How to properly prepare ginger tea recipe. Ginger tea - recipes

Ginger came to our country back in the 16th century. Then it was added to such traditional drinks as kvass, compote, sbiten, mash and honey. Later, ginger was added to tea. Ginger tea quickly gained popularity when it became clear that it was not only tasty, but also healthy. Let's look at the beneficial properties of this drink and look at a couple of interesting recipes.

Traditionally, ginger is considered a spice. The number of his fans is growing rapidly. The product, which contains a whole “pharmacy” of vitamins and microelements, quickly became a people's favorite due to its beneficial properties:

  • painkiller;
  • diaphoretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antiemetic;
  • disinfectant;
  • warming;
  • purification of blood from cholesterol;
  • improved appetite;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • stimulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • improving blood circulation.

In some cases, ginger even surpasses other spices not only in healing properties, but also in taste. Ginger root is most common in fresh, pickled and dried form. Dry powder and pickled ginger are convenient to use in cooking. And when preparing healthy tea, it is better to use fresh root.

How to brew ginger tea correctly

It would seem that what could be so difficult about brewing tea? However, in order to preserve maximum beneficial properties in ginger tea, you must follow some rules:

  1. Use only fresh root. This ginger has a golden color and smooth, slightly shiny skin. The root should be hard, the shoots break off with a crunch. Also pay attention to the branches: the more there are, the more essential oils and beneficial components they contain.
  2. The water temperature should not be more than 60°C, otherwise the drink will not contain vitamin C.
  3. To improve the taste of tea, you can add sugar.
  4. To increase the beneficial properties, it is recommended to add a slice of lemon, a mint leaf, and honey.
  5. It is better to drink freshly brewed tea, it is the most beneficial.
  6. When drinking ginger tea in the fight against excess weight, it is recommended to drink this tea before meals to dull the appetite.
  7. When preparing the drink, use those types of tea that do not contain additives.

Ginger tea recipes

1. Tea with lemon and ginger

To prepare this drink, you will need the following products:

  • half a lemon;
  • fresh ginger 3-4 cm in size;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • sugar to taste.

Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices. Rinse the lemon thoroughly and cut into slices. Place ginger and lemon in a teapot, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid. In 15 minutes the tea will be ready. If desired, you can add honey, but only immediately before use.

This tea gives a tonic effect, perfectly stimulates metabolism, removes toxins and is an excellent prevention of colds. It is recommended to drink the drink 3 times a day. There is one nuance here: if gastric acidity is high, then tea should be drunk during meals, and if it is low, 30 minutes before meals.

2. Ginger tea for weight loss

The best combination that effectively copes with the problem of excess weight is garlic and ginger. Garlic greatly enhances the effect of the root and prevents the formation of new cholesterol deposits. How to prepare such a magical drink? For preparation you will need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • ginger root 4 cm long;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

This drink should be drunk before eating throughout the day. Tea has only one drawback - it does not taste very pleasant.

3. Fruit ginger tea

To prepare this wonderful drink, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated fresh ginger;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon or orange zest;
  • 1 tbsp. l. green or black tea;
  • a handful of dried apples;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise;
  • orange juice and honey to taste.

Add washed apples, grated ginger, zest, star anise and cinnamon to boiling water. Simmer the spicy liquid over low heat for 5 minutes. Then add tea, orange juice and honey to the broth. Let sit with the lid closed for another 5 minutes. Strain the aromatic drink.

This tea strengthens the immune system and increases the body's defenses. It will be especially useful to drink in the spring and autumn. It is enough to drink 3-4 cups per day.

4. Brazilian ginger tea

To prepare 6 servings of tea you need to prepare:

  • 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger;
  • 1 tsp. turmeric;
  • 1 tsp. soft butter;
  • milk;

First you need to make ginger paste. Soften the butter to room temperature and mix thoroughly with turmeric and ginger to form a paste. Serve like this: put 0.5 tsp in a glass of heated milk. ginger paste, add a spoon of honey and stir.

This recipe is very helpful for colds and digestive problems. It is recommended to drink three times a day after meals.

5. Green tea with milk and ginger

To prepare 2 cups you need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger;
  • 1 bag of natural green tea;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 cups of fat milk;

Pour water into a kettle, bring to a boil, add a tea bag and ginger. Leave to brew for 5 minutes. During this time, boil the milk in a small saucepan. In a separate ceramic teapot, combine hot milk and tea-ginger infusion. Tea should be served after sweetening it with honey.

This drink should be drunk every time before meals. It helps reduce appetite and, accordingly, get rid of excess weight.

6. Ginger tea according to Madonna's recipe

For 1 liter of drink you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. green tea;
  • small ginger root;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • vanilla pod;
  • 1 PC. carnations;
  • 1 lime;
  • 1 orange;
  • 4 things. kumquat;
  • a bunch of mint.

Green tea should be steeped in boiling water for three minutes and strained into a jug. Grind the cloves and cinnamon in a mortar and pour into a jug. Cut the orange and lime into even slices, divide the kumquats into 4 parts. Cut the ginger into slices. Place the fruit, root and vanilla bean into a jug of tea. Add mint leaves. Stir the tea, cool and serve with ice.

This drink is incredibly tonic and invigorating. It is recommended to drink throughout the day. Madonna herself considers this tea an energy drink that is equal to the “magic herb” marijuana.

Drinking ginger tea during pregnancy

Ginger tea can be drunk in the first trimester (2-3 cups per day). It has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and helps cope with toxicosis. But in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the root goes into the list of prohibited foods. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • ginger leads to hormonal disorders of the fetus;
  • leads to a strong jump in blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

During lactation, ginger tea should also be avoided.

Ginger tea in childhood

Pediatricians are of the opinion that ginger drink should not be given to children, until they reach the age of three. In all other cases, tea with ginger can not only be given, but also necessary. It is a rich source of vitamins and a natural remedy for colds.

Lemon tea with ginger and fruit ginger tea are great for children. If the baby is sick, the drink should be given 100 ml daily for three weeks.


Ginger tea is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  1. Ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enteritis.
  2. Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
  3. Cholelithiasis.
  4. Any bleeding.
  5. Allergic reaction.
  6. With elevated body temperature more than 39ºС.

You should drink the drink with caution while taking medications that have a stimulating effect on the heart, stabilize heart rhythm and reduce blood pressure. It is strictly forbidden to drink ginger tea along with blood thinning medications.

Ginger tea is a magical drink that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It helps strengthen the immune system, lose weight and cope with many ailments. For preventive purposes, in the absence of contraindications, it is enough to drink 3 cups a day.

Ginger, which has an oriental, fiery taste, has earned special trust among chefs. The aromatic seasoning provides dishes with additional piquancy. And drinks prepared with the addition of rhizomes help to warm up in severe frosts and refresh on hot days. Ginger teas quench thirst, treat illnesses and even allow you to lose weight. But before you brew the drink and fill the kitchen with a spicy aroma, it is important to find out what the benefits and harms of ginger tea are.

Ginger tea, containing many beneficial substances, has a powerful effect on the human body. It improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, excretory and nervous systems. But provided it is used correctly. If contraindications are not taken into account or the drink is abused, then it can cause harm to all these systems. Therefore, drinking ginger tea should not be taken lightly.

Tea with ginger: the benefits and harms of a spicy drink

Scientists, having studied the chemical composition of ginger, discovered more than 400 substances beneficial to the body in the healing plant. Such a storehouse of vitamins and minerals allows for a comprehensive effect on a person and provides treatment for many pathologies. Healers and herbalists believe that some chemical drugs, for example, for colds, can be completely replaced with plant materials. That is why the benefits and harms of ginger tea continue to be studied by scientists and are of particular interest to patients.

What to expect: 10 point effect

The spicy drink, which amazes those who try it for the first time with its specific taste, can rightfully be considered the “king of herbal medicine.” It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and affects almost all systems. Hot, scalding tea has the following properties.

People who, due to acquired illnesses, are forced to constantly use medications, should definitely consult a doctor before starting ginger therapy. The drink can enhance the effects of medications that thin the blood, lower sugar, stimulate the heart, and lower blood pressure. Ignoring medical advice can result in an unpleasant overdose, the consequences of which can be disastrous.

When a product becomes dangerous

Doctors warn that the drink can not only be a powerful medicine, but can also become a real pest for the body. Ginger teas have the following contraindications.

  • Gastrointestinal pathologies. In case of inflammation of the ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of pancreatitis, drinks should not be used.
  • Bleeding. Ginger thins the blood, so it can increase any bleeding (hemorrhoids, nosebleeds).
  • Cirrhosis, hepatitis. The active effect of the herbal remedy is contraindicated in patients with a diseased liver.
  • Cholelithiasis. Ginger is able to ensure the movement of stones. A stone can get into the duct and become a reason for urgent surgical intervention.
  • Hyperthermia. Drinking may increase your temperature.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies. If you have severe hypertension or hypotension, have had a stroke or heart attack, you should stop using ginger.

It is forbidden to drink ginger teas in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This ban is dictated by the drink’s ability to greatly reduce blood pressure, which most often “jumps” in the expectant mother during this period. And ginger is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women with a risk of miscarriage.

7 recipes for treatment and weight loss

Ginger tea is a good reason to gather the whole family at one table. The spicy aroma of the drink will provide special comfort and a peaceful atmosphere. This simple rule will improve the health of all household members. Ginger tea is also useful for children, but only from two to three years old. At an earlier age, it is not recommended to overload the digestive system with hot spices.

Classic drink

Peculiarities. How to make ginger tea? To brew an aromatic-spicy drink, it will take only 20 minutes and the remedy that boosts immunity and restores strength will be ready. This tea can be consumed at the first signs of a cold or after severe physical and mental fatigue.


  • ginger root (chopped) - two tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • honey - optional.

Cooking process

  1. The root is washed.
  2. The peel is cut as thin as possible.
  3. The peeled tuber is grated.
  4. The spicy paste is poured with boiling water.
  5. Cover the teapot with a lid and steep the tea for about 20 minutes.
  6. The drink is filtered through cheesecloth.
  7. To sweeten the tea, honey is added to it.

Green tea with ginger flavor

Peculiarities. One of the healthy drinks for humans is green tea. It improves brain functioning, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, and helps lose weight. Very often, green tea with ginger, for its strong fat-burning properties, is recommended for those who are committed to fighting excess weight.


  • green tea (large leaf) - two teaspoons;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • ginger - 60 g;

Cooking process

  1. Fresh tuber is grated on a grater.
  2. Place green tea in a thermos and add crushed spice.
  3. The mixture is poured with hot water and the thermos is sealed.
  4. It is recommended to infuse the drink for half an hour.
  5. Then the liquid must be filtered.
  6. You should not leave ginger in tea for a longer time, as the drink will acquire a distinctly hot taste.

Black tea with ginger flavor

Peculiarities. A combination of black tea and ginger is beneficial. This composition allows you to activate metabolism, improve liver function, and enhance the production of digestive enzymes. This promotes fat burning. A drink that combines the taste of black tea and the aroma of ginger can invigorate the body just as well as coffee.


  • loose leaf tea, without additives - two teaspoons;
  • grated ginger - two teaspoons;
  • cardamom - one pinch;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cloves - two pieces;
  • lemon - three to four slices;
  • honey - two teaspoons.

Cooking process

  1. Place a pan of water on the fire.
  2. When the liquid boils, crushed ginger is added to it. The spice should simmer for about two minutes.
  3. Then add the remaining spices to the pan.
  4. Simmer the product for five minutes over low heat.
  5. The tea is filtered. Then lemon slices are added to it and honey is added.

Ginger milk tea

Peculiarities. When exploring various recipes for making ginger tea, you should definitely try the drink with milk. This product strengthens bone tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis, and protects against caries. And casein, which is part of milk, enhances fat burning.


  • milk (low-fat only) - 1 l;
  • tea (any) - three teaspoons;
  • ginger (dry or fresh) - 20 g;
  • honey - for sweetness.

Cooking process

  1. Place the milk on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Add tea to the liquid that is ready to boil, gently stirring the mixture.
  3. Next add grated ginger.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to steep for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. The drink must be stirred periodically.
  6. Then the tea is filtered and honey is added to taste.

This milk-ginger tea can be given to a child to prevent viral diseases and colds.

With orange and cinnamon

Peculiarities. Nutritionists recommend including oranges in your diet for quality weight loss. The orange component is able to eliminate free radicals and cleanse the body of breakdown products at the cellular level. Citrus helps slow down aging and effectively satisfies hunger. Ginger and orange in combination with green tea help you get rid of extra pounds, and in winter they protect against colds and improve your mood.


  • ginger tuber - approximately 1.5 cm;
  • orange - one citrus;
  • green tea - one teaspoon;
  • star anise - one star;
  • water - 450 ml.
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon.

Cooking process

  1. Peeled ginger is cut into small pieces.
  2. The orange is washed well. Cut the citrus together with the zest into small slices.
  3. The prepared raw materials are placed in the kettle. Add green tea.
  4. These components are poured with hot water.
  5. Throw a star anise into the liquid and add cinnamon.
  6. The kettle is closed and wrapped in a warm towel.
  7. Infuse the drink for about 40 minutes.

Option with garlic

Peculiarities. If green tea for weight loss with ginger is supplemented with garlic, then effective disposal of those annoying extra pounds is ensured. This is exactly the drink that Angelina Jolie drank after giving birth, observing her slightly plumper figure in the mirror. And the talented actress managed to regain her ideal shape. How to make this tea with ginger and garlic at home?


  • ginger - 50 g;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • green tea - two teaspoons;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process

  1. It is better to brew the drink in a thermos.
  2. The root is cut into thin petals and placed in a thermos.
  3. Garlic cloves are passed through a press. The pulp is added to the thermos.
  4. Add green tea to the ginger-garlic mixture. Fill with hot water.
  5. Infuse the drink for approximately one to two hours. Then be sure to filter.

Lemon-ginger drink with pepper

Peculiarities. This drink is recommended as an effective prevention and treatment of colds. It can be used to get rid of migraines and eliminate nervous tension. Tea restores strength and has a tonic effect. To activate the immune system to fight infection, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the drink.


  • root (grated) - three tablespoons;
  • water - 2 l;
  • honey - five tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - from one citrus;
  • black pepper (finely ground) - one pinch.

Cooking process

  1. The water is brought to a boil.
  2. Add grated ginger to the bubbling liquid.
  3. After two or three minutes, remove the pan from the stove and allow the drink to cool slightly.
  4. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruit and added to ginger tea.
  5. Add a pinch of pepper.
  6. Honey is introduced last. The product is added at the moment when the temperature of the drink drops to almost 40°C.

Remember not only how to prepare ginger tea, but also how to use it correctly. If the purpose of drinking tea is to lose weight, then take the fat-burning product 20–30 minutes before meals. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, and the digestive tract periodically reminds itself, then the drink is consumed during meals. Between tea parties, a pause of four hours is observed so as not to provoke sudden surges in pressure. And the last thing to remember is compliance with the measure. Drinking more than two liters of ginger tea per day is a direct path to painful overdose symptoms.

Tea with ginger is an ideal drink for the cold season. It not only warms perfectly, but also strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and other ailments. In addition, tea speeds up the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Today, finding ginger on sale is not difficult. It is sold in any supermarket and fruit shop. It is better to take a fresh root and grate it yourself, rather than using ready-made dry powder. To prepare tea according to the classic recipe you will need: 10 g ginger, 1 lemon, 50 g natural bee honey, 0.5 l water.

  1. The root is peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting “chips” are poured with boiling water. Only after this can you add the juice of half a lemon to the drink.
  3. The container with tea is closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left to steep for 25 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, slices of the remaining lemon and honey are added to the drink.

Sugar in this tea will be unnecessary; bee honey will add sweetness.

Recipe for cooking with cinnamon for weight loss

If you plan to use ginger tea for weight loss, then it must contain cinnamon.

1 tsp is enough. this aromatic spice. You also need to take: 3 tbsp. grated root and 800 ml of water.

  1. Chopped ginger and cinnamon are placed in a thermos.
  2. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes.

The finished drink is consumed daily before meals on an empty stomach, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Black tea with currant leaves

Ginger tea with the addition of currant leaves is very tasty and aromatic. It is better to use young leaves collected in the spring. To prepare tea you will need: 3 tsp. any high-quality black tea, the same amount of fresh crushed or dry currant leaves, 30 g of ginger root.

  1. First of all, boiling water is poured into the tea leaves. You can change its quantity to your taste, choosing either a stronger or weaker drink.
  2. The brewed tea is filtered through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze, and then poured into a small thermos. Add ginger root cut into small pieces to the same container.
  3. If you use fresh currant leaves, you will need to first scald them with boiling water and only then use them in the recipe.
  4. After preparation, the currant leaves are sent to a thermos with black tea.
  5. The drink should be infused under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.

The tea should be drunk hot with sugar or honey.

Green tea with ginger and milk to reduce appetite

If the main reason for excess weight is large portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you can limit yourself with special green tea. In addition to the brew itself (1 sachet), for one serving of the drink you need to take: 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, 350 ml of water, 130 ml of full-fat milk or cream (preferably homemade).

  1. For such a drink, the ginger should be grated very finely. If the fibers do not allow it to be thoroughly crushed, then you should first lightly freeze the product (about 25 minutes). After this procedure, the root rubs easily and quickly. The aromatic gruel is transferred to a strainer.
  2. The teapot is heated and boiling water is poured over it. Water for tea is poured into it, a tea bag and a strainer with crushed root are lowered.
  3. While the drink is brewing, milk is boiled or cream is heated in a separate container.
  4. All ingredients are combined in a ceramic container.

Tea is served to the table immediately (without long infusion).

Brazilian recipe - anti-inflammatory

Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory effect if you choose the right additional ingredients. It is important to drink ready-made tea for colds and to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe involves mixing ginger root (30 g), turmeric (1 tsp powder) and homemade butter (10 g).

  1. The root is peeled and turned into a homogeneous moist pulp.
  2. Turmeric and softened butter are added to the resulting mass. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.

The drink is served in an unusual way: an aromatic spicy paste is added to 200 ml of hot milk. The “tea” is sweetened with bee honey. During illness, you can drink it every three hours. It is also allowed to use this medicinal product as a preventative against colds and intestinal diseases.

Spicy tea with ginger, cardamom and cinnamon

Such a hot drink will quickly warm you up even on the coldest day, and also speed up the recovery process from ARVI. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 70 g ginger root, 6 cloves, 8 cardamom boxes, a pinch of cinnamon, half a lemon, 3 tsp. large leaf green tea.

  1. Pour boiling water over two spoons of tea and leave for 7 minutes. This is necessary so that the leaves open well and give the drink their rich taste.
  2. A slice of ginger root is peeled and cut into thin slices. It is better to put the juice released during grinding into a drink.
  3. The slices with liquid are transferred to a pan and sprinkled with all the listed spices.
  4. Tea is poured into the container along with the leaves. After boiling, the mass is left on low heat for 25 minutes.
  5. Lemon juice and fruit skin, cut into small pieces, are also added to the drink. After 5 minutes, you can remove the dishes from the stove and add the remaining tea to it.
  6. The drink will infuse for about 25 minutes.

After this, the tea can be reheated and served.

Strengthen your immune system with fruit tea and ginger

To strengthen the immune system, both children and adults should drink tea prepared with the addition of not only ginger, but also fruits and spices. You need to take: a handful of dried apples, 1 orange juice, 1 tbsp. grated orange and lemon zest, as well as chopped ginger root, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise.

  1. Well-washed dried apples, grated roots, citrus zest and all the spices are poured into boiling water. The resulting aromatic liquid is simmered over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Tea is poured into a container removed from the stove and orange juice is poured. After another 5-7 minutes, the drink can be served, having first filtered through a sieve.

When the tea has cooled, you can add a little more water to it and, after boiling, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Next, the drink is served again to the table.

Refreshing iced tea with ginger root, mint and tarragon

Ginger not only warms well, but also refreshes in hot weather. Of course, in summer it is best served cold. For such a drink you will need to use: 1.8 liters of purified water, 1 tbsp. l. large-leaf green tea and chopped ginger root, a bunch of fresh herbs (tarragon and lemon balm or mint), 3 slices of lime.

  1. The sprigs of greenery are thoroughly washed. The top leaves are removed from them and placed in a glass container with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  2. Lime slices are added to the fragrant greens. If you don’t have this ingredient on hand, you can replace it with your usual lemon.
  3. The stems of tarragon and mint are cut into short sticks, filled with cold water and brought to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Immediately after the first bubbles appear, tea leaves are added to the container. Next, remove the pan from the stove and leave to steep for a couple of minutes.
  5. The resulting tea is poured into a glass container with green leaves and lime. In this case, you need to use a fine sieve or cheesecloth so that stems and other components do not get into the drink.
  6. As soon as the liquid has cooled completely, the dishes are moved to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the tea is infused and cooled.

The drink is served with sugar or honey. You can also add orange or grapefruit juice to it.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon

In addition to the classic, familiar recipe for such a drink, there is also an unusual one, found by scientists in one of the ancient manuscripts. It is believed that it fills a person with vigor, energy and activates the protective functions of his body. For it you need to use: 3 tbsp. l. chopped fresh ginger, 1.3 liters of purified water, 100 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of ground black pepper, 80 g of honey, a few mint leaves. The following describes in detail how tea with ginger and lemon is prepared according to a unique recipe.

  1. After the water in the pan boils, add ginger root grated on a fine grater.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, pepper and mint leaves are sent into the container. There is no need to grind the latter.
  3. All components are cooked over medium heat for 15-17 minutes. The liquid should not boil too vigorously.
  4. After the specified time, the container is removed from the stove and infused.

The slightly cooled tea is carefully filtered, mixed with lemon juice and served. It is important to drink it for cough, runny nose and other signs of a cold.

Recipe for extreme sports: garlic-ginger drink

Fans of unique recipes will certainly be interested in the version of ginger tea with garlic. This drink is considered a universal healing remedy. It helps cope with stress, nausea (including seasickness), allergic reactions, various skin diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, coughs and colds. This is one of the best means to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 40 g ginger root, 2 garlic cloves, 1.8 liters of clean drinking water.

  1. The ginger root is thoroughly peeled from the top skin and cut into thin slices. You can use a special grater for this.
  2. The garlic is also peeled and chopped in any convenient way. For example, using a fine grater or a special press.
  3. Ginger slices and garlic are transferred to a thermos and poured with boiling water. The liquid should infuse for about 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth and served.

If you are sick, you should drink tea throughout the day in minimal portions. You can add lemon juice and honey to the cup. This drink should be consumed with caution by people with stomach ulcers. It is especially useful during flu epidemics.

When it’s winter outside and the body is sad, ginger tea comes to the rescue. It will not only lift your spirits and invigorate you, but also have a positive effect on your overall health.

During the off-season, viruses are everywhere, and the risk of getting the flu increases. Ginger tea will help avoid this. It must be taken to prevent colds because it improves immunity.

This wonderful drink should be taken regularly. It is an assistant in the fight against colds and an excellent means of prevention. Those who suffer from ulcers or have high body temperature should treat it with caution.

This drink perfectly relieves headaches, promotes weight loss by accelerating blood circulation, and improves digestion. This tea improves metabolism in the body. Ginger contains essential oil and many other beneficial substances.

There are a lot of drink options. Below are the most affordable and easiest options that anyone can do at home.

Ginger tea with lemon

This method is simple and accessible to everyone. Nothing exotic, the recipe is very clear. You need to grate the ginger (root) through a grater. It is better to choose a fine grater. If you don’t have a grater at hand, you can scrape the root with a knife. To prepare tea you need a teaspoon of the crushed ingredient. Then, you need to thoroughly mash the lemon wedge and mix the two components. Subsequently, you need to pour boiling water over the mixture and leave.

After infusing and cooling the drink to a comfortable temperature, the tea turns out tart, hot, but pleasant to the taste and very invigorating.

Ginger drink with green tea leaves

Often, this tea is consumed for pain in the throat.

To prepare, you will need any type of green tea. It needs to be brewed separately.
Next, brew a teaspoon of ginger puree, lemon and cloves - 3 pcs. in a separate container. After 10 minutes of infusion, the drinks are combined and passed through a sieve. Sweet honey will perfectly complement the spicy taste of tea.

Recipe "Classic"

To prepare this type of tea, ginger must be boiled. The ginger root needs to be peeled and cut into thin pieces. You can grate it on a coarse grater. You will need a small piece of root, about 5 cm. Cook the crushed main ingredient for about 10 minutes. The fire is slow.
For a “sharpness”, you can add a little ground pepper at the end of the process. Before drinking, the tea should be supplemented with a small amount of lemon or orange juice.

This tea can help you ward off colds. And, as with any ginger tea, natural honey remains the best dessert.

Ginger and mint

The recipe is “indecently” simple. A teaspoon of ginger puree with the addition of lemon balm or mint leaves is brewed and infused. Honey and lemon optional.

In order not to spoil the healthy quality of the drink, it is advisable not to add sugar to it. To sweeten the drink, honey or dried fruits are suitable. But if you can’t live without sugar, then it’s better to make it yourself. To do this, you need to infuse a mixture of water, honey and sugar, this will take about 8 days. The result is fructose and glucose. This product is definitely healthier than sugar.

Special non-metallic kitchen knives are sold. It is better to use them so as not to lose the positive properties of the product during oxidation with metal.

The root must be fresh. When you feel it, it should be elastic. Of course, this ginger is a better option compared to powder, which makes the tea cloudy and the taste not rich enough.

Alternatively, you can do it at home.

It is not always possible to find fresh ginger, and for those who do not use it regularly, there is no point in buying the whole root - given the minimal consumption of this product, it is more likely to spoil than to be completely used. For those who like to occasionally treat themselves to ginger drinks, it makes sense to prepare tea with ground ginger - this spice is sold in every store, in the same place as cinnamon, cardamom and cloves.

Ground ginger stores well (especially when sealed), has a high concentration of flavor and benefits, and is usually added to baked goods. For some reason, it is believed that if it is sold in the same row as other dessert spices, then it can and should be used only in this way. In fact, tea made from ground ginger turns out quite well. The main thing is to be able to prepare it correctly: a recipe where the main ingredient is dried and ground, differences from recipes with fresh root.

You can also prepare ground ginger yourself - to do this, the root is peeled, washed, dried, then cut into thin slices and dried in the most convenient way:

  1. in an electric dryer;
  2. naturally on the windowsill, spread out on a clean cloth or white sheets of paper;
  3. in the oven at a temperature of 50 o C and with the door open.

Well-dried petals are ground in a coffee grinder. It is important to take your time here - it is better to dry it a little more than to leave moisture in the pieces, otherwise they will not grind to the desired consistency and will spoil over time. It is quite possible to prepare ground ginger at home, but often this is simply not necessary - it is more convenient to buy a package than to engage in such a lengthy process.

You can prepare dry ginger tea using one of two methods:

  • brewing;
  • boiling.

In the first case, ginger powder is poured with boiling water, in the second - with cold water and brought to a boil. The resulting drinks have different tastes, so it’s worth trying both options to see which one you like best. You can prepare tea with ground ginger as a base or add it to brewing black (green) tea - in this case the taste will not be so pronounced, but it will still give the drink a characteristic note. The longer the tea drink is infused, the more aromatic it will be. The optimal time for infusion is 10 minutes.

From a physical point of view, when boiled, ginger releases more vitamins and microelements into the liquid, but since in this case it is represented by tiny particles, brewing provides a high concentration of benefits.

The longer the infusion time, the more pronounced the bitterness is in the taste, therefore, when preparing a large portion at once (so that it lasts for the whole day), it is necessary to strain the drink and store it in this form.

Dry ginger is more concentrated than fresh ginger, so it is taken at the rate of only 1/5-1/3 tsp. dry spices to 1 cup liquid.

Calorie content of tea

It is known that . But how many calories does ginger tea have? Wouldn't it turn out that along with accelerated metabolism, a cup of such tea also gives you a supply of kilojoules, which are not very useful? Calorie content depends on the drink recipe.

With just the root powder, water and a sugar substitute, this ginger tea has only 6 calories per serving.

But if you add lemon and use honey and spices instead of sweetener, the cup will already contain 31 kilos of calories. This is already significant, because if the goal is to lose excess weight, you should not abuse the tastier, but also “heavier” recipe.

Healthy recipes

There are a huge number of options. But you should start getting acquainted with it with a basic recipe: having tasted the taste of such pure tea, it is easier to determine what ingredients would be nice to add to it.

Basic recipe for dry ginger tea

1/2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the ground root, cover the cup and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then a sweetener is added - honey or sugar, as well as lemon or orange. The powder may not dissolve completely; in this case, it is better to strain the drink.

Ginger tea with whiskey

A very healthy and rather extravagant drink will appeal to lovers of this noble alcohol. To prepare this drink, tea with ground ginger and whiskey are mixed in one cup in a 1:1 ratio, a clove of garlic crushed through a press and a pinch of freshly ground black pepper are added. An excellent remedy for colds! It also warms you up perfectly after hypothermia or a walk in the pouring rain.

Often supplemented with honey or sugar, citrus fruits (lemon, lime and orange). If the taste of ginger seems too spicy, you can add a few jasmine blossoms - they neutralize the harshness of the taste, making the drink more familiar. Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and nutmeg go well with the base ingredient. Peppermint and lemon balm leaves will help refresh the drink.

There are recipes that are based not on water, but on milk. Or apple juice, orange juice and even decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile and linden. All this allows you not only to saturate the drink with additional vitamins, but also to reveal it in a new way, acquiring a sweeter, more spicy, or more sour taste.

Tea made from ground ginger root is simple and quick, tasty and healthy. And if you use an assortment of spices and fruits, each time the drink will have a new flavor range, so it will not get boring even if consumed daily.