How to make coconut liqueur. Malibu liqueur at home

The consistency of the berries intended for compote should be dense and the berries dry.
Strawberry compotes should be prepared in small containers (half-liter jars), which reduces heating time. The shorter the heating time, the less vitamin C and coloring matter are destroyed, and the better the beautiful appearance of the compote is preserved.
It is important that the berries are of the same ripeness and size.
With any method of preparing compotes, the preparation of berries is the same. The berries, sorted by color and size, are washed in cold water; for washing, it is better to use a colander, immersing it three times in a bucket of water. Then the berries are cleared of sepals.

First way. The prepared berries are placed in jars, compacted by tapping the jars on the table, and filled with pre-boiled and strained syrup of 20…25% concentration. The syrup should completely cover the berries. Then the jars are covered with lids and placed in a pan of water to warm up. If the berries were poured with hot syrup, then the water in the pan should be hot. Then the water temperature is brought to 80°C and jars with a capacity of 0.5 l are pasteurized - 7...8 minutes, 1 l - 12-15 minutes. If you don’t have a thermometer, bring the water to a boil and boil for 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. This method is the simplest, but when stored, compotes lose their beautiful appearance, the berries float, and there is more syrup than berries.

Second way. Prepared and washed strawberries are placed in an enamel pan, sprinkling the berries with sugar in layers, and kept in a cold room until juice is obtained. Then put the pan on the fire, bring the temperature inside the mass to 85...90°C, stirring gently from time to time, and maintain at this temperature for 5 minutes. At the same time, jars, lids, and a spoon for pouring are sterilized in another pan. Pouring compote into hot jars is carried out one at a time; after filling the jar, it is immediately rolled up. Filling several jars at the same time is unacceptable, as the compote may cool down and the free space will fill with air, which can cause fermentation during storage. This method is used if you need to quickly process a large number of berries. With this method, the berries become more wrinkled and vitamin C is destroyed faster, since heating is carried out in an open container.
For 1 kg of berries - 200...300 g of sugar.

Third way. The berries are placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with granulated sugar in layers, and placed in a cold place until the berries are compacted and the juice is released. After this, the berries are carefully transferred into pre-sterilized jars up to the height of the hanger. The juice remaining in the pan is heated to 80°C (without boiling), pour it over the berries, cover with lids and place in a pan with hot water to warm up. When the water temperature in the pan is 80°C, jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters are kept for 7...8 minutes, 1 liter - 12...15 minutes. In boiling water, the holding time is reduced to 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. Then the jars are taken out, rolled up and placed upside down for additional heating of the lid. With good thermal insulation, the jars cool down within 24 hours, which makes it possible to completely eliminate fermentation and bombing.
For 1 kg of berries - 200...250 g of sugar.

The fourth method (for diabetics). The prepared berries are placed in jars and filled with hot water or juice from discarded berries without sugar. The temperature regime for heating the cans is similar to the first method.

Fifth way. The berries, placed in jars up to the shoulders, are poured with hot juice from rejected berries, heated to 80°C. Sugar is pre-dissolved in the juice. Hot jars are placed in a pan with hot water and jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters are kept at a temperature of 80°C for 7...8 minutes, 1 liter for 12...15 minutes; when boiling - 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. After warming up, the cans are taken out, rolled up, and placed upside down. This method produces compote of better quality than the previous one, since the shape, color, and aroma of the berries are better preserved.
For 1 liter of juice - 300 g of sugar.

Sixth method. With this method, as with the previous one, the berries are poured with juice, only in this case the juice of red currants is used, which usually begins to ripen at the end of the strawberry fruiting period. Compotes prepared in this way are considered the best and have a pleasant, harmonious taste and aroma. The berries filled with juice and sugar are evenly distributed and do not float, since the gelling substances of the red currant envelop each berry. But the most important thing is that the color of the berries is preserved throughout the winter.
To prepare compote using this method, juice and sugar are heated to 80°C and the berries placed in jars are poured over them. At a temperature of 80°C, jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters are kept for 6...10 minutes, 1 liter - 12...15 minutes.
For 1 liter of redcurrant juice - 400 g of sugar.
As already noted, the dyes in strawberries are not stable and quickly deteriorate, forming a brownish color and losing their attractive appearance. To slow down the destruction of coloring matter, you can add citric acid to the syrup at the rate of 4 g per 1 liter of syrup, or 1 glass of red currant juice per 1 liter of syrup.

To obtain juice, the berries must be ripe, whole, fresh and undamaged. Good quality juice is obtained from small-fruited, intensely colored berries.
The sorted berries are washed, after the water has drained, they are placed in a nylon or canvas bag and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting juice is filtered through a conical cloth filter, poured into an enamel pan, heated to 85°C, and kept at this temperature for 5 minutes. When hot, pour into jars and bottles heated in a steam bath, cover with boiled lids, place in a pan with water heated to 60°C and pasteurize at a temperature of 85...90°C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 12 minutes, 1 l -15 minutes, 3 l - 20 minutes. After pasteurization, jars or bottles are immediately sealed and inverted for additional sterilization of lids and air cooling.
The pulp obtained after pressing contains a large amount of extractive substances and is suitable for recycling. It is placed in an enamel pan, boiled water cooled to 40°C is added at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pulp, mixed, kept for 5 hours, again placed in a canvas bag and pressed. The resulting juice is filtered, added to the originally obtained juice, or sugar syrup is prepared on it to sweeten the juice.
To get a good quality drink, 4...5 kg of pulp is placed in a ten-liter bottle, filled with warm 35% sugar syrup in an amount of 4 liters. The neck of the bottle is tied with gauze and placed in a warm place. On days 4–6, when the pulp floats to the surface and the juice remains below, a water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle and kept for 20 days. Then the pulp is squeezed out and the juice is filtered through a cloth cone filter. The resulting juice is also poured into a bottle, the water seal is reinstalled and kept for another 20...30 days. After this, the juice is carefully drained from the sediment and poured into prepared bottles, which are sealed with clean plastic caps and taken to a dark, cold room for storage.

  • JAM

First way. Fresh strawberries are sorted by size, removing leaves, damaged, unripe or overripe berries. The sorted berries are washed in a colander by immersing them three times in a bucket of water. The washed berries are cleared of sepals, placed in an enamel pan or basin, poured with hot sugar syrup and kept for 4 hours. Then cook in 3 steps.
For 1 kg of strawberries - 1.5 kg of sugar and 1.5 glasses of water.

Second way. Jam from juicy berries can also be prepared by one-time cooking. Peeled strawberries are covered with sugar, kept for 3...4 hours (at this time they release some of the juice), and then cooked over low heat until tender.
For 1 kg of peeled berries - 1.2 kg of sugar.

  • JAM

Ripe, well-colored strawberries are suitable for making jam. It is washed, sepals and stalks are removed, as well as damaged berries.
The prepared berries are placed in an enamel pan, half of the sugar prescribed according to the recipe is added, left for 16 hours, after which the remaining sugar is added and cooked until tender with constant stirring over low heat. When cooking jam, you need to make sure that the sugar does not burn. A slight burn dramatically worsens the appearance and taste of the jam. Hot jam is packaged in prepared dry jars, covered with lids, and sealed tightly. Pasteurized jam stays better. To do this, hot jam is packaged in heated dry jars, covered with lids, sealed loosely, placed in a saucepan with water heated to 70°C and pasteurized at a water temperature of 95°C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 15 minutes, 1 l - 25 minutes. During pasteurization, the pan should be covered with a lid, the water level should be 3 cm below the top of the necks of the jars. After pasteurization, the jars are finally sealed. For 1 kg of strawberries - 1.2 kg of sugar.


Jelly is prepared from fresh, unripe, intensely colored berries. They are placed in a colander, which is immersed three times in a bucket of water, and after the water has drained, they are cleaned of sepals and impurities. The sorted berries are placed in an enamel pan, 2 cups of water are added, put on fire, and boiled for 10 minutes at a low boil. The resulting juice is drained and filtered through a nylon bag, after which it is boiled to half the original volume, removing foam and impurities with a slotted spoon. Add sugar in several stages, heat to a boil with constant stirring, add pre-dissolved gelatin and citric acid. Bring to a boil again and, when the sugar is completely dissolved, take a test for jelly with a spoon. If the jelly poured onto a plate thickens quickly, the cooking is considered complete. If the jelly is not ready, add a gelatin solution, a little citric acid and boil to the desired consistency.
For 1 kg of strawberries - 2 glasses of water, 700 g of sugar, 10 g of gelatin, 2 g of citric acid.


First way. Berries with dark-colored, dense pulp are selected and the stalks are separated. Peeled berries are washed in the shower or by repeatedly immersing a colander in a container of clean water, followed by rinsing. The washed berries are carefully laid out in a thin layer on clean paper or cloth to dry for 15...20 minutes. The dried berries are transferred to an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sand in layers, and placed in the lower part of the refrigerator for 2...3 hours. During this time, juice is released from the berries, in which sugar partially dissolves and syrup is formed. After this, carefully, without allowing the berries to deform, transfer the mixture into the prepared container and fill it with syrup and sugar. If glass jars are used as containers, they are filled to the hangers and placed in the freezer until the mass is completely frozen. Then the jars are closed with plastic lids. When using metal cans, the mass is frozen, and then, after holding the can in warm water, the frozen briquettes are taken out, placed in plastic bags and stored in the freezer.
For 1 kg of strawberries -200...300 g of sugar.

Second way. The prepared berries are placed in a clean container, slightly compacted, but avoiding deformation. The syrup is cooled in advance, the cold syrup is poured over the berries and placed in the freezer for a day to freeze, after which the jars are closed with lids and placed back in the freezer compartment for storage.
For 1 liter of water - 400 g of sugar.


The strawberries are sorted, placed in a colander, immersed three times in a bucket of water, after the water has drained, cleaned of sepals and impurities, sprinkled with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, and placed in a cold place for 6...8 hours. When the berries release juice, it is filtered through a nylon filter or two layers of gauze, squeezed, drained into a glass jug and cooled. The waste after separating the juice can be used to produce vinegar.
For 1 kg of strawberries - 200 g of sugar or powdered sugar.

  • MORS

The berries are sorted, washed, the stalks are removed, kneaded and the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth. The pomace is poured into 1 liter of hot water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then filter, add sugar and previously squeezed juice.
For 1 liter of fruit drink - 200 g of berries, 120 g of sugar.


For 5 liters of kvass take 1 kg of strawberries. The berries are sorted, washed, the juice is squeezed out, and the pomace is poured into 5 liters of water and brought to a boil, then removed from the heat and allowed to cool. After cooling, the broth is filtered, squeezed juice, 100 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 250 g of honey and 5 g of citric acid are added. The mixture is mixed well and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 1…2 days. Then the kvass is poured into bottles, 5...6 raisins are added to each bottle, sealed and placed in a cold place.

Strawberry is a herbaceous plant, but it belongs to the Rosaceae family. In general, there are many types of strawberries: forest, garden, field, remontant, musky. All these species have fruits - false berries. Strictly speaking, these are not berries at all, but so-called multi-nuts - overgrown receptacles covered on the outside with small seeds. The color of ripe strawberries ranges from white-pink with greenery to dark burgundy, size - from 0.5 cm to 5 cm or more, taste - very refreshing, sweet, sometimes with a pleasant sourness. Strawberries are also exceptionally aromatic. The beneficial properties of strawberries are also known: a decoction of its leaves and berries eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. But this plant can bring not only benefits, but also harm: the calorie content of strawberries is 41 kcal per 100 g of product, which is quite a lot. Strawberries are grown in garden plots, while their wild “version” is collected in fields and forests. Strawberries begin to ripen in June and produce a harvest for almost the entire month, and remontant garden varieties delight summer residents with berries all summer long.

Strawberries should be eaten raw as much as possible. There are so many useful things in strawberries that children can be allowed to eat them without restrictions, but keep in mind that this berry is a strong allergen. Strawberries make excellent “five-minute” jams; you can roll them with sugar, make classic jam, freeze them for the winter, dry them in the sun and drink strawberry tea in winter. , even frozen, are very diverse; recipes for these delicacies can be easily found in cookbooks and on the Internet. Strawberries are used to decorate desserts; they are added to ice cream, compotes, fruit salads, and used as a filling for baked goods. A wonderful dessert - strawberries with cream or sugar and milk. Strawberries can be used to make juice, smoothies, purees and jelly.

Malibu liqueur is one of the most popular and famous alcoholic drinks. The main ingredients of this drink are light rum and coconut (coconut milk) (you can use coconut extract). This miracle drink, which contains rum, has long been the hallmark of the island of Barbados. Despite its wild popularity, the recipe for malibu liqueur is quite simple, and it is quite possible to prepare it at home. In addition, the strength of the drink can be adjusted using various additives.

Simple recipe


  • vodka/alcohol (45%) – 1l.;
  • coconut shavings – 400g;
  • condensed milk (regular) – 2 cans;
  • water – 400 ml.
  1. Pour the coconut shavings into a container and fill everything with alcohol. Without processing (heating, etc.), mix thoroughly and place in a warm, dark place to “rest.”
  2. Our future Malibu liqueur is infused for 10 days. Don't forget to stir the tincture daily.
  3. Carefully strain the resulting liquid from the coconut flakes and add condensed milk and water. Mix everything well again.
  4. After the procedure, the container is placed in the refrigerator for 3–4 days. This time we let the drink settle and do not shake it.
  5. During settling, the unnecessary fat from the condensed milk forms a layer at the top, so it is recommended to decant the finished drink through a straw, from the bottom of the container. We repeat the procedure with the resulting infusion 2 more times.

As a result, we get a home-made alcoholic drink that is simple in terms of recipe. It smells like coconut and is similar in taste and quality to real Malibu liqueur.

Since the recipe is quite simple, the whole taste feels incomplete. This is mainly due to the absence of the main ingredient - light rum.

But this alcohol is perfect for warm evening gatherings with friends, no one will be dissatisfied.

"Malibu" original


  • rum (white) – 0.5 l.;
  • coconut shavings – 250 g;
  • coconut milk – 400 ml;
  • vanillin – 1 g;
  • water – 400 ml and 250 ml for syrup;
  • sugar – 250 g.

A few words about the last component of the recipe. Special “connoisseurs” recommend adding cane sugar instead of regular sugar. But in practice, conducting such an experiment is not recommended. Firstly, you may lose the original color of the drink, and secondly, the smell of coconut and the note of rum still overwhelms any foreign flavors. If you want to achieve 100% similarity, you can add coconut sugar.


  1. Preparing a tincture with rum is no different from the previous recipe, the main ingredient of which was alcohol.
  2. We only cook the syrup separately. Add sugar and water in equal proportions, put on low heat, and begin cooking, remembering to stir. The syrup should stand on the fire for 10–15 minutes, after which we remove it from the heat and add vanillin (IMPORTANT not to overexpose our syrup on the fire, after 20 minutes it begins to darken greatly).
  3. Carefully pour coconut milk into the tincture, and then gradually, in small portions, pour in the syrup, stirring thoroughly each time and tasting the drink. At this point, it is very important to monitor the sweetness of the drink. Malibu liqueur should under no circumstances be cloying. When there is enough sweetness, we put our alcohol in the refrigerator to infuse.
  4. “Malibu” prepared at home in a similar way should not give a lot of sediment, but the drink still needs to sit. 3-4 days will be enough. We repeat the same manipulations as with the simpler version of the recipe, expressing the alcohol through a straw.

As a result, we get excellent quality alcohol that is difficult to distinguish from store-bought Malibu liqueur. The recipe and the preparation itself are not particularly complicated, but require patience from the performer. However, the result is worth it.

The home-made drink harmonizes perfectly and goes well with various cocktails.

How and with what to drink?

A unique drink with a coke taste, the usual strength of which does not exceed 21 degrees. It goes well with almost everything, from plain ice to a variety of fruit juices. Often, liqueur is drunk “the simple way” - with ice, but many find this uninteresting, and therefore use liqueur as the basis for many cocktails.

  • For the evening, the combination of Malibu with banana/coconut juice and ice is perfect. You can drink it in combination with chocolate syrup and cream. This combination makes the drink more delicate and the rum practically ceases to be palatable. An interesting combination of liqueur, rum and a small portion of coconut milk. To prepare such a drink, you do not need a special recipe; how much and what to add depends on personal preference.
  • "Malibu" may seem a couple of degrees stronger than it actually is. To reduce the strength, they usually add tonic, cola, non-carbonated mineral water, various fresh juices or diluted syrups; this drink is very easy to drink. But do not forget that various additives not included in the recipe interrupt the unique smell of coconut, which is the hallmark of the liqueur.
  • It has become very popular to drink a refreshing drink that includes lime juice, mint, rum, and liqueur. In terms of taste and recipe, it is very similar to the standard Mojito cocktail, but is distinguished by a special coconut note combined with rum.

Liqueur in its pure form is usually drunk along with various sweet desserts. The drink itself is served in liqueur glasses, which look like a narrow bowl with a long stem.

Cocktails using liqueur are served in ordinary wide glasses, and this is not considered a mistake.

But when drinking it, it is worth remembering that from such a drink intoxication occurs quite quickly, and most importantly unnoticeably, so you should drink the liqueur carefully.

Liqueur is a drink of overseas origin, but it has long, firmly and universally found its admirers. It is produced in different countries, including the Caribbean. The island of Barbados has been famous for its strong health for over 300 years. Chief among them is rum. And several decades ago, a wonderful mix was invented based on it - Malibu liqueur.

Exotic in a bottle

Its strength is small, standard for this type of drink - 21 degrees. It consists of white rum (rectified) and natural coconut filler. The smell is identical to the natural fruit. According to legend, the invention happened completely by accident, like everything brilliant in this world. A coconut just fell into a barrel of rum, it steeped there, and when they discovered and tried the “new product,” it turned out to have an unexpectedly pleasant taste. Thus, a new brand appeared - “Malibu”.

Of course, this is just a beautiful story that was invented to entertain tourists. But be that as it may, branded bottles made of opaque glass of a milky opal color and with a label depicting a sunset against a background of palm trees adorn the bar counters of public drinking establishments and private collections. It is also worth noting this fact: many exotic liqueurs are sold with taste and aroma, but Malibu is considered the best!

Drinking culture

Rum is usually drunk neat, added to tea, or various cocktails are made based on it. And how to drink it. In principle, you can eat it as it is, in its original, so to speak, form: from a bottle into a glass - and into your mouth. However, experts believe that the drink itself is not particularly interesting. But if you mix fruit juices with ice cubes into it, the taste will come out very good! It is this technology that bartenders use when serving the famous Pina Colada and Batida Banana.

"Pina colada"

So, the first option for drinking Malibu liqueur is to make a Pina cocktail out of it. Ideally, the product uses real coconut milk. But it will be quite expensive. That’s why we came up with a simpler and more accessible way, related to how to drink Malibu liqueur. Take the drink itself in a certain quantity, add the same amount of white rum, put more ice in the glass, and pour pineapple juice on top. That's it, Pina Colada is ready!

"Batida Banana"

Another masterpiece of exotic drinks adored by our tourists in the Caribbean also clearly demonstrates how to drink Malibu liqueur. In tall glasses, simply mix it with some coconut milk (canned) and ice. In general, in addition to drinking, the product is a frequent component of many local dishes, and is also used as a wonderful flavoring in most varieties of ice cream, and not only in Eastern, but also Western European cuisine.

Product varieties

Coconut Malibu, as already mentioned, is considered the best liqueur in this series. After all, over time, other varieties appeared on the alcoholic beverage market: with mango, passion fruit, and pineapple extract. They are used in the same way as the main type. Usually liqueurs are poured into special small narrow glasses and drunk in small sips. Serve unchilled, at room temperature. You can treat yourself to it after a meal, as a dessert.

In this sense, what recommendations can be given regarding Malibu? It is served with juicy biscuits and shortcrust pastry muffins; it goes well with ice cream and chocolate products, including sweets and cake. Of fruits, which are also served with liqueurs, “Malibu” will make an excellent bouquet with citrus fruits, grapes, pears and peaches.

Strong drinks

What else do you drink coconut Malibu with? Naturally, mixes are made from it with Cola, mineral soda, milk, tonic, and various juices. Naturally, they belong to the category of light, uplifting and pleasant to the taste. More lethal are Malibu cocktails with whiskey and even vodka, liqueur, and cognac. The ratio of components depends on the preferences of the person making them. Drinks such as “Tropical Kiss”, “Margarita Malibu” and others have also become popular in nightclubs and bars.

Coconut only in the 80s of the last century. But this does not mean that humanity did not previously know the taste of alcoholic drinks with the aroma of tropical nuts. For example, on the island of Curacao, a rum drink was produced with the addition of coconut extract and fruit alcohols. But the famous white bottle of liqueur with a strength of 21% was born in Barbados in the alcoholic empire of Pernod Ricard.

What is the secret to making this wonderful matte white drink with sweet notes of nutty pulp? Is it possible to repeat factory technology at home? To obtain coconut liqueur, the manufacturer synthetically removes the inherent pungent odor of real Barbadian rum, adds molasses and saturates it with an extract from the pulp of a tropical nut. After this, the drink is infused in oak barrels for one to two years. Is it possible to reproduce all industrial technology in your kitchen? Most likely not, but you can still get something remotely similar with a lot of effort.

Here's a breakdown of how to make your own coconut liqueur. Pour a sachet (250 g) into a glass jar with 600 ml of white rum (the same amount of vodka will do). The jar is tightly sealed so that the alcohol does not erode, and it is infused for a week in a dark room. We squeeze out the shavings through cheesecloth and use them to prepare desserts, and pour the strained liquid into a tall saucepan, add a can of condensed milk and 400 ml of coconut milk. Beat the mixture with a mixer for 2 minutes at high speed. Bottle and leave for another week. After this, the drink is considered ready for consumption.

How should you serve and drink coconut liqueur? Since it is quite sweet, it is offered to guests after the meal. It is good accompanied by fruits and desserts, especially cheesecakes or ice cream. Some people like to drink it neat with coffee. Malibu, like most similar drinks, is served in a liqueur glass. But this drink gained its greatest fame as part of the famous

The prefix “Pina” in the neck indicates the need to use pineapple juice. We will also need some light rum. How to create this elite cocktail yourself? Place Malibu coconut liqueur (40 ml), rum (60 ml) and half a glass of pineapple juice in a shaker, add crushed ice and shake thoroughly.

The liquid is poured into a tall glass, decorated with strawberries and served with a straw.

Naturally, coconut liqueur is a component of not only Pina Colada. Other cocktails are also made with it. For example, El Ultimo. For this long drink you need to mix 10 ml of Malibu, 40 ml of cognac and 130 ml of fresh apple juice. Serve it in a tall glass with ice cubes. And here is the recipe for a complex holiday drink that all girls will love - a creamy Pina Colada. In a shaker, mix 30 ml of Malibu coconut liqueur, 15 ml of Amaretto, 50 ml of pineapple juice and 15 ml of milk. Pour into a glass, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated dark chocolate and crushed almonds.