If the moonshine is stained with coal. Cleaning moonshine using charcoal

Charcoal filtration of moonshine is one of the most effective strategies for removing fusel oils and harmful impurities. Important choose the right coal, prepare it for cleaning and comply filtration technology. All steps are presented in the form step by step instructions at home.

Note that this method has been used by moonshiners for decades, if not hundreds of years, and has proven itself to be a highly effective cleaning method. Currently, there are many varieties of coal, each of which has a different effect on moonshine. I propose to look into this issue and put a bold point.

The "hero" of our publication is a sorbent for cleaning moonshine

Appearance of BAU and KAU

  1. Birch activated carbon (BAU-A). Special sorbent for moonshiners and winemakers, is the most effective and inexpensive. The price is about 200 rubles for a standard package of 500g.
  2. Coconut activated crushed carbon (CAC). Similar in quality and also very interesting option made from coconut shell. Second place for an increased cost, the price is about 250 rubles per 500g.
  3. Carbon from water filters. You can take the path of least difficulty and. It is inexpensive (around 300 rubles), fast and very effective. If you don't want to sweat too much, then this is for you. the best option. If you want to achieve perfect transparency, then we recommend BAU and KAU.
  4. Pharmacy activated charcoal. A clear disadvantage of this cheap sorbent is the presence of excipients in the composition, which are of no interest to us. Only in extreme cases is it recommended to use the pharmacy version, it is better to give preference to specialized raw materials.
  5. Charcoal for barbecue and barbecue. Obviously, bad idea, since it is not known in what conditions it was made and with what it was in contact. Very dirty raw material for such delicate cleaning.
  6. Hookah charcoal: quick-burning and coconut. Anyone who has ever worked with hookahs knows that this coal, when ignited, emits extremely bad smell. Even the most expensive varieties can not boast of environmental friendliness and cleanliness. Therefore, there is nothing to think about here either, we immediately refuse such a filter.

Summing up, we highlight the brands BAU and KAU. These are the best moonshine cleaners from the options presented.

The water filter is a little behind the leaders, but it is also excellent tool. We use the sorbent from the pharmacy as a last resort, but we immediately forget about the option for barbecue and hookah.

Technology for cleaning moonshine with coal

Regardless of the sorbent you choose, the carbonization process will be approximately the same everywhere. First of all, let's decide on the proportions, and then go directly to the technology.


  • BAU and KAU - ~ 30 grams per 1 liter.
  • Water filter - 1 cartridge for 15–20 liters.
  • Coal from a pharmacy - 45 tablets per 1 liter.

Having decided on the volumes of moonshine and the amount of sorbent, we proceed to cleaning:

  1. We make a carbon filter. We cut off the bottom of a bottle with a volume of 2 or 5 liters, put a thick layer of cotton wool or gauze on the neck, pour it over it required amount sorbent based on the proportions above. The filter is shown in the picture on the right.
  2. Before filtering, the coal must be washed with a liter of water in order to minimize the loss of alcohol.
  3. The filter is installed on top of the container into which the purified moonshine will drain.
  4. With the help of a silicone tube and the principle of communicating vessels, we begin filtration.
  5. Repeat filtration 2-3 times until completely cleaned.

The output is a wonderful moonshine, completely ready for use. If you originally used a low-strength distillate, you can re-distill and get even more pure product.

It is important not to get too carried away with filtration, because coal can absorb up to 5% alcohol, which can result in large losses.

Common Mistakes

List of problems that moonshiners face when using the above cleaning technology.

  • Didn't rinse with water and lost half of the alcohol. The sorbent very strongly absorbs all compounds at the first contact with the liquid. That is why we wash it with a liter of water before filtering the moonshine.
  • You can use coal no more than 1 time. An exception can only be with a water filter, which can be washed with water and reused if less than 15 liters of moonshine have passed through it. In all other cases, the sorbent is discarded.
  • A little coal, one cotton pad ... We strictly observe proportions. Here it is better to add more than less, otherwise there will be a glut of fusel oils and the whole thing will flow directly into pure moonshine.


The best video on this subject from Youtube. It is better to see once than to read ten times.

Triple cleaning method uses moonshine gurus Moonshine Sanych. The first is to infuse the sorbent inside the moonshine. The second and third are filtration through a carbon filter. The man explains everything in simple terms, so everything is very accessible to a wide audience.

The process of cleaning moonshine is the final stage in the preparation of distillate. You need to clean the drink, even if you used the fractional distillation technique, and especially if the mash was originally made on sugar. Therefore, the question is how to clean moonshine activated carbon in tablets or other substances, is already set at the final stages by almost all distillers.

Activated carbon

Cleaning with activated carbon may not be necessary if the raw materials for the preparation of mash are fruits, berries, and sometimes sprouted grains. Since the cleaning of moonshine is able to level not only harmful substances, but also the taste of the drink. But for a drink made with sugar, starch or flour, the method will come in handy.

The choice of substance for filtration

By itself, activated carbon is a porous substance that has a large specific surface area per unit mass. This structure makes the substance absorbent. The pores of the charcoal absorb or absorb particles of a certain size, so it is important to choose correct coal for the cleaning. And you need to absorb from substances such as:

  • fusel oils;
  • amyl alcohol;
  • propyl alcohol;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • ethers.

The molecules of these substances are large. But earlier, for example, coal was made from the bones of cattle. It had pores small sizes, therefore, the purification was not carried out in full, not all harmful substances were removed from the distillate.

Purifying moonshine with activated charcoal tablets can be unproductive. Tableted forms of coal for humans continue to be made from animal bones, so to really clean moonshine, you will have to increase the dose of coal, and also crumble it into small pieces. It is best to use birch charcoal for cleaning.

Another disadvantage of pharmaceutical coal is impurities in the preparation - talc or starch is added to the composition. For moonshine, this can result in the acquisition of a bitter aftertaste, which is regarded as an undesirable effect.

In order not to spoil the organoleptic qualities of alcohol, you can use the following types of coal:

  • from filters for water purification;
  • from gas masks;
  • from gas analyzer tubes;
  • special coal for distillers, sold in the store.

Commonly used charcoal own cooking. The main thing is that there are no foreign impurities in the substance. For example, in filters, in addition to coal, there may also be resins that soften water. Gas masks can also contain poisonous substances or other foreign components.

The best choice for filtering is wood charcoal, the so-called BAU-A, made in accordance with GOST. For the substance, birch is used as a raw material. And the pores are formed in the process of pyrolysis, that is, combustion at high temperatures without oxygen supply. It is these pores that are necessary for the purposes of cleaning moonshine.

You can buy such coal in stores, even supermarkets. It is found in the barbecue department, usually in packaged form and costs about 200 rubles per kilogram. Craftsmen or those who have access to raw materials can kindle charcoal on their own. The product in the process burns out with the access of oxygen, so there will be fewer pores, which means that the adsorbing capacity will drop.

How to properly clean a drink with charcoal?

The technique has a second name - carbonization. The cleaning process itself takes place in two ways:

  • passing liquid through a filter with coal;
  • lowering the substance directly into the bottle.

Both methods are easy. For the first technique, you need to make a filter. This is done using a bottle in which the bottom is cut off, and several holes are made in the neck. Then the neck is closed with cotton wool with a pre-crushed angle. Cotton wool can be additionally wrapped in gauze and put a layer of activated carbon on it.

Coal filter for moonshine

The next question is: “How much activated carbon is needed in order to filter moonshine?”. The proportions are as follows: 50 grams of charcoal per liter of moonshine. Or take 12 grams of BAU-A per liter of drink. If you still use coal from a pharmacy in tablets, then you must first crush them and take them at the rate of 100 grams per liter of alcohol.

You cannot use the filter more than once. Activated charcoal for cleaning is best changed after each procedure. With each successive time, the substance has less and less adsorbing capacity. And before filtering, the coal itself should be washed under water to get rid of dust.

Sometimes distillers use the usual filter jug ​​for water. But you need to know exactly the contents of the filter. Moonshine should be passed through such a barrier at least five times or until the drink is completely cleared. In some cases, distillers who are actively involved in brewing moonshine make a design using an aquarium pump. But the technique is laborious, especially for beginners.

The easiest way to clean is to use the method of immersing coal in a container. To do this, the activated substance is crushed and placed in a vessel at the rate of 50 grams per liter of moonshine. Then the coal is poured with moonshine. The mixture is infused for two weeks, and the drink needs to be shaken or stirred periodically. Then for another seven days, moonshine just stands - a precipitate is formed from coal, after which the drink is filtered through cotton wool.

But this method also has disadvantages. Except what is lost a large number of time, and long contact with activated carbon is harmful to alcohol. Under the influence of the substance in the drink, the level of aldehydes rises, from which the distiller has already got rid of during distillation. The result depends on the type of activated carbon, and universal way no.

Some distillers mix methods with each other and derive a third method. For example, coal is placed in a solution with the same proportions, but not for a week, but for two hours. During the first 30 minutes, the solution is stirred, and for another hour and a half it is simply defended. After that, filtration is carried out through cotton wool or gauze. This procedure is repeated several times until taste qualities the drink doesn't come close to ideal.

Can be used multiple times for filtering. After cleaning, it can be treated with a solution of hydrochloric acid at a concentration of 2%. Coal is washed and dried, and then the substance is calcined on fire. It is impossible to predict exactly how much the adsorbing capacity will change. Therefore, if possible, then at this stage it is not necessary to save.

This method is another opportunity to get rid of fuselage in a drink. Quality finished product will improve dramatically. But get rid of bad taste or there will be no smell. To change the organoleptic properties, you need to rectify the product or refine the drink by infusing herbs.

Purification of moonshine with coal is milestone in moonshine. Many do double distillation, but not everyone knows how to purify with natural coal. First of all, coal attracts the remains of fusel oils, causing them to precipitate. From purification, the drink acquires soft taste, and pleasant aroma without any extra impurities.

After cleaning, alcohol will not bring great harm for human body. This method is used when there is no time for double distillation. But not every coal is suitable for purification of moonshine. The right choice of coal is the key to a good quality of the future drink.

Which coal to choose

There are several types of coal for cleaning moonshine:

  • woody birch activated;
  • wood coconut activated;
  • activated charcoal tablets;
  • coal from water filters or gas masks;
  • barbecue coals.

Read our other articles on how to clean moonshine from impurities:

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Birch charcoal and coconut charcoal are ideal for cleaning moonshine. Since it is originally made for wine companies that use it for filtration. They contain special impurities that allow the absorption of fusel oils.

Activated carbon tablets are not suitable for the process, as they are originally made from animal bones and have a different direction of use.

Charcoal from filters is suitable, but before use, you need to make sure that it does not contain additional impurities from which human health will suffer. If there is no information on the filter, then it is better to abandon the idea.

Barbecue coals - great idea if there were no coals intended for cleaning drinks. It is necessary to kindle a fire with wood, transfer the smoldering elements to a vacuum container and clog it so that the wood smolders better without air. When the coals are ready, proceed to clean any alcoholic beverages.

How to prepare coal for moonshine from different raw materials

Some craftsmen prepare charcoal on their own at home. Burning oak and birch wood in a natural way, but this method gives coal interaction with oxygen, which is not desirable for coal. In large-scale production, they are made under vacuum, in this case, coal has good quality and is suitable for filtration of alcoholic beverages. It is better to spare no expense and buy good quality raw materials.

If you decide to cook it yourself, then you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 70 cm and a depth of half a meter. Cover the bottom with small branches and set fire to it. After burning, they begin to lay chopped logs. As it burns, the next logs are placed until the pit is filled with burnt wood.

Then a vacuum should be created for the coals. Fill the hole with leaves and soil. Leaving it to smolder for several hours. After, charcoal pulled out, sieved and packaged. During ignition, do not use various chemicals, it is dangerous to health.

For the manufacture of coal, you can use not only a pit, but also an iron barrel. To do this, they take a metal container of 200 liters, with thick iron walls, put wood in it and also kindle it. But the choice of a barrel must be taken seriously, since for the manufacture of coals, it should not have residues from previous raw materials. If there were oil products in it, then they must be burned out and only a clean barrel should be used.

Cleaning moonshine with charcoal

Strain the moonshine through a filter. For this from plastic bottle a watering can is made, a piece of cotton wool is placed in its neck, you can wrap it with gauze for better filtration. Put the next layer of charcoal.

Before use, it must be washed and crushed into small pieces. If it is not rinsed, then coal dust will settle to the bottom of the drink. And then you have to use more stringent filters. Based on 1 liter, you need to use 50 grams of coal. And then each time change to a new portion. After filtering, the procedure should be repeated several times, this will improve the quality of the drink.

Cleaning moonshine in the above way will make the product better and softer, but this will not replace a double run through alcohol mashine. If there is no possibility for re-distillation, then after filtering, moonshine should be infused with various herbs, giving it a rich taste.

Purification of moonshine with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is made from coconut shells, which is used in industrial production. They clean whiskey, giving it a refined taste and aroma. Breweries also use coal. A persistent foam is a sign of an absorbed drink from which the tannins have been removed.

It is not recommended to use activated carbon if the mash was made from jam or fruit, otherwise the drink will lose its taste and aroma. But for a sugar bodyagi, it’s just right. Do not forget that with prolonged contact of alcohols and coal, oxidation occurs, and aldehydes are obtained from alcohols.

There are several rules for cleaning moonshine:

  • It is necessary to dilute moonshine with distilled water to 40 degrees.
  • When cleaning with coconut, you should leave room for moonshine, otherwise it will overflow when filtered.
  • After removing the fusel oils, the drink should be re-distilled.

Without redistillation the quality of moonshine will not get better. Only if all the rules are followed, you can get an excellent drink. With self-filtering, you can save a lot of money on your budget. And when self-manufacturing hive, this process will be free.

Charcoal - this is the name of the process of cleaning homemade alcohol with coal. This method of getting rid of the remnants of fusel oils is very simple and affordable, therefore it is popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced meters of home brewing.

Activated carbon is a substance that has a large specific surface, and as a result, its adsorption properties are great, that is, it serves as a catalyst for the concentration of a substance at the interfaces of aggregate states. In other words, activated concentrates most of the fusel oils and esters.

In addition, activated carbon eliminates unpleasant odors from alcoholic drink and softens it. It is not recommended to clean moonshine with activated carbon from berry mash, since together with fusel oils, coal adsorbs berry aromas. Charcoal is a cleaning method only for sugar mash. To give your homemade alcohol flavors, professionals recommend making tinctures on an already finished product.

In industry, activated carbon is obtained from organic materials: in fact, charcoal, coal coke and petroleum coke.

AT living conditions, to get a filter for a future alcoholic drink, it is quite possible to use charcoal for barbecue - this is sold in any supermarket, activated charcoal in tablets.

An excellent adsorbing filter can be obtained from the seeds of cherries, sweet cherries and bird cherry, coke peel.

To make charcoal at home, we need a well-dried birch log, peeled from the bark.

Using an ax, the log must be split into chips 3 cm thick. After crushing, the chips must be burned with minimal air access, for this you can use metal saucepan with small holes. The chips are placed in a saucepan, covered with a lid, and placed on a gas or electric stove. In the process of heating without sufficient access of oxygen, moisture and gases will be removed from the chips, and the chips themselves will not turn into ash. Naturally, it is better to do this on the balcony or on the street. After burning all the loaded wood chips, it must be removed and cooled. By themselves, coals are of little use for filtering fusel oils. alcoholic products own production. For use in home brewing, coals must be activated. Charcoal must be activated by exposure to water vapor.

Despite the fact that the moonshine obtained after distillation can be considered a relatively pure product, it needs additional filtration. Of course, a certain amount of harmful impurities will still remain in the composition, but for the most part it will be possible to get rid of. Let's talk about how moonshine is cleaned and whether it is possible to achieve the desired results in this way.

How to rid the product of impurities?

Experienced distillers know all the subtleties of this process, but even a novice person should understand what's what. Firstly, the resulting moonshine must be diluted with water, preferably crine or purified tap water. This should be done in such a way as to get an average of 40-45 degrees. Next, it is necessary to remove gases and other impurities from the composition, which significantly reduce overall quality moonshine. For this, ash, activated carbon, charcoal and other absorbents can be used. Other methods can be used by the people, but it is difficult to say something about their effectiveness, since the product is not tested for the absence or presence of impurities. However, activated carbon filtration is the most popular and available method. Fortunately, almost everyone has this absorbent, and if not, then you can buy it at any pharmacy or even a supermarket.

Efficient and inexpensive cleaning

Everyone knows the properties of activated carbon - it is the removal of unpleasant odors and absorption harmful substances, such as slag. However, not every product is suitable for us. You can not use coal obtained from the bones of animals, since its micropores absorb only small molecules, and in moonshine there are inclusions such as fusel oils that cannot be removed by this method. The product obtained by pyrolysis is best suited for the implementation of our goals. Recall that this is the process of wood decomposition, which proceeds under the exclusive high temperature. In most cases, cleaning moonshine with activated charcoal tablets is ineffective, due to the fact that this product is made from animal bones and its absorbent properties are quite low. But where can we find the coal we need, you ask. Everything is quite simple here, it can be found in water or aquarium filters, gas masks. In principle, it will also be easy to buy it, and its cost is available to every buyer.

How to make a filter?

Just throwing coal into a jar of moonshine would be pointless, so there is whole technology. It all depends on which product you decide to use. If it is the purification of moonshine, then everything is an order of magnitude simpler, but it can be coals obtained on its own. In principle, regardless of the chosen method, the essence remains the same. You need to grind coal as best as possible. Further on the bottom of the jar you need to put a thin layer of cotton wool, on top of 7-10 centimeters of coal and again cotton wool. Approximately 50 grams of absorbent should be taken per liter of product, therefore, for 3 liter jar You will need 150 grams, which is quite a lot. For about a week, moonshine should stand in this state, it is advisable to mix it periodically. As you can see, cleaning moonshine with activated carbon is quite simple. Again, if you use pills, you will need relatively many of them, and the effect will not be the best. But the coal used for filters will give a much better result.

How to get pure moonshine: cleaning recipes from the people

One of the most popular and cheapest cleaning methods among the people is to use fruit coals from a campfire. For example, you can first fry a barbecue on them, and then apply it as an absorbent. Do not be surprised if after this method the moonshine will have a slightly perceptible smell of a fire. Another option is cleaning with beech timber. First, the beech is thoroughly dried, then sawn and crushed. It is best to place it on a steel grid and leave it above the fire. Smoldering coals should be put in a saucepan and covered with a lid so that they "fit" without air. Then grind and make a filter according to the principle of cotton wool - coal - cotton wool. Of course, you can not complicate your life and not put cotton wool, but you will need to pour the moonshine through cheesecloth so that there is no coal left.


As you can see, there are many ways to get a pure product, but the most popular and easiest is coal cleaning moonshine. Today there are shops for winemakers and moonshiners, where charcoal is sold at a price of 300 rubles per bucket, which is not so expensive. This should be enough for you for a long time, although a lot depends on how much product you make per day. If you use coals after a fire, then be careful, as there may be foreign inclusions. If they get into a jar, they will dissolve over time and spoil the taste. Well, that's all that can be said about the advantages of coal purification of moonshine. Which of the above methods to use, and which not, is up to you.