How to cook potatoes with herbs. Fragrant new potatoes with herbs and garlic

Bright and beautiful pumpkin jam with the addition of lemons, oranges, dried apricots, raisins - choose what you like!

There are no difficulties in cooking such jam; it is very difficult to spoil it; even a housewife who is just starting to cook can cope with the preparation.

Accordingly, depending on the weight of the pumpkin you have, you will need to reduce or increase the amount of sugar and lemons.

  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 600 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 medium sized lemons.

You need to cut off the rind from the pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds. Before you start, don’t be lazy to sharpen your knife well; peeling a pumpkin from the crust is not the easiest thing. You don’t have to throw away the pumpkin seeds, but wash them, dry them on a towel for a day, and then fry them a little in a frying pan; they contain a lot of useful substances and are simply very tasty.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces, preferably at least 1.5 cm thick, so there is less chance that they will lose their shape during cooking. Weigh the pumpkin and accurately calculate the required amount of sugar.

There are two options for preparing lemon for cooking. The first is to simply grind the lemon in a meat grinder and mix with pumpkin pieces. I prefer the second method - grate the lemon zest on a medium or fine grater, and then cut it into slices, removing the seeds. This way the lemon will get the most juice and aroma, and the jam will be more beautiful.

Place the pumpkin, zest and lemon slices into a cup (or immediately into a saucepan), sprinkle everything with sugar, cover with a lid, and leave for at least three hours. It is necessary that the pumpkin and lemon “give up” so much juice that it almost covers the entire pumpkin. The time it will take, of course, depends on the type of pumpkin, so if you are not familiar with the type of pumpkin, I think that the best option is to cut the pumpkin with lemon in the evening, then in the morning you will definitely get a full cup of juice.

And now, when enough juice has been released, you can start making jam.

For cooking, it is better to take dishes with a thick bottom, this will almost eliminate burning. Place the saucepan (saucepan) with the future jam on low heat, bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove the saucepan from the heat, do not cook. Place the pan in a cool place; if there is no such place, then simply leave it in the kitchen. Let the pumpkin cool completely.

When the pumpkin has cooled almost to room temperature, put the pan back on low heat, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 20 minutes without closing the lid. Here we need to make a reservation about something. If you want to end up with jam in the form of pumpkin pieces floating in syrup, then it is important not to overcook the pumpkin. But there are varieties with very dense pulp, then after the first stage of cooling the pieces remain very hard, then the mass must be brought to a boil again and cooled again, and only then cooked for 20 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam. Then remove the pan from the heat and immediately put the jam into the jars, removing the not-so-pretty lemon slices.

Pre-prepared jars (washed and sterilized) must be warm by the time the jam is placed in them, otherwise they may burst. Close the filled jars tightly with lids or roll them up.

Leave the jam at room temperature for a day, and then put it in a cool place if possible.

You can experiment a little with flavors by replacing half the lemons with, for example, orange or lime.

Recipe 2: Pumpkin jam with lemon and orange

This recipe with photo is dedicated to a bright vegetable - pumpkin, or rather, sunny jam made from it. Only the result will be unexpected for you: the pumpkin flavor is practically not felt in the finished product. Pumpkin jam is not only very beautiful and tasty, it gives the body invaluable benefits. Orange, lemon - these citruses charge you with energy.

The result is a deliciously aromatic citrus-pumpkin jam - you'll lick your fingers!

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2-3 tbsp. water.

Sweet jam for the winter is made from pumpkin, which has bright and juicy pulp. This preparation also preserves its taste better. Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into small cubes. 1.5-2 cm will be perfect, such pieces will cook well.

Cut the oranges into small pieces. Don't forget to wash the peel thoroughly before slicing.

Slice the lemon along with the zest. To prevent the skin from becoming bitter, pour boiling water over the fruit several times. Don't forget to remove the seeds from all fruits. Because of them, a slight bitterness will appear, and it is unpleasant to come across hard particles in soft jam.

Place the lemon and orange in a bowl or pan. Take an aluminum or stainless steel container.

Cover the citrus fruits with sugar.

Pour water and mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. If the pumpkin is juicy, then you can use less water, and vice versa.

Bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the fire.

Add pumpkin to hot syrup. It doesn’t get overcooked thanks to lemon and infusion in syrup. You will get a beautiful amber jam with solid soft pieces.

Stir the jam and leave to cool and soak for a day.

Let's return to the jam. All components are already saturated with fruit-sugar syrup. Boil 3 more times for 15 minutes after boiling, each time completely cooling the jam. Before our eyes it becomes thicker, and the pumpkin pieces become softer and smaller in size (they boil and shrink). Why don’t we cook for 30-45 minutes at once, but in stages? With this method, more useful substances are preserved, and pieces of pumpkin and citrus also have time to better soak in the syrup and will in no case turn into porridge. During the infusion process, we look: if there is not enough water, add more before putting the jam on the fire.

Before boiling the jam for the last time, prepare the jars. We wash them with soda and sterilize them so that our jam can be preserved until winter. For convenience, all the rules for sterilization are already here. The step-by-step photo shows that the pumpkin has boiled down, a clear amber syrup is obtained, and the jam is ready to be rolled into jars.

Carefully pour the hot jam with pieces of pumpkin, orange and lemon into hot jars using a spoon or ladle. Fill the containers completely, right up to the neck. It is more convenient to store the workpiece in small jars.

Roll up with sterilized lids and turn over. You don’t need to wrap the jam, we just wait for it to cool and put it in a dark cupboard and store it at room temperature.

The most delicious jam made from pumpkin, lemon and orange is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: pumpkin jam with lemons and tangerines

An original jam that will please the kidneys (by definition) and the immune system. Yes, they say that pumpkin also rejuvenates, so, girls and boys, go ahead and get the sweet elixir of youth.

  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg
  • Lemons (with thick peel) - 4 pcs.
  • Tangerines – 0.5 kg
  • Ginger, root - 4 cm
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg
  • Cardamom seeds - 1 pinch

It is better to take pumpkin for jam with green skin. These usually smell like melon when cut.

Finely chop the pumpkin pulp into cubes.

Remove the zest from one lemon and finely chop the ginger.

Mix the zest, ginger and 250 g of granulated sugar with the pumpkin, cover and leave for 12 hours.

Boil tangerines with peel in 2 liters of water for 1 hour. Remove the tangerines and cool. Don't throw away the water!!

Finely chop the lemons themselves.

Place the lemons in tangerine water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, for 30 minutes. Then another 15 minutes without the lid.

Then strain the tangerine-lemon water.

Finely chop the cooled tangerines.

Pour tangerine-lemon water into a saucepan, add tangerines and pumpkin, put on fire, bring to a boil. Add a pinch of cardamom seeds and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Add 750 g of sugar, cook until tender.

For me, the readiness of jam is determined by my grandmother’s method - when a drop of syrup on the plate does not spread.

The taste is lemon-tangerine, the main ingredient is pumpkin - a healthy blend. Everyone is sure that they eat orange with lemon =)
Bon appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: apple and pumpkin jam with lemon

To prepare delicious jam for the winter, just buy a pumpkin and stock up on apples. In this regard, pumpkin is a universal vegetable and product, since it can be used to prepare both main courses and desserts.

I really like the combination of apples and pumpkin, so I hope you enjoy my recipe. I also like that the jam does not turn into porridge, and the ingredients retain their shape. This happens due to the fact that I pour sweet sugar syrup over the pumpkin and it is completely soaked. Jelly pieces of pumpkin retain their shape, and if the apples fall apart a little, it’s okay, as they will further add a mysterious, piquant taste to the pumpkin.

  • 600 grams of pumpkin;
  • 300 grams of apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of water.

Wash the pumpkin, cut off the thick, hard skin. I cut the pumpkin into large squares.

I sprinkle the pumpkin squares with granulated sugar. Let it sit and soak in sugar.

Then pour boiling water so that the sugar completely melts. I leave it to stand so that the pumpkin soaks in the sweet syrup even more.

I chop the apples into slices, removing the tails and internal partitions with seeds.

I add the apples to the pumpkin and put it on the fire.

I simmer the jam on the fire for about 30 minutes.

Then I squeeze lemon juice in there so that the jam is not too sweet, but with a slight hint of sourness. I boil for another 10 minutes until the jam begins to bubble and bubble on the surface.

After this, I transfer the finished jam into jars.

I seal it tightly with lids so that no more oxygen enters the jar.

I store the finished, cooled pumpkin, apple and lemon jam in the pantry or basement for winter storage.

With such jam we won’t have a problem in winter, because such a bright orange delicacy will warm you up at any moment.

Recipe 5: pumpkin jam with ginger, lemon, poppy seeds

A very interesting jam. Very thick, similar to candied fruits in syrup. No pumpkin taste. Beautiful, spicy, aromatic. The pumpkin straw is dense and even slightly crunchy, there is a very slight spiciness of ginger and a poppy flavor, not too sweet.

  • Pumpkin (net weight of pumpkin pulp) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Ginger (fresh ginger root 3-5 cm long) - 1 pc.
  • Poppy - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into thin strips. Place in a bowl. The process is not very fast. Remove the zest from the orange with a grater and squeeze out the juice. Simply squeeze the juice out of the lemon. We send the juices and zest to the pumpkin.

Transfer the pumpkin and its contents to a saucepan in which we will cook the jam. Add sugar.

We close the pan with a lid and don’t think about it for 6-8 hours, or even all night.

Carefully mix the contents, the pumpkin just floats in its own juice, put it on high heat, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the heat. Cover again and forget for 4-5 hours.

Peel the ginger and cut it into thin strips using the julienne method.

Add the ginger to the pumpkin, put it on the fire and cook at a gentle boil for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time.

Remove, cover, leave for 4 hours.

Lightly fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan until aroma appears. Pour into a saucepan and cook our jam over moderate heat for about 35 minutes. The pumpkin straws become completely transparent.

By the way, by the end of cooking there is very little syrup left.

At first I thought that poppy seeds seemed to be of no use, what is a tablespoon of poppy seeds? And when I poured the fried poppy seeds into the jam, the aroma immediately changed: the orange became more muted and a new shade of something baked was added. And it looks more fun - “speckled” jam.

We store the finished jam in the refrigerator, there is little sugar in it.

Recipe 6: how to make pumpkin jam with lemon

As a rule, pumpkin is stored as a whole fruit until spring. Less often it is frozen in pieces. And the orange beauty is rarely preserved. And completely in vain. We suggest you prepare pumpkin jam with lemon for the winter. Although you can make a lot of other delicious delicacies from pumpkin: juices, compotes, jams, candied fruits, marshmallows.

The Queen of Autumn goes well with citrus fruits, nuts, viburnum, apples, pears, quince, and dried apricots. So we would like to invite you to replenish your culinary repertoire with a recipe with a photo of aromatic pumpkin jam with lemon. While preparing this jam, the kitchen is filled with an amazing, subtle lemon-pumpkin aroma. And the taste cannot be described at all - some completely extraordinary range of taste sensations.

  • pumpkin – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • large lemon - half.

For pumpkin jam, you need to choose a ripe pumpkin with dense, bright orange pulp.

Wash the pumpkin well, remove peel and seeds. Cut into large cubes (about 1.5-2 centimeters on a side).

Pour boiling water over the lemon to remove the wax coating. Cut into large pieces along with the peel.

Place lemon slices into blender bowl.

Grind at high speed.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a volume of at least two liters and pour 100 milliliters of water. Place on low heat.

Heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Let the syrup boil. Place pumpkin cubes and chopped lemon into it, mix well.

Cook over low heat for 1 hour, remembering to stir.

Checking the readiness of pumpkin jam with lemon is very simple: the pumpkin pieces should become transparent and evenly distributed in the syrup. You can also determine the readiness of pumpkin jam by testing a drop of syrup: take a little syrup with a spoon, cool and put one drop on your nail. If the jam is ready, the drop will stick.

Pour hot jam into heated sterilized jars and seal immediately. Cooling is air.

Amazing amber pumpkin jam with lemon, the recipe for which turned out to be not so complicated, is ready. It can be served in a rosette for evening tea, or placed on a piece of freshly baked white bread. Pumpkin jam can also serve as an excellent filling for pies or pies.

Store pumpkin jam in a cool, dark place. Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: pumpkin jam with lemon and dried apricots (step by step)

The best proof that pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy, is pumpkin jam. It does not have that specific smell that is inherent in raw pumpkin. It turns out to be fragrant, delicate in consistency and pleasing to the eye with its amber color.

  • 1 kg. peeled pumpkin
  • 1 kg. Sahara
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 200 gr. dried apricots

Using a knife, peel the pumpkin.

Remove the pumpkin seeds with a tablespoon, and don’t forget about the fibers that are located next to the seeds.

We first cut the pumpkin into longitudinal pieces, and then turn them into small cubes.

We wash and peel the orange, separate it into slices (be sure to remove the grains).

We also wash the lemon, peel it and cut it into pieces.

We wash the dried apricots and steam them in hot water for 30 minutes.

We pass pumpkin, dried apricots, orange and lemon through a meat grinder.

Stir until smooth and add sugar.

Let it boil, and then cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

Sterilize jars (half-liter jars are best). Pour pumpkin jam with orange and dried apricots into jars using a ladle or a tablespoon.

Seal and leave to cool. The finished treat is stored in a cellar or a cool, dark place.

After preparing pumpkin jam, you can immediately start tasting, but it is better to let the jam brew: the longer it sits, the richer the taste becomes. By the way, it is not at all necessary to grind the ingredients to a puree state: if you prefer pieces, then simply boil the pumpkin cubes in sugar syrup. They will retain their shape if you cook the jam in 2-3 batches, allowing the dish to cool completely. If desired, you can add raisins to this jam.

Recipe 8: how to make simple pumpkin jam (with photo)

Pumpkin jam with lemon may very well become one of your favorite winter desserts.

  • pumpkin - 850-950 gr
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 900 gr

To prepare this healthy winter dessert, we don’t need many ingredients; they can all be freely purchased in a store or market. It is very important to choose a ripe and sweet pumpkin for jam, while the appearance of the peel matters little.

Let's start making jam by preparing the pumpkin, since this is our main ingredient. We rinse the pumpkin purchased or grown in our own garden, wipe it dry and cut it in half. We peel each half of the thick peel in any way convenient for you, the main thing is to preserve only the soft and sweet pulp for jam. Also, using a wooden spoon, remove all the mucus and seeds from the pumpkin. You should not get rid of seeds, because they are also very useful for the human body, and in particular for the cardiovascular system.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the prepared pumpkin pulp into strips as shown in the photo. In fact, pumpkin pieces can be given absolutely any shape, the only thing you need to watch is the thickness of the pieces: if they are too large, then the pumpkin will take longer to cook and the final taste of the jam may be different from the original version.

Now let's prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, pour a quarter liter of filtered cold water into a suitable saucepan, and add all the prepared marinade there. Bring the liquid to a boil and wait for 3-5 minutes until the sugar crystals in the syrup are completely dissolved.

After the specified time has passed, pour the pumpkin pieces into a saucepan with thick sugar syrup. Using the same wooden spoon, carefully immerse all the pumpkin pieces into the hot liquid.

We thoroughly wash the lemon in cold water, because we will use it together with the peel, which contains the main supply of all vitamins. Cut the citrus into thin rings or half rings and place in the pan with the pumpkin. As mentioned earlier, you can make pumpkin jam not only with lemon, but also with orange, tangerines or even ginger. Return the saucepan or pan with the ingredients to the stove and cook the dessert for 60 minutes until the pumpkin is soft and transparent.

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I suggest preparing delicious and aromatic boiled potatoes with butter and herbs. For the recipe, you can use both young and more mature potatoes. Tender boiled potatoes will always be appropriate for lunch or dinner; everyone will enjoy a hearty and nutritious dish.

Prepare all the necessary products according to the list.

For the recipe, use potatoes of approximately the same size, preferably medium, so they will cook at the same time. Use straight root vegetables to make the dish look more appetizing. Peel the potatoes and rinse in water.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan and add cold water until the liquid completely covers them. Put it on fire.

After the water boils, add salt to taste, reduce the heat and cook the potatoes until tender. After about 20-25 minutes, the potatoes will become soft; check for doneness by piercing them with a fork or knife. Drain hot water.

Add butter to the hot potatoes and cover the pan with a lid. The butter will melt quickly.

Finely chop the washed greens: parsley and dill.

Add greens to potatoes and stir.

Young potatoes do not have a thick skin, so you need to scrape off the thin skin from it: do this with a knife or a clean kitchen sponge. Wash the potatoes after peeling and drain the water. Then place the potatoes in a saucepan with clean water and cook until soft and ready. New potatoes cook quickly and will be ready in 20 minutes.

Chop the aromatic herbs and squeeze the garlic through a press. Both parsley and dill are great for potatoes. But if you prefer other greens, then go for it. The choice is huge: basil, cilantro and even arugula. Potatoes are friends with many types of greens, so decide for yourself what to choose.

Add aromatic additives to the boiled potatoes: herbs and dill. Greens perfectly complement the taste of new potatoes.

Drizzle the potatoes with aromatic unrefined oil. You can buy homemade fried butter at the market, it is very fragrant.

Mix the potatoes and place them on a dish immediately after cooking. The result was very tasty and aromatic potatoes with herbs and garlic. If you can’t mix in a bowl, then put all the ingredients in a saucepan, add aromatic additives and oil, cover with a lid and shake the potatoes several times, they will mix well.

Any salad is suitable for young potatoes, even a regular cucumber and tomato salad. If you decide to serve meat, then any chop will complement the side dish of potatoes. I hope that your summer menu will be complemented by my recipe with a photo of new potatoes with garlic and herbs. Bon Appetite!

It's time for fresh aromatic vegetables, in particular potatoes. For me, there is nothing tastier than potatoes with herbs, garlic and sour cream. This simple dish has been familiar to me since childhood.

Every year at the very beginning of summer, the whole family came to visit our grandmother in the village. For this occasion, she prepared many different delicacies. She took potatoes and greens for this dish from her garden. I also used homemade sour cream. It turned out delicious, you'll lick your fingers!

Now I cook potatoes according to my grandmother’s recipe. True, you have to take potatoes from the market, and the sour cream is not always homemade. But I cook this dish exclusively in my grandmother’s cast iron.

To prepare this tasty and satisfying dish, I needed the following ingredients:

    1 kg new potatoes

    0.5 bunch of dill

1. If you don’t like a lot of greens, you can use less. I like there to be more dill, so I can add a whole bunch.

2. It tastes best with homemade cream. I sometimes improvise: I mix store-bought sour cream with butter.

Difficulty level- the most minimal. No more complicated than regular puree.

Cooking time- about 40 minutes.

We start, as usual, by peeling the potatoes. It is most convenient to do this under running water. Wash the peeled potatoes and cut them into quarters. I don’t recommend cutting it too finely, as young potatoes tend to boil over.

Without wasting time, pour the peeled and chopped potatoes with cold water and cook over medium heat until tender, adding the required amount of salt.

Finely chop the dill. Chop the garlic using a press or finely chop it with a knife.

Checking the potatoes. If it is cooked until done, drain the water and return the saucepan to the fire so that the remaining liquid evaporates.
Add sour cream, cream or butter to the saucepan with potatoes. This time I used butter. We also add prepared garlic and dill.