How to lose weight counting calories table. How to count calories to lose weight

For many people, the word “diet” is synonymous with hunger, restrictions and grueling workouts. We don’t want to go on a diet; we expect to lose weight by eating our favorite foods at any time. Losing weight comfortably is not always possible, and a calorie weight loss diet is direct proof of this.

Calculation of calorie content of foods

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Your ideal weight is the weight at which you can walk up to the 5th floor without shortness of breath, easily run after a departing bus and are not embarrassed by your body. But if you still think that you need to lose weight, then the most the right way- count daily calorie content menu.

It's no secret that healthy female body 2.5 thousand calories are enough for normal work, and 700 units more for men. Many " good diets“It is recommended to cut this norm by 2 times; in the end, only 1 thousand calories remain, which is catastrophically low.

Therefore, before starting a diet, completely review your menu and remove unnecessary foods from it.

So, for example, you like to eat candy or chew crackers, and this is already about 300 kcal per day. A sandwich with sausage and sweet tea - all 500 calories, and also add alcohol, chips, fast food eaten before work.

counting calories. My experience) positive and negative sides

How to lose weight? PP diet for 1200 kcal [Workout Laboratory]

Menu for the day. 1200 kcal. 6 meals a day. How to lose weight without fasting.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?

It often happens that after calculating the calorie content of a menu, an interesting figure is obtained: a person overeats 1–2 thousand calories more than he should. You may have to significantly reduce portions and divide what you ate at one time by 3.

Therefore, before starting the diet, you should complete 5 simple steps to losing weight:

  1. Revising the menu, counting all the “invisible” food. Note that sweet tea and coffee is a high-calorie drink, and not “just water - it will slip by and I won’t notice.”
  2. Choose foods that your body needs. Replace pasta with butter vegetable salad, bun– a plate low-fat cottage cheese or oatmeal cookies, and rich cabbage soup - broth from lean rabbit or veal.
  3. Do not suffer from hunger, but eat often, but the weight of the portion should not exceed 150–250 grams, including liquid.
  4. How much water do you drink per day? If it’s less than 1 liter, then you’ll have to retrain yourself and drink 1.5–2.
  5. Buy a book or bookmark the electronic version of caloric content tables for foods and ready meals.

How to lose weight by counting calories?

We already have a magic book with calorie content of foods and dishes, so you can start losing weight. Food and methods of preparing it play a significant role in this process. After all, fried meat is less healthy than boiled meat.

Do not start your diet with extreme menu cuts - 1.5–1.8 kcal will be enough for weight loss. Pay attention to the rhythm of your life:

  1. For active people Those involved in sports and heavy work need from 1.5 to 1.8 thousand calories per day.
  2. With a sedentary lifestyle, the norm can be reduced to 1200 kcal.

Remember that even without exercise, you are expending energy and losing calories every minute. In the first half of the day this process is more intense than in the second. Let's do the math: in 1 hour of training, a professional dancer loses up to 300 kcal. That is, for 10 hours of training - 3000 kcal, add here the total norm of 1500 kcal and the cost of sleep, which is about 1.5 thousand kcal.

It turns out that the fragile girl spends more than 5 thousand calories, but the dancers eat very little. But they are also accustomed to this rhythm. What to do? Focus on yourself. If you previously consumed 3500 kcal in 24 hours, then during the diet eat 2 thousand.

How to choose the right recipes and products for weight loss with calorie counting?

  1. Limit your fat intake. It has been proven that the caloric content of animal fat is 2 times higher than the caloric content of carbohydrates (9.1 kcal versus 4 kcal). If the percentage of fat in the menu is no more than 30, then the body does not feel the need to increase the amount of protein and carbohydrates, due to which the total caloric content of the diet is reduced by 10%.
  2. Limit your sugar intake. Any sugar and its substitutes due to natural properties metabolism increases appetite. As a result, frequent overeating occurs. IN healthy menu Sugar should be no more than 20 grams per day. And we have already reduced the calorie intake by as much as 20%.
  3. Increase your consumption of foods with dietary fiber, this is fiber (porridge, vegetables and fruits), pectins. This food is digested slowly and satisfies better. After eating 100 grams of porridge, you will not feel hungry for 3-4 hours, which means you will not overeat.

In the diet of normal and diet menu There must be at least 2 side dishes, 1 first liquid dish, several slices of bran bread, 2-3 fruits or 200 grams of fresh berries, more than 300 grams of fresh vegetables.

Calorie diet: chemical composition of the menu and some recommendations

The chemical composition of your menu will look like this:

  1. Breakfast – 25% off daily value, which means 300 kcal.
  2. Second breakfast – 10% (120 kcal).
  3. Lunch – 35% of the norm (420 kcal).
  4. Afternoon snack – 10%, that is 120 kcal.
  5. Dinner – 20%, which means 240 kcal.

How to survive on 1200 kcal: sample menu for a week for a calorie-counting diet

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of fresh cabbage and grated carrot salad, season the salad with a drop of vegetable oil. For salad – 50 grams of boiled sausage or chicken meat, 1 loaf of bread and tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of lemon jelly (60 kcal), 100 grams of citrus jelly (69 kcal).
  • Lunch: 150 grams bean soup(100 kcal), 150 grams of roast pork with vegetables (150 kcal), 200 ml of rowan tea (20 kcal), 100 grams potato cookies(69 kcal).
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml of kvass made from extract (20 kcal), 2 loaves of bread (20 grams) with a thin layer of apricot jam (90 kcal).
  • Dinner: 100 grams of crumbly buckwheat (100 kcal), 100 grams boiled fillet chicken (113 kcal), 200 ml tea with apple (34 kcal).
  • Before bed, a glass of kefir (55 kcal).

Calorie table and online calculators

Today there are electronic assistants that count not only calories, but also the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in a particular dish. The calculator calculates losses useful components during heat treatment of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Calorie diet: how to turn a hungry week into a delicious holiday

The calorie content of food is indicated per 100 grams of ready-made food.

First meal:

  1. Soup puree of zucchini, carrots, ginger root, lentils, celery with salt - 34 calories.
  2. Cheese cream soup with processed cheese, champignons, potatoes and onions– 36 calories.
  3. Soup puree based on celery, onion, ginger root and sour cream 10% - 50 calories.
  4. Soup with rice, chicken liver, onions and carrots - 42 calories.

Second courses:

  1. Stewed cabbage with champignons, cooked in 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil – 66 calories.
  2. Vegetable stew of sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and carrots - 102 calories.
  3. Casserole of cod, 1 egg, 1.5% milk and onions - 75 calories.
  1. Champignon caps stuffed with shrimp and sour cream – 55 calories.
  2. Cucumber, cabbage salad, chicken breast and low-fat hard cheese with olive oil – 62 calories.
  3. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes green onions for 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil – 150 calories.
  1. Kefir cocktail with ginger, red pepper – 60 calories.
  2. Smoothie with strawberries, kefir 1% - 34 calories.
  3. Latte – coffee with milk 1.5% - 38 calories.
  1. Cupcakes from oat bran without eggs - 132 calories.
  2. Cheesecake made from milk, gelatin and honey, a slice of dark chocolate - 111 calories.
  3. Cake made from low-fat cottage cheese, poppy seeds, bran, 1.5% milk, oat bran with honey – 140 calories.
This calorie calculator allows you to calculate the recommended daily amount of calories (kcal) needed to maintain a constant weight, lose weight (weight loss) and also for weight gain. This calculator will help you lose weight and lose weight by correctly calculating your calorie intake. To lose 1 pound of weight per week, reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day. Reducing daily calorie intake below 1200, or losing weight by more than 900 grams per week, is not recommended. For more balanced weight loss, reduce daily consumption

calories by 250 calories and increase your physical activity to increase your calorie expenditure by 250 calories per day.?
This approach will help prevent a decrease in the body's metabolism (metabolism) and increase muscle mass. Diet 1200 calories or 1200 kilocalories per day The energy value of food is indicated in kilocalories (designation: kcal). However, for convenience, kilocalories are also referred to as "calories". Thus:

1200 calories = 1200 kilocalories (1:1)


This rule is true for food products both in Russia and abroad, where kilocalories are denoted by Calories or Cal. What foods to eat when losing weight (weight loss)? What foods to cut or replace when you are on a weight loss diet: First of all, reduce your consumption of sugar (chocolate, sweets) and fats (primarily margarine and solid fats - butter

, lard, fats in meat products). Eat low-fat dairy products: yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Replace
whole milk to milk with reduced fat content or completely skimmed. Replace fatty cottage cheese with low-fat cottage cheese. Reduce your consumption of starch and starch-rich foods: potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals. What foods are good for losing weight:
Increase your consumption of non-starchy vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, Green pepper, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, radishes, beets). Increase your fluid intake - drink, fruit tea, compote,
Maintain your normal intake of meat (no fat), poultry and fish (about 200g per day).
Fish oil capsules - 2 grams of fish oil contain healthy omega fats, enough for 1 day.
Multivitamins can be very useful when dieting, as they help maintain the body's resistance to stress caused by reducing calorie intake.
Calcium is essential for maintaining the health of your bones and teeth. If you cannot meet your daily intake of about 1000 mg of calcium per day (for adults 19 to 50 years old), take calcium tablets. For reference: 1000 mg of calcium is contained in approximately 750 grams of milk.

Recommendations for weight loss, weight loss.

Weigh the portions on a kitchen scale (the desired error is no more than 1 gram).
- Weigh yourself daily and record your weight.
- Do not eat foods with unknown calorie content. If you were forced to use, write down the estimated amount (the most accurate based on your experience).
- Carry calorie-calculated foods (lunches) with you to work or college.
- Maintain or increase your daily physical activity (sports, walking, shopping, etc.)
- Don't believe in miracle diets and weight loss pills. Today's diet with counting daily calories is the safest method of weight loss (weight loss). The Kremlin diet (the Kremlin diet is the Russian version of the Atkins diet) based on the maximum reduction of carbohydrates is potentially dangerous for your body.
- Consider the calories in alcohol. It is best to stop or reduce your alcohol consumption while you are on a weight loss/weight loss diet.
- Try to eat at least 3 times a day. 4 times or more is even better.
- Do not consume margarine (hydrogenated fats). Margarine contains trans fats, which your body does not need at all. Trans fats are one of the factors in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Write down your daily calories on a piece of paper and keep it with you when you leave the house.

An example of recording portions for a diet with daily calorie counting (kilocalories):

Yogurt (100 g, 1 pack) 50
Tea (1 teaspoon sugar) 15
Low-fat milk (250 g) 90
Apple (170 g, 0.65 cal/g) 110
Beef (57 g, 1.93 cal/g) 110
Potatoes (152 g, 0.82 cal/g) 124
Mushrooms (115 g, 0.21 cal/g) 24

Please note that counting your kilocalories consumed per day is necessary for correct use this calculator daily requirement in calories. remember, that main secret proper weight loss and weight loss consists of a reasonable reduction in the number of kilocalories consumed, do not resort to extreme restriction of your daily calories, designed to reduce your weight by more than 900 grams per week.

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The thought of losing weight comes to the minds of many, although a few decades ago this problem did not exist at all. That is, of course, there have always been overweight people, but this was not perceived as some kind of serious disadvantage. Today the situation has changed - overweight and obesity are recognized as not just a problem: in 2006, the X International Congress on Obesity, which took place in Sydney (Australia), recognized that overweight should be considered a global(i.e. worldwide) epidemic of a non-infectious nature, since excess weight has long ceased to be a concern for individuals.

World Organization Public health reported alarmingly back in 2006 that the total number of people who are overweight or obese exceeds 15% of the world's population, with some countries reporting that more than half of their population suffers from this problem. As for 2015, that is, today, WHO predicted that obesity in the adult population globe will exceed 700 million people, and at least 2.3 billion people will be overweight.

Since overweight and obesity pose a serious threat to the health of any person, and on such a scale they turn into a real danger for all national health systems, it is not only the desire to look better that calls for weight loss, but also the World Health Organization. Serious concern about this problem at the global level has led to the fact that many people are trying to lose weight: some go to the gym, others switch to dietary food, someone takes part in special programs for weight loss.

It’s interesting that for almost everyone who is losing weight, the question of how to correctly count calories for weight loss becomes very important.. Although understanding the calorie intake can be useful for people who simply want to maintain their weight at a normal level.

The Dangers of Overweight and Obesity

A hundred years ago, no one would have imagined that the word “epidemic” could be combined with the word “obesity,” but today this is exactly the situation. Moreover, excess weight to any extent has ceased to be considered an individual concern for each person, but has become a problem of a national scale, since it affects both the social, medical, and even economic spheres of life and government activity.

Regarding the social component of the problem overweight and obesity, then, unfortunately, it is obvious to too many, starting from early childhood, when chubby children are bullied by their peers in kindergartens, in the yard and in any children's company. The World Health Organization reported with great concern that in 2005, at least 20 million children under five years of age worldwide were overweight, and expressed concern that the number of overweight and overweight children is constantly increasing Accordingly, the problems associated with this are growing.

It is much more difficult for overweight adults to find a decent job, since many employers want to have “representative” employees, and this is an indisputable fact. It is much more difficult, and sometimes impossible, for these people to start a family; most often they have a very limited circle of friends, and it is often difficult for them to choose the necessary clothes...

The medical component of the problem of obesity and overweight is probably the most terrible: it is with excess weight that doctors around the world and the World Health Organization associate the risks of developing many very serious diseases.

For example, it is known that cardiovascular diseases are more likely to develop in people whose weight exceeds the norm. But it is cardiovascular diseases that lead among the causes of mortality and claim more than 17 million lives annually (WHO data).

There is a direct relationship between any degree of excess weight and type 2 diabetes, a serious disease. endocrine system. WHO warns national health systems and governments around the world, as well as non-governmental organizations, that mortality from this cause could increase by more than 50% in the next decade.

In addition, overweight and obesity become one of the causes of the development of various musculoskeletal disorders, especially osteoarthritis, which can lead to disability, as well as one of the causes of the development of certain oncological (cancerous) diseases.

We should not forget that people with obesity and simply with overweight Almost all diseases are more severe, fractures are more difficult to heal and any wounds and injuries are more difficult to heal. In addition, it has been proven that if a person’s weight exceeds normal values ​​by only 10%, then the threat of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis, gout, cholecystitis, metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis, fatty liver and kidneys increases, male potency decreases, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. among women. What can we say about people whose weight is almost twice as much as normal, or even more.

Anesthesiologists note that people with any degree of excess weight perceive and tolerate anesthesia, which is necessary during surgical interventions, much worse, and it is precisely for people with obesity and any degree of excess weight that require surgical intervention diseases internal organs, and fractures.

And since obesity and overweight cause many health problems, many insurance companies that provide health insurance set higher prices for their insurance programs for obese people...

Excess weight also affects life expectancy: according to medical statistics, class II obesity reduces life expectancy by about five years, but class III obesity shortens life by 10-15 years.

Attention! Scientists say that the average human life expectancy depends more on obesity than on oncological diseases: If cancer were defeated, the average person’s life would be increased by one year, and if obesity were defeated, people would live four years longer.

As for the economic component of this issue, some countries keep statistics that cannot but upset. For example, losses to the UK economy, which are explained by obesity or overweight of citizens of this country, are estimated at 13-15 billion pounds sterling per year. And for the United States of America, losses from this problem amount to more than $70 billion annually...

Many countries practically do not keep such statistics, but this does not mean that the problem, if it exists, does not affect the economy in any way.

The problem, which was previously considered exclusively aesthetic and cosmetic, is acquiring very serious economic dimensions all over the world, which are directly related to the medical and social levels of this problem.

What is the calorie content of food?

The importance of maintaining a healthy weight is almost undeniable, as is the fact that a healthy weight can only be maintained through comprehensive measures. It has been proven that upon the appearance extra pounds, which quite quickly turn into overweight and then into obesity, are influenced by many factors, among which scientists and researchers especially highlight genetic predisposition, exposure environment, metabolic processes in the body, a person’s psychological state, including bad mood, fatigue, depressive and other conditions, as well as his lifestyle, that is, nutrition as well. And if a person is not able to influence many of these factors and cannot change them, then nutrition can still be regulated, including control over the calorie content of food.

What are food calories and calories?

As for calories, the cheerful people came up with the following explanation: calories are small pests almost invisible to the naked eye, which in the dark sneak into wardrobes and mercilessly sew up all the clothes. More seriously, calories are the amount of heat required to heat one gram of water by one degree Celsius, if the water is heated at standard atmospheric pressure. In addition, calories were also used to measure energy and work.

As for the calorie content of food, which is otherwise called energy value, this phrase should be understood as the amount of energy that the body receives by assimilating certain foods. Accordingly, each product that is used for cooking has a certain calorie content.

It is easy to understand that the more calories the body receives, the more energy resources it receives. And if these energy resources are not used by the body to carry out any activity, then they are all stored as reserves, that is, they are converted into fat reserves of the body, which lead first to the appearance of excess weight and then to obesity.

Today there are special tables where the number of calories for each product is already determined, and sometimes you can find the calculated calorie content of some ready-made dishes.

It should immediately be noted that it is hardly possible to measure the calorie content of any product or dish at home, since the methodology for this process involves the use of special equipment.

Interesting! The energy value, that is, calorie content, of any product or dish is determined as follows: the product is burned in a special device called a “calorimeter”, and then the heat that is released when the product is burned is measured using a water bath that surrounds the calorimeter to measure the heat released. .

It is known that the caloric content of proteins is 4 kilocalories per gram of product, the caloric content of carbohydrates is the same, that is, also 4 kilocalories per gram of product, and the caloric content of fats is 9 kilocalories per gram of product.

On packages finished products The calorie content is indicated by the manufacturer, and the calorie content of other products should be checked using special calorie content tables.

How many calories does the body need?

It would seem that what less calories, all the better. But it only seems so, because calories not only make you fat - energy is also needed for the body to function normally, that is, to ensure the vital functions of the body. This means this - even if a person does nothing, but simply lies in a state of complete rest, that is, sleeps, then he is working the cardiovascular system, works gastrointestinal tract, a person breathes, some processes occur in the nervous, hormonal and all other systems of the body.

And although all these processes are practically unnoticeable, they are still very important and really ensure the vital functions of the body, requiring a certain amount of energy for this. It is this energy, which is spent on the life support of the body in a state of complete rest, that is called the basic (or main) metabolism in the body.

How energy-intensive is the basal metabolism? During various studies, it was found that the human body consumes about one kilocalorie per hour per kilogram of mass. That is, a person whose weight is 70 kg will need 70 kilocalories per hour just to ensure basic metabolism, that is, per day it will be 70x24 = 1680 kilocalories, which are spent by the body just to keep the body alive.

It has been proven that the basic metabolism of representatives of different sexes is not the same. Women's basal metabolic rate is ten to fifteen percent lower than men's basal metabolic rate. Thus, it turns out that the basic (basic) metabolism in women is 1500 kcal per day ( average), and men need approximately 1,700 kcal per day just to ensure the body’s basic (basic) metabolism.

But this is only a basic metabolism, that is, when a person does not perform any work, and some additional energy costs are not even taken into account. For example, if a person has eaten something, then energy consumption for digestion will increase by about 200 kcal, energy is also spent on some even minimal movements - turning over to the other side, going to the kitchen or to the toilet... All these are little things, but energy is spent and on them.

That is why, when calculating the basic exchange rate, some average figures are often used. In addition, we should not forget that each person has their own metabolic processes and the speed at which they occur, so it is almost impossible to calculate their energy intensity with an accuracy of one kilocalorie.

But in real life, any person is always doing something, and different types activities require different amounts of energy. It is absolutely clear that the more intense the work, the more energy is spent on it.

When studying this issue, coefficients were identified that can be used to calculate how much energy a person needs for full life. Scientists and practitioners have identified several groups of work ( physical activity) depending on its intensity and required energy costs.

To determine the amount of energy that the body will require, the basic metabolic rate should be multiplied by the appropriate coefficient (the so-called activity coefficient) depending on the group of physical activity on the body.

  1. The first group of physical activity includes people physical exercise which are minimal, for example, office workers or, for example, librarians - that is, this group includes people leading a practically sedentary lifestyle. The activity coefficient for such people is 1.2. This means that for women, with a basic energy metabolism of 1500 kcal, this lifestyle will require 1500 x 1.2 = 1800 kcal per day. For men, this figure will be higher, since they have a higher basic metabolism: 1700x1.2=2040 kcal.
  2. The second group consists of people whose lifestyle can be called inactive - sedentary work for such people is combined with several simple workouts during the week. For them, the activity coefficient is 1.375.
  3. The third group includes those whose activity is defined as moderate. This can be sedentary work, which is supplemented by almost daily training, or work that involves not only an office, but also some kind of movement. The activity coefficient for such people is 1.55.
  4. The fourth group is the group of increased physical activity. The activity coefficient for this group increases to 1.725.

The fifth group includes people whose occupation requires constant significant physical activity, which is comparable to two very intense workouts twice a day. In this case, the activity coefficient is 1.9.

Of course, activity coefficients make it possible to determine the energy expenditure of the body only approximately, but it is quite obvious that the secretary girl and the plasterer girl spend absolutely different quantities energy, therefore it should be replenished in completely different ways.

Attention! Experts pay attention to the fact that it is correct to determine energy needs basal metabolism is possible only taking into account muscle and fat mass. All formulas are designed for the average person, so these formulas are not suitable for determining the basal metabolic rate in people with severe overweight and obesity or in bodybuilders whose muscle mass is much higher than the muscle mass of the average person.

How to lose weight by counting calories?

So, it is known that a woman who works in an office needs 1800 kcal per day. If such an amount of energy enters the body, then the weight should remain the same, because the body will receive everything it needs, but without excess, in order to store reserves; and without a deficit to spend what has already been set aside.

Thus, it turns out that if a person needs to gain a little weight and become rounder, he must receive a slightly larger amount of calories from food than provided by the basic metabolism and the corresponding formula. But if you need to lose weight, then the number of calories should be less than necessary (calculated using formulas) - then the body will be forced to use internal reserves, that is, it will begin to receive energy from internal reserves of fat deposits. And if a figure is determined, for example, 1800 kcal, then this means that in order to lose weight, this figure should be reduced, that is, provide nutrition in which the body receives less energy than it needs to ensure balance.

However, when reducing the energy content of food, one should not forget about the basic, or basic, metabolism, which requires a certain amount of calories, and if these calories are not supplied, then incomprehensible and extremely unpleasant metamorphoses can occur in any of the body’s organs. That is, even if you need to lose weight, you should not affect those energy supplies that provide basic metabolism.

Nutritionists recommend never trying to lose weight too quickly, since the body perceives this as a stressful situation and will certainly try to catch up at the first opportunity - this is why the weight lost during any restrictive diet with such efforts and suffering very often returns, or even increases.

Attention! In order for the results of weight loss to last as long as possible, you need to lose weight very gradually so that the body has time to get used to it and does not feel stressed. Nutritionists consider 0.5 kg per week to be optimal weight loss, which is about 2 kg per month.

Of course, all processes in the body are very individual, including the process of losing weight, but “miracle” diets that promise the loss of ten kilograms in ten days are, firstly, unscientific fiction, and secondly, even if someone then by some miracle it will succeed, then all 15 kg will soon return.

It should be noted that counting calories does not reduce their number; it simply allows you to constantly monitor how much energy the body has received.

When deciding to lose weight by counting calories, you should understand that any heat treatment product requires changing the numbers. For example, the calorie content of 100 grams of rice is approximately 414 kilocalories, however we're talking about about dry product. As you know, when cooked, rice swells, increases in volume and becomes heavier. That is, 414 kilocalories is the calorie content not of one hundred grams of ready-made rice, but of the entire cooked portion, if exactly 100 grams were cooked. In a word, you will also have to do mathematical calculations...

The calorie content of foods also changes when they are fried or baked, and calculating the calorie content of fried or baked foods is much more difficult. It is generally accepted that the frying process increases calorie content by about 20%, however different products Absorb different fats completely differently, so it is not possible to accurately calculate this. By the way, nutritionists recommend avoiding fried foods altogether for any diet.

Benefits of Counting Calories

Regarding the disadvantages of counting calories, only one thing can be said - you will have to weigh something all the time (at least until you develop a habit) and constantly write down and count. Of course, constantly walking around with a notepad and writing every glass of juice or every cookie can get boring, but these are the conditions of this event, at the end of which both a good figure and wonderful well-being loom and beckon. So you have to try. By the way, many who lose weight using this system, in order not to bother with every candy or various other little things, practically give up snacking, which, among other things, reduces the total calorie content of food for the day.

The undoubted advantage of counting calories is that people begin to understand that the reason for their excess weight lies not in some mysterious “wide bones” or heredity, but in banal overeating. Well, their body doesn’t need that much energy! And for so many years they pushed it in, and even smacked their lips at the same time... And as soon as the amount of energy, that is, calories, decreases, the body will begin to use up the reserves and the long-awaited process of losing weight will begin.

Another benefit of calorie counting is that you can eat whatever you want, but stick to a certain number of calories. If you want a cake, then why not. But the trouble is that it is very high in calories, so a piece of cake will mean that the daily calorie limit is almost exhausted. But you can crunch on cucumbers or cabbage with almost impunity - their calorie content is very low.

Scientists who have observed people who choose to count calories say that such people gradually switch to healthy eating because the way a person eats is simply a habit. By counting calories, people learn to control and limit themselves, choose lower-calorie foods, and give preference to healthier foods.

Thus, it turns out that daily calorie counting may well ultimately lead not only to weight loss, but also to healthy eating, and to healthy image life.

Many people who have chosen calorie counting among all diets say that calorie counting does not limit their choice of foods, and if you suddenly want candy or ice cream, then this is not forbidden, it’s just that eating high-calorie foods will significantly reduce the proportion of those remaining in the diet. this day of calories and, accordingly, will force you to give up something. But this is an opportunity to choose, which for most people is simply of utmost importance.

Doctors note that losing weight by counting calories very quickly becomes a habit of controlling everything you eat, and this is much more beneficial than any restrictive or low-calorie diet.

Attention! The essence of any diet is to reduce the energy value of food entering the body, that is, the desire to force the body to begin releasing accumulated reserves. Counting calories in the daily menu is practically the only way to lose weight that does not involve any other restrictions other than monitoring the total caloric content of what you eat during the day.


To lose weight or not to lose weight? This has long ceased to be a question that requires reflection, and the problem left the plane of fashion, beauty, and aesthetics several decades ago. Today, when even in countries with low per capita income obesity has become an epidemic that has affected even children, the World Health Organization persistently draws attention to the need to maintain a healthy weight.

Of course, a healthy weight depends on many factors, but proper nutrition occupies one of the first places in this list next to the necessary physical activity. And probably calorie counting daily menu not the worst choice in the fight against excess weight, because this is a fight not only for beauty, but a fight for health, for the opportunity to lead a full life, work, have a family...

Of course, there are diseases in which weight depends on the malfunction of the endocrine system, but how many people suffer from obesity simply because of banal overeating, and continue to stubbornly eat their problems with buns or sausages. But the problem of being overweight will not go away on its own...

And you don’t have to restrict yourself in anything special, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods - just count the calories. And if the result you get makes you think, start thinking about what’s superfluous on the menu and what you can’t do without. Get started. Give it a try. And everything will certainly work out for you, because only the one who walks can master the road.

Our calculator is designed for those who adhere to a flexible diet, or just want to switch to this nutrition system.

The basic principle of a flexible diet is that you can eat almost anything, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • You must adhere to your individual daily calorie intake;
  • complied with correct ratio proteins fats carbohydrates.

That is, you must provide your body with a stable supply correct amount calories and the required ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU), but the sources of these elements and energy can be represented by an endless number of foods and dishes.

When using a flexible diet, you not only count the total number of calories you consume, but you also need to manage your ratio of calories.

For example, you can spend your entire calorie budget on a pancake breakfast, but remember that you need to provide the right amount of fat and protein. And don’t be surprised that by lunchtime you may feel tired - you’ve used up all the carbohydrates and now you have no energy left.

For calculation required quantity daily calorie intake and optimal macronutrient ratios based on your age, height, weight, gender and physical activity level, use this calculator. Apply these results to flexible dieting to lose weight, keep it off, or gain muscle.

Physical activity level

High levels of physical activity are accompanied by higher calorie expenditure. To accurately control the calories burned (and therefore calculate the daily caloric intake required for consumption), you need to determine how many calories you burn during sports activities: for this, use our.

Too much physical activity coupled with low calorie intake can lead to muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue), which in turn slows metabolism and weight loss. Typically your metabolism starts to slow down after 3 days on a reduced calorie diet.

Weight loss and fat loss do not always mean the same thing: weight can be lost due to loss muscle mass, while the amount of adipose tissue remains the same. To prevent this from happening, it is important to calculate the optimal ratio of macroelements - BZHU.

Incorporating regular physical activity into your new image life helps maintain muscle mass levels even with a calorie deficit.

But remember:

  • The body spends 5-25% of total energy expenditure on physical activity, and this is not only special fitness classes, this also includes walking, doing our daily activities, etc.;
  • about 10% of energy is spent on digesting food;
  • about 60-80% of energy is spent on the basic functioning of the body.

Therefore, physical activity will definitely help in the process of losing weight, but still, the most important thing is limiting calorie intake.

Moreover, it should be taken into account that the body can spend a limited amount of calories per day; it cannot work endlessly, even if we constantly throw new energy into it. Therefore, if you spent a lot of calories on sports today, your body will optimize your daily calorie expenditure and will spend fewer calories on other processes. As a result, the total daily calorie expenditure of this day will not be much more than yesterday.

Physical activity is very important in itself, for both physical and psychological health, but with its help we can regulate a maximum of 5-25% of our daily energy expenditure.

What happens if there are too few calories? And is it possible to lose weight through diet alone?

With an extremely low calorie intake, muscle catabolism begins, muscles melt, and accordingly, the body begins to spend less energy on its basic life activities. That is, your basal metabolic rate decreases. This means that as soon as you return to your normal diet, you will not only regain your weight, but you will also gain more. Therefore it is very important:

When losing weight, be sure to introduce physical activity; this will help you not to lose muscle mass while reducing your calorie intake or even increase it, which means increasing your basal metabolism. This will help you lose weight much more effectively and prevent you from gaining weight when you return to your normal diet.

Macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates


Proteins are important for the growth of new tissue as well as the repair of damaged tissue - this is what happens when you exercise.

Protein should be your best friend if you want to gain or maintain muscle mass.

But protein isn't just about muscle, it's also about satiety, which will help you stick to your diet.

Protein sources: eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, fish, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes.


Fat is often wrongly demonized.

Fats can be very helpful in achieving your body shaping goals, they also affect hormones - too little fat can be harmful to the body.

25% of all calories provided by a flexible diet are allocated to fat. This can be adjusted later, but this is what the initial proportion looks like.

Sources of fat: olive oil, coconut oil, natural peanut butter and others nut oils, avocado, almonds, Walnut, cashews, red fish, mackerel, egg yolks.


Your body uses carbohydrates to make glucose, which is our body's preferred form of fuel or energy. They are the ones who give us the opportunity to stay active.

Fiber, which is important to watch if you want to stay healthy, is also a source of carbohydrates, but it contains no calories.

Sources of carbohydrates: To cereals and cereals, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, flour products.

Carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are digested more slowly, which means the energy released during their processing is distributed by the body evenly throughout its life activities, without turning into fat reserves. And what’s also important is that the energy from complex carbohydrates is evenly released over 3-4 hours, which means that all this time the body will have enough energy and will not require additional food.

Typically, foods containing complex carbohydrates have more dark color than simple ones.

Examplesoats, Brown rice, starchy vegetables, whole wheat bread.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are absorbed too quickly, the body does not have time to use them up and they go into fat reserves. In addition, the body receives energy in the form of a short burst, and then a breakdown occurs.

ExamplesWhite rice, White bread, cookies and sweets.

Serving frequency and size

A large portion for one meal, even if you meet the daily calorie intake, can trigger fat deposition.

This happens according to a principle similar to the assimilation of simple carbohydrates: the body immediately receives a lot of calories, a lot of energy, the body may not have time to use it all and then some of the energy may be deposited as fat.

If the daily diet is divided into a larger amount small portions- then each meal will contain fewer calories, which the body is more likely to absorb. Also in this case, the load on the digestive organs - the stomach, pancreas, etc. - is reduced.

In addition, it is recommended to eat before any active activity (physical: for example, before a walk, or just before going to work, or even mental - with increased mental activity the body also spends more energy). But you shouldn’t lie on the couch or sleep after eating.

Calories for reducing fat mass

There is a belief that a pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, so a daily deficit of 500 calories should help you lose a pound of fat per week.

In fact, everything is not quite like that.

In general, the body's energy expenditure gradually decreases as a person begins to lose weight. This means that you will inevitably find yourself at the plateau stage - stopping weight loss. The amount of food that previously led to weight loss will one day lead to weight maintenance. What follows from the warning:

Always try to aim for your daily caloric expenditure at the "Normal Weight Loss" level.

The “Extreme rate of weight loss” level is the most extreme and dangerous to health. Don't try to switch to it right away in hopes of a quick effect. Ultimately, the result may be the opposite of the desired one. This option provides the most low level calorie intake, which can generally be considered. It should be seen as the exception rather than the rule. It is healthier to burn fat than to get rid of it through fasting.

Weight loss plateau - why weight stops falling when you reduce calorie intake

Over time the body adapts to reduced quantity calories consumed.

The body begins to use energy more efficiently - it slows down metabolism, so it burns less fat. This is why many people reach a weight loss plateau.

At this stage, the only option is to speed up your metabolism by:

  • increasing cardio loads, strength training,
  • eating “deceptive” food (i.e. periodically introducing high-calorie foods into the diet);
  • periodically changing the amount of calories (the so-called “zig-zag” diet - used in our calculator, in a detailed calculation of calorie consumption by day); Link
  • changes in the proportions of macroelements.


Only reducing the number of calories, in the absence of physical activity, will slow down your metabolism, and the moment you return to a “normal” diet, the weight will return again. Try to pay more attention to the exercises.

Learn to eat slowly - Research shows that people who eat quickly tend to be overweight.

Zig-zag diet

For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to follow a zig-zag diet, that is, it is necessary to alternate days according to the level of calorie consumption - sometimes less than the norm, sometimes more than the norm, leaving the calculated number of calories on average. This prevents the body from adapting to the reduced calorie intake and slowing down the metabolism.

Determining the calorie content of food eaten - the most important step in understanding exactly how much energy the body receives. If the amount of energy exceeds what is required, body weight will increase, and if there are not enough calories, weight will begin to decrease. At the same time, playing sports, but not as much as is commonly believed.

For example, one can of Coca-Cola contains the same amount of calories as the energy expended from a two-kilometer run - in other words, it is much easier to give up this cola than to burn calories through an exhausting run. It is also important that learning to count calories is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but the effect of such counting is enormous.

Learning to count calories

It is necessary to understand that there is no such thing as “calorie content of a plate of borscht” - rich soup on pork and with a lot of potatoes can be many times higher in calories than lean soup with vegetables. The size of the plate also plays a significant role. As a result, the final figure can range from 100 to 500 kcal per serving.

Trying to count calories using calorie tables of ready-made meals or sending photos of food to a special application on your smartphone is nothing more than a joke. The real figure can only be obtained by eating foods with the calorie content indicated on the package and weighing each ingredient of the prepared dishes on a kitchen scale.

What is a "calorie"?

Scientifically speaking, a calorie is a unit of measurement for the energy content of food. Initially, the amount of heat released during the combustion of fuel (for example, coal, fuel oil, firewood, etc.) was calculated in calories, and the application of calories to food began in the 20th century, when food began to be considered as fuel for the body.

The term "calorie" became widespread in the 1990s, when food manufacturers were legally required to indicate energy value food on the packaging. However, it should be noted that the indicated calorie content is only a mathematical calculation - the real amount of energy that the body will receive.

Formula for calculating calories

To calculate the calorie content of food before preparing a food product (for example) or a “composite” dish ( mashed potatoes with a cutlet) its ingredients are weighed. Then, using tables nutritional value, the composition of each component in proteins, fats and carbohydrates is determined. After which the sum of nutrients and the proportion for each serving are calculated.

One gram of proteins and carbohydrates contains 4.1 kcal (essentially 4 thousand 100 calories), one gram of fat contains 8.8 kcal. For simplicity, numbers are rounded. If a serving of food contains 20 g of protein, 25 g of carbohydrates and 10 g of fat, then the calculated calorie content will be 20x4 + 25x4 + 10x9 = 270 kcal. Water, as such, contains no calories.

How to determine calorie intake?

The average woman leading a sedentary lifestyle needs about 2000 kcal per day, a non-athletic man - 2300-2400 kcal; for an athlete training for muscle growth - at least 2500-2700 kcal. Exact figure is calculated using a special formula taking into account a person’s gender, age and weight.

Let us also note that if the energy supplied from food is not enough, the body will not immediately begin to burn fat - first it will try to slow down the metabolism, making the person more lethargic and sleepy. However, if the total calorie intake exceeds the required amount, then the “extra” calories will definitely be stored primarily in fat reserves.

Do genetics really influence how much fat the body stores?

How to count calories correctly?

Firstly, you need to accustom yourself to pay attention to the calorie content table of foods placed on the packaging. Most people don't realize that a liter of cola or a medium-sized pizza contains almost 1,000 calories, or half of the daily calorie requirement. Refusal similar products- the first rule for those who want to lose weight.

Ideally, the size of each serving of food should not exceed 500-700 kcal - this will allow the body to rationally use the energy received for current metabolic needs and not send it to fat reserves. At the same time, breakfast and lunch should be as dense as possible, and dinner should be light and without carbohydrates.

Calories or food composition?

Secondly, you need to pay attention not to the calorie content of individual dishes, but to the composition of the diet in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Total calorie consumption should be the starting point, not the final point, in creating a diet. Essentially, the number of calories per serving crushed potatoes and in a serving of buckwheat it may be equivalent, but the effect on the body will be significantly different.

Scientific research has long determined the boundaries of what is optimal - for example, fat (including vegetable oils) should not account for more than 30-40% of the total calorie intake. In other words, if you stick to your caloric intake solely from carbohydrates or fat, nothing good will happen to you.


Counting your caloric intake is the first step towards losing weight or gaining muscle mass. To correctly count calories, you need to study food composition tables and weigh the food you eat on a kitchen scale. However, despite this, the composition of foods in proteins, fats and carbohydrates is always much more important than their final calorie content.