How to get living (alkaline) water at home? Personal experience. How to make living water

Different from regular tap or bottled water. But many may think that to prepare living water with miraculous properties requires special, sophisticated equipment. Scientists have developed such equipment, but we can easily do without it. Prepare living water not difficult at home. The main thing is that you first need to let it stand for at least half an hour in an open container so that the chlorine disappears. If the water clearly smells of bleach, then you need to let it sit longer. If the water in your area is not chlorinated, but fluoridated, use it for cooking structured water no, you'll have to buy it drinking water in bottles and carry out all further operations with it.

Here are a few methods, decide for yourself which one is the best.

Preparing living water at home

1. Freeze ordinary raw tap water in the refrigerator. Fill the pan by placing it in the freezer on a piece of cardboard or a sheet of plywood. After the water has completely frozen, let it melt at normal temperature. room temperature. You can take plastic bottle, but you only need to fill it 80%, since when it freezes, the ice expands greatly and the bottle may burst. For the same reason, you can’t freeze water in glass containers; it will burst, even if you don’t cover it, it’s been tested. Moreover, even plastic containers for storing food burst. I freeze the water in 2-quart plastic Norwegian ice cream containers, covered but not sealed tightly. Very comfortably. After defrosting, such water can already be drunk, but to be treated with water, or to lose weight with the help of water, this is not enough.

2. This method completely removes deuterium. We do everything as in the first case, but when the water begins to freeze, you need to remove the completely emerging crust of ice. It contains deuterium, it freezes earlier. After the bulk of the water freezes, you need to rinse under running water. cold water frozen piece. It must be transparent because the most harmful impurities from the ice surface. Then you can melt all the ice and drink the melted “living” water.

3. Heat the amount of water we need to 94-96 degrees. Before the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan and cool the water sharply, then freeze, then thaw. In this way, prepared water goes through the phases of the usual natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing. And although this method is much more complicated, such water is especially useful - it is rich in extraordinary internal energy. I haven't tried this method, I just read about it.

4. With this method, water, in addition to acquiring a characteristic structure, becomes cleaner from many impurities and salts. To do this, we keep it in the freezer until more than three-quarters of the water volume freezes. There will be unfrozen water in the middle of the container, which needs to be poured out by carefully piercing the ice with a metal object heated over a fire. The remaining ice should melt. The time required for your container to freeze can be determined experimentally. It can range from 6 to 16 hours. My 2 liter container takes about 12 hours to freeze to this state. The meaning of these manipulations is as follows: pure water freezes faster, the bulk of unnecessary compounds freezes slower, so all the dirt accumulates in the center and is in solution.

I used this method while we had old rusty plumbing. Black flakes of dirt floated in the center of the ice piece, which were not visible in unfrozen water.

I also want to say about the object you will use to pierce the ice. I use a heated spoon, since it is not recommended to use sharp objects such as a knife or an awl, because they carry the energy of aggression and destruction, and we need to restore health, not destroy it.

5. To get the best effect, double cleansing should be used. Let the water settle, then freeze. We remove the first thin ice layer that forms, which contains quickly freezing harmful compounds. Next, we re-freeze three-quarters of the entire volume and remove the remaining unfrozen fraction of water. We get significantly cleaner and structured water.

Here five ways to prepare water structuring. Choose the right one.

Melt water should be consumed immediately after the ice melts. You can cook food on it, however, when heated, the healing properties are lost. In any case, such water is much cleaner than simple filtered water, and if you have a freezer that can hold water for both drinking and cooking, then I can only congratulate you.

How much living water should you drink daily?

To drink, a person needs at least 30 ml per kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should drink at least 1.8 liters of pure living water daily, without any impurities or additives.

This living water is ideal for drinking and maintaining good health. I’ll tell you in the next article what to do next with frozen and thawed water so that it acquires the healing properties necessary for losing weight and getting rid of health problems.

Living water - how to prepare?
Unique water activation technology. A breakthrough in knowledge about bioenergy.
“Living” and “dead” water are produced by electrolysis of ordinary water, while acidic water, which collects at the positively charged anode, is called “dead”, and alkaline water, which concentrates near the negative cathode, is called “live”.

Dead water, or anolyte, is a colorless liquid with an acidic odor and a slightly astringent taste. Its acidity ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 pH. It retains its properties for 1 - 2 weeks when stored in closed containers. Dead water is an excellent bactericide and disinfectant. You can rinse your nose, mouth, throat with it colds, disinfect linen, furniture, premises and even soil. She's filming blood pressure, calms the nerves, improves sleep, reduces joint pain, and has a dissolving effect. It is useful to rinse your mouth after eating - your gums will not bleed and the stones will gradually dissolve.

Living water, or catholyte, is an alkaline solution and has strong biostimulant qualities. It is a very soft, colorless liquid with an alkaline taste, pH = 8.5 - 10.5. After the reaction, precipitation falls in it - all the impurities of water, incl. and radionuclides. If stored in a closed container in a dark place, it can be used for two days. She restores perfectly immune system body, provides antioxidant protection, is a source vital energy. Living water activates all biological processes of the body, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, and general well-being. It lives up to its name everywhere. Even dried flowers come to life if they are placed in a vase with living water.

Water is characterized by two very important parameters: pH and redox potential (oxidation-reduction potential). pH characterizes the acidity of the medium. If the pH is above 7, the environment is alkaline, if below it is acidic.

Acid-forming products: meat products, white flour products, sugar, fish and seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and seeds, cereals, baked goods, ice cream, eggs, all alcoholic beverages, pasteurized juices, coffee, tea, lemonade, Coca-Cola etc.

Alkaline-forming foods include: fruits (except canned), vegetables, herbs, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes.

Almost all diseases have one cause - an overly oxidized body.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 -7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day, i.e. living water. Dead water acidifies our body, living water, on the contrary, alkalizes. All internal environments must be alkaline, otherwise the body will fail. If a person's blood pH drops to 7.1, they die.

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) shows whether a product is an oxidant or an antioxidant. ORP is measured in millivolts using special devices: redox testers. Negative ORP values ​​of water (or another product) mean that when it enters our body, it donates electrons, i.e. it is an antioxidant. Positive values ​​mean that such water (or other product) takes electrons when it enters the body. This process promotes the formation of free radicals and is the cause of many serious diseases.

Water with negative ORP values ​​and alkaline pH (living water) has pronounced healing properties and is recommended for daily use.

ORP and pH values ​​for different types water:
- living water: ORP = -350...-700, pH = 9.0...12.0;
- fresh melt water: ORP = +95, pH = 8.3;
- tap water: ORP = +160... +600, pH = 7.2;
- black tea: ORP = +83, pH = 6.7;
- mineral water: ORP = +250, pH = 4.6;
- boiled water, after three hours: ORP = +465, pH = 3.7.


Living and dead water can be prepared at home using devices called living and dead water activators. Now there are many different types of devices on the market (AP-1 made in Belarus, Melesta - made in Ufa, Zhivitsa - made in China), there are also home-made devices using a fire hose, and there are also officially manufactured ones various enterprises.

Device for preparing “Living and Dead water” AP-1

The AP-1 household electric water activator is a lightweight, compact device that allows everyone at home to get about 1.4 liters of activated (“live” and “dead”) water in just 20-30 minutes. The device is not complicated, electrically safe and reliable.

Device for preparing “Living and Dead water” - “Melesta”

This device is made of cheaper materials than AP-1: instead of a ceramic glass, a fabric glass is used (acts as a diaphragm), and instead of 4 electrodes made of high-quality alloys, the usual 2 electrodes made of food steel are used. The water produced by this device has all the properties of water prepared on the AP-1, so it can be recommended to everyone without exception. home use.

Device for preparing “Living and Dead” water “Zdravnik”.

The device is very easy to use and does not require special care or maintenance. Food-grade stainless steel is used as electrodes; electrical safety requirements are met. Just like the AP-1, it has two versions:
- classic, time-tested design of the device using a fabric glass for dead water;
- version using an electroosmotic dead water glass made of nanostructured ceramics.

Choose a device in which the anode is made of a non-destructible material, or of a destructible but environmentally friendly material, such as silicon. Make sure that the device has a sensor for monitoring the quality of the received water. For example, catholyte with an ORP of less than -200 mV is ineffective, and with an ORP of more than -800 mV it has an inhibitory effect. The therapeutic level of ORP is about -400 mV. Do not use a home-made device under any circumstances, since it is impossible to ensure the required water quality with its help.


“Live” is water that, when exposed to the body, causes beneficial changes in it: metabolic processes in living tissues are intensified, improving well-being, reducing susceptibility to adverse factors and improving overall health. Living water is characterized by the following properties:
1. High level pH (alkaline water) - catholyte, negative charge.
2. It is a natural biostimulant that remarkably restores the immune system, provides antioxidant protection for the body, and is a source of vital energy.
3. Living water stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation in tissues, increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients, improves appetite and digestion.
4. Promotes the regeneration of the colon mucosa with the full restoration of intestinal functions.
5. Living water is a radioprotector and a powerful stimulant. biological processes, has high extracting and dissolving properties.
6. Helps improve the detoxifying function of the liver.
7. Living water ensures rapid healing of wounds, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
8. Smoothes wrinkles, softens skin, improves appearance and hair structure, copes with the problem of dandruff.
9. Living water stimulates the transfer of oxygen and electrons from the external environment to cells, which normalizes redox and metabolic processes in cells. This increases the activity of blood cells, tones the central nervous system and striated skeletal muscles.
10. Promotes the rapid extraction of useful substances from something, therefore Herb tea and herbal baths on catholyte are especially beneficial, since the herbs are better brewed. Food cooked in catholyte is much tastier and healthier. The extractive property of living water manifests itself even with low temperatures. The extract brewed on catholyte at a temperature of 40 - 45°C preserves everything useful material, whereas when extracted with ordinary boiling water they are lost.
11. Helps to reduce or even completely eliminate the effects of radioactive exposure.


Dead water slows down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting effect, it corresponds to treatment with iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc. But unlike them, it does not cause a chemical burn to living tissues and does not stain them, i.e. is a mild antiseptic. Dead water has the following properties:
1. Low level pH (acidic water) - anolyte, positive charge.
2. Has antiseptic, antiallergic, drying, anthelmintic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.
3. When used internally, dead water lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients, regulates the flow area of ​​blood vessels and improves drainage through their walls, eliminating blood stagnation.
4. Helps dissolve stones in gallbladder, bile ducts of the liver, kidneys.
5. Dead water reduces joint pain.
6. Has a slight hypnotic effect on the central nervous system, reduces muscle tone. When taken, drowsiness, fatigue, and weakness are noted.
7. Dead water improves elimination harmful products vital activity of the body. Cleanses it perfectly inside and out.
8. Restores the functions of the sweat, salivary, sebaceous, lacrimal glands, as well as the endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal tract.
9. Dead water, acting on the skin, helps remove dead, keratinized epithelium, restoring local receptor fields of the skin, improving the reflex activity of the whole organism.
10. Increases the effect of radiation, so it is not recommended to consume dead water internally on sunny days. summer days, as well as people living in radiation-contaminated areas.

When mixing living and dead water, mutual neutralization occurs and the resulting water loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting living and then dead water, you need to pause between doses for at least 2 hours.


In medicine, electroactivated solutions, both anolytes and catholytes, are found to be quite wide application. When taken orally activated water, a single average dose for an adult is usually 0.5 cups (unless otherwise indicated in the recipe).

It is necessary to maintain a pause of 2 - 2.5 hours between taking medications and taking activated water, but it is better to reduce the use of chemical medications to a minimum or abandon them altogether.

Unless otherwise indicated in the recipe, activated water should be taken orally 0.5 hours before meals or 2 - 2.5 hours after meals. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to eat fatty and spicy foods, and it is also necessary to completely stop eating alcoholic drinks.

Before carrying out health procedures, it is advisable to heat the water to a temperature of 35 - 37°C. This should be done over low heat, in a ceramic or glass container, in a water bath (that is, not over direct heat, especially not on an electric stove). Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the water will practically lose its beneficial properties.

When using activated water, you need to regularly monitor the acid-base balance of the body. The most reliable indicator is the human eye. With a normal acid-base balance, the color of the conjunctiva (corner of the eye) is pale pink. With strong acidification - light, almost white. With significant alkalization of the body, the corner of the eye has a bright red color.

Of course, consulting a doctor is necessary, especially if you need to make a correct diagnosis, because the main thing is not to harm yourself and others.

Prostate adenoma: one hour before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water 4 times a day (last time at night). If your blood pressure is normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle you can drink a glass. Sexual intercourse should not be interrupted. The entire treatment cycle is 8 days. If a repeat course is necessary, it is carried out a month after the first cycle, but it is better to continue treatment without interruption. During the treatment process, it is useful to do perineal massage and enemas of warm living water. It is also advisable to place candles from a bandage moistened with living water. The pain goes away after 4 - 5 days, swelling and the urge to urinate decrease.

Allergies: it is necessary to rinse your mouth, throat and nose with dead water for three days in a row after eating. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. Moisten skin rashes (if any) with dead water. The disease usually goes away in 2 - 3 days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.

Sore throat: gargle with dead water 5 times a day for three days. After each rinse, drink 50 ml of living water. The temperature drops in one day, the disease stops on the third day.

Bronchial asthma, bronchitis: for three days, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed dead water 4-5 times a day. 10 minutes after each rinse, drink 0.5 cups of live water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do inhalation with dead water: heat 1 liter of water to 70 - 80 ° C and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes, repeat 3 - 4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with live water and soda. The urge to cough decreases and overall well-being improves. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Hemorrhoids: carefully wash the anus, ruptures, nodes with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with dead water. After 7 - 8 minutes, make lotions with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in living water. Repeat this procedure, changing tampons, 6 to 8 times during the day. At night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. Within 3-4 days the bleeding stops and the ulcers heal.

Flu: rinse your nose and mouth with dead water 8 times during the day, and drink 100 ml of live water at night. The flu disappears within 24 hours.

Toothache, periodontal disease: rinse your teeth after eating with heated dead water for 15 - 20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use live water instead of ordinary water. If you have periodontal disease, rinse your mouth with dead water several times after eating. Then rinse your mouth with a live one. Brush your teeth only in the evening. Perform the procedure regularly. In most cases, the pain goes away quickly. If there are stones on your teeth, brush your teeth with dead water and after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with live water. Tartar gradually disappears and gum bleeding decreases.

High blood pressure: morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of dead water with a “strength” of 3 - 4 pH. If it doesn’t help, then drink a whole glass after one hour. Blood pressure normalizes and calms down nervous system.

Low blood pressure: in the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water with pH = 9 - 10. The pressure is normalized, and a surge of strength appears.

Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis: full treatment cycle – 9 days. Drink 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals:
- in the first and last three days, 0.5 cups of dead water;
- 4th day - break;
- on the 5th day - 0.5 glasses of living water;
- Day 6 - break.
If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is advanced, then it is necessary to apply compresses with warm dead water to the sore spots. Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.

Radiculitis, rheumatism: two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 0.75 glasses of living water. Rub heated dead water into the sore spots. The pain goes away within a day or even earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.

Enlarged veins, bleeding: rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body with dead water, then moisten the gauze with living water and apply to the swollen and affected areas of the veins, drink 100 ml of dead water, and after 2 hours start taking 100 ml of living water 4 times at intervals of 4 hours. Repeat the procedure for 2 - 3 days. Areas of swollen veins dissolve and the veins heal.

Diabetes, pancreas: constantly drink 0.5 glasses of live water 30 minutes before meals. Massage of the gland and self-hypnosis that it secretes insulin is useful. The condition is improving.

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder): for 4 days, 3 times a day, 30 - 40 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of water: 1st time - dead, 2nd and 3rd times - alive. Living water should have a pH of about 11 units. The pain in the heart, abdomen and right shoulder blade goes away, the bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

Cervical erosion: douche overnight with dead water heated to 38 - 40°C. After 10 minutes, repeat this procedure with live water. Next, repeat rinsing with live water several times a day. Erosion resolves within 2 - 3 days.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers: for 4 - 5 days, one hour before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. After a 7-10 day break, repeat the treatment. The pain and vomiting stop on the second day. Acidity decreases, the ulcer heals.


If you store living water in a closed glass container filled with a lid in a dark place, then your medicinal properties it keeps for 24 hours. But it should be borne in mind that it retains its maximum healing effect for the first three hours after preparation.

Dead water retains its active healing properties for a week if stored in a closed glass container in a dark place.

You cannot store “living” and “dead” water in the refrigerator. This is due to the vibration of the refrigerator and its magnetic field. Also, you cannot place jars with such water next to each other (distance



Currently, to obtain healing water, it is not at all necessary to look for some mountain springs and reservoirs. It can be obtained by electrolysis of ordinary tap water. From a chemical point of view, living water has alkaline properties and therefore it is excellent at healing wounds. And dead water is a unique disinfectant because it contains acids. When passing through plain water electric current completely changes its structure.

Accordingly, after electric treatment, the water is divided into two fractions. Each has certain healing properties. It is usually recommended to use living and dead water in combination to achieve maximum results.

Do-it-yourself living and dead water apparatus

You can easily find it on sale special devices to obtain activated water. But such a device can be made independently. To do this you need to take a regular glass jar with a cover and secure the electrodes to it using nuts and screws. One of the electrodes will be the cathode and the other the anode. Dead water will be released at the positive electrode. This means that you need to attach a thick fabric bag to the anode. Calico is ideal for such purposes. The main thing is that air passes through the fabric normally.

The length of the electrodes for full should not exceed 100 mm. Sheet can be used as electrodes. Some even use aluminum electrodes to produce charged water. They must be secured to the lid using a special insulating gasket.

To prepare activated water, you will need to pour the liquid into a cloth bag and attach it to the positive electrode. It is then inserted into a jar of water. It must be taken into account that the water in the jar should not reach the edge. Usually it takes no more than ten minutes to get live water. Then the electrodes are pulled out of the jar and dead water from a special bag is poured into a separate container. The water should be poured very carefully so as not to mix the resulting fractions. To obtain activated water, you can also use a design without a fabric bag. Then you will need two separate containers with separate edges. It will be possible to ensure electrical contact between two containers by using a cotton cord wrapped in gauze.

As you know, a person consists of 80% water. The properties of water are necessary to human body lived People no longer drink much tap water, but rather use filters to purify water. Such purified liquid will definitely not harm humans. Living Water is most useful at home; you can make it yourself. If you are a fan proper nutrition, see how to make a real one.

To produce living water, we will consider 3 production methods healthy water. We will need the following materials:

Method No. 1

Let's consider the simplest and affordable way that everyone can do.

Pour required amount water and boil it. Then we cool the water, pour it into a bottle and freeze it, placing it in freezer refrigerator. IN winter period a bottle of water can be placed on the balcony. Then take the bottle of ice out of the refrigerator and let the water melt. Such melted water will have an improved structure.

Method No. 2

This method of obtaining living water is the most effective, and it is based on the use of silicon. Silicon can be bought at a pharmacy. Pour 3 liters of water into a jar and add approximately 300 silicon stones. Cover the jar with clean gauze and let the water sit for two days. Then pour the water into another clean container so that the black sediment remains at the bottom in the same jar - this is harmful substances, we won't need them anymore. Now you should freeze the water slightly. When a small layer of ice forms, make a hole in it and pour it into another container. Ice can also be thrown away; it has formed hydrogen isotopes.

Method No. 3

In the third and last method we also freeze the water. It should freeze 2/3 of its volume. When the water is frozen, everything is the other way around; we pour out ice rather than frozen water. The resulting melted ice will turn into real living water. This water is very beneficial for the body.

Water is the basis for the origin of life on Earth. Literally everything, including humans, is made up of more than half of it.

Why is living water needed?

In the human body, all the most important fluids consist of water with various impurities. Blood, lymph, saliva, sweat and intercellular fluids are the particles from which we ourselves are built. All these liquids have a low-molecular structure, while the structure of simple water is high-molecular.

The cells of ordinary water are too large for our body and are strikingly different from the cells of the structured fluid of the human body, so they too must undergo structuring.

In nature, structured, living water is only spring water. Natural processes not only purify such water, but also make it more beneficial for our body. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to drink spring water all the time. And tap water, before getting into our cups and teapots, undergoes a process of destruction of the crystal lattice. The water that has reached us has a residual structure ranging from seventeen to thirty percent, and contains great amount harmful substances.

The body has to structure it anew, wasting the strength and energy necessary for life, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in the quality of life.

The benefits of living water

The molecular structure of living water is the same as that of liquids in the body, it is easier to digest and therefore beneficial to health.

  • Improves the functioning of human organs
  • Stabilizes the nervous and cardiovascular systems
  • Blood viscosity is normalized
  • Fatigue goes away
  • Metabolism increases
  • It is good for the skin
  • Slows down aging

How to make living water

Living water is sold in all stores, but few people know that it can be easily and quickly prepared at home. The most amazing thing is that it is mined in several ways. Let's look at them all.

Melt water

  1. Filter plain water, fill a food bottle with it and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  2. Hold the bottle under the stream hot water and separate the resulting piece of ice, then pierce the bottle so that melt water containing harmful substances and heavy metal salts comes out. We also recommend melting the opaque part of the ice, it also contains them.
  3. Place clear ice in any other container so that it can melt.

Silicon water

Silicon water not only becomes alive and structured, but also has bactericidal properties that kill all bacteria of putrefaction and decomposition in the body.

Silicon is sold freely in pharmacies.

  1. Place five silicon stones at the bottom of a three-liter jar, fill with filtered water and let sit under cheesecloth for forty-eight hours.
  2. Afterwards, pour the water into another container, but leave a layer of cloudy liquid at the bottom. All the harmful substances attracted by the stone gathered there.
  3. Silicon water will become even more useful after freezing.
  4. Once you defrost it, it must be used within eight hours.
  5. Used flint stones can be poured hot water and let them dry in the sun, after which they will be ready for use again. When they develop a coating from repeated use, pour 2% vinegar over them for two hours, rinse, and keep in soda solution and rinse again.

Silver water

Silver water has several healing properties. It destroys pathogenic intestinal flora, saturates the body and serves to prevent inflammatory diseases.

To obtain silver living water, place a thoroughly washed silver object in a vessel with filtered water for a day. Use only the top third of water.

Water with shungite

Shungite water is made in the same way as silicon water. You need about one hundred grams of shungite per liter of water.

Shungite water is known for its bactericidal properties, is freed from metal impurities, becomes transparent and odorless.

Living water is beneficial in itself, but its properties can be improved in several ways, making it even more beneficial for the body.

  • Place living water in the sun, it will be saturated with solar energy
  • By pouring water from cup to cup, you enrich it with oxygen

Living water can only be stored frozen. Having melted, it preserves beneficial features no more than a day. It is also not recommended to heat it above 20 degrees to avoid loss of beneficial properties.

Unconventional ways to obtain living water

Water has one unusual property. She reacts to environment, even words. So, to get living water in an unusual way necessary:

  • Water reacts to good words, so say something nice to her before you drink
  • Listen to classical music. It has a beneficial effect on water, with the exception of the music of Wagner and Bach.
  • After prayer, the structure of the water changes for the better
  • Water is also influenced by the favorable atmosphere in the kitchen, paintings or panels decorating the walls.

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