What are French fries? French fries in a modern kitchen

Tell me, what dish is most often served for dinner in our homes? Which one is your favorite and never gets boring? Right! This is a mouth-watering, golden-crispy, queen of side dishes! And how beautifully and skillfully French fries are prepared in a deep fryer, especially if you follow all the cooking rules! This kitchen appliance will help us not only quickly and competently prepare a side dish for lunch or dinner. The most important thing is that it will allow you to enjoy the process itself!

Cooking French fries in a deep fryer

It would seem that what could be simpler than French fries? He heated up the oil, poured the potatoes into it, cut into strips, and in a few minutes the fries were ready! But will you really get a beautiful, golden queen of side dishes as a result of such simple preparation? Of course not! You can only get an inedible potato dish that doesn’t even look like real French fries. Even a modern deep fryer won't help!

To get a delicious potato dish, we must follow the rules:

  • Using potato tubers with reduced starch content

If you have stocked up on starchy potatoes that boil quickly, then preparing delicious French fries will be more difficult, but possible! To improve its quality, before frying, it is recommended to rinse the already cut pieces under running water, which leads to the loss of a significant part of the starchy substances. Or just keep them in a bowl of water for 10 minutes - some of the starch will go into the water.

  • The product is placed in the frying oil completely dry!

Therefore, no matter what kind of potatoes we use, before lowering them into boiling oil, we place the prepared cubes on a paper towel and dry them thoroughly. Only after this procedure the straw is lowered into deep fat.

  • Choosing the right oil for deep frying

Not just any oil is suitable for deep frying! The oil must be free of foreign odors, i.e. only plant-based, refined, preferably deodorized! It can be sunflower, corn, olive, and even cotton! The oil will give the dish a subtle, specific aroma of the product chosen for deep-frying!

It is also allowed to add a little animal fat (rendered, chicken, duck or lard) to vegetable fat, but not more than 10%. The main thing is high purification of animal fat!

  • Frying temperature

Deep frying before adding potato straws should be heated to 170-190 degrees. How to check - the question arises? Easily! Pour the fat into the fryer bowl and heat the oil for 10-15 minutes. To check the readiness of the deep fryer, throw one potato stick into it. If it immediately floats to the surface, surrounded by bubbles of boiling oil, it means the fryer has reached the desired temperature!

  • You cannot salt potato straws either before or during frying!

You can only add salt to your French fries just before serving! If we rush and add salt, the crispy crust will immediately absorb moisture from the surrounding area and become soggy. If we put already salted potatoes into deep frying, they will lose their shape and a crust will not form on its surface.

Taking into account all the above rules for cooking French fries in a deep fryer, let's start cooking!

Recipe for the perfect French fries

  1. We select oblong potato tubers, wash them and peel them. We cut them into strips, trying to get bars of the same size (this is very important for uniform frying). If you just bought a deep fryer and plan to treat yourself to your favorite dish often, then a wise decision would be to purchase a special shredder for French fries.
  2. Place the straws on paper towels and carefully wipe off the water, otherwise the final product will disappoint you!
  3. Pour the vegetable fat into the fryer bowl and heat it up. If you want to enrich the taste of vegetable oil with animal fat, add it just before adding potato straws! A 100g serving of potato straws needs 500g of deep fat.
  4. Place the dried potatoes in the deep fryer basket and lower it into the melted deep fat. Remember that deep fat should not boil! Potato sticks are placed in small portions so that during the cooking process they do not stick together and are fried evenly on all sides. Fry each portion for 4-5 minutes until a beautiful golden crust.
  5. Place the fried portions on a flat dish covered with a paper towel and allow the excess fat to be absorbed into the fibers of the towel.
  6. Before serving, salt the prepared potato strips with fine salt and decorate with herbs or any vegetables.

Bon appetit!

What's good with French fries?
French fries can serve us both as a side dish and as an independent dish. You can enjoy it with any sauce or with a simple vegetable salad. It goes well with any meat, mushrooms, fish and vegetables. Choose!
You should definitely remember that French fries in a deep fryer will be very tasty if all the rules for their preparation are followed. Vegetable fat remaining after frying must not be reused under any circumstances!

Potatoes are not a native Russian product. It was known already 2.5 thousand years ago in Bolivia, and since the 16th century, when it was brought to Spain, it has become widely known throughout the world. It got to the point that the failure of the harvest of this product caused famine in the country.

Potatoes came to Russia at the end of the 17th century from Holland, during the reign of Peter I, when he sent several bags to his homeland for selection. For some time, dishes made from this product could only be tasted at the homes of rich people. And people called potatoes “the devil’s apple.” There were even “potato riots,” during which people died just so as not to try the “foreign dish.” But a little time passed - and at the end of the 20th century it was already the “second bread”.

French fries: where do they come from?

You can bake it at home, boil it, bake it in foil and, of course, fry it. French fries are one of the most popular ways to prepare this product. It is named after a Belgian chef named Frite, who was the first to make the fry trade takeaway. But you don’t always want to go to fast food to enjoy it. It can also be prepared at home.

Of course, if you have a deep fryer, then making fries at home is generally easy - just read the instructions and you're done. But what to do if it is not there.

Secrets of making French fries

It's easy to make fries at home, even without special equipment.

  • First you need to take the potatoes. The volume of the starting product depends on how many servings you need. 1 kg yields 600-700 grams of finished product
  • In addition, you will need salt and vegetable oil.
  • If you want your fries at home to be crispy and tender, like McDonald’s, then in addition to oil you will also need animal fat (pork, or better yet, beef). The components are diluted in a ratio of 50/50
  • To make this dish at home, do not use new potatoes, as they are loose and crumbly.

  • Tubers should be selected approximately equal in size and even. We wash them, and then clean and cut them into even pieces, no more than 1 cm thick.
  • Wet pieces should not be used under any circumstances. They need to be dried before frying. In order to do this at home, you should not use paper towels, as they will get wet, and it will take a long time to clean the potatoes from pieces of paper. It's better to take a clean waffle

Making fries: step-by-step instructions

  • After the potatoes are prepared, you need to take a saucepan, or better yet a cast iron cauldron, as it holds the temperature more reliably
  • Then we take a mixture of oil and fat, about 1 liter, pour it into a container, which we begin to heat. To cook potatoes at home, you need to let the mixture boil. A sure sign of the beginning of this process is bubbles rising from the bottom. In addition, you can check readiness like this: take a piece of potato and put it in the pan. If it immediately floats up surrounded by bubbles, then you can add the rest

  • It is better to lower the potatoes into a boiling mixture at home using a colander or sieve. You should not do this with your bare hands, as oil burns are very painful.
  • Making potatoes at home does not take long, 2-3 minutes. After which it is dried with a towel and, if you need to prepare it at home for future use, then it is frozen, but if not, then we put it in the pan again and now fry it until a golden crust appears, after which we put it in a colander so that the remaining fat drains and add spices to taste

  • If there are a lot of portions, then make sure that the oil level in the container does not decrease - the sticks should, ideally, float in the hot liquid. Therefore, it needs to be constantly topped up. And, of course, after the process is completed, the oil must be poured out at home, since a large amount of carcinogenic substances has accumulated in it

There is one secret: in order for potatoes to turn out exactly like fries at home, potatoes need to be added in small portions, as they can lower the temperature in the container and make it the way you want it won’t come out.

So, let's summarize. To make fries at home you need:

  • 1kg potatoes
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil (or half a liter of butter and beef fat)
  • Saucepan or cast iron cauldron
  • Salt and other spices. It is better to add them just before serving. This will make the potatoes crispy

Another recipe, replacing fries

There is another recipe for preparing this dish at home. The potatoes are also cut, the egg whites are beaten with salt and the chopped and dried potatoes are poured with this mixture. The dish is prepared not in boiling oil, but in the oven.

If you don’t want to bother with potatoes at home or don’t have time for it, then any supermarket sells ready-made frozen French fries. This is what is used in public catering to prepare this dish.

A little time and patience and everything will work out. Bon appetit!

French fries are a great snack to go with beer and vodka. Properly cooked French fries have a soft, tender center and a fairly tough, golden crust. Without knowing a few secrets, achieving a similar effect at home is not easy; you need to experiment a lot. The authors of the “Kartofan” website have developed the optimal recipe and are ready to tell you how to make French fries that taste just as good as those sold at McDonald’s.


  • potatoes – 3-4 pieces;
  • vegetable oil – 300-500 ml;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 0.5 tablespoon;
  • pepper - to taste.

French fries cooking technology

1. Selection of ingredients. Use large to medium-sized, firm, dense potatoes as possible. Soft, loose potatoes that have lost a lot of moisture absorb a lot of oil when frying, resulting in fries that become greasy and tasteless. Small tubers are difficult to cut into slices of the required thickness.

Only refined (purified from harmful impurities) and preferably deodorized (does not emit an unpleasant odor when heated) vegetable oil is suitable for frying. The ideal option is olive, a little worse than sunflower.

It is believed that McDonald's fast food restaurants fry their fries in animal fat, but this is not true. It has been many years since the company switched from a blend of beef tallow and cottonseed oil to alternatives that do not contain trans fats. In the USA and Canada it is a mixture of rapeseed, corn and soybean oil; in Russia and Belarus it is specially developed refined sunflower oil.

2. Peeling and slicing. First, the potatoes should be washed and peeled. Then cut it correctly.

If the difference in the thickness (diameter) of the workpieces exceeds 2 mm, then when frying, small pieces will be overcooked, while large pieces will not be ready yet. The optimal thickness of sticks for French fries is 5-6 mm, length – 3-9 cm.

There are special kitchen devices for quickly cutting French fries, but the cost of these devices is unpleasantly surprising. It makes sense to buy them if you make homemade fries all the time. Otherwise, I advise you to practice cutting by hand. After several attempts everything will work out.

3. Soaking. The authors of some recipes recommend soaking the preparations to remove excess starch. In fact, this is not required for deep frying; on the contrary, starch is often even added. In our case, soaking enhances the flavor and prepares the fries for the next important step - freezing.

For 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt, mix. The water should become neutral: neither sweet nor salty. Adjust the proportions if necessary. Soak the french fries in water for 15-20 minutes, this will significantly improve the taste. There is no need to dry the pieces on a towel.

4. Freezing. If you fry French fries without freezing, then by the time a crispy crust forms on the surface, the inside of the stick will dry out and the flesh will become tough. After freezing, the ice crust that forms will prevent the core from drying out quickly, and the high temperature of the oil will evaporate moisture from the surface in 10-15 seconds.

Place the pieces in the freezer for 60-90 minutes until the pieces freeze and become hard.

Pre-freezing improves taste

5. Roasting. Any deep dish will do: a saucepan, a large frying pan, a multicooker bowl.

Wipe the dishes dry so that not a drop of moisture remains in it, which, when heated, will turn into steam and hot oil will splash into your face.

Heat the oil in the container of your choice. Vegetable oil boils at 200°C and begins to smoke, but this is too much. The optimal oil temperature for frying French fries is 168°C. To check readiness, simply dip a piece of potato or peel into the oil; if it begins to boil, you can start frying.

Place semi-finished products in small portions on the deep fryer and lower into hot oil. You can fry without deep frying, simply throwing in the pieces and then removing them with a slotted spoon. There is no fundamental difference, but deep frying is more convenient.

Fry until fries are golden brown, 5 to 8 minutes on average. I don’t recommend overcooking; the longer the potatoes are fried, the more oil they absorb.

6. Serve. Place the finished fries on a paper towel to remove any remaining oil. You can sprinkle with salt and pepper. Eat while it's hot. The dish goes well with ketchup and other hot sauces.

Almost not a single day of our life goes by without the so-called “second” bread. And if it is no longer possible to surprise anyone with fried, boiled or mashed potatoes, then French fries at home are considered a delicacy that is difficult to refuse. Most often, in order not to bother with cooking, we prefer to enjoy French fries in some cozy establishment or buy a semi-finished product - frozen French fries in bags. All thoughts about the harmfulness and calorie content of this product recede into the background when remembering a delicious crispy dish with a golden fried crust and a soft, tender center.

But maybe it’s still worth trying to make French fries at home? This option has much more advantages. The first and most important advantage, perhaps, is that a dish prepared at home is much healthier than purchased fast food. All ingredients are fresh, processed and prepared with your own hands or under your careful guidance, but again in front of your eyes. The second plus is, without a doubt, the material side of the issue. Making French fries at home is significantly cheaper than purchasing them. Moreover, you can cook it as much as you like. In a word, your household will be satisfied and happy if you one day announce to them your decision to cook French fries at home.

The classic recipe for making French fries at home is quite simple. To prepare it, you do not need to have special skills or super culinary skills, but you just need to have high-quality products available. The main ingredient - potatoes - must be mature, not too large, without damage or defects. You should not use vegetables for cooking that contain a lot of starch, as well as young potatoes that do not yet have the required density and pronounced taste. And, of course, immediately get rid of the green tubers. They contain the toxic substance solanine.

Vegetable oil, salt and spices - that's all you need to make French fries at home. You just need to cut the potatoes into long pieces and fry them in vegetable oil in batches. Moreover, preference in this case should be given to refined deodorized oil. Which one? The choice is yours. Now let’s take a closer look at some of the recipes. After all, as you know, there are simply no two identical recipes in the world; each one has its own little secret. And who, if not us, is always ready and happy to share with you even the most secret secrets.

French fries “For the whole family”

1 kg potatoes,
200 ml vegetable oil,
salt, spices, herbs - to taste and desire.

Select medium-sized potatoes, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Cut the finished tubers into cubes approximately 1x1 cm in size. By the way, potatoes can be cut with a curly knife. It will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. Place the cut pieces on a paper towel and blot them, removing excess moisture. What is it for? The answer is simple: so that when they are immersed in oil, it does not shoot out and burn you. Next, take a deep frying pan, saucepan or just a saucepan, heat the oil and, in portions, so that the oil covers the potatoes, fry the cubes over medium heat, stirring so that they do not burn and brown on all sides. To determine that the oil in the container you have chosen for cooking has warmed up to the desired temperature, carefully lower one potato block into it. If it floats up, surrounded by oil bubbles, then you can add the rest.
Remove the fried potatoes using a slotted spoon, place them on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil, and prepare the next batch. Transfer the finished potatoes to another dish, sprinkle them with your favorite spices or chopped herbs and serve. The French fries also need to be salted already prepared, just before serving.

French fries "Crispy pleasure"

8 medium potatoes,
200 ml vegetable oil,
200 g wheat flour,
3 pinches of salt.

The principle of preparing crispy potatoes is almost the same as in the previous recipe. You also select and prepare potato tubers for cooking, cut them into neat cubes or strips of the size you need. But then take a deep bowl, pour flour mixed with salt into it, dip the chopped potatoes into this mixture and mix them with flour, thus breading each slice. In a saucepan or any other deep container convenient for cooking, heat the oil and place potato pieces breaded in flour and salt into it in small portions so that they float freely in the oil without sticking together and preventing each other from acquiring an appetizing golden color. Gently stir the potatoes while frying using a spatula, being careful not to damage the slices. Place the cooked pieces on a paper towel, let the excess fat drip off and transfer to another dish. Serve crispy French fries prepared according to this recipe with any sauce, for example, white, garlic or mustard. It will not only complement the dish, but also add piquancy to it.

French fries “Tender”, cooked in the oven

8 medium size potatoes,
3 egg whites,
salt, paprika - to taste.

Using the same technology, prepare the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Take a deep bowl, beat the egg whites and salt in it, add the prepared potato pieces and mix so that each piece is completely covered with the protein mixture. Preheat the oven to 200-220ºС. Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment paper, spread the potatoes evenly over its surface and sprinkle paprika on top. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the potato slices for 40 minutes, gently stirring them from time to time with a spatula, until golden brown. Alternatively, instead of paprika, you can use garlic oil, prepared as follows: mix 2 crushed cloves of garlic with oil, add spices as desired, pour this mixture over the potatoes laid out on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Don't forget to add salt to taste when you cook your fries. Garlic oil will give the dish a tantalizing, appetizing aroma, and you simply won’t be able to tear yourself away from the potatoes themselves.

French fries with spices in breadcrumbs “Large Portion”

2 kg potatoes,
100 g vegetable oil,
100 g breadcrumbs.
2 tsp. paprika,
2 tsp. ground cumin,
1 pinch of red ground pepper,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the washed, dried and peeled potatoes into cubes. Although why, in fact, in small blocks? Cut it however you like: into strips, neat slices, using all kinds of devices for this - knives with grooved edges or vegetable cutters. The shape you give the potatoes will have absolutely no effect on the taste of the finished dish, but can make it much more interesting and original in terms of appearance. Place the prepared potato pieces, dried with napkins, in a deep bowl, sprinkle them with oil and stir so that the oil evenly covers each piece. In another bowl, prepare the dry mixture: mix breadcrumbs, ground red and black pepper, paprika, ground cumin. Dip the potatoes in this aromatic, spicy mixture, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for about 30 minutes, remembering to turn the potato slices from time to time so that they are baked evenly on all sides. Please note: the potatoes have become golden, which means remove them from the oven, place them on a dish, salt, season with fresh chopped herbs, and serve as a side dish or as a separate independent dish, in this case preparing some sauce for the fries.

French fries cooked in lard, spices and "Country" sauce

Where does such a strange combination come from, you ask, French fries and suddenly - “Rustic”. In the village, there’s definitely no time for French fries, but the very combination of two original Russian products, potatoes and lard, this unique aroma during cooking takes you back to the village, to grandma, to her ordinary fried potatoes in lard, the tastier of which was nothing. in the world.

6 potatoes,
150-200 g lard,
3 cloves of garlic,
a mixture of ground peppers - to taste.
For the sauce:
50 g mayonnaise,
50 g ketchup.

Cut the lard into large cubes and send it to the frying pan to render. Cut the potatoes into equal-sized cubes, matchsticks or strips. Moreover, the same size really plays an important role when preparing French fries at home. The same size of all pieces allows them to fry evenly and at almost the same time. When the lard is completely rendered, add the potato pieces to the frying pan. It's better to do this in small portions. Fry until golden brown, then place the finished potato pieces on paper napkins, let the excess fat leave, salt and season them with spices while they are hot, and prepare the sauce. To do this, pour mayonnaise and ketchup into the saucepan, squeeze the garlic into them through a press and mix everything so that the mass is homogeneous.

If you have a deep fryer at home, the cooking process is simplified. If not, try experimenting and making French fries at home, such as in a slow cooker or microwave. We have a couple of such options.

French fries in a multicooker “Home-style”

1 kg potatoes,
1 liter of vegetable oil,
salt - to taste,
spices, herbs, sauce for the finished dish - also to taste.

First cut the selected, washed and peeled potatoes into 1 cm thick slices, and then cut them into sticks of the same thickness. Immerse the cut pieces in cold, almost icy water for 10 minutes. Then remove from the water, place on a clean towel in an even layer and blot on top with another towel. Let the potatoes dry, and set the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and, while it is not too hot, add a portion of potatoes and fry for 8 minutes. Of course, it will be more convenient to fry in a special wire basket, dipping it with the potatoes into the oil, but if you don’t have one, just fry the potatoes in a bowl and remove the finished ones with a slotted spoon. Fry with the lid open, remembering to stir so that the potatoes do not overcook. Place the cooked potatoes on a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Then drop in a new portion. When all the potatoes are fried, reheat the oil and fry the potatoes a second time, but this time lower them into the oil for no more than 2 minutes. Place the potatoes again on paper towels and, when the excess oil is gone, transfer them to a wide dish, add salt, sprinkle with spices and finely chopped herbs if desired, and serve the sauce with the finished dish.

French fries in the microwave

1 kg potatoes,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 clove of garlic,
salt, spices - to taste.

Pierce the potatoes, cut into cubes and dried with napkins, with a toothpick, each slice without exception. Place in a bowl, pour in vegetable oil, add salt, pepper, chopped garlic clove and mix everything. Place the finished mixture in a baking sleeve, tie tightly at the sides, make punctures at the top to allow steam to escape and bake in the microwave at full power for 10-15 minutes.

And so that you don’t waste your precious time looking for a sauce recipe, we’ve attached a couple of recipes for simply amazing sauces.

Recipe No. 1: Take 200 ml of yogurt, add a little chopped garlic, dill, lemon juice, just a little vegetable oil and grated fresh cucumber. Stir and place in the refrigerator while the fries cook.

Recipe No. 2: take 50 g of soft cheese and 200 ml of cream. Mash the cheese in a small amount of cream, dilute 10 g of starch in the remaining cream. Place the cheese mixture on low heat and, gradually pouring in the cream mixed with starch, bring the mixture until thick. Remove from heat, add dry basil, dill, salt and spices to taste.

When preparing French fries at home, do not use vegetable oil twice. And remember that frequent consumption of French fries is undesirable, but treating yourself to them from time to time is not at all prohibited!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Does everyone know how to cook such a popular dish as fried potatoes, as they are called in the French manner: French fries in cooking? Most likely, most housewives will answer in the affirmative, but some of them may be mistaken about this.

Our task is to bring some clarity to the correct solution to this problem. Let's start with the word “fry” itself - this is an unchangeable borrowed adjective meaning something fried until golden brown in vegetable oil. In the West, by the way, French fries are called French fries - French fried potatoes.

French fries are perfect as a side dish for almost all meat, fish and vegetable dishes; they are often included in complex side dishes of holiday table dishes. Crispy French fries are tasty and pleasing to the eye. It is important that preparing it using appropriate technology is simple and safe. Such potatoes will turn out well even for a novice cook.

Fresh potatoes are washed, drained, peeled, cut into strips, washed or even soaked in cold water to remove excess starch. The soaked or washed potatoes, cut into cubes, are placed in a colander, and then, when the water has drained, dried with a paper towel.

All that remains is to heat enough vegetable oil in a deep fryer or wok, and place dried chopped potatoes in it in portions. The fried portion is removed with a slotted spoon and placed in a container, at the bottom of which a paper towel is placed in several layers to collect excess oil.

If you get a lot of finished potatoes, then the paper towel should be repeated for the next portion. Salt the French fries lightly and right before serving, right on the plate.

French fries at home - the requirement for the variety of this root vegetable

A very important condition for preparing perfect French fries is the source material: mature, high-quality large root vegetables with an acceptable starch content. Young or starchy (boiled to the point of cracking) potatoes do not have suitable data: the first - taste; for the second, the deep-fried cubes will soften and lose their crispy properties, for which they love it.

Large, regular-shaped tubers without external or internal defects are thoroughly washed, peeled, washed again, and dried with a paper towel. The prepared tubers are cut into cubes with a sharp knife, with a cross section of 1x1 centimeter; rinse through a colander under running water, dry in a paper towel and immerse in portions in hot deep fat in a suitable container for frying French fries.

French fries at home - a set of products

To prepare four servings of this dish you need 4 large potatoes, 150 grams of wheat flour, table salt - to taste; vegetable oil - 200 milliliters. Please note that all products are available in all respects. All that remains is to put effort and love into deliciously feeding your household and those who come to visit.

To improve the taste of French fries, raw potato sticks are first rolled in flour, the excess is shaken off, and only then dipped into deep fat. A successful result, as practice shows, is within the reach of even novice housewives.

Algorithm for making French fries at home:

  • Potatoes prepared according to the above requirements, with eyes and spots removed and dried with a paper towel, can be cut into cubes using modern devices. If there are none, this can be done on a cutting board with a very sharp knife, cutting the tubers into one-centimeter plates, which are then cut into cubes.
  • Place the potato wedges in a suitable pan, sprinkle with a mixture of flour and a small amount of table salt. Close it with a lid and shake several times so that all the cubes are coated with flour.
  • In a deep container suitable for frying (saucepan, wok, metal pan), bring the vegetable oil poured into it in a given volume to a boil. Add raw potato chunks into boiling deep fat in acceptable portions so that they fry freely without sticking to each other evenly on all sides. As soon as the cubes begin to acquire a golden hue, you can carefully mix them with a spatula without mechanical damage. Continue frying for another 1 minute, then remove the first portion and place it in a container, the bottom of which is lined with a paper towel, which will collect excess frying. Immerse the next portion into the deep fat that continues to boil. We remind you that no more than two servings of French fries can be fried in one serving of deep fat without harming your health, otherwise carcinogenic substances will form in the burnt vegetable oil.
  • It is better to serve French fries as a side dish hot, but even when cooled, this product does not lose its taste appeal and goes well with any delicacy.

There is no need to talk about the advantage of taste qualities of products prepared at home: homemade tastes better! But we can talk about the budget-friendly merits of making homemade French fries. Let's count together: vegetable oil 200 grams - up to 25 rubles; 4 potatoes - up to 10 rubles; flour 150 grams - up to 5 rubles. As a result, all costs are no more than 40 rubles, and one serving is no more than 10 rubles - the price is very reasonable. Let's add to this that you know about the cleanliness of the home technological process, in contrast to its continuous production.

A selection of the best French fries recipes.

French fries prepared according to this recipe will successfully compete with those purchased even at McDonald's, the taste of which you may be accustomed to. It’s worth a try, enjoy your luck and feed your family and guests deliciously.


  • vegetable oil - 300 grams;
  • table salt - to taste.

According to the classic recipe, prepare French fries at home like this:

  1. Cut peeled, washed and dried fresh potatoes into cubes, rinse and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Bring any high-quality vegetable oil to a boil in a deep container suitable for frying.
  3. Place raw potato chunks in deep fryer in portions. Bring them to a light golden hue and, carefully stirring with a spatula, fry for another 1 minute and remove with a slotted spoon onto a paper towel. Add and fry the rest of the potatoes in the same way.
  4. Slightly cooled French fries, freed from excess fat, are served in portions as a side dish and lightly salted with fine salt directly on the plate.

Dietary recipe for French fries with egg whites at home

Without any damage to the taste and visual appeal of fried french fries, this recipe for preparing them allows even children to enjoy the taste of crispy, golden-brown potatoes, not to mention people who limit their intake of fried foods.


  • fresh potatoes - 7 large tubers;
  • chicken eggs - whites - 2 pieces;
  • ground paprika and table salt - to taste.

According to the dietary recipe, prepare French fries at home as follows:

  1. Cut prepared fresh and high-quality potatoes according to all the rules into suitable cubes, section 1x1 centimeter, rinse and dry dry.
  2. Lightly beat the whites of chicken eggs with a small amount of salt, pour them evenly over the prepared potato wedges in a suitable bowl, shake them several times under the lid so that they are all covered in the whites.
  3. Line a suitable baking tray with baking paper, spread the potato wedges onto it as evenly as possible and sprinkle a mixture of fine salt and grated paprika on top.
  4. Place the baking sheet with potatoes in an oven preheated to +180 C and bake the potatoes in it until golden brown.

Remove the finished potatoes from the switched off oven, arrange in portions as a side dish and serve hot.

We hope that even those who watch the calories of healthy foods will approve of this version of French fries, because it contains a minimal amount of fat, and the small presence of spices does not increase appetite.


  • fresh potatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 grams;
  • sweet paprika powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cumin - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper and fine salt - to taste.

According to the Lenten recipe, prepare French fries at home like this:

  1. Wash, peel and dry large quality potatoes with a paper towel into 8 circles, which should be washed again to remove excess starch and thoroughly dried with a paper towel. Place in a bowl, pour over oil and stir evenly.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients, sprinkle them over the oiled potato slices, and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Line a suitable baking sheet with baking paper of the appropriate size, place the prepared potato slices on it and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to +180 C for about half an hour, during which it is necessary to carefully turn the baked slices with a spatula.
  4. As soon as the potatoes are browned, remove the baking sheet and transfer the prepared slices in portions as a side dish to the main dish and serve hot to the table.

To avoid scalding splashes when immersing potatoes in boiling fryer, the potatoes should be as drained as possible.

Any type of vegetable oil is suitable for deep frying, but an indispensable condition for any of them is the absence of odor - it must be either refined or deodorized. It should be borne in mind that any flavor of the oil will transfer to the finished fries.

You can determine whether the deep fat temperature is sufficient for frying French fries by dipping a small block of potato into it. If the block floats in the bubbles, you can immerse the first portion.

And although in some recipes it is possible to add salt in advance, this is mainly when baking in the oven, it is still correct to salt the French fries directly in the dish before serving.

It should be clear to everyone that French fries should not become a regular or everyday food - after all, they are a fried product. But it is most suitable as an elegant holiday side dish, or in small quantities it can be used in complex side dishes.