thick bottom. The milk must be brought to a boil and, as soon as the foam begins to rise, reduce the heating power to a minimum. It should simmer on the stove for several hours, and it needs to be stirred periodically to prevent burning and skim off the foam.

When the product acquires a creamy color and a specific smell, it will mean that the process is completed and the stove can be turned off. There are other ways to easily make baked milk.

Recipe for making baked milk in a thermos

Wash the thermos well, rinse with boiling water, and pour freshly boiled milk into it. Seal tightly and leave it for 8-12 hours, after which the product will be ready.

Recipe for making baked milk in a slow cooker

Pour the milk into the multicooker container, select the “Stew” mode for 6 hours, after the end of the program, set the “Heating” option for another 2-4 hours. The device allows you to get a product as if from a Russian oven, without requiring stirring or skimming during the cooking process.

Recipe for making baked milk in the oven

Preheat the oven to 180°C, place clay pots with fresh milk in it. Wait for it to boil, reduce the temperature to 80-100°C, leave for an hour until golden brown foam appears. Reduce power to 70°C and simmer the product until fully cooked for about 7 hours. To get a crispy crust, you can leave the dishes open; in closed pots the foam will remain soft.

Contraindications to drinking baked milk

The list of contraindications for including baked milk in the diet is similar to that for regular milk:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergy to milk components, especially casein;
  • individual intolerance to dairy products;
  • disturbance of galactose metabolism.

Baked milk can also be harmful to the health of people who are obese, including for hormonal reasons.

Video: “Live Healthy!” Program: all about baked milk in the “About Food” section

Composition of the product

Due to the specific method of preparation, baked milk has many differences in its composition from regular milk. The amount of fat in it is increased (6%), it also contains more calcium, iron and vitamins A, E. Ascorbic acid and thiamine are destroyed almost completely during prolonged heat treatment.

The calorie content of the product is at least 32 kcal for its low-fat variety and reaches 67 kcal for milk with 4% fat.

Nutritional value of baked milk with 4% fat (per 100 g of product)

Step-by-step preparation of baked milk on the stove at home, recipe with photo:

1. Pour fresh milk, preferably homemade, into a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls.

2. Place the pan on the stove and heat over medium heat until almost boiling. The pan should be open without a lid.

3. When you see that an airy foam forms on the surface, turn the heat down to minimum.

4. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the milk over low heat for 3-4 hours. Skim off the foam periodically.

5. Ready baked milk on the stove at home will acquire a creamy caramel color and baked taste. Cool it first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.

Baked milk can be consumed on its own or used to prepare various dishes. Pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, pies, buns, etc. are made very tasty with baked milk. There are also delicious recipes for drinks made with baked milk. For example, cocoa, coffee or tea with baked milk.

How to prepare baked milk in other ways

Baked milk in the oven

Simmering milk in the oven is as close as possible to preparing baked milk in the oven. Pour the milk into a clay pot, place in an oven preheated to 180°C and bring to a boil. Reduce the temperature to 100°C and simmer until a golden crust appears on the surface. You can immediately pour pre-boiled milk into the pots on the stove and place it in a preheated oven to 100°C. Depending on the simmering time, the saturation of the product will depend. The most aromatic milk with a dark brown color will be obtained if it is kept in the oven for 6-7 hours, light brown with a delicate caramel taste - 3-4 hours.

Baked milk in a thermos

This is the simplest option for preparing baked milk. But the result gives a lighter shade, while the taste is no less delicious. Bring pasteurized milk to a boil and pour into a thermos heated with boiling water. Seal it tightly and leave for 5-6 hours or overnight.

Baked milk in a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker, use the “Stew” program and cook baked milk for 6 hours, then switch to the “Warming” mode for another couple of hours.

Watch also the video recipe on how to make baked milk.