How to make Greek yogurt at home. Greek Yogurt: Recipes

How to make Greek yogurt at home? The composition of this product, its preparation methods and beneficial properties will be presented in this article. We will also tell you about how this delicacy differs from regular yogurt, what its consistency, taste is, etc.

general information

The taste of Greek yogurt is very similar to the regular fermented milk product sold in stores (without additives). However, it should be noted that a special production technology made this delicacy thicker. This consistency is achieved by eliminating excess whey from regular yogurt. The result is a delicious dairy product with a reduced fat and carbohydrate content, as well as a large amount of protein.

Greek yogurt, reviews of which are only positive, is especially popular in the culinary field. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it is not able to curl up during heat treatment. Therefore, dishes with this product are quite easy to bake and also retain the necessary consistency.

Store-bought Greek yogurt has a lot of useless additives and milk powder. Manufacturers do not burden themselves with filtering yogurt. They thicken milk artificially.

To protect yourself from low-quality and harmful products, we recommend making Greek yogurt at home. In terms of its consistency and beneficial properties, this delicacy is quite similar to Mechnikov’s yogurt or Georgian matsoni. It should also be said that Greek yogurt has a wonderful taste and exceptional dietary properties.

Composition of the product

Greek yogurt, the photo of which is presented in this article, has a very low calorie content. Thus, 100 g of fresh homemade product contains about 53 energy units. In addition, this treat includes sugars, protein, cholesterol, sodium and 10% of the daily value of calcium. It should also be noted that this product contains a lot of riboflavin, magnesium, pantothenic acid, live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Product benefits

Natural Greek yogurt is very beneficial for the body. To see this, let's look at its properties in more detail.

  • Low calorie content. A small amount of sugar and high protein content make this product ideal for weight loss. It is well suited for people with diabetes, impaired metabolism and vascular and heart diseases.
  • A large amount of probiotics and calcium improves immunity, eliminates diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the intestines and constipation. In addition, Greek yogurt supports weakening muscles and protects against osteoporosis.
  • The live bacteria found in this product normalize the process of food absorption and digestion in general, and also help prevent certain cancers.
  • Homemade yogurt prepared according to a Greek recipe helps with age-related changes and depression. It makes it easier to maintain optimism, a healthy weight and a sense of well-being after age 50.

Some experts suggest that Greek yogurt is a good preventive food against stomach infections and kidney stones.

How do they use it and what is it used for?

If for some reason you do not want to eat such a delicacy, then you can make various baked goods from it, including pancakes, biscuits, cookies, pies, etc. It should also be said that thick yogurt is very often used as a dressing sauce for various salads and snacks.

Step-by-step Greek yogurt recipe

In fact, there is nothing complicated in preparing such a product. Moreover, his recipe is practically no different from the traditional one. Therefore, if you know how regular homemade yogurt is made, then you will prepare this delicacy in no time.

So what ingredients do we need to make Greek yogurt? This product should be prepared using the following ingredients:

  • bacterial culture specifically designed for making homemade yogurt - 2 large spoons;
  • whole cow's milk (you can use sheep or goat) - about 4 cups.

Cooking process

Before preparing Greek yogurt, whole milk is poured into a large sterilized container, then placed on the stove and heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. After this, the hot drink is removed from the heat and left under the lid until it cools to 42-44 degrees.

Having selected approximately 1 glass of milk, a previously prepared bacterial culture is introduced into it. Having received a homogeneous mass, it is again poured into a common container and mixed thoroughly.

When performing all the described actions, one should not forget about the sterility of the utensils. Wash your hands and all equipment thoroughly. Pots, glasses and spoons must be thoroughly sterilized, otherwise unnecessary microflora will actively multiply in the resulting mixture, and the yogurt will not be as tasty as we would like.

After the bacterial culture is introduced into the milk, the warm drink should be tightly closed and immediately wrapped in a thick blanket. This is necessary to ensure that the set temperature of the product is maintained for as long as possible, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

As soon as homemade yogurt thickens (after about 12-16 hours), it is poured over three layers of gauze, which is placed over the pan. The resulting structure is sent to the refrigerator and kept there for several hours (2-4 hours). During this time, the whey formed in the yogurt will drain, making the product thicker. It is transferred to glass jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3 days.

Making thick yogurt in a slow cooker

Greek yogurt can be made at home in a variety of ways. The one presented above is the most popular among housewives. This is due to the fact that it is the simplest and most accessible. However, it should be noted that with this recipe, homemade yogurt does not always turn out tasty. This is explained by the fact that without special equipment it is quite difficult to maintain the temperature that is most favorable for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. In this regard, we recommend using a multicooker.

Required Ingredients

So, to make homemade Greek yogurt, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • natural yogurt without various dyes and other additives - ½ cup;
  • whole cow's milk (you can use sheep or goat) - approximately 1.5 liters.

Cooking method

Very often, to prepare homemade fermented milk products, housewives do not use special bacterial cultures that are sold in pharmacies, but regular yogurt purchased in a store. However, it should be noted that such a delicacy will be tasty and healthy only if the starter culture does not include various additives, dyes, etc.

So how do you make homemade Greek yogurt in a slow cooker? To do this, whole milk is poured into a sterilized bowl of the device, and then heated in yogurt or multi-cook mode to a temperature of 40 degrees. After this, 1 glass of warm drink is combined with the starter and returned to the bowl of the device.

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients with a sterilized spoon, close them with a lid and leave them on heating or in the yogurt program for 5-7 hours. During this time, the milk should thicken noticeably and transform into homemade yogurt.

How to strain?

Strain yogurt prepared using a multicooker in exactly the same way as described in the first recipe. The thick milk mass is spread on multilayer gauze, which is placed in advance over a deep pan. In this form, the product is sent to the refrigerator and kept for about two hours.

If you leave yogurt at room temperature, live bacteria will continue to multiply, making the product sour and unpalatable.

After all the whey has drained into the pan, a thick and aromatic mass should remain in the gauze, which, in fact, is Greek yogurt. It is placed in jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3 days.

What to use with?

Like regular yogurt, a delicacy prepared according to a Greek recipe can be eaten with berries or fruits. Granulated sugar, honey and even chocolate chips are also often added to it. If desired, this product can be used as a sauce. Just add it to the previously prepared salad and mix well. Believe me, even the most picky guests will not refuse such a snack.

Making yogurt in a yogurt maker

Now you know how to make Greek yogurt. What can replace such a product? It has no analogues. Compared to regular yogurt, this delicacy is more beneficial for the human body. By consuming it every day, you can significantly improve your body’s health, improve digestion and boost immunity.

We described above how to cook Greek yogurt on the stove and in the slow cooker. However, it should be noted that the most delicious product is obtained in a special device called a yogurt maker. This device is able to withstand the temperature required for lacto- and bifidobacteria, allowing you to get a thick and healthy treat that will definitely appeal to all members of your family.

So, to implement the presented recipe we will need:

  • dry starter for yogurt (Narine type) - 1 bottle;
  • UHT cow's milk - approximately 2 liters.

How to cook?

To prepare homemade yogurt, pour a little warm water into a bottle of dry starter and stir thoroughly until all the powder particles are completely dissolved. After this, the resulting mass is introduced into ultra-pasteurized cow's milk. After thoroughly mixing both components, they are poured into cups of a yogurt maker.

There is no need to preheat the milk, as we have chosen to use an ultra-pasteurized product. If you purchased a whole drink, it is recommended to first heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees, and only then mix it with a bacterial culture.

Having filled all the jars, they are tightly closed and sent to the yogurt maker. After turning on the device, leave it in this position until the milk thickens. After this, the yogurt maker is turned off. After keeping the yogurt for about half an hour, place it on multi-layer gauze and allow all the whey to drain. In this case, the structure is placed in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours.

After time has passed, the finished Greek yogurt is carefully placed into jars and placed back in the refrigerator.

The fermented milk product prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very thick, tasty and healthy. It is laid out in bowls and immediately served to the table.

The resulting Greek yogurt can be eaten with anything. It is eaten together with jam, sugar, fruit, honey, berries and other additives. If you do not eat such a product right away, then it is better to store it in the refrigerator, but no longer than two to three days. Otherwise, the yogurt will sour and become unfit for consumption.

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Greek yogurt is a traditional component of the famous Mediterranean cuisine, whose adherents are famous for their longevity and flourishing appearance even in old age. Because of its unique composition, Greek yogurt can be called an ideal product that allows you to maintain grace, youth and health for many years.

Being a low-calorie product, yogurt is indispensable on the path to achieving slimness. The healthy habit of including Greek yogurt in your daily menu not only magically forms a toned figure, but also allows you to maintain it for a long time. There is serious scientific confirmation of this phenomenon. The British Dietetic Association, represented by expert K. Pettitt, declared Greek yoghurt to be the product that has the strongest effect of burning excess fat. During its production, excess whey is removed, so the amount of carbohydrates in such a product tends to zero, and the mass fraction of useful protein remains unchanged. Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt (with the same fat content) contains on average 10 fewer calories (per 100 g). And in terms of carbohydrate content it does not even reach kefir - it contains about 5-7 grams of carbohydrates less than traditional kefir.

The advantage of Greek yogurt over other products is explained by its high protein content, which is necessary to maintain muscle mass. This feature is especially important for those who maintain their physical fitness through sports. Protein acts as a reserve source of energy actively consumed by humans. A 200-gram serving of traditional Greek yogurt contains almost 20 grams of valuable animal protein!

Probiotics in Greek yogurt are key to the health of the digestive system, on which the functioning of the entire body depends. Live biologically active microorganisms in Greek yogurt ferment provide the necessary balance of beneficial intestinal flora, which also helps strengthen overall immunity.

For people suffering from lactose intolerance, Greek yogurt is one of the favorite foods on which to build a safe diet. This dairy product has the most delicate and gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, without causing negative manifestations of a deficiency of the lactase enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar.

Patients suffering from moderate lactase deficiency can consume up to 12 grams of lactose daily without harm to the body. Greek yogurt perfectly meets this requirement; it is a product with a low content of this substance - 200 grams of Greek yogurt contains no more than 5 grams of lactose.

The value of Greek yogurt is that it contains a full range of vitamins and nutrients necessary for health in an optimal ratio. As a source of calcium, Greek yogurt builds bones. Rich in microelements such as potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and iron, Greek yogurt takes care of the health of nails and hair, supports the smooth functioning of all internal organs and vital systems - nervous, hematopoietic, excretory.

“Greek yogurt is almost the perfect product ever invented by mankind. Firstly, it is incredibly healthy, and secondly, it has a noble neutral taste. It goes great with many dishes. Greek yogurt can be added to a sandwich and used as a salad or soup dressing. It works as a base for a creamy sauce and can make the best topping for a baked potato. Greek yogurt is a ready-made marinade for meat and fish, and cereals and muesli are meaningless without it. The taste of your dish will depend on which yogurt you choose. I advise you to use thick natural yogurt prepared by thermostatic method,” explains an expert from the agro-industrial holding “Cheburashkin Brothers. Family farm" Svetlana Vitkovskaya.

Including Greek yogurt in your daily diet helps prevent many diseases, improve the quality of your skin, gain a good mood, slimness and vigor. The famous author of books on weight loss and certified doctor of psychology L. Shemek called yogurt a key player in the modern healthy eating trend. Yogurt, being a fermented product, helps even people with long-term problems lose weight and become healthier. Greek yogurt can be called one of the best dairy products, which gives good health and joy of life in all its manifestations.

Greek yogurt is a healthy and versatile dairy product with a centuries-old history. In combination with honey and fruit, it is the most delicate delicacy, and once you add a little herbs, spices and salt, it instantly turns into a delicious spicy sauce.

Not many people know, but “Greek yogurt” is yogurt that has been filtered to remove some of the whey. As a result of this simple procedure, yogurt not only becomes thicker, but also loses some of the sugar, lactose and carbohydrates. The finished product is less caloric, but contains a large amount of calcium and protein. This feature has given Greek yogurt the well-deserved title of the most valuable dietary product and the love of healthy lifestyle fans around the world.

Today I propose to learn how to make Greek yogurt at home. Shall we begin?

To make Greek yogurt at home, you only need two ingredients: milk and starter.

Milk: cow, goat or sheep. Fresh, pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized - at your discretion, of course, the first two options are preferable.

Leaven: a special starter for yogurt, drinking yogurt without additives, or a small portion of ready-made homemade yogurt. I add 120-130 ml of drinking or homemade yogurt per 1 liter of milk. To prepare yogurt using dry starter culture, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

To make Greek yogurt, you first need to make regular yogurt. Boil fresh milk and then cool to a temperature of approximately 38 degrees. On the contrary, heat pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk to the specified temperature. If desired, this milk can also be boiled. I don't do this - I don't see the point.

Pour boiling water over the yogurt container and mixing spoon. Combine warm milk and starter and stir.

Cover the container with yogurt with a lid and wrap it very warmly or place the mixture in a thermos/yogurt maker. Leave the mixture warm and undisturbed for 6-8 hours until it thickens.

I cook yogurt in a multicooker in the “yogurt maker” mode until the program ends.

Place the finished yogurt on a sieve lined with several layers of gauze. Place the structure in the refrigerator for several hours and allow the whey to drain.

Depending on the consistency of the yogurt you want, you can weigh out the yogurt from 1-2 to 6-8 hours. Check the condition of the yogurt periodically, and as soon as it reaches the desired consistency, move it to a storage container.

I leave the yogurt overnight and end up with about 500-600 grams of very thick yogurt and 300-400 ml of whey. This thick yogurt looks like cottage cheese or cream cheese, but has a characteristic “yogurt” taste and a delicate, creamy consistency.

Greek yogurt is ready! You can use homemade Greek yogurt in the same way as regular store-bought yogurt - make sauces, desserts and baked goods based on it, add it to salads or use it as one of the components of sandwiches.

My favorite option is a simple mixture of yogurt, fresh fruit, honey. You can also add granola. It turns out to be a healthy, dietary and very tasty dessert or breakfast. Try it!

"We came across such an article as "Greek cuisine. Cooking chicken." Where, among other things, the marinade for chicken meat included a component such as yogurt. Of course, the original meant greek yogurt. Of course, in our Soviet space you can also use regular store-bought yoghurts. But to achieve a truly “Greek” taste in Greek dishes, you will have to use Greek yogurt, and not substitutes.

Greek yogurt is something extraordinary. Delicate, soft, with a slight sourness. With honey it turns into a delicacy, with garlic into a spicy sauce. This is, in general, ordinary yogurt, a product known to mankind since ancient times. But, of course, there are small differences.

A little about the history of yogurt - to make it clear what’s what

Perhaps the history of Greek yogurt began in the Neolithic era, somewhere in the Middle East, in the region of modern Turkey or neighboring Iran, when man just learned to milk his first domesticated goats. An earthenware jug filled with milk may have been left in a warm corner for many hours and its contents have turned into a thick paste. , that to some extent this was helped by the warm climate of the Middle East and the lack of hygienic skills.

It is difficult to say whether yogurt was born one way or another, but people liked it for its wonderful, refreshing taste, and because this discovery made it possible to store milk for a longer period. The first shepherds collected milk, boiled it, added leaven, then covered it with skins and left it warm.

With the development of trade and military raids, the recipe for making yogurt migrated to the most remote ends of Asia. Soon it appeared in India, where, in combination with honey, it was considered the food of the gods. Yogurt was quickly appreciated by the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan, whose army used yogurt both for storing meat and as a food product.

Yogurt came to Europe sometime in the 16th century. The French king Francis I, who suffered from a serious intestinal disorder, quickly recovered when a traveling doctor from Constantinople advised him to try this miraculous product.

The Turks and Greeks are considered the most ardent consumers of yogurt. In Constantinople, there were once about 500 shops preparing and selling this wonderful product. In Turkish, yoghurt means " thick milk».

Modern Traditional Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the most commonly consumed foods in Greece, along with olives, olive oil and Feta cheese. It is used not only as an independent dish, but also as a dessert - with honey or fruit, and as a basis for savory snacks such as tzadzyki, melizanosalata. In Constantinople cuisine, yogurt is added to kebab as a sauce (kebab-yaurtlu). Use yogurt as a mask on the face and hair.

Greek yogurt is not similar to the CIS product of the same name. Greek yogurt is thick and more reminiscent of Russian 0% cottage cheese, while differing in taste. And this despite the fact that the fat content of Greek yogurt can reach 9% or more. It can be said that greek yogurt- this is our notorious yogurt, only very thickened.

Greek yogurt is prepared from natural milk: goat, sheep or cow, with the addition of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus and comes in different fat contents. Rich in proteins, calcium, vitamins and beneficial microorganisms, yogurt improves digestion, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and prolongs life.

It should be taken into account that the 30°C required for ripening yogurt will be maintained due to the ripening process only in a large amount of milk (at least 2-3 liters) with careful wrapping. To ferment small quantities, you need a yogurt maker - a thermostat that maintains the temperature, or the already mentioned thermos.

By the way, to get milk with more fat than you bought, you can boil the purchased milk by 2/5 or even half.

Ingredients for Greek Yogurt

  1. Milk - 1 l
  2. Sourdough (live yogurt without additives) - 150 ml

Procedure for making Greek yogurt

The principle is simple: heat the milk to 40 degrees, pour the starter into the fermentation container. Usually, when I have leftover homemade yogurt, I use plain Activia or Greek yogurt.)

Dilute with a small amount of milk, mix thoroughly and add the remaining milk. Leave for 6-8 hours in the yogurt maker; in a covered pan, in a warm place or thermos. Try all three options, but it may turn out that a thermos is the most suitable, since the result is the same everywhere, but in a thermos you don’t have to bother with wrapping, like with a saucepan, and you don’t need to waste electricity, like with a yogurt maker.

After 6 hours our yogurt is ready, put it in the refrigerator to cool. remember, that yogurt doesn't like movement, if you shake or stir it, it will lose its original thickness and begin to flake, that is, the whey will separate.

That's it, the yogurt is ready! But you might want to get a thicker Greek yogurt. To get thick yogurt, you simply need to deposit the whey, just like we deposit sour cream for cream. To do this, line a colander with a thick cloth (for example, non-woven napkins), pour in our yogurt and leave for several hours.

During this time, approximately 400-500 ml of whey will separate (which we use in dough, for face and hair masks, or just drink) and 400-500 ml of thick yogurt, which we safely mix and eat with honey, fruit, pieces of chocolate - and use for preparing other dishes from .

Note: You can save some of the yoghurt for the next batch.

So, let’s briefly repeat: buy milk in soft bags and thicker ones at the store, pour it into a glass jar with a wide neck and place it on the sunny side of the window. When the yogurt rises and becomes very thick, carefully transfer it with a spoon (preferably a wooden one) into a special sieve or make it out of gauze. Let the rest of the whey drain off. In terms of time, it’s roughly like this: in the morning the milk is in a jar, in the evening in a sieve, in the morning it’s ready. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t despair, try again with different types of milk. Then use the whey to make pancakes, pies (the dough is better suited) or okroshka.

Bon appetit!

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