Stuffed cabbage rolls with boiled meat and rice recipe. Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice: a delicious dinner for the whole family

Recipe cabbage rolls with meat and rice:

The most labor-intensive part of the cabbage rolls recipe is preparing the filling. Of course, cabbage also needs to be prepared, but still 80% of the taste of the finished dish depends on the filling. So let's start with it. Rinse the rice and cook not until cooked, but until slightly firm. The proportion of rice and water is 1:2, cook without stirring for 15 minutes. Then mix the cooled rice with minced meat, which can be chicken, pork or beef (to your taste).

Carrots and onions sautéed in oil are also added to the filling. Vegetables must first be washed, peeled and finely chopped/grated, and then fried in a frying pan in oil (1-2 minutes).

Add the sautéed vegetables to the filling and mix well (with clean hands).

Add salt and spices, taste the raw filling if possible.

Now cabbage. Carefully cut off the top of the stalk, try to cut it out a little inside so that later the leaves can be torn off more easily. Add a little salt to boiling water and immerse the head of cabbage completely. Simmer over low heat and the cabbage leaves will become soft and can be easily removed. The main thing is not to overcook the leaves; just keep them in boiling water for about 1 minute.

The cabbage remains in the water until you have removed almost all the leaves. Then cool the leaves, cut large ones, cut off the rough parts.

Spoon the filling of meat and rice onto each leaf and wrap the cabbage rolls in an “envelope” or “bag”, depending on the size of the leaf. Approximately 2-3 tbsp of filling will do. l. for one medium sized cabbage roll.

Place the stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice tightly in a pan, the bottom of which must be covered with cabbage trimmings or leaves, and pour tomato sauce diluted with water (1:1).

Simmer the cabbage rolls with meat and rice for about 1 hour over medium heat under the lid.

Delicious aromatic cabbage rolls are served hot, with sour cream, herbs or ketchup. This is a very filling dish, so don't overdo it with the rest of the appetizers. Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice are ready!

Let's prepare the stuffing for cabbage rolls:

Boil the rice until done.

Chop 1 onion quite finely, grate 1 carrot. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Mix rice, minced meat, fried carrots and onions, add salt and pepper. The stuffing for cabbage rolls is ready.

Let's prepare the cabbage:

Cut off the stalk of the cabbage and place the head of cabbage in boiling water for a few minutes. Then we separate the cabbage leaves and cut off the thick vein at the base of each leaf.

Place minced meat on each cabbage leaf.

Let's prepare the sauce for cabbage rolls:

Grate 1 carrot and finely chop 1 onion. Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown, add flour and fry for a few more minutes, then pour in tomato juice, a little water, add chopped dill, salt, pepper and mix. Cook the sauce for another 3-4 minutes.

Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan, pour in the prepared sauce and simmer for 30 minutes.

Place delicious cabbage rolls with rice and meat on a plate, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, and serve.

Bon appetit!

Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice are a classic of the genre, a dish familiar to many of us since childhood. There are different options for preparing this traditional dish of Middle Eastern and European cuisine, for example, it is prepared not only with rice, but also with buckwheat. In this recipe, I tried using 2 types of meat, chicken fillet and beef pulp, as a filling, it turned out very tasty and everyone was happy :)

Let's prepare the main ingredients for cabbage rolls with meat and rice, see photo...

It is also advisable to choose the right cabbage; it should not be very dense so that we can easily separate the leaves without damaging them. Otherwise, you will have to cook the entire head of cabbage. So, separate 15-20 cabbage leaves, cut off the hard ribs and place them in a pan of boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

For the filling, put 2 types of minced meat, sliced ​​onions and carrots into one dish.

We also add rice, boiled until half cooked, cumin, salt and ground black pepper to the meat and vegetables. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and the stuffing for cabbage rolls is ready!

Place 2 tablespoons of meat filling on a softened cabbage leaf and wrap in an envelope. Do this operation with all cabbage leaves.

Line the bottom of the pan with cabbage leaves, and place cabbage rolls on top of them. It is best to use a saucepan with a double bottom or a cauldron (duckpot.)

Mix half a liter of water with 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, add salt, ground black pepper and other seasonings to taste, mix well. Pour tomato sauce over the cabbage rolls and put on fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer the cabbage rolls for 35-45 minutes over low heat.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice are ready; when serving, you can garnish them with finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Classic cabbage rolls with meat and rice are a favorite dish for many. The combination of juicy minced meat, soft cabbage leaves and rich tomato and sour cream sauce is incredibly tasty and satisfying! However, when preparing this popular dish, there are some points that should be taken into account to achieve the perfect result. This includes boiling cabbage, properly prepared filling, and forming cabbage rolls. In our step-by-step instructions we will consider all the stages in detail.

The most time-consuming process in the cabbage rolls recipe is preparing the cabbage. It is necessary to carefully separate the leaves from the head of cabbage so as not to tear them or damage them. This can be done in different ways (using freezing, microwave, under running water, etc.). But today we will use the traditional method.


  • minced meat (pork + beef) - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage - 1 large;
  • rice - ½ cup;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • onion - 1 large or 2 small;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs (dill or parsley) - 3-4 sprigs;
  • vegetable oil - 40-50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For the sauce:

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - about 400 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Stuffed cabbage rolls recipe step by step with photos at home

  1. Remove the top damaged leaves from the cabbage. Next, we make deep cuts around the stalk with a knife to separate the base of the leaves from the head of cabbage. Choose a large saucepan (ideally the cabbage should fit completely there) and fill it with water. Place the head of cabbage on a knife or fork and immerse it in boiling salted liquid.
  2. Gradually, the cabbage leaves will begin to separate from the head of cabbage (we carefully help them with a fork).
  3. When there are 3-5 leaves in the pan, remove the head of cabbage from the pan. Cook the separated leaves for 1-2 minutes (until soft and elastic), then remove with a slotted spoon. Next, place the head of cabbage in the pan again, wait for the leaves to separate, etc. We repeat the procedure until all suitable leaves are gone.

    Stuffing for cabbage rolls recipe with photo

  4. While the cabbage leaves are cooling, prepare the meat filling for the cabbage rolls. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion until soft.
  5. Next we add carrots to the onions. Stirring, sauté everything together for about 3 minutes.
  6. Add the carrot and onion mixture to the minced meat and squeeze the garlic cloves through a press. Add chopped herbs to the mixture.
  7. Boil the rice until half cooked and also add it to the meat mixture. For juiciness, be sure to add tomato pulp to the filling ingredients. To do this, soak the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then rinse them with cold water and remove the steamed skin. Grind the pulp with a knife or turn it into a “puree” using a blender.
  8. Salt and pepper the filling ingredients, mix thoroughly.

    How to cook cabbage rolls with meat and rice

  9. Forming cabbage rolls. Take a cabbage leaf and remove the hard part (the stem) with a knife. Lay out a portion of the meat mass (about 2-3 tablespoons). Cover the filling with the bottom edge of the cabbage leaf.
  10. Then we bend the sides to the minced meat and fold the top edge. We get a completely closed “envelope”. From the amount of products indicated in the recipe you will get approximately 9-10 cabbage rolls.
  11. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan or deep frying pan. We fry our semi-finished products on both sides.
  12. Mix sour cream and tomato paste, dilute with water, lightly salt. Pour the prepared sauce over the cabbage rolls. The liquid should cover the products almost completely (add water if necessary). Cover the pan with a lid.
  13. Stew cabbage rolls with meat and rice for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Serve the finished products with the sauce and add herbs.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice are ready! Bon appetit!