Diet chocolate from cocoa recipe. Diet chocolate at home

“Let's lead a healthy lifestyle and diet!” - we hear. And we immediately remember carrots, cabbage, and older people also remember dietary canteens. But why such extremes? After all, thanks to the discoveries of scientists, you can, while following a diet, eat deliciously and not even deny yourself sweets!

Let's talk about low-calorie chocolate

Regular chocolate is a high-calorie product. But what should people do who simply cannot live without their favorite treat? Nutritionists came to their aid. The problem can be solved in two ways.

First way- reducing the sugar content in chocolate. Dark dark chocolate is, in fact, a real dietary product. There is very little sugar in it, but there are much more cocoa products than in regular chocolate. In some varieties their number exceeds 90%. According to research, this chocolate contains more antioxidants than cranberry and pomegranate juice. There's just one problem. It's really bitter and you can't eat too much of it. And you can’t fool the psychological habit of “sweets” like that.

Second way- reduce the fat content in chocolate. For this purpose, watered dietary chocolate was created in the UK. It tastes and looks no different from regular tiles, but there is almost no fat in it. It consists of 60% water, which has formed microcrystals together with cocoa butter. It has much lower calorie content than regular chocolate. However, it also contains less nutrients. Bars with a reduced percentage of cocoa butter are not as rich in antioxidants and catechins, which prevent the development of cancer.

Special article - diabetic chocolate

There are a lot of new products here too. For example, some domestic manufacturers produce aerated milk chocolate that contains no sugar at all. Instead, a substitute is used - maltitol. This dietary product contains dietary fiber called inulin (not to be confused with insulin). Inulin does not provide calories, but it activates the work of bifidobacteria in the body.

Many companies also produce special chocolate made with fructose instead of sugar. Dietary sweetness - fructose - is processed in the body much more slowly than sugar, gradually supplying the cells with the necessary energy. This happens without the participation of insulin. When consuming fructose, blood sugar levels hardly increase. Therefore, fructose treats are recommended as a safe source of carbohydrates for diabetics.

Ingredients for making diet chocolate:

  • Cocoa powder (low-fat, unsweetened) – 1 tbsp;
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Skim milk – 2 tbsp. (without slide);
  • Skimmed milk powder – 7 tbsp;
  • Fructose (or other sweetener) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla extract – 5-7 drops.
  • Optional:
  • Cocoa butter – 20 gr. (calorie content of cocoa butter per 100 grams is 60 kcal.)
  • Nuts.

I didn’t find the answer to this question right away; diet chocolate, it turns out, is not a popular dish at all.

While natural chocolate can be found in every home.

There are many ways to make dark chocolate at home. They all come down to the use of cocoa butter. In fact, cocoa butter is the product that attracts us most in chocolate.

It is this that melts in the mouth, giving the dish a delicate sensation. However, in cooking there is not a word about dietary chocolate, or maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough. In a word, as always, I had to conduct a culinary experiment.

To be honest, I liked cocoa butter-based chocolate better. Homemade chocolate has its own magic, it is a little bitter and at the same time sweet. To be honest, I had a lot of conflicts while cooking.

Today, many nutritionists say that dark chocolate is healthy. It would seem, what is the point of preparing a dietary product?

It turns out that the most high-calorie elements of “chocolate” are milk, cocoa butter and glucose. Thus, I concluded that if we replace them with dietary products, we will get a very healthy dessert. Natural glucose can be used as a sweetener, which is quickly absorbed by our body. Cocoa powder itself has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and allows you to burn fat, and is also a powerful stimulant.

It is caffeine and theobromine, which are contained in cocoa beans, that stimulate brain function. In fact, only cocoa butter is in question.

In fact, cold-pressed cocoa butter is not only not harmful to the human body, but also beneficial.

Cocoa butter contains the so-called epicatechin, which is able to restore the elasticity of blood vessels, and therefore strengthen the cardiovascular system. The calorie content of cocoa butter per 100 grams is 60 kcal.

Natural cocoa butter should be the color of baked milk, it melts at body temperature and solidifies at cool temperatures. It is cocoa butter that allows you to give chocolate the desired shape. If you are still in doubt whether to use cocoa butter or not, you can replace it with egg yolk, which also acts as a thickener.

1. Mix all ingredients and beat thoroughly with a mixer (melt the butter in advance if you add it). The mixture should not be very liquid (like melted chocolate), but not dry either (otherwise add a little milk).

2. Place the chocolate in the molds and leave to harden (before using the mold, it is better to grease it with oil).

3. In a couple of hours it will be ready!

Also, this week I tried to make diet chocolate with strawberries. It turned out very tasty, I put a little more low-fat sour cream inside. I'm posting a photo...

Bon appetit, come again!

Thank you for your attention and bon appetit!

Chocolate is a favorite product of most people, regardless of age, gender or social status. But not everyone knows that with its help you can quickly get yourself in order. The product has an impeccable taste and unique composition. The main thing is not to consume it in large quantities, then only positive emotions, as well as warm and pleasant memories, will be associated with chocolate. The energy value of the product is high, but nutritionists have developed a special diet based on chocolate.

Chocolate diet: how to lose weight with your favorite treat

Chocolate is a stumbling block for people losing weight. You always want to eat “just one piece.” Fortunately, those with a sweet tooth will no longer have to suffer because of their cravings. Today there is a special chocolate diet for weight loss for this. The results will amaze everyone, including even a skeptical person.

There are 2 ways to lose weight with chocolate:

  1. Strict. The menu includes one dark chocolate bar per day, divided into 3 meals. During the diet, drinking plenty of fluids is important. The main thing is to exclude juices, carbonated and sweet drinks.
  2. Gentle. Chocolate should be eaten once a day, and the remaining 2 meals should be replaced with low-calorie foods. Suitable for this:
    • lettuce leaves;
    • skim cheese;
    • vegetables and fruits without starch.

To diversify the menu, coffee with milk is allowed in the diet. But under no circumstances should you add sugar or substitutes to the drink.

Useful properties of chocolate

Such a delicacy as chocolate is familiar to every person. It becomes the most favorite sweet for many people. But you can’t eat it in large quantities. This leads to the fact that those with a sweet tooth get better before our eyes. For this reason, most people believe that milk or dark chocolate is absolutely useless for weight loss. It does much more harm than good. This opinion is wrong. Of course, eating too much dessert is not a healthy food, but you can eat a couple of slices a day.

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the human body, as well as on his appearance and state of mind. Benefits include:

  1. Positive effect on the nervous system.
  2. Improved mood.
  3. Elimination of depressive states. To make this possible, psychologists advise patients to regularly eat two slices of the treat daily.
  4. Improving brain function.
  5. A couple of slices of natural chocolate a day will help fill the body with the necessary amount of glucose.
  6. Natural chocolate prevents the formation of blood clots. Therefore, it is better to consume black bitter variety without additives.

Based on this, it is clear that chocolate helps to lose weight and improve other aspects of life. He also participates in the preparation of various desserts.

When losing weight, dark chocolate helps the body quickly lose extra pounds without stress. This becomes possible thanks to the composition of the product. It contains:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

The body needs these elements. But eating chocolate is not always associated with benefits, as it can also cause harm to the body. Negative effects of the product include:

  1. Weight gain. 100 grams of product contains 500 kcal. This amount can easily replace a full lunch or dinner, but the person will not feel full. To avoid gaining weight, you need to eat chocolate in moderation.
  2. Development of diabetes mellitus. Excessive consumption of chocolate provokes the onset of the disease. If a person reaches such a state of health, then he will have to constantly go on a therapeutic diet, the purpose of which is to monitor blood sugar levels.
  3. Causes addiction. For this reason, some people cannot do without treats. They buy chocolates every day, spending a lot of money on it.
  4. The composition contains a lot of harmful fats. This means that excessive consumption will lead to a malfunction of the cardiac system.
  5. Chocolate products damage teeth. The product provokes the appearance of caries.

To get the maximum benefit from eating chocolate and not have negative consequences for the body, you need to know when to stop eating this delicious treat.

Otherwise, heart problems and excess weight will be difficult to avoid.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate while on a diet?

Dark chocolate differs from milk chocolate in composition. It contains a lot of cocoa. Manufacturers use less sugar when making sweets, which in itself is a big plus for humans. Dark chocolate is not a prohibited product on a diet. The main thing is not to use it in large quantities.

The benefits of dark chocolate lie not only in its minimal sugar content. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Therefore, it is desirable that at least a couple of slices of the product be present in the daily diet.

A dark chocolate diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. It implies the following positive points:

  1. Dark chocolate slows down brain aging. With daily consumption of several grams of the product, a person in the future reduces the risk of developing diseases that are associated with dysfunction of brain activity. A person with a sweet tooth will have sobriety of mind and clarity of memory much longer.
  2. During a diet, dark chocolate eliminates stress. The scientists who conducted the experiment came to this conclusion. The subjects were asked to eat a piece of dark chocolate a day for several weeks. The result of the experiment was that the experimental people no longer felt constant stress and nervous tension. Some even noted that it became much more pleasant to wake up in the morning.
  3. A mono-diet will help cope with heart problems, as well as some diseases in this area. Due to its composition, chocolate is able to protect the body from arrhythmia, which results in heart failure.
  4. Normalizes sex life. Chocolate contains substances that are produced during sexual attraction to a partner. Therefore, if a couple decides to increase sexual libido within a relationship, then dark chocolate during a diet becomes a permanent part of the daily menu.
  5. Dark chocolate improves human athletic performance. To do this, you need to eat a piece of chocolate a day, then you will have additional strength and motivation for new sports achievements.
  6. Sweetness promotes the natural production of insulin in the body. This means that people who eat dark chocolate daily do not have to worry about developing diabetes.
  7. Dark chocolate improves and normalizes blood circulation in the body. This means that your brain will work better, and your appearance will become more attractive every day. Proper blood circulation has a beneficial effect on human internal organs, skin and hair.

Of course, you need to consume dark chocolate within reasonable limits, otherwise the body will be harmed. But even those people who do not like the taste of the product will take one slice a day to maintain mental abilities, beauty and good mood. Dark chocolate is consumed even with a strict diet.

Basic rules for losing weight on chocolate

To get your body in order, as well as lose those hated few kilograms before an important event or significant date, you can use the chocolate diet. Thanks to her, a person will quickly and deliciously become the owner of an ideal figure. The calorie content of pure chocolate is 539 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, you need to be very careful not to gain too much when consuming the product. First you need to choose the best diet option for yourself. The following types exist:

  1. Mono-diet. This is a very strict diet, during which you can only consume 100 grams of dark chocolate per day. The total amount of product is divided into 3 doses. In addition to chocolate, you should drink 1 cup of unsweetened coffee during your meal. This will speed up your metabolism. Also, we must not forget about the other liquid. During the diet, you should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. You can only stick to a mono-diet for 1 week.
  2. Gentle Italian diet. This is a simpler form, during which you can eat not only chocolate, but also light vegetable salads. It is best to devote 1 meal to chocolate and the other 2 to vegetable salads. It also lasts a week.

In order for the weight to be lost steadily and the body not to experience stress, you need to follow a few simple rules. These include:

  1. It is better to eat only dark dark chocolate.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. If you experience an irresistible feeling of hunger, you can drink 300 ml of warm skim milk with cocoa powder once a day.
  4. The menu may include vegetable salads. The main thing is to choose low-fat dressing.

If everything is done correctly, then positive results after 7 days on a chocolate diet will not take long to appear.

Eating sweet foods for weight loss immediately makes you extremely skeptical. There are many people who simply do not believe in the positive results of such nutrition. Of course, the chocolate diet has its pros and cons, just like any other diet. The advantages include:

  1. Quick results. The “chocolate and coffee” diet allows you to lose up to 1 kg daily, and upon completion of a week-long course, 5-7 kg will be lost forever.
  2. Suitable for those with a sweet tooth, for whom it is a real torment to completely eliminate various goodies from their diet.
  3. Dark chocolate has a unique composition, which includes a variety of substances important for the body.
  4. Cocoa beans have many essential minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body in general, and also promote cell rejuvenation in particular.
  5. The beneficial properties of dark chocolate have a beneficial effect on your mood.

The disadvantages of using the product as the main ingredient of the diet include:

  1. Numerous contraindications. A chocolate diet will only harm people with diabetes, as well as those who have constantly high blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use the product for people who are allergic to it.
  3. Imbalance of food components. The chocolate diet is completely unbalanced; it does not contain the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the human body, which should be present in the daily diet. This can cause metabolic problems.

Therefore, before you start express weight loss using a mono-diet, it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist after an examination will be able to make sure that such nutrition will not cause negative reactions.

Video about losing weight with the chocolate diet

Classic chocolate weight loss program

The daily intake of chocolate per day is 100 grams. This is a complete diet every day for a week. The daily norm can be eaten at one time or divided into several meals. Before you start following a strict diet, you should know what kind of chocolate you can eat on a diet. The following types can be eaten:

  1. Milk chocolate. Suitable for people who do not like other types of sweets.
  2. Bitter. In order to lose excess weight, it is better to eat this type of chocolate. Here the mass fraction of cocoa beans is about 72%. When choosing chocolate, you should pay attention to the composition. It should not contain artificial flavors or sweeteners.

It should also be noted that white is not dietary, so those who are losing weight are strictly prohibited from eating it on a diet. It must be completely excluded from the diet. The main component of sweetness is cocoa butter, as well as various sweeteners, which will interfere with the intensive process of losing weight.

An alternative to the usual diet can be coffee and chocolate. This is suitable for people who find it difficult to adhere to dietary restrictions. Coffee and chocolate are the perfect complement to each other. The main thing is not to add sugar to the drink. If drinking this way is completely tasteless, then you can add low-fat milk to it. Coffee speeds up metabolism by up to 5%, which promotes weight loss, and also improves your mood, gives strength and vigor.

To achieve maximum results and get your figure in order, you need to follow a few simple recommendations from nutritionists. These include:

  1. It is best to start preparing your body for a chocolate diet in advance. A few days before the diet, you need to move more and give your stomach a fasting day:
  • exclude fatty and heavy foods;
  • limit eating sweets, baked goods, junk food, fast food, as well as salty and spicy foods;
  • drink more fluids;
  • vegetables and fruits should be present in the daily diet in large quantities;
  • completely eliminate sugar and salty foods.
  1. During the diet, you should pay attention to consuming enough liquid per day. It could be:
  • plain water;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • green tea.

You should avoid juices, sodas and alcohol.

  1. It is strictly prohibited to drink chocolate with water. This slows down the weight loss process. The break between meals should be observed for up to 3 hours.
  2. To make the diet more effective, it is forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits while following it.

It is best to follow the chocolate diet once a month. It is important to take breaks, since such a limited diet has a strong impact on the entire metabolism. Before starting, you should definitely consult a nutritionist to be sure there are no negative consequences.

How to quit the chocolate diet correctly and without harm to your health

In order not to cause serious harm to the body and not to disrupt metabolic processes, it is necessary to follow the correct way out of the chocolate diet. This will help you return to normal nutrition after strict restrictions without causing negative consequences.

After a weight loss program, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • start eating only small portions;
  • It is strictly forbidden to overeat;
  • You cannot eat fatty, salty, spicy or other unhealthy foods;
  • receptions are divided into 5-6 times a day;
  • the diet should always contain fresh vegetables in large quantities;
  • you need to drink a lot of fluid.

Sample menu for a chocolate diet for 7 days

The 7-day chocolate diet is a real dream for all sweet tooths and sweet lovers. It is perfect for the modern pace of life. The duration of the chocolate diet is designed for a week.

The main product for the diet is chocolate. At the same time, the diet does not differ in the variety or abundance of food. You can eat 1 bar per day. During the diet, you should not drink any drinks other than coffee. It improves metabolism, which makes weight loss easier. Be sure to drink it without sugar. In addition, it is recommended to drink plain water in large quantities.

For the diet to be as effective as possible, some restrictions must be observed. These include:

  1. Eliminate sugar and salt. They are prohibited foods on this diet. Refusal of salt helps remove unnecessary water from the body, and there is enough sugar in the main product of the diet - chocolate.
  2. You should not drink juices, drinks containing them, or soda.
  3. You should not drink alcohol, the dangers of which are not even worth mentioning.

Dietary nutrition involves not only eating chocolate, but also drinking a lot of water, at least 1.5 liters. Water has a positive effect on the body:

  • makes the skin glow with health;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • removes toxins and waste from the body.

Liquid intake is possible only 3 hours after the last meal.

The menu for 7 days is:

  • morning: 1/3 bar of dark or milk chocolate without additives + a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • lunch: 1/3 bar of dark or milk chocolate + a glass of coffee, also without sweetener.
  • evening: 1/3 bar of dark or milk chocolate + pure coffee without additives.

If you stick to this diet for longer, it can lead to problems with metabolism and improper functioning of the digestive system. The first visible results begin to appear on the third day. Weight loss ranges from 3 to 4 kg. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you can lose about 6-7 kg.

Chocolate express diet for 3 days

Any dietary restriction can harm the body. But in order to quickly lose weight, you can follow a chocolate diet that will last 3 days. Nutrition experts note that such restrictions should not be imposed often. This can lead to a malfunction of the body. The menu is the same as in the longer version of the diet.

The chocolate express diet has several main advantages when compared with other diets. Among them:

  1. Quick results in a short period of time. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, on a chocolate diet you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms of weight.
  2. "The Forbidden fruit is sweet". For many who watch their figure, chocolate is a prohibited product. After eating chocolate for three days, the product ceases to be a forbidden fruit. Your attitude towards it will become easier, which will help you avoid its frequent use in the future.
  3. Positive effect on brain activity.

In addition to the benefits of the chocolate diet, which is designed for 3 days, it has several negative aspects. These include:

  1. A large number of contraindications. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor so that he can assess the condition of your body. This will help avoid negative consequences in the future.
  2. Imbalance. Chocolate is dominated by carbohydrates. It contains almost completely no proteins. Consequently, this diet is not balanced, which can negatively affect the diet after its end, as well as metabolism in general.

The chocolate-coffee diet has a number of contraindications in which a person should not lose weight in this way. These include:

  • diabetes, regardless of whether a person has a congenital or acquired form;
  • having an allergy to chocolate;
  • arterial hypertension.

Arterial hypertension is a contraindication to the coffee-chocolate diet

In addition, it is not recommended for children and adolescents to get carried away with diets. Their figure has not yet fully formed, and any dietary restrictions can negatively affect not only their weight, but also the functioning of their internal organs and systems.

If it so happens that this diet is the only way out, then you need to evaluate all the risks. Only after carefully thinking about everything can you go on a diet. Nutritionists note that the best duration of a chocolate diet is 3 days. During this time, the extra pounds will go away, but the body will not have time to feel severe stress. The chocolate diet is still an emergency measure. Therefore, it should be resorted to only as a last resort.

Recipes for chocolate diet treats

People with a sweet tooth usually go to the store to buy their favorite chocolate bar. Few people know that you can prepare this delicacy at home. Today there are a huge number of different recipes, from the simplest to real culinary masterpieces. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves the best option for preparing chocolate or dietary dishes based on it.

Diet chocolate recipe

If there is one interesting recipe for dietary chocolate, the main ingredient is baby formula. This dish has won the hearts of a large number of sweet tooths for its ease of preparation and taste, similar to real chocolate.

To prepare chocolate, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • baby formula – 1 pack;
  • sugar substitute – 50 g;
  • cocoa powder – 50 gr.;
  • milk with any percentage of fat content – ​​300 g.

Pour baby formula into the container. Then add sweetener and cocoa to it. The composition is thoroughly mixed. When all the ingredients turn into a homogeneous mass, you can begin to add milk to them. A blender will help mix the mixture. The main thing is to use kitchen appliances at minimum speed.

After everything is thoroughly mixed, the future chocolate is poured into special molds and put into the freezer. It remains there until it hardens completely.

To prepare this interesting and at the same time figure-friendly dish, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 170 gr. banana;
  • 50 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 100 gr. sugar cookies with baked milk;
  • 70 gr. Sahara;
  • 300 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.

First, the cookies are broken into small pieces. ½ of the resulting mass should be crushed to crumbs. It will be needed to make the dough thick in the future. Half of the cookies that are left as whole pieces will be used to decorate the chocolate sausage after it is cut.

Next, mix the cottage cheese and sugar. After which you can add cocoa. If you want to achieve the color of milk chocolate, then it should be used in a minimal amount. To mix quickly, it is better to use a blender. To give the resulting mass thickness, add cookie crumbs that are prepared in advance. Then pieces of the same cookies are poured here.

The resulting mass is laid out on baking paper. A banana is placed on top, after which everything is wrapped and sent to the freezer. From the outside, the chocolate sausage resembles candy. After 4 hours, the delicacy is taken out and served to the table in the form of neatly cut circles.

Chocolate diet - reviews and weight loss results

There are different reviews about the chocolate diet. For some, it turns into real hard labor, for others it is a real way to quickly get rid of extra pounds. The main thing at the end of the diet is to follow the general rules of weight loss and proper nutrition, and also not to immediately jump on junk food.

Svetlana 32 years old

As a person who has been on this diet more than once, I declare that you can eat any chocolate: bitter, milk, white, with nuts, aerated. If 100 grams is not enough, then eat 150 grams. Nothing bad will happen. My daily diet is as follows: 1-2 bars of chocolate + coffee. I didn’t lose weight from dark chocolate, but I didn’t gain weight either. This is a product that is perceived in a special way by the body. You can even lose weight with it.

Anastasia 24 years old

Today I did a fasting day on chocolate. I took a 200 gram milk bar. Since 550 kcal per day, I think it’s not enough. I ate chocolate a little throughout the day until 18-00. I also drank coffee and plenty of water. In the evening, out of curiosity, I weighed myself - I lost 300 grams compared to the morning.

You can make your own diet chocolate at home! And it's not a joke! Today we will make a real chocolate bar that you can enjoy without the risk of gaining weight. In addition, these chocolates are a great treat for children. They do not contain chemicals, preservatives or sugar.


  1. SOM (skimmed milk powder) - 7 tbsp.
  2. Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  3. Low fat milk - 6 tbsp.
  4. Dates - 8 pcs.
  5. Nuts (almonds) - 50 gr.
  6. Prunes - 30 gr.


It is better to peel almond nuts. To do this, pour boiling water over them and let them stand for 20-30 minutes. After this they can be easily cleaned.

Dry the nuts in a dry frying pan and chop with a knife.

Mix COM with cocoa.

Place peeled dates in milk, boil and pass through a strainer. You will get very sweet date milk!

Add it to the mixture literally a tablespoon at a time. On average, 9 tablespoons of dry mixture should contain 4-5 tablespoons of date milk.

Knead vigorously and quickly into a thick dough. The chocolate paste should be tight.

Pre-steam the prunes and cut into pieces. Add nuts and prunes to the chocolate. Mix well and place on cling film or a clean food bag.

Form a chocolate bar and put it in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. If your mass was not too dense and tight, it may take a day to harden.

Cut dietary chocolate into slices and enjoy for your health! And you can store such chocolates for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. You can wrap them in foil and then no one will distinguish them from the real ones!


  • You need to work with the chocolate mass very quickly, as it hardens. But, if this happens and you find it difficult to mix nuts and dried fruits, do not worry. Just add a little more milk.
  • Instead of date milk, you can use regular milk with sugar. substitute or honey.

Who said you can't have chocolate on a diet? How can it be, if this is a recipe for chocolate-flavored candies - without sugar and other harmful and high-calorie additives, prepared yourself at home from fresh and healthy ingredients.

Chocolates for those on a diet

If the diet is not therapeutic with the strict exclusion of a number of foods, but is intended for weight loss, then it is quite possible to treat yourself to home-made sweets. Those who adhere to a therapeutic diet should choose a homemade sweets recipe without prohibited foods. And for those for whom proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are simply a way of life, without the goal of losing weight, you can eat such tasty treats whenever you want!

Homemade chocolates have a much lower glycemic index than store-bought ones.

In addition, homemade sweets have a number of other advantages: they are easy to make, made from natural products, which cannot be said about store-bought chocolate.

Nowadays there is a lot of “diet”, “natural”, etc. chocolate on sale. But it is important to read not only the name, but also the composition! Often, such sweets really do not contain sugar, but they contain a lot of preservatives and sweeteners, the calorie content of which is not much lower than the calorie content of sugar. What I personally can recommend are chocolates and other goodies from iHerb.

Homemade diet candies, made with your own hands, have a relatively low calorie content, which, by the way, is easy to calculate if you know the calorie content and weight of each ingredient included in the recipe.

Chocolate PP peanut butter candies

Let's start with the peanut treats. It turns out very fragrant. And the peanuts themselves can be replaced with any other nuts, the main thing is to remove the husks.

By the way, peanuts are an amazing plant! These are not nuts, but legumes. And the “nuts” themselves ripen in a box in the ground. But these are not some formations on horses - after flowering, the formed box itself buries itself in the ground and ripens there!

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 343
  2. Proteins: 17
  3. Fats 25
  4. Carbohydrates: 12


  • peeled peanuts – 150 g
  • SOM (skimmed milk powder) – 3 tbsp.
  • cocoa – 1 tbsp.
  • milk 1.5% - 6 tbsp.
  • any sugar substitute - to taste.

Preparation steps:

Heat the peanuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

Grind half the nuts in a blender to a paste.

Turn the other half into crumbs.

Combine powdered milk with sugar substitute and cocoa.

Add milk and stir until no lumps remain. Heat the mixture by letting it boil. Then refrigerate.

Combine peanut butter with chocolate and add nut crumbs.

Mix everything well and place the mixture on cling film or cellophane. Give it a rectangular shape. Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Slice the cooled sweets and serve with tea!

Homemade pp chocolate recipe

This is a general basic recipe for pp chocolate at home.

Master the principle of how to make such chocolate, and based on it you will be able to prepare a variety of healthy homemade delicacies.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 470
  2. Proteins: 20
  3. Fats 31
  4. Carbohydrates: 27


  • cocoa butter – 25 g
  • cocoa powder or grated cocoa – 50 g
  • powdered milk – 50 g
  • vanillin - optional
  • stevia powder – 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter in a comfortable bowl with a long handle in a water bath, add powder or grated cocoa, milk powder and stevia. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Remove from the water bath, place in cold water and continue stirring for about half a minute.
  3. Place it in the bath again and heat it up. At this stage, add coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and other pp fillers if desired.
  4. Pour into silicone molds and cool until set.

Chocolates with dried fruits

This is the original homemade vegan sugar free stevia chocolate without milk.

Of course, it would be a stretch to call it chocolate in the strict sense.

But it turns out to be quite chocolatey in taste and very healthy.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 355
  2. Proteins: 7
  3. Fats 12
  4. Carbohydrates: 55

You will need:

  • cocoa powder – 70 g
  • prunes – 10 pcs.
  • dates – 10 pcs.
  • dried apricots – 10 pcs.
  • dark raisins - a handful
  • cherries - half a handful
  • cranberries - half a handful
  • stevia - if powder, then 1 tsp, if liquid extract, then ¼ tsp.
  • assorted ground nuts – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Steam the dried fruits and puree them using a blender.
  2. Add stevia and half the cocoa and stir.
  3. Mix the rest of the cocoa and ground nuts.
  4. Roll the puree into balls, roll in a mixture of cocoa and nuts, and cool.

Fitness chocolates

This recipe makes unusual baked chocolates with honey.

Very good as an additional source of energy before training.

And in terms of calorie content, they are the most dietary.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 292
  2. Proteins: 8
  3. Fats 7
  4. Carbohydrates: 54

You will need:

  • buckwheat flour – 175 g
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.
  • prune puree – 100 g (sugar-free baby food is very good),
  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla - to taste
  • natural yogurt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • odorless vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking soda – ½ tsp. or a little less.

Easy to prepare:

  1. First you need to sift the buckwheat flour to make it “fluffy” and remove possible impurities.
  2. If you don’t have buckwheat flour on hand, you can get it from regular cereal by grinding it in a coffee grinder and carefully sifting it several times.
  3. Mix flour with vanilla powder and soda. Sift again.
  4. Combine prune puree, vegetable oil and honey and blend in a blender.
  5. Add dry ingredients to the whipped mixture, spoonful at a time, continuing to beat at low speed. If you pour everything in one fell swoop, then, firstly, the mass will not be mixed until smooth, and, secondly, the blender may be damaged. A little dry mass should be left for sprinkling (“spraying”) the board for modeling candies.
  6. Roll out several sausages on a board, cut into pieces and roll into balls of approximately the same size.
  7. Place the balls on baking paper and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Before baking, the sweets can be rolled in sesame seeds.

PP white chocolate

This is a dietary recipe for sugar-free white chocolate made with isomalt. It is allowed not only for those losing weight, but even for diabetics in small quantities. In general, isomalt has a much lower GI compared to sugar, but its calorie content is not zero - about 200 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 554
  2. Proteins: 13
  3. Fats 46
  4. Carbohydrates: 20


  • cocoa butter – 100 g
  • powdered milk – 100 g
  • vanillin
  • isomalt – 10 g.


  1. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, pour in the milk powder little by little and stir constantly.
  2. Add vanillin and isomalt, mix.
  3. Pour into pan and refrigerate until firm.

Although homemade chocolate is prepared without sugar, it still contains high-calorie foods - cocoa butter, coconut oil, dried fruits, nuts. You should not get too carried away with it if you are losing weight, otherwise the results will quickly cease to be visible.

If you are in the process of losing weight, for example, you are on a diet, but you really want sweets, treat yourself before lunch - for breakfast or your first snack.

Additives to chocolate can be completely different - from the usual nuts, seeds, dried fruits to dried herbs. For example, dried lavender flowers or dried mint look very interesting.

Useful video recipe

Here's another cool pp chocolate recipe: