How to dilute tomato paste to get... How to make tomato juice - cooking recipes

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste? The manufacturing company makes tomato juice from tomato paste, so why can’t we make it ourselves at home? It's easy to make tomato juice from tomato paste; you just need good quality tomato paste, water and salt. We advise you not to skimp on tomato paste. It is unlikely that you will be able to get tasty, high-quality tomato juice from cheap tomato paste.

No one doubts the benefits of vegetable juices: tomato juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that improve human health. Fresh tomatoes, put through a juicer, perfectly quench your thirst in the heat.

In addition, such a product can be stored for the winter. However, not all of us have time to prepare and preserve tomato juice. The easiest way is to make tomato juice from tomato paste. However, is such a product useful?

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste?

Making juice from tomato paste is quite simple; you only need water, salt, and tomato paste. Only you need to choose high-quality tomato paste, make sure that there are as few preservatives as possible, for example, our inexpensive domestic tomato paste “Pomidorka” (Maikop, Russia) has proven itself well.

Do you really like tomato juice? You can drink it in its original form, or make soups, gravies, stew meat and vegetables, add it to cocktails, etc. True, the price in stores for tomato juice is alarming. If you use it on the desired scale, then it will be noticeably not for the better for the family budget. By making juice from tomato paste, you can save 3-4 times on the purchase of tomato juice. What do juice makers make tomato juice from? In fact, the consumer is offered the same tomato paste, only with the addition of water, a pinch of salt and beautiful packaging. And the price for all these “services” increases several times.

Important: For tomato juice, only tomato paste is suitable. Not ketchup, not tomato sauce, but pasta. According to GOST 3343-89, the dry matter content must be at least 25% (from 25% to 40%). And no other ingredients are allowed to be added except water and salt. In the store you can check this way - shake the jar, if the tomato paste is too liquid, then you don’t need to take it. With a density of 23%, the consistency is reminiscent of Krasnodar sauce or ordinary cheap ketchup.

The price of tomato juice from paste is almost 3-4 times lower than the same one, but from a package. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?

Tomato paste juice recipe

Dilute the paste with cold purified drinking water in a ratio of 1:3.

Liquid tomato juice: 1 tablespoon per glass of water

Thick tomato juice: 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water

Season with coarse table salt to taste.

In addition to salt, gourmets add sugar and pepper to tomato juice to taste.

Useful properties of tomato paste

Tomato paste is a product made from pureed and heat-treated ripe tomatoes. During fruit processing, moisture evaporates and the concentration of dry matter increases. Tomato paste is used in many dishes: in preparing soups and gravies, for stewing vegetables and meat, etc.

If tomato paste is a completely natural product and does not contain anything extra except tomatoes, then the usefulness of tomato paste juice is appropriate. Tomato paste contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, and due to the high content of acids (malic and citric), this juice improves metabolism. Vitamins of groups C and B included in tomatoes improve the functioning of the nervous system and improve the condition of hair and nails. And the low calorie content (only 23 kcal per 100 grams) and the absence of sugar makes this product suitable for consumption by those losing weight and those with diabetes.

By the way, it is even more economical to prepare tomato juice yourself from fresh tomatoes using a juicer. But for this, at a minimum, you need access to cheap raw materials (tomatoes).

Myths and facts about tomato juice

Tomato juice. Does it make you lose weight or gain weight? Is it beneficial or harmful? How to drink it: with or without salt? It can also affect the heart. How is tomato juice different from a tomato? Freshly squeezed juice contains more vitamins than packaged juice. Packaged juice contains a lot of salt, preservatives, and flavoring additives. It is made from tomato paste or powder. Which juice is better to choose?

You can make tomato juice with the addition of celery. Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium, which removes water from the body. It is better not to add salt to tomato juice. Celery will replace salt. Why can't you drink a lot of tomato juice? There is a risk of heart disease. 100 grams of tomato juice contains a daily dose of vitamin K. This vitamin is responsible for blood clotting. Large consumption of juice can lead to the development of thrombosis.

The benefits of vegetable juices have been proven for a long time. Tomato juice is no exception. This delicious drink comprehensively supports and strengthens the body, protecting it from diseases and illnesses. The nectar of fresh tomatoes perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather; it can also be preserved for the winter. However, not everyone knows the correct recipe for a real tomato drink, and making it takes a lot of time. It is much easier to prepare it from tomato paste. This product is no less healthy and tasty. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare tomato juice from paste and analyze its healing properties.

Choosing a tomato base

Transforming tomato paste into juice is very simple; all you need is water, salt and tomato base. The latter must be of high quality, not cheap and not contain preservatives or additives.

Homemade tomato juice can be drunk pure or added to cocktails, meat and vegetable dishes, sauces, and soups. Its factory equivalent is not cheap, so by making juice from paste, you can save a lot. In addition, the drink will be no different from its counterparts flaunted on store shelves. After all, only a small percentage of manufacturers produce a truly high-quality product made from natural tomatoes. In most cases, the same tomato paste, water, salt and beautiful packaging are used.

Attention! To make juice, use only tomato paste, not sauce or ketchup. In this case, the percentage of dry components in it should be at least 25 (ideally 25-40%). The product must contain only two main ingredients: water and salt.

Checking the quality of the paste is simple: shake the jar; if there is too much liquid in it, and the consistency is similar to the density of inexpensive ketchup or sauce, you have a product of dubious quality.


Dilute the tomato base with cold boiled water - 1 part paste to 3 parts liquid. To prepare liquid juice, focus on the ratio: 1 tbsp. spoon of paste per 1 glass of purified water. If you prefer a thicker drink, take 2-3 tbsp per glass of water. spoons of raw materials. The juice should be salted with coarse table salt. In addition to salt, you can also add sugar or pepper - they will add new sensations to the taste. Many gourmets drink tomato juice with spices - marjoram, rosemary, thyme. It is recommended to drink the drink chilled.

What are the benefits of pasta?

To obtain tomato paste, tomatoes are pureed and then heat treated. During the boiling process, moisture evaporates from the concentrated mass, and the dry matter content in it, on the contrary, increases. The finished product is used for preparing liquid dishes - soups and sauces, for stewing meat and vegetables.

If the paste does not contain any concentrates and is a natural product made only from tomatoes, it has full beneficial properties. Therefore, before making tomato juice, carefully select the base.

High-quality tomato paste contains potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, making it beneficial for muscles and bones. The acids it contains (citric and malic) improve metabolism and digestive processes. Vitamins B and C eliminate disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, improve hair condition, and increase the strength of nails.

Attention! Tomato paste is low-calorie - only 23 kcal/100 g. Therefore, juice prepared from it is absolutely harmless for patients with diabetes and people on a diet.

About the healing qualities of tomatoes

Tomatoes, which serve as the basis for tomato paste, are essential for health. They contain many valuable minerals, including:

  • iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium, which help keep the body in good shape;
  • fiber, good for digestion;
  • the antioxidant lycopene, which has anticancer effects;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B9, PP, K, which are responsible for the smooth functioning of internal organs and systems;
  • folic acid, which stimulates the circulatory and immune systems.

Tomatoes have no equal in their ability to restore strength to a person and strengthen the immune system. This is not only a delicious product, but also an effective medicine. Ripe tomatoes have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and relieve toxicosis in pregnant women.

Juice made from fresh tomatoes fully retains their healing properties and is included in the list of the most essential products for health.

How to make tomato juice from fresh tomatoes

Recipe No. 1

Select tomatoes for the recipe that are ripe and undamaged. After washing them with running water, pass them through a meat grinder and remove the skin. For express preparation, you can use a juicer.

Pour the tomato mass into an enamel container and simmer over low heat until the foam bubbles completely disappear from the surface. If the juice is being prepared for the winter, it should be poured into sterilized jars while hot.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe differs from the first one in that instead of a juicer, a sieve is used. Whole, ripe tomatoes should be cut into slices and rubbed through a fine sieve. Then pass the mixture through a gauze filter. Add salt and sugar to the resulting juice, boil (as in the first recipe) and pour into sterilized jars.

Grown at our own dacha, it is one of the healthy food products. It contains vitamins C and B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, malic and citric acids. The usefulness of the drink is that its components strengthen nails and hair, improve metabolism, support diabetes and promote weight loss.

Unfortunately, people do not always have the opportunity to grow vegetables in garden beds. For this reason, he buys his favorite drink in the store, overpaying for bright packaging, delivery of goods and the deception of the seller, who wants to make a profit at the expense of inattentive customers. If you look closely at the packaging, it is not difficult to discover what the drink consists of - tomato puree, water and salt. So is it worth overpaying in the store for something that is very easy to do at home and get a quality product?

How profitable is it to make pasta juice at home?

A simple calculation showed that one can of ready-made tomato paste produces 3 liters of tomato juice (at a ratio of 1: 6). By salting the drink, the consumer will not feel any difference in taste and will quickly get the desired product. The cost of a half-liter jar of paste is 50 - 70 rubles. The cost of 1 liter of juice costs a meager amount - 16 - 25 rubles.

But to prepare a vegetable drink, you need tomato paste. Ketchups and sauces are not suitable for this purpose. The proportion of dry substances in the product composition should vary between 25 – 40%. The content of additives such as acidity regulators and sugar in the composition is not recommended; only salt and water are allowed.

How to check the quality of a product? Shake the jar and evaluate the consistency of the contents. If there is too much liquid in the container, and the consistency of the paste resembles sauce or ketchup, there is reason to doubt the quality of the product being offered.

When the puree is made correctly, the tomatoes are pureed and heat treated. Then the raw materials are boiled to evaporate moisture and increase the proportion of dry matter. If the vegetable puree does not contain concentrates, it will fully demonstrate its beneficial properties in the human body. Careful selection of the base for tomato juice is the key to enriching the body with valuable substances.

Store-bought juice sells for 30–40 rubles per liter. It contains additives, and the cost is four times higher than the price of juice made from paste. This begs the question: what is the point of paying more if you can dilute the puree with water, salt it and drink it without worrying that the body will receive not very useful substances? Let's learn how to make tomato juice yourself from homemade tomato paste. Surely you have prepared it for future use.

How to make juice from tomato paste: a simple recipe

There is only one recipe for obtaining tomato juice from tomato paste, which is considered classic. According to his rules, vegetable puree is diluted with cool boiled water at the rate of 1: 3. To obtain a thick drink, take 2 - 3 tbsp per 1 glass of water. l. raw materials. If you need a liquid product that resembles water in consistency, then dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. pasta.

Season the juice with coarse table salt. Add a little sugar or pepper if desired. Some people like a drink with spices - thyme, marjoram, rosemary. In any case, it is better to consume it chilled.

Which product is healthier - prepared at home or bought in a supermarket? There is no exact answer to this question, since vegetable grounds and ready-made juice sold in the store may differ in composition. There is even an opinion among consumers that 85% of vegetable juices are made from tomato puree. Therefore, it is much healthier to make tomato juices from the tomato paste that was prepared at home.


Knowing how to make tomato juice from tomato paste, housewives should study recipes for dishes where this healthy liquid will be added. The juice can be drunk in its pure form. It can also be added to soups, vegetable and meat dishes, sauces and cocktails. A product made from natural tomatoes is strikingly different in quality from store-bought counterparts.

Remember that no matter how colorful or simple the packaging is, it usually has the same contents - paste, salt and water. But what kind of tomatoes this product was prepared from and whether the production technology was followed, consumers cannot know. Therefore, it makes sense to process it into juice as needed.

If you have a rich harvest of tomatoes at your dacha, why not make tomato juice? Freshly squeezed juice will not only quench your thirst, but will also be good for your health. And if you use recipes for preparing tomato juice over the winter, then even on cold winter days it will give you a piece of hot summer.

Why do we like this red-orange juice with a slight sourness so much? Like the tomatoes from which this delicious drink is made, juice improves our mood, increases the body's defenses, promotes rejuvenation and prolongation of life. What is it about this divine drink that makes it so good for your health? Judge for yourself.

  • It is useful for older people for the prevention of osteoporosis, as it prevents the leaching of calcium and bone destruction, and for children it helps strengthen the bone skeleton, thanks to vitamin C;
  • For those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it will help reduce the level of low-density triglycerides - “bad” cholesterol, excess of which can cause serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack, stroke, and also prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • Tomato juice is one of the few that endocrinologists recommend for patients with diabetes, as it has a low glycemic index;
  • The high content of lycopene (an excellent antioxidant) prevents the development of cancer, such as prostate, lung, liver, breast and pancreas cancer;
  • Lycopene helps in preventing vision problems. Usually, after 50 years, the risk of dystrophic changes in the corpus luteum and optic nerve of the eye increases, and this can lead to decreased vision and sometimes blindness.
  • Calorie content of tomato juice (natural, not canned) is 22 kcal. This fact speaks about its use for weight loss. In addition, a tomato drink helps with metabolic processes and digestion, which is also good for normalizing weight.
  • Melatonin is a pituitary hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. This property is very helpful during long journeys when time zones change. That’s why on airplanes during long flights they offer to drink tomato juice. In addition, melatonin prevents the brain from aging and restores its cells, which is important for.
  • Tomato pulp lotions can be used to make compresses on purulent wounds, as it has antiseptic and wound-healing properties. As an additional treatment, tomato paste can be applied to varicose veins overnight; to achieve results, the procedure must be carried out several times.

Contraindications and harm

But there can still be harm from excessive juice consumption. It is better to refuse it if you have:

  • individual intolerance and allergies;
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints - arthritis, rheumatism, gout;
  • inflammatory kidney diseases and urolithiasis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • if you are taking sulfonamides or anticoagulants.

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Tomato juice recipes

So, we have all learned about the beneficial properties of tomato juice, and now let’s start preparing it. Before you start cooking, prepare everything you need in advance.

  • Wash the tomatoes, remove rotten ones, this is especially true if we are preparing them for the winter. Dry them with a clean towel or let them drain in a colander. If there are crumpled ones, then you shouldn’t throw them away: just cut off the crumpled parts.
  • Any household appliance is suitable for making juice: a juicer, a juice cooker, a simple screw or electric meat grinder, a blender.
  • If the drink is intended for long-term storage, then you will need lids, a seaming machine, and sterile jars.
  • To improve the taste you will need salt and sugar, spices if desired.

Important! To prepare juice, it is necessary to select tomatoes with juicy and fleshy pulp and thin skin.

Prepared in this way, it can be used either in its pure form or used for canning or added to other vegetables for canning in its own juice. The finished juice can be added to prepare sauces for meat, fish, pasta, and cook soups.

Regardless of whether we drink it immediately, freshly squeezed, or can it for the winter, the tomatoes must first be chopped. We cut the fruits into several parts, depending on the size of the vegetable, and chop them using household appliances that you have.

How to make juice from fresh tomatoes

To prepare 1 glass of juice you will need 2 medium tomatoes. If you need to cook more, then the quantity of tomatoes should be increased.

We add salt and sugar to freshly squeezed juice for taste, although there will be more health benefits if we drink it without any additives.

How to make tomato juice with a juicer

This is perhaps the easiest way to get a healthy drink. We cut the washed tomatoes into several parts so that the pieces pass through the neck of the juicer. Stem celery can be added for greater health benefits and taste. Once passed through a juicer, the drink is ready for consumption.

If you decide to prepare juice for the winter in this way, then pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, put it on the fire and, with constant stirring (so as not to burn), bring it to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, periodically removing the foam. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, and ground black pepper to taste.

During the cooking process, the excess liquid will evaporate and the mass will thicken a little. But under no circumstances add water!

I deliberately do not indicate the proportions, it all depends on the number of tomatoes and your taste.

Making tomato juice without a juicer

Of course, a juicer makes the process much easier and faster. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it. You can make juice without it. The initial stage can be completed in 2 ways.

  1. Dip the prepared whole tomatoes into boiling water for 30-40 seconds and immediately cool under running cold water. This makes it easier to remove the skin from the tomato. Cut into several pieces and place in a saucepan on the stove for 1 hour.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into several pieces, put them in a large saucepan and cook for an hour. Stir the tomatoes periodically to prevent them from burning.

After an hour, place the resulting mass of tomatoes in a colander and grind. Of course, without skins the wiping process will go much faster. Add salt and sugar to taste. Place the pureed mixture back on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for another 10 minutes. Let there be a pouring spoon in this tomato mass (it should also be clean), with which you will then pour the juice into jars.

Pour the finished mixture into sterile jars, cover with boiled metal lids, roll up the jars, and turn over. Wrap the top with something warm (a blanket or a thick towel) and leave until the cans cool completely.

Important! When cooking, try to quickly bring the tomato mass to a boil, so it will warm up faster and the mass will be homogeneous in the future. If you heat the mass slowly, then at temperatures up to 65º the soluble pectin substances will be destroyed and during further storage the juice will separate into liquid and sediment.

Preparing tomato juice in a juicer

When choosing a juice cooker in a store, choose a stainless steel pressure cooker over one made of aluminum. It is more resistant to mechanical and chemical influences and is suitable for all types of slabs.

To prepare the juice, ripe tomatoes are cut into small pieces and placed on a wire rack. Water is poured into the lower part of the juice cooker, a juice collector is placed on top of it, then a grid with tomatoes, and the whole structure is closed with a lid.

The operating principle of the juicer is based on the effect of steam on vegetables. The steam that rises from a heated container of water causes vegetables or fruits to release juice, which flows into the juice collector. The finished product is drained from it through a special tube.

Within 40-45 minutes, the juice is poured through a straw into a placed clean container, then filtered.

Further actions depend on the purpose for which the drink is intended. If for the winter, then it must be boiled again for 5 minutes, adding salt and sugar to taste. Then roll up the jars with a sterile lid, turn the jars over and wrap something warm on top for additional pasteurization.

And in this video recipe we used a blender for chopping.

How to make juice from tomato paste

If you don’t have your own homemade tomato juice, and you have doubts about the quality of the canned juice from bags, you can make it yourself from tomato paste. Moreover, in terms of quality it will be little inferior to homemade, and it will be 3-4 times cheaper than store-bought.

Important! C ok can only be made from high-quality tomato paste made in accordance with GOST 3343-89. You can't make tasty juice from ketchup or tomato sauce. When purchasing, pay attention to what is written on the label:

  • The ingredients should include tomato paste, salt and water.
  • Dry substances should be more than 25%. You can check this without leaving the counter: if the density is less than required, then by shaking the jar, the contents will resemble a sauce, such as Krasnodar, or ketchup.

To prepare the drink, add 1 tablespoon of paste to 1 glass of water. If you want to make the juice thicker, add two or three tablespoons of paste. Add salt, sugar or ground pepper to taste.

Dear readers, as you can see, making homemade tomato juice is not at all difficult. In conclusion, I would like to wish you: drink tomato juice and be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

For most domestic consumers, it has long been no secret that natural vegetable and fruit juices are practically non-existent on sale. Most fruit juices are produced by diluting with water and bringing concentrated juice produced in special factories to the required consistency. Vegetables, for example, carrots and pumpkin, are produced using the same technology from thickened puree, tomato juice is made from tomato paste. This is due to the fact that it would ensure uniform loading of juice production plants throughout the year. This is understandable: it is possible to prepare and process a huge amount of fruits in a short season, but the issue of storage, transportation and uniform supply of the finished product to the population becomes quite labor-intensive and costly.

In addition, the blatant deception of consumers is aggravated by the introduction of the term “nectar”, thanks to which some manufacturers are trying to legally reduce (sometimes up to 40 percent) the juice content in the drink, without particularly bothering to reduce the price.

Yes, some juices, for example cherry, are not enjoyable to drink in their pure, 100% form, and indeed, to improve the taste, such juices need to be made into nectar, but when the package says “apple nectar” or “orange nectar”, that’s just a trick of a manufacturer trying to manipulate quality and price, and legally.

Now let's move on to tomato juice. If manufacturers make it from tomato paste, why can’t we make it at home and what is the cost? Naturally making tomato juice at home is extremely easy! As for the price component, everything is very simple here. 1 liter of tomato juice, depending on the manufacturer, costs from 40 to 60 or more rubles. For example, the retail price of Dobry juice, with a capacity of 1 liter, in one of the popular chain supermarkets is about 50 rubles. A liter jar of Kukhmaster tomato paste shown in the photograph cost 54 rubles.

It has been empirically established that to obtain high-quality juice, it is necessary to dilute the paste with boiled water in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:6 (this depends on the quality of the original product and personal preferences). It is easy to calculate that the cost of such juice will be about 10 rubles per liter!

Therefore, the manufacturing technology is very simple: put tomato paste in a jar or glass, fill it with chilled boiled or mineral water, in a volume six times more than the paste taken, add salt to taste, sugar or pepper if you want, mix thoroughly, and the juice is ready! The main rule is that the juice should not be too thick or translucent.

More specifically: for a 200-gram glass, take 2-3 teaspoons of pasta with a very large top and 1/4 teaspoon of salt without top. The rest is up to personal preference.

The starting product is tomato paste. For a 200 gram glass, 3 large teaspoons are enough.

Ready tomato juice in a glass! Salt is added to taste, approximately 1/4 - 1/3 level teaspoon per 200 gram glass.

In conclusion, a few words about tomato paste. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be better or worse, more expensive or cheaper. What is more expensive is not always better. Even the presence of starch as a thickener does not indicate that the paste is bad, starch is a natural product and usually its content per liter of finished tomato paste does not exceed several grams. Remember that by emphasizing the “naturalness” of the product, manufacturers often deliberately inflate the price. Don't fall for this trick, be careful!

In general, the Iranian tomato paste was very good. Great quality and great price! However, it has not been on sale for a long time!