How to fry pork entrecote in a pan. Pork entrecote in the oven and in the pan: the secrets of taste. Recipes for side dishes and sauces for pork entrecote in a pan

Step by step recipe pork entrecote in a pan with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Entrecote
  • Recipe Difficulty: simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 min
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Amount of calories: 135 kilocalories
  • Reason: For lunch

If you can't resist the aroma and taste juicy piece meat, then I suggest you pay attention to this simple recipe for pork entrecote in a pan.

Perhaps this is the most elementary recipe cooking pork entrecote in a pan, which will come to the rescue of busy housewives and all lovers simple meals. You can take absolutely any spices to taste, but it is better not to overdo it in order to save natural taste meat.

Servings: 2-4

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • Pork - 500 Grams
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Balsamic Vinegar - 1 Teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Pepper - 1 Pinch
  • Thyme - 1 pinch (or other herbs)

step by step

  1. The main ingredient is, of course, meat. It must be washed, dried a little and let it lie down a little so that the pork becomes room temperature. If desired, the meat can be cut into slices or fried whole.
  2. Combine salt and freshly ground pepper, mix well. If desired, in the recipe for cooking pork entrecote in a pan, you can use a little hot pepper or other seasonings to taste.
  3. Rub the meat on all sides with salt and pepper. Drop a couple of drops olive oil And balsamic vinegar. You can add the taste of pork fragrant herbs, dried or fresh. In this case, thyme is used.
  4. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and heat it up properly. Put a piece of meat and fry over medium heat for about 3-7 minutes, depending on the desired degree of roasting. Also, pork entrecote in a pan at home can be brought to readiness in a water bath or in the oven, for example.
  5. When the meat is ready, it must be carefully removed from the pan, cool slightly and cut into thin slices. You can serve the dish to the table with any side dish, as well as vegetables or spicy sauce.

Entrecote - what is it? Many people associate this name with high aristocratic cuisine and a special way of cooking meat. This opinion is partly true, but, as is usually the case in our life, everything is much simpler. In this article we will give an answer to the question: "Entrecote - what is it?" Photos of meat dishes will help you decorate your dinner beautifully, and recipes will help you cook it correctly. We will also give you advice on the choice of meat and how to process it.

Entrecote - what is it?

Nowadays, the concept of "entrecote" has begun to spread to many types of meat and even fish. However, the classical meaning of this word has a certain history. For the first time, this term appeared in France, and they called it a piece of ox meat, which was cut between the ridge and ribs of the animal. Later, the word "entrecote" began to be called the same part of beef, pork and even lamb carcasses. Sometimes in some restaurants they serve a dish under the same name, referring to any piece of meat the size of a palm. The method of preparing a traditional entrecote is quite simple - it is simple roast in a hot frying pan on both sides, which takes no more than 12 minutes in time. In modern culinary art, there are many deviations from classical technology, and meat is often baked in the oven. We hope that we have sufficiently fully answered the question: “Entrecote - what is it?”, And therefore we will move on to the practical part.

Classic recipe

If you decide to try entrecote cooked according to traditional technology, then you will need the desired part of the carcass of the animal and the recipe that we have described for you below:

  • Lightly beat the meat with a kitchen mallet, giving it the desired shape.
  • Lubricate the piece on both sides with oil, put in a hot pan and fry until golden brown. Turn the meat over and season with salt and pepper.
  • When the second side is browned, pour some cognac or wine into the pan, and then cover the pan with a lid.
  • After two or three minutes, remove the meat from the heat, keep it under the lid for another two minutes, and then serve immediately.

As you can see, even a novice cook will be able to surprise his friends or relatives with an original meat dish. The only difficulty that he may encounter on his way is to find the right part of the carcass.

Beef entrecote - what is it?

If you can't find the piece of meat you need, don't be discouraged: take a thick or thin edge of beef. This way has long been used by most modern restaurants. How to cook beef entrecote? You can read the recipe below:

  • Take 700 grams of meat and cut into portions no more than two centimeters thick. After that, they should be beaten off and grated with pepper.
  • Heat a frying pan, pour some oil into it and fry the meat on it on one side. After that, it should be turned over, salted and fried on the other.

Before serving, pour over the beef with the juices that have been released during frying. For a side dish you can cook fried potatoes or vegetables.

Entrecote on coals

If you like to be in nature, then pay attention to this recipe. In it, we will tell you how to cook entrecote on charcoal:

  • Cut 600 grams of thick or thin edge of beef into pieces one and a half or two centimeters thick.
  • Rub the meat with salt and pepper, grease with vegetable oil.
  • Put the beef on a hot grill and place it over the coals. Make sure that there is no flame and smoke during frying.

When the meat is ready, serve it to the table with fresh vegetables and greenery.

Stuffed entrecote

Prepare for festive table entrecote, stuffed with honey and nuts. We are sure that your friends will appreciate refined taste dishes and, of course, its aroma. Cooking entrecote will not take you much time or effort. So:

  • Cut a kilogram of beef into pieces two centimeters thick and make a small cut-pocket for the filling in each.
  • Five tablespoons grated cheese stir in honey, chopped walnuts, almonds and fresh herbs. Stir the food by adding a little salt to them.
  • Stuff the meat with the resulting mixture, secure the incision with a toothpick or sew it with a thread.
  • Fry the meat on both sides in a hot frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil. After that, place the beef in the oven and bring it to readiness for 40 minutes.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, coat the pieces of meat with honey.

Entrecote in the oven

in front of you original recipe meat marinated in mustard honey sauce and baked in the oven. Juicy beef will not leave indifferent the participants of the dinner, and you will receive well-deserved compliments. Read how to cook entrecote in the oven, and get down to business with us:

  • Beat four pieces of meat with a kitchen hammer on both sides.
  • For the sauce, mix 30 grams of Dijon mustard, 30 grams of honey, minced garlic clove, 30 grams of soy sauce, a little salt and pepper.
  • Marinate the meat in the resulting mixture, and then quickly fry it in a pan until golden brown.
  • Preheat the oven, line a baking sheet with foil and place the beef on it.

Bake the entrecote for about 20 minutes. Please note: if the meat is ready, then when pierced, it is not blood that is released from it, but transparent juice.

Entrecote in Alsatian

Gourmets claim that this entrecote recipe is the most successful, and the dish prepared according to it turns out to be amazingly tasty. Therefore, we want to tell you how to fry an entrecote and cook a wonderful dinner for your family. Meal Recipe:

  • From 500 grams of beef (thin edge) cut into portioned pieces, rub them with salt and pepper, and then fry in a hot pan with pieces of bacon.
  • Transfer the meat to a plate, and in its place put a spoonful of flour and fry it for a couple of minutes. After that, return the beef to the fire, add the bacon, chopped onion, grated carrots and chopped greens to it.
  • Pour half a glass of vodka into the pan (you can replace it with water) and simmer the food under a closed lid over low heat until fully cooked.

Serve the meat to the table with stewed vegetables, watering it with the juice that stood out during frying, and garnishing with fresh herbs.

Entrecote in the sleeve

This dish can hardly be called a classic, but it has great taste and unique aroma. If you are expecting guests, then cook it with us according to the following recipe:

  • Rinse a piece of pork, dry it with a towel and make several oblique cuts on it. Rub the meat with salt, minced garlic, mustard and ground pepper. You can use soy sauce instead of salt if you like.
  • Chop the onion, put it in a plate with meat, and then cover the dish with cling film and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • When the indicated time has passed, cut the lard or bacon into slices and insert them into the slots that we previously made in the meat.
  • Place the pork in a roasting sleeve and place in the preheated oven.

If you want the meat to be covered beautiful crust, then 20 minutes before cooking, cut the sleeve and turn on the grill. Please note that a kilogram of pork will cook for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Remove the meat from the oven, cut it into portions and serve with any side dish and fresh vegetables.

Hawaiian pork entrecote

It's bright and juicy dish very easy to prepare. If you want to please your loved ones, then cook dinner for them according to our recipe:

  • Pound four pork entrecote on both sides with a kitchen mallet.
  • Rub the meat with salt and pepper, then set aside for a while.
  • When the pork is sufficiently marinated, fry it in a hot frying pan, adding a little vegetable oil. Fry the meat for three minutes on each side until a golden crust appears on it.
  • Cut two tomatoes in half, sprinkle with ground pepper and salt, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. After that, set them aside.
  • Take fresh pineapple and cut off four rings. A piece of cheese is also cut into four slices.
  • Preheat the oven, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the meat on it. Place a pineapple ring and cheese on top of each piece. Cook the entrecote in a preheated oven until the cheese is melted.

Arrange the meat on plates, add a fried tomato to each serving and serve.

We hope that after reading our article you will no longer be confused by the question: "Entrecote - what is it?" Cook meat according to our recipes and surprise your loved ones with new tastes.

Entrecote is one of the most famous meat dishes. french cuisine, is prepared much easier than it might seem at first glance. The preparation of entrecote is far from being as ornate as its name, which inspires tremulous reverence for this dish.

Hearing the phrase "French cuisine", many are already beginning to look forward to something exquisite, with fine taste, and the word "entrecote" for those who are not familiar with this dish causes an indispensable association with the aristocratic, haute cuisine. In a sense, this is true, but everything is much simpler.

An entrecote is a piece of meat cut from the carcass between the ridge and the ribs (from the French language entre is translated as “between”, and cote is “rib”). The name of this meat became the name of the dish prepared from it. And it was prepared initially and is prepared today quite simply: the meat is fried on both sides in a very hot frying pan with oil.

Initially, only ox meat, cut from the area between the ridge and ribs, was called entrecote, and the same part of the bull, veal or beef was called “medalier”, today this same part is called beef, and veal, and pork, and lamb carcass.

For cooking entrecote classic recipe it should take no more than 10-12 minutes - such an entrecote is considered well-done. However, today deviations from the classical cooking technology are often allowed, and entrecote is even baked in the oven (an example of such an entrecote is meat in French). In general, today entrecote is understood as a piece of boneless meat no more than 10-15 mm thick and slightly larger than a palm in size.

Entrecote recipes

If you want to cook exactly the classic entrecote, then you will need the right part of the carcass, and it should be cooked according to traditional technology.

The recipe for the classic entrecote

You will need: entrecote, frying oil, pepper, salt, cognac or wine (Madeira / Sherry or similar).

How to cook a traditional entrecote. Beat the meat lightly, shape the entrecote, grease it on both sides with oil, put it on a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown on one side, turn it over to the second side, pepper and salt (before that, in no case do not salt the meat), bring it to browning, immediately pour in a little cognac or wine, cover with a lid, stew the meat for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat, stand for 2 minutes under the lid and serve immediately to the table.

As you can see, cooking entrecote is very, very simple! Any housewife will be able to surprise her husband with a delicious dinner with such a meat dish with such an exquisite name without much difficulty. The most difficult thing is to find the right part of the carcass, exactly the same piece of meat from the intercostal space, due to its non-ubiquitous availability, entrecote was often cooked from a thin or thick edge of beef.

Recipe for entrecote from a thick or thin edge of beef

You will need: 700g of beef, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil or fat, ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook entrecote from a thick or thin edge. cut meat portioned pieces no more than 20 mm thick, then beat off, grate with pepper, put in a pan with hot oil, fry on one side until browned, turn over, salt, fry until golden brown on the second side. Before serving, pour over the entrecote with the meat juice released during frying. Serve with vegetable side dish or fried potatoes.

Those who often go out into nature can cook a delicious entrecote on the coals.

Recipe for entrecote on coals

You will need: 650g thick or thin edge of beef, 40g butter, ground black pepper, herbs, salt.

How to cook entrecote on coals. Cut the meat into portioned pieces 15-20 mm thick, grate with pepper and salt, coat with half the butter, melt it, put it on a hot grill and put it over the coals - there should be no flame and smoke from the coals. When frying, periodically turn the meat over, the thicker the piece, the farther from the coals it should be located. Soften the remaining butter, mix with chopped herbs, grease the finished meat with green butter, serve with sprigs of herbs.

Very tasty stuffed entrecote cooked with nuts and honey. It is believed that stuffed entrecote is an even more refined dish compared to traditional option cooking this dish.

Recipe for Stuffed Honey-Walnut Entrecote

You will need: 1 kg of thick or thin edge of beef, 4-5 tbsp. grated cheese, honey, chopped walnut, grated almonds and chopped greens, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook entrecote with honey and nuts. Cut the meat into portioned slices no more than 20 mm thick, make a deep cut-pocket in each. Mix grated cheese with honey, herbs and nuts, slightly salting. Stuff the pieces of meat with the mixture, secure the incision with toothpicks or sew with a thread. On both sides, until browning, fry the meat in a pan with hot oil, then bring to readiness over low heat in the oven for 40-50 minutes, 5 minutes before readiness, coat the pieces of meat with honey.

And finally, here is one of the most delicious recipes entrecote - Alsatian stuffed entrecote.

Alsatian stuffed entrecote recipe

You will need: 500g beef (thin edge), 5-8 peppercorns, 3-4 pieces of bacon, 1 each bay leaf, onion, carrots, 0.5 cups of vodka, 2-3 tbsp. chopped parsley or dill, 1 tbsp. flour, herbs, salt.

How to cook entrecote in Alsatian. Grate the meat with pepper and salt, fry with pieces of bacon in a hot pan or in a saucepan, remove from the pan. Put flour in this pan, fry it, put meat with bacon again, medium-sized chopped onions, carrots, herbs, pour in vodka (or water), simmer everything under a lid over low heat until cooked. When serving, cut the meat into portions, put on a dish, garnish with the vegetables with which it was fried, pour over the juice released during frying (removing fat), garnish with herbs.

Cooking some dishes that seem very sophisticated and complex for one reason or another - because of the name, appearance or simply of their foreign origin, in practice often turns out to be much simpler than we expect. Try to cook entrecote and please the men in your family!

Pork entrecote- famous tasty dish, which is a symbol of French cuisine and is fried on both sides large piece meat on the bone (see photo). As a rule, its thickness should be one and a half centimeters, and the length should be at least twenty. The meat for making this delicacy is usually cut between the costal and spinal parts of the carcass, and, despite the fact that the classic entrecote is made from veal or beef, similar dish from pork is no less in demand and popular.

Due to the fact that the correct entrecote is seasoned only with standard spices (salt and pepper), the dish retains the meat taste and aroma to the maximum. It is not recommended to fill the meat with various spices, as they often interrupt natural taste qualities product.

Absolutely any side dish is suitable for juicy pork entrecote, but most often it is served with potatoes, rice or stewed vegetable mix. The pork delicacy harmonizes perfectly with fortified Italian and Portuguese wines. In combination with refined alcohol, it reveals true taste this meat dish .

How to cook pork entrecote at home?

Cooking pork entrecote at home is not difficult at all. It can be deliciously fried in a pan, baked in the oven, and also cooked in an air grill and a slow cooker. In any case, the delicacy comes out very juicy, fragrant and tasty.

As a rule, to prepare this fine dining take a fresh piece tender meat. The meat product is not immediately seasoned with spices, as this is supposed to be done directly in the cooking process. However, some chefs prefer to keep the entrecote in the marinade for some time, believing that this way the meat will be juicier and tastier. It is not necessary. The right part of the carcass for the preparation of pork entrecote always turns out to be incomparable.

  • Pork entrecote in a pan. Raw pork entrecote on the bone (350 grams) is washed well, dried with napkins, carefully beaten off with a wooden mallet and well coated with olive oil on both sides. Next, vegetable oil is heated in the pan, after which the prepared oil is laid out on it. a piece of meat and fried on one side for literally thirty seconds. After the entrecote is turned over, and the slightly fried side is salted and sprinkled with black ground pepper. Half a minute later, the meat is turned over again and sprinkled with spices, after which it is cooked for seven minutes on each side. Ready entrecote is laid out on a plate, Served with Tkemali sauce and immediately served at the table.
  • Pork entrecote in the oven. The prepared piece of meat is also washed and dried. Then it is salted, and also sprinkled with ground pepper, placed in a baking dish, sprinkled with sunflower oil and moved to an oven preheated to two hundred degrees for 40 minutes . If necessary meat product can be supplemented with potatoes, vegetables or hornbeams. Today, this is how most housewives prefer to cook pork entrecote at home. It is recommended to serve the baked delicacy hot to the table. In this case, before baking, the meat can be pre-marinated. To do this, you just need to chop a couple of onions and prepare seventy milliliters of soy sauce. Marinate the delicacy for at least two hours.
  • Pork entrecote in a slow cooker. The washed piece of meat is thoroughly rubbed with salt and pepper, generously smeared with oil and put away in a suitable place for half an hour to infuse. After that, the “Frying” mode is set on the multicooker, a tablespoon of oil is poured into the bowl and heated for the next 5 minutes. The real entrecote is laid out on the heated oil and fried for four minutes on both sides until golden brown. Then the piece of meat is smeared butter and cooks for fifteen minutes in the "Extinguishing" mode. After that, the delicacy is turned over and brought to readiness.
  • Pork entrecote in air grill. The prepared meat piece is placed in a deep bowl and supplemented with garlic squeezed through a press (2 cloves), pepper, soy sauce and salt (to taste) lemon juice(2 tablespoons). The workpiece is mixed and left aside for two hours to marinate. After that, the meat is laid out on a sheet of foil, wrapped well and moved to the air grill. Meat is cooked for forty minutes. In the same way, pork entrecote can be made on the grill and coals, only without the use of foil.

Pork entrecote, cooked in any of the above ways, looks very tempting and appetizing. This dish has an unsurpassed aroma, delicate texture and insanely pleasant taste. In addition, calorie pork delicacy not too large, which means that even people who follow their figure can eat it in moderation.

Do you love meat dishes? Then you will certainly enjoy the entrecote, of course, if you can cook it correctly.

What is this dish?

Entrecote is not so much a separate dish as the name of a part of the carcass. IN traditional cuisine In France, this is the name given to a piece of ox meat, cut in the area between the ridge and ribs. Moreover, the same part of a cow or calf has a different name - a medal. But there is a broader sense of the concept, which includes any piece of meat (usually beef) that is approximately the size of the palm of an adult and about 1.5 cm thick.

Interesting: the name is translated from French literally as “between the ribs”, which reflects the essence of the concept.

How to cook?

Entrecote can be prepared not only from beef meat but also from pork. And there are many various ways, and some of them are discussed below.

Option number 1

You can make a juicy entrecote in the oven. To do this, prepare:

  • four pieces of pork, cut between the ribs (i.e. entrecote)
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a third of a teaspoon of black ground pepper;
  • ground ginger;
  • salt.


  1. First, wash the pork pieces and beat them well so that they are more tender. Then each entrecote must be rubbed with a mixture ground ginger, salt and pepper.
  2. Take a baking sheet and grease its bottom with oil (not very plentiful, because the meat is in the process heat treatment will release fat).
  3. Lay the pieces of pork on the bottom, pour over them with the remaining oil, as well as soy sauce.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 or 200 degrees and send a baking sheet with entrecote into it for about thirty or forty minutes.

Option number 2

This recipe involves using beef as the main ingredient and frying it. The list of ingredients includes:

  • entrecote weighing no more than 250-300 grams (if it is large, then it should be cut);
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • spicy seasoning, for example, suneli hops;
  • salt and pepper if desired;
  • vegetable oil.

Process description:

  1. First, the meat must be thoroughly washed, dried, and then beaten well.
  2. Next, rub the entrecote with garlic (it can be pre-chopped), salt, pepper and seasoning. wrap it up cling film and refrigerate for two or three hours. The longer the beef marinates, the softer it will turn out in the end.
  3. Now pour oil into the pan and heat it well.
  4. Reduce the heat to medium and fry the entrecote on each side for five minutes. During cooking, periodically baste the beef with the juices that stand out to make it juicy.
  5. Serve the entrecote by basting it with the oil and juice remaining in the pan.

Option number 3

Both beef and pork can make an amazing savory entrecote. For this you will need:

  • about 300-400 grams of meat, cut between the ribs;
  • small tomato;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50-70 grams of pineapple (you can use canned);
  • ground pepper (preferably red);
  • salt;
  • oil.


  1. First of all, you must prepare the tomato: cut it into circles, roll each in flour and fry in a pan for just a couple of minutes, not forgetting to turn it over to the other side.
  2. Next, move on to the meat. It should be beaten off well, after washing, and then grate with salt and pepper.
  3. In a skillet (not the one you fried the tomatoes in), heat the oil. Put the entrecote in it and fry it on one side over medium heat for three or four minutes.
  4. Then turn the piece of meat over, put the rings on top of it fried tomatoes, then a pineapple ring, and then thin slice cheese (you can grate it).
  5. Close the pan with a lid and cook the entrecote for about four more minutes.

This dish is best served with rice or vegetables.

Option number 4

Appetizing and fragrant, you get a Breton entrecote. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams beef or pork meat(natural, cut between the ribs);
  • small head of onion;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • about 50 g of butter;
  • three medium bunches of parsley;
  • a quarter of a spoon of ground black pepper;
  • 1.5 tsp salt.

Preparation description:

  1. First, prepare the meat: after washing, beat it thoroughly and rub it with a mixture of salt, olive oil and pepper, then leave it for half an hour, and preferably an hour.
  2. When the meat is marinated, it needs to be fried for several minutes on each side. A nice crust will appear on the outside, but the flesh will remain damp on the inside, as it should be.
  3. Next, prepare a kind of sauce. To do this, chop the onion and parsley, for example, chop or pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with soft butter. You should have a green sauce.
  4. Transfer the entrecote from the pan to a container, brush on top green sauce, cover with a lid and keep ten minutes in a water bath. If you do not have the opportunity to do it, then you can send the dish to the oven.
  5. Ready entrecote can be poured with oil and juice left after frying the meat.

Helpful Hints:

  • Meat must be beaten off. This preparation allows you to destroy the fibers that make the pulp tough. And in order not to greatly damage the structure and not stain the kitchen, it is better to put a piece in a bag or wrap it in cling film.
  • To make the entrecote even more tender, you should first marinate it and leave it in the marinade for several hours or even all night.
  • Entrecote is best served with potatoes; any side dish from this product goes well with the main course. And in order not to feel heaviness after eating, add meat vegetable salad or, for example, stew.
  • Try experimenting with sauces, and they can be very diverse: spicy, tomato, creamy, garlic, sweet and sour. The choice depends only on your culinary preferences.
  • The choice of meat is also important. First of all, it must be fresh. And it is better to buy chilled or even steamed, that is, freshly chopped. Frozen pulp loses some of its properties and changes texture, so it is unlikely that a juicy entrecote will come out of it.

Cooking entrecote is quite simple, but the dishes are delicious and delicious.