Candied citrus peels. How to make candied orange peels

Candied fruits made from bright orange peels will help create a good mood on any day. After all, they can be used not only as an independent dessert dish, but also for unusual decoration of cupcakes, sweet pies, cakes and other delicious pastries.

Features of preparing candied orange peels for the winter

When preparing raw materials for candied fruits, it is important to use only peels without pulp. And creating a beautifully shaped delicacy will require preparing large pieces of orange peel.

Benefits and harms

Candied fruits are well suited for people who adhere to proper nutrition. After all, this delicacy does not contain many calories.

But dessert should be consumed with caution by people who have medical contraindications.

Preparation of the main ingredient

The main ingredient is oranges. The fruits selected are medium-sized, dense, preferably with thick skin. Before cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruits and pour boiling water over them for better cleaning and increased aroma. The peel is usually cut off like a ribbon. The rinds are then carefully cleaned to remove the white inner layer, which gives them bitterness.

How to make candied orange peels at home

Today there are many recipes for candied fruits. They vary in cooking time and ingredients. Everyone can choose the recipe that suits them.

Quick recipe step by step

This recipe is notable for the fact that it requires almost no intervention from the hostess. It only takes about four hours to make candied fruit this way.

Required ingredients:

  • oranges – 5 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 400 grams;
  • citric acid – 1/3 teaspoon.

  1. Pour water over the orange peels, add the remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half.
  2. Remove the mixture from the stove and leave to soak in the syrup for about two hours.
  3. Then roll the crusts in sugar, place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for forty minutes. To prevent the finished dish from sticking to the dishes, it is recommended to lay baking parchment.

With lemon juice

This recipe, although similar to the previous one in terms of ingredients, differs from it in taste. After all, if you make candied fruits with lemon juice, they will turn out more juicy, tart and aromatic.

You will need:

  • zest of 7-8 oranges (weight about 500 grams);
  • sugar – 600 grams;
  • lemon juice – 20 grams;
  • water – 0.5 liters.

  1. Pour water over the peel and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Then drain in a colander and rinse under running cold water.
  3. Add water again and boil.
  4. Add sugar and lemon juice to water and boil the mixture for five minutes.
  5. Place the peels into the prepared syrup and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours.
  6. Remove the dish from the stove and cool.
  7. Let the syrup drain, cut into strips and serve, sprinkled with sugar if desired.

Method from Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya’s recipe cannot be considered a quick recipe, but it is notable for the fact that she supplemented the classic method of preparing candied fruits with the use of dark chocolate and, as a result, received homemade sweets.

Required components:

  • large oranges - 8 pieces;
  • sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • citric acid – ¼ teaspoon;
  • dark chocolate – 1 bar.

Cooking sequence:

  • Pour water over the peel and leave for three days, periodically changing the liquid. Such a long period of infusion is required for the bitterness to completely disappear from the crusts.
  • After three days, they need to be filled with salted water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Next, rinse the peel and repeat the cooking process 2 more times.
  • Then cut them into small strips.

  • Prepare sugar syrup, boil it and add orange peel.
  • Cook the mixture for an hour, stirring occasionally.
  • Twenty minutes before removing from heat, add citric acid.
  • Remove candied fruits from the stove and dry in the oven.
  • Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath and dip the dried crusts in it.

Recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

The highlight of the method that Alla Kovalchuk suggests is the use of spices and an unusual method of preparation.


  • oranges – 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 400 grams;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • cloves - 3 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • ginger root – 10 grams;
  • cardamom - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Remove the peel from the fruit and cut it into small strips.
  2. Roll the zest into rolls and thread them onto a string.
  3. Place the “beads” in cool water for one hour.
  4. Then transfer to a saucepan, add water and boil for 45 minutes, changing the water every 15 minutes.
  5. Next, prepare sugar syrup, place the rolls in it and boil for 20 minutes.
  6. Add spices and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  7. Let the dish cool without removing the zest, then take out the candied fruits and remove them from the string.

How to store prepared candied fruits

The prepared dessert is stored in a parchment package or jar with a tightly closed lid.

suitable for vegans

Today, our spontaneous “Waste-free cooking” section, opened last time, will be replenished with another masterpiece: candied orange peels.

By and large, it is a sin to consider orange peels as waste: after all, someone dries them on a radiator in order to then add fragrant pieces of zest to tea leaves, and someone collects citrus peels for garden needs. Well, we will eat them!

The classic method of preparing candied orange peels takes about five days. First, they are soaked for three days, changing the water twice a day, and then boiled three times for ten minutes at intervals of a day. It's confusing, isn't it? Therefore, let's learn an express method for turning pieces of citrus peel into sweet candied fruits and let's do it quickly, that is, in one day...

For candied orange peels we need:

  • peels of 5 oranges;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • ten liters of water;
  • a little powdered sugar.

We peel the oranges from the peels, which, in fact, are salted today. Well, you can make it from the pulp of oranges so it doesn’t go to waste :)

Throw the orange peels into a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of cold water into it.

Bring the water to a boil, cook the crusts for 10 minutes, then drain them in a colander and place under cold water.

We repeat everything from the beginning. Fill the peel with 2.5 liters. cold water. ATTENTION: this time add a teaspoon of salt to the water, because salt helps remove excess bitterness. Then bring to a boil, cook, drain, and place under cold water.

The third time he cast the net, we do the same thing: pan, skins, water, salt, boiling, cooking for 10 minutes, rinsing with cold water - EVERYTHING!

Now let the water drain and cut our orange peels into strips half a centimeter wide.

In a saucepan, dissolve two cups of sugar in a glass of hot water, let the sugar syrup boil and dip the citrus strips into it.

Let's cook! You will have to cook for a long time, from 40 minutes to an hour, until the syrup is reduced almost completely. Towards the end of cooking, do not forget to squeeze lemon juice into the syrup. And when the skins become almost transparent, and there is very little syrup left, we will throw the candied fruits into a colander for the last time - let the excess drain.

By the way, the syrup after boiling candied orange peels turns out delicious; its consistency and color resembles honey, which means it can serve as a substitute for the latter, take heed, my dear vegans! For example, with orange syrup - it’s simply delicious.

Place the candied fruits freed from syrup on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. You can place a baking sheet near the radiator to speed up the process, or you don’t have to steam it: candied orange peels dry well even without additional heating.

After two hours, you can roll the finished candied fruits in powdered sugar (or sugar), and then use them as you wish: decorate cakes, add to morning cereal, add to dough, or just drink tea with them.

Keep in mind that such candied fruits can be prepared from lemon, tangerine, lime peels and even grapefruit peels. Bon appetit!

P.S. I still have a slight bitterness in my candied orange peels - maybe I didn’t wash the peels well enough with cold water. Next time I’ll try the “classic” with a three-day soak.

Candied fruits are a sweet that came to us from the east and have gained great popularity among professional chefs and housewives who love to treat their family with healthy and tasty delicacies.

We are accustomed, if necessary, to purchasing sweets on the way home in the nearest stores, but preparing candied oranges at home is much easier than it seems at first glance.

Try making candied orange peel yourself at least once and you will see for yourself.

Candied oranges - general principles of preparation

There is nothing complicated about making candied oranges. The main thing is to choose fresh, unspoiled fruits, rinse them thoroughly and boil them several times to remove the bitterness inherent in citrus fruits. The same process should be followed when preparing candied fruits from lemons, grapefruits, sweeties, limes, and tangerines.

In addition to the fruit itself, you only need sugar and water; if you wish, you can use additional ingredients to decorate candied fruits: powdered sugar, chocolate and others.

Either the pulp or the orange peel is boiled in sugar syrup with added spices, then cooled and dried in the oven.

The orange should be cut into small, but not too small pieces. These can be cubes, bars, circles, stripes, stars - depending on taste and aesthetic preferences.

Candied oranges are stored in hermetically sealed, non-transparent packaging for no more than 6 months.

Ready-made candied fruits can be eaten instead of sweets, added to baked goods, and used to decorate tarts, cakes, pastries and other desserts. In addition, candied citrus fruits are an excellent tonic addition to black and green tea, giving the drink a special freshness and taste.

1. Candied oranges

1.2-1.3 kg of oranges;

Two glasses of sugar;

Half a lemon (can be replaced with 2 g of citric acid);

Spices as desired: vanilla, cinnamon;

Powdered sugar for decoration.

1. We wash the oranges with special care, and then pour boiling water over them.

2. Cut the prepared fruit into cubes no more than half a centimeter thick.

3. Place the chopped cubes in a saucepan of a suitable size and fill with cold water so that it covers the orange completely. Cook after boiling for about five minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, rinse the bars in cold water, and put them back on the fire. We repeat the cooking procedure 3-4 times - this will remove the bitterness inherent in the orange peel.

4. After the fourth cooking, place the orange slices in a colander, allowing the liquid to drain completely.

5. Pour three glasses of water into a clean saucepan, add sugar and citric acid, add spices to taste.

6. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the prepared orange to the resulting syrup.

7. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer candied oranges for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for the candied fruits to be saturated with sugar syrup and become transparent.

8. When the cooking time has expired, do not rush to remove the candied fruits from the pan, let them cool completely in the syrup, then put them in a colander, allowing the sweets to dry a little.

9. Roll the finished candied fruits in powdered sugar and place them carefully on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

10. Dry for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 90 degrees.

2. Candied orange peel

One and a half glasses of granulated sugar;

Peels from five to seven oranges;

2 g citric acid.

1. Remove the peel from the oranges and put it in a saucepan.

2. To remove bitterness, fill the peel with water, boil for 5 minutes, drain the water. We repeat the boiling procedure 3-5 times.

3. After repeated boiling, when the peels are ready to directly prepare candied fruits, place them in a colander, allowing the water to drain.

4. Cut the finished crusts into small pieces: cubes, squares, figures.

5. Pour one and a half glasses of water into the pan, add sugar, and cook the syrup.

6. As soon as the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, add the prepared orange peels. Boil for 45-50 minutes.

7. 5-8 minutes before readiness, add citric acid and stir.

8. At the end of cooking, transfer the candied fruits into a colander, and after the excess syrup has drained, place them on parchment paper on a baking sheet.

9. Place in the oven for 40 minutes, setting the temperature to 100 degrees.

3. Candied oranges covered in chocolate

Three small oranges;

350 grams of sugar;

2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;

1. Pour boiling water over thoroughly washed oranges for 10 minutes, rinse, and pour again. Place in a colander.

2. As soon as the oranges are dry, cut them into thin circles 3-5 mm thick.

3. Place the orange slices in a saucepan, pour boiling syrup made from water and sugar over them.

4. Simmer the oranges over low heat for about an hour.

5. Transfer transparent golden citrus candied fruits to a wire rack in the oven and dry for 15 minutes at 100-120 degrees.

6. While the candied fruits are fully cooked, prepare chocolate from cocoa, cream and powdered sugar: mix all ingredients thoroughly, bring to a boil, simmer, stirring all the time, for 5 minutes.

7. Dip orange mugs into cooled chocolate, place on baking paper and place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

4. Fragrant manna with candied oranges

1\2 cups vegetable oil;

Soda slaked with vinegar;

Candied oranges - quantity to taste.

1. Pour semolina into a bowl, pour warm milk over the cereal. Mix thoroughly, leave for 30 minutes, allowing the semolina to swell.

2. While the cereal reaches the desired condition, separate the whites from the yolks.

3. Beat the egg whites, adding sugar, until a stable foam forms.

4. Pour flour into the resulting protein mass, quench the baking soda with vinegar, and gently stir until smooth.

5. In another container, beat the butter with the yolks, then combine both mixtures in one large bowl.

6. Add the swollen semolina to the mixture, mix so that the mass turns out without a single lump.

7. Grease a special baking dish with margarine and sprinkle with semolina.

8. Pour the dough into the mold.

9. Place candied oranges on top in a chaotic manner, and lightly press them into the dough with a fork.

10. Bake the manna for 30 minutes, turning on the oven at 180 degrees.

11. Take out the baked goods after they have cooled completely.

5. Curd pie with candied oranges

100-120 grams of candied orange peel;

500 grams of cottage cheese;

0.5 cups granulated sugar;

A teaspoon of baking powder;

Vanilla sugar, powdered sugar - to taste.

1. Beat the whites separated from the yolks until they become white foam.

2. Mix the remaining yolks with mashed cottage cheese, granulated sugar, and vanilla sugar.

3. Place candied fruits in the yolks, mix, then add protein foam.

4. Mix flour and baking powder.

5. Add the flour mixture into the curd mass in small portions and mix.

6. Grease a silicone baking dish with oil and place the curd dough with candied oranges into it.

7. Cook at 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.

8. Sprinkle the finished pie with powdered sugar.

6. Muffins with candied oranges

80 grams of sour cream;

A glass of granulated sugar;

One and a half cups of flour;

100 grams of margarine;

Soda slaked with vinegar.

1. Melt in any convenient way, be it a microwave or a water bath, margarine. Let's cool it down.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and slaked soda to the mixture. Mix.

3. Pour cooled melted margarine into the egg mass, add flour and knead well.

4. Add candied fruits. Once again, mix everything thoroughly, determining the amount of candied fruits according to your taste.

5. Place the dough in silicone molds, filling them 2/3 in height.

6. Place the molds on a dry baking sheet, prepare muffins with candied oranges in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Small, thick-skinned oranges are great for making candied fruits.

If candied fruits are prepared correctly, they should not stick to your hands, they should be dry, but at the same time juicy, not hard.

Instead of pouring the syrup into the sink, you can pour it into a sterile container and use it to prepare various desserts: biscuits, sauces, and others.

You can also use the remaining syrup to prepare your next batch of candied fruits.

Do not use spoiled fruits to prepare delicacies; they will ruin not only the appearance of the candied fruits, but also their taste.

The longer you leave the orange in syrup after boiling, the sweeter the candied fruit will be.

When preparing candied fruits, you can use various spices to give the sweetness special flavor notes: cloves, star anise, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom. Just be careful with the amount of spices you use; too much spice will simply overwhelm the taste of the orange, making the candied fruit inedible.

Ready-made candied oranges can be rolled in melted chocolate, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, coconut flakes, chopped almonds or walnuts.

Easter is coming, which means new recipes for fragrant, fluffy and delicious Easter cakes are ahead. To ensure that homemade baked goods please you not only with their attractive appearance, but also with their taste, a variety of spices and herbs are added to them. Candied orange peels are an excellent addition to Easter cakes, and today I will tell you how to prepare them at home.

The recipe for candied orange peels does not include the citrus fruits themselves, but the peels, which are most often mercilessly thrown away. In vain, I tell you. They produce incredibly aromatic orange zest, which can be prepared for future use () or a spectacular orange peel jam that will decorate any dessert. Well, candied orange peels are an excellent additive for home baking, thanks to which ready-made dishes will acquire a pleasant citrus aroma.

Before you start preparing candied orange peels, it is important to process the peels. This is necessary not only to get rid of bitterness, but also to remove the wax that covers all overseas fruits. This is easy to do - just rinse the oranges thoroughly with a brush before eating, and then pour boiling water over them. Let's cook!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Place orange peels in a suitable size pan and cut into thin strips. Fill with water so that it covers the peel. Add a teaspoon of salt and put everything on the fire. Salt will help us get rid of the bitterness that is contained in the white layer of citrus peel. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook over low heat for about 7-10 minutes.

After the allotted time, drain the water, rinse the crusts under cold running water, fill it with water again and add a teaspoon of salt. Cook for another 7-10 minutes until it comes to a boil. We repeat this procedure a total of 3 times. Try a piece of orange peel - if there is still a slight bitterness (but there shouldn’t be any more), repeat the cooking again.

Place the peels, washed under cold water, in a sieve or colander and let the liquid drain. Let them stand for at least half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, in a small saucepan or stewpan, combine a glass of sugar (this is 180 grams) and 150 milliliters of water. Heat until the sugar crystals dissolve.

We are glad to welcome you to our culinary blog! Today we will tell you how to make candied orange peels.

In general, candied fruits can be made not only from oranges, but also from lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, limes, sweets.

This delicacy came to us from the east, and like many sweets, it has won over many professional chefs and housewives and will undoubtedly please you very much.

Having tried to make them once, you will definitely make them again, since in addition to the pleasure of sweetness, candied fruits also contain vitamin C.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account here is that candied fruits are not a matter of one day. But there is a quick recipe.

You can speed up the process by not soaking the peels for three days, as is traditionally done, but by boiling them in a saline solution. This is done to remove the inherent bitterness from the fruit.

Preparation does not present any hassle, and the result is a healthy and tasty delicacy that can be eaten like candy, added to baked goods, or used to decorate cakes, pastries and other desserts.

Candied citrus fruits are also an excellent tonic addition to black and green tea. With them, the drink acquires freshness, a special aroma and taste.

And, since it is quite expensive to buy them in the store, homemade candied fruits are no worse, and, in fact, cost nothing at all.

Be sure to try preparing them at home using various spices: cloves, star anise, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom.

This will give the candied fruits special flavor notes. Just don’t overdo it; a large amount of spices can overwhelm the taste of the orange, making the candied fruits inedible.

You may ask how to make candied fruits work? And I will answer you, all you need is to take fresh, unspoiled fruits, rinse them thoroughly and boil them several times to remove the bitterness inherent in these fruits.

But don’t worry, how to cook them so that they are without citrus bitterness is described in the recipe. And let’s probably finally move on to it.


  1. Orange peels - from 4 oranges
  2. Sugar - 180 g
  3. Citric acid - 2 g
  4. Salt - 1 tsp
  5. Water for syrup - 400 ml

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare candied fruits, use thick-skinned oranges. How you peel the orange doesn’t matter much.

    You can peel it with shavings and then cut it into cubes 0.5 cm thick. To make the candied fruits look more beautiful, try to make them not too small.

    Although these are also very tasty. So, if you are undecided on how to remove the peel, do as in the photo.

    I cut the orange in the middle and used the back of a spoon to run along the entire outline, separating the peel from the orange.

  2. As you can see, this way the skin can be easily removed.

  3. Then we put the skins in a bowl and fill it with water. So the peel should give up its bitterness by soaking for three days, during which, so that they do not ferment, the water must be changed at least 2 times a day.

    In general, the more often you do this, the better, since the sweetness of the finished product will depend on it.

    But if you want to speed up the process, then put the peels in a saucepan and cover with water, adding a teaspoon of salt.

    Boil for 10 minutes, drain the crusts in a colander and repeat the procedure 3 more times. Next see step 9.

    But I offer you my version, i.e. soak the peeled peel for at least 5 hours, and then boil with salt, following the instructions below.

  4. If you are still in no hurry to get ready-made candied fruits, then after three days of soaking, we proceed as follows.

    Cut the halves of peeled oranges in half and cut each half into strips no more than 0.5 cm wide.

    This, of course, is not a prerequisite; if desired, it can be absolutely any figures, cubes, circles, depending on taste and aesthetic preferences.

  5. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

  6. After boiling, remove from heat and drain future candied fruits in a colander. We rinse them under cold water and, after giving them a little rest, repeat the entire procedure 2 more times. This is a classic recipe in which the soaking lasts 6 days.

  7. Usually this is enough to remove the bitterness, but after tasting, you can check; if the unpleasant bitterness is still present, do the same with adding salt.

    Those. Add orange peels again, fill the pan with water just enough to cover the peels, add salt and boil for 10 minutes.

    This way we speed up the process of removing bitterness. You can do this procedure several times until the bitter taste is completely gone.

    But don’t be upset if you still have a slight bitterness, you will also like this tart taste.

  8. This is how we approached the next stage step by step - syrup. After leaving the crusts to rest in a colander, pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with cold water to boil the crusts in the sweet syrup.

  9. But until the sugar crystals dissolve, boil the liquid until the desired syrup is formed.

  10. When you see that the sugar has dissolved, add the rested crusts and cook without covering with a lid until all the water has boiled away.

  11. The boiling process can last from 20 minutes and up to 1.5 hours. It is worth noting that the longer you boil candied fruits in syrup, the sweeter they will be.

    At this stage, spices are added. Fragrant spices will add an oriental touch to the treat.

    A few minutes (5-8) before the end of cooking, add citric acid.

  12. Now our candied fruits have become soft and sweet. If you don’t want to bother yourself with boiling the candied fruits, you can boil them for about half an hour and leave them to cool in the syrup.

    This way they will also turn out very sweet. As you can see in the photo, the syrup has boiled down and is slightly burnt on the walls.

    To avoid this, use a pastry brush to scrape down the sides of the pan.

  13. The last step of preparation is drying. Place the candied fruits separately from each other on a baking sheet and leave until the next day.

    Or, put it in the oven for 40 minutes to 3 hours at a maximum temperature of 100 degrees.

  14. These are the fragrant and bright sweets we got. And their calorie content is 301 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    If desired, you can decorate with the following ingredients: powdered sugar, chocolate, coconut, chopped almonds or walnuts.

    They can be added to baked goods and decorated with any desserts.

These candied fruits can be stored for 2 weeks in a closed jar and up to 6 months in a hermetically sealed, non-transparent package.

As you understand, if you use a ziplock bag, you need to put it in a dark place. But they are so tasty that I promise you, you will not be able to store them for long, and you will be sad when they run out.

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