Eye ear recipe. How to cook fish soup over a fire

Someone will say that fish soup is not prepared in the kitchen, and they will be absolutely right. For fish soup you need nature, a fire, a light fog over the water. But it’s not always possible to go out into nature.

The modern world is intense and complex. Everyone is in a hurry, there are a lot of things to do and things to do. And sometimes you want fish soup. In principle, it’s worth making a fish day at home sometimes.

Homemade soup is very useful. Well? Maybe not fish soup, but fish soup, but it’s necessary.

After a successful fishing trip, there are always heads and tails left. This is certainly not salmon soup, but it’s also delicious.

So, homemade soup from the heads, at home in the kitchen. Improvisation.

Homemade soup. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Fish (heads, tails) 1 kg
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Celery or parsley root 1 PC
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Salt, black pepper, allspice, cloves, bay leaf, coriander taste
  • Parsley 3-4 sprigs
  1. Homemade fish soup is always a memory of fishing. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. While the water is boiling, throw all the spices into the pan and add a little salt.

    Pike perch heads, tails

  2. As spices we throw in: peas - black pepper 10-12 pcs., allspice 2-3 pcs., coriander 0.5 tsp. In addition, 1-2 cloves and 2 bay leaves.

    Black and allspice pepper, cloves and coriander. Bay leaf

  3. Peel the carrots and cut into thick slices or simply cut them in half. Throw in the whole celery root (you can add parsley root, but be careful - it gives a little bitterness). Or cut a piece from a large root. Peel the onion and cut it lightly, literally a quarter of the way, crosswise.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. Celery root

  4. When the water boils, let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes and remove the celery and bay leaf.

    Let the spices and roots simmer for 15 minutes

  5. After this, throw the peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water. Discard the cooked onion. Add garlic - the grains should be slightly flattened with the block of a knife.

    Throw peeled and cut potatoes into 4-6 pieces into boiling water

  6. Cook potatoes for 10-12 minutes. Then put the fish in your ear.

    Then put the fish in your ear

  7. Usually fish are heads and tails, unless they specifically left something better on the ear. We still have pike and pike perch leftovers. Well, sometimes we also buy sets of trout and salmon. And the homemade soup turns out rich.
  8. By the way, if you are preparing fish soup with red fish, you should throw in half a lemon without squeezing it. Then remove the lemon and throw it away.
  9. After adding the fish, homemade fish soup will be better if you do not stir it and do not allow the liquid to boil.
  10. Cook homemade fish soup for 15-20 minutes. Over low heat until the soup simmers gently.
  11. Then you can remove the carrots. Whether or not to leave the cooked carrots in your ear is at your discretion. For example, I love carrots.
  12. Add final salt and pepper to taste.
  13. At this stage, you can put pieces of raw good fish in your ear - pike perch, trout, etc. After this fish is cooked, you can put it on a plate for everyone, one piece at a time.
  14. Add finely chopped parsley. While the homemade soup is still boiling, add 2 more bay leaves.
  15. Immediately remove the soup from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Like the highest squeak - you can splash 50 grams of vodka in your ear. But vodka in your ear is in nature. If you are preparing homemade fish soup for your family, you probably shouldn’t do that. In principle, no one forbids simply pouring a glass for those who wish.

Fish is a very healthy product that is simply necessary in the diet of every person. There are a lot of varieties of fish, as well as fish dishes; one of such healthy and very tasty dishes is fish soup.

In ancient times, the word “ukha” itself meant soup, a liquid dish. Ukha has long been considered a national dish of Russian traditional cuisine. It is very healthy, aromatic, and is a type of soup. The number of recipes for this dish is very large. Each recipe has its own flavor and cooking feature. Most real chefs believe that a real fish soup should contain several types of fish. This is due to the fact that each fish has its own taste, its own characteristics, some fish give tenderness, others a sharp taste.

Each fish soup recipe has its own subtleties and characteristics, but in general all recipes are of a general nature. Tourists cook fish soup according to their own recipe, fishermen cook fish soup, housewives cook according to a cookbook. Fish soup is a rather old dish, and most housewives often prepare it at home. But there is one “but”: in order for the soup to have an excellent unique taste, it is important to cook it not easily. There are many secrets, and we will share some of them with you.
Knowing the intricacies of preparing the most famous fish soup, you can easily prepare it both at home and on a campfire. Traditionally, it is prepared, of course, while fishing.

The variety of fish in our country is quite rich, so the first question arises: what kind of fish should I cook fish soup from? Depending on the territorial characteristics and the richness of each region in certain types of fish, everyone has their own answer to the question about fish preferences. Some people think that the richer the fish assortment, the tastier the fish soup; others think that fish soup is only tasty from perch or salmon; others prefer to cook fish soup from the head of a large fish.

Let's look at some features and varieties of fish soup.

Fish soup recipes by type

Pike perch, perch, ruff - as a rule, white fish soup is prepared from these fish. Sometimes a portion of burbot, catfish, tench or ide is added.

Crucian carp, carp, carp, rudd are fish that are suitable for black fish soup.

Red fish soup is prepared from sturgeon, beluga, salmon, and stellate sturgeon. You can also tint the red ear with saffron and its name will change to amber.

If the fish soup is called triple, it means that three different types of fish were used.

Types of fish soup according to cooking method

If there are several types of fish in an ear, then this ear is called mixed.

Protected ear, its main difference is the presence of eggs in the ear. There are two ways to prepare this fish soup. In the first option, during cooking, the not fully cooked fish is taken out, rolled in flour with a beaten egg, fried in a frying pan and sent back into the broth until fully cooked. The second preparation option: fish, vegetables and herbs are boiled in a clay pot, after which a beaten egg is added, without stirring, left until fully cooked.

Dry fish soup - made from dried fish and the addition of dried mushrooms.

If you increase the amount of carrots in the ear, you can get a sweet ear.

There are also lovers of crayfish soup; the fish is cooked together with crayfish.

Poured soup is a soup that is prepared from still living fish. Ungutted, live fish are poured with boiling water. Fish giblets can add a specific taste to a dish, so this option for preparing fish soup is not for everyone.

How to cook fish soup correctly?

The first secret: choose the right fish.

Choose only fresh fish for your fish soup. Here are the types of fish that are best suited for this soup: perch, carp, pike perch, crucian carp, carp, pike. Among the sea fish that are suitable for fish broth, cod, sea bass, halibut and notothenia are useful.

Experienced fishermen advise: prepare fish soup from different varieties of fish. In addition, to make the broth rich and tasty, add more fish to less water.

The second secret: a set of ingredients.

For a good fish soup you need to use a minimum of ingredients and spices, otherwise you will overwhelm the main taste and aroma. As a rule, vegetables should be chopped coarsely, except for the onion: it is placed whole or in two halves.

Secret three: preparation.

Cook the fish soup without a lid over low heat, and be sure to remove the foam that appears by the time it boils - then you will have a clean and transparent broth with a unique aroma, but without a characteristic odor.

Cooking time for fish is also important: overcooked fish loses all value and taste. For freshwater species – 7–20 minutes (larger pieces – cook longer); marine varieties need even less, 7–12 minutes; large Siberian fish takes about half an hour to cook.

In addition, place the carcasses in a slightly boiled vegetable broth, or just in water - more flavor will be retained.

Secret four: don't stir.

Secret five: salt.

It’s best to salt fish soup in a saucepan only before putting the plates on the table, otherwise you can ruin all your cooking efforts. The best salt is sea salt.

This is where the secrets end. Now, having learned the intricacies of its preparation, you can easily cook excellent soup!

how to cook fish soup step by step photo recipe


  • river fish 1-1.5 kg,
  • potatoes 5-6 medium tubers,
  • onion 1-2 heads,
  • carrots – 1 large or 2 small,
  • parsley root - optional
  • millet 2-3 tbsp. spoons (optional)
  • vodka – 1 glass 50 ml (optional),
  • bay leaf or dry dill sprigs,
  • pepper.

Cooking process:

We gut fresh fish. In the photo recipe we prepare fish soup from carp.

We also use offal (caviar, liver, bladder, fat) to make soup.

Remove the gills from the head.

A fragrant and rich broth is obtained when small fish are used in cooking. Our fish is large, we cut it into pieces.

Let's prepare all the vegetables. Let's put the water on the fire. Place chopped carrots and parsley root (if using) into boiling water. Place the onions whole (or cut into halves). In addition to fish, potatoes are added to the fish soup, and there should be no potatoes in the fisherman's version. Cook for approximately 10 minutes.

If we have fish soup with millet, add the cereal at the same stage.

We lower the bay leaf, pieces of fish and pepper. Cook everything for about 10 minutes.

Add fish roe. Now you can add salt to the soup, but not before. Boil for another 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

To get rid of the characteristic smell, add vodka.

When the soup is cooked, remove the bay leaf and onion.

Remove large pieces of fish from the broth.

And add some salt.

Onion, dill or parsley are added at the very end, when serving.

The next day, the rich classic ear is frozen.

And many people eat it like fish jelly.

Bon appetit everyone!

Greetings, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to cook classic fish soup, and which fish makes the most delicious soup. Real fish soup is usually prepared from live, freshly caught fish. Perch, pike perch, whitefish and ruff are best suited for this dish. For simple recipes, you can take crucian carp, carp, rudd or carp.

Among marine species, preference should be given to halibut, cod or sea bass. Ram, roach, mackerel, gobies, and herring are not suitable for fish soup. Fishermen recommend choosing small and large fish. Small pieces add richness to the broth, and large pieces look beautiful in the finished dish.

Fish soup recipe

Video recipe

The benefits of fish soup

  1. Sea fish contains many vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, cobalt, sodium, zinc and others, necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  2. Soup saturates the body with valuable fatty acids, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Fish contains phosphorus and iodine, which improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  4. Promotes the production of proteins and collagen. They increase skin elasticity and smoothness.
  5. It is allowed to be consumed while following a diet, since fish soup is considered a low-calorie dish.
  1. The soup should be simmered over low heat; rapid boiling will spoil the appearance and taste of the dish.
  2. I recommend adding a variety of spices to the dish - parsley, bay leaf, tarragon, green onions, allspice, dill.
  3. In order to eliminate the specific smell, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.
  4. A perfectly cooked fish soup should be transparent. If the broth becomes cloudy, you can lighten it. To do this, I recommend adding egg white, which, when curdled, will absorb all the dregs during the cooking process. After this, the protein should be removed.
  5. You need to salt the soup at the end of cooking.
  6. You cannot stir the fish soup, you can only turn the pan slightly. Moving the ladle or spoon will cause the fish and vegetables to disintegrate, resulting in a porridge.
  7. Serve the fish soup hot immediately after cooking. This is the only way to fully reveal the rich fishy taste.
  8. You can prepare the soup for a festive dinner, complementing it with main courses, which also contain seafood.
  9. To make the broth rich, add fatty layers of fish during cooking and cook with the lid open.

5 best variations

A tasty, aromatic and nutritious dish. It contains pink salmon, potatoes, carrots, black peppercorns, bay leaves, parsley and onions. To make the soup more filling, add millet or rice to it. For piquancy, you can use cream.

A classic Russian dish, famous for its hearty and at the same time light taste. You can cook it at home from freshly frozen whole fish. The recipe also includes carrots, potatoes, onions, bay leaves, dill, and black pepper. To give the soup a rich aroma, add celery root. Experienced fishermen often add a couple of tablespoons of vodka to the fish soup at the end of cooking.

If the soup is not eaten all at once, when heated, the vodka will act as a preservative. Then the dish will not lose its original taste. To avoid straining the broth, I recommend putting fish trimmings in a gauze bag before cooking. You can give the broth a golden color using onion peels.

  • From trout

A delicacy soup that is included in the menu of many restaurants. You can prepare it at home simply and quickly. To do this, just take fish, potatoes, carrots, spices, and fresh dill. When serving, add a little sour cream. The dish is not very high in calories and fat. It looks noble on the holiday table and is perfect for lunch.

It is worth considering how long the fish is cooked. It should be added to the soup 10 minutes before it is finally ready, or boil the fish in advance, then transfer it to a separate bowl, strain the broth and use it to make fish soup.

  • From zander

Rich and thick soup. Pike perch has very soft meat and minimal bones. The dish is ideal for both adults and children. For proper preparation you will need pike perch, potatoes, carrots, onions, bay leaves, butter, and spices. When serving, use dill and green onions and fresh black pepper.

  • From salmon

One of the most aromatic, light and delicious fish dishes. Many chefs call salmon a royal fish not only because of its delicate taste. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Fish also contains vitamin D and melatonin, which ensure healthy skin. To prepare the soup, take a couple of salmon steaks, potatoes, carrots, onions, and bay leaves.

The finished ear needs to brew for 25-35 minutes. Before serving, add a little olive oil, garlic and pepper to the plate. Use a sprig of parsley for decoration.


In the article, we looked at the classic fish soup recipe, found out which fish is best for fish soup, what is added to the broth and how to make it transparent. You can cook fish soup with both sea and river fish. It is better to give preference to a fresh product rather than a frozen one.

Do you like to cook fish soup? Tell us about it in the comments!

A real relic. The author, who does not need to be introduced to anyone, tells, analyzes, teaches how to cook both the simplest and most complex Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian dishes.

An ancient Russian soup - ukha can be prepared in different ways. Here are five recipes from culinary researcher William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin:

Common fish soup (from sea fish)



1.5 kg fish or 1.25 kg fillet (about 0.5 kg each cod, halibut, sea bass)
1.75 l water
2 onions
0.5 carrots
3 potatoes
4 bay leaves
10-12 black peppercorns
1 leek
1 parsley
2 tbsp. l. dill
4-5 saffron stamens
2 tsp. salt
4 slices (circles) of lemon


1. Place diced potatoes, chopped carrots and parsley, and finely chopped onions into salted boiling water.

2. Boil for 10-15 minutes over moderate heat until the potatoes are half cooked, then add all the spices except dill and part of the leek, and after 3 minutes add fish cut into large pieces and continue cooking for another 8 minutes over moderate heat. If necessary, add salt.

3. A minute before it’s ready, add dill and leeks.

4. Remove from heat, close the lid and let it brew for 7-8 minutes, add lemon.

Ukha team Ukha team

It is called the fish soup because it contains river and red fish in an arbitrary ratio.

from the book “Cuisines of Slavic Peoples”


The composition of the fish soup includes river and red fish in a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1.


The cooking procedure is the same as for ordinary fish soup. Among the spices, in addition to those used in ordinary river fish soup, you can add saffron and ginger (at the tip of a knife).

Ear protected

Ukha is so called because the fish fillet is first lightly boiled, and then dipped in beaten egg and flour and fried, or “baked.”

from the book “Cuisines of Slavic Peoples”


The set of products is the same as for ordinary fish soup.

Baked fish soup can be cooked in two ways.


First way:

1. Boil heads, tails, bones from cut fish for 20-30 minutes over moderate heat.

2. Strain the broth and boil large pieces of fish fillet in it for 5 minutes.

3. Then remove the fish, dip in whipped water with 1 tsp. flour, lightly fry the egg (opeche - hence “baked”) in a frying pan in butter and again immerse in boiling fish broth to finish cooking for another 3-5 minutes.

Second way:

1. Place the fish, vegetables, and spices in a clay pot, pour boiling water over it, close it, and place in a preheated oven over high heat for 15 minutes.

2. When the soup starts to boil, remove from the oven, add 1 tbsp. l. butter, pour 1-2 well-beaten eggs on top and place in the oven again for 15 minutes until the eggs are completely baked.

Carp ear

As the name suggests, ukha is made from crucian carp.

from the book “Cuisines of Slavic Peoples”


Cook in the same way as ordinary river fish soup (see above), but instead of potatoes add 2 tbsp. l. washed rice. First, boil the heads of the crucian carp separately, and then strain the broth and put the crucian carp into it without cutting them into pieces. This fish soup is not salted.

Plast ear

Plast fish soup is made from salted and dried fish spread out lengthwise, hence its name.

from the book “Cuisines of Slavic Peoples”


Prepare it in the same way as ordinary fish soup, but from salted and dried fish, spread lengthwise.

What an ear! Yes, how fat:
It was as if she were shimmering with amber.
Have fun, dear little friend!
Here is bream, giblets, here is a piece of sterlet.
I. A. Krylov, “Demyanov’s ear”

Come on, tell me, who among you doesn’t love rich, aromatic fish soup that smells of the sea, relaxation, good mood, meadow expanses and ocean shores? Uhu, which contains all the happiness of picnics, morning fishing on the river bank and family recreation in nature? The fish soup, which shimmers with amber fat beads, enchants with the pearlescent shine of the broth, attracts with the gold and silver of fish skins?

A short historical excursion

The best rooster soup.

Few people know that initially, from the time of its birth until the end of the 18th century, all first courses in Rus' were hidden behind the word “ukha”, it was a common name for soups, however, over time, broth appeared in the lexicon under the influence of fashionable French trends, and the meaning of fish soup has narrowed to mean only a fish first course.

However, this is not the whole underwater part of the iceberg. Again, previously, fish soup was only concentrated fish broth - it was cooked for a long time and carefully, but they tried to preserve everything valuable that is in the fish. There were no cereals, let alone potatoes and carrots in the soup - a thick, rich broth was served with fresh soft pies and pies and was always accompanied by a glass of ice-cold vodka.

Food culture, like any other branch of culture, fortunately, does not stand still, and therefore fish soup over time was transformed into fish soup of varying degrees of richness. Double fish soup is the one that is cooked with fish added twice, triple fish soup is added to the broth three times. In addition, there is royal, fishermen's, peasant, Hungarian soup, sterlet soup, catfish, sturgeon, silver carp, cod, pink salmon and dozens of other types of fish soups.

Classification of fish soup

In order not to blink your eyes stupidly in a restaurant, seeing incomprehensible names of understandable fish soup, let's figure out how such a popular dish as fish soup is classified.

Depending on the fish used to prepare the first course, ukha is divided into:

- white fish soup (brewed from such varieties of fish as burbot, pike perch, perch, whitefish, ruffe and the like. Characterized by a particularly light broth and delicate taste);

— black fish soup (prepared from carp, rudd, carp, crucian carp. As a rule, it turns out a little darker than white fish soup);

- red fish soup (for its preparation you need salmon, trout, sturgeon, beluga. In some cases, saffron is added to the broth, and then the red fish soup is called amber);

— triple (double) fish soup is prepared from different varieties of fish, and the first (two first) stock is used only for preparing the broth, and the last variety of fish, as a rule, the most delicious and valuable, ends up on the plate.

In addition, there are varieties of fish soup depending on the method of preparation:
— a collection of fish soup (everything that is in the kitchen goes into the pan);
— sweet soup (there are a lot, a lot of carrots in the broth);
— flaccid fish soup (base – dried fish);
— plastic fish soup (for cooking, they take salted fish, which is cut into thin layers for salting);
— baked fish soup (an egg is added to the finished soup and then baked in a stove or oven);
— poured fish soup (for cooking, live fish is used, which is poured with boiling water).

Another common classification of fish soup is based on the place in which this or that recipe was invented. Ukha in Arkhangelsk style involves using cod and halibut and adding milk at the end of cooking. Volzhskaya ukha is prepared from sterlet, Prinarovskaya - from lamprey, fresh tomatoes are added to Don, and saffron milk caps are added to Onega.

There are tons of recipes, fish soup lovers will never be bored! Let's start with the basics, shall we?

Fish head soup

Many housewives know that it is cheaper to buy a large carcass of trout or salmon, cut it up and store it in the freezer, taking out the necessary pieces as needed, than to run to the store every time for steaks, fillets or a soup set. After the carcass is divided into parts and packaged in bags, think about whether you would like the simplest fish head soup today. Preparing it is as simple as possible, and the result is incomparable!

1 head of large fish;
200 g fish fillet;
2 liters of water or prepared broth;
3-4 potatoes;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
1/3 cup millet;
3-4 bay leaves;
salt, black pepper, allspice, herbs to taste.

Place the prepared head (washed and cleared of gills) into a saucepan, add water or broth, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, then reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. After this, remove the head from the broth, leave to cool, and strain the broth. We disassemble the head, return the meat to the broth, add fillet cut into medium pieces, peeled and grated carrots, onions and potatoes cut into small cubes, millet, allspice. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook until cereals and vegetables are ready (about 15 minutes). At the end, add salt, add bay leaf, boil for a few more minutes, turn off. If desired, add black pepper and herbs to the soup.

River fish soup

If there is a fisherman in your family who regularly brings home a catch in the form of small river fish, you know that the issue of its disposal constantly turns into an acute problem. Ukha is a great way out of the situation: aromatic, satisfying and simple.

1 kg of river fish;
2 liters of broth or water;
1 onion;
1/3 cup millet;
4-5 potatoes;
salt, pepper, herbs to taste.

Small river fish should be thoroughly washed, scaled and gutted. Place in a saucepan, then add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, skim off foam and simmer until bones begin to pull away from meat (7-10 minutes). Remove the pan from the stove, strain the broth, deal with the fish: if you don’t like fighting with bones in the plate, try to immediately fillet what can be filleted; If you don't mind removing the bones directly during dinner, just remove the large ridges if they are easily removed from the meat.
Add finely chopped onion, millet, and small cubes of potatoes to the pan with the broth. Cook until the potatoes and cereals are ready, then add the fish, boil for another 3-5 minutes, at the end add salt, pepper, and herbs.

Simple homemade carp soup

Of course, you can say that this is not fish soup at all, but just fish soup, but, you see, with the passage of time and the constant change in culinary realities, it is unrealistic to say how real fish soup today should differ from fish soup. And that’s why we’re preparing fish soup! From carp. Rich in taste and very satisfying.

1 head of large carp;
1 tail of a large carp;
3-4 pieces of carp carcass;
2.5 liters of water or broth;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
3-4 potatoes;
1 parsley root;
salt, pepper, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs to taste.

Place the unpeeled onion, parsley root, bay leaf, peppercorns, the head with the gills removed, the tail and pieces of the carp carcass in a saucepan, add water or broth, and bring to a boil. Be sure to skim off the foam, reduce the heat to low and cook for about 15 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, strain the broth, and throw away everything that was in it except the fish. We divide the latter into parts, disassemble the head and leave only what is needed, put everything in a pan. Add potatoes, cut into small cubes, and carrots, cut into cubes. Bring to a boil again, reduce the heat to low, add salt and pepper to taste and cook until the vegetables are tender. At the end, add the greens.

Fish soup in Finnish

It is not for nothing that the Scandinavian peoples are considered experts in preparing fish dishes - centuries of developed fishing culture, of course, left its mark on the kitchen, giving the local population hundreds of recipes from salmon, trout and other delicacies found in abundance in coastal waters. Try Finnish fish soup - you will be surprised to find out how great an ordinary fish soup can turn out!

500 g trout;
2 tbsp. l. butter;
1.5 liters of water or pre-cooked broth;
3-4 large potatoes;
250 ml low-fat cream;
a bunch of parsley;
1 carrot;
2 onions;
2-3 bay leaves;
salt, pepper to taste.

Wash the fish, remove the bones, peel the scales, but do not remove the skin. Cut into fairly large pieces, place in a single layer in a pan in which you have previously melted the butter.
Cut the peeled carrots into slices and scatter them on top of the fish.
If you have nothing against onions in first courses, peel them, cut them into as small cubes as possible, and place them on top of the carrots. If for some reason you do not add chopped onions to soups, cut the heads in half and place them in the pan in this form - after the soup is ready, simply remove the onions: it will have time to impart its aroma to the broth, but will not spoil the appearance of the soup .
Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes, and place in the next layer after the carrots or onions.
Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, pour in the broth and, without stirring, cook until the vegetables are tender - about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, pour cream into the pan, add chopped parsley and leave to brew under the lid for 10 minutes, after which you can serve Finnish fish soup.

How to cook fish soup in a slow cooker

The modern pace and speed of life is gradually approaching infinity. Nobody has time to do anything, everyone is in a hurry, flying and rushing, saving time on everything they can save on. The family's nutrition often comes under attack - it is for this reason that many housewives switch to preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners in a slow cooker. By the way, you can also cook fish soup in a miracle pot!

500 g of soup fish set (ridges, tails, heads, bellies, ugly pieces of fillet);
1/3 head of celery root;
1 bell pepper;
3-4 potatoes;
2 carrots;
1 onion;
2 tbsp. l. rice;
salt, herbs, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Soup set (washed, peeled, without gills), unpeeled and halved onion, one whole carrot, one carrot cut into slices, celery, bell pepper without stalk and seeds, cubed potatoes, rice, spices and salt, put in a multicooker bowl, add approx. 1.5 liters of water (this fish soup will be rich and quite thick; if you prefer liquid soups, increase the amount of liquid; in addition, you can cook fish soup without cereals). Close the lid of the multicooker and set the stewing program. After the readiness signal, take out the whole carrots, bell peppers, celery, bay leaves and throw them away. We take out the fish, separate it from the bones, and return the boned pieces to the bowl. Add finely chopped herbs, pour into plates and serve. If desired, you can add a spoonful of heavy cream or sour cream to the ear.

How to cook fish soup over a fire

Of course, most often we cook fish soup at home - on the stove or in a slow cooker. However, you must agree that this dish is most delicious after it has been cooked over a fire - with the smell of smoke, pine needles accidentally falling into the pot, or a fish caught with your own hands an hour ago. In nature, to the unobtrusive music of a fire and the singing of forest birds, with good company and an excellent mood.

1.5 kg of fresh fish;
1 onion;
1 carrot;
parsley root, parsnip;
3-4 potatoes;
salt, allspice and black pepper to taste, bay leaf, bunch of herbs.

Place a pot over the fire, pour 2 liters of water into it and wait until it boils. Add diced potatoes, carrot slices, a whole onion (can be unpeeled, not cut in half completely), parsnip and parsley root, cook for 15 minutes.
Clean the fish, cut into pieces, place the heads and tails in the pot, cook for another 10-15 minutes, then remove them, cool, separate from the bones, return the meat to the pot, and add the remaining large pieces of fish along with it. Add allspice, bay leaf, remove parsley and parsnip roots, discard onion. Finely chop the greens, add to the pot, remove from the heat and pour into plates.

10 secrets of delicious fish soup

  1. The basis of all first courses is broth: the better it is, the tastier the soup will be. Ukha is no exception: if you want to receive a royal treat, you should make sure that the cooked broth is rich. Traditionally, it is cooked on cheap small fish, which are always caught along with the real catch - crucian carp, ruffe, whitefish, perch, roach, small pike perch and any other small fish caught or purchased are suitable. The more types of fish you put in the pan, the more interesting the result will be. In addition, do not forget to add aromatic herbs and roots to the pan - celery, parsley, parsnips, bay leaves, allspice, dill, tarragon and anything else you find can be safely thrown into the broth.
  1. If you add freshly caught small river fish to the fish soup broth, you don’t have to gut it or peel off the scales, just remove the gills.
  1. If your broth suddenly “bounces” and becomes cloudy, you can lighten it by adding liquid egg white - as it curdles, it will “take” with it what spoiled the appearance of the soup.
  1. A couple of onions added to the pan unpeeled, fish skins (which are often removed), and carrots can improve the color of the broth.
  1. When choosing fish for broth, give preference to fatty varieties - carp, salmon, pike perch, carp, pike. Don’t even look at herring fish, minnows, roaches, rams - they are in no way suitable for broth.
  1. The secret to a successful fish soup is not to bring the soup to a boil. The best option is slow simmering under an open lid; this is how you will get the most delicious, thorough, rich fish soup.
  1. To prevent the fish soup from turning into porridge, try not to stir it - rich fish soups are cooked without unnecessary intervention in the process.
  1. If you cook fish soup outdoors, at the very end try dipping a smoldering firebrand directly into the pot of soup for a few seconds - it will add subtle notes to the fish soup, giving your dinner absolutely stunning aromas.
  1. Any connoisseur of this dish will always add a glass of vodka to the “correct” fish soup - the alcohol evaporates, and the soup acquires an interesting spicy note.
  1. Fish soup is traditionally salted at the very end. It is believed that otherwise the salt will “pull” aromas and flavors from the soup, which will simply evaporate or dissolve during further cooking.