How to cook rice in portioned bags. Recipes with bagged rice

Every person has cooked cereal at home at least once in their life. It is worth analyzing the preparation of cereals using the example of rice, which is quite specific, because during its preparation it costs a lot of effort. If you cook cereals using the wrong technology, the end result will not be a tasty dish, but a paste. This grain tends to burn to the bottom of the pan when cooked. When rice is cooked without a bag, it needs to be stirred constantly, and such cooking takes a lot of time and effort.

Features of the packaged analogue

Do not forget that modern housewives have long found an alternative to rice. They began to choose special packaged rice. This means that the cereal is initially sold in special bags. Buying cereal in this form is a convenient and profitable thing. You don’t have to think about how much to prepare this cereal to please your family with the perfect dish, since rice is sold immediately in portions. Before preparing cereal, you should carefully read the instructions that are written on each package. This makes the task easier.

There is also specially processed rice, which you can simply pour boiling water over, then let it sit for a few minutes, and it is ready to eat. But there is a downside to this kind of cooking. It is sold in small portions and for children. In terms of cost, such rice will be quite expensive. The main goal of a modern housewife is to save money when purchasing this grain and feed everyone in the family.

It is very profitable to buy rice that was immediately scattered into bags at the factory. It’s also worth noting that when factories package rice in bags, they use special grain. It is not cheap in price, so regular rice cannot be prepared as tasty. Once again it is worth reminding that Rice in bags is presented from the highest varieties. Low grade rice is mainly sold by weight. This type of grain is very difficult to cook.

You should deal with rice if you buy it in portions. If you purchase bagged rice, it is worth remembering that it has such advantages as:

  • when cooking such grains, you don’t have to worry about it sticking together, because the rice was initially processed at the factory so that you could buy it, bring it and immediately cook it at home;
  • when packaged rice is cooked, it does not lose its taste;
  • Each grain has a cooking time - packaged rice will cook no longer than regular rice; the cooking time will take a maximum of about fifteen minutes, which is very convenient;
  • During cooking, you should not constantly stir this grain, because the bag protects the rice from touching the bottom of the pan.

There is also bagged brown rice. Since it is unprocessed, it will take longer to cook. The time reaches twenty-five minutes. Many housewives are afraid to buy bagged rice because they do not understand how it can be cooked deliciously. And you can easily cook such rice without fear that anything will happen to it.

Nuances of preparation

There are certain rules when cooking this cereal, which should be considered in more detail.

In a saucepan

This product can be prepared easily and quickly. You should use a saucepan for this, but don’t take it too big. A medium-sized pan is suitable for cooking one hundred grams of cereal. To get a successful cooking result, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Pour enough water into a medium-sized saucepan so that in the next step you can completely immerse the bag with the desired cereal; for one sachet it will be enough to pour only one liter of water;
  • when cooking cereals, the fire should be made as large as possible so that the water boils faster; when this happens, you should turn down the heat so that the cereal has time to cook before the water boils away;
  • salt should definitely be added to taste;
  • the pan in which the packaged rice is cooked must be on low heat, its lid must be closed, so that the cereal is not only cooked, but also completely steamed;
  • Cook the cereal in this position for about 12–13 minutes;
  • when the required time has passed, the bag should be removed from the pan and placed in a colander; this procedure allows you to allow the water to drain from the cooked product, and the cereal will remain whole and crumbly;
  • the last point in the preparation of this cereal occurs when the rice along with the bag is transferred to a plate; Once in the plate, remove the bag and leave the finished product on it.

Important! To ensure that the cereal has a rich taste and all the aromas are revealed in it, you should put a small piece of butter in it. Do not overdo it with oil, as the product will become greasy and impossible to eat.

In a slow cooker

There is another option for preparing this product - cooking in a slow cooker. This unit is good to use. Cooking rice in a slow cooker will take the same amount of time as cooking in a regular saucepan. To easily handle the multicooker, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • the multicooker already has a cup for it, which means there is no need to select dishes; You need to pour a large amount of water into this cup;
  • before loading a bag of cereal into water, you should first bring the water to a boil, then immerse the bag in water, while the cereal should be completely covered with water;
  • add salt to taste;
  • the cooking time for this product will increase slightly - literally by a few minutes; rice should be cooked for about 16 minutes;
  • Don’t forget about the temperature setting - the multicooker should be set to +100 degrees to quickly boil water, after which the temperature setting should be reduced, since cereals should be cooked at a low temperature;
  • when time passes, be sure to move the bag into a colander for the next steps;
  • the final result can be observed on the plate after removing the bag;
  • To fully reveal the taste of the cereal, it can be served with meat or vegetables.

Rice should be mixed with other foods. It goes very well with meat or vegetables. This cereal should also be used as one of the fillings for pies, because the cereal in the bag does not lose its beneficial components during cooking and its taste is fully revealed. You can make the most delicious casserole from bagged rice. Since rice is a light product, this cereal is very suitable for those girls who decide to lose weight. They should include this rice in their diet. It helps with weight loss because you can't eat too much of it. If you add various additives to it, you may not even notice how all the rice will be eaten to the rest.

Modern housewives have learned how to properly prepare this product. Some people who try to cook bagged rice in the kitchen for the first time make the mistake of washing the grain after cooking to make it more crumbly. This should not be done, since the rice was taken care of during production and processed correctly. It also happens that rice sticks together when cooked. This can only happen because the expiration date has passed.

When purchasing, you should definitely look at the expiration date so that the cereal is fresh, then the result will only be positive.

To learn how to make rice in bags, see the following video.

Rice in bags is very convenient for cooking: it does not stick together, does not burn to the bottom of the pan, and does not need to be sorted, washed, stirred, or memorized cooking recipes. This rice is already conveniently divided into portions, it turns out crumbly and very tasty. However, its friability largely depends on the type of rice, the degree of grinding, and cooking time. Thus, even the most skilled housewife cannot make crushed or soft round rice crumbly. For packaged products, white long grain or brown rice is usually used. Each sachet contains about 100 g of product; in water, it absorbs moisture thanks to small holes and due to this increases in volume.

How to cook rice in bags:

    To cook rice in bags, take a pan and pour water into it.

    Add liquid at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bag, otherwise the rice will absorb all the water and burn.

    If you cook a lot of bags at once, keep in mind that the pan must be large enough.

    Bring the water to a boil and add a little salt.

    In principle, rice can be immersed in cold water, but then the cooking time will have to be increased slightly.

    Before putting the bags of rice into the pan, shake them and distribute the grains evenly over the surface. The water should completely cover them throughout cooking.

    Cover the pan tightly with a lid and keep it over medium heat, reducing it towards the end of cooking.

    Rice is a quick dish, so it needs to be cooked for only 22-25 minutes until fully cooked, and if it is steamed or you need it to add to raw minced meat, then you should keep it on the fire for about 15-18 minutes.

    After cooking, do not leave the rice in hot water, otherwise it will swell and stick together.

    Immediately remove each bag with a slotted spoon or use a fork to hook it into a special loop, then hold it over the sink or put it in a colander and let the water drain.

    Cut each bag and place the rice immediately on a plate or in a pan.

    Try not to get burned while doing this, as the dish is very hot. There is no need to rinse the finished product.

This rice can be served with meat and fish side dishes; you can add vegetables and mushrooms to it, inventing and changing dishes to suit your taste. Rice goes well with sausages, fried poultry, and breaded meat. You can serve it with various sauces or add it to other dishes, such as salads or meatballs, or you can make an excellent casserole from it. Rice is a light product that will not leave a heaviness in your stomach, and you can prepare it for a light and satisfying breakfast, as well as a tasty and hearty lunch or dinner.

Many modern housewives cook rice in bags with pleasure. Is this undoubtedly convenient product harmful or not?

Not every housewife knows how to cook rice so that it is free-flowing and the grains are hard and not sticky. However, it is not difficult - provided you know how to do it. It is enough to follow just a few rules. They can be applied to all types of cereals. Be sure to try these methods and you will forget about bagged rice once and for all. And not only your taste buds will benefit from this, but also your health and wallets.

Rice in bags: potential harm and imaginary benefits

We find that rice in bags cooks much faster and easier than grain in regular form. But it is enough to know some techniques that allow you to cook perfect rice without any such tricks, which can be not so much useful as harmful.

Why is it better to choose cereals (and rice in particular) not packaged in bags, but packaged as usual?

  • Let's start with the main thing: is bagged rice harmful? Of course, if you treat yourself to packaged rice from time to time, it is unlikely that anyone will notice changes in their well-being. Meanwhile, bisphenol A (BPA) is used to produce bags. Under the influence of high temperature, this compound also enters boiled cereals. It resembles the human hormone estrogen, and the body stores it rather than removes it. Bisphenol is very harmful to health. It can lead to obesity, thyroid problems, reduces testosterone levels in men, and can also lead to the development of breast and prostate cancer. Bisphenol A should be avoided by pregnant women and children. It can cause hyperactivity in very young children.
  • “Standard” cooking requires less water. And, therefore, precious minerals remain in the grains, and will not be poured down the sink along with the water.
  • Cooking rice in a bag and in the usual way takes almost the same time. And measuring the required portion of the product using a glass or tablespoons will take literally a minute. Therefore, it is hardly advisable to cook rice in bags just for reasons of speed.
  • Cereals purchased in bulk or in kilogram (or other) packages are much cheaper than bagged rice.

How to choose cereal?

Long grain rice

It has elongated creamy grains. It is grown in Asia, the Americas and Europe. It is characterized by a soft, delicate taste, is easily digestible and low in calories. Contains slightly less starch, so when cooked it remains free-flowing and does not stick together. Suitable as an ingredient in soups, fillings, salads.


Originally from Thailand. Contains more starch. After cooking it is quite sticky. Suitable for desserts.


One of the most “noble” varieties. Originally from India. It has a slightly nutty taste. After cooking it turns snow-white. Suitable for oriental dishes, ideal for frying and warm dishes.

Short grain

Contains more starch than long grain varieties. Therefore, after cooking it becomes sticky and turns into a solid mass. Popular in Asian countries because it is easy to eat with chopsticks. In addition, it is suitable for sushi and also for making desserts.

Arborio and Carnaroli

Italian varieties with rounded grains. They contain a lot of starch, and after cooking the grains are hard and moist. They are the main ingredient in risotto, but are also suitable for fillings and salads.

Natural (brown)

The most valuable variety of rice, since its grains are devoid of only the inedible husk. Brown rice is a source of vitamins and minerals. Once cooked, it is harder than white and has a slightly nutty flavor.


Grows in North America, on the border of the USA and Canada. It has a nutty taste. Its long, dark, thin grains are rich in protein, potassium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Pairs well with wild meat, fish and seafood.


It has a red shell and medium-length grains. Originally from India, but also grown in France. It has a sweetish taste and nutty smell. Suitable for vegetables and poultry.


Long grain white rice that has been exposed to high pressure water vapor. Thus, nutrients from the surface are “driven” into the middle. Thanks to this, it contains 2 times more vitamins and minerals than regular rice. It cooks quickly, has a golden hue and a delicate taste. Good as an addition to soups and salads.

How to get fluffy rice without cooking in bags?

To ensure that the grains do not stick together after cooking and that the rice you get is the same as in bags, you should first wash them well. This way you can get rid of not only dirt, but also excess starch.

1. Measure a cup of rice, pour it into a sieve and rinse under cold running water until it changes color from white to clear.

Another way (more time-consuming) is to pour the rice into a bowl, add water and rub the grains against each other. The water is drained, new is poured in and rubbed again. These steps are repeated as many times as possible until the water becomes clear.

2. Then measure out two glasses of water, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a little salt and bring to a boil (it is best to do this in a thick-bottomed saucepan).

3. Add rice, stir and bring to a boil. Then cover the pan, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-12 minutes. After this time, turn off the gas, leave the rice under the lid for another 10 minutes so that it “cooks”. Uncover the pan, let the steam escape and serve.

This is the fastest and easiest way to prepare a crumbly dish (or preparation for it).

Any variety can be cooked this way, but keep in mind that less processed ones will take much longer. However, if it's not about the speed of cooking, but about the health benefits, it's worth it. And rice in bags in this regard is, to put it mildly, not in the first position.

The still unusual and incomprehensible (especially for young housewives) proportions of preparing side dishes in the ratios (water and cereal) sometimes have the ability to turn a culinary action into a real problem: either the porridge will stick together and become like a paste, then it will burn, or the consistency will be too liquid . How to achieve the desired friability and readiness of the food?

Packaged cereals

Today, the industry provides an excellent way out of this situation - packaged cereals. In particular, rice is offered in bags - of all kinds. But when buying this kind of product in a supermarket, a novice cook needs to clearly know how to cook rice in bags, so as not to get into trouble. Of course, you say: all the recommendations are usually written on the packaging, but still there are a couple of secrets that can make cooking easier and turn a beginner into a real chef! How to cook rice in bags? Let's talk about this in more detail in our article today.

Which ones are packaged?

This cereal can usually be found on sale in three varieties: white round-grain (steamed or regular), long-grain white, brown in bags? First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that steamed rice cooks faster than regular rice, due to the fact that it is already pre-processed by steam (that is, it is, in fact, already a semi-finished product in the classical sense of the word).

Benefits of packaging

Typically, in past times, until very recently, the process began like this. First, the exact amount of cereal was strictly measured, then the corresponding amount of water in which it was supposed to be cooked. Also, great attention was paid to pre-washing the rice so that the finished porridge does not look sticky. And the most scrupulous housewives also washed the rice after cooking. Currently, modern rice packaging technologies make it possible to eliminate these procedures or cooking steps. And the question of how to cook rice in bags is no longer as surprising as before.

How does everything really happen?

The thing is that already in the process of producing packaged rice (and any other cereal that is customary to be used as side dishes or an independent dish), the grains are carefully selected, they are washed and pre-fried, and then steamed. The neophyte housewife can only properly boil the bag of cereal. In addition, the packaging itself is very convenient for cooking: the bag is designed for one serving of rice, and the packaging is an environmentally friendly material with small holes throughout the entire area, which, in turn, allows the product to take the right amount of moisture during cooking.

Positive sides:

  • Time is saved when preparing the product.
  • We get a crumbly side dish in any dish (of course, if you don’t boil the bag for an hour).
  • There is no need for constant stirring when cooking: just put it in water and wait.
  • The bag does not give any chance for the porridge to stick to the pan or burn, and the container in which the rice was cooked only needs to be rinsed.
  • Many modern brands offer mixed side dishes: for example, vegetables, which can diversify the menu. And such cooking bags do not contain flavor enhancers or dyes - everything is natural.

How to properly cook rice in bags?

We advise you to first read the manufacturer's instructions. This is a mandatory condition, since different companies may have their own nuances. By the way, the packaging usually indicates the optimal amount of liquid in which the product will be boiled. In ordinary realities, per bag (80-100 grams of cereal) the recommended amount of liquid (because rice can be boiled not only in water, but also, for example, in milk or broth) is up to 1 liter per unit. Because if you take a smaller amount, then the rice risks being unevenly cooked, that is, in one place it will be half-raw, and in another it will be overcooked. But if you choose the right amount of water by eye, then this is the one in which the bag can float freely. And the liquid should freely cover the rice.

Do I need to add oil?

When cooking unpackaged rice in the usual way, many housewives prefer to add a little oil to it - lean or butter, they say, this way the side dish becomes more crumbly. In this case, when cooking the package there is no need to perform this action. You will get it without any additives.

in bags?

It’s probably not worth regulating the cooking time too precisely. In all cases, the manufacturer is responsible for the burning and sticking of the semi-finished product, and he guarantees it! However, you should still remember that we cook long round rice in bags for no more than 15 minutes, and brown rice for 20-25.

The process itself

  1. Bring the appropriate amounts of water in the container to a boil.
  2. Salt.
  3. We put the bag there.
  4. Close the pan tightly with a lid and boil until done (the timer can be set according to previous recommendations).
  5. We catch the bag of rice with a slotted spoon and place it in a colander to drain.
  6. Cut the bag and pour the rice into the prepared bowl, loosening it slightly. You can put a small cube of cow butter on top.

In a saucepan

Actually, there is nothing complicated in the question of how to cook rice in bags in a saucepan. All you need is a decent container corresponding to the number of bags, water and rice. Everything else is a matter of technique. But here's a tip: after the water with a bag of rice boils, turn down the heat as little as possible - this will make the rice softer and more crumbly.

In a slow cooker

This magical device is found in almost every modern kitchen today. How long does it take to cook rice in bags in a slow cooker? Here you need to select the appropriate mode correctly. We recommend choosing either regular (with a timer for 15 minutes) or speed cooking. For the latter, cooking long-grain steamed rice is best suited, and then the question of how long to cook rice in bags is solved quite simply.


Rice, obtained accordingly, can be used as an ingredient for complex dishes or as a simple side dish for fish and meat dishes. Well, you and I learned from personal experience how to cook rice in bags in a saucepan - really, it’s not complicated? Everything is done for the convenience of the consumer: even the most inexperienced housewife can cope with this process, and the rice turns out fluffy and very tasty.

Of course, cooking any grain is quite simple. But this still requires some specific knowledge and skills. Otherwise, the porridge may be overcooked or undercooked, and its taste will disappoint any cook. Modern manufacturers decided to help housewives and produced a variety of cereals in bags, including rice. This kind of porridge does not need to be stirred during the cooking process, you do not need to calculate the amount of cereal and constantly monitor whether grains of rice stick to the bottom and walls of the pan. Thanks to this, the finished rice turns out very tasty, tender and crumbly. How to cook rice in bags, further.

To begin with, before cooking, you should pick up and thoroughly shake the bag of cereal. It is worth considering that one sachet is designed on average for one serving. By the way, the packages can contain not only long-grain brown and white rice, but also short-grain rice. You can find out what kind of cereal you are using the information on the boxes. Every manufacturer indicates this. Long grain brown rice is considered to be the most delicious. It is convenient to use it to prepare not only porridge, but also pilaf and many other dishes. Overall, cooking rice in bags is very easy.

Now you need to prepare the water for cooking the cereal. To do this, you will need to boil water in a large, thick-bottomed saucepan and then generously salt it. In order for the rice to cook properly, there must be a lot of water. One hundred gram bag contains approximately one liter of water. You can even take a little more. When the water boils, you can add the required number of bags of cereal into it.

About one for each family member. It is worth noting that when starting to cook packaged rice, you do not need to pierce the bags or pre-rinse them. The cereal is poured into the pan directly in the bags. After all, such rice is washed and processed in a certain way right at the factory, so then it only needs to be boiled.

Next, cover the pan tightly with a lid and place over medium heat. Until white rice is fully cooked, it will take about 15-17 minutes to cook, and brown rice a little longer - 25-27 minutes. When this time has expired, you can remove the pan from the heat and remove the rice in the cooking bags from it. By the way, this will be very easy and simple to do. You just need to hook the bag with a fork or knife at the special hole. This hole is provided in every bag of cereal. Now you should leave the rice for a few minutes so that the water drains from it.

Then, you can open the bag along a special line with notches and pour the cereal onto a plate. Then you can add butter and seasonings to it and use it as a separate side dish or continue preparing the planned dish. This recipe for cooking rice in bags is one of the simplest and most popular. The resulting rice is very tasty and never burns. And after cooking the cereal in this way, you just need to rinse the pan with water.

Recently, manufacturers have begun to improve this product. And so rice appeared on sale in bags with a variety of additives. This is, for example, dried garlic, mushrooms or vegetables. The main thing is to carefully study the composition and make sure that it does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes.