Where the best chocolate in the world is made. The most delicious chocolate in the world

Chocolate with flower petals, chocolate-covered bacon, the most expensive chocolate in the world - on World Chocolate Day we will talk about places where you can try the most amazing creations of genius chocolatiers.


Belgium is rightfully considered the first among the best in the production of sweet treats. And the secret of this leadership is simple: the best varieties cocoa beans are produced in the Congo, and the Congo, as you know, was a Belgian colony in the past. Therefore, in this European country of chocolate crafts, masters use only selected raw materials. The amount of chocolate produced in Belgium per capita is the highest in the world. In this small country, there are 12 chocolate factories, 16 chocolate museums and more than 2000 shops where this dessert is sold. Luxury brands Belgian chocolate Godiva, Guylian and Leonidas are very popular all over the world due to their excellent quality and beautiful packaging. For the past 25 years, Godiva has been recognized as the best chocolate manufacturer in all world competitions. And Pierre Marcolini is recognized as the most famous chocolatier in Belgium. Stores with this trade brand are open all over the world. In 2007, Forbes magazine recognized Marcolini's products as "the most expensive chocolate in the world." Its price reaches $100 for 450 grams. But connoisseurs of chocolate of this brand can try it in Brussels on Grand Sablon Square at more affordable prices.


According to statistics, it is in Switzerland that the highest consumption of chocolate per person per year is 11.6 kg. The capital of this sweet treat here is Zurich, which is home to three of the best chocolate brands: Lindt, Teuscher and Sprungli. In the small pastry shops and specialty shops of this city, lovers can try several varieties of delicious Swiss chocolate. One of the largest chocolate shops is the Sprungli confectionery, which has a reputation as a real "chocolate paradise".

But in Geneva there is one of the youngest chocolate companies - Stettler, which was established in 1947, but in terms of product quality it is in no way inferior to its eminent competitors. On Avenue Blanc there is a workshop for the production of chocolate, although, rather, this place can be called a laboratory where chocolatiers perform sacred functions. They create chocolate like an artist creates a work of art. Therefore, its tasting in a shop on the same Avenue Blanc is the greatest pleasure for fans of this sweet temptation.

Photo: uborshizzza.livejournal.com


France is not only a trendsetter in the world of fashion, but also in the world of "chocolate making" masters, it is not in last place. The small town of Ten-L "Hermitage is famous for its Valrhona chocolate factory and the School of Chocolate, where the best chocolatiers on the planet learn the secrets of craftsmanship. Training here is not cheap - more than 1000 euros for three days, but this does not prevent a large number of those who want to open the veil of mystery in production for themselves most popular dessert in the world. Ten-L'Hermitage also organizes excursions to a chocolate factory, where for a moderate fee guests can not only taste original types of chocolate, but also taste fine French wines.

Have you ever tried eco chocolate? If not, then go to the Bovetti factory, which is located in the municipality of Terrasson-Lavilledieu. It produces chocolate with various natural supplements, including flower petals. Chocolate Apéritif , for example, awarded as the best innovative product at the SIAL exhibition in Paris, can be consumed with a glass of wine, champagne or port, because chocolate icing mustard, coriander, fennel seeds, anise and rosemary leaves are covered in it. All this gourmet happiness can be tasted right at the factory, which has a shop and a chocolate museum.


The conventional wisdom that the best chocolate is produced in Europe has long been refuted overseas. The championship here is confidently held by San Francisco, which houses the oldest chocolate factory in America - Ghirardelli. This enterprise is famous for its full production cycle - from growing cocoa beans to making delicious chocolate. Free tasting tours are held at the factory six times a day.

If you are a savory lover taste sensations, welcome to Chicago, where Vosges Haut-Chocolate makes chocolate-covered bacon. It turns out that the expression "bacon in chocolate" is not a joke at all, but the very reality. Milk and dark chocolate bars contain pieces of smoked bacon and grains of salt. By the way, so exotic product not the first in the range of this trademark. Vosges offers its customers mushroom flavored tiles and peanut butter, Mexican ancho and Japanese wasabi.

And in the small town of Hershey in the state of Pencinvalia, there is a whole chocolate amusement park Hersheypark, which is rightfully considered the sweetest place on Earth. famous candies Hershey's Kisses are made in Hershey, and the city itself literally lives on chocolate. Today, Hershey is an attraction, so guests travel around the factory workshops on a mini-train. Children and adults are delighted, and it is simply impossible to resist sweet purchases at a local store.

Photo: mommysmingle.blogspot.com


We cannot ignore the chocolate traditions of our eastern neighbors. The Lotte factory appeared in Japan after World War II. Perhaps it was here that the chocolatiers embodied their most creative ideas: tiles of the most intricate shapes, constant improvisations with the content of cocoa beans, and a variety of toppings amazes even the most sophisticated dessert lovers.

In 1931, a confectionery company was founded in Tokyo by a Russian confectioner. Morozoff. Over time, German and French competitors ousted the company store of this brand from the Japanese capital, but in supermarkets Morozov's chocolate sets are sold out in the blink of an eye, despite the fact that the price of this delicacy is five times higher than that of competitors' similar products.

Chocolate today remains the most favorite delicacy of people of all ages. It brightens up life, so since ancient times it has been called the "gift of the Gods." This product activates brain activity, improves memory, and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. Today we know a lot of bitter, milky, white and so on. All of them differ in their composition and method of production. Therefore, the taste of this dessert is different. But what is the best chocolate? Let's figure it out together.

Bitter dark chocolate

This product is made from cocoa butter, sugar and usually has a bitter taste and bright aroma. It contains theobromine, which contributes to the elimination of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, as well as phenylalanine, a powerful natural aphrodisiac. But remember that dark chocolate contains a lot of caffeine.

Milk chocolate

For many people - the most delicious. It has creamy milk delicate taste And delicate fragrance cocoa. This product is made from the same ingredients as dark chocolate, only they add powdered milk or cream. It is quite sweet, as it contains a large amount of sugar, which is why we love it so much with a sweet tooth. It is often used to make candies, bars, cakes, pastries, and cookies. In its composition, this product contains magnesium, iron, potassium and other elements.

White chocolate

This product does not contain cocoa, so it has a creamy color. Mine caramel flavor he received thanks to powdered milk and vanillin, which, together with cocoa butter and sugar, are part of it. A white chocolate bar is very high in calories, as it contains a lot of fat and sweetness. However, it does not contain caffeine, which can have a stimulating effect on the human body.

dessert chocolate

This product has a bittersweet taste that melts in your mouth as all the ingredients are finely ground. Dessert chocolate bar is very loved by people of all ages. This is most likely due to the fact that during its manufacture, cocoa is ground very strongly, and the product itself is cooked for a long time, therefore it acquires special taste and aroma, delicate texture.

This product is able to cheer up, activate brain activity. Maybe that's why many people think that dessert chocolate is the most delicious.

confectionery tiles

This product has sweet taste. It is distinguished from chocolate by the absence of cocoa products. Instead, they put various substitutes and nutritional supplements, sugar and fats. The confectionery mass is formed in the form of a tile, and it goes on sale.

What is the tastiest chocolate?

Real chocolate must contain at least twenty percent cocoa products. It must be made from cocoa butter, without the use of other fats. Then the finished product will have a solid structure, it can be easily broken when room temperature, it quickly melts in your mouth.

Russian chocolate is made only from cocoa butter, but in many countries the law allows the use of up to five percent of substitute fats. Accordingly, the price of such a product will be slightly lower. So that the taste is no different, various flavoring fillings can be put into it. Chocolate made from cocoa butter can be stored for up to two years. Therefore, before buying, you need to study the composition of the product.

The most delicious annually holds an exhibition of this delicacy) is made from cocoa beans, respectively, its taste will be special, and the aroma will be exquisite. It comes in foil packaging and a beautifully designed wrapper. All this protects it from environmental influences and increases its shelf life. If it is white chocolate, its shelf life will be one month, since this delicacy contains dairy products.

The most popular and delicious Russian chocolate is Korkunov. It contains seventy-five percent cocoa liquor. But, for example, the Journey dessert consists of additives: castor oil, castor bean seeds and polyglycerin.

Swiss chocolate

All over the world it is considered to be the most delicious. This is due to the fact that in this country, chocolatiers have a special secret for making such a dessert. A lot of attention is paid to this product here, it turns out to be unusually soft, tender and especially tasty. Therefore the Swiss milk chocolate- its price sometimes reaches six hundred dollars - today it is considered to be the most delicious in the world. He has no analogues. No wonder the inhabitants of this country not only manufacture, but also use this product in large quantities. Here you can find many shops and pastry shops that offer customers to purchase various chocolate in any version and quantity.

The most delicious but expensive chocolate

Such a product, if it is real, is very useful for the human body, as it helps to increase tone and cheer up. Nowadays, chocolate with petals is already being made. different colors, absinthe, sea ​​salt and other unique additions. True connoisseurs of this sweet know what the most delicious treat it’s not a pity to spend even a few thousand conventional units. So, the most expensive chocolate in the world costs two and a half thousand dollars, it is made by an American company, while the recipe is kept secret. It is only known that the product contains a very expensive cocoa variety. Such chocolate is served in the White House for dessert, and Queen Elizabeth also loves it.

Many tourists say that there is nothing tastier than chocolate based on camel milk with the addition of honey, nuts and various spices. A tile of such a dessert costs eight hundred and fifty dollars. one more interesting product stands chocolate with absinthe. It is recommended to put a piece of it in your mouth and wait until it melts. When the bitterness of wormwood appears, you can fully experience the beauty of the combination of alcohol and chocolate.

A sweet tile with violet, rose, jasmine or lavender petals is also considered very tasty. Flowers can add a unique touch to a dessert. unique taste and pleasant light fragrance.

Whatever it was, and chocolate today is the most common delicacy in the world, everyone loves it.

Precious metals are considered to be the most valuable in the world. But there is such a delicacy in the world that is worth more than a piece of gold. It's a chocolate bar! An adored substance with an unforgettable smell since childhood, chocolate is a source of joy for those with a sweet tooth and an unacceptable delicacy for those who are on a diet. Some connoisseurs believe that sweet tiles are the only thing worth living for.

The history of chocolate begins in Mexico around 1900 BC. The product came to Europe later - in the 16th century AD. Since then, humanity has never been able to get enough of it, even if people have a lot of other food at their disposal. Chocolate is everywhere. It is part of confectionery: sweets, cakes, nut brownies, biscuits, puddings, and is also an ingredient in hot and cold drinks, including alcoholic. From milk, black or white chocolate they make an Easter bunny, and for Christmas they make figurines of Santa. Depending on the type of raw materials and related ingredients, the cost of chocolate varies. It's time to find out the names of 11 brands that are considered the most expensive in the chocolate world.

11. Godiva "G" Collection

Chef Norman Love created a chocolate platter called The Godiva "G" Collection. It's an amazingly delicious mix of unique ingredients including Palet d'Or, Tasmanian honey or Mexican honey. hot chocolate. In the cherished box - 15 sweets different shapes, but each piece has discriminating taste and aroma. The pleasure of tasting will be remembered for a long time. And the high price per box - from $ 120 - is unlikely to kill the appetite.

10. Collection Aficionado

A real delicacy for lovers of cigars and excellent chocolate. Elongated sweets resemble cigars in shape and color and even imitate their smell. At the heart of the aromatic bouquet are notes of milk chocolate and Italian roasted hazelnuts. The Swiss creators of the masterpiece - The House of Grauer - are confident that chocolate will delight the receptors of gourmet smokers with a combination in which cocoa leaves and beans are harmoniously intertwined. As soon as the first straw dissolves in your mouth, you will forget about the price - "screaming" 275 dollars.

9. DeLafee

The Swiss company DeLafee became famous for the fact that its specialists learned how to mix chocolate and edible gold. The famous "Golden Truffles" among other ingredients (cocoa beans, Coconut oil, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla, milk powder) contain 24 carat gold flakes. Decorating the dessert with jewels, the company brought the production of chocolate to a new level, and the sweets themselves became a luxury item. To present such a delicacy as a gift means to express love and passion, to make a favorable impression. A very valuable present, considering that Truffles cost a little over five hundred dollars!

8. Assorted by Michel Cluizel

The career of the French chocolatier Michel Kluizel began back in 1948 in Normandy. Since then, a small business has grown into a solid company, which is considered one of the largest manufacturers gourmet chocolate. Products "from Michel" are well known in the world. The company owns cocoa bean farms in Venezuela, Sumatra and Java, in Côte d'Ivoire. Chocolate "Assorted" from a famous manufacturer costs fabulous money - $ 895 per box. However, even the most economical nature is subject to temptations! Imagine yourself unwrapping one of 400 unique candies self made carefully wrapped in an exclusive designer wrapping…

7. Chocolate with gold and diamonds

If you have ever dreamed of trying gold, silver or diamonds, now you can breathe a sigh of relief. Cocoa Gourmet presents the Royal Chocolate Collection. Inside is a special Swiss chocolate-cream filling with a mild sweet taste. There are 12 bars in a box of Gold and Diamond Chocolates: 4 with pure silver, 4 with 22 carat gold, 4 with sweet diamonds. All components of the candy are edible, and the price of $1,250 corresponds to the value of the jewelry components.

6. Wispa Gold - chocolate in gold

Cadbury UK - world famous chocolate brand, which is credited highest quality and expensive gold packaging. The limited edition Wispa Gold tile was released in 1981 and returned in October 2008. famous brand. Many celebrities participated in the advertising campaign, among them - Tony Hadley and Spandau Ballet. Then, in the early 80s, this chocolate was recognized as the most expensive in the world - because of the exclusive gold packaging. The price of the trademark, as well as popularity, has risen after a resounding revival and is $1,628.

5. Knipschildt Chocolatier

Fritz Knipschildt took up chocolate in 1999 from his humble home. He sold sweets to local merchants. Further, the chocolatier expanded production and sales, collaborated with Dean & Deluca and Martha Stewart. The work was crowned with success and as a result turned into Knipschildt Chocolatier, LLC. The Danish Pastry Chef's masterpieces can be purchased for $250 each or for a shocking $2,600 for a half kilo. Best chocolate truffles in the world you can also try in own cafe Fritz, Chocopologie. While enjoying the taste, watch the production of exquisite sweets at the same time.

4. Chocolate with Swarovski crystals

For "some" $ ​​10,000, everyone can become the owner of a luxurious candy box. In it, 49 sweets encrusted with Swarovski crystals comfortably settled down on leather cushions. And these pillows lie on stands covered with Indian silk, and they are decorated with gold and platinum. The idea for this marvel was born from the collaboration between Patchi and Harrods to design the most exclusive chocolate box in the world, and they succeeded! The creative design and striking concept played their part. A box of chocolates made in Lebanon has received the title of " The best chocolate world" according to the Academy of Chocolate. Who would have thought such an organization even existed?

3. Designer golden egg

The Guinness Book of Records has been replenished with another entry. A motley golden egg (designed by William Kerley) is recognized as the first chocolate egg, which does not include jewelry. The taste of the delicacy is revealed gradually - as it “passes through” all its layers. The shell is made from Amadei. This is a special type of chocolate that comes from Venezuela and is considered one of the best in the world. Inside the egg is a mixture of muscovado caramel, rosemary, olive oil and juniper berries. The unique sweet was sold at auction for an unimaginable $11,107. The lucky owner of the egg is investor Cyrus Vandrevala.

2. Elite chocolate ice cream

Gourmet dessert of 28 varieties best beans edible gold cocoa delights guests at renowned Euphoria restaurants New York and Serendipity 3. It is served in a glass along with a gold bracelet with diamonds. The delicacy entered the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most expensive desserts in the world. Elite ice cream is ordered in advance, as it takes a long time to prepare. For the sake of gastronomic pleasure, you will have to say goodbye to a tidy sum of $ 25,000.

1. Le Chocolat Box Collection

Le Chocolat Box Collection is a designer confectionery masterpiece from Simon Jewelers. This is a unique fusion of dessert and jewelry. The sweet part is high-class chocolate from Lake Forest Confections, the jewelry part is from the private collection of Simon Jewelers, which includes necklaces and earrings, rings and bracelets. No woman can resist such a gift! The gift box of chocolate will cost one and a half million dollars, and complete with sweets - rings with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. A true connoisseur will definitely not pass by!

Have you ever wondered in which country people consume the most chocolate products and where chocolate candies the tastiest? Where can I get the profession of a master in the manufacture of chocolate and desserts based on it?

In this article, we will introduce you to the countries that are leading in the production and consumption of chocolate. These are Switzerland, Belgium, France, Spain and the USA.

1. Switzerland

Switzerland is a country with a per capita consumption per year of 11.6 kg. This is the most high rate in the world. Back in the early twentieth century, Swiss confectioners came up with the famous triangular chocolate bar, known as Toblerone. There are three famous chocolate companies in Zurich: Sprungli, Lindt, Teusher. In the city, tourists can spend long hours admiring various chocolate figurines displayed in sweets display cases and enjoying a variety of desserts that can be bought in cafes and pastry shops. Parades Square in Zurich is the liveliest and next to it is the largest chocolate shop Confiserie Sprungli. Chocolate lovers consider it a piece of paradise.

2. Belgium

Belgium is Europe's leading chocolate producer. 12 chocolate factories in the country annually produce more than 170 thousand tons of chocolate. Two thousand specialized stores. Everything related to chocolate can be found in chocolate museums, there are 16 of them in Belgium. The greatest demand and popularity are chocolates with all kinds of fillings. Some items are still made by confectioners by hand.

3. France

In France, there is the town of Ten L, the Hermitage. It houses a world-famous chocolate company called Valrhona. It was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by the confectioner Guironnet. The company focuses most of its products on the production of high-quality chocolate collection varieties. The company operates a school that trains chocolate professionals for other companies and service activities. The training is set in such a way that even those who have never done it will learn how to cook in three days. great desserts. Tuition is $1000.

4. Spain

In Spain, the centers where chocolate is made are Villajoyosa, which has found the glory of the chocolate city, and Alicante. Villajoyosa produces the old exclusive Valor chocolate, which is very popular in Europe. In a well-known boutique, companies and cafes in Alicante sell very delicious mousses chocolate, drinks, ice cream with chocolate and a special delicacy - hot chocolate, and to it delicious donuts. Spanish chocolate gained fame after it began to buy some beans in Venezuela and Ecuador for its production.

5. USA

The legendary Ghirardelli company, founded in the second half of the 18th century, settled in the San Francisco Bay area. Like the trolleybuses that are produced in the city, it is its symbol. On the opposite side of the bay there is another chocolate company - Scharffen Berger. This is the first company in America to use a full production cycle, from cocoa beans to chocolate bars. For those wishing to get acquainted with the technology of chocolate production at the factory, there are guided tours 6 times a day. They do it for free.

Real chocolate has a shiny surface. Remember: if there is no cocoa butter in a chocolate bar (it gives shine), it means that in front of you is just a confectionery bar that pretends to be a chocolate bar. Therefore, remember the "golden" composition of milk chocolate:
1) cocoa mass (not less than 25%),
2) powder from whole milk(at least 14%),
3) cocoa butter,
4) sugar.

Soy in chocolate should not be, only in the form of an emulsifier. Vegetable fats in chocolate are allowed, but only in two cases: if they are not more than 5%; and if vegetable fats natural equivalents. Hydrogenated fats in chocolate are strictly prohibited. But do not pay attention to the ingredient "lecithin" - this emulsifier has been put into all sweets since the 50s of the last century in order to reduce the viscosity of the chocolate mass. As for whey, it can be added to reduce the cost of the chocolate bar. But sometimes they put it not for the sake of cheapness, but in order for it to give chocolate extra flavor- some sourness.

How was the experiment

We carefully studied the composition of the product and tested its taste, smell, color, aftertaste, stickiness / does not stick to hands and teeth. Since times are not too easy right now, we decided to leave the expensive chocolate bars to gourmets and searched for the best milk chocolate in the price range up to 1.28 euros (20 crowns) for a 100 gram bar. Some firms did not have plain milk chocolate, so two bars were with nuts and one with a waffle layer. 10 people participated in the tasting.

Schogetten (1.2 euros) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, cocoa mass, hazelnuts (10%), milk sugar, fat, dry cream, emulsifier ( soy lecithin), nut butter, natural vanilla flavor. Cocoa content: minimum 30%.

Summary: not very sweet, milky smell, coffee aftertaste. Solid, does not crumble or get dirty, pleasant milky taste, small nuts are felt, slightly salty. Conveniently divided into pieces - no need to break.

Olympia (€0.40) 1 point

Ingredients: sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fat, cocoa powder (8%), whey powder, skimmed milk powder, roasted peanuts, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavouring.

Summary: on its wrapper it is honestly written that this is not chocolate, but a milk bar. Many respondents could already determine by their appearance that this was not real chocolate, and "chemistry". The tile is rather tasteless and nasty, the product is soft to the touch. More like kama than chocolate. Plus, it contains hydrogenated vegetable fat, which is not-to-let-tim in chocolate!

Anneke (€0.58 per 50g bar) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cream powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier (soy lecithin), vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 31%.

Summary: Melts in your mouth, sweet, pleasant. Taste and pattern familiar from childhood, classic milk chocolate. Minus - not very convenient to break, the pieces are not the same.

Laima Tallinn (€0.98) 3 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, milk fat, emulsifier E442, flavor (vanillin - identical to natural).

Summary: alcoholic aftertaste, incomprehensible smell. Some bitterness, slightly sour.

Kalev Nurr (1.10 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 35%.

Summary: expressive taste, pleasant coffee smell, salinity is felt. Classic chocolate, the way it should be. Maybe too hard.

Pergale (1.09 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, hazelnuts (16%), cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, emulsifier (soy lecithin), vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 30%.

Summary: good taste but some may find it too sweet. As a bonus - large nuts that complement the "harmony of taste".

Geisha (1.25 EUR) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, milk, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, hazelnuts (12%), cocoa mass, vegetable fat, Wheat flour, emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, flavors (vanilla, vanillin).


Summary: mild smell, literally melts in your mouth, coffee-nutty aftertaste. Inside - waffle layer, crunchy. Minus - melts not only in the mouth, but also in the hands.

Swiss Alps (€0.83) 2 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, cocoa butter, lecithin (emulsifier), vanillin.

Summary: not tasty, too sweet, unpleasant aftertaste, melts in the hands, "chemistry" is felt.

Karūna (€0.83) 3 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vegetable fat, dry milk whey, milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), flavor identical to natural. Dry matter cocoa not less than 25%.

Summary: it is indicated here that the composition contains vegetable fats. But since the word "chocolate" is written on the label, then, let's hope that the amount of fat does not exceed 5%. The chocolate has a slightly grayish tint, which is not very good. It is better to choose chocolate with the color "cocoa with milk". This chocolate is not as sweet as the rest of the bars.

"Alenka" (0.93 euros) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, dry whole milk powder (24%), cocoa butter, cocoa mass, emulsifier - soy lecithin (less than 1%), flavouring, vanillin. Antioxidant - ascorbic acid. Total cocoa mass at least 33.2%.

Summary: the composition of the product is good, there is a lot of milk and cocoa mass in this chocolate. In addition, milk is not skimmed (like some), but whole. The smell of the tiles is good, soft chocolate. The color of chocolate is light brown, which indicates in large numbers milk included. The chocolate breaks well, with an appropriate sound. The only "but" is an excess of sweetness.

Milka (1.02 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, powder skimmed milk, crushed cocoa, whey, milk fat, hazelnuts, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavoring. Cocoa mass not less than 30%.

Summary: it's a pity that it doesn't say exactly how much milk is in chocolate. Nevertheless, the composition of the tiles is good. The color of chocolate is very appetizing, a la "cocoa with milk", the smell is pronounced, vanilla. The chocolate is shiny and breaks well, with a crunch. Perhaps the milk is a little caramelized, so the chocolate has a very interesting taste.

Karlfazer (Fazer) (€2.05 for 300g chocolate) 4 points