How to fry popcorn in a frying pan at home. Calorie content of popcorn: how many calories are in a salty and sweet product There are many different types of popcorn

Popcorn is one of the most popular types of sweets; almost every person buys this treat when going to the movies. Puffed corn is popular with both adults and children.

You didn't know this

Despite all the popularity of popcorn, only a small part of people know about the following facts.

  1. There are 5 types of corn products, but only puffed corn explodes at high temperatures. This is explained by the concentration of water and starch in the grain.
  2. In ancient times, it was not only eaten, but also used as decoration. The Mayans used popcorn as bracelets and necklaces. Some North Americans used this delicacy to decorate their hair. Even nowadays, some girls use it as jewelry.
  3. According to studies, this delicacy contains much more protein and silicon than ice cream or crackers with chips.
  4. Corn grains contain trace elements of gold, which are required by the human body for active and efficient brain function.
  5. It can be used as a means for losing weight. It contains a lot of fiber, which improves metabolism and reduces the overall concentration of cholesterol in the blood cells. Madonna claims that she was able to lose extra pounds with the help of popcorn.
  6. There is a so-called popcorn disease. The oil in this delicacy contains diacetyl. People who make puffed corn for a living eventually begin to complain of problems with the respiratory system. About 10 years ago, one American was admitted to the hospital with such complaints. As it turned out, he often cooked it at home in the microwave; the concentration of diacetyl in his kitchen could be compared to industrial levels.
  7. As mentioned above, puffed corn contains a lot of fiber. Medical experts recommend consuming this delicacy to prevent the development of malignant tumors or, in other words, cancer.
  8. It is because of him that the microwave oven was invented. Percy Spencer established the fact that popcorn exploded when exposed to microwave radiation, only after which other products were tested. Thanks to popcorn, an American inventor concluded that food could be cooked using microwave ovens.
  9. Dental experts say popcorn causes serious damage to the entire jaw. Some medical professionals compare it to stones.
  10. According to statistics, one of the most popular causes of death of children from suffocation is eating popcorn. That is why some pediatricians do not recommend giving this delicacy to a child under 4 years of age.

Making popcorn is also possible at home; as a result, a person receives a tasty and healthy treat, while saving money.

There are three methods for preparing this sweet: using a stove, a microwave, and a special device. The most popular way to prepare popcorn is the microwave; to prepare the delicacy you will need a semi-finished product, that is, a bag of popcorn. The method of making popcorn in this case is very simple; the bag must be placed in the oven for 5 - 10 minutes until completely cooked.

In situations where you plan to make popcorn not from a semi-finished product, but from corn grains, you will need dishes that have good heat resistance. Vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of the container, the grains are poured out, then the container is closed with a lid. Then the dishes are placed in the microwave for a few minutes, when the popping noises subside, the popcorn is ready.

The principle of cooking popcorn on the stove is very similar to the microwave.

What is popcorn made of?

It's no secret that popcorn is made from corn kernels. However, not all varieties can be used for this. The grains must burst correctly; for this they need a strong shell.

If you try to make popcorn from corn kernels, you will simply end up with a popped kernel. Some manufacturers add various food additives, including sugar, salt and various fats. If we discard all the additives, then 100 grams of popcorn accounts for about 400 kilocalories. Thus, many people eat their daily allowance in one movie viewing. In addition to its high calorie content, puffed corn is famous for its wealth of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, which play an important role in hair strength.

Popcorn also contains a high concentration of calcium, which is necessary for bone and muscle tissue. Calcium is necessary for humans to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Calorie content

Many people are interested in the question of the calorie content of this delicacy, which popcorn is the highest in calories and which is best to use as a means of losing weight.

As you can see from the table, the most high-calorie type of popcorn, contrary to popular belief, is salted.

Almost every product has both its advantages and disadvantages. In addition to all the above beneficial properties, puffed corn also causes harm to the body. If we consider it as a quick snack, then in comparison with chips and crackers, puffed corn is one of the most harmless. This is explained by the fact that this delicacy quickly leads to satiety and is also quickly eliminated from the human body.

But don’t forget about the danger it carries. Most of the harm comes from the methods used to make popcorn. If you look at the popcorn sold in the cinema, it is much more harmful than homemade one. The oil with which it is produced is used in the food industry and contains diacetyl. Scientific experts have proven that this substance negatively affects the human respiratory system.

Despite the fact that puffed corn prevents the development of malignant tumors, food additives for it have the opposite effect. Do not forget that popcorn is often prepared using a microwave oven, the waves of which are also harmful to human health.

Not everyone can eat popcorn; in particular, its consumption is contraindicated for people who suffer from increased blood clotting. This is explained by the fact that popcorn contains vitamin K, which enhances this ability.

If a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, eating popcorn is contraindicated. This category also includes people suffering from peptic ulcers.

Many pregnant women are concerned about whether eating puffed corn will harm their health and the health of their baby. Corn itself is healthy, but popcorn is contraindicated for women while pregnant.

This is explained by the fact that puffed corn contains many food additives that cause great harm to the health of mother and child. The high calorie and energy value of popcorn is also harmful. During one viewing of a film, a person can eat about 2000 kilocalories. This, in turn, can increase the chance of developing respiratory diseases.

Medical experts also found that popcorn contains a substance that can affect the human psyche. The food additives contained in this delicacy can affect the functioning of brain cells, and the additives also negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas. If we talk about the salty form of popcorn, it disrupts the body’s water balance, and a person begins to want to drink. A woman’s body in the process of bearing a child is greatly weakened; almost all harmful substances will be transferred to the fetus, which will negatively affect its health in the future.

The benefits and harms of popcorn are discussed in detail in the following video:

As can be understood from the above, puffed corn has both its advantages and disadvantages. The most harmless and healthy popcorn is without food additives. This is what Madonna used to lose weight. Take care of your health and live happily!

In contact with

Just as pizza has become almost a traditional dish for any student party, popcorn has become an invariable attribute of almost all trips to the movies. After all, by and large, it is precisely with cinemas that this delicacy is associated, and it is somehow eaten by itself at the beginning of the show. Special popcorn lovers even cook it at home in the microwave, not wanting to deny themselves the pleasure: the crispy pieces just beg to be put into their mouths. But few people know how many calories are in popcorn and how it affects the figure. Meanwhile, this is by no means a harmless product, like many artificial goodies that have actively entered the lives of most people. It is this question that is worth addressing, while simultaneously determining whether there is anything good about popcorn other than its taste and ability to lift your spirits.

Interestingly, popcorn was not invented in the 21st century, as many would assume, but in ancient times by Indian tribes surprised by the property of maize to explode at a certain temperature. And already in the 19th century it was used in industry to create the first puffed corn, after which the finished product began to gain so much popularity that in the 20th century it was already produced at home. To this day, this technology remains the simplest and safest.

Many people know that popcorn is made from dried corn kernels, which have the ability to puff up due to the presence of starch and water in them. Today, there are several variations of this delicacy, and therefore how many calories are in popcorn will depend not on the basic product itself, but on the additives. Simple popcorn made at home from dry corn kernels will reach a calorie value of 357 kcal if it is not seasoned at all. But just one addition of a large amount of salt, which is undesirable for the body and significantly changes the taste of the finished product, and the calorie content of popcorn will jump to 407 kcal. And this is far from the limit.

The energy value of popcorn is quite simple - since it is based on corn grains, 62% are carbohydrates, which in this cereal are classified as fast. Their glycemic index is significantly higher than 40 and is the bar for slow carbohydrates. For this reason, it is not recommended to overuse even fresh corn, especially in the afternoon. What can we say about popcorn? Moreover, it also contains a considerable amount of fat. If the product was not made at home or with the addition of cheese, it can contain up to 30% fat, and this negatively affects the liver and pancreas. And yet, even this product has some advantages, although they do not cover the disadvantages in the field of nutrition. They relate to the high fiber content in the corn itself, and, therefore, to the saturation of the body quite quickly, while at the same time not causing a feeling of heaviness. In addition, dietary fiber normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and gently cleanses the intestines. In addition, B vitamins characteristic of corn and required by the nervous system remain here, as well as potassium, valuable for the heart muscle.

As for the calorie content of different types of popcorn, it is worth paying attention to two main ones, in addition to the salted one already mentioned above. The first is, of course, sweet popcorn, whose calorie content is higher than all others. Usually it is made using sugar or even colored caramel, which does not provide any benefit to the body, but causes a sharp jump in insulin due to overload of the pancreas. As a result, frequent consumption of high-calorie sweet popcorn is fraught not only with problems in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, but also with the appearance of extra pounds, as well as the risk of increased blood sugar levels and the subsequent development of diabetes. To fully understand the problem, it is enough to simply give the calorie value of sweet popcorn: it is equal to 447 kcal per hundred grams of product.

The French version of popcorn involves adding grated cheese and spices to it, which also greatly affects the final caloric value of popcorn. Although various types of seasonings tend to whet the appetite and speed up the metabolism, this is not enough to completely eliminate the calorie content of French popcorn, whose “weight” is 506 kcal.

Popcorn in the diet of those watching their figure

Of course, after analyzing the calorie content of popcorn and what is included in its composition, one thing becomes clear: making this delicacy at home is the best way to preserve not only slimness, but also your own health. After all, simple popcorn, slightly salted or flavored with spices, will not cause much harm if you do not consume it in buckets, but simply include it in the menu occasionally. In addition, it kills hunger very well, which was used even in ancient times, and which can be used today. Among many sweets - chips, crackers, various kinds of chocolate bars, where there is nothing left of chocolate - popcorn is a fairly safe product, although not something that should be consumed daily, like vegetables or meat.

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People most often associate popcorn with movies or the circus. What could be better than getting together with your close family or the company of your favorite friends to enjoy a good movie? Moments like these bring people together and unite them. But what to do if you can’t go to the cinema? Does watching a movie without popcorn seem unimaginable? Of course, there is always a way out - you need to prepare it yourself! But how to make popcorn at home?

How popcorn got into movie theaters

Everyone knows what popcorn is. This is a special type of corn that explodes when heated. This property was discovered about three thousand years ago by the Indians. They used corn as amulets and decorations, and also carried it with them when hunting, as popcorn is very light and quite filling. Of course, then it would never have occurred to them to add any spices to it. A certain fashion for popcorn started in America at the beginning of the last century, and during the Great Depression of the 30s, it entered the cinema halls and remains there to this day. He came to Russia much later - only in the 90s.

It is curious that most often cinemas make the majority of their profits from the sale of popcorn, rather than tickets. In addition, the treat causes a strong feeling of thirst. At first, when popcorn had not yet become a mandatory attribute of cinema, it was sold on the street in small mobile carts. Now every cinema has at least one machine for making popcorn, and salt, sugar, caramel, etc. can be added to the finished treat without any problems.

The easiest way to make popcorn

There's almost no need to cook. The fact is that in the second half of the last century, cinemas began to be replaced by televisions, which almost everyone had in their homes. So resourceful entrepreneurs thought about it and came up with a way to sell popcorn for cooking at home. Stores began selling bags of grains that you just had to put in the oven, following the instructions. With the invention of the microwave oven, popcorn in bags began to be made for it. Thus, the easiest way to make popcorn at home is to buy such a bag, put it in the microwave for 5 minutes and enjoy watching a movie. Of course, it’s not as interesting as cooking it yourself, but it’s an ideal method for the lazy.

Briefly about other methods

Popcorn can be made at home in several ways. Firstly, you can use the microwave again, but this time on your own, without buying popcorn in a bag (semi-finished product). The second method is to pop the popcorn on the stove using a frying pan or saucepan. Of course, each method has its own nuances and caveats, which should be given special attention.

Corn selection

Before making popcorn at home, you need to choose the right variety of corn. Of course, in theory you can use ordinary corn, but in practice the result will be much worse. Firstly, there may be even more unbroken grains than broken ones. Second, the few kernels that pop will likely not be nearly as fluffy as those from specialty corn varieties. Therefore, it is necessary to make the right choice while still in the store.

The most successful varieties are Vulcan, Lopai-lopai, Zeya and Ping-Pong. They are distinguished from other varieties by a thin but strong wall, which significantly affects the quality of the prepared popcorn. Before purchasing, you need to not only look at the variety, but also check the composition - there should be nothing there except corn kernels. Having made the right choice, you will not be disappointed in the prepared product and will not waste your time.

Preparatory actions

Have you chosen the variety you need and want to know the recipe for popcorn at home? But this is not something you need to rush into. There are several little tricks that can have a beneficial effect on the quality of the prepared delicacy. It is important to remember that the corn kernels do not need to be washed. If you are worried about sterility, then don’t worry - processing at high temperatures will do the job. Before cooking, it is better to put the grains in the freezer for a couple of hours. The temperature contrast will make the popcorn fluffier.

While the grains are freezing, think about the dishes. You can make popcorn at home in a frying pan or in a saucepan if you want to use the stovetop. You can use plastic dishes for the microwave. In both cases, you need to think about the lid. For frying pans and pans, you need a heavy one, since popcorn explosions are quite intense, which not every lid can handle. For the microwave, you can choose a container with a lid that closes it tightly, perhaps with the help of some kind of fastening.

Sweet popcorn at home

Sweet popcorn is one of the most beloved and often chosen. Let's look at the first cooking method using the example of how to make sweet popcorn at home. You need a pot or frying pan with high walls and, as already mentioned, a heavy lid. You can preheat the selected dishes on the stove and remove them from the heat. Now pour the frozen grains into the frying pan. It is better to lay out no more than 1-2 layers, as the rise will be quite noticeable. Water the grains with 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, mix thoroughly but quickly with a spatula, making sure that each grain is covered with an oil film.

Then close the dish with a tight lid, shake well several times and place on the stove. When explosions begin, the lid must not be opened under any circumstances. You can control the process by ear. Readiness will indicate an increase in the time between explosions to 3-4 seconds. As soon as this moment has arrived, you need to shake the frying pan again, let it sit on the stove for a few more seconds, and then put it aside. Try to remove the lid very carefully, without exposing your hands and face to the stream of hot steam. Place the finished popcorn in a large bowl and add powdered sugar or salt. Give it a couple more minutes for it to cool. Now the treat is ready!

Cooking popcorn in the microwave

If the stove option does not suit you for some reason, you can use the microwave. This method makes making popcorn at home even easier. The only drawback is the higher calorie content compared to stovetop popcorn. The fact is that when cooking in the microwave, there will be no opportunity to shake the bowl with popcorn, so it becomes necessary to add more oil. Otherwise, the principle of operation is similar to the first method.

We choose a suitable container, pour the grains into it, fill them with oil and mix thoroughly. We set the microwave power to 600-700 watts and put the popcorn there, after closing the lid. The explosions will begin almost immediately. Again, we control the process by ear, waiting until the grains explode approximately one every 3-4 seconds. Carefully take out the popcorn, and even more carefully open the lid. Choose an additive. By the way, in addition to salt and sugar, various spices are also used, for example, black pepper or nutmeg. Of course, popcorn with such a filling will be aimed at amateurs, but sometimes you can experiment with different combinations. Add the desired spices, mix, now you can turn on the movie.

Popcorn in a slow cooker

For happy owners of multicookers, there is another way. Everything is even simpler here. Just fill the bottom of the multicooker with oil, place the popcorn kernels in one layer and select the “Soup” mode. Cooking will not take much time; again, you can determine the degree of readiness by ear. Thus, making popcorn at home is quite simple.

Caramel popcorn

For those who do not want to stick to traditional seasonings, there are many other recipes, for example, popcorn with chocolate, coconut, paprika. Among them, popcorn with caramel is very popular. It is also quite easy to prepare at home. To do this (at the same time as preparing the popcorn itself), you need to dissolve the sugar in the melted butter. When the resulting liquid acquires a golden hue and the popcorn is ready, quickly pour it into the caramel and mix thoroughly. That's the whole recipe. For chocolate lovers, you can add a little cocoa to the caramel to get a new pleasant taste and shade.

It's quite simple. Now you know not only how to make popcorn at home, but also a little about the history of this delicacy, as well as other interesting nuances. Watching movies at home is so much more fun, but it's even more fun to get together ahead of time and get together to prepare a great snack for any movie!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Popcorn literally translated from English ( Popped Corn) means popping, exploding corn. Indeed, popcorn is corn kernels that have changed their structure under the influence of high temperature. The principle of making popcorn was known on the American continent more than 4,000 years ago; corn kernels were heated over fires and used for food and religious rituals.

When heated to 200 °C in a grain of popping corn (regular varieties are not suitable for making popcorn), a drop of water turns into a gaseous state and displaces the starch, “turning” the contents inside out. Popcorn acquires a white foam-like structure, inside which remains of the shell are preserved. To obtain a salty taste, popcorn is salted immediately after cooking.

Calorie content of salted popcorn

The calorie content of salted popcorn contains 407 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of salted popcorn

Salted popcorn contains: grain, . Popcorn contains fast carbohydrates that provide an immediate feeling of fullness, but not a long-lasting energy boost (calorizator). Coarse dietary fiber, which is found in popcorn, is not digested, swells with water and removes cholesterol, excess sugar, and toxins from the body.

Popcorn contains salt, which promotes fluid retention, which can lead to high blood pressure. Salted popcorn is not recommended for small children and those with a “weak” stomach.

Selection and storage of salted popcorn

There are a great variety of salted popcorn on the shelves, with additives or just salt. You should choose popcorn from well-known brands and trusted manufacturers, based on the composition and date of manufacture. The expiration date of the product must be indicated on the packaging.

It is best to purchase uncooked corn kernels in special bags, cook the popcorn according to the instructions and salt it yourself.

Salted popcorn in cooking

Salted popcorn has become an integral part of watching movies and television. Popcorn's ability to produce serotonin (the happiness hormone) is used in the film industry and advertising, encouraging people to stock up on buckets and bowls of popcorn not only when visiting movie theaters, but also at home in front of the TV. You can prepare salted popcorn in the microwave, in a deep frying pan on the stove, or in a special machine that you can purchase or give to friends.

For more information about popcorn, watch the video “Popcorn - Exploding Corn” from the TV show “Live Healthy.”

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The calorie content of popcorn without additives per 100 grams is 365 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 7.2 g protein;
  • 13.6 g fat;
  • 62.9 g carbohydrates.

The vitamin and mineral composition of popcorn is not too rich and is represented by B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iodine. Eating a 100-gram serving of popcorn provides 20% of your daily iron requirement and 30% of your daily phosphorus requirement.

The calorie content of salted popcorn per 100 grams is 406 kcal. 100 g of product contains 7.2 g of protein, 13.6 g of fat, 62.4 g of carbohydrates.

Salted popcorn is saturated with calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B3, B9, A, C. Nutritionists do not advise you to get carried away with popcorn with salt, as it contains a lot of carbohydrates and fat, which is harmful to the heart, blood vessels, and contributes to excess weight gain. The product is contraindicated if you are prone to edema and intolerant to corn.

Calorie content of sweet popcorn per 100 grams

The calorie content of sweet popcorn per 100 grams is 400 kcal. It contains 3.9 g of protein, 13.1 g of fat, 78.7 g of carbohydrates.

The sweet taste of popcorn is achieved through the use of powdered sugar. In more rare cases, sugar syrups are used for sweetening.

Calorie content of caramel popcorn per 100 grams

The calorie content of caramel popcorn per 100 grams is 401.5 kcal. 100 g of sweets contain 5.2 g of protein, 8.8 g of fat, 76 g of carbohydrates.

To make caramel popcorn at home you need:

  • pour sunflower oil into the pan so that it completely covers the bottom;
  • add corn kernels to the oil;
  • heat the pan. When heated, you will hear the corn kernels popping. You need to wait until all the clapping stops;
  • to prepare caramel, butter is mixed with sugar and cooked until it turns brownish;
  • Sweet syrup and cereal are thoroughly mixed. Popcorn is ready!

The benefits of popcorn

Let's list the main beneficial properties of popcorn:

  • the product is saturated with calcium, phosphorus, iron - minerals necessary for the health of bones, teeth, and the normal functioning of the circulatory system;
  • the product is characterized by a high protein content, including more protein than milk, bread, oatmeal, and vegetables;
  • vitamin B1 of popcorn is necessary for the functioning of the central nervous system, restoration of the functions of the stomach and intestines;
  • nicotinic acid snack ensures skin health;
  • In terms of the amount of riboflavin, popcorn is superior to oatmeal, legumes, and cabbage.

The dangers of popcorn

The following harmful properties of popcorn are known:

  • popcorn saturated with a large amount of salt contributes to disruption of the body's water balance, which inevitably leads to health problems in people with a tendency to edema;
  • sweet popcorn is a source of fast carbohydrates that are almost instantly broken down and stored in fats;
  • due to its high fat content, popcorn is contraindicated for pancreatic diseases;
  • Unscrupulous manufacturers use palm oils and diacetyl to make low-quality popcorn. Palm oil, when heated, releases dangerous carcinogenic substances, while the additive diacetyl harms the lungs and disrupts brain function;
  • Don’t get carried away with popcorn with paprika, cheese and other toppings. This snack harms the stomach and intestines, causing the development of flatulence, ulcers, and gastritis.