Homemade rowan wine. How to make wine from red rowan? Two DIY recipes

Red rowan is known throughout the world for its beneficial properties, and therefore the precious fruits are actively used in the preparation of delicious jams, viscous jams, refreshing fruit drinks and various infusions.

Among all the listed delicacies, one of the best preparations can be homemade rowan wine, the benefits and harms of which I want to talk about below.

I also want to invite you to study a couple of simple recipes for high-quality wine from juicy red rowan, which are obscenely easy to implement at home.


  • actively stimulates digestion, that is, irreplaceable as an aperitif;
  • significantly reduces the likelihood of stroke by participating in the control of normal heart function;
  • successfully fights apathy, neuroses, lethargy and depressive disorders;
  • Helps reduce dry eyes and improve vision;
  • takes an active part in supporting the immune system;
  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • helps reduce chronic inflammatory processes.


Drinking rowan wine is strictly contraindicated for people:

  • have recently had a heart attack or stroke;
  • having coronary heart disease;
  • having increased blood clotting;
  • hypertensive patients, as well as those with high acidity;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Did you know? To make high-quality wine from red rowan, it is best to use fruits collected after the first frost, then the sugar content of the berries is at its maximum level. If you are not lucky enough to collect rowan within the specified time frame, then you need to resort to little secrets and artificially freeze the berries. To do this, we place them in the freezer for at least 2.5-3 hours, and then defrost them naturally - this will significantly improve the quality of the future wine and significantly reduce bitterness.

Recipe for red rowan wine without yeast

First, let's look at a traditional recipe for wine made from ripe red rowan without the use of artificial yeast, which can be easily implemented at home. The stunning taste of the future alcohol is ensured by using exclusively natural ingredients.

By strictly adhering to the described technology, you can prepare an amazing healing drink with a subtle characteristic note, in which the balance of astringency and bitterness is perfectly balanced.

Manufacturing process

Did you know? If you follow the described instructions exactly, the result will be approximately 4-5 liters of a homemade alcoholic drink that has a light amber color, a sweet and sour taste with slight splashes of subtle notes of astringency. The strength of the wine ranges from 11 to 13 revolutions. Such alcohol is stored in a cellar or refrigerator for up to 2-2.5 years.

Recipe for red rowan wine and apple juice

I offer a proven recipe that made one young winemaker famous and is extremely popular among experienced winemakers.

His story is as follows: at that time, an inexperienced but brave young man experimented with various ingredients, trying to create a high-quality homemade wine, and as a result found the ideal combination - red rowan and apple juice.

The sweet notes of the fruit and the tart, bitter shades of the berry perfectly intertwined and produced an amazing homemade alcohol worthy of taking pride of place at any celebration.

List of required components

Manufacturing process

  1. Pour boiling water over the peeled rowan fruits and leave them in this form for about half an hour. Then we repeat the procedure a second time.
  2. Grind the berries through a meat grinder or using a wooden masher.
  3. In a separate bowl, heat the spring water to 25-29 degrees and pour it into a large enamel container.
  4. There we also place rowan pulp, half of the total mass of sugar, unwashed raisins and pour in apple juice.
  5. Stir everything thoroughly and cover the container with gauze, then transfer it to a warm, windless place, protected from direct sunlight.
  6. Let the wort steep for 2-3 days, and when hissing, sour smell and foam appear, filter the liquid through cheesecloth.
  7. Pour the purified juice into a fermentation vessel and add the remaining sugar there, stir.
  8. We install a water seal and allow the wort to ferment for 30-40 days.
  9. Once fermentation is over, repeat the filtration process.
  10. Pour the purified liquid into a clean vessel, seal it tightly and leave in a dark room with a temperature of 9 to 11 degrees for at least 2.5-3 months.
  11. After the specified period, filter the drink through a cotton and gauze filter, and then bottle it.
  12. We send the alcohol to a cool place to ripen for about a couple of weeks.

Red rowan wine recipe video

To better familiarize yourself with the technology for producing homemade wine from red rowan, I advise you to watch a video in two parts, in which an experienced winemaker presents in detail the entire process of making this exceptional, fantastic drink.

Part 1 "Preparation":


Part 2 “Fermentation, filtration, tasting”:


Helpful information

  • It has no less beneficial properties. The technology for preparing this miraculous alcohol is practically no different from what we are discussing today, but there are still differences.
  • The most economical and easiest way to pamper your loved ones with delicious wine at any time of the year is to cook.
  • It is unlikely that gooseberry wine can be compared with at least one type of homemade alcohol. Find out what its taste characteristics are and how it wins the hearts of serious connoisseurs of noble drinks.
  • For the holidays, I definitely recommend trying to make a gorgeous tangerine wine with your own hands, following a fairly simple recipe aimed at home use.

As you can see, making rowan wine does not require any special products. Rowan wine is an economical way to show yourself as an experienced and smart winemaker who understands the tastes of aristocratic wines and can easily prepare them yourself.

Good luck to you and new discoveries in the field of winemaking!

One of the main advantages of winemaking is that the noble drink can be easily infused from those fruits of plants that are rarely used as food. An excellent example of such a drink would be red rowan wine, which can be made at home even by a novice winemaker.

This tincture turns out to be extremely aromatic and pleasant to the taste, although it has a slight bitterness, which many will certainly like.

Making classic wine from garden berries is quite simple - you just need to crush the fruits so that they release juice, add water and sugar, and then wait for fermentation. This process becomes somewhat more complicated if, for example, not grapes or cherries, but rowan are used as a raw material.

This berry, like the plant itself, is quite specific, and therefore the winemaking process in this case needs to be approached a little differently.

  • It is known that rowan berries become sweetest after the first frost. It is at this time that it is recommended to collect them if you want to make rowan wine.
  • If you don’t want to wait, you can simply freeze the berries artificially. To do this, place the fruits in the freezer for several hours, then remove them and defrost them completely. This approach will allow you to candy the rowan naturally.
  • If you've tried rowan before, you've probably noticed the strong astringent effect it creates. When used as a raw material for wine, this property is preserved, but this quality is not welcome in wine drinks. To stop the berries from knitting, you need to pour boiling water over them for half an hour, then drain the water and repeat the procedure again.

  • All these actions lead to the fact that there is no natural yeast left on the surface of the rowan berries, which usually causes fermentation. That is why, when making rowan wine, either wine yeast or its natural sources are used - raspberries, raisins, rice.
  • It is worth recognizing that the amount of sugar in rowan is still not very significant. For this reason, a significant amount of sweetener is always added to the wort, which allows the fermentation process to proceed as expected.
  • Apples will be an excellent addition to rowan. They not only normalize the sweetness and acidity of the wort, but will also give the drink a charming aroma and taste. It should be noted right away that you will have to use whole fruits, and not store-bought juice.
  • Rowan kernels, like many other fruits and berries, contain substances that are undesirable for consumption. In addition, these compounds negatively affect the final taste of the wine, making it bitter.

A simple recipe for red rowan wine

According to these instructions, we will infuse pure wine from rowan berries without any additives. Its taste may seem too tart to some, but this is its charm.


  • Red rowan berries – 4-5 kg;
  • Clean water – 2 liters;
  • White sugar – 2 kg;
  • Wine yeast - according to instructions.

How to make wine from red rowan at home

  • First, we freeze the berries for a couple of hours in the freezer, and then defrost them.
  • We wash the fruits well, getting rid of spoiled ones. Fill them with boiling water, after half an hour drain the water and repeat the same thing again.
  • We knead the rowan with our hands or a masher, then pour in water, which we preheat to 70-75 degrees. Let the wort cool to 35 degrees.
  • Pour yeast and one kilogram of granulated sugar into the wort. Mix, cover the container with gauze folded several times and put it in a warm place for four days. At the same time, we drown the pulp every couple of hours so that it does not become moldy.
  • We pass the wort through cheesecloth and squeeze out the pulp. Pour in the remaining sugar and pour the liquid into the fermentation container (fill no more than ¾ full). We install a water seal on the neck and put the container in a dark place for long fermentation.
  • After a few weeks, the signs of fermentation will fade away - gas formation will disappear and sediment will form. This means that the wine needs to be poured into a new container without disturbing the grounds. We close it tightly and put it away for three months in a cool place for aging.
  • During this time, we drain the wine from the sediment two or three times, and then pour it into bottles and store them in them for two to three years.

Classic recipe for homemade wine from red rowan and apples

Apple-rowan wine differs from its “pure” analogue primarily in taste. This drink is easy to drink and has all the qualities of fruit wines.


  • Fresh apples – 5 kg;
  • Rowan berries – 4 kg;
  • Clean water – 6 l;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 kg;
  • Dried grapes – 80-100 g.

How to properly prepare rowan wine with apples with your own hands

  • We sort out the rowan berries and carry out the same procedures with them as in the previous recipe - freeze them and scald them twice.
  • Then we pass them through a meat grinder. We don’t wash the apples, we just sort them out. We remove the seed part and also pass it through a meat grinder directly in the peel.
  • Mix the fruit masses in a deep container, pour in water heated to 35 degrees, and add 2 kilograms of granulated sugar. Add unwashed raisins here. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place for 3 days. Don’t forget to soak the pulp in liquid every couple of hours.
  • Squeeze out the pulp using gauze and add the remaining sugar. Mix well and pour into a container with a water seal (leave a quarter of the volume empty). We leave the wine to ferment for a month and a half in a dark place until the end of fermentation.
  • We drain the clarified drink, being careful not to touch the formed sediment. We move it into a bottle, which we close tightly. We put it in a cool place for two to three months.
  • Pour the resulting wine into bottles, which we seal with lids. We put them away for storage in a cool place - a refrigerator or cellar.

Red rowan wine made according to this recipe has a slightly shorter shelf life at home. The thing is that apple juice quite often turns into vinegar over time. Maximum protection of the finished wine from oxygen will help to avoid this.

Red rowan grows throughout Europe, Asia and North America. Orange-red brushes delight us with their appearance from September until frost. Rowan decorates city parks and squares, and is found in forests and garden plots. In addition to its external beauty, one of the ways to use it is homemade rowan wine. This drink will not only delight your guests with its exoticism and taste, but will also be beneficial to the body due to the substances it contains.

Beneficial properties of rowan wine

The benefits of rowan are due to the large vitamin complex included in its composition. The amount of ascorbic acid in rowan berries is greater than in red currants, and vitamin A (in ripe berries) is greater than in carrots.

Did you know? The drink takes on a red or yellow tint due to the fact that during the fermentation process the wine is colored by the color of the skin. Therefore, the color of rowan wine can range from golden and calm orange to bright red.

The berries contain:

  • vitamins – A, B1, B2, P, PP, E, K;
  • macro- and microelements – iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, potassium, magnesium;
  • organic acids – malic, citric, succinic;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oil;
  • amino acids;
  • P-vitamin active tannins;
  • pectin and bitter substances.

The effect of rowan berries on the body:

  • help in regulating the psycho-emotional sphere of the body during lethargy, apathy, neuroses, sleep disorders and depressive disorders;
  • improve vision, reduce dry eyes;
  • support immunity;
  • promote metabolic processes in various body systems;
  • stimulate digestion;
  • facilitate the work of the liver;
  • have a preventive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • reduce the likelihood of strokes, control heart function;
  • have a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • help in the fight against excess weight;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • regulate the hormonal sphere of women during menopause;
  • help reduce chronic inflammatory processes.

Important! Rowan wine is contraindicated for patients with hemophilia.

  • anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • general lethargy of the body;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • blood pressure;
  • overweight.
The recommendations are based on the regulatory functions of metabolic processes in the body, which are provided by B vitamins. The taste is tart, with a slight bitterness.

Selection of raw materials for preparation

Rowan berries are dense and not susceptible to pest or rot. Therefore, all the berries that you pick from the tree can be used to make a drink. In addition, at the end of autumn the air is not as saturated with dust as in summer, due to which the rowan harvest will contain fewer harmful substances. It is believed that rowan berries should be collected after the first frost, since it is the cold that removes the bitterness from the berries. Depending on the region, the first frost may hit in November or October.

Preparing the berries

The main thing in processing berry raw materials is to prevent bitterness in the finished drink. If it is not possible to collect the berries after frost, put the collected rowan berries in the freezer for about a day. There is no need to wash the berries. A whitish coating on the fruit will be needed to organize the fermentation process.

Important! Rowan berries should not be washed before preparing wine. Washing will remove the specific coating from the berries and reduce their ability to ferment.


In addition to berries, you will only need the most common products:

  • rowan – 10 kg;
  • water – 4 l;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • raisins – 150 g.

When preparing rowan wine, part of the water can be replaced with apple or grape juice. As a result, you will get drinks with different shades of taste.

Classic red rowan wine

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Pour boiling water over the berries removed from the freezer for half an hour. Repeat the procedure twice. The purpose of filling is to reduce the amount of tannins. The fewer there are, the lower the astringency.
  2. Pass the berries through a meat grinder and then squeeze the juice out of them. You can squeeze the juice either with a juicer or the old-fashioned way, through cheesecloth. It is believed that gauze squeezing is better, as it allows less pulp to pass through.
  3. Pour hot water over the pulp for 6 hours. After this, it must be squeezed out.
  4. Mix pure juice and second-press juice.
  5. Add half the sugar and raisins.
  6. Pour the wort into a bottle and leave for several days to ferment.
  7. A sign that the wort is ready is the appearance of a sour smell.
  8. At this stage, it is filtered, the remaining sugar is added and the bottles are left to ferment. The drink will ferment for 2-3 weeks.
  9. Now the drink is carefully poured into sterilized bottles and hermetically sealed.
  10. Place the containers in an airtight, dark place for 4 months. During this time, the contents of the bottle stand and a sediment forms at the bottom. After 4 months, you need to drain the finished product again - so that the sediment does not fall into a new container.

Video: rowan wine at home

Important! Red wines are strong antioxidants. Therefore, rowanberry is not just useful, but must be included in the diet of hypertensive patients. It should be taken 2 tbsp. spoons 2 times a day.


To organize the fermentation process of the wort, two natural components are used: a whitish coating on the berries and unwashed raisins. A special feature of rowan wine is that the berries are not washed, but are doused with boiling water before preparing the wort. For the first few days, while the wort is fermenting, the bottles should be kept in a warm and dark place. The air temperature should be 18°C.

The fermentation process takes place for 2 weeks at a temperature of 20-30°C, in a dark place. At this time, air bubbles will rise to the top, and sediment from the berries will sink to the bottom of the bottle. The bottle is covered with a rubber medical glove with pierced fingers. During the fermentation process, the glove will inflate and excess air will escape from it. At the end of the process the glove will come down.

Ripening, overflow

Young wine will mature for 4 months. During this time, sediment forms at the bottom. When pouring the contents into the final container, you must ensure that the sediment remains in the previous one. The readiness of wine at any stage of settling is determined by the presence of sediment.


Store the finished product at a temperature of 15°C in a dark place. Glass bottles are best for this. The wine of the first year will be dark in color - this is one of its features. In the second year it brightens. Its taste improves as it infuses and gains strength.

What to serve with

One of the basic rules of wine etiquette is the following: the more complex the taste of the wine, the simpler the dish should be served with it, and vice versa. Rowan red complements meat dishes well. Pure rowan wine will go well with lamb, pilaf, shish kebab, and game - they have a rich, bright taste that will be perfectly offset by the wine. It can also be served with all grilled dishes.
In general, red wine is usually served with red meat. If you made sweet wine, then it should be served with dessert. This drink can also be used for medicinal purposes - then it is taken a few tablespoons before the main meal.

Did you know? From a botanical point of view, rowan fruits are called not berries, but... apples.

Introduce this wonderful wine into your diet. It will perfectly lift your mood and will also work as a therapeutic agent that strengthens the immune system, regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, very little effort is required to make it.

On the World Wide Web there is almost an entire encyclopedia on the production of alcoholic beverages for both sophisticated gourmets and newcomers to this business.

However, today we invite you to find out how red rowan wine is made at home - this is an excellent option for lovers of strong berry drinks, because such wine has a pleasant and well-defined sourness. At the same time, people still believe that there is nothing more useful than alcoholic tinctures, concocted on their own, based on the ripe gifts of nature.

What is the difference between homemade red rowan wine and regular one?

Good wine is something that has been made with love - this is perhaps the most important component in winemaking. However, during the harvest of wild berries, it is simply a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity and not supply rowan wine.

  • Firstly, red rowan berries are excellent for these purposes - the drink is rich, sour and moderately tart, has a distinct aroma and will generally become a favorite on the table for gourmets who adore berry wines.
  • Secondly, rowan wine is also a product that is completely environmentally friendly and natural, and most of the beneficial vitamins and minerals will be preserved inside the homemade bottle. Why not a home remedy for colds or other ailments?

In terms of its preparation technology, such wine is not much different from ordinary wine, and therefore it is easy and not labor-intensive to make, especially if you have already infused homemade wines from grapes or other fruits before.

If you don’t have many useful berries, then don’t worry - you can get out the intoxicating aromatic drink with just that much rowan. In this case, you can add apple juice to the container with the future rowan wine.

How to get rid of bitterness: preparing berries for future wine correctly

Home winemakers often note that rowan tincture is quite bitter. This happens for two reasons: you used too unripe berries or did not first freeze them in the freezer.

It’s better not to rush and wait until the ripening season of red fruits is in full swing - this way you will not only get less bitterness, but also achieve the most rich, beautiful amber hue of the wine. Berries that have not had time to fully ripen can ruin your efforts, which is why it is better not to use them in home recipes.

Another equally important trick: pre-freezing rowan berries allows you to neutralize the pronounced bitterness of the berries, and in the end your homemade wine will be exactly what you need. It is enough to remove the unwashed fruits for one night in a place where it is very cold - this will destroy the bitter substances inside the ripe berries.

How to make red rowan wine with your own hands at home, a simple step-by-step recipe

This version of the alcoholic drink is rightfully considered popular and not too complicated. And it became a favorite because apples are used here to get rid of bitterness.


  • Rowan juice - about 4 l;
  • Apple juice – about 1 l;
  • Granulated white sugar – 2.5-2.6 kg;
  • Purified drinking water – 4 l;
  • Glass bottles.

How to make homemade wine from rowan berries

  • Since you should get the juice yourself rather than using a store-bought one, it is more convenient to purchase the approximate amount of fruit required. At the same time, remember that apples from the winter harvest go best with rowan wine. So the first thing we do is extract the juice.
  • Next, let's prepare the wort. To do this, add apple juice to the rowan juice, add sugar and add water, after which we remove the container for preliminary fermentation. Naturally, if you need more wine, you can proportionally increase the amount of all ingredients.
  • Homemade rowan-apple wine will ferment for at least a week - do not remove the wort earlier. But they don’t keep it for too long, and therefore the optimal period of time for the first fermentation is from a week to a week and a half.
  • After the allotted time, you will receive a yellowish drink - we carefully drain it from the sediment formed at the bottom of the container, after which we pour it into prepared glass bottles in the usual way for a winemaker.
  • In a fairly cool and dark place, we keep the young rowan wine in bottles until the first sediment forms - after which we again pour the golden liquid into clean bottles and seal it.
  • If you like the taste and shade of young wine made from rowan and apples, then after that you can taste it and serve it to the table, treating your household. But it’s better not to rush and keep the drink cool for a few more months, periodically draining and separating it from the sediment.

Many lovers of homemade wines and liqueurs note that such berry wine is extremely refreshing and has a pleasant, almost imperceptible bitterness.

Do-it-yourself sparkling rowan wine, the best recipe


  • Ripe rowan berries - 9-10 full glasses;
  • Granulated white sugar - 4-6 cups or to taste;
  • Raisins – 40 g;
  • Purified drinking water – 9-10 l.

How to distill sparkling rowan wine for a feast without much effort

  • We wash the red berries under running water and dry them a little. This step isn't usually used when making homemade wine, but here we want a sparkling, sweet wine.
  • We thoroughly chop the washed berries in any way convenient for us - you can simply crush them in a container, or you can grind them through a sieve, chop them with a blender or food processor, and so on.
  • While we are working on the mountain ash, put about 9 liters of water on the fire to boil it. We put the crushed berries into a container for fermenting wine, and then pour boiling water over them.
  • As usual, we tie the neck of the vessel where the rowan drink will ferment with clean gauze, folded several times. Next, we patiently wait for the stage when our pulp begins to actively ferment.
  • After this, strain the liquid (you can use clean gauze) and pour sugar into it. Please note that the sweeter the wine you want, the more sugar we will naturally need in the recipe.
  • Stir the future rowan fizz thoroughly, then pour the resulting liquid into prepared glass bottles. We add 3-5 unwashed raisins to each container to enhance and accelerate the fermentation effect.
  • We close the bottles with rowan wine with corks and hide them in a cool place, where we do not forget to carefully lay them horizontally. We are waiting for the sparkling berry wine to fully mature.

In general, it is best to prepare red rowan wine at home in a sweet or even effervescent version - this way the pleasant bitterness and sourness of the drink become most appropriate, and you will agree that it is much more pleasant to treat yourself to sparkling homemade nectar.