If you drink vodka with water. Vodka is better to drink or have a snack

Chief strong alcoholic drink Russian people, of course. It may seem strange that advice can be given about drinking it, but most vodka drinkers do not know how to use it at all.

We learn how to drink vodka correctly by gaining life experience from friends, employees, close relatives, etc.

This knowledge is incomplete, sometimes contradict each other and raise doubts. We will tell you in more detail about what Russian vodka is and how to drink it so that the pleasure is maximum, and intoxication and its consequences do not bring trouble.

The harm of vodka is absolutely proven and does not require additional argumentation. There are no organs and systems that would not suffer from the adoption strong alcohol.

The harm increases many times with the abuse of alcohol, so the correct use of vodka is especially important if it is completely impossible to avoid drinking. So, strong alcohol at a dose of more than 100 ml per day affects:

  • Heart. Cholesterol levels rise, hypertension develops, and there is a risk of a heart attack.
  • Brain. The provision of brain cells with oxygen is disrupted, memory deteriorates, the psyche is upset.
  • Stomach. The gastric mucosa is broken. Risk of getting ulcers and gastritis.
  • Pancreas. Strong alcohol kills pancreatic cells. Diabetes develops and metabolism is disturbed.
  • Liver. The load increases, the tissue is destroyed, hepatitis and cirrhosis occur.
  • Intestines. Impaired absorption function nutrients from food.
  • Blood. The production of leukocytes and erythrocytes is disrupted, hemoglobin decreases, immunity decreases.

Why do people drink?

The explanation is simple: alcohol in small doses causes positive feelings and emotions.

Under the influence ethyl alcohol rational thinking weakens, psychological barriers disappear, a person becomes bold, relaxed, sociable, experiences pleasure, self-confidence, and slight euphoria.

The positive effect of the alcohol taken is assimilated by the subconscious, alcohol is perceived as a means of relieving stress, relaxation, raising tone, and self-confidence.

People who refuse alcohol cause bewilderment - they are treated like eccentrics, sincerely sympathize.

The positive effect of alcohol is disproportionately small in comparison with the problems that it brings. The growing dependence on alcohol leads to a terrible disease - alcoholism, the result of which is the complete disintegration of the personality and the destruction of all body functions.

However, moderate and correct usage alcohol will not bring any harm to the body.

Preparation for drinking

To receive large doses of vodka, you can prepare in advance. This will not give a significant effect, but it will help soften the effect of strong alcohol.

  • Drink 3-4 hours before the meal 50 ml vodka. In this case, the body begins to produce enzymes that block the action of alcohol and break down ethyl alcohol. The people aptly called this method "grafting."
  • About an hour before the feast you can eat sandwich with butter or a small piece of lard with bread. The fatty film will not allow alcohol to be quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach, and intoxication can be pushed back.
  • Most effective method - absorption of alcohol by activated charcoal. Half an hour before drinking alcohol, drink 7-8 activated charcoal tablets - in this case, the likelihood that you will withstand an impressive amount of vodka will be almost complete.

Why can't you drink vodka with water?

You can drink vodka only in the most extreme case and only non-carbonated mineral water, milk or natural juice.

  • For the stomach, the effects of hard liquor are stressful.
  • The body reacts violently to vodka with an instant release of enzymes and substances that neutralize alcohol.
  • If water enters the stomach after vodka, the release of such substances stops, and alcohol is freely absorbed by the walls of the stomach.

In such cases, intoxication is rapid and strong, alcohol poisoning is possible with dizziness, vomiting, etc. The next morning in such cases is especially difficult.

Attention! If it is possible to drink vodka with water in exceptional cases, then it is strictly forbidden to use weak alcohol for this! This can lead to severe intoxication and severe alcohol poisoning.

Conditions for a competent alcoholic feast

Strong alcoholic drinks should be eaten properly - this is the main condition for preparing a feast. Any snack is suitable for vodka, with the exception of sweets and fruits. The following types of snacks are used for vodka:

  • Nutritious. Such snacks are consumed immediately after drinking vodka. These include all types of fried hot meat, as well as baked and Fried fish. Rich taste, density and satiety of meat and fish relieve burning sensation and unpleasant taste after vodka.
  • Enveloping. it various soups and salads. They slow down intoxication, and also emphasize the brightness of taste. nutritious meals. Such snacks are best eaten in the middle of a banquet.
  • Washing. Such snacks are consumed at the end of the feast. Saturation from them is small, they refresh the taste of alcohol, adding new shades to it. Such snacks include cucumbers, pickles, marinades, etc.

In order for the festive feast to bring pleasure, there are several rules that must be followed when organizing. Here they are:

  1. Do not drink vodka in one gulp - divide the glass into several small sips.
  2. After the first glass, take a short break, after the second break there should be more - 20 minutes, after which you can continue taking strong alcohol.
  3. Everyone knows their "norm", so don't force yourself to drink if you don't feel like it.
  4. Do not mix different alcoholic beverages, especially do not drink less strong alcohol after stronger alcohol - this can cause severe alcohol poisoning with serious consequences (see:).
  5. A few hours before the feast, drink 2-3 raw eggs, and eat a hearty half an hour. You can eat a piece (50 g) of butter or drink a glass of fat milk: they will increase the resistance to alcohol.

Drink or snack?

There is no single answer to this question. Doctors believe that snacking is preferable, since in this case the neutralization of alcohol and its oxidation products is faster and more efficient.

Most people prefer to drink vodka. It can be considered positive here that the liquid dilutes the gastric juice, which irritates the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach and leads to the development of gastritis and ulcers.

What to drink vodka with?

Properties of milk as a drink:

  • neutralizes the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol, reduces the load on the liver;
  • binds toxins, preventing their entry into the blood;
  • does not allow a person to get drunk quickly.

An excellent drink for drinking vodka is also kefir, and doctors categorically do not recommend using tea or coffee - the effect will be the opposite. Tannin and caffeine contribute to the rapid absorption of alcohol, so intoxication will only increase.

Vodka can be mix with natural juices:

  • tomato in the ratio 2:1;
  • cherry, pomegranate, orange in a ratio of 3:1.

Doctors do not recommend drinking vodka with natural juice: in their opinion, this increases intoxication.

What temperature should the vodka be?

Serve vodka on the table chilled to a temperature of + 7-9⁰С. This temperature is the most optimal for taste and minimum alcohol effect vodka.

What to drink from?

Especially for drinking vodka, vodka glasses with a volume of about 50 ml are used. Glasses are more suitable for wines and cognacs.

How much vodka can you drink?

A harmless amount of vodka can be determined for yourself individually. Each organ of the body has a certain alcohol toxicity threshold.

It is expressed in the maximum number alcohol per day, which can be taken with full recovery. Exceeding this amount leads to irreversible damage to the organ:

  • For the liver, the toxicity threshold is 90 g of alcohol (285 ml of vodka).
  • For the brain - 19 g of alcohol (60 ml of vodka).

The calculations took into account an adult weighing 70 kg. Other organs (kidneys, pancreas, stomach, intestines) recover faster than the brain.

There is a limit to the amount of alcohol that an adult body can process per day. With a weight of 70 kg, the limit is 170 g of alcohol (538 ml of vodka) per day. After taking this amount, a person needs 8 days of rest to fully restore the body.

The hangover-free dose of alcohol is determined at the rate of 1.5 ml pure alcohol(3.75 ml of vodka) per 1 kg of weight. Age should also be taken into account: older people recover more slowly and take longer after drinking alcohol.

The dose also depends on the type of alcohol. For example, a hangover-free dose for vodka is about a third more than for cognac.

Women should drink alcohol in smaller quantities: their dependence on alcohol is formed several times faster, and female alcoholism practically incurable.

How to drink vodka and not get drunk?

To prevent quick intoxication at the table, you should follow simple rules:

  • Drink only quality vodka.
  • Be sure to eat mostly hot. liquid meals- soups, broths, hodgepodge. Excellent helps meat (pork, lamb), citrus fruits.
  • Do not interfere different types alcohol. In no case, when taking, do not lower the degree. Make longer pauses between toasts, do not take between toasts or dry wine.
  • Vodka should be drunk in a few sips or in one gulp. Do not drink vodka-based cocktails, do not hold it in your mouth while taking it, as is sometimes advised.
  • Drink vodka only with water or natural juices. Do not use carbonated drinks for this purpose.
  • If possible, get up from the table, go outside, wash your face cold water. In winter, we do not recommend going out drunk.
  • Participate in conversations, disputes. It is known that brain activity slows down the action of vodka. Try not to smoke - nicotine contributes to rapid intoxication.

1.7 ppm is how much alcohol is drunk?

It is necessary to determine the concentration of alcohol in the body in order to know whether a person can drive a car. Degree alcohol intoxication not always possible to establish visually. If the traffic police officer suspects that the driver is drunk, then he is obliged to use a respiratory testing device. This device records the result in ppm.

What does this unit mean and how to translate it into the usual ml. ppm - a unit that allows you to accurately determine the amount of ethyl alcohol in human blood. It represents a thousandth of a substance from all alcohol in the body to the entire volume of fluid contained in the body.

Simply put, this drinking ratio pure alcohol to human body weight. According to calculations, the percentage is ten ppm. To find out, it is enough to divide the strength of the drink indicated, as a rule, on the label by 100. In other words: 1 ppm = 1/1000 = 0.1%.

You can independently calculate the amount of ppm in the blood. To do this, you need to know the gender of a person, his weight, volume and strength. taken alcohol. In this case, you will also have to take into account the time that has passed since the moment of taking alcohol.

The more time has passed, the lower the value will show the device or calculations.

According to current legislation, the permissible concentration of alcohol in the blood of a driver is 0.35 ppm, and in the air on exhalation 0.16 ppm. See below the table of the dependence of alcohol consumed on the time of its withdrawal.

  1. After drinking 100 grams of vodka, a person weighing 80 kg will show 0.4 ppm of alcohol for 4 hours.
  2. After 250 grams of champagne or dry wine, a person weighing 100 kg will have an alcohol concentration of 0.2 ppm for two hours.
  3. After drinking a bottle of beer with a strength of 5% in a person weighing 80 kg, the concentration of alcohol in the blood will show 0.25 ppm for 2.5 hours.

There are many ways to reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on the human body. However, the most effective is the restriction of alcohol intake or complete rejection of it.

If this is not possible for various reasons, we hope that our tips will help you enjoy the feast while maintaining good mood and well-being.

Vodka is a noble alcoholic drink of forty degrees, which in most cases is used as an aperitif, since it tends to stimulate the appetite. This drink is quite popular in Russia, as it is ideal for its national cuisine; fifty grams of alcohol during lunch does not leave any noticeable consequences.

However, quite often the question arises of how to drink vodka correctly in order to avoid quick intoxication and an unpleasant hangover the next day. Let's take a look at some suggestions for this.

Before drinking this alcoholic drink, it must be cooled to eight degrees. If the temperature of the drink is lower, a person will not be able to fully experience all its properties. And enough cold drink negatively affects the nervous and digestive systems. Alcohol is served in a chilled decanter or bottle.

It is generally accepted that during a meal, vodka should be drunk throughout the event, using traditional snacks, for example, smoked vegetables or mushrooms. Properly biting vodka, a person does not get tipsy, but becomes cheerful and cheerful. Also, during the feast, you can drink apple and the fructose contained in it burns the level of alcohol in the blood.

About how to drink vodka, you can argue for a long time. So, in Russian, it is poured into the mouth while exhaling and swallowed while inhaling, then they eat a crust of bread with a piece of salted fish. Drinking this alcohol is not accepted, because you can quickly get drunk.

In European countries, they do not knock over a glass in one fell swoop; here they drink vodka in small sips in order to fully experience its taste.

In order to fully reveal taste qualities this drink, it is recommended to choose the right snack for him. Considering what to drink vodka with, it should be noted that it is consumed with caviar, smoked fish, pickled mushrooms, sauerkraut and pickles, the latter, in turn, are considered the best snack. But there are also products with which this alcoholic drink is incompatible. These are various sausages and cheese products, boiled fish and lamb.

Such an alcoholic drink should not be drunk on an empty stomach, since alcohol tends to instantly enter the bloodstream, causing rapid intoxication. Before drinking vodka, you need to eat a product that is rich in carbohydrates (rice or boiled potatoes).

In addition, in order to avoid rapid intoxication and a hangover, it is recommended to prepare in advance for the consumption of vodka. A few hours before drinking alcohol, you need to drink this drink in the amount of fifty grams, and then eat the product with high content fat, which slows down the absorption of alcohol into the blood. Can also be used Activated carbon before drinking vodka, as well as after.

During the feast, it is necessary not to interfere with vodka with other alcoholic beverages. Since it fully manifests its properties only after a certain time, it is necessary to control the amount of alcohol consumed. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the norm of drinking a drink, for example, one hundred grams every hour, and then have a good snack. After the end of the celebration, you need to drink strong black. Adhering to these simple rules, the likelihood that there will be no hangover the next day increases several times.

Many are wondering if it is possible to drink vodka at a body temperature of 37.2. The answer to this question is simple - you can, but only if this is a normal temperature. human body.

Thus, given alcoholic drink has long been part of the meal in Russian culture. To date, it has not lost its popularity. However, please note that it is not intended for overconsumption, a few glasses are enough to not only enjoy, but also eliminate the appearance of negative consequences.

Vodka is called a drink with character: you need to know how to drink vodka correctly in order to understand all the shades of taste, all the charm of strong alcohol. All the troubles are blamed on a liquid transparent as a tear by people who know firsthand about alcoholism, addiction to alcohol and pathological personality changes. But just as it is not the gun that kills, but the person who shoots it, so vodka does not turn people into drunkards. It all depends on the person, his upbringing, ability to drink and know his measure. Among the true connoisseurs of a strong alcoholic drink, there are neither drunkards nor alcoholics who are completely dependent on the check. They know how, when and with what it is better to take the treasured 50 grams.


In the refrigerator, every housewife will definitely have a whole or already open bottle of vodka. It can be "Wheat", "Capital", "Five Lakes" or any other, the main thing in it is the degrees of the fortress. The husband, having come home from work tired, will be grateful for 50 g of vodka with herring "for appetite", so that later he can eat both borscht and goulash with pleasure. In case of stress, there is hardly any the best medicine to help relax. With outbreaks of colds or viral diseases, vodka will help to disinfect oral cavity. It helps to warm up after a long walk on a frosty day, making the blood run faster through the veins. After all, it is better to drink at night than to eat handfuls of antidepressants or antibiotics.

An open bottle of vodka in the fridge

There is only one problem: many cannot stop after drinking 50 g, and vodka, like any medicine, becomes poisonous in case of an overdose.

It's important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Any celebration implies the presence on the table not only of light drinks and wines, but also of vodka. In the customs of many peoples, there are cases when only this one is served on the table. strong drink. Knowing that you have to spend a certain amount of time at the table, take care in advance that the vodka does not knock you off your feet.

Serving strong drink

Main conditions:

  1. Do not drink vodka on an empty stomach. Before dinner or a party, eat a hearty meal, it is better if it is fatty and high-calorie meals, which will not allow vodka to be absorbed into the blood very quickly, intoxicating at great speed. If you can’t afford a hearty lunch, then eat a sandwich with butter or bacon or just drink a raw egg.
  2. Regular activated charcoal will help to cope with alcohol. As a rule, they drink it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person's weight, so as not to get drunk too quickly, to avoid poisoning, intoxication, that is, a hangover.
  3. Never chase your neighbors: everyone has their own norm that you need to know. And if you don’t want to suffer from a hangover, clearly understand that the glass, after which your state has changed, you feel unwell, something began to annoy - the last, if not completely unnecessary. The norm of drunk vodka only improves appetite and mood, helps to relax, but not to lose one's head and human appearance.


Vodka on any table is good because almost all dishes are suitable for it. Salted or pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, fish and spicy salads perfectly combined with the specific scalding taste of the drink, whetting the appetite.

And if you drank the first shot with a caviar sandwich or a layered canapé with ham, lemon and olive, there is no need to delay with the next one. The saying "Between the first and second break is small" is absolutely true in this case. It is worth drinking it after 7-10 minutes, but having a snack is already hot. Rich borscht, broths, shurpa will help the body cope with the next dose of alcohol, partially neutralize its harmful effects.

Having quenched your hunger, you can drink the third shot (it is shots or glasses with a capacity of no more than 50 g that are served under vodka). And now you need to stop, get up from the table, go out into the fresh air or just dance, take part in competitions and entertainment, if you are on festive feast. Smoking is not worth it: tobacco smoke accelerates intoxication and promotes intoxication.

Shot glass with a capacity of 50 g

If you have to drink more than 3 shots, control your condition. How better appetizer, the less the impact of alcohol, so try to snack heavily. Never drink vodka, this is one of the most harmful and dangerous habits for health. Vodka can be diluted with tomato, orange or cranberry juice, it will make its taste softer and more pleasant.

Drinking a drink in one gulp, with grimaces and groans, and then not very carefully drinking juice is wrong and ugly, it looks like a reproach to the hosts who offered such a nasty potion to the guest. If you can’t drink decently, it’s better to completely abandon the idea. Vodka cooled to 5ºС from a misted decanter or bottle, poured into your glass exactly at a sip, you need to hold it in your mouth a little to feel the taste, it is different for each variety. Then the drink is swallowed and eaten with appetite with something sour or salty.

But if it’s hard for you to give up the habit of drinking vodka, then do not use any carbonated drinks as such. Even mineral water with gas can accelerate intoxication at times. Moreover, it will arrange a test of strength for your digestive organs, the liver and pancreas are under attack. Do not harm yourself, follow the rules of the feast with vodka so that it only benefits.


You're not at risk of waking up with a heavy head and a swollen face if you've taken your drinks and snacks the right way.

Snacks for an alcoholic drink

However, if you understand that you have gone overboard and the morning will be difficult, before going to bed, you need to drink hot sweet tea, you can green - it is perfect as a diuretic to remove from the body excess liquid. Suffering especially heavy hangover advise before falling asleep, drink 1 tablet of Aspirin and 1 tablet of Analgin, take activated charcoal. The main medicine is sleep, you need to get enough sleep. If in the morning you still feel bad, you feel sick, your head hurts so much that you don’t want to live, instead of breakfast, drink a cup of hot broth, a raw egg, try to have a hearty breakfast. Don't drink water if you are thirsty. cucumber or cabbage pickle, sour natural juices, kefir, tan, ayran will help restore the acid-base balance in the body, relieve the symptoms of intoxication.

Never take alcohol as a cure for a hangover! Beer, cocktails and vodka will not help improve the condition, they will only aggravate its severity.


Any bad taste vodka says that it is of poor quality, its action can cause irreparable harm body. It is better to drink expensive, but certainly high-quality vodka than a cheap fake, risking your life.

Poor quality vodka

Real vodka is always 40 degrees strong. Such vodka flashes and burns with a blue flame if set on fire. If you suspect that you have purchased low-quality vodka, shake the liquid well, then turn the bottle upside down and look at the light. Pure as a tear - this is about real vodka.

Any impurities, suspended solids or turbidity are said to be poor cleaning. At a minimum, this is a fake, the use of which threatens with poisoning, and then lethal outcome. The higher the degree of purification of alcohol, the more expensive vodka and the lower the risk of a hangover.

If you don't want to get sick, don't downgrade. After drinking a glass of vodka, do not switch to beer or champagne. Try to drink one drink, do not interfere with cocktails, beer, vodka, whiskey or rum, then the risk of a hangover will be minimal.

Knowing the rules for taking strong strong drinks, how they specifically affect your body, the better to eat, you can safely participate in any feast without fear of waking up face in a salad. Be healthy.

And some secrets...

Russian scientists of the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help in the treatment of alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURALITY, which means efficiency and safety for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
  • Protects liver cells from damage
  • Gets out of heavy drinking in 24 HOURS
  • COMPLETE RELEASE from alcoholism, regardless of the stage!
  • Highly affordable price.. only 990 rubles!
A COURSE ADMINISTRATION IN ONLY 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF ALCOHOL. The unique ALKOBARRIER complex is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.

Surely, almost everyone knows that vodka is a primordially Russian drink, without which not a single celebration or holiday can do. Unfortunately, in our country, not everyone adheres to the rules of the culture of drinking alcohol, as a result of which the next morning after the feast we have a terrible headache and other negative effects of a hangover. In this regard, it will not be useful to consider the question of how to drink vodka correctly. Imagine what it is whole science no matter how pompous it may sound. To feel at the table an adequate and cheerful person, not to suffer from a hangover and remember only good things about the past evening - that's why it is important to know how to drink vodka correctly.

Therapeutic effect

But before moving on to the question of the specifics of the drinking culture of the above drink, it should be emphasized that alcohol diluted with water has healing effect- this has been known since antiquity. Many people know that vodka kills pathogens and some viruses, being a good antiseptic. If you get hurt, then treat her wound.

When you are overwhelmed by a cold, then rub your body with it, wrap yourself warmly, and the ailment will soon recede.

Biologist Nikolai Shevchenko developed a theory according to which vodka with butter can defeat cancer. Is it true? In fairness, it should be said that in some cases the above recipe saved "cancer" patients, but it is still premature to talk about the 100% effect of the "medicine". One way or another, but representatives of official medicine do not believe that vodka with butter is effective way treatment oncological diseases, especially since its author has not yet patented his technique.

How to lower the degree

But back to the culture of drinking. Of course, many, going to visit for a birthday, initially set themselves the goal of not getting tipsy immediately from the second or third glass. To achieve it, you need to know how to drink vodka correctly. In order not to get drunk quickly, eat something oily or fatty before the feast. It is also recommended to eat raw eggs. It will not be superfluous to drink a cup of coffee with lemon. The above ingredients seriously reduce the degree of absorption of alcohol into the blood.

Do not know how to drink vodka correctly so as not to get drunk? This question is immediately removed if, before you sit down at the festive table, take a few tablets of activated charcoal.

They also will not allow alcohol to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and partially relieve its toxins. Don't be afraid to overdo it with activated charcoal: the more, the better.

Have no idea how to drink vodka properly so as not to get drunk? No problem. About forty-five minutes before the start of the celebration, eat a plate of semolina, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge - your choice. After that you for a long time you will be protected from the action of hops. If you simply didn’t have time to take steps in advance to stay sober at the table as long as possible, follow the recommendations below.

What to remember

First, when drinking alcohol, remember that you can not lower the degree.

Thirdly, do not drink carbonated drinks with vodka, as this will lead to rapid intoxication.

Vodka cocktail is a popular drink

In general, doctors do not advise immediately after the above drink to drink any liquid - it is better to have a bite.

If vodka is mixed with juice, then it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions and be able to choose the “right” fresh. In particular, tomato, cranberry or orange nectar are optimally suited to an alcoholic drink. In other words, vodka with juice is a valid combination, unlike alcohol with soda.

Alcohol with water goes well with "citrus", as the latter simply abound. useful substances and vitamins: they provide protection to cells from negative impact free radicals and help eliminate bad cholesterol from the body. That is why vodka with lemon is more useful product than just alcohol and water.

About the snack...

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol without eating is an indicator of a disregard for one's own health. Besides, it's also ignorant. Without hearty food, vodka will not be able to reveal all its properties. As the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov said: “Over the past two centuries, mankind has not come up with a better snack for a native Russian drink than pickle". Of course, you can’t argue with this, but the more food on festive table, all the better. After the feast it is better to drink a glass strong tea, and just before going to bed, try some grapefruit, cranberries or take ascorbic acid - so you can make up for the lack of vitamin C in the body.

What is better to eat

After a glass of the above alcoholic drink, it is better to eat a “neutralizing” product: either very sour or very salty.

In particular, one can opt for sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, pickled cucumber or tomato, pickled apples, lemon with sugar is also suitable.

It is not recommended to eat alcohol with parsley, fresh tomato, cheese. These products can provoke the process of fermentation in the digestive organs. Not the best snack, according to experts, smoked sausage, boiled fish.

What appetizer for vodka is considered the most preferable? Of course it's fatty. meat dishes - boiled veal, fried pork, hodgepodge, dumplings. Hot vodka must be served without fail. In addition, you need to put ham, lard, jelly on the table. good snack under vodka is salty fish: herring, pink salmon, chum salmon, mackerel, sturgeon salmon, caviar. It would not be superfluous to offer guests boiled potatoes or vinaigrette.

drinking culture

As already emphasized, in our country, not everyone knows how to drink so that there are no unpleasant consequences after the holiday. Here are the main recommendations, the observance of which will help to celebrate the holiday "perfectly". So, what is the culture of drinking vodka?

Remember that vodka should be consumed chilled (9-10 degrees Celsius).

Drink alcohol in small sips so that the drink can disinfect your entire mouth. Drinking vodka "in one fell swoop" is a sign of bad taste.

Do not mix vodka with other alcoholic beverages (cognac, tincture, whiskey, etc.), otherwise you cannot avoid a headache in the morning.

Drink alcohol from vodka glasses, the capacity of which does not exceed fifty grams.

Please note that vodka is considered noble drink, the purpose of which is to cheer up, liberate and relieve stress. It is a mistake to consider this product as some kind of egregious evil. The cause of alcoholism lies in the person himself, and not in vodka as such. That is why everyone who “relaxes” with this drink from time to time should not lose a sense of self-control. The question of how much alcohol should be drunk is decided on an individual basis. Each person has their own allowance.

And of course, you should not drink vodka without a snack, while it is very important to learn how to seize the drink with the right dishes.

Morning after the holiday

Often after a party or a banquet in the morning, the state of health is not the best. In this case, a traditional hangover remedy called “pickle” will help. He will restore salt balance and solve the problem of dehydration. Such a medicine has the effect of "two in one": water and salt enter the body at the same time. If your refrigerator does not have three-liter jar with pickles or tomatoes, you can get by with ordinary mineral water. It will also make up for the lack of salts and minerals.

To activate the work of the digestive organs, be sure to eat the first course, and certainly hot. In particular, we are talking about hot broth. As an alternative to this dish, you can offer a couple of glycine tablets.

A contrast shower will help to cheer up after a stormy holiday. In addition, it will not be superfluous to take activated charcoal, which will also have a beneficial effect on work. digestive system and will remove most of the alcoholic poisons from the body. If you are worried about a headache, then the problem can be solved with paracetamol. You should not treat a headache with effervescent soluble pills: gases will only aggravate the situation.

Some get rid of a hangover with the help of alcohol. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the dosage: a standard can of beer or 100 grams of vodka is enough. As for wine, it is better to refuse to use it, since the acid contained in it - tyramine - provokes a headache.

Too much drinking is bad...

Today, an alcoholic drink that relieves huge amount ailments, turned into a "potion" for a good time. Unfortunately, in Russia they drink alcohol immensely, which leads to mass drunkenness. So that after the holiday a person does not feel remorse, one should not turn the feast into an ordinary booze: diversify it with outdoor games, dances, contests, and humorous skits. And then the celebration will be successful.

It's time to part with alcoholic omnivorousness and make a choice towards our native vodka. If you are asked why you switched to vodka, here are some strong arguments that will convince any opponent. Why should you drink vodka and not other alcoholic beverages? Pros and cons of vodka.

1. Vodka is purer than other alcohol

Vodka is 60% water and 40% alcohol. Vodka is filtered, and it is quite clean. Vodka does not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. As a result, there are no fermentation products that leave chemicals acetone, acetaldehyde and tannins. Drink vodka!

2. Vodka is always relevant

Vodka is suitable for any events, seasons and events. Vodka is relevant and can be drunk both in nature and in luxury restaurant. Vodka can be drunk with colleagues and friends. Vodka is versatile and relevant. This is a classic that does not go out of fashion. Drink vodka!

3. Vodka and acidity

Total acidity determines the content of free acids and their acid salts in the aggregate. Various alcoholic drinks have hyperacidity which is bad for health. Many acidic drinks wear down the teeth, leave kidney stones, and upset the stomach. Vodka has a lower acidity than cocktails, wine and beer. Drink vodka!

4. Solid and honest vodka

When a person drinks vodka, and not other womanish, pretentious or ostentatious drinks, he inspires respect from others. Vodka is classic drink real man. A guy who drinks a pink cocktail at the bar evokes nothing but disgust and contempt. A man drinks real serious manly drinks. Drink vodka!

5. Vodka is the best seducer of girls

Few people have sex with a new partner sober. Vodka never fails in seducing girls, unlike low alcohol drinks. Vodka helps better than any pickups and trainings to seduce girls. I drank vodka, take care of the cap. Girls are modest and full of complexes, but these barriers, together with panties, can be removed with vodka. Drink vodka!

6. Vodka has fewer calories

Beer, cocktails, and other similar alcoholic drinks have many hidden calories. Vodka will not cause excess weight and won't ruin your figure. Drink vodka!

7. Vodka leaves no residue

Various alcoholic drinks often leave permanent stains on our clothes. Remember how many clothes were ruined by wines, cocktails and other indelible alcoholic drinks. Vodka is colorless and odorless. Your clothes will not be damaged. Drink vodka!

8. Water is cheaper

Often we have to overpay a lot of money for expensive cocktails, cognacs and whiskeys. But we just want to drink a little, have fun and relax. Even good vodka has a democratic price. Water is cheaper and doesn't bankrupt you, saving you hard-earned money. Drink vodka!

9. Vodka and drunkenness

When you drink cocktails and various alcoholic drinks, it is difficult to understand when you get drunk. It can happen unexpectedly, and you will feel bad. Vodka is the standard. This is already proven 1000 times option. You always know your norm so as not to go beyond it. Drink vodka!

10. Vodka and a hangover

When you drink only one vodka, the hangover is easier to bear. Consumption of champagne, cocktails and other drinks can cause a more severe hangover. Drink vodka!

11. Vodka and a girl

Choose girls who drink vodka. They are always more honest and better than those young ladies who pompously sip cocktails in expensive clubs. This girl will be better than all those corrupt women. Drink vodka!

12. Vodka national drink

If you are our man, then drink vodka, not various vodka. Vodka is the national drink. It is not good to consume adversary drinks! Without hesitation (boldly, without hesitation) drink vodka! Drink vodka! Drink vodka! Drink vodka! Tagil!

To health! Tagil! What alcoholic drink do you choose? The correct answer is vodka!