What to cook with pork for a romantic dinner. Delicious menu ideas for a romantic dinner with your loved one

Valentine's Day makes monotonous winter days a little warmer and brighter. Giving gifts in honor of this holiday is not at all necessary - just spend the evening alone with the one you love. And we'll tell you.

The taste of tenderness

This delicious miniature appetizer is the perfect way to start your Valentine's Day dinner. The recipe for tartlets with delicate pate is exactly what you need. Sauté 2 onions with 6 cloves of garlic in oil. Add 200 g of fresh chopped champignons and evaporate the liquid. Separately, fry 500 g of chicken liver in cubes, seasoning it with 1 tsp. dried oregano and 1 tbsp. l. honey Combine it with the cooled mushrooms, add 100 g of butter and beat into a smooth mass. Using a pastry syringe, fill the finished tartlets with pate. This delicious recipe for a romantic dinner for two will be decorated with sprigs of dill and pomegranate seeds.

A little love magic

Experienced cooks know what to cook for dinner on February 14th. A light salad with avocado, shrimp and fresh herbs is a magical combination that awakens the deepest feelings. We are preparing a dish for two people. Cut 10 cherry tomatoes in half, pour them with a mixture of 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tsp. mustard, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper. While the cherry tomatoes are marinating, boil 200 g of shrimp and cut 2 avocados into thin slices. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle them with chopped green onions and torn arugula leaves. This light, colorful dish for a romantic dinner will add a special mood to the whole evening.

Pork in emeralds

The next option for a romantic dinner at home is meat, certainly with some twist. Pork medallions in tropical sauce are quite suitable for this role. Cut 400 g of pork tenderloin into 1.5 cm thick pieces, rub with salt and pepper and leave for 30 minutes. Fry 3 chopped shallots, add 4 diced kiwis and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Pour in 100 ml of orange juice and beat with a blender. Fry the medallions until golden brown, pour over the fruit sauce, or, alternatively, you can simmer the medallions in this sauce for a few minutes. This recipe for a romantic dinner will give you a bright fireworks of flavors.

Salmon in creamy dressing

What to cook for a romantic dinner if your loved one is a fish soul? Canneloni with salmon will definitely please him. Moreover, preparing such a dish for two is very simple and quick! Fry the onion with 200 g of spinach, lay out 600 g of salmon fillet in pieces and continue to fry until golden brown. Separately, melt 50 g of butter, stir in 30 g of flour, 400 ml of cream and cook a thick sauce. At the end add salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Place 10-12 cannelloni in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Fill them with fish filling, pour cream sauce into a baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 25 minutes. Your signature dish of a homemade romantic dinner is ready!

The mystery inside

Poultry dishes are an excellent choice for a romantic dinner for two. Especially if it's meatloaf with vegetables. Cut 2 chicken breasts in half and beat each piece, wrapping it in cling film. Sauté grated carrots and onions in oil. In a dry frying pan, bake the sweet pepper into strips. Lubricate each piece of chopped fillet on one side with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard and 1 tsp. spices for chicken. Place fried vegetables on the edge, a couple of slices of gherkins, roll tightly and secure with toothpicks. Fry these “cocoons” well on all sides. These rolls will surely intrigue your significant other.

Chocolate confession

Dessert is the key recipe for a romantic dinner. What to cook for sweets for your loved one? Panna cotta with chocolate, because this is the main ingredient of love. Soak 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of water. Combine a broken chocolate bar, 30 g of vanilla sugar, 100 ml of coconut milk and 400 ml of cream in a saucepan. Gently bring the mixture to a boil and, stirring constantly, simmer for 10 minutes. Lightly heat the swollen gelatin and pour it into the saucepan. After mixing well, pour the mixture into silicone molds and place in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Before serving, decorate the panna cotta with raspberries and mint leaves. This dessert will tell you about your deepest feelings.

Cupid in a glass

What's missing for a truly romantic dinner at home? Holiday drink recipe. An original sangria with champagne will be the perfect end to the evening. Cut 2 sweet yellow pears and 2 sour green apples into cubes with peel. Divide a large orange into slices, peel off the films and chop. Cut 15–20 strawberries in half. Place all the ingredients in a carafe, sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and put it in the refrigerator. When the sugar melts, pour in 750 ml of champagne and keep in the cold for another 20 minutes. Pour sangria into glasses along with pieces of fruit and treat your loved one.

If you have not yet decided how to make a romantic dinner and how to please your loved one, our recipes will come in handy. May this evening give you moments of happiness and leave the warmest memories in your heart.

Having decided to please herself and her beloved with a quiet evening together, every housewife inevitably thinks about what to cook for a romantic dinner. The question is really difficult, because you need to create an amazing atmosphere of celebration, love, feed a hungry man and at the same time not overfill his stomach, causing drowsiness. A dilemma that I propose to deal with today.

When can you organize such a quiet holiday? The occasion can be different - a loved one’s birthday or yours, which you want to spend away from noise and friends, the anniversary of an acquaintance, a wedding, the completion of an important task, a promotion, the arrival of a loved one from a long business trip, or just a day when the spouses for once stayed at home alone, without children. Just like that, when you’re in the mood, why not? After all, it is precisely such evenings that give relationships warmth and tenderness, which are often lacking.

A romantic evening for two, in a pleasant home environment (you can also do it outdoors, on the roof, but then the organization will take more time and hassle, because the prepared dishes will still have to be delivered to the place) - an excellent way for recently met people to get to know each other better, and for long-time spouses will help refresh feelings that have faded under the pressure of everyday life.

In addition to the surroundings itself, that is, traditional candles, a beautiful tablecloth, the decor of dishes and, naturally, the attractive appearance of the hostess herself, food is of great importance. We all remember that the way to the heart of the stronger sex is through the stomach? Then head to the kitchen!

Here it is important to choose the right menu so as not to leave the man hungry and to preserve your strength. Agree, a tired woman, exhausted from hours of cooking, is not the best interlocutor, much less a lover. Therefore, you should not spread yourself too thin by preparing mountains of dishes; a couple of appetizers, a salad, a main course and a dessert will be enough. Tasty, varied, but does not distract attention from the main thing - communication.

  • Snack rolls

To prepare the dish you need:

0.5 cans of pink salmon, grated cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, herring, toasted bread;

  • Peel the crust off the toasted bread, carefully roll it out with a rolling pin, spread it with different fillings and wrap it in a roll.

the bread must be taken fresh, otherwise it will simply crumble when exposed to it, and rolls will not work

  • For the first type of rolls, combine chopped cheese, eggs, pink salmon, add mayonnaise, mix everything, apply on bread
  • for the second, combine fine cheese, egg, dill, garlic again
  • for the third - grind the salted herring to a puree.

This way we get three types of rolls, which just need to be cut into neat pieces with a sharp knife, placed on a plate, and decorated.

  • Croutons with fish cheese

We need:

Prepare baguette, curd cheese, tuna;

  • cut the baguette into cubes, fry in a dry frying pan until browned
  • combine cheese with dill, fish (drain the juice from the can, mash the fillet with a fork)
  • brush the bread with the mixture, garnish with lettuce leaves and other herbs.
  • Meat chops

For a man, the only thing better than meat is meat.

Take meat, onions, champignons, bell peppers, garlic, sour cream, cheese;

  • cut the meat into large pieces

  • salt, pepper, beat through cling film on both sides

  • chop the onion into feathers
  • simmer it in vegetable oil
  • Cut the champignons into cubes, add to the onion, fry for 2-4 minutes

  • cut the bell pepper into slices, fry for a minute on each side

  • finely chop the garlic, add to the mushrooms, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sour cream

  • In a dry frying pan, fry the meat on both sides over high heat, sealing the juices inside

  • Place the chops on a baking sheet, place peppers and mushroom mixture on top, sprinkle with cheese, and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipes for a romantic dinner for your loved one at home

It will be easy for men to prepare a few simple, cheap, quick recipes for a romantic dinner to organize a holiday in just a couple of hours. I suggest starting with appetizers.

  • Tomatoes under a fur coat

You can make this snack in a couple of minutes:

  • cut the tomato into slices
  • mix mayonnaise with spices (the original requires garlic, but it is not very suitable for such a dinner), chopped dill
  • brush the tomatoes with the mixture
  • sprinkle cheese on top.

The turn of salads has come; they should also be original, but light, tender, without excessive spiciness or too-smelling ingredients. Agree, fresh onions and garlic are not the aromas you want to smell in a romantic setting!

  • Salad with pine nuts

It is prepared like this:

For dressing you need to take 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. heavy cream, ¼ tsp. Tabasco sauce for spicy lovers;

Main ingredients – 1 squid, half an apple, half a head of Chinese cabbage, 1 tbsp. pine nuts;

  • The squid is quickly boiled, cut into thin strips
  • shredded Beijing and thinly sliced ​​sweet and sour apple are added to it
  • combines with sauce
  • The salad is sprinkled with small nuts on top.

You can also prepare light salads, for example, - original, but not too filling.

The main decoration of the table will be hot. What you choose, fish or meat, is up to you. I offer ideas for both options.

  • Fish under oranges

This dish is juicy, tender, unusual and looks really beautiful - just what you need for a special occasion!

The preparation is simple:

  • take the prepared fish fillet, add salt, pepper, add spices (coriander), orange zest, juice of half an orange, a little lemon juice, leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes
  • cut the remaining half of the orange into slices
  • dry the fish, fry in breading (flour, then beaten egg, breadcrumbs) in butter until cooked
  • fry the orange in the same pan until nicely colored
  • then pour the marinade into the frying pan, evaporate to the desired thickness, taste, add salt and lemon juice if necessary
  • put an orange on the fish, pour sauce over it, garnish

How to quickly prepare simple recipes for dinner in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an amazing invention of mankind, which allows many dishes to be cooked not only faster, but also without human intervention. That is, you don’t need to stand at the stove, constantly stirring your food. Another plus is the ability to use one appliance instead of a mountain of dishes. For example, replace a frying pan, a baking sheet, a saucepan, or a saucepan with a multicooker bowl. I offer several delicious recipes for this wonderful machine.

  • Chicken steak

Take 2 chicken breasts, a little garlic, 1 tbsp. vegetable fat, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, chicken seasoning;

  • cut the fillet into steaks (split in half lengthwise)
  • marinate in a sauce of seasoning, chopped garlic, soy dressing, vegetable oil for about 10-15 minutes
  • fry in a dry multicooker bowl, after lightly blotting the meat from excess marinade, about 2-4 minutes on each side
  • garnish and serve with salad.

  • Meat in French

A dish familiar to many, which is easy to prepare using a slow cooker.

To do this you need:

potatoes, onions, heavy cream, meat (preferably fatty pork);

  • cut the meat into 1.5-2 cm cubes
  • Chop peeled potatoes, wash with water, dry, mix with chopped onions
  • add cream, salt, spices, mix well

  • Set the multicooker to frying mode, fry the meat for 10 minutes, add salt and spices.

  • Place potatoes on top of the meat, smooth, close the lid of the device, leave in baking mode for 30-40 minutes
  • then add the cheese, leave for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese
  • serve with greens.

Sweet desserts for two

All that remains is to discuss desserts; I offer fairly simple ideas for a sweet end to the evening.

  • Strawberries under the snow

It has long been established that strawberries are an aphrodisiac, so using them for dessert for a romantic dinner is practically a rule. Let's not deviate from it, having prepared this delicacy:

300 gr. strawberries, 5 pcs. proteins, 370 gr. sugar, a little lemon juice;

  • make syrup from 100 ml of water and 370 gr. sugar, evaporate until the liquid turns into caramel
  • Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, cut into halves, place in molds (one-piece glass molds are better, since the berries will then give juice)
  • Separate fresh, cold whites from the yolks, pour into a large container, beat
  • add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the syrup

  • hot syrup is poured in a thin stream into the whipped whites

  • All that remains is to put the “snow” on the strawberries and bake at 250 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

  • Simple panna cotta

You can also surprise your loved one with a luxurious dessert that many have heard about but never tried. Shall we take a risk?

To do this you will need:

1 l. cream 15% fat, 150 gr. powdered sugar, 20 gr. gelatin, 60 gr. cocoa, dark and white chocolate, vanillin;

  • Heat the cream until boiling, but do not boil, soak the gelatin with 3 tbsp. cold water
  • add powdered sugar and vanillin to the cream, cool to 60°, add gelatin, stir with a whisk for 5 minutes;
  • pour half of the masa into the molds, then add cocoa to the rest, mix, pour in there
  • Place the frozen panna cotta on a plate (dip the pan in boiling water for a couple of seconds, turn it over), decorate with melted chocolate.

If you want to cook something more substantial, you can bake it.

How to decorate a table and decorate dishes for a candlelight dinner

Traditionally, we imagine a romantic evening for two as a dinner on the roof or a room decorated with armfuls of flowers, rose petals, and thousands of candles. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to organize such decor, and it is not necessary - the main thing is to create an atmosphere of comfort, love, tenderness.

In addition, men are not so romantic, often not appreciating, and sometimes not even noticing, lovingly lit candles, and considering the petals to be just garbage. Why, some individuals even lose sight of a new dress, sexy lingerie, carefully created hairstyle, beautiful makeup... Well, never mind, we will adapt to the person’s characteristics, creating an atmosphere that suits both.

The bare minimum is:

  • cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth
  • organize gentle lighting (put the same candles, light wall sconces, lamps instead of too bright overhead light)
  • put a minimum of dishes - two glasses, plates, dishes with food
  • prepare a drink, it can be champagne, your favorite wine, mulled wine, an interesting cocktail or even juice (there are people who don’t drink!)
  • It’s worth decorating delicacies with bright colors - greens, vegetables, fruits, so that even the sight of food lifts your spirits, excites your imagination, and pleases the eye.

Everything else is at your discretion!

It remains to add a few secrets for creating such a quiet holiday. I recommend:

  1. Choose a good date, timed to coincide with a memorable day or just a romantic mood. It’s better if it’s Friday or Saturday evening, so you don’t have to rush anywhere in the morning
  2. Make sure that no one or anything interferes with communication - complete all urgent matters, ask grandparents, friends to look after the children in the evening, if you have them
  3. Decorate the room so that the overall picture puts you in a loving mood (the same candles, flowers, beautiful dishes, unusual bed linen
  4. Take care of your appearance - a luxurious dress (and underwear too), a spectacular hairstyle, makeup, hair removal, manicure, pedicure
  5. Prepare the delicious dishes we talked about earlier
  6. You can prepare a small gift, a surprise - close the man’s eyes, tie a scarf, give a symbolic present
  7. Last, but not least, is the right attitude, the desire to please your loved one, to demonstrate all those tender feelings that are in your heart.

Romantic evenings for two are a great way to get to know each other better, no matter whether you have known each other for two weeks or twenty years. Communicate, talk, admire your loved ones, because this is so important for a strong relationship! See you soon, look for new tips on our blog, bye!

The state of falling in love is a truly wonderful and bewitching feeling. Being in the euphoria of love, every person expresses a desire to please their soulmate with pleasant surprises.

Everyone does it in their own way. For many, gifts or beautiful words are valuable. But preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one with your own hands will help to express not only love, but also sincere care for your loved one.

There are many variations of preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one. Each person is individual and has his own taste preferences. Sometimes it’s difficult to guess them if you’ve known a person for a short amount of time.

But there are still some recipes for a romantic dinner that almost everyone will like. The following recipes will help you not only feed your loved one a tasty and satisfying meal, but will also delight him with your culinary abilities.

1. . The advantage of this salad is its fairly easy preparation method. It is perfect for the fair sex who take care of their figure.

Even a man can cook Caesar. This recipe does not require any special culinary skills, but has a truly divine and delicate taste.

2. . If a romantic dinner is being prepared for your girlfriend, then you won’t find a better dish than stuffed champignons.

This is an easy, dietary and very healthy dish. To prepare it, you need to choose mushrooms with a large cap.

3. . This dish is perfect for seafood lovers. It has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

The specialty of this salad is tuna. It is recognized as a natural aphrodisiac, so it will ideally complement a romantic dinner between two people in love.

4. . For lovers and connoisseurs of sushi, you can prepare Philadelphia rolls for a romantic dinner for your loved one.

The cooking process is particularly complex. Therefore, if there is no similar practice, it is better to opt for a simpler dish.

5. . Juicy, crispy-skinned, fried chicken will delight your loved one. This dish is appetizing and doesn't require much effort.

Grilled chicken is prepared by pre-marinating and baking in the oven. This dish can be served on its own for a romantic dinner, or as an addition to the main side dish.

6. . Today it is difficult to meet a man who does not like meat. Even a housewife with insufficient culinary experience can prepare this dish.

This dish is hearty, appetizing and delicious. By preparing meat in French for a romantic dinner, you can please your loved one not only with delicious food, but also with a beautiful and very appetizing presentation.

7. . This type of fish not only has a pleasant taste, but also an abundance of vitamins and minerals. And salmon with onions cooked in the oven will simply not leave you indifferent.

So, you're left alone, and it doesn't matter if it's your first date at home or if you've been together forever and your parents just took the kids. The main thing is that now you can truly relax and prepare something tasty and unusual, for example, a salad for a romantic dinner. You may not need hot food, but a light and pleasant dish will come in very handy in any case - let's look at some interesting recipes!

Of course, everyone has different tastes and it’s good if you already know exactly what your other half likes. In this case, it is enough to prepare your favorite dish a little differently: flavor it with new spices or replace one of the ingredients. It is enough, for example, to put smoked chicken or ham instead of the usual sausages, and the taste will immediately sparkle in a new way.

But what to do if you have not yet had time to study your taste preferences and are lost in the variety of options? The main thing is not to panic! In the end, there are universal salad recipes that can please lovers of oriental cuisine, adherents of European cuisine and fans of traditional Slavic cuisine.

We’ll start with these win-win options!

Caesar salad"


  • Chicken fillet – 250 – 300 g;
  • Romaine lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • Tomatoes – 1 pc.;
  • Loaf – 6 slices;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Parmesan (other hard cheese) – 75 g.

For the sauce:

  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Mustard beans – ½ tsp;
  • Olive oil – 75 ml;
  • Wine vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. We wash the salad well, let it drain and dry on a towel. Tear into large pieces with your hands immediately in a bowl.
  2. Cut the loaf slices into 1cm x 1cm cubes and place them in a hot frying pan. Spray with olive oil and add halved garlic cloves for flavor.
  3. Fry the bread until golden, turning occasionally to brown all sides.
  4. Add some salt to the chicken fillet, sprinkle with basil and white pepper, and place in whole pieces on a hot frying pan. Fry over low heat, but do not keep for long so as not to dry it out.
  5. Let it cool and cut it into slices 3–4 mm thick.
  6. Let's start the sauce: beat the egg, mustard, oil and vinegar with a blender or mixer. Salt and pepper everything, mix again.
  7. Place the cooled chicken on top of the lettuce leaves and immediately pour the sauce over it. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place parmesan slices on top. We cut them with a cheese slicer or, in extreme cases, slice them very thinly with a knife - no need to grate them.

Serve immediately to prevent the bread from getting soggy. Our first salad for a romantic dinner is ready!

Variations on a theme...

There are many Caesar recipes, and you can vary any ingredients. For example, instead of homemade dressing, use ready-made Caesar dressing or use regular mustard instead of grain mustard.

And, of course, shrimp are considered a classic replacement - for this amount we will need 200 g of boiled peeled seafood.

But if you don’t want to choose, we’ll make Caesar with both chicken and shrimp! In this recipe, the fillet can be baked in foil - this will make it more juicy and tender. The main thing is that before baking, rub it with spices, raw ginger root and make several shallow transverse cuts so that the meat is well soaked.

It's also good to mix chicken breast and bacon. In a 3:1 ratio, cut them into wide strips and place them on the grill along with white bread cut into cubes. Spray everything with olive oil, sprinkle with spices and bake at 200°C until golden brown.

Egg sauce

A sauce made from slightly poached eggs is suitable for this option.

  • To do this, put 1 egg in boiling water for a couple of minutes and, after pouring it with cold water, separate the yolk.
  • In a bowl, beat it with 1 tbsp mustard, add 1.5 tsp. balsamic vinegar and 1 tsp. sugar (!).

Mix everything and gradually add 150 ml of olive oil, whisking continuously at low speed.

Pour the prepared sauce over the bacon and chicken. Arrange the crackers and cheese as usual.

Salad with cheese and tomatoes

In addition to Caesar, you can prepare a very light salad with cheese and tomatoes for a romantic dinner.

  • Take 80 g of blue cheese, if not, then 100 g of feta cheese or 6 - 7 mozzarella balls. Cut into small cubes 0.5 by 0.5 cm, since Dor Blue has a very intense taste. Feta can be cut larger.
  • Wash and cut a large tomato into slices.
  • Drain the liquid from 100 g of canned olives and let them dry in a separate bowl.
  • Then mix everything and season with 3 tbsp. olive oil mixed with salt and basil. Ready!

Cheese salad with pear

If you want to make a more interesting option with blue cheese, we suggest making a cheese salad with pear.

  • To do this, peel and cut 200 g of pear into slices (first cut into quarters, and then cut each crosswise to a thickness of 3 - 4 mm).
  • Cut 50 g of Dor Blue cheese into small cubes, chop 40 g of walnuts with a knife. We cut 3 – 4 lettuce leaves into strips and proceed to the sauce.
  • For it, mix 1 tsp. liquid or warmed honey, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, ½ tsp. lemon juice, a pinch of salt and a little black pepper.

Add all the ingredients to the sauce and mix well. It is better to serve the salad after 15 - 20 minutes, allowing it to brew.

Green salad with smoked meats

If time allows us to do some magic in the kitchen, we’ll make a very tasty green salad with smoked meat, omelet and mushrooms.

  • Cut the smoked meat (meat or chicken fillet) into thin strips and set aside.
  • In a frying pan, fry a beaten salted egg on both sides.
  • Wash 4 lettuce leaves, dry and cut into strips.
  • Mix all the ingredients, add 50 - 60 g of pickled mushrooms and start dressing.

Mix with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. table vinegar and stir vigorously.

Season the salad with the mixture and mix gently again. Ready! Can be served immediately.

Salad “Tenderness”


  • Chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Canned corn or beans – 150 g;
  • Pineapple (canned) – 150 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.


  1. Boil or bake the fillet as desired. Cool and cut into cubes or strips. Boil the eggs hard and chop with a fork. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  2. We lay out the ingredients in layers, coating each with a small amount of mayonnaise for juiciness. First chicken, then pineapples and cucumbers.

If you don’t like store-bought mayonnaise, replace it with homemade mayonnaise or just make do with natural yogurt. You just need to season it with salt, spices and a little vinegar to enhance the taste. Before serving, add the egg layer and corn.

An excellent addition to a romantic dinner – aesthetically pleasing and delicious!

Salad with baked tomatoes

A salad with baked tomatoes would be a very unusual option. We choose cherry or regular tomatoes, but not less than 350 g.

  • We cut large fruits into circles 1 cm thick, cut the cherry in half.
  • Fry in a hot frying pan with a little olive oil until golden brown.
  • Mix ½ cup of natural yogurt without additives with 20 ml of olive oil, add white pepper, basil and thyme to taste, and salt.
  • Tear the mix of lettuce leaves (arugula, iceberg, chicory, romaine) into a bowl with your hands, season and mix well. Place fried tomatoes on top.

The salad can be served warm or allowed to cool, if desired.

Salad with tuna

Salads with fish and seafood are no less tasty, and according to many theories, they are perfect for a romantic dinner.

Let's prepare an express salad with tuna in just 15 minutes!

  • Boil a couple of eggs, tear 150 g of salad mix with your hands and season it with olive oil. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add 100 g of canned tuna.
  • Chop the eggs, add 5 - 6 cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper, mix and place on top of 6 - 7 slices of Parmesan.

Ready! A quick and tasty salad is ready!

Crab meat and cheese balls

However, you shouldn’t forget about romance in favor of speed. Those who want to amaze their loved one with a culinary delight can try preparing a spicy “Raffaello”.


  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Crab meat – 200 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Black pepper, nutmeg, mayonnaise - to taste.


  1. Boil the eggs hard - keep on the fire for at least 10 minutes after boiling, drain and cool.
  2. Grind the crab meat in a blender. Grate the cheese and eggs on a fine grater.
  3. Leave 2 tbsp of grated cheese for sprinkling, mix the rest with other ingredients with the addition of mayonnaise and spices.
  4. We form balls slightly larger than a walnut from the resulting mass, roll them in cheese shavings and immediately place them on a plate.

Serve chilled.

Such “rafael” designs look elegant on any table, not only on a romantic one.

Salad “Pearl”

Finally, we also offer an easy-to-prepare, but impressive-to-serve salad of salted red fish.

  1. If desired, take salmon, trout or pink salmon, cut 300 g into small cubes and place in bowls - you get the first layer.
  2. Scald 200 g of fresh tomatoes, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Add a little salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil and place on top of the fish - this is the second one.
  3. Place the avocado pulp cut into cubes as a third layer. We don’t salt it, don’t pepper it, and don’t touch it at all in order to maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Place 3-4 capers on top in each bowl, sprinkle everything with oil, lemon juice and serve.

In this salad, the main thing is to keep the chopped ingredients to the same size. This way he will be even more beautiful.

So our prelude salad to a romantic dinner is ready. As you can see, it doesn’t always take a lot of time to impress your loved one with the sophistication of the menu and serving. The only thing that really matters is your desire and confidence in your abilities!

Our global network is filled with funny (and often not so funny) stories about how girls arranged a romantic dinner for their other halves. True, it didn’t always end the way they wanted and dreamed. Either a guy, having tasted a salad with shrimp, became covered in spots due to an allergy, then a candle accidentally fell, or a hungry husband, having swallowed the slices and munched on a light salad, demanded to fry the chicken with potatoes. In a word, a romantic dinner is an extremely responsible matter, it can even be compared to walking through a minefield. A step to the left, a step to the right - and you can not only be embarrassed, but seriously quarrel with your loved one. We hope that our instructions will help you avoid the most common mistakes and have a perfect candlelit evening.

1. Time and place

A weekday evening is not the best time for a tete-a-tete. Well, first of all, a long, eventful working day often exhausts all the nerves and squeezes out all the juices. So, when you finally crawl home, you have only one desire - to eat and go to bed as soon as possible. Is this a familiar picture? Secondly, your significant other may be late at work: all the food will get cold, and you, tired of preparing, will fall asleep sweetly on the sofa. Therefore, if it is not possible to reschedule romantic plans for the weekend, then you can consider the option of a candlelit dinner in a restaurant. So it will be more than just a regular dinner at home with an unpredictable ending. Then you can walk around the city a little, and at home drink, say, a glass of champagne as an interlude. But, if you still decide on the option of a romantic dinner at home, you should pay attention to the details. For example, do not vaguely hint to your loved one about the surprise that awaits him at home, but clearly say that you are preparing a romantic dinner, and a delay at work will cause your righteous anger. But the main thing is to think carefully about the dinner menu.

Psychologists have figured out what to avoid on a date. If you want to impress your partner, don't make the most common mistakes.

2. Menu

Do you remember a little earlier we talked about a girl whose husband wasn’t full of salad and asked for something more substantial? This option is very possible. Therefore, dinner by candlelight should not be too light (especially after a working day). Otherwise, your man will not devour you with his eyes, but the refrigerator, in which there may still be “something left to devour.” But at the same time, the food should not be too dense. An overfilled stomach does not at all contribute to tender feelings; rather, it pulls you to the side.

Trying to win over your partner with an abundance of dishes is a bad idea, as is choosing complex recipes. Standing at the stove for many hours will not put you in a good mood. Besides, the purpose of dinner is not the food, but what comes after it.

3. Main courses

Poultry is suitable as the main meat. It is easily digestible, and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. Pork or beef takes a long time to digest; fish requires some effort to get through the bones. Beans and soybeans would also be an extremely bad choice (need we say why?). The main course can be served with a light salad of vegetables or seafood. For dessert - ice cream, or a classic of the genre - strawberries and cream. By the way, the latter can serve as a good start for exciting intimate play.

Let's say you already know a lot about your husband, but if you have just started dating a man, then it would be good to clarify with him that he does not eat. For example, some people don’t like liver, others don’t like onions. Perhaps there are foods that your partner likes - nuts, honey, etc. Keep in mind that many aphrodisiacs (oils, spices, foods) are also very allergenic foods. Even a small portion can cause anaphylactic shock in a person.

4. Drinks

Avoid strong alcoholic drinks immediately. Still, both of you should be dizzy from love, and not from being “taken to the chest.” Champagne or wine are a great option. But you shouldn’t mix them, it’s better to stick to one thing. It is generally accepted that red or rose wine should be served with poultry and meat. But this is not a strict prescription. In reality, only taste matters. Delicate meat can be complemented well by white wine. It is much more important to follow another rule: red wine should be at room temperature, but white wine should be served slightly chilled.

This is real art! The sommelier shares his secrets on how to choose the right wine in the supermarket, what dishes to pair it with and how to serve it.

A selection of several types of cheese will go with the wine; you can also add a plate of fruit. Be sure to put a bottle of regular mineral water on the table, but preferably without gas.

5. Serving

You definitely won’t create a romantic atmosphere with plastic glasses and disposable tableware (well, so as not to wash them). Therefore, you will have to get beautiful dishes, tablecloths, and glasses from the bins. Try not to fill the entire surface of the table with dishes: otherwise you will end up with a grandiose anniversary banquet, and not an intimate dinner for two

You can put a small bouquet of flowers in the center of the table, but not a lush composition, because of which you won’t even shoot your eyes. A small vase with one flower or a floating candle floating on the water looks very delicate.

And, of course, candles. But the latter should be in safe candlesticks and away from the edge of the table. It is advisable to have enough candles; not all men like to eat by touch.

Dishes should be portioned so that you don’t have to cut or break anything with your hands. Fat hands look unaesthetic and unromantic. But in any case, napkins must be on the table. The salad can be placed in special waffle baskets, and plates with all dishes can be decorated with lettuce leaves, or, say, olives.

6. Music

We have already talked about candles above. It is better to choose light and relaxed music. We very much doubt that your companion will enjoy spending the evening listening to the songs of Stas Mikhailov. The network has a lot of collections of romantic instrumental tunes (for example, by composer James Last), retro hits and pleasant jazz compositions. You shouldn’t burden your evening with “serious” music and arias from operas either.

For every man, you can choose a melody according to your Zodiac sign; it will have an amazing effect on your loved one. Check it out!

7. Home decoration

From the point of view of rose petals, everything is debatable. It's up to you to decide. It all looks, of course, romantic and cinematic. But in the film it remains behind the scenes, who then cleans up all this beauty scattered around the room? So if you don’t want to plunge into the morning routine of cleaning your apartment immediately after a romantic evening, you can choose the light version. Scatter some petals on the holiday table. This will add ambiance and will not create additional problems.

8. Fragrances

These are even a little more difficult than rose petals. We have already said that many oils and incense can cause allergies or asthma attacks. And not all people may like rich aromas. I immediately remember the now popular stores with natural handmade cosmetics. You walk by and wonder how you can work there all day and not suffer from a headache? Therefore, the issue of choosing fragrances must be approached delicately. The ideal option is a fresh, but unobtrusive scent of flowers standing on the table: tulips, roses, spruce branches in compositions. Only lilies with a strong odor should be excluded. A good helper is an aroma lamp, into which you can drop a few drops of oil and enjoy the subtle aroma of, for example, sandalwood. We strongly do not recommend using an air freshener! The heavy artificial smell is more likely to evoke associations with restrooms.

9. Clothes

Of course, you can’t sit down at the table, which is what you usually wear around the apartment. Home clothes, funny slippers with a dog, sweatpants with stretched knees, a bathrobe or family panties can completely kill romance. A suitable option for a girl is a cocktail dress, light makeup, and a simple hairstyle. For a man - a shirt, trousers, in general - a neat appearance. Many ladies choose the image of a vamp for dinner. They immediately appear in front of their partner in a bold dress or erotic lingerie. Well, why dinner then? But what about “there must be some kind of mystery in a woman”? Therefore, we advise you to leave the underwear “for dessert”. To get to it, a man will have to try hard: court the lady, give compliments, give a kiss and, who knows, give the treasured ring.

10. Gifts

Not such a mandatory part of the program. But anyway. Men have an easier time in this matter, of course. We will always be happy with flowers, chocolates and girls' best friends - diamonds. But what should we give to our chosen ones? Cute soft toys, postcards and other attributes of February 14th are candidates for being sent to the trash bin. Well, our gentlemen are not so romantic! Get over it already, ladies. It is better to spend money: A) on yourself beautiful and well-groomed. fits well into this concept. B) for delicious food. Choose good meat and expensive wine. In the end, it’s important that a romantic dinner doesn’t happen every day and should bring a lot of positive emotions to the two of you.