And olives and olive fruits. Olives and olives: what is the difference, benefits and harms of olives with pits, canned

Olives or black olives? Some people like the first, others prefer the second, but not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what is what. There are many theories among the people, some say that this is completely various fruits, both in nature of origin and in taste, respectively in composition. According to other opinions, these are berries of the same plant, only collected on different stages maturation. Both theories have some truth, but what the difference actually is, you will find out from the article.

What's the difference between them?

There is no big difference between olives and olives; they are fruits that grow on the same tree. The evergreen tree is called olive, hence the name olives. Olive fruits differ in their degree of maturity - the ripening process can be observed by visiting the places where the trees grow. There can be both black and green fruits on one branch at the same time.

The differences are that green olives contain less olive oil than ripe berries. Raw olive fruits are bitter and cannot please anyone, as a result of which they are pickled and then eaten. In this case, olives lose their properties. Oil is obtained from the berries; it can only be fully extracted from black berries. Otherwise, we can safely say that they are one and the same.

Where did the name olive come from?

The tree on which olives grow is called olive - everything here is quite logical, but where did the name olive come from? The olive plant belongs to the trees of the oilseed family, the fruits of which are used to make oil. Therefore, there is also a direct logical connection here: olives - by the fact that they grow on the olive, and olives - by the fact that oil is obtained from them.

There are a lot of olive varieties - this is due to the great demand for this product, abundance of processing areas and plant consumption. To obtain oils, varieties are used that contain 80 percent more of them than others. Another great view trees are classified as pickling trees (from which canned olives are prepared).

Color is the main sign of maturity

The process of ripening of olive fruits is quite specific; it is characterized by a “mysterious”, “misleading” color change. Before the berries form, beautiful white flowers bloom - this happens in the spring when the sun becomes active. After some time, the flowering tree begins to form small green berries - they are not yet ripe and cannot be used for processing, but they are already acquiring characteristic features.

After a while, the newly made berries acquire the required rich green color and size. At this stage, the olives can be picked and sent to production, where they are marinated for a long time. If the green fruit is not picked, the ripening process will continue, however this condition is largely determined by the type of tree itself.

Over time, under the burning Italian sun, the berries begin to blush, changing color. They become purple or red, and sometimes acquire a brown tint. Before the fruits become black
sufficient time must pass. Cunning manufacturers of pickled products cheat and color the berries, which reduces processing and ripening time. In this case, the fruits acquire a rich, uniform black color. Real fruits in a jar have a slightly uneven tone, since one side of the berry is always under stronger sun, and accordingly has a darker shade.

Which tastes better?

If we talk about taste differences, then they are certainly present, however, given the large number of low-quality products, not everyone can distinguish these two fruits. The fundamental difference between olives and olives lies in the fact that black fruits (ripe) contain much more olive oil than green ones. This condition largely affects the taste, dividing olive fans into two camps, who eat ripe or still green berries with pleasure.

Black berries are softer and juicier, fall apart, filling oral cavity rich and specific oily taste of olives. Olives have an elastic structure, they are sharp, characterized by a contrasting, slightly pungent taste, leaving a tart olive taste in the mouth. It is difficult to answer the question of which is tastier, because each person has different tastes and preferences.

Processing methods

Raw fruits taste bitter and cannot be used as food. To make the product suitable for consumption, it must be processed in a special way. After harvesting the olives, there are two ways: preservation and olive oil production. In the first case, the harvested crop is thoroughly washed and placed in containers for pickling. Absolutely any recipe can be used as a marinade, but the main ingredient is salt. To make classic olives, just sprinkle the berries with salt and leave them for a while.

When producing oil, the fruit processing algorithm takes on a different character. After washing, the berries are ground to obtain olive pulp, then cold-pressed oil is obtained using a centrifuge. To remove impurities that cause harm to the body, the starting material is left to settle for several weeks. Upon completion of all stages, the resulting product High Quality bottled in dark glass, which protects the oil from sunlight.

What is healthier than olives or olives?

Olive fruits contain substances beneficial to the body. Green and black fruits are necessary for humans and can saturate the body with most useful vitamins and minerals. The difference between them is that black berries contain more oil, which means they are higher in calories. The calorie content of olives is 115 calories per 10 grams of product.

Green berries are more enriched with organic acids, including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The fruits have a lot of protein, plant fibers fiber, vitamins of groups B, C, E and P. In their composition you can find magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, etc. It is the rich component composition that determines the benefits of olive fruits for the human body. Do not be afraid of getting the seeds inside; they can be completely digested in the stomach.

Photo of fruits on a tree

In the spring, when the olive begins to bloom, white flowers appear on it, which turn into small rich green berries. During the ripening process, the fruit's color saturation and volume change and the olives first become purple and then black. Due to the uneven ripening of the berries, the shade of one fruit has several tones, for example, moving from black to red or brown.

The gifts of the olive tree have won the hearts of both desperate gourmets and food lovers. They are incredibly useful and have a huge amount vitamins Many people ask the question: “Why are olives black and olives green?” There is no conventional division by color abroad, but is applied only in Russia. What is the difference between olives and black olives? It’s not there – it’s the same thing.

How are olives different from black olives?

Olives and olives, what's the difference? The berries differ only in color. This is a misconception based on the following facts:

  1. All fruits have the same color - green.
  2. The black pigment is obtained by chemical treatment“greenbacks”, olives are colored olives.
  3. Taste preferences consumers vary. Some note that green berries have more rich taste, they are soft and juicy, others find black berries hard.

What are olives and olives

Oil has been extracted from olive berries for a long time. Olives and olives, what is the difference with which these fruits are classified into the usual groups of vegetables, fruits or berries? Culinary experts call these food products vegetables, botanists call them fruits, and if you go deeper, it is more correct to consider fruits as berries, because. they have a bone. All disputes are insignificant compared to the unprecedented success of “greenbacks” and “blackies” among consumers.

The green berries of the olive tree acquire their dark pigment through exposure to oxides. Hotels exclusively from the trees of Halkidiki undergo such metamorphoses. Raw berries They tend to taste bitter, as a result of which various manipulations are carried out with them using alkali and iron gluconate. Black berries are exposed to chemical influence longer. Such negative interference in nature damages their beautiful properties.

What is healthier than olives or black olives?

In what useful difference between fruits? Olive germs have a rich vitamin composition. The fruits of the olive tree are rich in fats, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should high blood pressure, cholecystitis, it is better for diabetics to limit the consumption of this product. Dark berries have lower calorie content than light ones. Green or black, soft or hard – everyone has the right to choose for themselves.

Biochemical components of the fruits of an evergreen tree:

  • Calcium is great for coping with osteoporosis.
  • Iron is essential for anemia.
  • B vitamins and magnesium are excellent relaxants.
  • Vitamin E smoothes wrinkles.
  • Iodine is the key to a healthy thyroid gland.
  • Sodium is a participant in many metabolic processes in the body.
  • Antioxidants – rid the body of toxins.
  • Phytosterols are responsible for the reproductive system.

Video: difference between olives and black olives

Tired of standing in the store for hours looking for quality olive fruit? This video will teach you how to choose the best specimens. You will no longer nervously read the ingredients of a product. A quick glance is enough to assess the quality of the product. Pair some simple advice will help you become a professional in this field. You will learn to distinguish fresh gifts from the Maslenitsa tree from stale ones. You will be aware of the dangers hidden in a jar of berries. Find out how lactic acid and iron gluconate act on olive fruits.

Evergreen trees

According to legend, Pallas Athena planted a tree in the Acropolis, which has since been considered a connecting link between people and the gods. And this tree is named olive. Olives are long-lived. There are legends that those centuries-old trees under whose crowns Jesus Christ prayed are alive. From Greece (from the island of Crete), the fruits of these trees spread and became famous for their culinary properties worldwide. Probably due to the fact that olives are from the olive family, a second name appeared in the Russian language - “olives”. So how do olives differ from olives? Let’s make a reservation right away that only in Russia and the post-Soviet space the name “olive” means a black olive, and in all countries of the world, as in producing countries, green and black fruits are called olives. They grow on the same tree, but the harvest is carried out depending on the ripening of the olives. Unripe fruits are collected and processed in brine or alkaline solution to make them edible. As a rule, they are stuffed with pepper, garlic, cheese, and gherkins to enhance the flavor. And they now occupy a place of honor on our table. These wonderful fruits: both olives and olives (the difference does not matter) add some special piquancy to the dishes.

How are olives different from black olives?

Color is one of the differences and depends on the maturity of the harvested fruits. Green, unripe olives are denser and more bitter than olives. In order for them to turn into the olives we are accustomed to the taste of, they are soaked in saline solution long time, up to six months. Taste and density depend on the method and duration of processing to which the olives are subjected. What is the difference after this treatment?

In taste, in salt content. There is more of it in olives. They should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. Green olives are more nutritious than black olives. How are olives different from black olives? There is a huge selection of canned olives on the market, but there are no stuffed olives on sale. They are a bit dry and do not benefit from the filler in taste, so they are sold in jars and by weight only with and without seeds. They are served to meat dishes, as they are more savory in combination with game dishes than olives. Green olives differ from olives in that they complement tart red wines, while the former are more suitable for cognacs and liqueurs. You can serve olives stuffed with anchovies, lemon or other toppings with whiskey.


It is believed that olives are easily absorbed by the body. No matter how different they are: green, black, purple, lilac - they are very useful as valuable products nutrition. Real unique product obtained from olives - olive oil. It contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the functioning of the body. A main component This oil, oleic acid, makes the skin elastic, reduces the risk of cancer, and prevents heart attacks. Include olives in your diet and be healthy and young!

Basis Greek cuisine are olives - these are the fruits of the olive tree, belonging to the Olive family native to Northern Iran, Northern Iraq and the northern part Saudi Arabia. While the olive branch was a symbol of peace, the fruit itself was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The edible olive is said to have been cultivated for at least 5,000-6,000 years, with evidence found in countries such as Crete and Syria.

The oil obtained from its fruit has long been considered sacred, and the fruit is widely used in various countries.

However, when purchasing them, one cannot help but notice that they are available in two different colors: black and green. What is the difference between them? And in today’s article we will tell you what the difference is between these two fruits.

What are olives?

Black olives are fruits that are fully ripe. They are usually picked from mid-November to the end of January (or early February).

They come in a variety of colors ranging from purple to black. It is known that “black” fruits contain 117 mg/100 g of polyphenol, as well as a lot of anthocyanins. They are used in a variety of pizzas and salads, and are ideal for baking.

What is an olive?

It ripens on the same tree as the olive; it is only picked when it has reached its normal size, but has not yet begun to ripen. They usually begin to be picked from late September to mid-November. They contain 161 mg/100 g of polyphenol, many tyrosols, phenolic acids and flavones. Because they are picked long before they ripen, they require extra attention when preparing for consumption. This is usually done by salting, marinating, soaking in oil, after which they are kept in brine for about 6-12 months and are usually stuffed with peppers, garlic, cheeses, onions, in order to improve their taste. "Green" fruits are often used as snacks due to their unique taste.

What is the difference?

They grow on the same tree, but besides their obvious difference in color, there are several other differences. We'll talk about them now:

  1. Olives are picked before the ripening process begins at the end of September and until mid-November. Olives are harvested when they are fully ripe. They are collected from mid-November until the end of January.
  2. To prepare olives for consumption, they must be soaked in alkali using a special treatment method. Olives are processed more gently in brine.
  3. Olives are usually filled various fillings to improve their taste, while olives can be consumed in fresh absolutely no additional toppings.
  4. Olives are softer than olives because they are fully ripe.
  5. Black olives contain more oil than olives. This happens because the “green” variety is fermented in brine for a very long time.

The fruits of the olive tree are very popular all over the world. People divide them into olives and olives, what is the difference between these fruits and is there any?

Many people believe that black fruits are olives, and green fruits are olives. But the fact is that the word “olives” exists only in Russian. In international practice it is not used: both black and green fruits are called olives. Thus, olives and black olives are synonymous.

There is also an opinion that the difference between olives and olives lies in the degree of ripeness of the fruits of the olive tree - the European olive.

A little about olive

The olive tree was originally considered a gift from the gods to farmers. It practically does not grow in wildlife. This evergreen subtropical plant has been grown for olive oil since ancient times. The homeland of olive trees is the Mediterranean. Initially, the olive tree was cultivated only in Greece; currently, all countries in the region are engaged in growing and processing the harvest of this plant. In addition, plantings of olive trees can be found in Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast, in Crimea, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, as well as in Mexico and Peru. The most active exporter of canned olives is Spain.

Some olive varieties are shrubs up to 3 m tall, some fruits grow on fairly tall trees - from 4 to 12 m. Olive trees have gray bark, a gnarled and crooked trunk, a hollow trunk, and the branches are long and gnarled. The leaves of the plant are narrow, leathery with a solid edge, gray-green on top and silvery on the underside. The foliage does not fall off, but is gradually replaced over 3 years.

Depending on climatic conditions, the olive tree blooms at the end of April and blooms until the end of June. The flowers are small, cream-colored, very fragrant, form clusters of 10-40 flowers in the axils of the leaves.

Olive tree fruit

Fans of these wonderful fruits may be interested in how olives grow, how and when they are collected and prepared.

Olive productivity reaches its peak only in the 20th year of life. Green olives are harvested by hand, and a special net is hung from the tree to collect ripe fruits.

Olives most often have an elongated oval shape, the size can range from 7 mm to 4 cm in length and from 1 to 2 cm in width. Olives have a fleshy pulp containing large quantities olive oil. The color of the fruit depends on the variety and degree of ripeness. Olives (and black olives) can be green, black or deep purple. Most often they have a waxy coating. The stone is very hard and grooved.

Fruit ripeness

The fruits ripen within 5 months. The harvest is harvested from October to December different stages maturation. The fruits are given a name indicating the degree of ripeness, as well as the caliber.

In October the olives reach their maximum size. At this time they are green, regardless of the variety. The taste of these fruits is different strong bitterness, which is neutralized with alkali during the preparation process. This degree of maturity is called verde in Spanish.

The next stage of ripening begins in November - the color of the fruits acquires brown, golden and pink shades. The olive becomes softer and the bitter taste is reduced. This degree of ripeness, regardless of varietal, is called “white” or “blonde” (blanco), as well as “blond” or “golden” olives. Such fruits are stored in brine, a third of which is wine vinegar.

Olives are considered fully ripe once they turn dark brown, black, purple or burgundy. The final color of ripe fruit depends on the plant variety. Such olives have a slight residual bitterness, which is completely neutralized by red wine vinegar. They are tender, soft and melt in your mouth. Regardless of the variety, fruits of this degree of maturity are called black (negro). Despite the fact that olives and black olives are the same thing, black olives are most often called olives because of their distinct oily taste. These fruits are harvested in December. The yield from one plant can reach 50 kg.

In January, olives begin to wither - dry out in the sun, losing bitterness naturally. They are called that way - dried, dried or throumbes. Residents of the Mediterranean preserve them in large quantities sea ​​salt, to which olive oil is added, served as an appetizer. Since olive is a monoecious plant, 2 plants of different sexes are planted in one hole.

The caliber is determined by the number of fruits in 1 kg. 1 kg can contain from 71 (Atlas) to 420 (Bullets B). There are 15 caliber grades, each of which has its own special name.

Biological value and varieties

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the olive contains from 50 (in ripe fruits) to 80% (in green olives) water. Each variety of olive has a different content. vegetable oil(from 6 to 30%) and protein (1-1.5 g). Ripe fruits contain up to 6% sugars, 1-4% fiber and up to 1% dry matter. Green fruits contain more dry matter (up to 5%), and fiber 1.5-2%.

In addition to the main components, olives contain vitamins B, C and E, catechins, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Depending on the purpose of the fruit, plant varieties are divided into the following groups:

  1. Oilseeds from which olive oil is produced.
  2. Universal - in addition to the fact that oil can be squeezed out of them, they are suitable for canning.
  3. Canning - canteens that are used for food.

Olive oil is produced from 90% of the olive harvest. 1 liter of oil is squeezed out of 5 kg of fruit.

For preservation, fruits are selected that are at least 15 mm in diameter, identical in size, with a medium-sized stone that is easily separated from the pulp, and elastic.

Green olives

Harvest salted in barrels using 5% brine solution. During this period, the glycoside oleouropein, which is the cause of their bitterness, is washed out of the olives. In addition, brining stimulates the onset of fermentation. For this purpose, ammonium chloride or phosphate, sugar, tomato juice. Fermentation is lactic acid fermentation with the participation of lactobacilli, aerobacteria, and yeast. Fermentation lasts up to 6 weeks and ends when the pH reaches 3.5-4 and 4-4.5% salt in the fruit pulp.

After this, the fruits are sorted by color and size, rinsed, packaged and preserved in 7% saline solution.

Black olives

Olives and olives are distinguished by color finished product. If mature fruits with a dark color are used for technical processing, they undergo lactic acid fermentation and are preserved by dry salting or in a salt solution. Such olives most often have a pit: they are soft and removing the pit can lead to their deformation.

Most often, green olives are used for preservation - denser and more elastic. The most popular method of darkening is oxidation of green fruits. Such olives are labeled “Black oxidized olives.” There are several methods of oxidation.

To give green olives a black color, some producers soak the fruits in a 2% solution of caustic soda (E524) until the alkali saturates their pulp by 2/3 of the thickness. They are then soaked in clean cold water, which is changed several times within a day and a half. The color is stabilized with iron gluconate (E579). This is the easiest and cheapest way to give olives dark color.

Aeration is also used to darken olives - under the influence of oxygen, tannins are oxidized, which leads to a change in the color of the pulp.

Types of canned olives

Depending on the form in which the olives are preserved, the following markings are present on the jars:

  • whole (with bone);
  • pitted (pit removed);
  • cracked (broken, crushed);
  • sliced ​​(cut into pieces);
  • stuffed (stuffed)

Both green and oxidized olives are stuffed. For the filling use paprika, garlic, fish (anchovies, tuna, salmon), shrimp, peppers, onions, capers, gherkins, Sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese, almonds, oranges, lemons or their zest.