Yorkshire pudding by Lisa Oliver. Christmas pudding from Jamie Oliver's mum

Any repair should start from the ceiling, because one careless movement can ruin the look of new wallpaper or expensive flooring. Gone are the days when whitewashing was the usual and only way of finishing. Today there are many options that allow you to highlight the advantages of the interior.

One of them is the use of acrylic paint and then decorating the ceiling with ceiling plinth. Today it is one of the most popular surface coatings. However, before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the work.

The process must be performed according to certain rules and sequence. Otherwise, the result may be disappointing. The ceiling surface for painting must be carefully prepared so that the painting work can highlight the advantages of the interior. Much attention must be paid to the choice of color, because this will make it possible not only to decorate the room in an original way, but also, if necessary, to divide it into functional zones.

Acrylic paint is used to treat any surfaces - concrete, metal, wood, plastic, plastered and others. It is a polymer solution in a dispersion form and is highly soluble in water. Odorless and non-toxic.

The dried layer takes on the appearance of a glossy film, which is very durable. The advantages of acrylic paint include its fire resistance, resistance to abrasion and alkali. The disadvantage is the absolute intolerance of low temperatures; under their influence it bursts.

Until recently, ceilings were not particularly diverse. And, although today the white color of the ceiling is quite relevant, changing its color scheme using acrylic paint is quite possible. To do this, you just need to mix the desired color with acrylic ceiling paint. It is also important that the ceiling covered with such a composition does not change color for a long period of time.

Choosing acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is produced in various types - it can be intended for wall surfaces, ceiling doors, etc.

Therefore, when making a purchase, you need to carefully read the instructions:

  • matte or glossy: if you plan to paint in a room where humidity is high, it is better to give preference to the glossy option;
  • color: white paint also has its own shades, so you need to immediately choose the right option, and you need to immediately buy the required quantity from the same manufacturer;
  • When painting a ceiling, not a lot of material is used, but glossy paint uses less matte paint. The number of layers must also be determined in advance.

Using acrylate paint

Acrylate paint is used to create a decorative coating on the surface of walls. The advantage is that it can be used in cold climates. Acrylate paint consists of water purified from all kinds of impurities, a solvent, a special preservative that prevents the oxidation of compounds for coloring, and a concentrated pigment.

The composition also includes an acrylate dispersion, a thickener, antifreeze and a coalescent (a special substance that binds the particles of the composition). Substances that improve its properties can also be additionally added. Which paint is better to use – acrylic or acrylate? There are many building materials that have the same base.

Acrylic and acrylate differ in their binders. For the production of acrylic paints, concentrated substances without impurities are used. Acrylate paint contains vinyl, latex or styrene dispersions, which can significantly reduce the price of the material.

Using acrylic water-based paints

Water-based acrylic ceiling paint is one of the most popular. It got its name due to the fact that its main component is acrylic resins. Using acrylic paints is quite expensive. But the water-based one containing acrylic copolymers is much cheaper, although it is also a fairly high-quality material.

The elasticity of acrylic materials is often increased by adding latex to them. At the same time, such water-based paint acquires good moisture resistance. A ceiling painted with it can be washed without worrying at all that it will deteriorate. Water-based paint dries quickly - it only takes a few hours to dry completely.

How to prepare the surface

Before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, you need to cover the furniture and floor with film so that nothing gets dirty when preparing and painting the surface.

Preparation takes place in several stages:

  1. Cleaning the ceiling surface from old finishing materials and dust. This is done using a brush or roller, periodically wetting them in water. Glossy or matte surfaces are cleaned by adding detergent to water.
  2. The cracks are opened with a spatula, and then cleaned and covered with putty.
  3. The surface is being primed.
  4. Due to the fact that painting the ceiling with acrylic paint is carried out on a flat surface, the putty must be treated with sandpaper to create roughness.

Paint preparation and tools

The quality of the work depends on how correctly the water-based paint is prepared. The work must be performed in accordance with the instructions included. If it is said that it must be diluted with water, then usually about 5-10% is required. If it is not required to be diluted, then this is also always indicated in the instructions.

When choosing a tool, you can choose a brush or roller. It is better to use a brush when painting small areas. It is more convenient to paint large ceilings with a roller. The technology of painting with these tools has its own characteristics.

Painting with a brush

To prevent water-based paint from flowing during operation, you can attach foam rubber to the handle, just above the brush. When lowering the brush into the container, you need to be careful that it does not come into contact with the bottom. Otherwise, the tool may become deformed. When removing the brush from the container, you can tap on its edge - this will remove excess paint.

The brush strokes should be uniform to obtain wide stripes, which should be carefully shaded to avoid streaks. To obtain a smooth surface, crossing strokes is mandatory. When resting while working, you must not allow the brush to dry out - once it becomes stiff, it will become unsuitable for work. At the end of the work, the brush should be washed thoroughly.

Roller painting

When choosing a roller for work, you need to ensure that its size matches the dimensions of the room. When immersed in paint, the roller must be completely saturated. After this, you need to roll it over a bathtub or a piece of old linoleum. This action is necessary so that it is evenly distributed on the roller. The result will be an even coating. Ignoring this point can cause streaks and unsightly stains on the ceiling.

It is correct to start the process by applying a large amount of paint and then distributing it over the surface. The strokes should be placed crosswise in relation to each other - this way it will lie evenly, without leaving streaks or traces of the tool.

Dyeing technology

How to paint a ceiling using acrylic paint correctly? You need to start working from the corners. For this it is better to use a brush. It is advisable to apply the paint in one motion so that there are no areas of different colors on the ceiling covering. In this case, the movements must be in the same direction. Application of the next layer should be perpendicular to the first. After this, the layer must be smoothed to avoid streaks.

Before you start painting a second time, you need to evaluate the quality of the work done. Poorly painted areas must be corrected immediately. But in no case should you paint over them using thick paint - this requires a liquid consistency to blur the first layer and eliminate the resulting defects. Each layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Acrylic water-based paint is very rarely applied to the ceiling in one layer. As a rule, 2-3 applications are done. After the ceiling is painted, you need to make sure that the coating is done well. If stains are found, you will have to sand the entire ceiling using fine sandpaper. But this method can only be used if 1-2 layers have been applied. With a larger number of layers, unfortunately, all the work will have to be redone.

Acrylic paint is becoming more and more popular every year. It is easy to use and environmentally friendly. Today it is used in many fields of activity: construction, nail services, and creativity. The technique for performing work using this paint can be different. We'll talk about how to use acrylic paints in this article.


This paint has a number of advantages over other paints and varnishes.

She is appreciated for:

  • versatility;
  • practicality in application;
  • practicality in operation;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness.

How to choose?

The choice of paint begins with determining how it will be used: interior, decorative or applied. There are two types of paint composition: organic and synthetic. Each of them is based on artificial resins. Dyes are used to create coloring pigment. Artificial pigments appear in bright and rich colors, and the natural base appears in pastel colors.

As already mentioned, acrylic is a universal type of paint and varnish materials. It can be used in any room. Acrylic dye is not afraid of moisture. You don't have to be a master to carefully cover any surface with it. First of all, buyers choose a material by color, then turn to information about the purpose. It can be found on the packaging. There is permanent paint, for ceilings, for facades or for interior work.

So, there are usually several types of acrylic paints:

  • Wear-resistant the paint is recommended for rooms with high levels of humidity.
  • Deep matte and matte paints are suitable for walls and ceilings in dry rooms. They hide small and insignificant irregularities, are easy to apply and have breathable properties. Before this, you need to remove the whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Glossy the paint does not hide unevenness and visually enhances the texture.

The color range of paints is wide. It is possible to make the shade yourself; for this, colors are used. They interfere with the white color and create the desired shade. Kohler is a concentrated paint. It can be thick or liquid.

White paint is divided into milky white, white and super white. For a purer shade, it is better to use the last two colors.

It is enough to follow the following points to properly mix the paint with the color:

  • carefully read the instructions and color chart;
  • use paint and colors from the same manufacturer;
  • mix them in a separate container;
  • You only need to mix the amount that needs to be used for painting at the moment.

Paint for outdoor use used to cover house facades and other outdoor items. There are two types of paint for facade work: water-based and based on organic compounds. The second is especially good for working at low temperatures in winter. It lays flat and dries quickly at sub-zero temperatures. Acrylic paint is highly wear-resistant, highly protective and durable, making it suitable for concrete products. The paint protects concrete from the influence of weather conditions and mechanical stress.

Acrylic-based coating is also chosen for wooden products. It has the following properties:

  • resistance to changes in temperature and moisture;
  • wear resistance prevents cracks from forming on the wooden surface;
  • retains color for ten years;
  • it is characterized by vapor permeability;
  • dries quickly;
  • easy to use;
  • no need to scrape off the old layer to apply a new coat of paint.

Artists and designers use acrylic for painting furniture, creating patterns on glass, drawings on fabric and for painting. There is acrylic for children's creativity - this paint is brighter and easier to wash off. It is non-toxic and is stored in plastic jars. There are also paints that have special properties, such as glow in the dark, fluorescent and pearlescent.

Paint for decorative works Available in jars and tubes. Both forms of storage are convenient to use. Paint in tubes can be purchased individually. It is worth noting that jars and tubes of paint come in different sizes. Acrylic fabric paints are distinguished by their elastic properties. When heated with an iron, they acquire a plastic structure and penetrate into the fabric. After dyeing, it is recommended to wash items by hand.

Acrylic paint for nails It is also stored in jars and tubes. The material in the jars is necessary to create a pattern with a brush or using other tools. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with water. Thanks to the narrow spout at the end of the tube, the paints are ready for use immediately. Tubes can also be purchased individually.

Types of surfaces

As already mentioned, acrylic paint has a universal property - it is used on different types of surfaces. Acrylic is “friendly” even with previously painted surfaces. The material can be applied to water-based paint without any problems, since both coatings are created on the same base. Acrylic paint can be used over oil paint. In this case, it is necessary to sand the area to be painted to increase adhesion. Acrylic paint also applies smoothly to latex coatings, since they have a similar composition.

The painted surface does not need to be specially prepared. In this case, sanding is only needed to level the walls. Alkyd and acrylic paints are completely different in composition, so it is not recommended to use one coating over the other. It is better to clean off the alkyd paint, prime the surface and apply a new color.

This cleaning process is also suitable for enamel paint. The enamel should be removed from the surface, the wall should be cleaned and the prepared area should be painted with acrylic paint.

Preparation usually involves sanding and coating with various types of primers. The soil plays the role of a compactor; it penetrates into surface cracks, creating a more dense structure of the product. Preparing plywood for painting occurs in several stages:

  • sanding - at this stage, defects and unevenness are removed using sandpaper, it is important to create a smooth top layer;
  • coating with the first layer of primer;
  • after drying, it is sanded again to remove small and insignificant irregularities and dust is removed;
  • coating with a second layer of primer;
  • After complete drying, the plywood is ready for painting

The plastic is prepared as follows:

  • removal of dirt and dust;
  • grinding - the surface should be rough to increase adhesion;
  • Before applying the primer layer, the plastic is degreased with alcohol;
  • primer;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Chipboard is prepared in several stages:

  • if the chipboard product is a piece of furniture, then it is necessary to unscrew all the fittings;
  • if necessary, you need to remove the old layer of paint and varnish material and sand it;
  • remove contaminants;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • if there are cracks, putty, sand the uneven areas again, remove dirt, and then prime;
  • After the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting.

To create a creative room interior, you can paint the wallpaper. For proper application, several important points should be observed:

  • Choose wallpaper for painting. They come in different types. Glass wallpaper is best suited for acrylic dyes.
  • The color of the wallpaper can vary, but it is better to choose white wallpaper for brighter shades of paint.
  • You can paint the wallpaper only after the glue has completely dried.
  • You can paint using a brush or roller. For textured wallpaper, a spray bottle is more suitable, as it completely paints the wall.

When painting wallpaper, the same rule applies: matte paints hide imperfections, while glossy paints visually enhance the structure.

To prepare for painting concrete, you need to follow several points:

  • Check the moisture content of the concrete. If the concrete product is relatively new (less than a month from the date of manufacture), then it is not worth painting. Humidity will cause paint to crack and fall off. You can check the humidity level as follows: stick a 1 m2 plastic bag to the wall using tape. If condensation remains on the film during the day, then such concrete should not be painted.
  • If necessary, you need to level the wall using putty in two layers. The second layer should be thin and as even as possible.
  • Then you need to sand the walls with sandpaper.
  • Apply 2-3 layers of concrete primer, waiting for each layer to dry completely.
  • Paint it.

Polystyrene foam is a universal insulation material. Sometimes it acts as a finishing surface. This type of plane is not so easy to paint with any paint, but acrylic compositions are very suitable for this. The foam coating must be properly prepared for good adhesion and even painting:

  • Clean from dirt and accumulated dust.
  • Cover with acrylic primer.
  • The foam has a very smooth surface, so the primer will flow and create a textured surface. Hence, the point of sanding is very important. Be sure to wait until the primer coat has completely dried.
  • The foam is ready for painting.

As described earlier, acrylic paint is not afraid of temperature changes, therefore, it is suitable for painting hot radiators. Such metal products are prepared in compliance with the following rules:

  • choose acrylic paint with rust protection or metal paint;
  • remove old coating using a wire brush;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • Apply primer to the entire area to be painted;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Painting brick walls does not require any special skills. The acrylic coating does not bubble or crack when the warm brick structure is exposed to the cold. Brick preparation proceeds as follows:

  • clean the surface from dirt;
  • You need to grind not only the surface of the bricks, but also between them;
  • prime with acrylic primer;
  • Check the surface for unevenness and begin painting.

There are special acrylic paints for glass. Glass products are prepared as follows:

  • cleaned of contaminants and degreased using alcohol or special solutions;
  • then a thin layer of paint is applied;
  • to create stained glass, you can use stencils - they are placed under the glass and outlined along the lines with contour acrylic paints;
  • The outline dries in 25-30 minutes, after which you can paint it with colored paints. They dry in about 24 hours.

Fibreboard has a porous structure. Therefore, the stages of preparing such material will be as follows:

  • clean from dirt;
  • polish;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • saturate the surface with drying oil (using a paint brush);
  • After drying, you can apply paint.

Wooden surfaces are porous materials. When preparing for painting, the following rules should be observed:

  • remove the old layer of paint;
  • clean from dirt and dust;
  • remove all fittings;
  • sand with sandpaper or a special tool;
  • fill all cracks and irregularities and sand again;
  • apply 1-2 layers of primer;
  • The wooden product is ready for painting.

Plaster is suitable as a base for wall painting. When painting this surface, you should follow the basic rules of painting: cleaning, sanding, priming, coating.

Required Tools

Acrylic dyes are universal in use. Thanks to its water-based composition, acrylic can be given a more liquid consistency without special solutions. This requires the simplest tools that are found in every home.

What to paint with?

A brush is a universal tool for painting and creating designs. Use wide flat paint brushes to create a solid color. For more complex surfaces (pipe, battery) use a round brush. For drawing, you can use both paint brushes and art brushes. A line brush is a flat brush with short bristles. It is suitable for creating straight lines.

It should be remembered that art brushes for acrylic should be chosen from synthetic or bristles.

There are brushes for manicure. It is recommended to work with such tools in bright light and with a palette. Large flat areas are painted with a roller. It is chosen according to the length and composition of the fur coat. The longer the pile of the fur coat, the more textured the coating will be. For a smooth finish, use felt or nylon rollers. Mini rollers are used when painting corners, joints or transferring a design using a stencil. When working with a roller, use a special tray.

The paint from the spray gun is sprayed widely, so you should use a protective mask and protective clothing when working.

How to paint?

Regular surface painting is feasible for anyone. In this case, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • You should cover all areas that cannot be painted with paper or masking tape (windows, floors, baseboards).
  • You can prepare the surface and cover it with acrylic paint using a simple pattern from the corners and openings to the center. The corners are painted with a brush or a small roller; for the rest of the area it is better to use a large roller.
  • The spray gun is used for painting large surfaces, for example, the roof of a house, the facade of a building. A spray gun nozzle with a smaller spray angle is used in the room. Water-based paint can be diluted with water in an amount of 10-15% of the total volume.
  • Working with color is difficult, it is quite labor-intensive work. Mix paint and colors in a separate container. First, the main color is poured in, and then the color is added in small quantities, portionwise. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the composition until the color is uniform so that streaks do not form.

Facade acrylic paint is best suited for painting facades. The coloring rules are as follows:

  • Before painting the facade, you should prepare the surface depending on its type (concrete, wood). Then all places that must be protected from paint are covered. It is better to paint large areas with a roller or spray gun.
  • The choice of facade color depends on the color of the roof of the house. Landscape designers recommend using a combination of brown and green colors to visually create a cozy house made of wood. Experts advise painting the blind area of ​​the house and doors in a dark color. It should be remembered that the house will appear larger if its color is light.

Furniture painting: master class for beginners

Using acrylic paint you can turn an old cabinet into a beautiful piece of furniture. To do this you need to follow these simple rules:

  • After thorough sanding, it is necessary to prime the surface with white acrylic paint.
  • We paint the carved inserts on the doors in a contrasting color, for example, black. You can do the carving yourself.
  • On the tabletop of the cabinet we draw the design with a roller using a stencil. For people who have a lot of experience with paint, you can sketch the sketch in pencil and color it by hand.

Correct use of manicure paints

Using acrylic paint you can create an individual design on your nails. It's very easy to do this:

  • after a cosmetic manicure, the nail is covered with the main color of gel polish;
  • then the design is applied with acrylic using a special manicure brush;
  • After 3 minutes of drying, the surface can be coated with transparent gel nail polish.

The color of the varnish depends on the desired pattern. But there are several basic rules that nail service technicians follow:

  • for short nails, dark and bright colors of varnish are suitable: red, black, burgundy, purple and others;
  • for long nails it is better to choose delicate colors and shades: beige, white, pink, milky, etc.


Paint consumption is calculated only for painting work. In other cases, these points are not relevant (artwork, nail coating). Consumption is indicated on the packaging. It all depends on the type of paint and manufacturer. You can calculate the required volume by determining the area that needs to be painted. What is important is paint consumption, surface porosity and the number of layers (usually 1-2).

The packaging may indicate a value of 1 l/m2. This means that one liter of paint can cover one square meter of area. As a rule, the error is indicated based on the porosity of the surface - 0.1-0.25 l/m2. 0.1/m2 – for a smooth and dense surface, 0.25/m2 – for an absorbent and porous surface.

You should not skimp on paint by diluting it with water. The composition will have a liquid structure, which will create additional layers of stains.

How long does it take to dry?

The coating dries depending on the thickness of the layer, but not for long - most often from several minutes to a day. The paint takes 24 hours to dry when applied extensively and thickly. Paint can dry faster with minimal humidity, warm temperatures and in a ventilated area. The paints take a few minutes to dry.

Yorkshire pudding is a traditional English pudding from the county of Yorkshire. It is prepared from batter. Initially, the recipe was slightly different. But the composition of the products, in general, has not changed. I present to you a modern version of the preparation. I have made these puddings more than once using different recipes from Jamie Oliver, I have tried 2 recipes.

Then I also saw 2 versions of Yorkshire puddings from Jamie with different proportions. I offer you 1 of the options; Yorkshire puddings according to this recipe are similar to the truth). Although I can offer another option for the proportions of the products, which, it seems to me, will also please you with an excellent result.

Break 3 eggs into a glass and measure for yourself the volume that the eggs occupy. Next, we take all other products (except salt), that is, milk and flour of the same volume. For the rest we act the same.

Traditionally, in Yorkshire, these puddings are served with roast beef and gravy. But you can get creative and serve them with some kind of spread. For example, Jamie suggests making salmon buttercream to go with them. Break this still warm pudding and spread with cream.

In general, these puddings remind me of very light and airy savory buns.

Yorkshire pudding comes from England and is one of the classic English desserts. It is still prepared for Sunday lunch in many parts of England, and not always sweet - sometimes it is served with main meat dishes, lightly salted and animal fat is added.

The main part of Yorkshire pudding is a special batter based on eggs, milk and flour, which is poured into a pre-greased pan and baked. This dessert looks like small empty cylindrical pies. To make the dessert richer, gravy is traditionally poured inside it. Initially, fat dripping from meat roasting on a spit served as this gravy, then sweet fillings began to be used as gravy.

Today we’ll tell you how to cook real Yorkshire pudding according to Jamie Oliver’s recipe, which every member of your family will love. This recipe is inexpensive, the result is guaranteed - airy, weightless Yorkshire pudding.

In this recipe, Jamie Oliver recommends using the following ingredients to create a truly authentic English pudding. Here's the full list for Yorkshire pudding:

  • 4 large chicken eggs;
  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 150 grams of odorless sunflower oil (or other refined vegetable oil).

This is the ingredients you need to make the base pudding using Jamie's technique. A variety of sweet or savory products can be used as fillings. Jamie Oliver recommends a savory filling:

  • 200 grams of salted salmon;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 150 grams of sour cream or classic yogurt;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of grated horseradish root.

The perfect combination of red fish, dill and sour cream sauce, complemented with horseradish, harmoniously combines with a fluffy pudding bun. Traditionally, it is cut in half and a small portion of filling is placed inside. Then cover with the baked top and eat.

Cooking method

This Yorkshire pudding, which Jamie Oliver invites us to make, is made much faster than you think if you follow the recipe exactly. We offer the fastest cooking method:

  1. In the first step, turn on the oven to the highest possible temperature and warm it up well.
  2. Then prepare the mold. It is optimal to use special molds for puddings or muffins made of iron, but if they are not available, you can replace such molds with pots and foil rosettes. Silicone molds will not work.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into each socket to about half the height. Traditionally, in an authentic English recipe, instead of vegetable oil, animal fat was used - pork, goose, and so on. As a result, the pudding turned out to be very fatty and juicy. Instead of sunflower oil, you can use corn, rapeseed and any other odorless, that is, refined.
  4. Place the pan on a baking sheet and place in the oven 10 minutes before pouring the batter to allow the frying oil to heat up properly.
  5. Now gently beat the eggs without first separating the whites and yolks.
  6. Sift a portion of the flour according to the recipe through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen. Then add the flour to the beaten eggs, stir until there is not a single lump in the mixture.
  7. Pour this batter into warm milk in a stream, stir until it forms a liquid pancake batter.
  8. Remove the pan with the heated oil from the oven, making sure to close the door so that the high temperature in the oven remains stable.
  9. Pour the batter into the pans until it reaches the top of the cavity, but no more.
  10. Immediately place the pan with the dough back into the oven and close the door tightly. Reduce temperature to 220 degrees and bake Yorkshire pudding for 15 minutes. During baking, do not jerk the oven or open the oven door to prevent the dough from settling.
  11. When the pudding has at least tripled in size, rises above the surface of the pan and is browned, you can remove it from the oven. Transfer the puddings to a plate and serve immediately with sauces and toppings.

It's very easy to prepare the filling for this pudding according to Jamie Oliver's recipe:

  1. Add the juice of a whole lemon to sour cream, natural yogurt without additives, strain it through a sieve so that the seeds do not get into the mixture.
  2. Wash a small bunch of dill, dry and chop as finely as possible. Add it to sour cream with lemon juice. Mix with a whisk. Grate the horseradish root on top.
  3. If desired, you can add a little salt to the sauce and add spices, such as ground black pepper.
  4. Cut the fish into small portions.
  5. Now the slightly cooled Yorkshire pudding needs to be divided in half, this can be done with a knife or simply tear it in the center, you need to put a piece of red fish in the empty niche and pour sour cream sauce on top, and then cover with a lid.

Also, the famous chef Jamie Oliver advises using various recipes for sauces for pudding fillings, for example, bechamel. For sweet filling you can use:

  • cream based on condensed milk and soft butter, which you usually use for cakes;
  • homemade jam;
  • ice cream;
  • yogurt with pieces of fruit or berries;
  • fruits in their own juice, including canned ones;
  • melted chocolate with nuts;
  • custard and so on.

Of the unsweetened fillings, Yorkshire pudding can be filled with grated hard cheese and herbs, curd mass with garlic and red pepper, fried meat, mushrooms and other products. The neutral taste of the pudding that you get from this recipe allows you to use these airy, hollow buns with a variety of salads, sauces and appetizers. All fans of Jamie Oliver's cuisine should definitely master this basic recipe so that in the future they can serve not ordinary pieces of bread or tartlets, but this original pudding.

The English are, of course, a prim people, but they are not averse to eating well, but English cuisine has little to boast of compared to such mastodons of culinary art as Italy, Japan, and France. Except for the world-famous puddings! What England has in heavenly abundance is varieties of puddings. In this article we will talk about how to make Yorkshire pudding. The recipe for this dish became known to the world thanks to the most famous TV channel in Britain - the BBC.

Well, shall we get started?

In fact, there are many recipes for puddings: there are snack, and sweet, and even gray-brown-raspberry, but Yorkshire pudding, the recipe for which is given in this article, is something special.

This dish with an intriguing name can shake up your imagination and transport you to the atmosphere of harsh English everyday life, interspersed with good drinks and excellent snacks in local pubs. In fact, this is by no means what your excited imagination pictures. The recipe for Yorkshire pudding, at least, certainly does not shine with either an amazing composition or difficult preparation.

Traditionally, pudding (or more precisely, small puddings, since each of them is the size of a muffin) is made in the form of a basket, which is supplemented with various toppings (additives, fillers). This includes salads, appetizer pastes, various mousses, etc. Usually served as an appetizer with stewed meat with gravy.

The recipe for Yorkshire pudding is extremely simple, but there are some nuances, which the famous English chef Jamie Oliver spoke about. This magician knows how to turn the most ordinary dish into a finger-licking tidbit. Jamie Oliver's Yorkshire pudding recipe uses unleavened pancake batter without adding yeast.


If we briefly go through the technology, the process goes like this: take portioned, generously greased baking dishes; the pudding rises greatly, and the oil creates a hollow hole, or indentation, inside the small pudding. To make it more understandable for the perception of a Russian person, we can compare this product with the profiteroles that are familiar to us.

It is noteworthy that a real Yorkshire pudding in the understanding of the British is a 4-inch colossus, no less. The secret to making such a mini-tower is the following trick: during baking, the oven door must be closed (otherwise everything will go down the drain).

The recipe for Yorkshire pudding requires baking for about 20-25 minutes until completely cooked.

English delicacies in Moscow style

Yorkshire puddings are small, hollow, bowl-shaped pies. They are made from dough very similar to pancake dough. In English cuisine, it is customary to pour gravy into them and serve them in portions for a traditional Sunday lunch. If you look a little into the history of the dish, Yorkshire pudding was originally a side dish for roast beef. However, now it is used as a “companion” to any roast meat, be it chicken, pork, turkey or lamb. These little “towers” ​​captivated not only adults, but also children.

In Russia, people learned about this pastry thanks to a video recipe from Jamie Oliver. For some reason, we began to associate Yorkshire pudding with this famous chef. But, in fact, the recipe for making it is traditional and practically cannot be changed, with the only exception being the difference in the amount of flour and fat.

Yorkshire puddings can be found on the counter of any English supermarket either in the form of a frozen semi-finished product (they need to be reheated for about four minutes in the oven) or in the form of frozen blocks of dough in tins (these need to be baked for about 20 minutes in the oven). If you always buy ready-made products, try making your own Yorkshire pudding with filling at least once. The recipe is quite simple and does not require supernatural efforts.

"Do it yourself"

So, Jamie Oliver's recipe for Yorkshire pudding.

To make six tall puddings you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • large egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • flour - 70 gr. (half a measuring cup);
  • a pinch of salt (to taste, since the gravy is already quite salty);
  • animal fat or vegetable oil.

If suddenly you do not have a special mold for Yorkshire puddings, and you do not suffer from eternal perfectionism, you can safely use muffin tins for baking. For the creative ones, puddings can be made in special heat-resistant small pots or even in oven-safe foil sockets.

Cooking process

First you need to turn on the oven to maximum temperature (230 degrees). Before pouring the dough, you need to cover the bottom of each baking dish with a thin layer of butter or fat.

The molds must first be placed in the oven for ten minutes (it is better to place separate pots, foil rosettes on one tray, so that later it will be more convenient when the molds warm up).

Next, the dough itself for Yorkshire puddings is prepared. To do this, you can use a mixer (as it turned out, the most convenient attachment for this is a “whisk”). Next, you need to add eggs, flour to the mixture and gradually pour in milk, constantly stirring the batter with a mixer. Here it is important to achieve a homogeneous consistency without lumps; approximately it should resemble pancake dough.

Next, you need to carefully remove the pans with butter from the oven, close the oven to maintain the maximum temperature. You need to evenly pour the dough into the molds at your disposal (there is enough dough for 6 pieces) and literally immediately send them back into the hot oven and close the door.

After this, you need to reduce the oven temperature to 220 degrees and bake the puddings for 15 minutes. Important: Do not open the oven to check for doneness as they may not rise.

After 15 minutes, check readiness. The finished puddings should increase in size and rise. If the bottom is not completely baked or you want a more “fried” effect, do not remove them for about 3-4 minutes. You can transfer the finished puddings to a dish or bread basket and serve immediately with the roast and gravy.