Energy drinks and their effects on the body: benefits and harm. Are energy drinks harmful or beneficial? Natural energy products

An energy drink is an energy drink that stimulates brain activity and invigorates. With increasing tension and lack of energy, a person resorts to additional stimulants to strengthen the body. What is the harm from energy drinks? Harm from energy drinks is caused by the components they contain.

How does the composition affect the human body?

Composition of energy drinks:

  1. . Stimulates mental and physical activity. Increases heart rate and stimulates the nervous system. How much caffeine is in energy drinks? The indicator ranges from 80 to 150 grams, the same content in a cup of coffee.
  2. Sugar, . Improves brain concentration.
  3. Taurine. Helps concentrate, improves performance and promotes the absorption of minerals. Included in most vitamins for children and adults.
  4. L-carnitine. Accelerates metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Glucuronolactone. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins from the body.
  6. Guarana and ginseng root. It is invigorating, but useful taking into account proper dosing; if the drink is abused, sleep is disturbed.
  7. Matein. Used to combat obesity and reduce appetite.
  8. B vitamins stabilize the nervous system.

Energy drinks contain useful elements, but does this mean that you can drink them all the time? Or do energy drinks only cause harm?

How do energy drinks work?

How long does it take for an energy drink to take effect? After drinking a bottle of cocktail, the invigorating effect appears within ten minutes. It comes on faster if you drink it in a hungry state.

How long does the energy drink last? The duration is four hours, and after that the opposite state is observed: nervous excitability and loss of strength.

What is the harm from energy drinks?

The harm of energy drinks has long been proven; with excessive consumption of caffeine and sugar, addiction takes root, and increasing the dosage leads to poisoning. What happens if you drink energy drinks often?

Harm of drinks:

  1. Violation of water-salt balance;
  2. Habituation;
  3. Depletion of the body's energy reserves;
  4. Deterioration of the condition of people with chronic diseases;
  5. Frequent urination, removal of essential microelements from the body;
  6. Negative effects on the digestive tract;
  7. Deterioration of dental condition;

Energy drinks are harmful for teenagers; when receiving a heavy dose of sugar and caffeine, serious consequences occur. Who shouldn't drink energy drinks?

Contraindicated use:

  • Children under eighteen years of age;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • People suffering from hypertension, glaucoma, diabetes, gastritis, stomach ulcers, depression and cardiovascular diseases.

Energy drinks increase blood pressure, affect blood sugar levels, and cause fatigue. It is important to be careful when consuming.

Are there any benefits from these drinks?

The demand for invigorating drinks does not fade; perhaps energy drinks do not only harm, but also benefit? What positive impact do they have?

Benefits of energy drinks:

  • Invigorating effect and increased ability to work;
  • An alternative to coffee, but useful when consumed on rare occasions;
  • Vitamins included;

There are different types of invigorating drinks. Athletes use energy drinks with vitamins and carbohydrates, and students use caffeine. There are benefits from such energy drinks if you use them wisely.

For energy, you can drink no more than two cans a day and no more than several times a week. With a larger amount, there is a sharp jump in sugar in the body and an increase in blood pressure, which leads to serious consequences. There are several ways to neutralize negative influences. How to reduce the harm of energy drinks?

How to drink energy drinks:

  • Observe a break between taking the next can;
  • Athletes are allowed to drink the drink before training, not after;
  • After the drink wears off, fatigue may appear; you should rest for three to four hours;
  • Do not allow energy drinks to interact with alcohol, medications and caffeinated drinks.

What are the symptoms of an overdose?

Excessive consumption of energy drinks may cause signs of poisoning. How to understand that an overdose has occurred?

Symptoms of poisoning:

  1. Redness, rash, or itching of the skin;
  2. Hypertension;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Acute abdominal pain;
  5. Headache;
  6. Swelling;
  7. Increased body temperature;
  8. Vomit;
  9. Heavy sweating;
  10. Restless sleep;
  11. Nervousness and aggressive behavior;
  12. Frequent loose stools;
  13. Increased heart rate;
  14. Dehydration of the body;
  15. Fainting state.

If you notice symptoms of an overdose, call an ambulance. Drink plenty of water and flush your stomach. It will be useful to use adsorbent drugs, such as: -sti, lactofiltrum.

Is it possible to get poisoned and what are the consequences?

Drink poisoning is possible with daily consumption of more than two cans. What does an overdose of energy drinks lead to?

What happens if you abuse energy drinks:

  • Sleep disorder, nightmares;
  • Depressive states, aggression, suspiciousness;
  • Deterioration of heart function;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Weight gain, diabetes;
  • Blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis, atherosclerosis);

With proper drinking regimen and a balanced diet, there will be no need for energy drinks.

Video: harm of energy drinks (shock)

Energy They are popular among people who are forced to engage in vigorous activity for a long time. These people do not have time to complete tasks due to a lack of strength, which they try to find in the notorious drinks.

The problem lies in a lack of understanding of the harm from this, because how can a “vitaminized invigorating cocktail” created by skillful marketers harm? Yet medicine has a strictly negative attitude towards such liquids. To realize the truth, it is worth weighing the real pros and cons.

What it is

Energy are non-alcoholic drinks aimed at stimulating the active functioning of the body. Their main goal is to make the mind and body function at their best without feeling tired.

A miracle remedy appeared in 1938. Then the first invigorating drink called Lukozade was created, which was used to stimulate athletes. The latter showed excellent results, but then ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. The product was no longer produced for a very long time.

However, in 1994, the Redbull company appeared, creating its own brand and seemingly high-quality products, which became one of the most popular energy drinks on the market. There were no poisonings, so other corporations gradually emerged wanting to get their “piece of the pie” in a new promising niche. Today there are more than a hundred brands producing invigorating cocktails. And these are only the most famous ones in the CIS.

Video: Energy drinks: harm and benefit.


The effect of any energy drinks directly depends on their composition, the main components of which are:

  • caffeine;
  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • taurine;
  • B vitamins;
  • sugar.

Additional components, flavors, and taste enhancers are usually different for each manufacturer's products. It is clear that they do not provide anything useful, and excessive amounts of the same sugar lead to diabetes and vascular problems.

To understand the effects of the ingredients, you need to learn about each of them in more detail.


Caffeine has long been known for its psychostimulating and tonic properties. It contains adenosine, which suppresses communication with the central nervous system, which is why a person is not aware of fatigue. Under the influence of caffeine, adrenaline is produced, which maintains and even increases energy resources, as well as mental activity.

The disadvantages of coffee lie in the depletion of the central nervous system, restless sleep or insomnia, physical dependence, and problems with the cardiovascular system. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to drink no more than two or three small cups of coffee or one can of energy drink per day.


Taurine is an amino acid produced as a result of the metabolism of cysteine ​​and methionine. It is contained in food (especially meat and fish), so a person even unconsciously consumes the required dose of the substance per day.

In energy drinks, the concentration of taurine exceeds 3180 mg/l, taking into account the daily dose of 400 mg/l. This amino acid is harmless to the body, but as a component of an energy drink it simply “takes up space” without providing any benefit.

It is added for its “quick stimulation of brain activity and benefits for cell membranes,” according to marketers. But in fact, no scientific evidence has been found for such big words.


Ginseng extract increases physical endurance, improves a person’s mood and memory, stimulates psychomotor activity and mental activity. In general, this is a very useful plant, which is added to many teas and various liquids.

There is no need to talk about the disadvantages. One can only take into account the fact that during laboratory studies, scientists were unable to confirm or refute both the positive and negative aspects of using ginseng.

B vitamins

Energy drinks also contain B vitamins, the amount of which exceeds the daily dose by 360% -2000%. However, you should not grab your heart, because unnecessary vitamins are eliminated in the “classical” way and do not have a negative effect on the body. But their presence in drinks is not justified in the same way as taurine.

They also play the role of “baits” that the consumer is led to. After all, when we all hear the word “vitamins,” we consider the product useful, right? Marketers skillfully manipulate this. Alas, the desired effect cannot be expected.


Guarana is a caffeine analogue extracted from the seeds of an Amazonian vine. The properties of this substance are similar to those of caffeine, only the effectiveness is several times higher. For rough calculation, 40 mg of caffeine is equivalent to 1 g of guarana.

Energy drink manufacturers combine both components to prolong the effect and make it as strong as possible. Thanks to this symbiosis, the body can stay awake for up to 5 hours without feeling tired. But then she will appear in full regalia, forcing you to fall asleep on the go.


It cannot be said that energy drinks have no benefits at all, otherwise they would not be so in demand. The main argument in favor is the opportunity to cheer up and “find access” to the active functioning of the brain and sources of inspiration.

I'm glad it takes so long to achieve this effect. It comes on almost instantly and lasts for at least three hours. For example, coffee or tea are not so effective, because they begin to act after 15 minutes, adding vigor for no more than an hour.

Another plus is ease of use. You just open the can and drink it, even while driving. Coffee is usually consumed hot, so such tricks will not work with it - unless a thermos helps. In any case, an energy drink invigorates much better than coffee, tea or special medications.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of energy drinks outweighs the benefits. They resemble a small bomb, which, when exploding, causes damage to all systems of the body. This is a carbonated sweet that contains a lot of harmful or pointless ingredients.

At a minimum, such a cocktail leads to the formation of caries, increased blood sugar, and decreased immunity. It depletes the nervous system, the consequences of which are poor health, decreased performance, loss of strength, irritability, and depression.

  • for gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers;
  • To old people;
  • pregnant women;
  • with increased excitability and sleep disturbances;
  • children and teenagers;
  • those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, glaucoma, blood pressure problems;
  • with sensitivity to caffeine.

Side effects from excessive intake of energy drinks include rapid heartbeat, trembling limbs, fatigue, and drowsiness. And an overdose leads to cardiac arrest and death or coma.

Scientists have found that the “killer” dose is 15-25 cans of liquid. The difference depends on the body’s endurance, the frequency of taking invigorating cocktails, and even the person’s weight. Therefore, you should not rely on energy drinks, even if you urgently need to cheer up.

How to use without harm to health

Despite all the warnings, you can drink energy drinks without harm to your health. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the daily dose of the substance - 2-3 cans. If you do not exceed it and allow the body to recover after taking the “potion,” its effect will be neutralized.

You should not use it after playing sports, because your blood pressure will rise to dangerous levels. It is also undesirable to drink other caffeine-containing drinks within 3-5 hours after taking an energy drink.

Energy drinks and alcohol should not be mixed. Although the effect of the cocktail removes any inhibitions, relaxes the mind, tones the body - this all happens only in the first few hours. Next, a malfunction in the brain occurs, blood pressure rises, and even a hypertensive crisis is possible.


Energy drinks still do more harm than good. The essence lies in their principle of action, because they do not bring energy, but take them out of the body’s resources, taking them as if in advance. Therefore, in the future, when the miracle effect wears off, the mind begins to slow down, and the body feels desperate fatigue, apathy, and drowsiness.

Frequent consumption of invigorating drinks leads to various diseases, and an overdose leads to death or coma. To reduce the harm from energy drinks, you should drink no more than two or three cans a day. It is not advisable to drink coffee, tea or other caffeine-containing liquids.

The answer to the main question “Can I drink energy drinks?” - yes, when you urgently need to recharge your batteries. But it is advisable to do this at least once a week so that the body has time to “cleanse itself.” You cannot drink energy cocktails every day. And it is important to monitor your own well-being so that you can stop at the right moment.

The debate about energy drinks has been going on for a good dozen years. Several years ago, they even tried to “reason” the popularity of energy drinks through legislation: the chief state sanitary doctor proposed introducing restrictions on the production and sale of energy drinks. The main argument against them was significant: “energy drinks” are absolutely incompatible with alcohol, since the drinks contain caffeine, and this is in some way a psychostimulant.

Doctors have other complaints about energy drinks. Some experts argue that for some potential patients in drug treatment hospitals, these drinks may become the first step to the use of psychostimulants. More specifically, to psychostimulant drugs. Perhaps there is reason for such fears.

The composition of the drinks itself is also concerning. Usually, in addition to caffeine, they contain the amino acid taurine, which promotes nervous excitement, glucose, and vitamin B. How all these components together, even without alcohol, affect the human body is still little understood. Do they stimulate human activity for a while? Without a doubt! What then? Prostration.

“It’s no coincidence that in some European countries you can’t find energy drinks for free,” say skeptics. - Only in pharmacies! Anything that is poorly understood should not be widely available.”

So to drink or not to drink “energy drinks”? And if so, how to determine a safe dose? The editor-in-chief of the journal “Narcology”, candidate of medical sciences Alexey NADEZHDIN, helps to understand the problem.

“Energy” “energy” is different
- The problem is that under the term “energy drinks” two lines of different products coexist. The first is soft drinks, which contain caffeine, taurine and a number of vitamins. The second is cocktails, which in addition to these components also contain alcohol. It is this type of “energy drink” that is dangerous. Yes, their production and sale should be strictly regulated, or even better, banned. The combination of alcohol and caffeine in one drink is dangerous for humans. Both due to toxicity and because it leads to inappropriate behavior. Caffeine masks and modifies the effects of alcohol in a special way. This further stimulates the consumption of such “energy drinks”.

But non-alcoholic energy drinks are only dangerous if you drink liters of them. Or again mix it with alcohol. If you adhere to the rules of use, then, at a minimum, they saved the lives of more than one driver.

Why are “energy drinks” considered “club drinks”?
- At youth parties with endless movement and dancing, such drinks are very popular. Energy “mixtures” promote such activity. But alcohol in its pure form, on the contrary, is too relaxing. But in general, there is not that much caffeine in energy drinks: each can is comparable to 1-2 cups of coffee. This is generally safe, but only if the caffeine is not “spurred up” by alcohol. Alcohol makes such mixtures highly toxic compounds. The result is toxic damage to internal organs. Especially the liver and brain.
But it’s better not to overuse “energy drinks” in their pure, “non-alcoholic” form. Caffeine is a double-edged sword. In moderate doses, it has a positive effect on humans and has so-called antioxidant activity. An overdose, on the contrary, has insidious consequences. Leads to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and headaches. Anxiety and fear are also side effects of caffeine. So everything is good in moderation.

The “first step” to addiction? Not true!
- I don’t agree when some of my colleagues say that “energy drinks” can lead to much greater addiction. If only because the content of the psychoactive substance, caffeine, in them is approximately the same as in a cup of strong coffee.
Let's figure it out. Caffeine is an integral part of not only coffee, but also tea. Especially green. So what? In China, tea has been consumed for thousands of years. But did its use lead to the tragedies of this civilization? Vice versa! Harm occurs only in regular overdose.
It’s the same with “energy drinks”: drink, but know when to stop. Don't treat them like regular soda. The measure is always individual. In any case, even for a very healthy person - no more than two cans per day!


Man has always encouraged himself with various energy substances and drinks, without overly burdening himself with thoughts about their benefits and harms. And if earlier these were natural products, such as coca leaves, then among today’s youth various synthesized energy drinks are wildly successful.

The harm of energy drinks does not bother them at all, and prolonging the time of enjoying themselves at a party or disco takes precedence over the understanding that the consequences of such fun will sooner or later make themselves felt.

Older people, on the contrary, tend to exaggerate the danger, but their concern is truly justified. A series of deaths caused by an overdose or a combination of energy drinks with alcohol or recreational drugs has forced the governments of some countries to decide to directly ban or allow the sale of energy drinks only in pharmacy chains.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks are, as a rule, carbonated drinks, the components of which have a stimulating effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems and cause a feeling of a surge of strength and a feeling of vigor from 1 to 2-3 hours.

Doctors say that taking even one acceptable dose of energy drink has such an invigorating effect on the adult body, but after the euphoria subsides, a mandatory 3-4 hour rest is necessary.

The era of modern energy drinks began with the enhancement of the famous Taiwanese tonic Krating Daeng by the Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz with modern chemical derivatives. As a result of such “adaptation” and aggressive advertising, Red Bull energy drink has captivated young people on all continents.

But Red Bull did not remain a monopolist in this market sector for long. Coca-Cola and Pepsi immediately joined the production of energy drinks. Each of the TMs acquired its own energy drinks - Adrenaline Rush, Burn, AMP and NOS.

Other competing energy drinks are not as popular on the domestic market, but their effect on the body is no less dangerous. Among them are Red Devil, Non-Stop, B-52, Tiger, Jaguar, Revo, Hype, Rockstar, Monster, Frappuccino and Cocaine. The latter turned out to be so harmful that its release in the United States was banned twice. However, Reduz Beverages is not going to stop production, and Cocaine energy drink can be freely purchased in online stores.

Are energy drinks harmful? Yes, the negative effects of energy drinks on the body have been proven. However, manufacturers convince that they are harmless if you drink 1, maximum 2 cans per day. But even here, some companies resort to prohibited techniques that can have deadly consequences. For example, the company that produces Mountain Dew Amp energy drink decided to give 2 times more energy - this energy drink is sold only in 0.66 liter cans.

Components of energy drinks and isotonic drinks

Technically speaking, energy drinks are classified as “Food Supplements”. This is what allows manufacturers not to indicate the exact composition of the energy drink, and therefore intoxication and overdose of energy drinks have become a common problem.

In fact, all energy drinks consist of the same components - caffeine, taurine, glucose. To these “three pillars”, each manufacturer adds components that enhance the stimulating effect of energy drinks on the body - ginseng or Chinese lemongrass, extract from guarana seeds, melatonin, matein, as well as vitamins B, C and PP. It is this combination of active ingredients that causes energy drinks to be harmful to teenagers.

For your information, a can of Red Bull (0.33 l) exceeds the daily norm of glucose by 300 times, vitamin B6 by 2.5 times, vitamin B12 by 50%, and the caffeine content is the same as in 3 cups of strong coffee.

In addition, in the process of degradation of one of the components of the energy drink, the formation of cocaine is possible. What then can we say about how Cocaine energy drink can act on a growing body, since its manufacturers claim a 350% superiority of all components over Red Bull.

For some reason, some teenagers are sure that when consuming energy drinks, some kind of energetic cleansing of the body occurs. Although here it is more appropriate to say that it will be necessary to cleanse the body of an excess of some of its components.

Some young athletes are sure that there is no difference between energy drinks and special “sports” drinks - isotonics. In fact, it is fundamental. Dry mixtures or ready-made isoosmotic drinks consist of fructose, vitamins and mineral salts, maltodextrin and an acidity regulator.

The isosmotic composition, verified in medical laboratories, helps during physical activity - the body can more easily tolerate fluid deficiency, maintain a normal water-salt balance, and replenish the supply of glycogen, vitamins and minerals. The composition, dosage and method of using isotonics are described in detail on the packages.

Why are energy drinks harmful to the body?

The benefits and harms of energy drinks are incomparable, especially considering that it is now rare to meet a completely healthy person. The active ingredients of the energy drink force the body to work in a stressful state, and 2-3 hours of hyperactivity leads to wear and tear on the resources of the internal organs. After the end of the euphoric effect of the energy drink, most experience a loss of strength, irritability and depression.

If a person drinks too much energy drinks, the following symptoms and consequences may be observed:

  • caffeine and mateine ​​– tachycardia, borderline changes in blood pressure, anxiety, cardiac arrest;
  • taurine – gastritis, exacerbation of ulcers, arrhythmia, increased nervousness;
  • group of vitamins B - redness of the skin, heavy sweating, swelling of the face, dizziness, numbness and trembling in the extremities, convulsions, suffocation, increased acidity of gastric juice, blockage of the kidney tubules, triggering the development of fatty liver degeneration, allergic reactions, urticaria, heart pain, edema lungs, anaphylactic shock;
  • glucose, fructose – caries, obesity, diabetes;
  • melatonin – nausea, vomiting, relapse of allergic diseases, exacerbation of kidney disease, epilepsy attack;
  • guarana - side effects have been little studied, but the symptoms are similar to caffeine overdose, since the seeds of the plant contain natural pacemakers theophylline and theobromine;
  • ginseng - headache, dizziness, insomnia, sharp drop in blood pressure, swelling, tachycardia, fever, women may have miscarriages.

Glucuronolactone is particularly dangerous in energy drinks. This substance was created at the American military laboratory DARPA as part of the Supersoldier program.

In small therapeutic doses, it helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and fight fatigue. But the amount of glucuronolactone contained in energy drinks leads to exacerbation of liver pathologies and can cause hyperglycemic coma.

In addition to the above, energy drinks can cause addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and suicidal thoughts. Long-term use of energy drinks leads to a decrease in sexual function, psychopathic personality, accompanied by a sharp change in mood, incontinence of affects, and social decline.

Is it possible to get poisoned by an energy drink and is it possible to die?

Any discussion on the harm or benefit of energy drinks ends with facts that have been proven, not in theory, but in practice, that taking them leads to death. The sad statistics are headed by energy drinks 5-Hour Energy and Monster. The main cause of death is suffocation and cardiac arrest.

Death from energy drinks can occur as a result of simultaneous use of them with alcoholic beverages or drugs. You can also get poisoned by energy drink when mixing it with coffee, strong tea or mate.

Undesirable consequences, including deaths, have been recorded when taking energy drinks the day before, during or after sports training.

However, the dishonesty of energy drink manufacturers can also cause death due to an unintentional overdose (for example, you can drink 2 cans of energy drink, but this does not apply to Cocaine, because two of its standard cans contain a dose 6 times higher than the safe concentration). Many teenagers, remembering that they can drink 300-600 ml of the drink, without any fear, drink ten 60 ml bottles of Red Bull Shot, not realizing that they exceed the permissible dose by 20 times.

For whom is the use of energy drinks contraindicated?

Despite the invented rules for the reasonable use of energy drinks, their use is strictly prohibited to the following persons:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children, adolescents under 18 years of age and the elderly;
  • hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular diseases and thrombophlebitis;
  • for renal and liver failure, pancreatic diseases;
  • for persistent sleep disorders;
  • ulcer sufferers, diabetics, epileptics;
  • people suffering from glaucoma.

Healthy people should remember that the harm or benefits of drinking energy drinks will depend solely on compliance with the dosage.

How to improve performance

If the body tolerates caffeine well, but a cup of coffee is not enough, then a mixture of instant coffee and Coca-Cola will invigorate it well.

If you have a healthy stomach, then you can try drinking 130-150 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice once as a strong energy drink. However, it is also not recommended to get carried away with such homemade energy drinks.

As a means of stimulating brain activity, it is not necessary to drink caffeinated energy drinks. It is enough to buy the pharmaceutical drug Taurine. However, before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, and also remember that in large dosages this amino acid leads to the opposite “calming” effect and inhibition of nervous processes occurs.

For people actively involved in sports or experiencing heavy physical activity, it is recommended to take isotonic drinks rather than energy drinks. These energy drinks have no contraindications and promote fairly rapid recovery of the body.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can drink energy drinks. Even on a purely intuitive level, you understand that this is a rare disgusting thing that not only will not recharge you with energy, but, on the contrary, will take away this energy and generally deprive you of your health if used frequently. However, intuition is intuition, but to figure out what it is and What are the harms of energy drinks? costs.

First, let's just look at the label:

  1. Substances that tonic the nervous system (synthetic caffeine, plant extracts of guarana, lemongrass, etc.)
  2. Direct energy carriers are carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose)
  3. Elements that stimulate metabolism (B vitamins, as well as vitamin-like substances (for example, taurine)
  4. Flavorings, dyes, food additives.

Energy drinks: the harm is certain

What effect can this mixture have? The essence of energy drinks is to give a surge of strength and energy. It would seem that the effect of such a drink fulfills its mission: after drinking a jar, you get the feeling that the energy is just over the edge. In fact, the energy drink does not add energy one iota. And it affects the body, mobilizing internal resources (i.e., what it, the body, has stored for itself for the future), which causes a short-term surge of strength. Those. It’s as if they “sweep out” our energy in advance. Now you feel good, you are cheerful and energetic, but this energy is taken “on credit” from the body, and you will have to give it back.

If you drink the drink once, the effect will not be too destructive and noticeable, but if you drink them constantly, the body will exhaust its reserves and, in the end, you will achieve the opposite effect: instead of vigor, you will get overworked, and in addition a number of unpleasant consequences: rapid heartbeat, increased pressure, impotence and ultimately depression.

Harm from energy drinks: risk group

Who gets hooked on energy drinks most often? These are mainly students during the session who do not have time to complete their work on time, some athletes in fitness clubs, tired drivers, nightclub regulars - all those who are tired, but should feel full of strength and energy. Target audience: students or working men aged 17-24. A bright, beautiful jar that is no different from a can of soda, and “inspiring” advertising attract the attention of children and young people. However, it says nothing about the dangers of energy drinks.

And having become addicted to such drinks, the next step is alcohol-containing cocktails. At the same time, the combination of energy and is very dangerous and can lead to the most dire consequences. By drinking a can of energy drink, a person seems to sober up, but after a while, caffeine enhances the effect of alcohol on the brain. Alcohol and caffeine have opposite effects (one is stimulating, the other is depressing). As a result, the heart literally breaks in half and, as a result, wears out very quickly.

Harm from energy drinks: contraindications

As for me, the very phrase “energy drink” is a contraindication to its use. According to doctors, energy drinks are nothing more than fortified substitutes, only much more dangerous to health. However, the official contraindications to them are as follows:

  • All energy drinks contain caffeine or plant extracts containing it (like guarana). One standard 200 gram jar contains from 90 to 150 mg of caffeine. This is equivalent to 1-2 100 gram cups of strong coffee. Therefore, energy drinks cause the greatest harm to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, caffeine has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis.
  • Do not assume that an energy drink is a source of vitamins, even if they are listed in its composition.
  • Such drinks are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children and adolescents, people with glaucoma, sleep disorders, increased excitability, and sensitivity to caffeine.
  • Even the manufacturers themselves indicate that the consumption rate is no more than one can per day. However, when purchasing, who remembers the dangers of energy drinks and follows this recommendation?

In countries such as New Zealand and Australia, energy drinks are completely prohibited - both sale and production. In Denmark, France and Norway they are sold only through pharmacies and are considered medicines. At the same time, any attempts in our country to at least somewhat limit the sale of such drinks in places where young people gather run into an impenetrable wall of bureaucracy.

Don't think that the problem is being made out of nothing.

Victims of energy cocktails regularly appear around the world. Some people's hearts can't stand it while working out in the gym. But even without much physical activity, taking energy drinks leads to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

In the city of Penza, two years ago, a 17-year-old girl, a student at one of the universities, died. Death occurred due to bleeding into the pancreas, which was caused by an “overdose” of energy drinks...

Energy drinks force you to waste the body's internal resources without giving anything in return. The harm of energy drinks is undeniable in any form. It is better not to drink them at all, especially since they are not vital. However, if you can no longer imagine life without an “inspiring” jar, try to limit yourself and not drink 1 jar more than twice a week.

Ksenia Poddubnaya