What is the best way to make soap bubbles? Using detergent

The main secret is pharmacy. A mixture of soap and glycerin produces durable sparkling bubbles: it allows you to create not just round balls, but all kinds of sizes and shapes. As a base, you can use both laundry and regular toilet soap. It needs to be finely chopped (you can use a grater), mixed with glycerin and added to water, bringing it to a boil (the mixture needs to be stirred constantly). Ingredient ratio: 50%-50%. Be careful when working with boiling soap: it can gurgle a lot - don't get burned.

You can use dish detergent instead of soap. Ingredient ratio: 100g glycerin, 200g product and 600ml water.

The most difficult method in terms of technique, but it produces the most durable, unbreakable soap bubbles. Necessary ingredients: hot water (not boiling water - 600 ml), liquid glycerin (300 m), ammonia (20 drops) and washing powder (50 g). Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained, let the mixture brew for 72 hours, then filter and put in the refrigerator.

Also, one of the secrets of the beauty of soap bubbles can be called ordinary food coloring. By first dividing the resulting volume of solution into parts and adding a couple of teaspoons of different dyes to them, you will get soap bubbles of all the colors of the rainbow.

How to make soap bubbles at home with your own hands: recipes

Although we have previously looked at several options for how to make soap bubbles at home, as they say, more recipes are better than nothing: there will be plenty to choose from.

1. Soap bubbles recipe for quick and easy preparation: the base is dishwashing liquid.


100 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
400 ml. - water;
2 tsp Sahara.

Mix thoroughly and “voila” - you are ready to organize a grand show of soap bubbles right now.

There is another similar recipe, but in it we replace sugar with glycerin.


150 ml. - dishwashing detergents;
800 ml. - water;
2-3 tbsp. glycerin.

Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

2. Taking care of children: the base is baby shampoo.

Children love to play with soap bubbles, but what to do if drops from bursting soap bubbles get into the baby’s eyes and the game of blowing bubbles turns into a race to the sink to wash out the eyes. In this case, we can only advise using a special soapy liquid based on baby shampoo that does not cause pain or burning when it comes into contact with mucous membranes.


1 glass of baby shampoo;
2 glasses of boiled water.

Stir and let it brew for 24 hours, then add: glycerin (3 tablespoons) or sugar (6 teaspoons). Now you can start a soap bubble show for children without fear for your cute little ones.

3. Recipe for lovers of exquisite aromas: the base is bubble bath.

For half a liter of solution you will need: 380 ml. – foam and 120 ml. - water.

4. Recipe for non-trivial people: the base is corn syrup.


400 ml. – dishwashing detergents;
Liter of water
180 ml. – syrup.

5. Economy option: base – laundry soap.


A glass of water – 200 ml;

40 gr. (2 tbsp) soap shavings;
1 tsp glycerin (can be replaced with sugar or gelatin).

If you don't want to bother with rubbing soap, use liquid soap instead of bar soap. Then the ratio will be as follows: half a glass of soap, 1/4 cup water, glycerin - 10 drops. Let the foam settle (about 2 hours) and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Recipe for people who like to experiment: the base is thick sugar syrup.

The resulting solution will help your fantasy come true: you can put on a soap bubble show for children at home. You will also be able to do various combination figures: to do this, you need to connect inflated, super-strong, unbreakable soap bubbles with each other.

60 ml. syrup (combine water and sugar in a ratio of 10ml/50g);
100 gr. soap shavings;
200gr. glycerin;
400 ml. boiled cooled water.

One of the most favorite activities for any age is soap bubbles. Their recipe has long been known and is widely used by parents in order to turn a child’s everyday life into a holiday. Today on the shelves of children's stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of jars for inflating rainbow bubbles, but their composition is very questionable and unsafe for humans. Therefore, parents have to get sophisticated and look for instructions on how to make homemade ones so as not to harm the health of their child.

There are quite a few options using a variety of ingredients to prepare the desired solution. In this case, you should always strictly follow all instructions and proportions in order to make beautiful and durable soap bubbles. The recipe must be from reliable sources. Otherwise, there is a risk that nothing will work out and the children will be upset.

Main ingredients for soap solution

So, you will need the following components.

  1. Dishwashing liquid. There is no exact brand that can be singled out as the ideal option for creating a solution for soap bubbles. It's worth trying what you use every day.
  2. Soap. Economical is best suited.
  3. Water. This component should be considered carefully. The water that comes out of the tap is not always good for soap bubbles. It contains too many different salts. You should first boil it and let it sit for several hours.
  4. Glycerin solution. This is the component that is responsible for the strength, color and size of the bubble. Glycerin is sold in city pharmacies. One bottle is enough for several times. As a rule, add a teaspoon of glycerin to one liter of soap bubble solution. But there are also exceptions.

Popular recipes

Let's look at the most common options.

Recipe No. 1

The most popular and does not require special ingredients. All you need is a piece and water. These components can be found in any home. The soap should be grated on a coarse grater or cut into small pieces and dissolved in warm water. To speed up the process, the resulting mixture can be placed on low heat and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe No. 2

This is one of the easiest options for making soap bubbles at home with children. To do this you will need: 100 g of dishwashing liquid, 300 ml of water and 50 ml of glycerin. You need to mix all the ingredients. Done, you can start entertaining the kids.

You cannot use tap water because it contains too much salt, this will negatively affect the film.

Glycerin is needed to make the bubbles strong.

Recipe No. 3

For this solution making option you will need several days.

You will need: 300 ml of hot boiled water, 150 ml of glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia, 25 g of washing powder. All this must be mixed thoroughly and left alone for 2-3 days. After the time has passed, the solution must be filtered and placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours. The bubbles are very large and strong. They are no worse than those that professionals use during the holidays.

If you take the matter seriously, you can use the created liquid to create a real soap bubble show. This performance will brighten up any holiday, even if it’s an adult party; it definitely won’t be boring.

Recipe No. 4

This is an option for creating liquid to blow large bubbles.

For this you will need:

  • 1.6 liters of water;
  • 0.5 liters of dishwashing liquid;
  • 0.2 l of glycerin solution;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g gelatin.

Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell. Afterwards, it is necessary to strain and remove unnecessary liquid. Sugar is added to the gelatin, and the mixture is sent to the fire, heated until dissolved, but it should not be allowed to boil. All this is poured into water, then glycerin is added. The solution is mixed so that no foam occurs.

Quality checking

In order to assess whether the resulting soap solution is suitable for blowing bubbles, you need to perform some simple steps. Dip the straw into the liquid. After removal, a film should form at the end of the tube. Now we need to blow.

If at the same time small bubbles fly out, which easily scatter into thousands of small droplets, then it is worth adding a little soap solution (soap, dishwashing liquid, powder, depending on the recipe) and a certain amount of glycerin.

So, by experimenting, you can achieve

Blowing tools

The solution is clear. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and maintain proportions. Now it’s worth paying attention to the fact that liquid alone is not enough to get an unforgettable experience while blowing soap bubbles.

Appropriate props for soap bubbles are also required. However, it does not have to be purchased in a store. It is enough to show your imagination and follow simple instructions.

Making giant soap bubbles

There are several options here too. Let's look at them.

Tool #1

You will need: two cocktail straws, a long cord (about 1 meter).

Manufacturing method: the lace is threaded into tubes. Its ends are tied. You need to leave about 40-50 cm between the tubes. A kind of loop on the sticks should come out.

To get a giant soap bubble, you need to lower this loop with tubes into the prepared solution. At this moment, the sticks should be as close to each other as possible. After this, the tool is removed. You need to start moving the tubes in different directions so that a film forms in the loop. After this, you should guide the structure through the air, creating a huge soap bubble that will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is to be able to let him fly free in time.

Tool No. 2

You will need: electrical cable, cotton cloth.

Manufacturing method: a circle with a diameter of 20-30 cm is made from the cable. Its ends are fixed with an elastic band or fishing line. The fabric is cut into strips. Then you need to wrap the cable around these sections. As a result, the solution will be absorbed into them, and it will last for a long time.

The soapy liquid is poured into a basin of the appropriate size, and the resulting hoop is placed in it. The fabric is soaked in the solution. Next is a matter of technique: you need to move this tool through the air and enjoy what you get. And whatever you want can come out: several large bubbles and one giant one, and even a whole tunnel with which you can wrap yourself and put a child in it.

Tool No. 3

You will need: a cocktail tube, a wire.

Manufacturing method: the wire is attached to a tube, creating a ring. After this, it can be given the desired shape, for example, hearts or stars. In any case, there will be unusual soap bubbles. You can use any recipe for the solution.

Tool No. 4

This is the most budget-friendly and uncomplicated prop. Thanks to it, you get not huge, but quite large soap bubbles. The cost of such an invention is zero.

You will need two hands.

Blowing method: palms are placed in a soap solution. The thumbs and index fingers form a ring through which the bubbles will fly out.

What other tools can be used to blow bubbles?

The easiest way to blow is to use a regular juice straw. There can be many of them. You can take 7 or 10 tubes and secure them with tape. The result is a wonderful device for blowing a large number of bubbles at the same time.

It’s good if you happen to have a plastic carpet beater at home. It can be used in its original form, or you can remove all connections and leave only the outer rim.

A regular funnel is suitable for blowing large bubbles. If during the process it is necessary to draw more air into the lungs, then you need to close the hole with your finger so that what happens does not disappear completely.

You can use a plastic bottle after cutting off the bottom.

Of course, a special machine for soap bubbles is also suitable, which will blow them out without human help or ingenious devices. But such mechanical “blowers” ​​are expensive. At the same time, children are always interested in not only catching rainbow balls, but also taking an active part in their creation.

What's interesting to come up with?

Having figured out how to make homemade soap bubbles, we can consider various entertainment options.

Drawing with rainbow balls

How to make homemade soap bubbles is clear. After making them, you can do not only blowing, but also combine this process with the development of imagination and creative abilities in children. You can draw amazing things with soap bubbles and then add details to them and turn them into real masterpieces.

To do this, you will need not an ordinary soap solution, but a colored one, which is also very easy to make. To do this, add a few drops to the already prepared liquid for bubbles. After this, you can proceed directly to drawing. This is where a juice straw comes to the rescue again. You need to blow through it so that bubbles form on the surface of the soapy liquid. When the foam goes over the edge, carefully place it on a sheet of paper. You need to do this action with the number of colors that you want to see in the future picture.

You can make a foam cap and apply paper to the bubbles.

In both cases, the drawing process ends with the sheet having to dry. Then you can finish drawing what you got into a specific image, or you can leave an abstract picture. It is easy to use for greeting cards and holiday gift wrapping.

A bubble machine will also work here. If you add such a colored solution to it, bring a sheet of paper and hold it for a while, you will also get interesting patterns. The only thing worth considering is that such creativity is best done outdoors. Otherwise, you can damage the furniture or floors. In any case, children will be very interested in watching how colorful bubbles leave beautiful imprints on paper.

Unusual options

Not long ago, non-popping soap bubbles appeared on sale. They are completely safe for people and animals. They contain either gelatin or medical glue. Such bubbles do not burst in your hands; you can build pyramids from them.

If the base of the solution is then bubbles stick to your hands, but do not stick together, after them a film remains on the surface, like from PVA glue, but it is very easily removed. There are no traces left anywhere after the game, although the bubble show will be excellent, because hundreds of small transparent balls fly out at once and end up everywhere.

The gelatin base also makes interesting soap bubbles. Photos with them will turn out amazing, because you can “build” various pyramids. In the case of glycerin solutions, such structures will not work. At the same time, to prevent the soap bubble from bursting, you need to wait a few seconds.

But if you suddenly want to please your child with unpopping bubbles in the very near future, then ordinary woolen mittens or gloves will do. The effect of them will greatly surprise children. When touched with fur, the bubble does not burst, but begins to bounce off the hand, like a rubber ball from a wall. Not only children, but also adults will be captivated by playing with jumping soap bubbles.

Unpopping soap bubbles in winter

This phenomenon can be observed in winter with severe frost. When you blow soap bubbles at temperatures below zero, tiny crystals form on their surface and grow rapidly.

But in the cold you can get different soap bubbles, photos of which will surprise your friends and acquaintances. It all depends on the composition of the liquid used. For example, to get a matte finish, you need to use shampoo as a base. But the bubbles from “Fairy” will not “survive” in the snow, because they will have a more fragile structure. The blowing process itself is also important. The straw is lowered to the bottom of the glass so that the solution covers its outer side. After which the tube is slowly removed, a little foam is captured. When blowing, the straw must be twisted with smooth movements to prevent the accumulation of excess liquid, which can damage the fragile structure.

During the blowing process, foam should accumulate inside the bubble, which will prevent premature bursting. The “foam” side of the ball is placed on the snowy surface. At temperatures below 15 degrees, 10 seconds after the start of blowing, a frozen crystal ball of unprecedented beauty is obtained.


When quiet family evenings with books and TV get boring, why not do something unusual and fun with your children? There are many options - it could be an evening of experiments, a competition, or why not remember the fun that will definitely appeal to both adults and kids?

These are air bubbles that leave no one indifferent and can be easily made at home from the most affordable materials.

Soap bubbles are easy

There are several ways to make a composition for making soap bubbles. The foam turns out to be dense enough to blow bubbles not only in the house, but also outside in the presence of wind. But before you deal with the soap solution, it is better to take care in advance of what you will be blowing them out of.

What should I blow into?

To make the holiday a success, you need to stock up on all kinds of tools for blowing bubbles of all sizes. These can be traditional straws rolled from a sheet of paper, or modern “devices”, for example, cocktail straws with one end cut in the shape of a flower, as well as wire frames for large bubbles.

If there are very young children in the company, then you can use long pasta with a hole as a straw or purchase pistols designed for blowing bubbles. In this case, there will definitely not be enough bubbles! Although a homemade frame made of colored wire and a variety of beads can also become a pleasant gift.

You can also make amazing bubbles using a cut-off plastic bottle.

There can be many ideas, the main thing is to carefully look around and find new uses for familiar and, perhaps, not very necessary things.

Soap solution recipes

Recipe No. 1

This composition can be called the simplest, and to create rainbow bubbles you only need a little dishwashing liquid and sugar.

All ingredients are mixed well, and the party can begin!

Recipe No. 2

Bubbles are no worse if you replace the sugar with glycerin and add more detergent.

  • 150 ml dish soap;
  • 1 liter of clean water;
  • 3 tablespoons of purified glycerin.

The necessary glycerin can be found at your nearest pharmacy. After that, all the ingredients given in the recipe are mixed well, and then the mixture is put away in a cold place for a day.

If you want to amaze adults and children with unusual multi-colored bubbles, you can add a little liquid food coloring or concentrated carrot or beet juice to the composition.

Recipe No. 3

This recipe is for bubbles intended for the littlest kids. If soapy splashes from baby shampoo get into the baby's eyes, parents will not hear crying, and the mood of those present will not be ruined.

  • 100 ml of tear-free shampoo;
  • 1 glass of boiled water;

After mixing, the solution should stand for about a day, after which two tablespoons of glycerin or three tablespoons of sugar are added to it and mixed well again.

Recipe No. 4

This solution will be aromatic thanks to the bubble bath it contains.

  • 3 parts bubble bath;
  • 1 part purified water.

Recipe No. 5

The original recipe can cause a lot of delight and admiration, because syrup is added to the soap bubbles.

  • 400 ml dish soap;
  • 1.5 liters of purified water;
  • 150 ml prepared corn syrup.

Recipe No. 6

If you don’t have anything at hand except laundry soap, then don’t despair. An excellent composition for strong bubbles is obtained from this simple remedy.

Glycerin is not required in this composition. And soap grated on a Turk dissolves better in hot water, and it is important to completely stir the shavings, even if this requires heating the solution again. However, the composition cannot be brought to a boil, and it is important to stir the liquid all the time.

Recipe No. 7

If you don't have laundry soap on hand, you can replace it with liquid hand soap.

  • 100 ml hand soap;
  • 20 ml of clean water;
  • A teaspoon of purified glycerin, which is added a couple of hours after the foam settles. The composition is infused in a cool place for about a day.

Recipe No. 8

This composition produces bubbles of special strength for the most daring experimenters and young scientists.

  • 1 part saturated sugar syrup;
  • 4 parts medical glycerin;
  • 2 parts soap shavings;
  • 8 parts clean or boiled water.

To make sugar syrup, use one part water to five parts sugar.

The bubbles should be so strong that real sculptures can be blown out of them from a soap solution, as was done in the famous Galileo program.

Recipe No. 9

Giant bubbles worthy of any children's party.

  • 50 ml of medical glycerin;
  • 0.5 cups liquid dish soap;
  • 1.5 glasses of clean water;
  • 4 spoons of granulated sugar.

To make it more convenient to blow truly giant bubbles, it is better to make the solution in a wide saucepan, bowl or basin. And for blowing, use a frame of a suitable size or, if the container allows, even a hoop of small diameter. True, in this case you will have to get an assistant, because getting the hoop out of the basin is difficult for one person.

To prepare a soap solution for bubbles, it is better to use filtered or boiled water to avoid unnecessary impurities.

Impurities can also include perfume additives that are part of soap or detergent. Therefore, it is better to take neutral compounds that give a stronger solution.

The denser the solution, the more difficult it is to get a large number of bubbles from it, but the resulting ones will be quite strong and persistent.

To guarantee a bubble, you need to wait until there is a smooth film on the frame, without fine foam around the edge of the frame. You can avoid excessive foam if you let the foam settle directly on the frame, cool the solution, or let it sit in a cool place for some time.

It is generally easier to blow bubbles in humid weather. But the rain can ruin it, since the bubbles will burst from the drops.

You can make the solution denser by adding sugar syrup or glycerin, but it is important to stop in time, otherwise the soap composition will be spoiled.

The wind and dust swirling in the air will prevent the bubbles from forming.

To get more bubbles, it makes more sense to let the composition brew properly. Therefore, it is better to make the solution in advance. The entire process may take from 12 hours to a day.

Both children and adults enjoy the process of blowing bubbles from soap. When looking at the rainbow splendor, a feeling of delight arises, the mood rises, but the short duration of this phenomenon is upsetting. To solve this problem, many methods have been invented that make it possible to obtain durable soap bubbles even in standard home conditions from solutions tested by different people.

Among the variety of recipes that can be followed to make soap bubbles at home, it will not be difficult to choose the appropriate option for specific conditions. There are some general rules that it is advisable to take into account so as not to be disappointed with the result.

  • Water, which is the dominant component of the soap solution, must be clean. Therefore, it is advisable to first boil it and cool it. If possible, use distilled water.
  • To achieve the best result, you don’t need to get carried away with adding aromatic perfume additives to the soap solution.
  • Before making a solution for soap bubbles, the exact amount of glycerin or sugar introduced for the predicted strength is studied, since their excess worsens this indicator.
  • It is advisable not to use the prepared composition for soap bubbles immediately, but to keep it in the refrigerator for about two days. This will reduce foaming and make the surface layer uniform, which improves the quality of blowing. This is taken into account when starting to master the technique of how to make soap bubbles at home with high quality.
  • The balloons will burst less if the blowing process is carried out at a slow pace, trying to distribute the air evenly.
  • The consistency of soap bubbles for children should not be too dense. Although they are less durable, it is much easier for a child to blow them.

If we blow soap bubbles at different temperatures outside, the weather should be calm. You will not get a colorful picture if there is an excessive amount of dust in the air, due to which the ball bursts before reaching the desired size.

Methods for creating strong bubbles

When choosing methods to solve the problem, how to do it, you should pay special attention to methods using pharmaceutical glycerin. So that the rainbow ball does not burst immediately , There are different variations of compositions, which gives you the opportunity to choose.

  • To make soap bubbles with glycerin in the classic version, take unscented laundry soap (50g) and plan it with a knife or grate it. Pour boiling water (500 ml). Stir until all the shavings are completely dissolved. You can’t boil it, but you can heat it slightly to better melt the soap. If the consistency of the bubble solution ends up being lumpy, you can strain it using cheesecloth. At the end, glycerin (4 teaspoons) is added.
  • There is an affordable variety of soap bubbles made from glycerin (6 tablespoons) combined with baby shampoo (400 ml). Add water (800 ml) to this mixture.
  • To produce soap bubbles with your own hands, you can successfully use household products designed for household dishwashing. They are added to the water in a ratio of 1:10 and two tablespoons of glycerin are poured in per 500 ml of liquid.
  • Bubbles are easily created if you add ready-made or pre-prepared corn syrup, a household product used to wash kitchen utensils, into water in a ratio of 12:3:4.
  • Dense gel bubbles are obtained if glycerin (20 drops) is added to a mixture of distilled water (40 ml) and liquid soap (200 ml) after 2 hours. After stirring, the solution sits in the refrigerator for a day. Small children will not be able to handle such balls.

To make unbreakable soap bubbles, prepare shavings from a bar weighing 200 g. Pour it into hot water (800 ml). If you set yourself the goal of getting bubbles that do not burst, you must remember to stir the soap solution until smooth.

Add glycerin (400 ml), sugar (80 g). Be sure to mix again so that future balls turn out truly unbreakable.

If you follow all the rules, you will get a solution that will allow you not only to blow unpopped bubbles, but also to make various compositions out of them on a smooth plane.

"Stringy" bubbles

Every child dreams of mastering a recipe for making giant soap bubbles, like the ones shown on various shows.

There are different variations of combining a certain group of components that allow you to prepare a solution for blowing surprisingly colorful large soap bubbles, surprising and delighting all spectators.

Before preparing one of the options, you need to tune in to the duration of this process. Mix boiled hot water (300 ml) with glycerin (150 ml). Add powdered detergent (25 g) and pour in ammonia (10 drops). After mixing, give the composition 72 hours to infuse. Then comes the straining operation. The final step before making huge soap bubbles yourself is to keep the prepared product in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

If you want to observe colored soap bubbles, then add food coloring of the desired shade to the solution.

There are also options for producing soap bubbles of impressive size.

  • A simple preparation of one of the types of solution involves mixing water (150 ml), liquid detergent usually used for washing dishes (50 ml), glycerin (25 ml) and sugar (2 teaspoons).
  • You can make homemade soap bubbles that are amazing in size if you use gelatin (40 g), which is soaked until it swells according to the instructions on the bag and then filtered. The further process of creating liquid for voluminous soap bubbles involves adding sugar (50 g) to gelatin and melting the mixture without boiling using a microwave or water bath. Then the resulting mass is placed in warm water (800 ml), dishwashing detergent (200 ml), glycerin (150 ml) is added and mixed thoroughly.

All components from which soap bubbles are made are available. The main rule is to follow the sequence of actions. It makes sense to try out different options and then choose the best one. Typically, the solution for giant balls is poured into a basin and equipment, the role of which can be played by a gymnastic hoop, is immersed. It is immersed in the composition and, evenly lifted, pulled out.

Bubbles from where there is sufficient humidity are most suitable and they do not burst longer. They also do not harm furniture and other accessories.

You can offer children an educational game. For her, the soap composition is distributed into several glasses and watercolor paints of different shades are added to each. When blowing colored soap bubbles, you need to orient their flight so that they land on white paper. Gradually, a fantasy composition is compiled from the prints, which can be good enough for interior decoration.

In winter, frozen soap bubbles become a fascinating sight, which even children can make. With high-quality preparation and performance of all actions, they demonstrate their beauty for a long time.

To blow soap bubbles in the cold, you should remember that they freeze at a temperature no higher than minus seven degrees. It is important what the solution is. You can make it without glycerin from shavings prepared from a bar of laundry soap. They are gradually poured into the water and stirred carefully, avoiding the appearance of a bubbling surface film. Bubbles are blown from time to time. If they burst in the room after 5 seconds, it means that the concentration of the solution is sufficient and such balls can be frozen.

It is important to consider tips on how to properly blow on a frosty street. The straw should be lowered into the container to the bottom. This technique allows you to cover its outer surface with a solution. If there is little liquid, then the vessel is tilted. After collecting the soap sediment, remove the straw, trying to keep a drop of foam at the tip. You will need it if you plan to place a frozen soap bubble on the snow.

When blowing, you can freeze bubbles that do not come off the straw. At a fairly low temperature (about – 17°C), the balls, taking off into the air, freeze right in flight. But there is no need to leave foam for them. If you make colored soap bubbles for freezing, you can create a colorful spectacle by adding lighting.

Blowing devices

The effectiveness of any spectacle is ensured by properly selected equipment. To blow large bubbles, you will need rackets, which can be of different diameters.

To perform the trick of enclosing a person in a giant ball, a large diameter racket (˃ 30 cm) and a tray corresponding to its dimensions are used. Such props are most often purchased ready-made. Most often, for amateur shows, the pallet is mounted directly into the work table. It can be rubber, plastic, solid cast or made of foamed polypropylene. Additionally, the tray is equipped with a drain.

A children's soap bubble generator will help you organize a party; when you start it, rainbow balls begin to be blown under air pressure through stencils of various shapes.

As a gift for your child, you can buy a gun for blowing soap bubbles, which usually runs on batteries, although there are devices that operate without them.

At home, they often make do with simple devices - tubes, wire loops. Nice large balls come out of equipment made from an ordinary plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off.

A successful imitation when decorating a room for a holiday can be created using vector pictures depicting soap balls on a transparent background.

Soap bubbles are one of the simplest, but at the same time exciting and fun games. It is interesting for children and adults, one person and a large company, at home and outdoors. You can, of course, buy ready-made liquid, but it’s more pleasant to make your own solution for soap balls. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

The main components of the solution are water, soap shavings, glucose and glycerin. But it is important to observe the proportions when preparing and follow some recommendations.

Useful tips for preparing liquid at home

  1. It is recommended to make a solution based on distilled water, although, in extreme cases, boiled water will do. But you should not use ordinary tap water; due to the impurities it contains, the quality of the resulting composition will be significantly lower.
  2. To make the figures as strong as possible, you should add glycerin. Regular sugar will also help increase elasticity.
  3. Detergents should contain as little perfume additives as possible.
  4. Just be sure not to overdo it with the amount of ingredients, otherwise, due to excessive density, it will be difficult to blow out the balls.
  5. If you are making formula for babies, its density should be slightly lower. The balls, of course, will become less durable, but blowing them out will be much easier.
  6. If possible, it is recommended to keep the finished solution for 16-20 hours. And preferably in a cold place. During this period, unnecessary foam will settle, and the toy will become of better quality.
  7. The foam in the composition forms extra balls at the edges of the soap film, which spoil the blowing process.
  8. Wind and dust greatly interfere with strong balls, but high humidity, on the contrary, helps.

Are you puzzled by the question: how to make soap bubbles at home? It's easy! Follow the indicated proportions and everything will work out. After all, the composition of the mixture is very simple, and the main action that needs to be performed is to mix well.

For small children

  • Purified water – 0.2 liters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Baby shampoo 100 milliliters

Thanks to its safe composition, it is ideal for children. Glycerin can be replaced with 75 grams of sugar.

Classic recipe

  • Dishwashing liquid – 70 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Purified water – 0.2 liters

After mixing all the components, leave the mixture in a cold place for 16-20 hours. Detergent can be replaced with 20 grams of grated laundry soap.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, mix purified water and grated laundry soap until completely dissolved. As the process progresses slowly, the mixture can be warmed up a little, just don’t forget to stir it.

Without glycerin

  • Shower gel or shampoo (with a minimum amount of additives) – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 70 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Dish soap – 70 milliliters

Mix sugar with water until it is completely dissolved, then add household chemicals and let it sit for at least one hour.

Mix with syrup

  • Corn syrup – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 0.6 liters
  • Dish detergent – ​​150 milliliters

Fragrant solution

  • Purified water – 0.1 liters
  • Bath foam – 300 milliliters

Thanks to the fragrances in the foam, the liquid turns out to be very aromatic, you can always choose the scent that is attractive to you.


Recipe for giant soap bubbles

There are several such recipes for self-cooking; they differ in the components and time required for preparation.

Method No. 1

  • Granulated sugar – 175 – 200 grams
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 150 milliliters
  • Gelatin – 15 grams

Dissolve sugar in a mixture of gelatin and water, after it has cooled to 30°C, pour in detergent. After mixing, you can use immediately.

Method No. 2

It is similar to the previous one, but it also contains glycerin.

  • Purified water (warm) – 400 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Gelatin – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 50 milliliters
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 100 milliliters

Allow the gelatin to swell, stir the resulting suspension with sugar and add purified water, add the remaining ingredients. The main thing is not to shake the solution so that foam does not form.

Video: making huge soap bubbles with your own hands:

Very strong

In order to make a super-strong composition, there are several methods.

Method No. 1

  • Grated laundry soap – 15 grams
  • Purified water – 0.15 liters
  • Detergent – ​​20 milliliters
  • Highly concentrated sugar syrup - 20 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 60-80 milliliters

Mix all components thoroughly. This product can be used to blow shapes of any shape and size.

Method No. 2

It will take much more time, but the soap bubbles will not burst.

  • Purified water (hot) – 0.3 liters
  • Ammonia – 10 drops
  • Washing powder – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 150 milliliters

After mixing the components, leave them for two to three days. Then filter and put in a cold place for 10-12 hours. A little tedious, but the effect is like that of professional solutions.

Checking the quality of the solution

The check can be carried out using several parameters

  • Blow a bubble through a straw and touch it with a finger previously soaked in the foam; if the ball bursts, the mixture is too watery, there is not enough soap and a few drops of glycerin.
  • If the liquid is difficult to blow out and immediately falls, add a little water to it.
  • Proper bubbles should be easy to inflate, not burst, and be large and colorful.

To prepare multi-colored balls, add food coloring to the resulting liquid, or divide it into parts and add a different color to each of them. And the aroma of strawberry, vanilla or chocolate will give the resulting mixture an appropriate detergent or bubble bath.

A little history

The history of this toy goes back thousands of years. During excavations in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered drawings on the walls depicting small children blowing balloons.

It is unknown who exactly came up with the idea of ​​producing soap solutions. But the first official sales of this liquid are documented in London in the second half of the 19th century. And literally 50 years later, such a mixture could be bought everywhere and at an affordable price.


What are they inflating with?

Now it’s worth considering what they are blown through. Any straw, even an empty reed inside, is considered a classic device for blowing bubbles. It was used several hundred years ago and continues to be widely used today. But what other options are there?

  • A special gun that can be purchased at a toy store
  • Store-bought bottle with stick
  • Ballpoint pen (without refill)
  • Shaped baking molds
  • Funnel, either plastic or rolled paper
  • Cocktail straw cut at the end
  • A do-it-yourself woven wire frame; such a device can be decorated with beads, stones and ribbons. It will look bright and festive
  • For huge figures, a plastic bottle without a bottom is suitable
  • Racket without net
  • Carpet beater

In stores specializing in organizing children's parties, you can find devices of any size and shape for the presented toy. You can blow one large bubble at a time or enjoy the sight of many small balls.

Favorable external factors

If you use the toy outdoors, the main factor influencing the result will be weather conditions. Dry wind, dust, high temperature can spoil the entertainment experience. Higher humidity, on the contrary, will make the quality of the balls higher. The ideal times are considered to be morning and evening after heavy rain.

When playing at home, avoid drafts and operating split systems, dry climates, hot and dusty rooms. And don’t forget, bursting figures leave imprints on surfaces (furniture, wallpaper, suspended ceilings, parquet, etc.).

By the way, at an air temperature below -15°C, bubbles freeze upon contact with the surface of the earth, and at a temperature 10 degrees lower they freeze in the air.


You can blow soap balls not only through a round hole. With the help of the following “tricks” you can diversify your vacation or complement your holiday with unusual surprises.

  1. Technical device for blowing bubbles. A solution is poured into the generator, and the device itself releases strong balls in different directions. Both professional liquids and those prepared independently are suitable for it.
  2. Such entertainment looks very impressive in winter. When frozen, the bubbles turn into a fabulous design of small snowflakes.
  3. You can depict a matryoshka doll. To do this, pour the solution into a saucer, dip the tube and blow out the ball so that it remains in the container. Place the same straw inside it and blow it again. In the middle of the larger bubble, a smaller one will begin to appear. The procedure can be repeated for a very long time.
  4. Blow balls from several containers with multi-colored soap solutions onto a white sheet of paper. This way you can create an amazing and colorful drawing.
  5. And of course, you can just let the balls fly in the bathtub. Run a bath of warm water, light floating candles and blow out soap shapes. In this light they look even more impressive and mesmerizing.

Safety precautions:

  1. Protect your respiratory and vision organs from contact with the solution.
  2. Keep an eye on children: do not taste the resulting soapy water.
  3. Do not blow bubbles towards animals or people
  4. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water.
  5. After using the toy, be sure to wash your hands in clean water.

Video: how to make colored bubbles?