Jack daniels brand history. Whiskey "Jack Daniels": history, types, price and proper use of the drink

Jack Daniel's is the most popular US whiskey brand with over 6 million bottles sold annually. Before Prohibition in the United States, there were many liquor producers in Tennessee, today there are only two "dinosaurs" left - Jack Daniel's and George Dickel.

Both distilleries made regular bourbon until 1941. But then the state government decided that thanks to a special filtration technique, whiskey produced in Tennessee deserved to have the status of geographical origin. All products manufactured in the state became known as Tennessee Sour Mash - "Tennessee whiskey from sour mash."

Production technology

It is the process of cold filtration using charcoal that causes unique taste drink and rich aroma. This method was invented by Alfred Eaton, but was named after the county where it was first applied - Lincoln County process (Lincoln County process). It is generally accepted that Jack Daniel built his distillery just in the place where the Eton factory was located before. The Lincoln process is the only technological difference between Tennessee whiskey and bourbon.

Tourists visiting the Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg are shown all the stages of whiskey production, starting from the moment maple logs are burned. This process has been turned into a show and worked out to the smallest detail. Special plant workers pour water over huge masonry of burning logs: if you do not control the temperature of the fire, you will get ash, not coal. The resulting maple charcoal is filled with huge column filters, then Tennessee whiskey is filtered drop by drop through this charcoal for a whole week.

Maple charcoal filtration distinguishes Tennessee whiskey from bourbon

Since filtration takes place before bottling spirits in barrels, and not before bottling, in charred from the inside oak barrels stand already filtered, pure whiskey, which will absorb the aroma and shades of wood. Purified whiskey acquires softness, roundness and a pleasant light smokiness. After that, the drink is sent for aging. Visitors are offered to try fresh whiskey (White Lightning) and unaged, but filtered - the difference is huge.

History of Jack Daniel's Whiskey

The history of the brand dates back to 1866, when Jack Daniel purchased a site near Lynchburg, where there was a source of spring water filtered by limestone. This land was formerly part of Lincoln County and is now part of Moore County. In the same year, Daniel was the first in the United States to register his whiskey distillery. At that time, the founder of the brand was no more than 20 years old - the documents on his birth were not preserved, so the exact year of birth is not known. Despite such a young age, Jack had a very extensive knowledge: he bought his first alembic at the age of 14 and made good money on the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Company founder Jasper Newton Daniel

In the eighties, Jack was joined by his nephew Lem Motlow, who convinced his uncle to sell whiskey not in barrels or ceramic jugs, but in bottles. This was a strategic decision - bottled whiskey could be exported. Another important milestone for the brand is 1895, when Daniel was shown a square bottle. Since then, Jack Daniel's whiskey has been bottled in such containers. Initially, the label on the bottles was green, but after Jack's death in 1911, the color was changed to black.

The brand is now owned by Brown-Forman. Since 2008, the seventh master distiller, Jeff Arrnet, has been at the helm of production.


For more than a century and a half of the existence of the whiskey distillery, Jack Daniels has received many awards:

  • 1904 - Gold medal at the World's Fair in St. Louis;
  • 1905 - Gold medal at the World Exhibition in the Belgian city of Liege;
  • 1913 - Gold medal at the Whiskey Competition in Ghent;
  • 1914 - Gold medal at the Anglo-American Exhibition in London;
  • 1915 - Gold Medal and Certificate of Hygiene Institute in London;
  • 1954 - Quality Star in Brussels;
  • 1981 - Gold medal with palm leaves in Amsterdam.

These awards are dedicated to a special series of whiskey "Gold Medals", produced from 1996 to 2006.

One of the most counterfeited brands in the world
  1. Jack's real name is Jasper Newton Daniel.
  2. The plot of land on which the distillery is located today was purchased by Daniel for $2,148. At that time, this was a huge amount, and few people would have parted with money so easily, acquiring a wasteland. True, the land was located next to the cave, from which the Cave Spring spring flowed with fabulously clear water.
  3. The maturation barrels are made from white oak and are used only once, after which the company sells them to brewers, producers scotch whiskey and sauces. Each barrel is assembled from 33 planks connected without the use of nails or glue.
  4. Whiskey is produced in the “dry” Moore County, where the sale of alcoholic beverages is still prohibited, so you can only buy whiskey directly at the distillery or through the distillery website.
  5. Frank Sinatra was one of the brand's most devoted fans: the musician was even buried with a bottle of Jack Daniel's Old No.7.
  6. There are several myths about the appearance of the name Old No.7 of varying degrees of reliability. Romantics believe that under the "seven" the number of girls is encrypted, to which different time Jack was indifferent. Perhaps this is how Daniel designated the most successful recipe, the seventh in a row. Another version concerns the story of the loss of a batch of whiskey, which was carried by train number 7.

How to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey

The ideal temperature for Jack Daniels is room temperature, between 18-22 °C. At higher temperatures, the taste becomes hard, too chilled whiskey loses its rich aroma. Most connoisseurs of Tennessee whiskey are inclined to believe that it is right to drink it undiluted.

The only thing that can complete the magic of a bouquet is a good cigar.

Types of whiskey Jack Daniel's

  • Jack Daniels, 40%. Classic whiskey of a noble amber-golden hue. Spices, nuts, vanilla are felt in the aroma. The taste is elegant, full-bodied, multi-layered, caramel notes appear first, and then a bright smack of smoke.
  • Jack Daniel's Old No7, 40%. The most "titled" brand whiskey. It has a sweet aroma with tones of burnt caramel, milk chocolate, figs, tobacco. On the palate there are notes of vanilla, wood, sweet fruits, toffee. The aftertaste is long, bright, warm, with notes of oak, vanilla, with an ice-cream finish.
  • Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey, 35%. Whiskey based on honey liqueur - great choice for the fair sex. It has a pronounced honey flavor and aroma. The finish is long, enveloping, fruity.
  • Gentleman Jack, 40%. Whiskey has pleasant aroma with tones of burnt oak, light nutty and citrus intonations. The harmonious taste is enriched with hints of liquorice and spices, the special softness and smoothness are ensured by repeated filtration after maturation. There is a legend according to which Jack developed the drink recipe for one of his mistresses, hence its name.
  • Jack Daniel's Unaged Rye, 40%. Unaged white whiskey with a unique grain composition: 70% rye, 18% corn and 12% barley malt. The aroma is smooth and fresh, with malty notes, floral tones, woody nuances. The taste is balanced, bright, with tones of ginger.
  • Jack Daniel's White Rabbit Saloon, 43%. The release of a limited batch was timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the bar " White Rabbit”, discovered by Jack Daniel. The aroma is quite intense, with hints of vanilla, caramel, lollipops, spices, there are bright oak notes. The taste is sweet, soft, rounded, there are notes of baked apple, banana, there is a slight tannin. The aftertaste is salty, with a slight nutty bitterness.
  • Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Rye, 47%. Whiskey category super premium, subjected to double charcoal filtration. The bottle contains the date of bottling and the barrel number. The bouquet abounds with tones of caramel and oak, which complement the shades of candied fruits. The taste is rich, with maple-corn sweetness and barely audible sourness. Ideal in pure form if you add ice, then one cube is enough.
  • Jack Daniel's Sinatra Century, 50%. Limited edition for the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra. The numbered bottles are packaged in gift boxes and come with a live CD of Old Blue Eyes. The bouquet is rich with sweet notes of creme brulee, nutmeg, peanuts, warm ripe watermelon. The taste is velvety and multi-layered, with a touch of vanilla cream.
  • Jack Daniel's 150th Anniversary, 50%. Released for the 150th anniversary of the company. Aroma with notes of honey, cinnamon, hints of sweet fresh fruit. The taste is soft, rather light and rounded, sweetish-tannin with notes of nuts, caramel, pollen. The aftertaste of the drink is pleasant, of medium duration, oak and vanilla are felt at the finish.



Jack Daniel's is one of the most popular types whiskey in the world. How to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey? What to drink Jack Daniels with? How to distinguish original Jack Daniel's whiskey from fakes? All the most interesting secrets about the legendary whiskey Jack Daniel's.

“There are at least three men in the world who will always support: Jack Daniels, John Jameson and Johnnie Walker”

Most whiskey Jack Daniels (Jack Daniel's) drink in France, in second place is the United States, the United Kingdom closes the top three. Jack Daniel's is grown all over the world. It's time for you to try it with your friends, flashing knowledge and facts about such a legendary whisky. By the way, many girls like the smell of good whiskey. My sister told me this in secret. What secrets does this familiar dark bottle hold? How was it created and what almost no one knows about the legendary Jack Daniel's?

“There is only one man in the world who is ready to understand and accept a woman with all her shortcomings. A humble guy named Jack Daniels."

There are several brands of Jack Daniel's: Jack Daniel's Old No.7, Gentlemen Jack, Jack Daniel's Single Barrel, Jack Daniel's Silver Select. The legendary Jack Daniel's whiskey has a strength of 40% (in the brands Jack Daniel's old No. 7 and Gentleman Jack), and consists of 80% corn, 12% barley and 8% rye.

Where did the number 7 in Jack Daniel's Old No.7 come from? Why number 7 Jack Daniel's? One of the options says that the brand was assigned number 7 for the state registration of an alcohol plant. The number was then changed, but Jack did not change the name, because. the name of the brand of whiskey has already become known. It was rumored that Jasper "Jack" Newton Daniel had 7 girlfriends. There is a legend that the number of the train carrying his whiskey was number 7, that he lost a batch of number 7 and then marked it like that. Someone claims that Jack had 6 friends and this was a sign of memory. Maybe it was the 7th recipe. Somehow, Jasper "Jack" Newton Daniel took this secret to his grave.

2. Jack Daniel's whiskey, priest and sin

And fill the bar with John Daniels!
- Did you mean Jack Daniels?
- He is Jack Daniels for you, son, but if you knew him, just like me ...
The film "Smell of a Woman"

Jack Daniel began to study the production of alcohol at the age of 6. Jack studied and helped the priest Dan Call (Dan Call), who, in addition to reading sermons, made his own whiskey. Jack grew up in a family of 13 children. After the death of his father, he received a share of the inheritance, on which he started his business. Jack bought the business from his priest, who was forced by his wife to get rid of such a "sin".

Jack Daniel's whiskey has been produced since the 19th century in Lynchburg. Jack Daniel's distillery is located in Moore County, which is located in the state of Tennessee, USA. This is a "dry" district where the sale of alcohol is prohibited. Therefore, Jack Daniel's can only be bought on the spot. More than 250 thousand tourists, fans of Jack Daniel's, come to the place of production of alcohol for a tour.

4. Jack Daniel's whiskey and Finnish vodka

Are your temples oblique or straight?
- Me, Jack Daniels.

What is the connection between Jack Daniel's whiskey and vodka from Finland? Finnish vodka "Brown-Forman" (Brown-Forman) is one of the brands, like Jack Daniel's. Jack Daniel's itself was sold to Brown-Forman Corporation in 1956.

5. Whiskey Jack Daniel's and the death of the owner

1911 Jack Daniel died of blood poisoning. The wound on his leg was received from the fact that Jack forgot the password to the safe and kicked it out of anger. He could have disinfected the wound on Jack Daniel's whiskey, but he didn't, even though it would have saved his life.

6. Jack Daniel's whiskey for travelers

American writer, prose writer, Nobel Prize winner in literature William Cuthbert Faulkner wrote: “There is no bad whiskey. It's just that some whiskeys are better than others."

Jack Daniel is the second best-selling travel whiskey in duty-free shops in the world ( duty free). It is the third most popular overall after Johnnie Walker Scotch and Absolut Vodka.

How to distinguish fake whiskey Jack Daniels (Jack Daniel's)? The original roof is plastic covered with black film. There is a clear engraving of the name "Jack Daniel's" on the top and the size of the bottle on the bottom, on all four sides of the bottle. Bottle square with sharp edges. The sticker is located evenly and without glue. At the very bottom of the sticker is the lot number EI code. The neck of the Jack Daniel's bottle is faceted with a convex ring at the bottom. Try to buy Jack Daniel's whiskey in a trusted and well-known store to avoid counterfeit and surrogate, which can be poisonous. good whisky they drink clean, and cheap ones usually add ice and cola. If the whiskey is real and good, like Jack Daniel's, then it is better to drink it clean.

8. Jack Daniel's whiskey and the stars

Whiskey Jack Daniel's is very popular among famous people.

British musician, founder, member of the rock band "Motorhead" Lemmy Kilmister has always loved Jack Daniels. He promised to drink Jack Daniel's every day for 30 years!

American rock musician Michael Anthony made a guitar in the shape of a Jack Daniel's whiskey bottle. At concerts, he drank Jack Daniel's whiskey. At the end, leaving the invariably empty container from Jack Daniels.

Frank Sinatra loved Jack Daniels whiskey and was buried with a bottle of Jack Daniel's Old No.7.

There are two types of glasses that can be used for Jack Daniels Whiskey. Tasting tulip-shaped glasses allow you to smell the aroma, see the shade and feel Jack flavor Daniel's. Wide glasses with a thick bottom are good for mixing whiskey with other ingredients. The glass should be filled with whiskey no more than a third.

10. What temperature to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey

Jack Daniels recommend drinking room temperature from 18 to 21 degrees. More heat makes the whiskey harder to taste. Low temperatures take away almost all of the Jack Daniel's flavor you need. Therefore, often in bars they add ice to whiskey. This strips the smell of lousy and cheap whiskey, making it taste tolerable. Aroma is an integral part of whiskey. Therefore, real professionals do not recommend whiskey with ice or cola.

11. What to drink Jack Daniel's with

In Ireland, light whiskey is drunk without dilution, the Scots mix their strong whiskey with water or soda, the Americans with ice and cola to kill the not very pleasant corn taste. What to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey with? Jack Daniels is usually drunk without anything added. Sometimes ice or cola is added to whiskey to taste. Also added to whiskey lemon juice or apple with pieces of ice. Whiskey is not accepted to eat. But a cigar goes well with whiskey.

It is customary to drink Jack Daniel's, like any whiskey, in the late afternoon and in a relaxed atmosphere. In the company of a girl, a man fills both glasses. In a male company, everyone can pour himself a drink. If it is not known how friends prefer to drink whiskey, then it is better to put ice, cola, mineral water and juice on the table. Everyone decides how to drink this drink. But usually whiskey is drunk clean and without dilutions. Whiskey is drunk in small sips, holding the alcohol in the mouth for a moment, enjoying its taste.

Now you know all the secrets of Jack Daniel's whiskey. It's time to buy Jack Daniel's and enjoy its taste.

Scotch, bourbon, Irish, Canadian and even Japanese whiskey ... All these drinks are related to each other. But the countries that produce them use different technologies cooking. The composition of the whiskey is also different. How exactly? We will talk about this in our article. Many connoisseurs of distillates have noticed that, depending on the country of origin, whiskey has its own characteristic taste. The scotch is badass, and the bourbon leaves a caramel aftertaste. Irish whiskey is mild, while Scotch is bitter. The brand of the drink also plays an important role. Sometimes the manufacturer uses very soft spring water. There are also those who filter raw materials through peat blocks. Exposure in barrels gives the drink not only a fortress. The wood also gives it a certain aroma. It is important that the barrels are old and have once contained other drinks. Then the bouquet of whiskey will be more complex, more voluminous. Well, now consider the composition of drinks in more detail.

What does whiskey taste like?

Unlike cognacs, where terroir, assemblage and blending are important, the drink we are considering is quite simple. It consists of only two elements - base and water. As for the latter, everything is clear here: the purer it is, the softer the taste of the drink will turn out. The basis in each country is different, and it depends on the prevalence of cereals. For example, Scottish scotch is made from barley. This cereal is rich in starch, and therefore the fermentation process is faster. The composition of whiskey from Ireland, in addition to barley, includes rye. Thanks to her, the taste of the drink becomes soft and slightly bitter. basis American bourbon is corn supplemented with other cereals (mainly wheat). In addition, the technology for making whiskey in the United States is fundamentally different from the Scottish method. In America, the grain is boiled with sugar, and then put on fermentation. B is made from wheat, rye and corn. In Japan, masters manage to create a drink from millet and rice. Whiskey is made according to Scottish technology. But since the raw materials are different, the taste of the drink is very different. And let's not forget that each distillery uses its own secret. Whether it consists of raw materials, water or technology - this inevitably affects the characteristics of the drink.

Whiskey "Jack Daniels"

Well, now let's take a close look at the contents of the most popular drinks. Let's start with the best-selling American whiskey "Jack Daniels". The brand has been produced since 1975 in Tennessee. Like all bourbons, Jack Daniels is made with 80 percent corn. Another 12% is rye, and 8% is barley. Everything else is spring water. But Jack Daniels is not bourbon. Distinguishes it from the American drink "Lincoln's Technology". It consists in the fact that the whiskey is filtered through a three-meter layer of coal, scorched from the maple. This company also produces less strong (35 degrees, not 40) Whiskey undergoes double cleaning through First - before filling the barrels, and then, four years later, before bottling. The composition of Jack Daniels Honey whiskey, as you might guess, includes honey. This is evidenced by the taste, and aroma, and the bee is not on the label. And the name "Hani" itself means "honey". Ready aged whiskey "Jack Daniels Old No. 7" is mixed with liquor.

The composition of whiskey "Red Label"

This is typical Scottish scotch. It is made from barley. But the Scots produce two types of whiskey: monovarietal and blended. "Red Label" refers to the latter. It consists of thirty-five varieties of alcohols. They are aged in barrels for three to five years. This whiskey is priced as a budget drink. In its composition, the dye E 150a gives the drink a caramel color.

Whiskey "Jamison": composition

Ireland is the birthplace of this drink. But the progenitor, the founder of the Jamison distillery, was still a Scot. Therefore, the drink is not made from rye, but from barley. This is a single varietal whisky. Parts of barley suit the artificial arrival of spring. When the grain germinates, the malting process is stopped by drying. Then everything is poured with the purest spring water and left to ferment. Jamison whiskey also contains unsprouted barley. The founder of the distillery took from the Irish only one detail in the technology of making the drink. In his native Scotland, malt was smoke-cured, but John Jemison abandoned the idea. Therefore, in his creation there is no smell of haze, characteristic of adhesive tape. But there is a sherry aroma. This is because of the barrels in which the drink matures for at least six years. Previously, they contained sherry.

The composition of "Chivas Regal"

This brand is deservedly called the prince of Scottish scotch. The composition of whiskey "Chivas Regal" includes about forty single malt spirits (single malt). All of them are of different origin. Some varieties of barley are grown in the lowlands, others in the highlands, and others on the islands. But the “soul” of the Chivas Regal drink is the Stratail variety. Single malt has been produced in the picturesque town of Kate since 1786. At the distillery, the drink is aged for twelve years. He even visually differs from other alcohols. It is heavier, oily, with a touch of eucalyptus and mint.

"Nikka All Malt"

Compared to the Scottish and Irish, they are new upstarts. Which, nevertheless, managed to strengthen their position and even push the world's mastodons out of the market. Nikka is one of the oldest whiskey brands in Japan. The company was founded in the twenties of the last century by Masataka Taketsura. He traveled around Europe, learning the basics of distilling in Scotland and Ireland, and returned home with a fair amount of knowledge. However, Taketsura began to use the more common cereal in Japan - millet. It was also germinated, drained, filled with malt water and fermented. Some corn and rye are also added to the whiskey.

Whiskey Jack Daniels is a delicious alcoholic drink. It is so popular that more than 6 million bottles are sold worldwide every year. Blended whiskey is produced in the American city of Lynchburg. The composition of the drink is based on corn, but barley and rye are also present. The combination of these components usually gives bourbon, but thanks to a special method of filtration, Jack Daniels is a quality whiskey.

The history of the drink

Whiskey name Jack Daniels coincides with the name of the founder of the brand. He was Jasper Newton Daniel, who founded a small distillery back in 1875. Within 50 years, the company has reached the level of a large concern. With the production of whiskey, Jasper first met at the age of 7, when he became an assistant to the priest Dan Call. For the priest, the production of whiskey was a profitable business, and he willingly taught a capable boy.

Having matured and gained experience, a talented guy began to use slow filtration processes using coal. Hoppy filtration was carried out continuously until the spill into barrels. Due to long-term processing, the final product acquired soft taste qualities.

Subsequently, Jasper decided to give his "brainchild" a unique name. He gave him his own name, and in the future, every bottle of whiskey flaunted the inscription "Jack Daniels". Clay bottles with corks made of oak bark served as the first containers for bottling intoxicating drinks. The corks were engraved with "Mr. Jack". In 1895, the original packaging was changed to a square bottle with a screw cap. New option took root due to the ease of transportation. In 1904, Jack Daniels whiskey was recognized as the most best drink in the world. Today, unique alcohol is produced by the American company Brown-Forman Corporation.

Types of drink

The Jack Daniels whiskey series is represented by five drinks:

Price policy

What is the price real whiskey Jack Daniels? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, since the exact price depends on the type of alcohol and the capacity of the bottle. The final cost is determined by the trade margin that the store makes.

For example, Jack Daniel's Old No.7 whiskey in a 0.5 liter bottle can be bought for 1000 - 1700 rubles. Gentleman Jack (0.75 l) is sold at a price of 2900 - 3600 rubles. A variety of Jack Daniel's Single Barrel (0.75 l) has a cost of 5000 - 5400 rubles for 1 bottle of whiskey. honey variant Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey (0.7 l) is sold for 2000 - 2300 rubles.

Alcoholic Jack brand Daniel's leads in terms of sales in America, Turkey, Europe, France and Russia. In this category, he takes 4th place.

Culture of consumption

Blended whiskey connoisseurs drink Jack Daniels after a meal. The product is supplied undiluted in small portions. But if you wish, you can throw crushed ice or add Cola or Apple juice. Snack or not whiskey, each consumer decides for himself. Many people like the specific oaky-nutty taste of the drink, and they do not want to interrupt it with any products. For those who like to snack on whiskey, lemon slices can be advised.

Whiskey Jack Daniels is served in tulip-shaped glasses. Cocktails based on it are poured into wide thick-bottomed glasses. Serving temperature – 18 – 21°C.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Unfortunately, popular varieties of alcoholic beverages are often counterfeited. A few signs will help an attentive consumer to distinguish the original Jack Daniels whiskey from a fake:

Recipe for cooking at home

To make Jack Daniels whiskey at home, you will need:

The composition is wrapped in a warm blanket and placed for fermentation in a warm room (+55 - 65 ° C). The mass is stirred every 15 minutes, and after an hour it is cooled to a temperature of 26 degrees and maintained for 10 hours. Then yeast is added to the mixture and the container is sealed with a water seal.

After 5 days, the product is filtered through several layers of gauze and distilled in copper moonshine still. If the first distillation gave a drink of low strength, the distillation is repeated. Secondary filtration is done with coal column(charcoal and a cotton layer are distributed on a piece of gauze). Charcoal cleaning makes the whiskey soft and tender. For aging it is placed in oak barrels. The classic term is 4 years. But since the quality of alcohol is determined by tasting, it can be poured into a convenient container much earlier.

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Most people see little difference between drinks like cognac and whiskey. They are similar in color and strength. In fact, everything is not so, and the difference between them is colossal. There are differences both in the raw materials used and in production. So, Jack Daniels whiskey is undeniably the pride of America. Cognac was invented in France; as you know, it comes from the province of the same name. But the differences don't end there. Further in the article we will discuss all the nuances. Until then...

A bit of history

A man very devoted to God, but having no less strong love for - Dann Call - was a priest and had his own distillery, which he later hired the boy Jasper Daniel. The kid was no older than seven years old, but, seeing his quick wit and diligence, the holy father began to teach him everything he knew. The boy grew up and soon became a real partner of the old clergyman. Already at the age of thirteen, he inherited a distillery and showed that he was doing a good job with such a thing as a tough alcohol business. It was Jasper who became the creator of the world famous product branded as Jack Daniels. Cognac was in demand all over the world, but it is somewhat more difficult to produce it in general. This requires careful selection of the right ingredients. With the same aging in barrels, a French drink costs more, but this rule does not work when compared with Jack Daniels whiskey. Cognac with the same time exposure and even the most famous manufacturer will yield to it in price.

Production development

Gradually, the distillery turned into a small, but perfectly functioning plant. In 1866, Jack became the first person to officially register his unique whiskey production. We see this date on the label when purchasing Jack Daniels. The quality of the product is due to sugar maple charcoal filtration and the use of the correct water. And for this, Jack purchased a plot of land near the city of Lixburg. It was here that he discovered a spring with the purest, tasty and soft water. Production began to expand and improve. An ordinary thirteen-year-old boy became the owner of a popular alcohol brand all over the world. Jack did not sit still, all the time developing his business, doing the right things. marketing moves. So, for example, in 1892, out of thirteen employees of the enterprise, he created a group called the Original Silver Cornet Band, which quickly became famous in the region. Such an advertising move made the brand's products even more in demand.

And we continue to study the difference between popular alcoholic beverages around the world.

Appearance of the bottle

In large glass bottles with a special star marking indicating the period of its exposure, cognac has been produced from the first days of production to this day. "Jack Daniels" (a photo depicting an old product can still be found on the Internet) was originally sold in clay bottles with oak stoppers. There are only a few bottles left, and their price is exorbitantly high. On corks there was an engraving "Mr. Jack", indicating the quality of the goods. Such packaging was replaced by a new one only in 1895, when a traveling salesman from Illinois presented in his presentation a completely new, unusual shape a bottle that breaks all possible stereotypes. It was with a screw cap, square, easy to transport, and Jack liked it so much that he realized that it was in such a container that his Jack Daniels should be sold.

Is it whiskey or cognac?

For a knowledgeable person, such a question can perplex for a few minutes. Both of these strong alcoholic drink aged in oak barrels, but that's where the similarities end. Cognac is made exclusively from white grapes certain varieties, and the raw material for whiskey is one of the types of cereals (rice, millet, wheat, corn, buckwheat, rye or barley). That is, both drinks have a completely different taste and aroma. And, of course, there are a number of differences in manufacturing technology. So if you're interested in the nuances, you'll have to figure out how Jack Daniels is made first. Cognac or whiskey in front of you - it will not be difficult to determine after that.

Production difference

For the distillation of cognac, an alambik is used - a classic cube made of copper, and two devices are used at once in the distillation of whiskey. Moreover, it is interesting that when one of them fails for some reason, it is not repaired, but ordered exactly the same and even with identical defects on the body. The manufacturer excludes any changes in its technology and is afraid of even the slightest deviation from the ideal in taste, so that this does not affect the reputation of such a successful and world famous trademark like Jack Daniels. Cognac is easier to produce and requires only one distillation, while whiskey is often distilled not only two, but three times.

Since 1904, Jack Daniels' drink has been gaining worldwide fame. He first received a gold medal in St. Louis, and in next year it happened again. An international gold medal was awarded to the drink in Belgium, and after that other countries began to award this whiskey with prizes and medals for the most high quality. In 1911, the company lost its founder, who died suddenly due to blood poisoning. His nephew Lem Motl, who decided not to change anything, entered into the rights of inheritance of the plant and property, because the production was already perfectly established, and everyone considered the taste of the drink exceptional. Changes were not made until 1988, when Jack Rare became the head of the company. For filtering began to use the usual charcoal but now the whiskey has been cleared twice. The first, as before, was carried out before it was placed in barrels, the second was made in the fourth year of aging. The drink has acquired an even more elegant taste, delicate and soft at the same time.

The technology for creating cognac is no less interesting. Wine from the province of Cognac did not exceed a strength of seven degrees, and therefore was not stored for a long time. Soon the Normans and Saxons began to refuse to buy it. To preserve the product, winemakers came up with the idea of ​​distilling it and leaving it to wait for the buyer in oak barrels. Often, storage took several years or more, and this is how the first fragrant cognac appeared.

"Jack Daniels": how to distinguish the original from a fake at a glance

In a genuine bottle, the shape is an even parallelepiped with slightly pointed edges and perfectly even ribs. In fake production, this effect is difficult to achieve: the edges are rounded, fuzzy.

Now it is worth paying attention to the design. Embossed inscriptions and engravings on the lower and upper faces of the bottle are a hallmark of the original. It is quite difficult to make them clear, and in a cheap falsified version they will be blurry, smoothed out. If so far it has not been possible to identify a fake, you need to look at the label. The official website of the company has its updated design. We take into account everything: the correctness of the font, the size of the inscription ... If there are no doubts here, you should pay attention to attaching the label to the bottle. On the original, everything will be symmetrical, the fake is distinguished by the presence of traces of glue and the lack of relief.

Cognac can be Dagestan or Armenian, but only France has all the legal rights to its production and strictly monitors the quality of the product, so if another country of origin is indicated on the label, most likely the drink belongs to the category of brandy. Or is it just a fake, not cognac.

"Jack Daniels" (0.5-liter bottle of whiskey) is also distinguished by the presence of a unique EI-code located in the corner of the sticker and indicating the date of packaging and the number of the barrel.

Diving into the depth

Now consider the cork and its design. In the original, it is made of high-quality plastic, covered with a glossy black film with an even cross section. As a rule, there is no film on the counterfeit, and the cap is made of metal. Let's go to the bottom. As mentioned above, it is a square with perfectly clear edges and all the information the consumer needs. A sign of a fake here may be the presence of a circle imprint from a pressing machine; on the original, such a defect simply cannot be. And, of course, the price: about a thousand rubles for a classic 0.5-liter bottle and at least 1,700 rubles. per liter - such a price tag indicates that you have a real Jack Daniels in front of you.

Cognac is a drink with a strength of 40-60 degrees. The raw material for it are white grape varieties. AT classic version press is used for pressing. Sugar is not added here, and the juice is immediately fermented. The result is dry wine. After a few re-distillations and aging in a barrel for at least two years, the resulting cognac spirit can be called cognac.

Proper tasting of the drink

Even the most delicious and high-quality drink can be easily spoiled if used incorrectly. And to appreciate the taste of the original, you need to learn how to taste it. In our country, few people have a clear idea about this. Many are accustomed to drinking strong alcohol in one gulp when good alcohol it is recommended to savor slowly. Even better, if this takes place in a room with dim, subdued lighting and a calm atmosphere that allows you to fully concentrate on the ritual of drinking and get real pleasure from it. The bottle must be cold. And for this, half an hour before the start of the tasting, we put it in the freezer. The drink is served only in deep stemmed glasses, the contents are shaken. They fill the glasses by a third, no more - it is more convenient to observe the overflows and the play of the color of the drink with a beautiful amber tint. This is how Jack Daniels whiskey is drunk.

Cognac (reviews are a direct confirmation of this) they drink, holding the glass a little in their hand and warming it. Its smell is a little tart and sweet, before a small sip, experts recommend that you definitely enjoy its aroma.

1. Mix the drink with another type of alcohol or drink it afterwards.

2. Drink juice, water, etc.

3. Quickly drink and immediately have a snack, without waiting for the aftertaste.

4. Use any decorations for the glass, straws. And cognac and whiskey - true men's drinks, and they simply do not accept such treatment.

Which drink is healthier

When comparing drinks in terms of health benefits, the winner will definitely be Unlike whiskey, it has a beneficial effect on the human body, does not contain esters and fusel oils. But quality malt whiskey useful too. It has more than wine. This antioxidant is able to resist the development of cancerous pathologies and helps the heart. Real american whiskey, tart and sweetish, has firmly won its place in the world. It has subtle notes of caramel, cherry and light haze. And in order to be completely sure of the authenticity of the product, you should buy it exclusively in specialized stores having the necessary quality certificates.