How to peel the pulp from a coconut. Proper selection and cleaning of coconut

After purchasing an exotic nut, the inevitable question arises: how to open it. I don’t want the coconut to remain a decoration on the kitchen table. Moreover, its pulp and milk are healthy and pleasant to the taste. At home, it can be opened and cut in different ways, and then immediately used for food or stored.

Coconut on our table

Coconut is one of the most exotic nuts that has ever captured the hearts of gourmets around the world. It grows on a palm tree and has a fleecy shell, thin peel and aromatic white pulp, which is consumed fresh, frozen and dried. When purchasing, you need to choose a coconut without cracks or chips, since if the nut is cracked, it begins to quickly rot. Coconut is a high-calorie product. Per 100 g of pulp there is:

  • 33.5 g fat;
  • 6.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.5 g proteins;
  • 2 g ash;
  • 11.5 g water.

But it’s not just the aroma and taste that attract customers. Coconut is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. For the sake of all these qualities, it is worth working in the kitchen, opening the nut.

The fastest and easiest way to open a coconut - instructions

It doesn't require much effort and is great for opening ripe nuts. We will need:

  • coconut;
  • cup.

Operating procedure:

  1. Place the coconut on a work surface - a cutting board or kitchen table. You can place a towel to prevent the nut from slipping.
  2. We take a large knife, turn it upside down and tap the nut around the circumference with the blunt side.
  3. When the coconut cracks, pour the juice into a glass and break the nut.

Other ways to open a nut

There are many ways to open coconuts, because the nut does not always yield the first time. If the coconut is not very ripe, you will have to try to taste it. First of all, we need a towel. By placing a nut on it, we will avoid sliding on the table or board. The towel can be replaced with cling film or a plastic bag. For opening use:

  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • drill with drill bit;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • rolling pin;
  • big knife

How to make a hole in a coconut - video

How to open a coconut with a knife

You need to make a hole in one of the so-called eyes. You can drill in any part of the nut, but where the eye is located, the thickness of the shell is thinner. Any sharp object will do: a screwdriver, scissors or a knife.

  1. At the place where the peephole is located, we begin to scrape the shell.
  2. As soon as there is a depression, screw the tip of the knife into the coconut.
  3. We throw away the sawdust from the shell when we make the hole.
  4. Pour the liquid out of the coconut.

How to crack an exotic nut shell with a potato peeler

The shells can be removed using a potato peeler.

  1. Use a knife to cut off the shell towards you. Despite its hardness, it is only slightly more difficult to remove than potato peels.
  2. We go through the knife several times, removing several layers, until we get to the nut.

Using the oven

Another unconventional way to open a coconut, when you don’t need to make any effort at all, is to use the oven.

  1. Chop the nut and drain the liquid.
  2. Place coconut on a baking sheet.
  3. Place in the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  4. Keep in the oven for 20 minutes.
  5. The shell will burst on its own, all that remains is to remove it.

Using a corkscrew and hammer

  1. Make a hole in the coconut by screwing in a corkscrew. We expand it a little with a small knife.
  2. Pour the juice from the coconut into a glass.
  3. Tap the nut with a hammer, applying force. You can knock both circumferentially and lengthwise: from the top of the coconut to the bottom.
  4. The shell is cracking. We peel the coconut from it.

Ways to open a coconut - video

How to crack a nut smoothly

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. It’s just that the shell and nut crack in a way we don’t want. I would like to maintain a beautiful appearance, but then a diagonal crack appeared. To prevent this from happening, you need to chop coconuts correctly.

Using a Hand Saw

You need to cut the coconut along its central seam: if you look closely, you will see it between the eyes. Mark a line with a marker and cut it.

A simple way to peel a young nut

Lovers of beautifully decorated coconuts advise cleaning the young fruit as follows:

Young coconuts can be cracked using any of the suggested methods. The main thing is not to throw them on the floor - you can break the tiles or laminate. Among other things, you can break a coconut on a sharp stone by holding it firmly with your hands.

The correct way to cut a coconut and extract the pulp at home

  1. Before tasting the coconut, we must separate the flesh from the husk. If the nut is young, this will not be difficult. It has softer and more tender flesh than old coconuts. Therefore, you can use a tablespoon. Pry up a small amount of pulp with the sharp edge of a spoon and cut it off. You can simply scrape the coconut out of the shell with a spoon.
  2. You can also separate the peel using a screwdriver (not a Phillips screwdriver) or a corkscrew. We insert the tool into the gap between the shell and the pulp and separate it.
  3. A spoon won't cut it with old coconuts. Here you will need a small and sharp knife. We cut through the entire thickness of the pulp to the peel into small squares or triangles. We pry a piece with a knife and separate it from the peel with our fingers.

The snow-white pulp is covered with skin on the other side. You can remove it with a regular vegetable knife.

What you can make from coconut shells with your own hands: life hacks

In fact, a lot of interesting things can be made from shells. Some create carved vases, others put zippers on glue and make unique handbags from the shells, turning them into unusual candles.

Candles made from shells

We will need:

  • shell;
  • stubs of colored candles;
  • wick (can be twisted from thick threads and soaked in wax);
  • fine sandpaper;
  • wood varnish.


Vases, bolsters and mugs made from shells - reviews of crafts

Coconut makes good mugs - in the manner of those from which it is customary to drink mate (in the sense of a metal “harness” of the same design). In addition, coconut shells are not bad, they cut very well as a material for small reliefs, medallions, dominoes of fortune telling runes (I made three sets at one time, they turned out very nicely) There is only one “BUT”: the shell flows along the capillary paths in the thickness (small and slow , but nevertheless), so I soaked my mug with wax over the fire. I like it - exclusive and kosher, no one else has it.


I made a knife with birch bark, but the bolster was made from coconut. I glued two pieces of shell + ash with epoxy. Impregnated with wax. Polished looks nothing.


I made a vase from two halves. I coated it with varnish and it looks great!

Precautionary measures

Coconut has a strong shell that is quite difficult to open. The tools mainly used are those that are suitable for repair work. We offer some tips on how to make your work easier and avoid getting hurt when opening a coconut.

  1. If we decide not to tap the coconut, but rather to break it with a hammer, we need to wrap it in a kitchen towel. This will soften the blow, and the hammer will not bounce sharply off the surface of the shell.
  2. Instead of a towel, you can wrap the coconut in several layers of cling film and leave the tip to hold the wrapper.
  3. By making holes in the “eyes”, it is better to secure the coconut. After all, if we punch holes with a screwdriver and a hammer, the nut can bounce off, and the screwdriver can injure our hand. We wrap the lower part of the coconut tightly with a towel and ask one of the adult inhabitants of the house to hold the fruit. In addition, you can hold the coconut tightly with your knees while sitting on a chair.
  4. When sawing a nut with a hand saw, you need to be careful not to let your fingers get caught under the tool.
  5. To prevent the saw from slipping off the surface, mark the cutting location. To do this, lightly press the blade several times and scratch the shell along the markings. A shallow groove is created, but the saw will not jump out of it and will stick to the edges.

Where and how long is the product stored?

You can store coconut for some time without losing its taste, but it is worth remembering that the period depends not only on the temperature, but also on how we purchased it in the store. The coconut may arrive on the counter already too ripe or spoiled.

The opened nut can be placed in the refrigerator, but for no more than 48 hours. It must be stored at a temperature of +5 degrees. If it is lower, the nut will lose its unique taste. At temperatures above +5, coconut begins to rot. When we put it in the refrigerator, we need to make sure that there are no foods that contain ethylene, such as apples or bananas, nearby. These fruits are used to speed up the ripening process of others. You should not experiment with the temperature regime by changing the values. This will only speed up the process of deterioration of the nut. Coconut must be kept at a constant temperature.

The pulp quickly loses moisture after being removed from the peel. Therefore, before placing the coconut in the refrigerator, you need to fill the pulp with water.

Coconut flakes are made from the pulp, or copra in other words. It can be stored not in the refrigerator, but in any dark and cool place. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the product. Preparing the shavings is quite simple.

  1. Grate the pulp on a fine grater and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees.
  3. The shelf life if stored correctly is 12 months.

It is better to package the shavings in fabric bags or ceramic jars. You should not use plastic packaging; condensation may accumulate in them over time due to temperature changes in the kitchen. As for storing a whole coconut, a refrigerator or any cool place is suitable for this. At a stable temperature of +5 degrees, the nut can be stored for 2–3 months.

Coconut pulp can be dried in the form of shavings.

Freezing the pulp

Freezing will also preserve the coconut meat perfectly.

  1. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  2. Place them on a cutting board and put them in the freezer.
  3. When the pieces are frozen, pour them into a bag and put them in the freezer. Then proceed to the next batch.

When frozen, the pulp will keep for 6–8 months. There is also coconut liquid, which many people enjoy using for cosmetic procedures or in cooking. It can also be frozen by pouring it into ice cube trays. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Afterwards, the ice will begin to lose its taste properties. When fresh, without freezing, milk is stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Following the tips and proven instructions will help you quickly and easily deal with opening and cutting exotic nuts. You will be able to fully enjoy its taste and aroma not only at the festive table, but also prolong the pleasure for a long time.

Coconut is a fatty nut. But unlike most plants, the basis of its fat is saturated fatty acids (the same as in butter and meat).

For many years, doctors mistakenly thought that coconuts were harmful to the health of blood vessels. But that's not true. Coconut not only does not clog blood vessels with cholesterol, but, on the contrary, successfully fights it.

What are the benefits of coconut?

  • Coconut pulp is perfect for athletes looking for vegetarian replacement for animal products. This is what unique fats are for eating.
  • Coconut oil is of great importance in cosmetic industry. Therefore, if you are not a lazy person, then even at home you can easily make very healthy natural face masks from grated coconut. Read about the beneficial properties of coconut oil in the article Benefits of coconut oil.
  • Coconut, like other nuts, contains a lot of calcium, but on top of that it also Allows the body to absorb calcium from other foods. In most countries of the world Dentists prescribe adding coconut to your diet to strengthen teeth and bones.
  • Coconut also contains magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins C and. What is especially valuable is that coconuts have high-quality plant fiber, which makes digesting coconuts very simple, unlike other nuts that are difficult to digest.

  • To make the nut taste better, you can safely eat it with a bar of chocolate or honey. Finely chopped coconut meat can be stored in the freezer after sprinkling it well with coconut milk. Coconut pulp also goes well with chicken and fish. Dried coconut flakes can be used as a garnish for a variety of baked goods.

How to choose a coconut?

  • When you come to the supermarket, try choose a larger nut, because, in the end, you pay money not for the weight of the coconut, but for the number of pieces.
  • Try not to buy spoiled coconut. Although coconuts can be stored for quite a long time, everything eventually comes to an end and the nut can easily spoil. It is not difficult to understand that you have chosen a spoiled coconut - instead of snow-white, its flesh becomes brownish, or rather, individual dark spots of rotting appear on the white.

  • To select a fresh nut for yourself, shake it well. You must clearly hear splashing inside the juice. It should seem like a lot. If there is no sound of juice pouring, rest assured, it is guaranteed to be a spoiled coconut.
  • Attentively inspect the base of the selected coconut, where you will find 3 dark holes. They must be safe and sound and under no circumstances should they smell rotten. Be sure to check the coconut for cracks. They shouldn't exist at all.

How to crack and break a coconut?

  • Coconuts are not that small; their shells are very hard and durable. How to crack a coconut to enjoy its delicious juice, pulp and get heavenly pleasure from it?
  • If you purchased a whole coconut at the supermarket, you can split it at home. You don't need a hacksaw for this, but you will need a screwdriver and a hammer.

  • Wash the nut well. And then turn on your oven and wait until it reaches 200 degrees. Examine your coconut carefully - at the upper end of the nut you will certainly find three dots. Attach a regular screwdriver, corkscrew or ice pick to any of them, then try to push a hole with your hand in this place. Usually the point that is closest to the pole is the easiest to press through.

  • If you were unable to press the hole in this way, then place a screwdriver on it and lightly tap the top with a hammer, then Your coconut will definitely get pierced. Pour delicious coconut milk into the bowl through the hole that appears, or you can insert a cocktail straw into it and drink directly through it.

  • Then, holding the coconut in your hand or placing it on any hard surface (it is useful to place a towel folded several times on the countertop), tap the nut with a hammer in the middle area on all sides, while turning your nut all the time until it It won't split in half. Place the coconut halves on the prepared baking sheet in the oven. for about 15 minutes, you can also put it in the microwave, this will help you make further separation of tasty pulp from the peel. We recommend scraping out the pulp with a spoon or using any thick knife, cutting the coconut into appropriate portions.

A tropical fruit like coconut is known to everyone. However, not everyone knows what to do with the fruit after purchase. From our article you will learn how to peel a coconut as quickly as possible.

In order to bring really high-quality and ripe fruit from the supermarket, it is important to follow some rules when choosing:

  1. Inspect carefully. The shell should not have dents, holes, cracks or rotten areas. If there are any, it will be quite easy to recognize them - “milk” will flow out of the coconut.
  2. Shake lightly. The liquid does not occupy the entire volume of the coconut, so its presence will be clearly audible. If there are no sounds, the coconut is most likely dry inside.
  3. Smell it. Even through a thick layer of shell you can feel a light, fresh aroma. If you notice an unpleasant odor mixed with rot, it is better to refrain from purchasing.
  4. Examine the "eyes". The three characteristic dents on the side of the coconut should be clean, without mold or rotten areas. Attention should also be paid to the color of this place - the shell here, as a rule, is a little darker.
There should be no dents, holes or cracks on the coconut shell

Video “How to properly and quickly peel a coconut”

In this video you will learn how to peel a coconut at home.

How to peel a coconut

Proper cleaning of coconut is of fundamental importance for its further use as food. After all, if the fruit is carelessly split into two parts, the so-called coconut milk, which for many is considered the main delicacy, may spill.

An easy way to clean shells

If you don’t have any tools at hand at home, but want to enjoy a tropical fruit, you can resort to the simplest cleaning method. To do this you need to find the “seams”. They must be applied carefully, but with force, to any corner (table, cabinet) and press lightly. Such manipulations should be carried out until the fruit itself splits.

Cleaning with a knife

For this method you need to prepare the largest knife. The coconut should be placed in a deep container, as juice will leak out of the fruit. So, on the coconut you need to find the junction of the two halves and place the tip of the knife there. The knife should be pressed slowly but firmly into the “seam” and tapped, and the fruit should be carefully rolled in your hands. This procedure must be continued until the fruit splits. This method is quite traumatic.

Peeling a coconut using a knife

Using a corkscrew, hammer and handsaw

To properly and quickly peel a coconut, you can use a tool that can be found in every home, such as a corkscrew, hammer, or saw.

So, first you need to drain the “milk” contained in the fruit. For this you will need a corkscrew. It should be slowly and carefully screwed into the shell. From the resulting hole, you need to pour the contents of the coconut into a previously prepared container.

Next you need to split the coconut. A regular hammer will help with this. They need to lightly tap the entire surface of the fruit. Particular attention should be paid to the place where the corkscrew is screwed in, because this is where it will be easier to make a crack. After its appearance, dividing the fruit into two halves is not difficult.

If simply peeling the coconut is not enough, but you also need to keep it presentable, you can resort to using a hand saw. It should be applied to the junction of the two halves, press lightly and begin to slowly saw the shell in half. In this process, the main thing is to take your time so that the sawing line is smooth.

When using the listed tools, you must follow all necessary safety precautions.

There should be no children nearby during the procedure, because the coconut shell may jump off during the cleaning process, injuring the child.

Methods for heating and freezing nuts

To peel a coconut, it is absolutely not necessary to use any improvised objects. You can use the heating and freezing method. Before carrying out this procedure, it is important to make a hole in the coconut through which the liquid must be drained. If this step is neglected, the fruit may simply explode.

The method involves a sharp change in temperature, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks in the shell. To begin with, the fruit must be placed in a hot oven for 20 minutes, and then in the freezer for the same time. After this, lightly tap the coconut. As a rule, very soon cracks will begin to form on its surface.

How to split young fruit

The shell of a young coconut is much softer and more pliable. Therefore, peeling a freshly ripened tropical nut will not be difficult.

First you need to make a small hole through which you need to pour the coconut milk. Next, you should find the so-called eyes on the shell, from which you need to measure 2-3 fingers. This place is considered the most vulnerable, so it is in this area that you need to land a good blow. The dull side of a knife is perfect for this. The same blow should be delivered from the opposite side. This way you will get an even and neat cut.

Terms and conditions of storage

When buying coconut in a supermarket, it is important to understand that its shelf life depends not only on the conditions in the apartment. Much depends on the conditions under which it was transported and how long it lay on the counter. The degree of its ripeness is also important. An overripe or spoiled coconut will definitely not last long at home.

It is important to properly store coconut at home

The cut product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. In this case, the temperature must not be lower than 4 °C. Low temperatures negatively affect the nutritional quality of the fruit, so prolonged exposure to the cold will destroy the specific taste. Too high temperatures, in turn, will provoke rotting processes.

Touching upon the issue of storing tropical fruits, it is worth touching on the topic of commodity proximity. Placing a coconut next to bananas or apples will significantly speed up the spoilage of the coconut, because these fruits are considered to be a kind of catalyst in the process of fruit ripening.

To properly store peeled coconut, it should be filled with cold water. This will preserve the unique taste and color of the pulp as much as possible.

Coconut is a rather tricky fruit, because in order to enjoy the fresh pulp, you have to work hard to clean the hard shell. However, knowing the methods listed above, you can spend a minimum of time cleaning tropical fruit.

After purchasing an exotic nut, a completely natural question arises: how to peel a coconut. You don’t want the fruit to just sit idle on the table. In addition, its pulp and milk are very healthy and have an excellent taste. At home, you can cut the product and extract the pulp from it using different methods, use it immediately or leave it for storage.

Useful properties of the product

Coconut is the most exotic nut that has managed to win the hearts of gourmets in different countries of the world. Grows on palm trees, covered fleecy shell, thin skin and white flesh with a pleasant aroma, which is consumed not only fresh, but also frozen or dried. When choosing pay attention to cracks and chips- if they are, the nut will quickly begin to rot.

This fruit has a high calorie content; 100 grams of pulp contains:

But it is not only its taste and aroma that is interesting to the consumer. It contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. For all this, it’s worth working in the kitchen to understand how to cut a coconut.

How to peel a nut: a simple way

Regarding how to cut a coconut at home, no serious effort is needed; the technique is well suited for opening ripe fruits. For the procedure you will need a glass and a knife.

The order in which it will be carried out will be approximately as follows:

Other cutting methods

There are numerous recommendations on how to cut a coconut, because it doesn’t always work the first time. If the fruit is not fully ripe, you will have to try hard before you can taste it. First of all, you will need a clean towel. When you put a nut on it, it will not slide on the table or cutting board. A replacement for a towel can be cling film or a regular plastic bag.

The following tools can be used when cutting:

Cleaning with a knife

In numerous videos about cutting coconuts, the process is approximately as follows: a hole must be made in the area of ​​one of the so-called eyes- in these places the thickness of the shell is less.

You can use any sharp object, in particular, scissors, screwdriver or knife. At the site of the eye, scrape the shell; as soon as you notice the indentation, carefully screw the tip of the knife into the nut. The remains of the shell are thrown away during the process of making a hole. Then drain the liquid.

Interestingly, you can also remove the shells using a potato peeling knife.

The process will be something like this:

Exists another unusual and simple way how to peel coconut at home.

For this you will need an oven. First, a small hole is made in the nut to drain the liquid. Then put it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. Keep in hot air for 20 minutes. The shell cracks on its own; you just need to remove it.

Using a corkscrew, hammer and handsaw

First, a hole is made in the nut by screwing corkscrew. It can be expanded with small knife.

Pour the juice into a clean container, then

tap the fruit with a hammer using physical force. You can knock not only around the circumference, but also along it: starting from the top, gradually moving to the bottom. The shell will crack and can be removed.

It would seem that no difficulties should arise. The shell and the nut itself do not crack the way we want, sometimes it is necessary to maintain a beautiful appearance, but the crack turns out to be diagonal.

To prevent this from happening, you should know how to properly peel a coconut.

Might come in handy hand saw. You need to cut the fruit along the central seam: if you look carefully, it is located between the eyes. To make sawing easier, you can mark it with a marker. Then the cut itself is made.

How to split young fruit

The step-by-step instructions will be as follows:

Not fully ripe fruits can be peeled using any of the proposed methods. No need to throw them on the floor - you can damage the tiles or laminate. In addition, nuts can be broken by hitting them hard against sharp stones.

Features of the process of obtaining pulp

Before you taste it, you need to know how to get the meat out of a coconut. If the fruit is young, this will not be difficult to do. After all, the pulp in this case is soft and tender.

That's why an ordinary spoon will help. Scoop out a small amount of pulp with a spoon and cut off. You can simply scrape the inside out of the peel.

The peel may be separated by a screwdriver(not cruciform) or corkscrew. Insert the tool into the gap between the shell and the pulp and separate.

If old nuts, a spoon won't help. You will need to use a small and sharp knife. Cut through the entire thickness of the pulp into small squares, or even triangles. Pry each piece with a knife and Using your fingers, separate from the skin.

On the other side of the snow-white pulp there is a thin skin. You can remove it normally vegetable knife.

Storage period and conditions

The product can be stored for some time without loss of taste, but it is worth considering that the shelf life will depend not only on the temperature, but also on how you bought it: the nuts may end up on the counter overripe or spoiled.

Regarding how store shelled coconut, the following recommendations exist. Opened fruit can be kept in the refrigerator up to two days at a temperature of +5 degrees. Lower temperatures will destroy the unique taste. In the heat it will begin to rot quickly. When placing in the refrigerator, you must ensure that there are no apples and bananas- they are used to speed up the ripening process of other fruits. Maintain a constant temperature.

The pulp dries quickly after removing the peel. To prevent this, simply fill it clean water.

Pulp (copra) is the raw material for the production of coconut flakes. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator; any dark, cool place will do. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight.

Preparing chips is a simple process:

  • grate the coconut on the finest grater and place on a baking sheet;
  • dry in the oven for 2-3 hours at 50 degrees;
  • If stored properly, the product can be used for a year.

Pulp you can just freeze it. This method is also great for preserving the product. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Place them on a board and leave them in the freezer. When the pieces are frozen, pack them in bags and put them in the freezer. After freezing the product can be stored for up to 8 months. Fresh milk can be stored up to seven days.

Attention, TODAY only!

Despite the fact that coconut is a fairly popular attribute of the holiday table, not everyone manages to open it the first time. If you don't know which side to approach a store-bought nut, the following instructions will help you.

Based on the arsenal of tools that you have at home, you can choose the most suitable option for opening a coconut.

Break with a hammer

If you have knitting needles in the house, before opening the coconut, you need to dig them through the “eyes” of the nut to the very core. In the absence of knitting needles, you can use an awl or a knife with a thin tip to peel fruit. Then pour the “milk” through the resulting holes.

Once the coconut is completely empty, you need to place it on a wooden surface (preferably on a stool or chair), take a hammer and hit it with the sharp end, aiming for the very middle of the fruit. It is better to hit with moderate force, holding the coconut with your other hand.

If you didn’t succeed in breaking the coconut the first time, then the next blow should be applied a little harder. When the nut shell cracks when hit with a hammer, you need to take a sharp, medium-sized knife and carefully “saw” the nut with it.

If the coconut is not intended to be used in the future to decorate the table, then you don’t need to use a knife. It is enough to break it with a hammer into small pieces and then separate the pulp from the shell.

You will learn another way to easily open a coconut by watching the video.

Peel with a kitchen knife

At home, you can open a coconut with a regular knife with a heavy handle. To do this, you need to make deep notches along the “equator line” of the coconut with the tip of a knife, and then try to saw the shell along the already prepared marks.

If everything was done correctly, but the coconut still did not open, it should be carefully tossed so that the impact on a hard surface lands on the cut site. At the moment of impact, the nut should split into 2 parts.

After the coconut is opened, it is necessary to clean it of shell fibers, or even better, rinse it well with water. The thing is that coconut fibers often contain bugs, which, when cutting the coconut, can get on the edible flesh.

Using a screwdriver

Men who have a screwdriver at home can easily open a coconut without damaging the flesh of the fruit.

To do this, you need to drill holes in it at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other according to the following pattern:

  • clearly along the “equator” line (if you ultimately want to get two equal halves of a coconut with smooth edges);
  • along the “equator” in a checkerboard pattern (if, in accordance with the plan, the edges of the coconut should be sharp).

Once the required holes have been drilled, the next step is to crack the coconut shell. Next, you can finally open the coconut using a regular knife according to the previously proposed scheme.

How to make a cocktail glass from a coconut?

If you plan to use the coconut in the future as a cocktail glass, then when opening it you will need to cut off only the very top. You should first remove the coconut milk from the nut. This can be done easily through special “eyes” in the coconut, piercing them with any sharp object.

After the milk has been drained, visually determine where the cut line will be and carefully cut the shell along it with a knife (or make several holes with a nail and hammer). The last action will be a strong blow to the “intended” area of ​​the nut with the butt of a hammer. After which, the top will have to separate from the base of the coconut.

Before pouring the cocktail into the resulting container, you should clean the coconut from fibers under running water. Before serving, place a straw in the finished cocktail and decorate it with an umbrella or a toothpick with fruit slices - the exotic drink is ready!

How to make a smoothie in a whole coconut?

If you plan to use coconut milk as one of the components of the cocktail, then you don’t have to break the coconut or cut off the top, but mix the necessary liquids inside it using a culinary syringe.

To do this, you need to make a hole in one of the “eyes” of the coconut with a sharp object in such a way that a tube will eventually fit into it.
This method of preparing a cocktail allows you to maximally protect the internal contents of the nut from the ingress of shell fibers.


Ways to clean coconuts at home

In modern supermarkets you can find even the most exotic fruits, which include coconut. You should not refuse to eat such a healthy and tasty product only if you do not understand how to peel a coconut.

In practice, everything is not so complicated, you just need to choose the right product, prepare it for pulp extraction and use one of the suitable methods. The only thing is that it is better not to delay the procedure. Coconut contains many beneficial components that begin to break down immediately after harvest.

Therefore, the fruit should be cleaned and eaten immediately after purchase.

The minimum you need to know about coconuts

Before you buy coconut, you should decide how it will be used. Today, if you wish, you can also purchase a young nut, which in its characteristics is noticeably different from the brown “fluffy” specimens that many are already accustomed to. To clean and apply the product according to all rules, please note that:

  1. Young nuts contain water or juice. This is a clear, sweet and sour liquid that perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body’s tissues with microelements.
  2. A fully ripened coconut contains milk. This is the same juice, but with the addition of fat transferred from the pulp. It is not recommended for people with high blood sugar or lack of regular physical activity.

Tip: Milk extracted from coconut is noticeably different from the product used in cooking (for example, for preparing Asian dishes). Therefore, you should not use it for the same purpose; you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

If you take into account the above points and regularly consume coconut milk or its pulp, you can count on lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening the immune system, and preventing urolithiasis.

How to choose a fruit and properly prepare it for processing?

Peeling fruits is not at all difficult; choosing a quality product is much more difficult. Although it seems that all the fruits lying on the counter are no different from each other, there are several rules, the observance of which will allow you to determine the highest quality and most delicious coconut.

  • It must be big. The impressive size of the fruit indicates its freshness and juiciness of the pulp.
  • The shell should not have cracks, darkening, “bald patches,” or traces of mold.
  • No milk should flow out of the “eyes” on the upper pole of the fetus. And there can be no streaks on the shell itself.
  • It is necessary to shake the product. Only if you feel the splashing of liquid inside, you can buy coconut. The absence of sounds indicates that the component is dry and may not be tasty.

It happens that even following the above rules leads to the purchase of a low-quality product. If, after the fruit has been peeled, there is yellowish, dried or spotted pulp under the shell, it is better to throw it away.

Before peeling a nut, drain the milk from it. This will significantly simplify the further process of extracting pulp. You need to take a sharp knife or screwdriver, pierce the “eyes” on the top of the product with the tool and drain the liquid through the holes. You can simply drink it or use it to make a cocktail.

The simplest methods for cleaning coconut seeds

At home, coconut can be cleaned in several ways.

  • Using a knife. We take the coconut in our hand; we need to peel it over a basin or bowl. On the surface of the shell you need to find a thin seam connecting the two halves. In the other hand we hold a large knife and begin to tap it on the seam, moving along its entire length. We continue to rotate the product, tapping it with a knife, until the shell splits into two halves. With this approach, the pulp turns out whole, which allows you to use it however you like.
  • Using a hammer. We wrap the coconut in cling film or place it in a plastic bag, from which we release the air and tie it. Place the product on a hard surface, such as the floor. Additionally, it is recommended to hold the object with something so that it does not fly away from the impact. We take a hammer and lightly hit the nut with it several times. This should cause the shell to crack. If you hit it harder, the component will break into halves. All that remains is to peel the shell from the surface of the pulp or scrape out the edible part with a spoon.
  • No tools. If you don’t have the tools listed above at hand, you can use hard corners or protruding surfaces. There is no need to hit, just press the nut with a seam to a sharp corner and press hard. So we move along the entire length of the seam, rotating the coconut until it falls apart into halves.
  • Temperature difference method. Before cleaning the product using this method, be sure to drain the liquid, otherwise the fruit may explode. Place the workpiece in a hot oven for a quarter of an hour, then – for the same time – in the freezer. Now all that remains is to lightly tap the shell, by the way, deep cracks may already appear on it, and clean the pulp.

If the pulp is too tightly attached to the shell, it does not need to be torn off by force; it is better to pick it up with a sharp knife or scrape it off with a spoon. You can make it even simpler - heat the split product in the oven to 180ºC. From such an impact, the edible part will begin to come off without problems. The main thing is not to overexpose the product in the oven, it may dry out.

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How to peel a coconut?

Coconut is the most popular palm fruit. But here it is considered exotic, since the coconut palm is an equatorial plant that prefers places with a warm tropical climate.

There are about 350 ways to use it, half of which are in the food industry. For example, coconut flakes are indispensable in cooking, and the oil is actively used in cosmetology and medicine.

There is even evidence of the use of coconut water to treat the wounded during the Pacific War. This is due to its identity with human plasma.

Description of coconut

This fruit gets its name from its resemblance to a monkey's head (in Portuguese, "soso" defines monkey): the fibrous surface is associated with a furry snout, and the three spots represent the eyes and mouth.

But in fact, it is a stone fruit, for example, like a plum or a peach.

In botanical terms, the coconut is called a drupe, the outer shell of which is covered with thick fibers (esocarp) that protect it when dropped. Commercially available coconuts are already shelled.

Under the fibers there is a shell (endocarp), which has three pores on its surface that lead to three ovules. Inside there is a nutritional component, the so-called endosperm.

Its outer part is copra (that is, pulp), and its inner part is water (milk). As the fruit ripens, oils are released from the pulp into the liquid, which leads to its gradual thickening.

In overripe fruits, the consistency of the milk becomes equal and merges with the pulp.

Coconut is unique in its nutritional and healing qualities.

From 100 to 300 ml is extracted from one copy. juice and from 500 g of pulp.

  • Copra is a white or yellowish soft piece that consists of 67% fat, 16% carbohydrates, 9% protein and 6% water. These qualities will be worthy competition for meat.
  • Coconut milk, as mentioned above, is similar in its performance to plasma. In its thickened state, 90% of its composition is fat, which is even higher in calories than lard. And the water of an unripe fruit (it contains no cholesterol) is used in medicine as a sterile antiseptic. When administered intravenously, it has antipyretic properties, lowers blood sugar and counteracts urolithiasis.

By consuming this fruit, the body receives an exceptional set of micro- and macronutrients: vitamins (groups B, A, C and others), organic acids, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and fatty oils.

How to choose the right coconut?

To get the maximum benefit from eating or using a fruit, you need to carefully choose it:

  1. Upon visual inspection, there should be no cracks or microdamages on the coconut, which could allow milk to leak. The shell should not have stains, streaks or bulges.
  2. The fruit must then be analyzed for smell. Under no circumstances should it smell of rot, mold or rot.
  3. Then the nut is examined tactilely. Its pore eyes should not be pressed through, and when shaken there should be the sound of swaying liquid. If instead of gurgling you hear the sound of a dried core, you should not take this product.
  4. The absence of fibers on the coconut shell or their insufficient quantity does not affect the quality of its contents.

What to use to clean coconut?

To get to the desired pulp, you need to make some effort. First of all, it is necessary to point out the perishable properties of both copra and coconut milk. They cannot be stored even in the refrigerator - they turn sour, so they must be used for their intended purpose within 24 hours after opening.

In fact, peeling a nut is not difficult, even without such experience. All you need is skill, a simple set of tools (this is ideal) and compliance with the recommendations below.

The following tool will be useful:

  1. Pricking. For example, a nail, screwdriver, scissors or knife. Any metal object not exceeding the diameter of a coconut eye;
  2. Shock. This could be a hammer, an ax or a brick;
  3. Sawing or cutting. For example, a hacksaw or knife.
  4. You can even drill– drill.
  5. For convenience, you should use a towel or film so that shell fragments do not fly apart.

The presence of all these auxiliary tools is desirable, but their absence is not critical. After all, with proper skill, you can split a coconut without them.

How to drain the liquid before opening a coconut?

To ensure that such a valuable product as coconut milk does not go to waste or splash everything around if the nut is opened incorrectly, it must first be carefully poured into a container or drunk using a cocktail straw.

This procedure is very simple. You need to take a sharp (preferably metal) thin object that will easily fit into the pores on the coconut shell and pierce them.

In this case, it may be necessary to apply force, for example, driving a nail into the peephole with a hammer. The nut must be stable during the process so that the hammer (or nail) does not slip off the surface and injure your hand.

When the sound of a bottle with carbonated contents being opened appears, the hole is ready.

It is necessary to make at least two holes so that juice flows out of one, and air penetrates into the resulting cavity in the other. This will speed up the milk extraction process. That's it - you can enjoy a tasty and healthy drink!

As mentioned above, you can get rid of the shell either using a set of tools or without using improvised means. But there is another way - alternately heating and cooling the fruit.

Now in more detail:

Using improvised means

they all differ in the aesthetics of the result obtained: split the shell and keep the pulp intact, carefully divide the shell along with the copra into two halves, or get something like a broken watermelon.

When describing each method, attention will be paid to the result obtained:

  • coconut has a weak spot - this is the fold at the junction of two halves. if pressure is applied to it, for example, with a knife, the shell along with the copra will split into two neat halves. it happens like this: the fruit is held in one hand in a canopy, and the other hand taps the mentioned seam with a knife. at the same time, the cocoon rotates slowly. You can apply pressure with the tip of a knife (as if cutting). it requires dexterity, patience and physical strength.
  • this method is the least aesthetically pleasing, but quick results are guaranteed. It is recommended to wrap the coconut in a towel (wrap it in cling film or simply put it in a bag) and place it on a strong and hard surface. then you need to hit the fruit with a hammer or any other suitable object until several cracks form in the cocoon. the result may be a few sloppy parts. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite noisy.
  • There is another method of splitting. To do this, you need to accurately strike the shell with a knife. At the same time, it is also better to keep the nut in a canopy. then turn it a little and continue striking. If a crack forms, insert a blade into it and cut the fruit in half. the result is quite nice, but the process itself must require accuracy and strength. This recipe is not suitable if you are afraid of cutting yourself.
  • the next method is also male, but the result will be neat. it involves simply cutting the coconut in half with a hacksaw (or saw). You can move a little towards the top, then you get the effect of a cocktail bowl. but in this case it will be difficult to extract the pulp.

without using any means

If there are absolutely no devices at hand, and the case requires immediate opening of the coconut, then do not despair - there are two methods suitable for the situation:

  1. the first method requires the presence of some kind of angle. this could be the corner of a house, a curb, or a brick. You just need to lean the coconut with a seam against such a corner and methodically press on it with your weight, turning it slightly. This option requires persistence, but it will pay off.
  2. The next method involves simply throwing a nut onto a hard surface (wood, wall or concrete floor). It is very important that the blow hits the equator of the fruit. the first time the coconut will crack, through which you will need to drink the milk (if it is still there). then the throwing is repeated under the same conditions. Ideally, the second time will finally split the fruit into two even halves. but a third pass may be necessary.

methods of heating and freezing coconut for cleansing

This method is very effective, but requires both heating devices and a refrigerator. You must first drain the milk from the fruit, otherwise the coconut may explode when heated. then it is heated in the oven for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

You can use the microwave oven at maximum power. the fruit is then immediately cooled for the same amount of time. After this procedure, the shell is separated by itself simply by tapping it with the handle of a knife (hammer).

If you carefully peel it, you will get intact pulp. then you just need to cut off the rough skin from it.

how to remove coconut shells and separate the pulp?

The separation of the pulp from the shell depends on what it should be as a result:

  • In order not to damage the pulp, the shell must be delicately removed using the temperature method (described above) or you can carefully clean the cocoon, broken in the following way: the fruit lying in one hand is beaten with a hammer quite strongly from all sides. Cracked pieces must be carefully separated and continued tapping. This process is somewhat reminiscent of peeling a hard-boiled egg. At the end, you will have a clean kernel in your hand, from which you need to remove the hard peel.
  • If it is necessary, in principle, to separate the soft part from the shell, and its appearance is not important, then a knife is suitable for this purpose. It fits easily between the shell and the copra and cuts it off effortlessly. You can use a spoon or knife to peel the potatoes, but it will take longer. Heating the chopped fruit to 180 degrees will help separate the pulp. When exposed to temperature, the copra peels off on its own.

In conclusion, it is worth dwelling once again on the healing qualities of this exotic fruit.

All its components are used for medical purposes: anti-inflammatory drugs are obtained from the pulp, which are used both for poisoning and for inflammation of the ENT organs; Saline solutions with antipyretic properties and medicines for the genitourinary organs are produced from milk.

And the powder of the burnt shell is applied to burns and ulcers. The list of benefits of this product is endless. The important thing is that it is sufficiently accessible, and how to open it and clean it is described in detail above.


How to peel a coconut?

Coconuts are sold in any supermarket. Of course, many products are still unreasonably expensive, but there are options that are tasty, healthy and relatively inexpensive. Such fruits include coconut. It is difficult to exaggerate the beneficial qualities of this unusual nut, because it is used both for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

This fruit was discovered by the Portuguese, who noticed these shaggy fruits and, out of surprise and surprise, called them “coco”, which translates as “monkey”. Scientists think that the true homeland of these fruits is Malaysia, or New Guinea, but no one knows this for certain. Since ancient times, a palm tree with coconuts has been called the tree of life and all its useful parts have been used.

Young nuts contain juice or water, not milk. It is transparent and tastes sweet and sour. This juice contains many substances beneficial to humans, and it perfectly quenches thirst.

After the fruit is ripe, fat appears in the juice and slowly passes into milk. It is like a sweet white substance, which then thickens and becomes pulp. The commercially available coconuts are usually already fully ripe.

The fresh pulp is eaten, and oil is produced from the dry part. A few years ago, coconut pulp and oil were often found in cooking, but over time they were replaced by soybean oil. Today the oil is very valuable for cosmetic purposes.

Nuts also contain:

  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron;
  • natural sugar, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • fatty acid.

Locals and tourists use their fruits to cure diarrhea or poisoning.

The pulp of the nuts is needed to prepare drops for otitis media, diseases of the reproductive system are cured with milk, and the shells are burned and applied to ulcers, burns and areas of inflammation.

A saline solution is also prepared using coconut water, because it contains antipyretic substances. Eating milk has a positive effect on the kidneys, has a diuretic effect, dissolves stones, and fights infections.

Doctors recommend drinking coconut water for people who work physically and for diabetics. On
In the East, doctors are confident that it has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. In this way, you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and, as a result, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

The components of this nut are common in the cosmetics industry. Most often found in shampoos and hair masks with oil. It is also found in anti-wrinkle face masks. This oil is good for massage because it improves the overall condition of the body.

Before figuring out how to properly peel coconuts, it is useful to know how we can avoid making mistakes in choosing the right ripe nut.

In order to buy a suitable fruit, you need to follow simple instructions:

  • the surface of the fruit should be free of cracks, you need to choose a smooth shell, without flaws;
  • There should be no leakage of coconut milk, this can be seen by drips;
  • shake the nut, milk movement should be felt in the middle, there is no need to buy a nut without juice.

After a successful purchase, you can begin to peel the delicious fruit.

It is advisable to drain the liquid that is inside the coconut.

This procedure is not mandatory, but it makes further actions easier. This is very easy to do at home. Choose a stable, hard, non-slip surface, such as a cutting board.

Examine the nut and find the “eyes” - these are three indentations in the upper part, the most vulnerable spot in the entire fruit. It can be easily pierced with a sharp thin knife, nail or screwdriver. Insert a cocktail straw and drain the juice. It will flow out faster if you pierce two holes, since air will enter through one. You can add it to drinks or just drink it.

There are 4 simple ways to clean a coconut at home:

  1. Open with a knife. Pre-prepare a large bowl and hold the fruit over it. The remaining juice and broken pieces of shell will drain into the bowl. Find the junction of the two halves, the so-called seam. Choose the largest knife you can find at home and gently tap this seam. Continue knocking while rotating the coconut. It should split into two even, neat halves. Be careful with the knife in your hand! If the prospect of cutting yourself scares you, try the following method;
  2. Chop with a hammer. Wrap the nut in stretch film or place it in a plastic bag. Place it on a hard surface, such as a concrete floor. It only takes one blow of the hammer, but precise and heavy. The splitting will not be as neat as in the previous method, and you will have to peel the fruit longer;
  3. Open without a hammer and without a knife. If you suddenly don’t have these tools at hand,
    use any available means. For example, the corner of a brick or concrete slab. Simply press the seam of the coconut into the corner of the slab, apply pressure and rotate. It will crack without effort;
  4. Freezing and heating method. Be sure to drain the juice otherwise the fruit may explode when heated. Then alternate between heating and freezing. Place the nut in the microwave or oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Then remove and immediately place in the freezer, also for 15 minutes. Take it out and lightly tap it with the handle of a knife. Cracks will appear and the shell will fall off on its own.

To get the pulp out of the shell, you can simply use a knife. It will easily fit between the shell and the pulp and separate it. A spoon will also do the job. But it can be even simpler. After you split the coconut, heat it to 180 degrees. This will make the pulp separate even easier. Just peel the pulp itself with a knife or potato peeler.

Now you can enjoy the exotic taste and pamper your family and guests with unusual recipes!


How to peel coconut at home using improvised means?

A delicious nut with an unusual taste and aroma is increasingly used in cooking by housewives even from countries where the product is not native to growing. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to peel a coconut, so creating delicious delights often ends in damaged nerves and even injuries.

In practice, everything is not so difficult, you just need to take into account some of the nuances of the process and choose the right tools. If desired, you can peel the coconut so carefully that the shell will not be damaged at all. Then it can be used as a container for serving exotic dishes and cocktails, or as a container for storing bulk products.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a coconut in order to purchase a fresh and tasty nut?

It all starts with purchasing the right nut. Many believe that in this case everything depends on luck, but there are several points that can facilitate the selection process and reduce the risk of purchasing a low-quality product to a minimum.

  • First, we carry out a visual inspection of the nut. It should be uniform in color and structure, without cracks, dents, or milk drips. There will be three blocked holes on one side. If they have a fresh smell and there are no traces of mold around them, the specimen is fresh.
  • Next, you need to shake the coconut. If the manipulation is accompanied by a noticeable splashing of liquid in the nut, there is no doubt about its quality. A lack of fullness indicates that the nut is spoiled.
  • If the purchase has taken place, the coconut has been shelled, and inside there is yellowish flesh covered with brownish spots; it is better to throw away the product. Eating it will not bring any pleasure, and the risk of poisoning is very high.

Tip: In the case of coconuts, the rule is that the more, the better. Considering the fact that most stores sell nuts by the piece and not by weight, you can safely start the selection with the largest specimens. Usually they turn out to be the freshest, most complete and resistant to negative aspects during transportation and storage.

Affordable and effective methods for peeling nuts at home

At home, you can peel nuts in one of several ways. The choice depends on the desired result and the availability of appropriate tools.

  • How to peel a coconut using a screwdriver and a hammer. First, we find the three already mentioned points on the surface of the nut and press through one of them with a screwdriver; if necessary, we help ourselves with a hammer. We drain the liquid through the formed hole and begin to peel the fruit. We lay several layers of towels on the countertop, lay out the coconut, fix it with our hands and begin to tap the surface with a hammer, provoking the formation of cracks. When the nut splits into two or more parts, place them shell-on on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour. This simple trick will make peeling the nut much easier.
  • Complete removal of the shell using a hammer without damaging the kernel. A rather complex and troublesome method that requires practiced skills and a certain strength. We take the coconut in one hand and the hammer in the other. Holding the fruit firmly, we begin to hit it with a hammer, constantly turning the product in the shell. After some time, the durable shell will become covered with cracks and then it can be easily cleaned, leaving the core itself intact. Having received the desired core, carefully pierce it in the right place and drain the juice. Next, cut the pulp into the required pieces and use it for its intended purpose.
  • Use a hacksaw to preserve the shell as much as possible. An option that needs to be used to clean a coconut if you later plan to use the shell for decorative purposes. First, the milk is drained from the nut, then several notches are made along the perimeter of the shell, along which the material will need to be sawed. It is important to understand that nuts cut down near the top of the head look very attractive, but extracting the coconut flesh from them will take a long time and be problematic. To remove the cap, use a very thin and sharp hacksaw. With a large tool, the work will go faster, but there is a high risk of unaesthetic chips. Breaking off the shell after doing most of the work is also not recommended for the same reason.

To clean the inside of the nut from the pulp, it is best to use spoons of various sizes and diameters, rather than sharp tools.

The pulp will come off without problems if you lightly dry the opened coconut in the oven, microwave, or keep it in a dry container in a water bath for some time.

The main thing is not to overcook the product, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and will only turn into crumbs for confectionery products.

Initially, it will take a lot of time to peel the coconut. After a little practice, confidence will come and the work will go much faster. The main thing is to take your time and find your own approach, which will cause the least amount of hassle and give the desired result.

The shells left over from the coconut can be used to make decorative homemade jewelry; oversized indoor flowers that do not require drainage look attractive in one-piece products. Some craftsmen make feeders for aquarium catfish and entire sets of unusually designed dishes from durable material.