How to bake a pie without eggs? The best options with photos. A selection of cool pies with jam without using eggs

In the dashing nineties, recipes for cookies and pies or any other baked goods were the product of a total shortage. Now the reasons are completely different: allergies to any ingredients, religious beliefs or vegetarian principles.

In any case, this is not a reason to refuse delicious homemade baked goods. What can you bake without animal products: eggs, butter and milk and dairy products?

Chocolate cake


Cocoa - 6 tbsp. (allergy sufferers can replace it with carob)

Flour - 1.5 tbsp.

Sugar - 1 s.

Salt - on the tip of a knife

Baking powder for dough - 1 tsp. (please note that baking soda cannot be substituted)

Vanilla or vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons

Water - 1 tbsp.


Mix cocoa, flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and vanilla in a bowl. In another bowl, mix water with vegetable oil and add dry ingredients. Stir until all lumps disappear.

Pour the finished dough into the mold, cover with foil. Make several holes in the foil to allow steam to escape. Bake for 30 minutes at 180C, then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes. The finished cake can be cut into two parts and coated with cherry jam.

Banana cookies


Ripe bananas - 2 pcs.

Flour - 1.5 tbsp.

Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-15 g)

Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.

Chopped nuts - 0.5 tbsp (allergy sufferers can take any dried fruit)

Baking powder for dough - 1 tsp.

Salt - on the tip of a knife

Lemon juice - 2 tsp.

Cardamom - optional


Chop the bananas, pour lemon juice into them, stir. Add sugar and butter. In another container, sift flour, vanilla, baking powder, add nuts. Pour the dry mixture into the bananas and mix thoroughly. Line a baking tray with baking paper or a silicone mat. Grease your hands with vegetable oil. Take the dough, roll it into balls the size of a walnut and place it on a baking sheet at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave the cookies on a baking sheet, only to remove them after they have cooled.

Blackcurrant Pie

Blackcurrants in the recipe can be replaced with cherries, raspberries or chopped apples and pears. Dried fruits are also suitable for the filling, but they must first be soaked in hot water for 7-10 minutes. As a filling, you can also use a mixture of any jam with starch; in this case, sugar is not added to the filling.



Flour - 1.5 tbsp.

Sugar - 3 tbsp. into the dough

Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.

Water - 6 tbsp.

Vanilla, salt, soda - on the tip of a knife


Berries or chopped fruits - 1 tbsp.

Sugar - 2-3 tbsp.

Starch - 1-2 tbsp.


Knead the dough, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator. Wash and drain the berries, cut the fruit into pieces. Mix with sugar and starch (the latter will make the filling thicker, and it will not leak out during baking).

Separate 1/3 of the dough. Roll out the remaining dough and place it in the mold so that you get a bottom with sides. Place the filling, roll out the second part of the dough and cover the top of the pie. Make 5-6 holes for steam to escape.

Bake in the oven at 170C for 35-40 minutes. Allow the finished cake to cool completely in the pan and only then remove.


Alas, it is unlikely that this recipe can be adapted for allergy sufferers: there is too much sugar, and the nut cannot be replaced with something else. But the rest of you with a sweet tooth will be pleased.



Flour - 3-4 cups

Water - 1.5 cups

Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Salt - on the tip of a knife


Chopped nuts - 400 g.

Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10-15 g)

Sugar - 3 tbsp.

Water - 1 glass

Sugar - 200 g

Honey - 100 g

Juice and zest of one lemon.


Sift 3 cups of flour, mix water with salt and vegetable oil and pour into flour. Knead the dough. If the dough remains sticky, gradually add a fourth cup of flour until the dough begins to stick to your hands. Cover the dough with film and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Mix all the ingredients for the filling, thoroughly stir in the cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Boil the syrup in a saucepan and leave to cool.

Divide the dough into five parts. Roll out one part so that you get the bottom and sides of baklava, place in a glass or silicone mold. Grease this crust with butter, pour three tablespoons of filling onto it, and smooth it out. Divide the remaining pieces into two parts and roll them out to make 8 cakes. Place each cake layer on top of the filling, grease it a little with butter and sprinkle with filling. Place the last cake layer, cover the pan with a towel and let rest for at least 15-20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C. Carefully cut into diamonds with a knife so that the knife does not cut through the bottom layer of dough and bake the pan for 25 minutes. Remove the mold and pour half of the prepared syrup onto the baklava. Place in the oven for another 15 minutes, then remove and pour over half of the remaining syrup. Place in the oven for about another 15 minutes (until golden brown), remove, pour out the remaining syrup and put back in the oven to cool. Serve the completely cooled baklava with hot tea and berries.

Apple pie recipes vary, but most include eggs. What to do if you are allergic to this product? Or is there simply not a single egg left in the refrigerator, but you don’t want to go to the store?

In this case, you can bake an apple pie without eggs. There are many recipes for such baking. There are recipes that do not contain animal products; they are used by fans of vegetarian food or people who observe fasting. But there are also options with the addition of dairy products.

It must be said that apple pie without eggs is no less tasty than a dessert prepared according to classic recipes. The dough is made porous and fluffy by using baking powder or baking soda, quenched with vinegar. The flour must be sifted before adding to the dough, this will add additional airiness.

It is best to take apples for baking with firm flesh; they will not fall apart even if the skin is removed. The taste of the fruit should be sweet and sour; in combination with sweet dough, such a filling will be the most harmonious. If the cook only has sweet apples at his disposal, then sour berries (can be fresh frozen) can be added to the filling or simply pour lemon juice over the sliced ​​fruit.

You can bake apple pies made without eggs not only in the oven, but also in other kitchen appliances.

Apple pie in the microwave

You can bake an apple pie in the microwave very quickly. This dessert turns out very tasty, the base will be porous, airy, and the filling will be aromatic and juicy. This dessert can be prepared quickly for breakfast or as a treat for an unexpected guest. Baking time is approximately 10 minutes. Preparing the products and preparing the dough will also not require much time.

You should not bake a large pie in the microwave, since the cooking time directly depends on the weight of the food.

Below is a recipe for baking dessert in a mold with a diameter of 15 cm. The mold can be used in silicone, ceramic or glass.

Let's prepare the products:

  • 50 gr. Kefir
  • 60 gr. Sahara;
  • 60 gr. flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 3 apples.

Advice! You can add cinnamon, lemon zest or vanilla sugar to the dough, then the baked goods will be more aromatic.

Pour kefir into a bowl and add sugar, beat this mass with a mixer for about 5 minutes. Add aromatic additives (optional), pour in vegetable oil, add baking powder and sifted flour. Mix everything. Cut the apples into thin slices and mix with the dough.

Pour the mixture into the pan and bake for 7-9 minutes, depending on the power of your oven. Please note that the baked goods will turn out to be pale in color, the cake will not brown, but this will not affect the taste.

If you don’t like the appearance of the cake, you can add a spoonful of cocoa to the dough when kneading, reducing the amount of flour by this amount. Then we will have a chocolate pie with apples.

Recipe in a slow cooker

It's easy to make apple pie in a slow cooker. In principle, you can use any pie recipe designed for baking in the oven; you just need to “get used to it” in order to correctly determine the baking time. We will give a simple recipe for a pie made without adding eggs, designed for beginner cooks.

Read also: Pie with apples and nuts - 11 recipes

For preparation we use:

  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1.5 granulated sugar;
  • 50 gr. butter (can be vegetable) oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (or 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda, which will need to be quenched with a few drops of vinegar);
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 2-3 apples.

This product norm is designed for a 5 liter bowl. If the bowl is smaller, then you need to proportionally reduce the amount of all ingredients.
The kefir for making this pie must be warm, so remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Pour semolina into a large bowl and pour kefir into it, mix well. Set aside to allow the cereal to swell. This will take about fifteen minutes.

Then sift the flour into the same bowl, add sugar, and add vanillin. Mix gently and add oil. If we use butter, it must first be melted. If everything is done correctly, you will get a mass whose consistency can be compared to the consistency of homemade sour cream. It shouldn't drip off a spoon, but it shouldn't be so thick that you can knead it with your hands. Cut the apples into thin slices and mix them into the dough.

Prepare the bowl for baking: grease the bottom and sides with oil, sprinkle with semolina. This will allow our pie to get a crispy crust. Place the dough and place the bowl in the appliance. Close the lid and set the “baking” mode for 60 minutes. After completing the process, turn off the heating, open the lid and let the baked goods cool. Then turn it over onto a plate.

Bulk pie with semolina

It is very easy to prepare a bulk pie with semolina.

To bake this dessert we will prepare:

  • 1 cup each of granulated sugar, sifted flour and semolina;
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 150 gr. butter, it needs to be cut into thin slices;
  • 4 large juicy apples;
  • If desired, you can add cinnamon or zest.

This pastry is very easy to prepare. To prepare the “dough”, mix three dry ingredients and add baking powder. Divide the sugar mixture with flour and semolina, pouring it into three glasses. It’s even easier to prepare the filling: grate the apples and, if desired, mix with cinnamon. Divide the resulting filling into two parts.

Now you can begin to form the pie blank. Take a small piece of butter and grease the bottom and sides of the mold well. Then pour the mixture out of one glass and level it along the bottom, slightly compacting it. Place half of the prepared filling on top. Pour the mixture from the second glass onto the apples, level it again and compact it a little.

Spread the remaining filling and pour the mixture from the third glass. Next comes a very important point - you need to evenly spread the pieces of butter over the surface of the pie. You can melt the butter and carefully pour the workpiece. We will bake at medium heat (180°C) for about 50 minutes. The finished baked goods should not be removed from the pan until they have cooled; the cake will be very crumbly and may fall apart when hot.

Charlotte with sour cream

The sour cream biscuit is prepared without adding eggs, and it tastes very much like the classic version.

Prepare for baking:

  • 1 glass each of sugar and sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1.5 cups flour (perhaps a little more, it depends on the fat content of the sour cream);
  • oil for lubricating the mold;
  • semolina for sprinkling;
  • vanillin optional;
  • 2-3 apples.

We immediately turn on the oven, since the dough cooks quickly, and the oven will have time to warm up to 180 degrees. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle generously with semolina. Remove the core from apples using a special device or a sharp knife. Cut into thin half rings. Place the slices in the prepared pan.

Read also: Apple pie with kefir - 12 recipes

Beat sour cream with sugar, add a pinch of vanillin, baking powder and flour. The base for our sponge cake is ready, pour it onto the apple slices.

A very important secret to obtaining a fluffy sour cream biscuit is that the dough must be placed in a heated form. Therefore, together with the apples laid out on the bottom, you need to put it in a hot oven for a short time. There is no need to heat the mold, just enough for it to heat up.

Baking time is about three quarters of an hour. During this time, or at least the first half hour, try not to open the oven door, otherwise you risk getting a flat “pancake” instead of a fluffy sponge cake.

Apple pie with kefir

Dessert made with kefir is very easy to prepare.

To prepare you will need a minimum of ingredients:

  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 2 apples;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

First you need to turn on the oven to 180 degrees and prepare the dishes for baking. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs or semolina.

Cut the apples into slices 0.5 cm thick. Place on the bottom of the mold. You can sprinkle the fruit with sugar and cinnamon.

Pour kefir into a bowl, add sugar, beat lightly. Then sift the flour, add it and baking powder to the sweet kefir, mix. At the very end, add oil. Depending on the fat content of the kefir used, you may need a little more flour. You need to focus on the thickness of the dough. It should be the same as for baking pancakes.

Pour the dough over the fruit laid out in the baking dish and smooth it out. We bake until done; examples of doneness are the golden brown color of the crust and the appetizing smell of apples. On average, baking takes about 50 minutes.

Cottage cheese apple pie

Cottage cheese goes well with apples. In addition, this is a very healthy product, which for some reason many people do not like to eat fresh. But it’s unlikely that anyone will refuse apple pie with cottage cheese.

Let's prepare the products:

  • 1 cup each of sugar and flour;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 400 gr. cottage cheese, preferably fat;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 5 tablespoons of cream;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 apples.

Grate juicy fresh carrots on a fine grater. Grind the flour with butter (150 g), for this you need to cut the butter into small pieces, mix with the sifted flour and rub with your hands. Mix the butter-flour crumbs with half the specified amount of sugar and grated carrots, mix quickly, gathering the dough into a lump. Place the dough in a bag and place it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

For the filling, grind the cottage cheese with the addition of sugar, cream and sour cream, add vanillin (you can use only sour cream or only cream).

The remaining 50 gr. Melt the butter in a frying pan with the addition of a tablespoon of sugar. Lay out the apple slices and simmer them, turning them over so that the fruit is covered on all sides with a layer of caramel.

Place the dough into the pan, spreading it over the bottom and sides with your fingers. Then spread the curd filling, and caramelized apples on top of it. Bake for about 50 minutes on medium heat (180 °C)

Apple pie made with oatmeal

You can make apple pie not only without adding eggs, but also without flour. This will be an oatmeal pie; oatmeal is used to prepare it. It is better to choose thin flakes; the baked goods will turn out more tender.

Let's prepare the products:

  • 1 cup oat flakes;
  • 75 gr. butter;

Why is it that when people ask what can be baked without eggs, we immediately think of Lenten baking? You may be a vegetarian or simply not eat eggs due to an allergy, but this is not a reason to deny yourself gastronomic pleasure. Believe me - without adding eggs you can bake cakes, pies, pies, muffins, pancakes. This list is endless.

It's no secret that in many countries most baked goods are prepared without adding eggs. If you have always added them to baked goods, but now you don’t have eggs on hand, we will tell you what you can replace this product with. Quickly write down:

  • Tofu cheese;
  • food starch;
  • banana pulp;
  • vegetable oil with baking powder.

An original Russian delicacy - His Majesty pancakes

Is it possible to bake pancakes without eggs? Of course, and absolutely without compromising the quality, taste and aroma of such baked goods. You can enjoy delicious pancakes even without filling. And if your imagination runs wild, any filling will highlight the taste of the baked goods.


  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • ½ tsp. baking soda;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil;
  • 70 g butter.


  • First, mix the bulk ingredients.
  • Sift the flour thoroughly. Add granulated sugar, baking soda and salt to it.

  • Pour in milk. Tip: Take it out of the refrigerator in advance and let it warm up to room temperature.

  • Experienced housewives use a whisk, beginners use a mixer or blender.

  • Now let's heat the frying pan. It is advisable to use a pancake maker, but a regular one will do.
  • Grease the surface of the frying pan with vegetable oil and start frying the pancakes.

  • We will fry them on both sides until they become appetizing and attractively golden.

  • Season the finished pancakes with butter.

Chocolate cupcake with banana notes

Wondering what you can bake without eggs or milk? We invite you to take note of this recipe. The cake turns out airy and incredibly tasty. Banana will give it juiciness and a unique aroma, chocolate will give it beautiful colors. But when it comes to decoration, no one limits your imagination. You can use whatever your heart desires. In your territory, only your rules apply.


  • 120 g butter;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml kefir;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 40 g cocoa powder or chocolate;
  • 1 tsp. starch;
  • 2/3 tsp. baking soda;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 200 g sifted flour.


  • Peel the bananas, cut into arbitrary pieces and place in a blender bowl.
  • Using a deep blender, puree the bananas to a puree consistency.

  • If you don't have cocoa powder, use chocolate.
  • Use a kitchen scale and weigh 40g of chocolate. It will need to be grated.

  • Melt the butter in the microwave oven.
  • If you don’t have such a kitchen gadget, we’ll use the old-fashioned method - a water bath.
  • Dissolve granulated sugar and vanilla in melted butter.
  • Heat the kefir to a temperature of 35-36°.
  • Add kefir to the oil mixture and mix everything thoroughly again.
  • Add banana puree to this mixture.

  • Sift the flour thoroughly and mix it with salt, starch and baking soda.
  • Also add grated chocolate or sifted cocoa powder.

  • Add the dry ingredients in portions and beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

  • Take a silicone mold and pour the dough into it.

  • Place the cake in the oven for 45-60 minutes and bake at a temperature of 170-180°.
  • This is the golden brown cupcake we got.

  • We will decorate it with honey, strawberries and chopped nuts on top.

Dedicated to pie lovers

Do you think it’s impossible to bake fluffy pies without eggs? But no! Of course, it would be hard to call such baked goods rich, but the yeast dough will still turn out fluffy and very tasty.


  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 1 ½ tsp. dry yeast;
  • 0.8-1 kg of sifted flour.


  1. Heat the milk and water to a temperature of 35-36°. The best fluid temperature gauge is your finger. If the liquid is heated to body temperature, you will not feel anything.
  2. Combine milk and water in one bowl and add granulated sugar.
  3. Stir everything until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Now add dry yeast to this mass and leave it for 5-7 minutes.
  5. If the yeast is activated, a huge foam cap forms on the surface of the liquid.
  6. Then add the rest of the ingredients, adding the flour last.
  7. The flour needs to be sifted and added to the dough in portions.
  8. First we work with a spoon or spatula.
  9. But as soon as the dough thickens, it will be difficult for us to do this.
  10. Sprinkle flour on a horizontal surface, lay out the dough and continue kneading by hand.
  11. The test takes time to come up. Leave it in a secluded place for half an hour.
  12. Choose any filling.
  13. A little trick: the dough recipe described is suitable for making fried and oven-baked pies.


A selection of recipes that completely refute the ingrained opinion among housewives and professional confectioners that you cannot do without eggs in baking. I offer dozens of varieties of delicious cakes, pastries, puddings, cupcakes, creams, frostings with minimal sugar content and... without a single egg! A truly priceless find for any housewife. And not only because baking without eggs means saving on the family budget, but also if there are no eggs in the refrigerator, and guests are on the doorstep, we’ll tell you a little secret - in any simple baking, eggs are replaced with an equal amount of kefir or any other fermented milk product.

Vanilla pie
150 g low-fat creamy cottage cheese
6 tbsp. milk
wood chips salt
6 tbsp. raises oils
75 g sugar
1 pack of vanilla. Sahara
300 g flour
1 pack of baked goods powder
75 g raisins

To cover:
100-125 g plums. butter (pieces or melt a little)
75 g sugar
1 pack van. Sahara
50 g almonds

Stir everything into flour until smooth. Flour with baking por. sift, pour half into the mass and mix, mix the other half with your hands and knead quickly. Stir in the raisins too. On the bake. Roll out the paper to the size of the sheet from the oven. Place on a sheet.
Heat the butter a little, but so as not to flow too much, mix with sugar and stir. sugar, place on the dough, sprinkle with almonds. Bake in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for 25-35 minutes.

Gingerbread cookies with mayonnaise
250 ml mayonnaise
1 tbsp sugar
2/3 pack of margarine (250 g pack)
0.5 tbsp. starch
3 tbsp. flour (it may take more)
a pinch of soda

Beat soft margarine, mayonnaise and sugar a little, sift starch, flour and soda, knead the dough, roll into balls and bake at 190-200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Crumbly cookies with chips.
250g unsalted butter, room temperature; 100 g sugar; 1 tsp vanilla essence; 270 g flour; 100 g finely chopped walnuts; 100 g crushed potato chips (crush with your hands); 2-3 tbsp sugar for sprinkling.
These cookies taste very similar to the Danish Butter Cookies that come in a tin. It is very crumbly and melts in your mouth. This cookie contains a completely unexpected ingredient - potato chips (you can take any, just without onion and garlic additives, with chips with chili pepper - it’s really okay) - I think this is the secret of the “crumbiness” of the cookies.
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F (if the oven size allows, you can bake on two baking sheets at once, on different shelves).
In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar with a mixer until fluffy and white, 5 minutes. Add vanilla and beat well.
Add flour, nuts and potato chips. Mix well with a mixer at low speed.
Form the dough into balls with a diameter of 2-3 cm (~ 10-12 g each). Place on a baking sheet at a distance of 5 cm.
Pour sugar into a saucer. Grease the bottom of a glass or small cup with oil. Dip a glass into sugar and press it down onto the ball until it is 6mm thick. Dip the glass into sugar again and apply it to the cookie without pressing so that the sugar sticks to the cookie.
Repeat the process with the remaining cookies.
Bake for 10-14 minutes until the edges of the cookies are lightly browned.
Cool on the baking sheet for 2-3 minutes and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Store in a sealed container. Cookies can be frozen.

-1/2 cup raspberry jam or marmalade
-1 cup sugar
-1/3 cup vegetable oil
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1/2 cup cocoa powder
-1.5 cups of flour
-3/4 tsp. soda
-1/4 tsp. salt

Combine all components and mix thoroughly.
Form the dough into walnut-sized balls. Press down a little and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper or greased with oil.
Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 5-10 minutes.
It is important not to overcook, otherwise the cookies will be very hard.
The cookies turned out very tasty, fragrant with a soft center and a crispy shell.

For the fruit layer:
675 g fruit, chopped
3 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed orange juice
3 tbsp. l. brown sugar

For the test:
200 g (1 3/4 cups) flour with baking powder
3 tbsp. l. Sahara
a pinch of salt
about a glass of natural low-fat yogurt

To top the dough:
zest of one orange
2 tbsp. l. brown sugar
1 tsp. ground ginger

1. Pour orange juice into a saucepan. Put on fire, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar and chopped rhubarb (or slices of fruit). Cover and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes until the rhubarb has softened. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a baking dish.

2. Prepare the mixture for sprinkling the dough: mix the orange zest with brown sugar and ginger.

3. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix the sifted flour with sugar and salt and, gradually adding yogurt, knead a soft, homogeneous dough.

4. Place the dough on a floured surface and roll out into a 25 cm square. Sprinkle evenly with a mixture of brown sugar, ginger and zest (see step 2). Roll tightly into a roll and cut crosswise into 10 pieces with a sharp knife. Place spirals of dough in the pan on top of the fruit slices.

5. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until the spirals are puffed and golden brown. Allow to cool slightly before serving and serve warm.

For the test:
2 1/2 cups flour with baking powder (+ flour for adding and kneading)
50 g cold butter
about 1 glass of milk
1/3 cup light brown sugar

For filling:
300 - 400 g canned applesauce (with apple pieces)
a pinch of grated nutmeg
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

For caramel:
1/4 cup cream
2 tbsp. l. butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar

For decoration:
walnuts or pecans, coarsely chopped or halved (optional!)

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pour the flour into the bowl of a food processor, add the diced butter and process until a crumbly mass forms. Add sugar and stir.

2. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and pour in enough milk to form a soft and slightly sticky dough. Transfer to a floured work surface and knead lightly until the dough is smooth but not stiff.

3. On a sheet of baking paper, roll out the dough into a rectangle approximately 21 x 40 cm. Mix applesauce with spices (I used ready-made filling with spices and added a few raisins). Spread the filling onto the dough layer, leaving about 3 cm from the edges. Using baking paper, roll the layer into a roll. Grease a sharp knife with vegetable oil, dust with flour and cut the roll into 12 slices (fewer are possible, as long as the number of slices is even). Place 11 slices along the sides of a round pan, pre-greased, and place the 12th in the center. Bake for about half an hour.

4. Meanwhile, prepare caramel. Pour the cream into a small saucepan, add sugar and butter. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens.
Remove the pie from the oven and cool on a wire rack. Spread the cooled pie with caramel and decorate with nuts.

Banana cookies
Need to:
1 banana
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons honey
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda

Mash the banana with a fork, add sugar and honey. Mix everything well.
Place in a water bath. We constantly interfere. When the sugar dissolves, add soda, as soon as the mass turns white and increases slightly in volume, turn it off.
Add flour, knead the dough. Roll it out to about 0.5 cm thick.
We cut it. I had molds. Place on a baking sheet. I had baking parchment.

Sprinkle some water on the cookies and sprinkle with sugar :)
Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Apple crumble
What you need (for a mold with a diameter of 26 cm):
8-10 apples
150 g butter
150-200 grams of powdered sugar (the amount depends on both the sweetness of the apples and your taste)
200-250 grams of crumbly shortbread dough (pвte brisеe)
cinnamon (to taste)

For shortbread dough:
250 g flour
125 g butter
a pinch of salt
(this amount of ingredients makes about 400 grams of dough)

How to prepare:
1. First, let's prepare the dough. Sift the flour onto a work surface. Add butter softened to room temperature (cut into pieces) and salt. Using your fingers, mix into crumbs, sprinkle with water and knead with your hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let's form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film, flatten a little of the resulting “ball” in the film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, prepare the filling.
Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, add the powder, stir and leave to cook, stirring occasionally, until you get brown caramel.
Be careful: the mass turns brown almost instantly - just a minute ago yellow oil foam was puffing in the frying pan and now it has already become creamy, and then brown. There is no need to fry the caramel too much. Cook the caramel over medium heat for about 6-7 minutes (this is just a guide).
3. Place peeled and sliced ​​apples into the prepared caramel. Sprinkle with cinnamon and cook covered (stirring occasionally) for another 5-10 minutes (depending on how hard your apples are).
4. Transfer the apple-caramel filling into the mold. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, knead it into coarse crumbs with your hands and sprinkle on the pie. Place the pie in the oven, preheated to 180-200C and bake for 40 minutes (until the crumbs are golden).

Eccle puff pastries
350 g plain flour
175 g butter
a pinch of salt

75 g butter
150 g brown sugar
200 g cinnamon
(optional 50 g candied fruits, then less raisins)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp. grated nutmeg
zest of one large orange

Place the butter in the freezer for half an hour. Sift flour into a bowl. Remove the butter, grate it, then chop it into flour with a knife. I replace all these actions with a few seconds of pulse in a blender. Add water until the dough forms a ball (about 3 tbsp). Wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, remove and stir in all the ingredients and leave to cool.

Roll out about 2/3 of the dough to a thickness of 1.5-2 mm with a diameter slightly larger than the mold and place in a mold (24 cm), folding the sides. Prick the dough in several places with a fork. Spread the cooled filling. Roll out the rest of the dough, cut into strips, and make a lattice. Place in the refrigerator for another half hour. The oven will heat up to 200 C. Bake for about 15 minutes, until golden brown. You shouldn't overexpose it, because... the raisins and sugar begin to burn.

Honey gingerbread for breakfast
1 tbsp. (360 gr.) honey
1 tbsp. (250 ml) water
30 gr. oils
2 1/4 (360 g) whole flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1.5 tbsp. (250 gr.) cranberries
1 tbsp. different nuts

A little honey for lubrication


Shape 20 cm.
1. Heat honey+water+oil in a small saucepan until the oil dissolves. Mix.
2. In a bowl, mix flour + baking powder + spices. Add nuts and cranberries. Mix
3. Add honey mixture and stir.
4. Place in a greased pan and bake for 40 minutes. at 180C.
5. Brush with honey when serving.

2 large lemons
250 g flour
2 tsp baking powder
225 g sugar
200 ml milk
200 ml vegetable oil

For the syrup:
75 ml water
75 g sugar
lemon juice

1. Zest the lemons and squeeze out the juice. Use 2/3 for dough, the rest for syrup.
2. Mix all ingredients for the dough: milk, butter, sugar, lemon juice, flour, baking powder and lemon zest. There is no need to knead too much: as soon as you see that the mass is more or less homogeneous, that’s enough.
3. Pour into mold.
4. Bake 15 at 160 C and then 45 minutes at 180 C.
5. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup. Heat water and sugar to a boil and boil slightly. Remove from heat and add lemon juice.
6. After removing the cake from the oven, immediately soak it without removing it from the pan. Cool. Quite a tiny, soft and moist cake. Difficult to cut.

For the test you need:
Flour - 300 gr.
Sugar - 300 gr.
Cocoa - 40 gr.
Baking powder - 1 sachet (almost a tablespoon)
Soda - 1.5 tsp.
Salt - less than half a tsp.
Butter or margarine (room temperature) - 120 gr.
Warm water - 350 ml.
Vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Vanillin or vanilla sugar - 1.5 tsp.

How to do:
In a large bowl, mix everything dry - flour, cocoa, salt, soda, baking powder, sugar. Add water and vinegar to the dry mixture, stir, then add softened butter and mix with a mixer for a couple of minutes. You bake in a springform pan (mine is 26 cm in diameter) in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees, about 40 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer. Cool slightly in the pan and then remove. You will have to handle it very carefully, the baked goods are very tender, soft and brittle in the area of ​​the dried edges.

You can pour icing or cover with ganache on top.
The taste of the cake is very chocolate, the sweetness is very moderate, baking it yourself is boring, I would add sourness in the form of a thin layer of apricot jam, or layer it with cream and prunes soaked in cognac, you can make cream with cinnamon and serve with coffee.

Double cookies with cream
A glass of flour
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter or margarine, thawed to room temperature
1 cup of sugar
2 bananas
2 tablespoons cream (can be vegetable)
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon red food coloring (you can use beet juice instead)

For cream:
450 g curd or tofu
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
300 g powdered sugar
200 g shelled walnuts
How to make double cream cookies

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.

Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a small bowl. Mix butter (margarine) and sugar until soft and homogeneous. After this, add bananas to the mixture (first crush the bananas until you get a paste), mix. Mix all this with the dough in a bowl.

Mix cream, vinegar, vanilla and food coloring. Add to test. Knead the dough thoroughly until smooth.

Place greased baking paper on a baking sheet. Place the dough in the shape of circles on the paper.

Bake for 10 minutes (or until cookies are baked through). The cookies should be light and not burnt. The cookies should then cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes, after which they can be removed from the baking sheet to cool completely.

How to make cookie cream:

Mix all the ingredients for the cream, except the walnuts. Beat with a mixer or blender until an airy, homogeneous mass is obtained.

Spread the cream on the cookies, cover with the second cookie on top. Place the cream on the sides between the cookies with pieces of walnuts. If desired, you can add chopped walnuts directly to the cream.

Original chocolate cupcake
cocoa – 6 tbsp. spoons
flour – 1.5 cups
salt – 1/2 teaspoon
baking soda – 1 teaspoon
sugar – 1 glass
vanilla – 1 teaspoon
lemon juice or vinegar - 1 teaspoon
vegetable oil or margarine – 5 tbsp. spoons
water – 1 glass

Quench soda with lemon juice or vinegar. Mix dry ingredients in one bowl and wet and wet ingredients in another. Slowly add the dry mixture to the liquid, stirring constantly. Stir until there are no lumps. Pour the dough into the baking dish.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
To prevent the cake from burning, you can put a small container of water in the oven.

The finished cupcake can be decorated with any cream or condensed milk as desired, or it can be left undecorated. You can also cut the cake in half and spread cream in the middle.

3 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup yogurt
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 1/2 cups white flour
1 tsp. baking soda

1. Mix lemon juice, sugar, yogurt and vanilla essence
2. Add flour and soda
3. Mix flour with liquid
4. Pour into a floured mold 20 - 25 cm in diameter.
5. Preheat oven to moderate temperature
6. Bake for 10 minutes
7. Reduce the heat
8. Bake for another 20 minutes until firm and cracks appear on the surface.
9. Remove from oven
10. Spread with Brown Sugar Glaze.

Brown Sugar Frosting:

1. Cook and stir all ingredients until sugar dissolves
2. Drizzle hot glaze over the cake.
3. Spread the glaze evenly over the surface.
4. Cool before serving.

2 cups water
2/3 cup butter
1 1/4 cups white flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp thick yogurt

Walnut glaze:
1/3 cup melted butter
4 tbsp powdered nuts
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
4-6 tbsp water

1/2 cup starch
1/4 cup water
1 cup sugar
2 cups milk
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Bring water with butter to a boil
2. Remove from heat
3. Add flour, salt, knead until the dough begins to peel away from the edges of the pan.
4. Add sugar and yogurt, stir until creamy consistency
5. Leave to cool for 10 minutes
6. Roll out the dough into a sausage 2.5 cm thick
7. Cut into bars 10 cm long
8. Place at a sufficient distance from each other on a greased baking sheet.
9. Bake for another 30 minutes in a moderately preheated oven.
10. Remove from oven
11. Cut each block lengthwise, not all the way through, and open it into two halves while it is still warm.
12. Cool completely, fill with whipped cream or custard, and top with frosting.

1. Mix starch and water
2. Add sugar and milk
3. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until thickened.
4. Remove from heat, cool

1. Melt the butter
2. Add nut powder, sugar and vanilla essence
3. Add water and stir until the consistency required for greasing

2 cups apples, thinly sliced
1/2 cup water
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups white flour
1 cup soft butter

1. Place apples on the bottom of a 12 cm diameter mold.
2. Mix water, cinnamon and salt
3. Pour the resulting mixture over the apple slices.
4. Mix sugar, flour and butter until smooth
5. Pour over apples
6. Bake without covering the pan for 40 minutes until brown.
7. Serve with custard or ice cream

3 cups white flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
4 tbsp yogurt
2 cups apples, diced
milk in sufficient quantity
ghee for deep frying

1. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg
2. Add yogurt and apples
3. Add milk and stir until a sticky dough forms.
4. Preheat air fryer to medium temperature.
5. Use a round spoon to drop the dough into the boiling ghee.
6. Fry until golden brown and feel spongy when pressed.
7. Dry, roll in granulated sugar

Bagels with cherries and cranberries
0.5 cups of beer, 0.5 cups of sunflower oil, 1 packet of baking powder, approximately 3-3.5 cups of flour. For filling: any berries or fruits, or chopped walnuts, or jam.
Mix butter and beer in a bowl, add flour and baking powder, knead until smooth. The dough should be soft.

Roll out and cut out circles from the dough using plates or lids. We cut each circle into segments (4 or 6).

Place the filling at the base of the triangle and roll it into a bagel (from the wide edge to the narrow one).

Place on a greased baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees (15 minutes).

Ready-made bagels can be dipped in syrup. The syrup is prepared as follows: dissolve sugar in a small (glass) amount of water and bring to a boil. Dip the baked bagels into the hot syrup for a few seconds. But you don’t have to do this.

Chocolate cookies
200 grams of softened lean margarine, 150 grams of flour, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a handful of hazelnuts.

Roast the hazelnuts and remove the skin. Beat softened margarine with powder. Mix baking powder with flour and cocoa, sift, add to margarine. Mix everything well. You should get a thick, homogeneous dough.
Using a pastry bag with a nozzle or a syringe (you can just use a spoon), place cookies with a diameter of 6-7 cm on a baking sheet. Place 1 nut in the middle of each.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes, then turn the baking sheet 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack.

Grated pie
For the dough: 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 2/3 cup sugar, 120 grams of lean margarine. For the filling: 3-4 sour apples or about 6 tablespoons of any jam.

Sift the flour, add baking powder, add sugar. Please note that sugar is 2/3 cup, not 2-3 cups. Grate cold margarine (you can add softened margarine). Mix it with the rest of the ingredients until you get crumbs.
Place 2/3 of the dough in the mold and press down with your hands.
Lay out the filling, smooth it out (if you use apples, you need to peel them and grate or chop them in a blender). Sprinkle the remaining 1/3 of the dough on top, do not press down with your hands.
Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about half an hour.

Honey and pear pie
1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon citric acid, 1/4 cup chopped nuts, 0.5 cup vegetable oil, 1.5-2 cups flour, a pinch of cinnamon or coriander, about 3-4 pears.

Pour sugar into a bowl, add water and vegetable oil, heat a little, add honey. Stir until sugar and honey dissolve. Add baking soda, citric acid, cinnamon/coriander, ground nuts and flour. You need so much flour that the dough resembles thick sour cream.
Peel the pears, cut into cubes and stir into the dough.

Pour the dough into the mold. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.

tea cake
a glass (200 ml) of strong freshly brewed tea (warm), 8-10 heaped tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of thick jam, preferably sour, with berries, 1 teaspoon without top of soda or baking powder , spices: cinnamon, vanilla, maybe a little ginger or cardamom, you can add nuts and raisins, dried fruits.

Knead the dough from all products. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If it's too runny, add a little more flour.

Heat the oven to ~200 degrees. Place the dough into the mold. You can sprinkle chopped nuts or muesli on top. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.

Pie base:
1/3 cup ground walnuts or almonds
1 1/3 tbsp. l. melted butter
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
3/4 cup flour
2 tbsp. l. water

250 g softened cream cheese
400 g condensed milk
a pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1/2 tsp. Sahara
1 cup sour cream

Pie base:
1. Mix all ingredients
2. Place in a greased 22 cm diameter mold and press down firmly.

1. Beat cream cheese until smooth.
2. Add condensed milk, salt, lemon juice and vanilla essence. Mix
3. Add sour cream and sugar. Set aside
4. Pour the cheese mixture over the pie base. Top with cream
5. Bake until done (15 minutes) over moderate heat.

Gingerbread cookies with almonds
Ingredients: 250 grams of flour, 80 grams of ground almonds, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, grated zest of 2 oranges, a pinch of salt, 2 pieces of ginger, 125 grams of sugar, 175 grams of butter or margarine, 200 grams of chocolate.
Mix the sifted flour with ground almonds, ground ginger, vanilla sugar, chopped orange zest and salt.

Dry the ginger and cut into tiny cubes. Mix with sugar and add to flour mixture.

Cut the butter or margarine finely. Add to flour mixture. Knead everything thoroughly with your hands.

Preheat the oven to 220 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with oil.

Spread a little more than half of the dough onto the baking sheet. Crumble the rest of the dough and sprinkle on top. Immediately place in a hot oven.

Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden yellow. Then remove from the oven. Let the cookies cool in the pan. While still warm, cut into rectangles 6 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide and cool.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and cool slightly. One by one, dip the edges of the cookies into the chocolate glaze. Place the cookies in the refrigerator until the chocolate glaze hardens.

Quick chocolate chip cookies in the microwave
Ingredients: 100 grams of chocolate, 1/4 cup flour (or 1/4 cup powdered sugar), 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of butter.
Place the chocolate, sugar and butter in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 1 minute. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Add flour (or powdered sugar) and stir thoroughly. If you choose powdered sugar, the cookies will be sweeter.

Make balls or other shapes from the dough. Can be eaten cold or baked in the microwave. If you choose the latter, you will need to line a flat microwave-safe plate with parchment paper and place the cookies on it. Microwave for 1 minute.

Curd cookies with jam
Ingredients: 200 grams of butter, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 230 grams of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of vanillin, 1 2/3 cups of flour, 1/4 cup of jam, powdered sugar.
Cream the butter, sugar and salt in a food processor until creamy. Add cottage cheese and vanilla. Beat in the food processor for another 2 minutes. Then add flour and beat until a homogeneous dough forms. Wrap the dough in cling film (or simply cover the bowl with the dough with a lid) and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Preheat the oven to 180 C. Cover a baking sheet with foil and grease with oil.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Dust your work surface with flour and place the dough there. Roll out into a layer 3-4 mm thick. Cut out circles. Place a little jam on the edge of each circle. Fold the jam-free side of the dough over and pinch the edges.

Bake for 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Curd cookies with dried apricots
Ingredients for cottage cheese cookies: 200 g flour, 200 g cottage cheese, 150 g softened butter, 1/2 cup sugar, a pinch of salt, 1/2 chocolate bar, a handful of dried apricots.
Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Rinse the dried apricots and let them swell in warm water.

Sift the flour, mix with cottage cheese, softened butter, sugar and salt. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky.

Roll out the dough (it is best to do this on parchment paper - this way, when cutting with a glass, the circles will separate better) to a thickness of about 3-4 mm. Cut into circles with a glass. Place 1 dried apricot berry on a circle, cover with a second circle of dough on top. Pinch the edges and make cuts on the edges.

Bake the cottage cheese cookies until browned, 30-35 minutes.

Decorate with melted chocolate.

Lokumki cookies
150 ml white wine
100 g sunflower oil
or even 300g butter
80-100g powdered sugar
Flour 400-500g.

300g Turkish delight for filling

Stir flour and sugar, make a well, add chopped butter and wine.
Stir well without overdoing it.
Divide and shape 3 balls
Leave in the refrigerator for an hour
Roll out each ball to 3 mm.

Option one:
Use a cookie cutter or glass to cut out circles
Place 1 piece like Turkish delight in the middle of each circle and bend it into a crescent shape, press the edges well - you can use a fork.

Option two:
Place a ribbon of Turkish delight at the beginning of the crust and roll it up.
Cut into 5cm lengths

Bake at 220* for 15 minutes in an oiled baking tray on kitchen paper.
After cooling, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Napoleon cake"
3.5-4 cups of wheat flour, 200 g of butter, 0.5 cups of water, 400 g of boiled condensed milk with sugar.
Sift the flour onto a cutting board, put the butter on top and finely chop it with a knife, while mixing with the flour. Add water little by little, knead the dough, roll it into a sausage shape and cut into 6 equal parts. Place all parts in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then take out the pieces one by one and quickly (so that the dough does not get warm and melt) roll them out into a round cake (as thin as possible) and immediately place in the oven. Bake each cake for about 7 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius. Stack the finished cakes on top of each other, brushing the top of each cake with condensed milk. Then trim the edges of the cakes, cutting off any irregularities with a knife. Crumble the scraps and sprinkle them over the top of the cake.

Cake "Bear"
3-3.5 cups flour, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
1.5 cups of fat sour cream, 1 cup of sugar, vanillin.
6 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. milk, 100 g butter, 4 tbsp. l. cocoa.

Knead all the ingredients into a dough (quench the baking soda with vinegar) and divide it into two equal parts. Add cocoa powder to one half and mix well. Then divide each of the two parts into 3 parts, roll them into thin cakes and bake 6 cakes of the same size and shape on a baking sheet - 3 light and 3 dark. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream: add sugar, vanillin to the cooled sour cream and beat. Then place the cakes on top of each other, alternating them by color and spreading cream on top. Cover the top of the cake with glaze: grind sugar, milk, butter and cocoa and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. This cake must be prepared a day in advance and kept in the refrigerator.

Cake "Marble"
3-3.5 cups flour, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
For light cream:
400 g sour cream, 1 cup powdered sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife.
For dark cream:
150 g butter, 200 g sweetened condensed milk,
4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.
From sour cream, sugar, flour and soda, quenched with vinegar, knead the dough and divide it into two equal parts, add 3 tbsp to one. spoons of cocoa powder. Roll out 3 cakes from each part into round cakes 2-3 mm thick and bake them in a preheated oven. The baking time for the cake is about 5 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius. Trim the cooled cakes so that they are the same size, cutting off the uneven edges with a knife. Then place them on top of each other, alternating dark and light ones and greasing the dark cakes with light cream, and the light ones with dark cream. Grease the top and sides of the cake with dark cream, and on top of it, using a spoon, apply a pattern in the form of streaks with light cream. It is better to prepare this cake a day in advance (so that the cakes are well soaked in the cream) and keep in the refrigerator.
Preparation of light cream:
Add powdered sugar, vanillin to the cooled sour cream and beat until the volume of sour cream approximately doubles.
Preparation of dark cream:
Place the butter in a bowl, mash and beat until white. Then add condensed milk in small portions (1 tablespoon at a time), whisking continuously. Add cocoa to the finished cream and beat again until fluffy.

Semolina cake
1 glass of semolina, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of kefir, 100 g of oil (purified vegetable oil is quite suitable), 1 glass of flour, salt, soda, citric acid, flavorings (nuts, raisins, vanillin) - optional.
Mix 1 glass of semolina, 1 glass of kefir, 1 glass of sugar together in a deep bowl, mix well and leave for 2-3 hours. All this can be left overnight. During this time, the semolina should swell and increase in size by 2-3 times.
In a separate bowl, melt the butter (if the butter is butter) and fry the raisins and nuts in it. Next, the butter is added to the fermented milk mixture and mixed well. Now you can add 1 cup of flour, up to 1 teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt and a little citric acid. The resulting mass must be mixed thoroughly. Grease a mold (preferably round), pour in the dough and leave to separate for about 10 minutes. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180-200 C for about 30-40 minutes. It is better to use a double portion for the cake. You can bake each cake individually or all at once, and then cut in half. Soak the cakes with syrup or cream.

Sand cake "Festive"
4 cups wheat flour, 300 g butter, 0.5 cups sugar, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 glass of jam or thick jam, 300 g of fresh fruit.
200 g butter, 8 tbsp. l. condensed milk.

Grind the softened (but not melted) butter with sugar until smooth, add sour cream, flour and knead the dough. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll them out into cakes (cakes) about 0.5 cm thick, align the edges of the cakes (the scraps will later be used to make crumbs) and bake in the oven. Since the dough is crumbly, it is better to place parchment paper or foil under the cakes when baking, this will make it easier to remove the baked cakes from the baking sheet.
Prepare the cream:
Grind butter with condensed milk until white. Grease the bottom cake with cream, place the second cake on it and spread it with jam. Grease the top cake with cream again. Grease the sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs from well-shredded baked scraps of dough. Decorate the cake with fruits (kiwi, tangerines, pomegranates or others) and cool well.

Nut Cake
2 cups wheat flour, 1 cup sugar, 0.5 cup refined vegetable oil, 1 cup peeled walnuts, 0.5 tsp. lemon zest, 0.5 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 glass of water.
250 g butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 glass of water, a pinch of vanillin.
Pour sugar into a bowl, add vegetable oil, chopped nuts (set aside a few nuts for decorating the cake), salt, lemon zest, flour, baking soda, quenched with vinegar, and mix. Then, gradually adding water, knead the batter. Pour the dough into a greased pan with straight, even walls, place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes. Cool the finished cake, release it from the mold, turn it over and cut it into two layers in thickness. Grease the bottom cake generously with cream, place the second cake on top, pressing down lightly. Grease the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream and sprinkle with coarsely chopped nuts.
Preparation of the cream: dilute the flour with 0.5 cups of water, adding water gradually so that there are no lumps. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add the remaining water, put on fire and, stirring continuously, heat until the sugar dissolves. Then gradually add the flour mixture into the sugar syrup, stirring continuously. Cook the resulting mass over low heat until it thickens to thick sour cream. After this, cool the mass, add chopped butter and vanillin to it and beat for about an hour until the cream turns white.

Kiwi cake
3-4 kiwis, 3-3.5 cups flour, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
For sour cream: 350 g sour cream 30% fat, 1 cup powdered sugar, vanilla on the tip of a knife.
For buttercream: 200 g butter, 0.5 cups powdered sugar, vanilla on the tip of a knife.
For jelly: 0.5 tsp. agar, 0.1 l water, 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 4 tbsp. l. orange juice, 1 tsp. lemon juice.
From sour cream, sugar, flour and soda, quenched with vinegar, knead the dough and divide it into six equal parts. Roll out each part into a round cake 2-3 mm thick and bake them in a preheated oven. The baking time for the cake is about 5 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius. Trim the cooled cakes so that they are the same size, cutting off the uneven edges with a knife, and lay them on top of each other, brushing each cake with sour cream. Peel the kiwi by cutting it off with a sharp knife and cut crosswise into slices 2-3 mm thick. Cover the sides of the cake with buttercream, place kiwi circles beautifully on top of the cake and fill them with jelly. Before pouring over the fruit, cool the syrup slightly (until it becomes a little viscous), then quickly pour over the fruit, scooping up the syrup with a spoon. Using a pastry bag, make a border of buttercream along the edge of the top cake. It is better to prepare this cake a day in advance so that the cakes are well soaked in sour cream, and keep it in the refrigerator.
Preparation of sour cream: Add powdered sugar, vanillin to the cooled sour cream and beat (at the end of whipping, the volume of sour cream should approximately double).
Preparation of butter cream: Beat softened butter until white. Then gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla, continuing to beat.
Preparation of jelly: Soak agar in 4 tbsp. spoons of cold water for 1 hour. Then add the rest of the water, put on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add sugar and bring to a boil again. If the agar has not completely dissolved, cook until it is completely dissolved. Cool slightly (to 50-60 degrees Celsius), add orange and lemon juices and strain through a fine sieve.

Sometimes it happens that there are no eggs in the refrigerator, but the plan was to cook something floury and it seems that this idea will now have to be abandoned. Or it happens that eggs cannot be consumed due to health problems. And there is also fasting. A lot of things happen in the world, but none of this should stop you from making a pie for the whole family.

The fastest recipe

If guests are on the doorstep or you just want to quickly make something for tea (and, as you know, there are no eggs in the refrigerator), then you can prepare such a pie from a minimum of ingredients.

First you need to mix kefir with sugar, butter and soda, and then gradually pour flour into this liquid. This completes the preparation of the dough - all that remains is to pour it onto a baking sheet and place slices of apples or halves of other fruits on top, slightly pressing them into the dough.

You can lightly sprinkle the fruit with sugar, but this is not necessary. Place the pie in the oven at medium temperature and bake there for about half an hour.

Apple pie without eggs

Apple pie is a classic of the genre. There is hardly anyone who doesn’t love it, if only because no other pie creates such a feeling of home comfort. Apple pies are prepared in different ways: with yeast dough, shortbread, charlotte, etc.

You can also prepare the pie using the so-called bulk method, omitting eggs from the composition.


  • 1 cup sifted wheat flour;
  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 150 gr. butter (or margarine);
  • 5 medium apples;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

Calorie content: about 250 Kcal/100 g.

The “dough” for the pie is prepared by combining all the dry ingredients - flour, semolina, sugar, baking powder and vanilla sugar. The apples are peeled and grated on a coarse grater.

Then take a baking dish and pour a third of the dry mixture onto its bottom, then lay out half of the grated apples, and the layers are repeated again so that the dry mixture is on top again.

Rub butter on top of the pie using a coarse grater, after which the pan with it can be placed in the oven at 180 degrees. It is baked for about 40 minutes or until golden brown.

After the cake is ready, you need to let it cool in the mold, and only then can it be cut into pieces.

Pie with jam without eggs

During Lent, the most suitable baked goods are gingerbread and jam pies, because they do not require dairy products or eggs. Moreover, this does not negatively affect the taste of such desserts, so you can continue to prepare such a pie even after the end of fasting.

Moreover, by changing the jam, each time you will get baked goods of a completely different taste - cherry pie, currant pie, etc.


  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups sifted wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of any jam;
  • a packet of baking powder.

Calorie content: about 180 Kcal/100 g.

In a bowl you need to mix jam, sugar and vegetable oil, and then pour boiled water at room temperature into this mixture and add flour and baking powder, then mix the dough thoroughly - it should be medium thick.

Next, you need to pour it into the mold, let it stand for a few minutes and put it in the oven at 180 degrees, where the cake will bake for about 40 minutes, but in this case it is better to check it “for a match”, since the dough may turn out to be slightly sticky.

Cut the pie when cold.

Chocolate baked goods

The most favorite delicacy of all women and children is something chocolate-chocolate and preferably flour. And for this you don’t have to buy or prepare a large cream cake covered with icing, because you can make an easy and delicious chocolate cake that does not require eggs or dairy products, i.e. You can please yourself with it during Lent. And such a pie is also prepared quickly and from ordinary available products.


  • 3 cups sifted wheat flour;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda plus 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar;
  • a packet of baking powder.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: about 400 Kcal/100 g.

First you need to mix all the dry and all the liquid ingredients separately, and then combine them together - and at this point the preparation of the dough for the chocolate pie is considered complete.

You just need to pour it into a greased mold and put it in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Then let the cake cool in the pan and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. By the way, you can also bake cupcakes from this dough.

Or make a real Lenten cake by cutting the pie into layers and covering them with jam.

Potato pie with kefir without eggs

Kefir dough is considered one of the most versatile and delicious, which is justified by its properties. Moreover, you can cook it without using eggs - this will not make it less airy. For example, you can prepare an interesting analogue of the Ossetian pie.


  • 1 cup wheat flour (plus another 2 tablespoons);
  • 150 ml kefir;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 100 gr. Adyghe cheese;
  • 50 gr. Russian cheese.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content: about 220 Kcal/100 g.

To prepare the dough, you need to mix kefir with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and 0.5 teaspoons of soda, salt this mixture and pour a glass of flour into it, then knead the dough, which should not end up sticking in your hands.

For the filling, you need to cut the potatoes and Adyghe cheese into small cubes and also lightly salt everything. All that remains is to prepare the filling - mix grated hard cheese with soda, flour and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, then pour in a little kefir to achieve a liquid consistency.

In a round mold you need to put the dough rolled out into a layer so that high sides are formed, and put the filling in it, and then fill it with the prepared kefir-cheese filling.

The pie is baked at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes or until browned.

Meat pie dough

A very tasty main course can be a hot and aromatic meat pie in dough without eggs - it turns out airy, with a golden brown crust, as well as satisfying and nutritious.


  • 3 cups wheat flour (a little more may be needed);
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • a packet of dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 gr. minced meat;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of adjika;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of spices for meat.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Calorie content: about 330 Kcal/100 g.

To prepare the dough, you first need to pour the yeast into warm milk and sugar and let it rise for 10 minutes. Then add a little flour and let the dough stand for a little longer, then add vegetable oil and salt to it, and knead an elastic dough that can be rolled out into a thin layer.

For the filling you will need to fry the minced meat with onions in vegetable oil and add spices to it. The rolled out dough should be placed in a baking dish so that its edges hang down a little (leave some of the dough for stripes) and filled with prepared minced meat.

Now you need to make a filling of sour cream and adjika - mix them and pour on top of the filling. Cut strips from the remaining dough and distribute them on the pie in the form of a lattice, then put it in the oven for about 25 minutes at 150 degrees or until golden brown.

Eggless pies, like any other baked goods, have their own special cooking secrets:

  1. If the dough is prepared with kefir and soda, then it is better to use it immediately, without allowing it to remain exposed to air, because in this case the carbon dioxide will evaporate - and in this case (dough without eggs), the baked goods will be able to rise only due to it.
  2. To keep the cake soft longer after cooking, you can grease it with melted butter and cover it with a napkin after it has been absorbed.
  3. You can get a golden brown crust on a pie without eggs by brushing it with sweet tea leaves or at least vegetable oil with a brush before baking. For savory pies, you can provide a crust by brushing them with tomato juice.
  4. Any recipe can be prepared without eggs, as long as there are no more than 2 of them in the composition.
  5. The function of one egg in charlotte dough can be performed by 1 banana, 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, 3 tbsp. spoons of applesauce or a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of rolled oats and water.

Light culinary preparations and a great mood!