How to make caramel sugar. Caramel at home - the best recipes

Many adults claim that caramel is a delicacy for children, although they themselves are not averse to occasionally treating themselves to a sweet product.

Despite the fact that today store shelves are bursting with a variety of types and brands of caramel, there are still craftsmen who prepare caramel at home.

Homemade caramel is unique in that it contains a minimum of products, which are also inexpensive and accessible.

In addition, regardless of the fact that the cooking process is not easy, it is quite exciting.

Well, the result of this interesting process will be a delicious delicacy that you definitely cannot buy in a store.

Caramel at home - general principles of preparation

Homemade caramel can vary in taste, shape and texture.

The main ingredient of the product is sugar, and depending on the additional ingredients, the taste of the caramel is regulated.

For example, soft caramel can be made from milk, cream, sour cream with the addition of cocoa, coffee, or chocolate.

It is permissible to add fruit or berry extracts to hard caramel to obtain the appropriate taste and aroma.

The shape of the finished caramel depends on the molds in which the product will be cooled; in the absence of special forms, it is permissible to use any suitable container - small bowls, a base for making ice, and even ordinary spoons.

The texture of the product can be soft, hard, crispy, viscous, liquid - this moment depends on the technology and cooking time.

All sorts of subtleties, interesting recipes, tips and tricks that we tried to collect for you in this article will help you discover the fascinating process of making caramel at home.

Recipe 1. Soft caramel at home

Soft caramel according to this recipe turns out soft and tender, slightly viscous. Thanks to these properties, the delicacy is ideal not only as an independent sweet, but also as an addition to any desserts.


120 grams of sugar;

80 grams of cane sugar;

120 grams of butter;

250 ml cream 20%;

120 ml corn syrup.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two types of sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan.

2. Add butter, cut into cubes, pour in syrup and cream.

3. Place the mixture on low heat.

4. Simmer, stirring constantly, until the sweet mixture warms up to 120 degrees. You can check the temperature of the product with a kitchen thermometer. If you do not have a much-needed appliance in your kitchen, you can check the temperature of the caramel as follows: Take a container of cold water, drop a drop of caramel into it, if you get a hard, round ball, the caramel is ready.

5. Pour the finished product into a mold covered with oiled baking paper and leave for 10-12 hours, covering with a bag or piece of gauze.

6. Remove the frozen soft caramel from the mold and cut into any shapes or simple cubes.

Recipe 2. Milk-coffee caramel at home

Surprisingly delicate caramel with a dense, viscous structure will definitely suit your taste. You can omit the coffee and make regular unflavored milk caramel.


100 grams of granulated sugar;

70 grams of butter;

60 ml 33% cream;

1 tbsp. instant coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Place a cauldron of sugar on low heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve and turn into golden syrup.

2. Add chopped butter, cream and coffee.

3. Cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. The caramel should become a homogeneous mass, a pleasant golden brown color.

4. Pour the caramel into oiled molds and cool. You can pour it into one large mold, then you just need to cut the products into smaller pieces with a sharp knife.

5. We pack each caramel in parchment paper so that the delicacy does not stick together.

Recipe 3. Homemade candy caramel

There probably isn't a person who didn't make lollipops as a child. Why not remember the wonderful time and prepare a sweet treat for yourself and your loved ones.


Granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up.

2. Set the heat to minimum, add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the size of the frying pan: 5-8 spoons are enough for a small (pancake) frying pan, 10-15 spoons can be poured into a large frying pan.

3. Stirring continuously, wait until all sugar grains are completely dissolved. You should get a viscous, light brown syrup.

4. Pour the candy caramel into the prepared oiled molds and wait for the sweetness to cool completely.

5. If you don’t have molds, you can pour the liquid into saucers, spoons and other available utensils.

Recipe 4. Sour cream caramel at home

Soft and delicate caramel based on sugar and sour cream will be an excellent alternative to various sweets that you often eat for breakfast as a basis for sweet sandwiches. Sour cream caramel applied to toasted toast will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.


150 grams of sour cream;

20 ml water;

100 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Heat a small saucepan or frying pan over high heat, add sugar and water. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Boil the syrup, stirring, for two minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

3. Add sour cream to the sugar syrup in small portions and mix thoroughly.

4. Place the frying pan with the sweet mixture on low heat. Without letting the mixture boil, we heat it up.

5. Pour the finished caramel into prepared molds.

6. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Recipe 5. Homemade mint caramel

Delicious, refreshing caramel is prepared quite quickly. The peppermint oil used in the recipe can be purchased at specialty stores. If desired, you can add natural food colors; add them during the cooking process along with vanilla.


Three glasses of sugar;

Glass of water;

10 ml lemon juice;

5-6 drops of concentrated peppermint oil;

Two pinches of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled bowl and add water.

2. Place on low heat, stirring, waiting for the sugar to completely dissolve and a sweet syrup to form.

3. Add vanillin and leave on the stove for another minute.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and pour drops of mint oil and lemon juice into the sweet mass.

5. Mix the caramel mass and pour into greased molds.

6. If desired, insert special skewers, toothpicks or regular matches with the head torn off.

7. Take the finished, cooled caramel out of the molds and wrap it in plastic bags or baking paper.

Recipe 6. Chocolate caramel at home

You and your family will definitely enjoy this delicious chocolate caramel made from natural ingredients.


100 grams of sugar;

50 grams of honey;

80 grams of butter;

100 grams of chocolate;

40 ml milk.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with liquefied honey, milk and butter cut into small pieces.

2. Place the mixture in a frying pan, stirring, and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The mixture should bubble slightly and acquire a soft brown tint.

3. Add melted chocolate, continue to simmer for about 5 minutes, remembering to stir the cooking caramel all the time.

4. Pour the finished product into an oiled mold.

5. Cool, cut into squares or rectangles.

Recipe 7. Caramel for cakes at home

Ideal caramel for soaking sponge and honey cakes. It cooks quickly and turns out delicious. In addition, this caramel can be eaten just like that, its consistency is pleasant, viscous - you will like it.


220 ml 33% cream;

60 grams of butter;

60 ml water;

A pinch of salt;

180 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place a saucepan with water and sugar on low heat.

2. Stirring, wait until the ingredients turn into sugar syrup.

3. Heat, but do not boil, the cream in another pan, pour it in a neat thin stream into the syrup.

4. Add butter and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, remove the caramel from the heat.

5. Pour into oiled molds and cool.

How to make caramel at home - tricks and useful tips

If you dip apples, citrus fruits, nuts or dried fruits into ready-made caramel, be it soft or candy, you will have a wonderful new dish.

Caramel cooks quickly, so prepare all the necessary utensils for the process in advance.

The caramel is ready, try not to leave the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.

Whatever molds you use for caramel, grease them with odorless oil so that the finished product comes out better.

Soak dishes: pots, spoons and others immediately after cooking, otherwise the caramel will set and it will be incredibly difficult to wash it.

So that the finished caramel can be easily cut into squares or any other shape, you need to mark the lines with a knife when the delicacy is still hot. Then all that remains is to break it.

By inserting sticks into the filled molds, you will get caramel on sticks like modern lollipops or ancient cockerels.

People learned to make sticky and sweet caramel mass a long time ago; caramel is the most popular and accessible type of candy today.
Liquid caramel

Lollipops, monpensiers, hard candies with filling - all these are varieties of caramel familiar from childhood. People learned to cook a sweet, sticky mass a long time ago; caramel is the most popular and accessible type of candy today.

Who invented caramel?

It will not be possible to find a single author of this sweet throughout the centuries, since Indian Dalits were the first to think of roasting sugar cane over a fire more than two thousand years ago. Having chopped the cane into porridge, they used fire to turn it into the first caramel. Since that time, the production of delicious sweets has undergone a lot of changes, releasing thousands of types of caramel onto the food market in all countries of the world.

What is caramel

Translated from French, the word caramel means made from sugar cane. Caramel is a hard or plastic mass consisting of maltose, sucrose and glucose, obtained by heating sugar with starch syrup or inert syrup. Typically, a 2:1 ratio of sugar and molasses is used in the production of caramel. Caramel cooked with inert syrup is more hygroscopic and contains more fructose. Freshly made caramel is elastic and can be given any shape.

How to make caramel at home

The simplest caramel can be made from water and sugar. This will require ¾ cup granulated sugar and three tablespoons of water. Pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar and, stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil. As soon as it starts to darken, the caramel is ready. You can’t leave it in the pan: after it cools, it sticks tightly to the walls of the pan. Secrets of making caramel.

Hot liquid caramel is used to decorate cakes, fruits, sweet salads, desserts, ice cream, and is used to make a beautiful lattice. To do this, grease a flat dish or a round glass cup turned upside down, a salad bowl (depending on the desired shape of the lattice), and pour the caramel in a thin stream in the form of threads with a tablespoon, giving it the most unusual shape - lattice, dome, splashes, and so on. As soon as the mixture has cooled, carefully remove it from the dish and decorate the dessert.

How to avoid crystallization

Heat the sugar over low heat, without stirring, until it is completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil only when the sugar has already dissolved, and do not stir after boiling.

You can squeeze a little lemon juice. Or - as stated above - you can apparently add a little vinegar for this, preferably homemade apple cider vinegar, of course.

Dip a pastry brush into hot water and brush the crystals off the sides of the pan until they dissolve into the syrup.

Many products are wrapped in caramel: apples, nuts, citrus fruits, creating a completely new dish. The inventive thought of the German pharmacist Karl Soldan in 1899 helped produce candy caramel with bitter medicinal herbs. His little daughter Lucy became ill and refused to take the tasteless medicine. Then the doctor resorted to a trick, making sweet caramel from the same herbs. This is how the Dr.C.Soldan’s trademark appeared, known throughout the world for its medicinal syrups and caramel with eucalyptus and menthol. Currently, in Germany, the pharmaceutical factory in Adelsdorf produces up to one hundred tons of medicinal caramel.

Candy Recipes

Caramel “Cockerel on a stick” is familiar to most buyers since childhood. The good thing about candy molded caramel is that it doesn’t need any introduction. “Cockerel on a stick” is a brand that has been in demand by Russian children for centuries.

On a note
Traditional recipe for making “Cockerel on a stick”:
– Melt granulated sugar in a saucepan over low heat, add vanilla sugar and cognac. Keep on fire for no more than 1 minute, stirring thoroughly all the time. Remove from heat and add a few drops of lemon juice and mint oil.
– Pour the syrup into small molds and cool.

Recipe 1

100g water + 300g sugar. Bring over low heat until dissolved. Cook for about 10 minutes. But here it is determined experimentally (depending on water and sugar). Under no circumstances should it turn brown. It appears if you overcook and the sugar begins to burn. If you don’t cook it enough, the candy will not harden and will be like toffee. Instead of wooden sticks, you can cut cocktail straws. Grease the mold with vegetable oil before pouring, and be sure to keep it in the cold after pouring. The most difficult thing is to make a purely transparent cockerel without dye.
Burnt sugar candies
Almost all generations, without exception, who grew up in the former Soviet Union have childhood memories of red cockerels on a sugar stick and homemade burnt sugar lollipops, but here is another recipe for such a nostalgic delicacy.

Required Products:

  • 250 g granulated sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar or powder,
  • 1/3 cup cognac or brandy,
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice and mint oil.

Cooking method:
Melt granulated sugar in a saucepan over low heat, add vanilla sugar and cognac. Keep on fire for no more than 1 minute, stirring thoroughly all the time. Remove from heat and add a few drops of lemon juice and mint oil.
Pour the syrup into small molds and cool. Lollipops are not only tasty, but also useful for dry coughs.
Place the stick in the mold so that it sticks when the caramel hardens.

Recipe 2: Homemade “Hearts” lollipops

Ingredients – Homemade “Hearts” lollipops:

2 cups sugar
2/3 cup light corn syrup
3/4 cup water
1 tsp flavoring
1/4 tsp. liquid food coloring
candy thermometer

In a large saucepan, stir together sugar, corn syrup and water. Stir over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Let the mixture simmer without stirring. This syrup is very hot. Don’t let children get close to the fire, let them watch from afar!

When the syrup temperature reaches 260°F (about 127°C), add coloring. Do not stir: the boiling process will color the syrup itself.

Remove from heat when temperature reaches 300°F (about 148°C). Watch carefully, from 260°F to 300°F (about 127°C to 148°C) the temperature rises very quickly. When the boiling stops, stirring gently, add flavorings. Then carefully pour the warm syrup into a ceramic jug or glass container. This makes it easy to fill the molds. This will also allow you to gently microwave the mixture if it cools too quickly. Immediately pour the syrup into the mold.

You need to wait until the lollipops have cooled completely and remove them from the mold. Stick a beautiful pencil into the plastic holder.

Surely you have an idea of ​​how to make caramel at home: what could be simpler - take sugar and heat it in a saucepan! However, there are small but very significant tricks in making homemade caramel. They will help avoid “sticking” of the substance to the dishes, burning and crystallization of sugar. So…

To complete this you will need:

  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Water 1/3 cup
  • Vinegar or lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon
  • Pot
  • Plate
  • Molds (if you don’t have them, regular tablespoons will do)

Method for making caramel:

  • Fill a deep plate with cold water and place the molds next to it - everything should be at hand.
  • Place the pan over medium heat, add sugar and heat it until liquid. Do not stir the substance until most of the sugar has dissolved.
  • When the sugar has completely melted, switch the switch to the lowest heat and lower a spoon or mold into the solution. As soon as it is full, place it in a plate of water for 10 seconds, then place it on a damp towel and move on to the next form.
  • Fill the pan with water to scrape up any remaining caramel and remove the finished treats from the molds. Making your own caramel from sugar turned out to be easy, didn’t it?

And now - little tricks that will help make your sweet treat even more attractive and tasty.

Trick 1.
To prevent the sugar from rolling into pieces, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice to the pan during heating, then the caramel will turn out homogeneous.

Trick 2.
To get transparent and voluminous caramel, pour 4-5 tablespoons of hot water into dissolved sugar. During the simmering process, a ball will swell from this water, after which you need to catch it and just wait until it cools down.

Trick 3.
To give the caramel a piquant taste, after removing from heat, add cognac or any citrus juice into it; if you add herbs, you will get homemade cough drops.

Are you wondering how to make caramel from sugar to make lollipops? This is also quite simple - you will need wooden sticks, for example, from ice cream, or, as a last resort, toothpicks (for mini caramels). When the pan is on low heat, simply wrap the thick mixture around these sticks and wait for the excess to drip off.

So we learned how to make caramel from sugar, spending a minimum of time and available materials. Now you can please both your little guests and your friends with a delicious dessert - who said adults don’t like lollipops? In the future, after good practice, you will be able to cook cockerels and other complex figures at home.

Master class on making shaped lollipops

Figured sugar caramel lollipops can be a wonderful gift for both adults and kids. You can make caramel figures, package them individually and decorate them with ribbons.

Ingredients for 9 lollipops:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • Red food coloring
  • Vanillin
  • Barbecue sticks.
  • Vegetable oil

Method for preparing figured caramel on sticks:

1 Combine sugar, vinegar and water in a saucepan. Mix everything well and put on low heat. While the mixture is on the fire, it must be stirred continuously so that the sugar does not burn to the pan.

2 When the sugar is completely melted, we add a little vanillin to it to give our caramel a delicate aroma and taste. If you don't like vanillin, you can do without it.

3 Cook the mixture until the sugar turns golden, then carefully add a little red coloring. We need to get a soft red color. The coloring has completely combined with the sugar, which means the caramel can be removed from the heat.

4 To form shaped lollipops, we will need a wide, flat dish. In our case, we use a baking sheet, but a large plate will do. The bottom of the selected dish must be greased with vegetable oil, otherwise the candies will stick.

5 Let’s start drawing the “Butterfly” lollipop. The body of our butterfly needs to be made thicker, as it will become the base for the stick. Wings can be drawn with thin lines. Then we take a kebab stick and attach it in the center of the body, pour caramel on top of the stick. Once the caramel has hardened, you can separate the candy from the baking sheet. This is done using a thin knife. In order not to break our butterfly, we need to disconnect it gradually in a circle.

6 Using the same method, we form a lollipop in the shape of a rose. And the last figure - a lollipop - will be made in the shape of a fish.

Adults and children simply adore sweet and colorful sugar candies. Is there anyone who has never enjoyed these sweets and never thought about how to prepare them? If you dream of learning how to make caramel, but are afraid of ruining all your household dishes, we will show you how to do it correctly. To create caramel masterpieces, you only need sugar, lemon, water or berry juice.

How to make caramel - preparing dishes and food

In order for the lollipops to turn out great, you need to provide for everything:

  • It is better to use dishes with a thick bottom. This could be a cast iron frying pan or an aluminum pan. As a last resort, you can use a non-stick frying pan.
  • Sugar should ideally be cane sugar. It was from this that the world's first caramel was made. It is rich in nutrients and gives caramel a special structure.
  • Ensure safety precautions, as hot sugar causes severe burns. Wear an apron and gloves, and always cook sugar over low heat only.

How to make dry caramel

If you decide to make caramel for the first time, it is better to first master the recipe for regular crystal candies.

What you will need:

  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Cold water - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice or vinegar - a few drops.
  • Pot or frying pan.
  • Soup plate.
  • Lollipop molds or spoons.

How to cook:

  • Pour cool water into a plate.
  • Place the pan over low heat, add water, add sugar and stir after most of it has melted.
  • Add lemon juice to sugar syrup.
  • When the sugar becomes liquid, dip a spoon, previously greased with any oil, into it. Fill it with caramel mass.
  • Then pull out the container of caramel and immerse it in a plate of water for 7-10 seconds, and then place it on a damp kitchen towel.
  • If you wish, you can place a toothpick in the spoon, then you will get caramel on a stick.
  • Fill out all the forms this way.

On a note! In the process of preparing lollipops, you can add extracts of medicinal herbs, cream, and berry juice. This way you can create cough drops, fruit and milk candies.

How to make soft caramel

If you want to get a delicious caramel mass for desserts, you can prepare it according to a classic French recipe.

What you will need:

  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Cream or sour cream, fat content of at least 30% - 335 g.
  • Salted butter - 70 g.

How to cook:

  • Divide all the sugar into 6 equal portions, that is, 50 g each.
  • Place the pan on the fire and add the first portion of sugar; when it melts, add the next one. Don't interfere! Gradually add all portions of sugar.
  • Place the cream or sour cream on the fire. Heat well, but do not boil.
  • When the sugar acquires an amber hue, remove it from the heat, add butter to it, and gradually pour in the cream. Mix everything well.
  • Place the pan with the caramel mass back on the fire and simmer over low heat for 5-6 minutes.
  • The mixture should be refrigerated for 24 hours.

Making caramel is simple and doesn’t require any special ingredients. Delight your friends and family with homemade milk caramel and bright lollipops without dyes or preservatives.

Mentions of who and when first invented caramel have long been lost in the pages of culinary history. There are only vague references to how, more than 2,000 years ago, Indian Dalits first thought of roasting sugar cane, chopping it into a paste and making caramel. The French term “caramel” itself comes from the Latin name for sugar cane.

Since those distant times, the caramel recipe has undergone a lot of changes, releasing thousands of types of this delicious sweet into global production. It is used both as an independent dessert and as a sweet, sticky mass in addition to cakes, cookies, and ice cream. Hard candies with filling, lollipops, monpensiers, sweet caramel nougat - this and much more are a variety of caramel familiar to us since childhood. And since caramel remains the most popular type of candy today, why don’t we master the recipe for homemade caramel ourselves.

Today we will prepare caramel at home, but first we will master the theory of what kind of caramel there is and what methods of making caramel exist. Everyone probably knows that caramel can be soft (plastic mass) and hard (flowing, glass-like). As for the cooking methods, at home you can cook it in a frying pan, remembering your childhood, in the oven and even in the microwave. So, let's get straight to the recipes themselves.

Caramel on a stick or Cockerel

Traditional caramel on a stick is familiar to most; this brand of the post-Soviet confectionery industry has settled in the hearts of many. Making this caramel at home was extremely simple, sugar and a frying pan are the two main components, and don’t say that you didn’t dirty your mother’s frying pan in this way when you were a child.

Now let’s remember how this is done, only this time we will do everything correctly, avoiding burning, crystallization of sugar and sticking of the substance to the dishes. So, to make homemade caramel on a stick we will need:

Molds (ordinary tablespoons if not available)
Sugar – 1 glass
Water – 1/3 cup
Lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon or vinegar

Let's prepare a “working place” before preparing the candies. To do this, fill a deep plate with cold water and arrange the molds. Heat the sugar over medium heat, bringing it to a liquid state. Don't worry about the sugar burning to the bottom; if the heat is low, you don't have to stir the substance until most of the sugar has melted. When the sugar has completely dissolved, turn the heat on the burner to the weakest and lower the mold or tablespoon into the pan, filling it and moving it into a plate of water for 10 seconds, after which we move the mold onto a damp towel and move on to the next candy. The main thing is not to overexpose the caramel on the fire; the color has turned yellowish - remove it immediately. That’s the whole recipe, as they say, everything ingenious is simple. But we forgot to mention the little tricks when making caramel that you need to know to make the delicacy tasty and more attractive:

To make the caramel a uniform consistency and color, add lemon juice or vinegar to the pan while heating. Now the sugar will not roll into pieces;

To make homemade caramel voluminous and transparent, pour 5 tablespoons of hot water into the already dissolved sugar. When the mixture simmers and heats up, a ball will swell from the water, which you need to catch on a spoon and wait until it just cools;

To cook caramel at home, giving it a piquant taste, you can drop juice, glucose syrup, cognac or brandy into it. You can also make cough drops by adding a little herbal infusion or a drop of mint or eucalyptus essential oil. Vanilla sugar will also add a delicious aroma to the candy;

How to make homemade caramel of a certain color? You can add liquid food coloring; it is quite safe in small quantities. After all, natural juice, unfortunately, does not withstand temperature and you cannot get a beautiful color with its help;

No sticks for homemade Chupa Chups? Toothpicks or ice cream sticks will come to your aid. You can do without molds; you just need to roll up a thick mass and wait for the excess to drain off. In the future, with training, you will be able to prepare other more complex figures;

It's even easier to get caramelized fruits or berries on a stick. Having placed, for example, cherries or grapes on a toothpick, dip them in hot caramel and cool. Well, if you add finely chopped nuts to the caramel, you get praline, which can be eaten not only as a separate delicacy, but also added to layers of various cakes and other desserts;

To make soft caramel that won’t “glaze,” you need to change the proportions a little. For 1 kg of sugar - 400 grams of water and 200 grams of glucose syrup. This caramel remains elastic even after it cools. You can safely sculpt various figures and decorations from it;

To prepare a figured (drawn) lollipop at home, we need a flat dish greased with vegetable oil and a cotton swab for drawing. Apply liquid caramel, drawing the lollipop and leave the stick in the thickest layer; after the caramel hardens, you can separate the candy from the dish.

Homemade toffees

Who doesn’t like toffee, these are memories from childhood, but not everyone thought about the fact that toffee is an ordinary homemade soft caramel. If in the traditional way we boiled water with sugar, then here the recipe is slightly different. After the sugar turns yellow, just pour boiling cream into it, simmer for a few minutes, add butter, and that’s it. The aromatic toffee is ready, all you have to do is wait until it cools and put it in the refrigerator. To give the candy a refined taste and aroma, you can add honey, vanilla sugar, nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds), dried apricots, prunes, peeled seeds, etc. when preparing caramel. Homemade caramel will turn out surprisingly tasty if you give it a chocolate color and aroma. To do this, at the end of cooking, just add chopped chocolate or cocoa powder. There are several secrets for making homemade Iris caramel:

To check the readiness of the caramel, drop a drop of the sweet mass into cold water. If the drop instantly hardens, then it’s time to pour the resulting mixture into molds, the candies are ready;

It is convenient to pour caramel into silicone molds, then it does not stick and lays down in an even layer; getting candies out of this mold is also not difficult. Ceramic or glass surfaces are also suitable;

For those watching their figure, you can make milk caramel, which will be less calorie. To do this, just replace the cream with low-calorie milk;

You can also make your own citrus dietary “Toffees”. These sweets have no sourness at all, only a fresh lemon aroma. Lemon “Toffees” are prepared using sugar and water. Gelatin is dissolved separately and lemon juice is added, then mixed with sugar syrup. Such chewing candies are far from the classic “Toffee” in taste, but have an interesting and piquant taste;

Homemade soft caramel is stored well in the refrigerator if you wrap it in cling film; this milk fudge is not scary to give to children.

Homemade liquid caramel for cake

You can make a lot of things out of caramel, but its most sophisticated use is liquid caramel. This aromatic syrup is simply irreplaceable as an addition to cakes, eclairs, pastries, ice cream, croissants, and cookies.

To make liquid caramel at home you will need:
brown sugar or granulated (preferably fine-grained, instant) - 1 cup;
warm water or milk – 6 tablespoons;
butter or cream - 4 tablespoons;
corn starch – 10 grams;
vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste

We will prepare all the ingredients so that everything is at hand, because during the process you will have little time to search for the necessary ingredient. First mix cold cream with starch. It is advisable to sift the starch before cooking; it tends to roll into lumps, which are then difficult to break.

Pour sugar into a dry frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom) and caramelize until golden brown, do not rush to stir it until most of the mass has melted. The main thing is not to burn the sugar, not only the color, but also the taste of the caramel depends on this; if you overcook it, the molasses will become bitter. When the sugar has melted, carefully and slowly pour in warm water or milk. Add the hot caramel mass in a thin stream to the cream or butter, whisking vigorously. That's all, cool and store in the refrigerator if you have anything to store, because the yummy is incredible! This caramel frosting can be used as an addition to many desserts!