How to dry almond flour in the oven. Almond flour and dishes made from it: recipes for cooking at home.

Almond flour or powder is, of course, not a recipe for any full meal, they don’t eat it with spoons, but at the same time, without this very flour it is often simply impossible to cook many delicious desserts, especially French ones. Some people have been dreaming of making macaroni cakes for a long time, but the lack of flour makes this process simply unrealistic. Of course, you can buy almond flour in the store, I often do this myself, but for some this becomes a serious obstacle for the simple reason that in our stores it is not the most popular product, and, I would even say, on the contrary, and ordering on the Internet is also not possible everywhere. So I decided to tell you that preparing this flour at home is not so difficult, and by following all the instructions clearly, you can really get quality product. And then the desired pasta will become even closer!

Cooking time: 15 minutes
Almond drying time: 30 minutes

Cooking method:
The only ingredient for making almond flour is, of course, almonds. We just take dried, not fried. He must be good quality so that the resulting flour turns out appropriate.

The first step is to peel the almonds. To do this, throw it into boiling water and keep it there for literally a minute. After this, place it on a board or countertop and lightly dry it with a paper towel. Almonds are very easy to peel. Just press on the skin and the kernels will jump out on their own.

Swallow the stomachs in water, which should be about the same temperature as the water they were burned in - the stomachs don't want the cold shock with cold water, otherwise they would have locked them. Start with the fact that hospitals will take about 6 times longer than you spent on them - prepare for what you collect for ten minutes, you'll be pecking for an hour. You can even work without peeling, I assure you that it will be even worse and will last longer.

Once the gizzards are cleaned, treat them into several quarters or better for small pieces. Boil another water, again four times or even more than it is. As soon as the water starts cooking with the pancake, pour out the purified moans and immediately turn off the gas. The water turns brown, don't let it go anywhere, that's the way it's supposed to be. Cut a minute into half an hour. After twenty minutes, give a third water.

Place the peeled almonds in some form or baking tray so that they cover the bottom in just one layer. If necessary, dry it further with a paper towel and place it in the oven preheated to 80°C. The almonds will dry for 30-40 minutes. During the process, it needs to be stirred well every 7-10 minutes so that it dries evenly.

Once the water has boiled for a minute and a third time, we will tap the stomach - we can save the brown tannin water for later use, and we will return to this article once we finish the stomach. We put the stomach saliva on a third of the water, which began to cook, and we immediately turned off the gas. If it is not ready yet, we can wait a little, but the entire processing process should not be interrupted for more than a few minutes. Let's go for a minute for half an hour, and within twenty minutes let's prepare the fourth water.

As soon as the smallest calls, we take out some pieces of the stomach, we cut the waist and taste. It's important to get a feel for the middle soil because the gizzards can be sanitized on the surface, but the inside is still bitter. It's still important to taste the pieces several times - individual stomachs mostly taste different. If the authority is already negligible or not, we will pour out the fourth water. The amount of salt depends on the amount of water and grief, the water should be salty, like potatoes. If the healings are still very bad, we will whistle once or twice as necessary and salt until the last water.

Let the well-dried almonds cool completely. Now it needs to be crushed. The easiest way to do this is with a good blender (some people use a coffee grinder, but somehow it didn’t work out for me - the almonds are crushed too aggressively and immediately begin to produce oil). The blender blades should be very sharp and close to the bottom so that you don't have to mix in the almonds. Of course, there is no talk about immersion blenders here - you need to grind in a glass. It is absolutely ideal if the blender has a pulse mode, since it is better to grind almonds in short intervals, but at high speed. Some people recommend putting the almonds in the freezer to cool them down a bit - this also prevents the almonds from releasing oil. I've gotten by without this, but if there is a problem, perhaps this method will help solve it.

You can skip it if you want, but finished products will be difficult. After the fog of the last, salty water, the stomachs are secluded. We can leave the last water a little more than half an hour. We have separate stomachs that we can immediately use in other recipes that call for stomach pieces, for example, or in autumn salads, or perhaps. If we want flour, we have to keep going.

We allow the cruelty of the belly to dry and grind the crumbs. We can fade right away, but they'll be a little matte, so they'll be better off. Wet hoops are processed immediately, or we must spread them onto a plate and let them dry completely. Once dry, the flour will feel like oak sawdust. Don't let it go, but if you do it again, the nice swirl will return.

So, put the almonds in the blender and in short bursts, 5-7 seconds each, begin to grind. Scroll and stop, scroll and stop. As soon as you see that the bulk has already turned into a fine powder, stop and sift the first batch. We put the remaining uncrushed pieces back into the blender and follow the same procedure. The main thing here is to stop in time, since the almonds, having turned into powder, can very quickly begin to give off oil, become wet and sticky, and in this form they can no longer be used for the same pasta. At the end, we also sift the resulting powder, freeing it from small unground particles.

It is recommended to grind dry flour in a coffee grinder. Cut the shit out a small amount water on thick dough. Here we must deviate for the second time from Foglar's recipe and add one or more flour flours. Stomach flour is gluten-free, and therefore the plates do not stick together when frying. We can add an egg, it will have an addictive effect, just like flour.

Cut out small pieces from the box, scoop and fry for bacon. Don't trust anyone who says it's not true or that it's disgusting. Nothing. This recipe, with the help of a personal walking team number 6 1, was tested on summer oak, our most profitable oak. Other types of oak can be used, but red oak is said to have more than one triangle, so the processing may take longer. Another interesting thing you can find on the Internet is a review of stomach flour.

As a result, some part of the waste will still remain - not completely crushed pieces, small ones, but it’s better not to add them to pasta; to many other desserts - no problem.

Total per 100 grams of almonds. 7-8% of the weight goes away with the skin. Another 10% is the so-called defect. And the result is 80-85 grams of almond flour of good enough quality to make the same pasta from it. And here it’s up to you to decide whether to buy it or make it at home, comparing the price of almond flour, which you can buy in a store, and for whole almonds, well, adding your time and some kind of labor. As I already said, you can easily make a mistake here - not drying it completely, grinding it. And although the process seems not at all complicated, it requires some attention.

Now back to the brown water with tannin. The following is used. Probably my pet tin dick and my son could be mine - the stains were just nasty and didn't even help the sun. It should be added that it is not recommended for white and light objects, only for dark colors. Tritium water has antiseptic and antiviral properties and can be used to wash stones, cuttings, and drops. Wherever it is recommended to make oak from oak.

Pour water into an ice cube and press into the freezer. It is used for blisters, evidence, threats and embarrassment. In America it even causes poison ivy, which is a good caliber. Bone skin is soaked in the water of silence. Mix almond flour with flour powder in food processor so that the mixture is as smooth as possible. Then squeeze it over a fine sieve to get really smooth, lump-free almond flour. Egg whites with a pinch of salt, start whisking at low speed, which guarantees a stable whipped snow, which consists of small bubbles due to the low speed.

Flour can be stored in airtight packaging for up to 2-3 months, simply closed jar or container for not so long - 2-4 weeks. It still depends on humidity, temperature - all these factors greatly affect shelf life. I never do a large number of flour in advance - fresh has better taste and quality. At long-term storage if the conditions are violated, the flour can become damp and become rancid. If you have questions, do not hesitate to write in the comments, you can leave your additions there.

Gradually add powdered sugar, egg whites, when they start to bubble and corolla, until you create a shiny snow that is not yet completely fixed. If you want to use food coloring, now is the right time. In shades of brown you can get cocoa. But if you want the dough to be divided into several colors, a better way to add color is to add almond flour. If you try all three options, divide the dough into three parts, one checking uncolored, which then fill with the filling from white chocolate, then the second part Shade to medium brown, this will include the nougat or chestnut filling and the third part is dark brown for the dark chocolate ganache.

Almonds and how to make flour from them

Somewhere far away, on sun-scorched slopes, trees are buried in a white haze, shrouded in thin, spicy aroma, - this is an almond blossom, which is called " king nut" Its shape was often used for poetic comparisons - almond-shaped eyes were sung by Omar Khayyam.

Almond (lat. Prunus dulcis, formerly Prunus amygdalus or Amygdalus communis) is a shrub or small tree from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) of the Plum genus. Almonds are often classified as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits. Almonds are similar in size and shape to peach pits.

Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the flour and almond mixture to form a solid in which you create a wake that slowly closes. Also have a decorative bag with a large smooth sock ready and you can start spraying the batter onto the plate.

Try to make regular wheels with a diameter of 2 cm with sufficient spacing. Now you need a lot of patience because you need to wait until the surface of the macronille dries. Exact time cannot be determined as it varies with temperature and humidity environment but you know what it is right moment, so he is no longer sure that they will not stick to your finger when touching the surface.

Sweet almond seeds are used for food fresh, roasted, salted, and also as a spice in the preparation of various dough products, sweets, chocolate, liqueurs, giving them discriminating taste. Roasted salted almonds complement drinks well. Almond kernel shells are used to flavor and improve the color of cognacs, liqueurs, wines, and are used to make Activated carbon.

During frying, rotate the plate, don't miss the blast in the oven, the macrons are better taken care of at low temperature, otherwise they will want to crack. Remove them from the oven before they start to turn pink. White preparation chocolate ganache simple. Bring the cream to a boil with the seeds you scrape out of the vanilla pod, add it and mix with the chocolate. Leave the mixture to cool until it reaches the desired consistency to replenish the macronutrients.

Preparing dark chocolate ganache is the same. Bring the cream to a boil, put it in and add all the chocolate and alcohol. Stir into a smooth cream and let it cool to your desired consistency, perfect for filling. Hazelnut Filling To prepare the cream and chocolate ganache, follow the same procedure as in previous recipe, then the still warm chocolate mass will be mixed with softened butter and nougat cream. Nougat cream can also replace chestnut puree in the same proportion, and thus becomes less delicious filling chestnut

IN different cultures the nut is attributed amazing properties, and the almond tree is associated with sophistication and sophistication. Among the Arabs, the core, hidden under the shell, is identified with the mystical essence hidden under the cover of an invisible shell. In the philosophical Chinese system of “yin-yang”, almonds represent the feminine principle - yin. It also occupies a special place not only in Chinese, but also in Indonesian cuisine, in which nuts, almonds and citrus fruits are added to a large number of dishes, especially rice, fried poultry, various types meat, etc. For the Jews, this is a symbol of immortality.

Fill the cream perfectly with the smooth tip of the decorative bag and stick to the macronutrients. When ready, leave them in the refrigerator at least until next day. Almond flour is one of the most popular gluten-free ingredients. Almonds are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and also contain unsaturated fatty acids. Almond flour can also be prepared at home by letting the almonds soak overnight and then we'll sear the next day.

The spicy spice is vanilla, which not only smells great, but also has a seemingly calming effect. The aroma of vanilla acts against stress and helps suppress depression. Moreover, it has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac since the Aztecs. Almond flour is an ingredient in many paleo brownie recipes, especially breads. Almond flour – ground almonds, sometimes blanched, sometimes with skins and can be used as a substitute wheat flour. Wheat is not nutritious not only because it has gluten, but also because the grain is harmful.

Nowadays, almonds grow mainly in the Mediterranean, China and the USA. Three varieties of it are grown there: sweet, bitter and thin-walled. Bitter contains a lot of amygdalin glycoside, a toxic substance that gives this species a characteristic, familiar taste to everyone. Therefore, such almonds cannot be eaten without pre-treatment. Fifty fresh bitter nuts - lethal dose for a person. As a result of roasting, boiling and calcination, hydrogen cyanide is removed from the kernel - and bitter almonds can be eaten. Although it is more often used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Of course, almond flour can be bought in several stores and by mail order, but it is quite expensive, a kilo costs more than 50 zlotys. You may not know it, but almond flour can make you feel right at home! Almond flour is hard to find, but almonds are available in every store.

You will also need a blender, but you will also need a nut or coffee grinder. There are two types of almond flour, most stores offer blanched almond flour, which does not contain shells - it is brighter and has more soft taste. You can make almond flour without the shells, you can also beat the almonds with the shells - you'll get a slightly darker and slightly bitter result.

Sweet and thin-walled ones have a less pronounced smell and taste. They can be enjoyed without prior heat treatment - thanks to centuries of cultivation and selection, the kernels contain small doses of amygdalin. However, even cultivated varieties of sweet almonds sometimes contain bitter nuts, and some of them have a bitter aroma. This is not the case with the Californian variety, which contains no amygdalin at all.

What do you do when you want "light" flour and you have almonds in the shells? Hand peeling them is a Sisyphean task, fortunately, there is a way: blanching almonds - throw the almonds into boiling water and cook them without revealing any for up to two minutes. Then drain and use your hands or a rag to simply fold the shells - now it will be super easy!

To make flour we need dry almonds, if they have been soaked or blanched before then you must dry them thoroughly. If you have a nut or a coffee grinder, it's simple - just grind. Just remember to keep the mill completely clean, otherwise you'll end up with coffee-flavored almond flour.

Usually, a drop of bitter essence is added to dishes, mainly desserts, that are prepared using a “safe” variety for flavor. This is how marzipan is made, a well-beaten mixture of sweet ground nuts, sugar, rose water and essence, which is obtained by evaporating ground bitter almonds and water. The essence is also suitable for flavoring baked goods. The use of bitter almonds is not limited to sweets. As a spice sweet almonds used in oriental cuisine for thickening sauces. In India it is fried along with other spices ( nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, ginger) and then mixed with yogurt. In Chinese and Indonesian cuisines The nut is added to many dishes: rice, vegetables, meat and poultry. And in Europe, for example, in Spain, sweet ground almonds are often used as a coating for fish and meat.

With an electric mill or blender you have to be very careful because it is very easy to get almond oil instead of flour. Pour the dried almonds into the blender and turn it on for a few seconds, and after each stroke, let the almonds cool for a moment.

Almond flour is naturally quite coarse, so you'll never get the velvety texture known from wheat flour or potato flour. Almond meal beef has almond chunks the size of grains of coarser sand. So don't offer appearance other types of flour and do not run the blender for too long.

This is interesting:

Every year in January, Spain and Portugal celebrate a special holiday - Almond Blossom Day.

Daily consumption of almonds helps reduce cholesterol levels and significantly prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In Eastern medicine, nuts are credited with the ability to cleanse internal organs, strengthening vision and soothing throat inflammation. They are also believed to be beneficial for pleurisy and asthma.

How to peel almonds
For many types of baked goods - in dough, in cream, white almonds peeled from brown skin may be required. For this:

Place the almonds in a small bowl and pour boiling water over them.

After 10 minutes, place the almonds in a colander and rinse with cold water. Then put it back into the bowl and pour hot water. After another 10 minutes, we take out one nut at a time and peel it. Be careful, the nut literally pops out of the skin.

Almond flour

The next stage of working with almonds that may lie ahead is turning them into almond flour.

After you have peeled the nut, under no circumstances should you grind it immediately. While it is raw, nothing will work out. You can do it in two ways:

1. Spread a towel, lay out the almonds and let them dry on their own for a day or two.

2. Line a baking sheet parchment paper, scatter almonds on it. Preheat the oven to 100C and toast the almonds. Keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn. From time to time, try what works for you. Then let cool completely.

When the almonds have dried and cooled, put them in a coffee grinder.

Grind for a few seconds, shaking so that the nut particles do not stick to the walls and blades. We stop and continue again. Grind for no longer than 15-20 seconds. If you do this too long or carefully, the blades will get hot and the almonds will release oil and clump together.

The same can be done in a meat grinder, passing the nuts through twice.

Store almond flour in a tightly sealed plastic bag or tightly closed glass jar, in a dry place. Never spoon this kind of flour with a damp spoon.

Before adding almond flour to the dough, sift it through a sieve. This will help get rid of caked lumps and distribute more evenly in the dough or cream.

But it’s not always necessary white flour. For example, you will do chocolate dough or mousse, in this case it doesn’t matter at all whether you grind the almonds with or without skin. Or, you want to give the dough a beautiful “tanned” color - in this case, feel free to grind the nut unpeeled.