How to pickle mushrooms for the winter at home in jars with vinegar, onions, porcini, dunki, champignons, boletus, step-by-step recipes with photos and videos. Dunka - a deadly poisonous mushroom

Dunka is a mushroom that belongs to the pig family. Previously, it was considered conditionally edible and was eaten. However, it is now classified as a poisonous macromycete. In some modern reference books in the description you can find the definition as deadly poisonous. The people called him "Dunka". The mushroom also has a scientific name - Several deaths have been recorded on the territory of the Russian Federation after eating it.

Dunka mushrooms contain lectins. They may also contain muscarine. These substances are not destroyed during heat treatment. Even repeated boiling, which some mushroom pickers resort to, does not help. After frequent consumption of these macromycetes in food, people may experience changes that are dangerous to life and health.

Dunka is a mushroom that should not be eaten regularly. Under the influence of harmful substances in the blood, the formation of agglutinin antibodies begins, which react to macromycete antigens (this does not mean occasional doses, but constant ones). Agglutinins accumulate in the body over time. When their number exceeds a certain threshold, they begin to destroy red blood cells.

Experts say that the period of onset of poisoning depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Someone constantly eats thin pigs, and poisoning occurs only after a few years. However, some people have increased sensitivity to agglutinins, so poisoning can occur immediately and lead to fatal outcome. This macromycete is more dangerous than the traditional ones known to everyone. Although many mushroom pickers do not recognize this and consider dunka to be conditionally edible. Eating this mushroom in combination with alcohol significantly increases the level of toxins in the blood.


The mushroom cap has a diameter of 3-12 cm. Initially it is convex (the edges are felted and rolled up), and then depressed and flattened, slightly funnel-shaped. The edge is drooping, straight, ribbed or ribbed, often fibrous. The surface of the cap is velvety, dry, and in wet weather it is sticky and shiny. Its color is olive-brown or ocher-brown, darkening when pressed. Dunka is a mushroom that has medium, ocher-brown descending plates, somewhat lighter in color than the cap. They also darken when pressed. Spore powder is brown. The stem of this macromycete is short (cylindrical), smooth, sometimes narrowed towards the base, up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 6 cm in length. Its color is lighter than the cap. The pulp, at first dense and soft, becomes loose over time. Its color is yellowish-brown, darkening when broken and cut. Dunka mushrooms (photos of them need to be carefully studied) are often wormy, like other certainly edible gifts of the forest.


Dunka is a mushroom that can be found in the forest from mid-June to November. This macromycete can be found in forests and shady, damp places. It is often found in open forests, park areas, vegetable gardens, and sometimes even on tree trunks. This mushroom grows singly and in families. Prefers shrubs, young birch trees, oak trees. It can be found on the outskirts on the edges, not far from mossy pines and spruces.

Recently, cases of poisoning with dunka mushrooms have become more frequent, so among the conditionally edible mushrooms, they will probably be classified as inedible. Harmful substances were found in duneka - toxins that destroy blood cells, and besides, these substances tend to accumulate in the body. Even boiling kills these toxins only partially. Therefore, it is not recommended to use dunki too often and in large quantities, and you also need to be careful about the correctness of their preparation and how to salt them.

Before salting the dunki, the mushrooms must be soaked for two days, and the water in which the mushrooms are soaked must be changed twice a day. That is, suppose that in the morning you poured mushrooms cold water. You don’t have to think about them until you go to bed. But before going to bed, be sure to change the water at night. Do the same in the morning and evening next day.

Only after this procedure can you do anything with dunka mushrooms, not only salt them, but also pickle them or fry them. But let’s return to where we started – to salting.

  1. First, in order to salt the dunki, you need to boil them. You need to do this twice: the first time for 10 minutes, and wash them, then the second time for 20 minutes, and wash them again. After this, you need to cook the dunki for 20 minutes in salted water - 2 tablespoons of salt per kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. In order to salt dunki, cooked mushrooms must be placed in sterilized jars. They need to be laid in layers, alternating with a variety of seasonings or spices, for example, bay leaves, peppercorns, currant leaves and garlic. Don’t forget that before using currant leaves for pickling, you need to pour boiling water over them - in order to avoid excess microbes getting into the mushrooms, which can harm not only the mushrooms themselves, but also your health.
  3. To pickle the dunki, fill the mushrooms with brine so that the mushrooms are completely covered with it. Next, we need to close the jars and place them in a cool, dark place for approximately 5-7 days. Well, after that they will be ready to eat.

Dunki has long been considered delicious mushroom, but there is also a lot of controversy as to how edible they are. Dunki love proper preparation, and there is no escape from this. So the main thing in this matter is to prepare it correctly, otherwise if it is not prepared correctly it will be tasteless and bitter, so you need to know how to handle them.

How to pickle dunka mushrooms for the winter using the hot method

This recipe will give you an idea of ​​how to pickle dunka mushrooms for the winter so that they are tasty, aromatic and beautiful. Dunki have always been considered excellent snack to any table, and during Lent this is an indispensable dish.

To pickle dunka mushrooms you will need:

  • mushrooms
  • spices
  • garlic
  1. To begin with, before salting the mushrooms, I sort the dunki well and remove all the flaws. Then, in order to salt the dunki, they are thoroughly washed under running, cold water. You can leave it for a couple of hours and let it soak, this procedure will remove any possible bitterness. When the mushrooms have been washed, you can put them in a pan and start cooking.
  2. For the first time, in order to pickle dunka mushrooms, boil the pork for 10 minutes, when the time is up, change the water and continue cooking, but for about an hour. You can put a whole head of peeled onion into the water a second time. After the dunki have boiled for the second time, you can safely drain the water and cook the mushrooms at your own discretion.
  3. In order to salt dunka mushrooms, the bottom of the dish is generously covered with salt, the mushrooms are always placed on it with their caps down in a layer of about five cm, then sprinkled with salt again. Sprinkle more salt on top. When, after a few days, the dunka mushrooms have settled heavily, you can add a new portion of pre-salted mushrooms in another container and fill the void. You can do this until the main container is filled to the brim and there is no subsidence. The brine released by dunka mushrooms should not be thrown away; it can be used in cooking. It is good for making sauces, soups, and gravies. He gives mushroom aroma And refined taste.
  4. Dunka mushrooms salted in this way are salted for the winter and after a couple of months they can be safely eaten. These dunka mushrooms can be eaten on their own, or can be added to vegetable and meat salads, I'll fit perfectly hearty pies and pizzas. Mushrooms are best seasoned vegetable oil, which one you choose, you can have olive, or you can have sunflower or sour cream. Garnish with green onions, basil, parsley and dill. You can add lemon slices and young garlic. Eat salted dunka mushrooms for your health.

    Dunka mushrooms have several names: thin svinushka, cow's lip.

    In general, as far as I know, they were classified as conditionally edible mushrooms, but increasing cases of poisoning and research by scientists classified them as poisonous mushrooms.

    Toxins were found in the mushroom that can have a destructive effect on red blood cells, and also accumulate in the body. Boiling only partially kills toxins. Therefore it is very important proper cooking these mushrooms. And you shouldn't use them too often.

    Before pickling dunek mushrooms, they must be soaked for several days, changing the water

    And only after that they can be salted, fried, pickled. To pickle them, boil them twice, first for 10 minutes, wash them, then for another 20 minutes and wash them again. Boil for the third time for 20 minutes with the addition of salt (2 tablespoons per kilogram boiled mushrooms), then place the mushrooms in sterilized jars, alternating with currant leaves, peppercorns, bay leaves and garlic. Then add brine to cover the mushrooms and place in a cool, dark place. After 5-7 days you can eat.

    Dunka mushrooms, also called svinushki, need to be pre-soaked for several hours, changing the water two or three times, and pre-cooked for an hour to two hours, also changing the water twice, and then add salt.

    Mushrooms are tasty, but they should still be consumed in moderation, since mushrooms contain certain rare substances that are large quantities may have a toxic effect.

    Many people know dunka mushrooms as pig mushrooms. It is best to salt them using the hot method, that is, boil the mushrooms before salting. But first they need to be soaked in water for 1-2 days. cold water.

    After soaking, wash the mushrooms, add water (not hot) and put on fire. After boiling, remove the foam and cook for about 20 minutes. After boiling, place the mushrooms in a colander to drain. excess water. When the dunki have cooled, transfer them into a jar in layers, sprinkling them with salt, finely chopped garlic, dill and placing them with horseradish leaves. After the jar is full, cover it with a leaf of horseradish, an umbrella of dill and close it with a plastic lid.

    Dunka mushrooms (another name for svinushka) must be soaked in several waters and boiled before they are pickled. I would not recommend cooking any of these mushrooms at all, as they are classified as poisonous. Why put your health at risk if you can find other types of mushrooms in the forest?

    Dunka mushrooms (or svinushki, svinukhi) must be soaked in cold water for three days before picking. When soaking, the water must be changed at least once a day (preferably twice). After soaking, these mushrooms are boiled in unsalted water, the water is drained, clean water is poured in and the mushrooms are boiled again. You need to boil for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, drain the water again and cook the mushrooms in salted water. To pickle svinushki (dunek) mushrooms, take two full tablespoons rock salt for every kilogram of mushrooms. You need to take non-iodized, coarse salt. After boiling the mushrooms in salted water, place them in a clean container in which we will store (pan, barrel, jar). Add spices to taste - cloves, currant leaf. It is not recommended to roll up salted mushrooms to avoid botulism.

    Dunka or svinushka mushrooms are quite meaty, but their preparation requires a special approach.

    1. Soak in cold water, changing the water for 2-3 days.
    2. Rinse and boil 2-3 times for 10 minutes (until the water clears).
    3. Add salt and cook for 15 minutes, then add spices (laurel, black and allspice) and cook for another 5 minutes.
    4. Before rolling, add vinegar and mustard peas.
  • 1 - wash the mushrooms

    2 - fill with cold water and leave for 12 hours

    3 - drain the water and add new cold water, leave for 12 hours

    4 - fill with water and boil until the water darkens, drain and fill with new water (repeat 2-3 times)

    5 - fill with clean water, add salt (a heaping teaspoon per liter of water) and spices (bay leaf, peas and garlic). Cook for 10-20 minutes.

    6 - put in jars and sterilize.

    We soak the pigs (dunkas) so that all the dirt is soaked off. Then wash and leave in cold water overnight. In the morning we boil water and throw pigs into it. We cut the big ones, cook the small ones whole. They boil down a lot. When the mushrooms boil for a few minutes, drain the water, add fresh water and bring to a boil. Drain the water through a colander. make brine. In water, add 2 tablespoons of salt per liter and black peppercorns. Place the mushrooms in brine, boil for 20 minutes, then place in sterile jars, add vinegar (2 tablespoons per liter jar. Close with lids. Sterilize for 40 minutes in a water bath.

    I only know one recipe. You fill it with water at night, rinse it in the morning, boil it, changing the water three times, add salt, peppercorns, cloves, Bay leaf and together with the brine into sterile jars, adding vinegar at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of brine.

    We ate them about 15 years ago, we all survived, probably as luck would have it.

    And we cooked them, first we boiled them for two hours in salt water, and after draining the water, poured them clean water boiling water from the kettle, added salt, vinegar, bay leaf, peppercorns, keep on the fire for another 5 minutes and put everything in jars..

    Svinushki, nigella and dunki are conditionally edible mushrooms, and some consider them poisonous.

    They can be prepared, but in a slightly different way than edible mushrooms are usually prepared.

    I never collect them, but they said that they need to be boiled in several waters.

    Boil for 15 minutes and drain the water and repeat again, maybe twice.

    At the end of cooking, add salt and other spices (garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf.

Dunka mushrooms have several names: fetyukha, cowshed, pigs, tonka svinushka, solokh and duni. They have fleshy and dense flesh, which makes them popular among gourmets.

Paxillus involutus, as the mushroom is designated in the scientific literature, belongs to the pig family. Although the pig does not have any signs of poisonous varieties, it still contains dangerous substances that are destroyed under the influence of heat treatment.

According to the description, the mushrooms are similar to milk mushrooms. They prefer to grow in large groups. Usually found in swampy areas or forest edges. In dry weather, the surface of the mushrooms is smooth with slight pubescence, which when wet becomes sticky to the touch and matte.

Svinushka does not have any signs of poisonous varieties, but still contains dangerous substances that are destroyed under the influence of heat treatment.

Depending on age, the size of individuals varies. Fleshy caps of bright orange-brown color can grow from 4 to 15 cm, which change throughout life not only in size, but also in shape. A cap flattened at the top is formed from a round and convex shape. The leg of Dunka has a matte structure and gray-brown color and is quite short (up to 10 cm).

The taste and smell of mushrooms are not very pronounced. The pulp is characterized by a dense structure and light yellow color. When pressed, juice is released. Under the cap there are thin and thick plates, similar to folds, which are easily separated from the surface.

Gallery: dunka mushrooms (25 photos)

Silent pig hunt (video)

Where and when to collect dunki

You can go looking for pigs from the end of spring and collect them before the temperature drops. Because the this type loves damp and shady places, colonies of mushrooms are found under trees (oak, birch, coniferous varieties), shrubs, on mosses, in forests, sometimes on trunks. Dunki are rarely found alone, so even from one clearing you can leave with a full basket of harvest.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise cutting off young specimens, since at this time they have elasticity. Distinctive feature young mushrooms are small size and a slightly shaggy hat. The inside of old dunikas is loose.

TO negative properties Dunek refers to significant absorption of chemistry, radioisotopes and heavy metals from neighboring fields and nearby roads. Due to this feature, it is prohibited to collect dunki growing near industrial enterprises and highways.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise cutting off young specimens, since at this time they have elasticity.

Taste qualities of dunek

Since ancient times, thin pork has been eaten in Rus'. Young individuals have a good, but not pronounced taste. Experts classify the mushroom in the fourth category of taste qualities.

Since overgrown specimens accumulate toxic substances that cause poisoning, the pig is on the list conditionally edible mushrooms. It is known that when heated, the poison is destroyed, but poisoning occurs among gourmets who consume this type of mushroom.

How to pickle mushrooms (video)

What to do with dunki after collection

Although, unlike other mushrooms, dunki suffer less from worm invasion, they still need to be sorted out.

  • It is necessary to remove overripe, dry or spoiled mushrooms, as well as leaves and other debris.
  • To check for pests, you need to trim the bases of the legs. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the cap, like butterfish. If dirt has stuck to it, just scrape it off with a brush or knife.
  • The sorted crop must be filled with cold water with the addition of small quantity salt. This composition makes it easier to clean debris from mushrooms. After half an hour, the pig can be washed and placed in clean water for another 30 minutes.
  • The water should be changed at least three more times, with an interval of several hours. This procedure allows toxins and harmful substances exit the product.

Since ancient times, thin pork has been eaten in Rus'

  • After the last soaking, the mushrooms must be sorted by size and the stems separated from the caps. It is recommended to leave small mushrooms whole, and cut larger caps into pieces.
  • Before preparing a dish of duneks, they should be boiled for half an hour with the addition of salt. Since mushrooms contain pigment, the water and the mushrooms themselves will darken during cooking. Then the water must be drained and the dunki rinsed well. Then pour clean salted water again and keep on fire for another 30 - 40 minutes.
  • The final step is straining the mushrooms. Ready-to-cook pigs can be fried or salted (marinated) using the hot method.

Although experienced mushroom pickers pigs are used in cooking various dishes, medicine refutes the fact of their harmlessness

Should you eat dunka mushrooms?

Despite the fact that experienced mushroom pickers use pig mushrooms in preparing various dishes, medicine refutes the fact that they are harmless. Dunek contains an antigen that causes the formation of antibodies in the blood that destroy red blood cells. Unlike other poisonous mushrooms, poisoning of the body may not occur instantly, but after many years of using them as food.

Toxins for a long time accumulate and, depending on the body’s susceptibility, gradually destroy red blood cells. When red blood cells break down, the process of hemolysis occurs (the release of hemoglobin). As a result, kidney and liver damage occurs and, as a result, anemia and hepatitis. Often the patient does not even know the causes of the disease. Experts say that heat treatment does not destroy toxins and does not convert them into an edible product. Frequent use mushrooms in food changes the composition of the blood, leading to a threat to health and even life. Particularly sensitive to toxic substances turn out to be children.