What can you draw from food in the summer? How to draw cakes, marshmallows and ice cream

From an early age, children should have an understanding of a variety of foods, both healthy and unhealthy. As a rule, healthy products are given to us by nature itself, and harmful ones are artificial, created by mankind. Of course, children do not want to eat many healthy things, such as beets, onions, sometimes milk or cottage cheese, because they have a specific taste or special personal preferences. There are guys who, due to certain diseases, cannot eat any foods. However, children must be aware of their existence and properties. If parents are not around, and one of your friends suggests trying it, you need to notify the child about the subsequent reaction of the body.

Educational materials for downloading

In order to conduct thematic conversations with children, we have posted pictures for children on our “Food” website. Both natural and artificial products are presented here as they are usually sold in stores. You can download the images, print them and use them in conversations as needed. When showing products for daily consumption, pictures for children should be systematized: separately useful and separately harmful. If your task is to learn a foreign language using visuals, then you can label the pictures and arrange them at your own discretion. In general, the illustrations are applicable both for conducting conversations with children at home and at school, and for studying the topic “Products” in foreign language lessons. If your task is to talk about healthy products, pictures for children can be selected according to the topic of the lesson. However, guys should also know the fact that there are also harmful products. We sort such pictures for children, put aside mostly images of food of artificial origin, show them to the children and explain how this or that product harms the body.

Photo cards

Click on the picture to download pictures of food for children:

Multi-colored picture cards depicting different types of products.

Drawn options

Another option for picture cards depicting food and drinks for children:

What are they?

Children should pay special attention to dairy products. Milk and its derivatives are very healthy. They contain vitamins and calcium to strengthen bones and teeth. Although some children don't like dairy or milk, pictures can be a great way to start a conversation about nutrition.

Fruits and vegetables are no less useful. Vitamins are present in them in large quantities. By the way, the pictures will help you not only identify harmful and healthy foods, but also learn to identify fruits and vegetables. In these products, vitamins are preserved mainly in fresh form, so it is better to eat them uncooked. Vitamins are essential for maintaining immunity and health. Ask your kids which foods still contain large amounts of vitamins? It is unlikely that they will name grains, although cereals contain a lot of microelements that people need.

Another group of products is protein. These include not only milk, but also meat, fish and even some vegetables (legumes), although the latter contain vegetable protein. Sometimes these products are regarded as harmful, but meat and fish are necessary for the development of muscles, brain and other components of our body. Many people love protein products. But it is better to boil meat or fish than to fry it: this way they retain much more nutrients.

And finally, carbohydrates. These are sweets, bread products - everything that children love so much. These foods are high in carbohydrates. They break down and provide energy to the body. Children need carbohydrate foods because babies expend a lot of energy. However, the children should be taught that they should not overindulge in sweets. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth and the health of the body.

When looking at pictures of products with your kids, be sure to pay attention to these facts. Children's diet must include milk, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Bright illustrations will help convince children that food can be tasty and healthy.

Thanks to colorful illustrations, your speech will not be boring and monotonous, it will become specific and convincing. Play store with the kids: lay out the pictures and let them act as buyers. Ask them what kind of dishes they would prepare using the given products. Print out the images and use them in a challenging but fun activity with children!

I feel like we had a good snack with all sorts of hamburgers and other fast food! But our feast is just beginning, so jump a little to compact the delicacies you’ve eaten and make some room for dessert. Now we will show you how to draw cakes and ice cream with cute eyes and smiles.

The review contains three lessons at once

  • - The complexity of the lessons is very easy, just easy!
  • - Stages: all lessons have 8 stages

So, sweets and more sweets! For dessert we will learn to draw three different dishes at once. The first is a cake, a delicious cake with pink cream. The second is a cupcake, and the third is everyone's favorite ice cream. It is noteworthy that in a series of lessons on drawing various delicacies (there are 4 lessons in total on the site, each of which contains three drawing schemes), each dish has a unique imaginary face. In other words, burgers and marshmallows and other finger-licking objects smile at us. So, three activities in sequence: cake, cupcake, ice cream. Go!

Drawing a cake:

Stage 01 Stage 02

Stage 03

Stage 04

Stage 05

Stage 06

Stage 07

Stage 08

Drawing a cupcake:

Stage 01

Stage 02

Stage 03

Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Food”

Lesson 10. Candy (Drawing with colored pencils)

Program content. Continue teaching children to draw round and oval objects. Develop creativity and imagination. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Material. Half of the album sheets, simple and colored pencils (for each child).

Progress of the lesson

Read to the children an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Sweet Tooth”:

There is no greater joy in childhood,

Seeing these sweets

Get closer to them

And eat everything you see.

Pounce and eat!

Ask the children what sweets they would like to eat. (Candy, cakes, ice cream, etc.)

Invite the children to draw sweet, tasty round and oval-shaped candies; decorate their candy wrappers so that you immediately want to eat these candies.

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From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Winter” Lesson 14. Winter landscape (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Start introducing children to the landscape. Learn to draw winter trees with the whole brush and the tip of the brush. Learn to draw a contrasting winter landscape using white and black gouache.

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Food” Lesson 10. Pie (Dough making) Program content. Continue to learn how to sculpt round objects, flattening the dough between your palms, and decorate the products. Develop the ability to understand and analyze the content of a poem. Handouts.

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the author's book

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Have you decided to explore the topic of food with your child? Thematic cards will play a big role, but this method may not always be really fun and exciting for the child. Food box drawings are a great alternative to standard activities. Remember McDonald's food, it seems that it is very easy to reproduce the design of many people's favorite ice cream in a cone when you have simple checkered paper. Box drawings food and drinks are always fun.

Where to start drawing food by cell?

Activities are adaptable to almost any age, the basics for this lesson are very simple: define a space and fill it with color repetition, draw lines and make what we define as a pattern. Young children will learn to use a ruler and be able to count squares to make simple patterns such as stripes and squares that include groups of squares.

Seniors may start with simple squares and master diamond drawing, but will soon discover that there are an endless number of patterns. They can then be used to create tile drawings of food and drinks with eyes. This can be done by simply repeating lines in different lengths and directions, changing their spacing and rotating their position on the page.

Cup of coffee

The purpose of these beginner activity activities is for children to use pre-printed patterns on a sheet of squares. They can use their templates to create their own models, all while following a simple predefined structure. Children will use the ruler as an art tool as well as a measuring tool.

They will apply the design elements of color, shape and repetition to create a color scheme that is essential for food and fruit and drink patterns. Children will apply geometry and simple diagramming, creating visually intriguing objects that connect mathematical principles of patterning with visual patterning.

They will create positive and negative spaces and be able to recognize the difference between them (secondary). In this way, your children will be able to verbally describe how to organize a template (elementary), what process was involved.

Have your child use a ruler to divide a piece of graph paper into nine sections with a graphite pencil. He must draw two vertical lines and two horizontal lines, placing them wherever he wants.

Ask your child to choose one section at a time and make their own color highlights. Thus, you need to create a template of a fruit or food.

Show your child the pre-drawn template on a piece of paper. Create a drawing from dictation using an algorithm.

  • Line 1: 1 square color, skip the square.
  • Row 2: Skip square, 1 square color. Repeat.
  • Middle squares: row 1: color 2 squares, skip 2 squares.
  • Line 2: same thing.
  • Line 3: Skip 2 squares, 2 color squares. Repetition.

Watermelon photo

pie in cells

Drawing materials:

  • sheet for one child;
  • plastic ruler;
  • markers or pencils. If you have two children, then they can share one set of pencils; for simple pictures of food you won’t need many different colors.
  1. Instruct children to draw pre-designed fruit picture templates for the first six sections on paper. For the remaining three areas, ask the children to try making their own food patterns and ask them to describe how they were created in squares and lines. To do this, the child must count their number. This is a great way to teach your child how to organize information and, of course, practice counting.
  2. Mount your finished designs on a matte black panel for display. Give your child a piece of graphing paper and instruct them to use a graphite pencil to get started.
  3. Each drawing should contain 2 squares, 2 rectangles and 2 triangles, following the lines on the paper. Make them large to fill the paper.
  4. Each shape must touch at least one edge of the adjacent fruit design.
  5. Each shape must overlap one other shape. Define negative space outside the shape with black and white patterns using fine markers.
  6. Each area of ​​negative space must contain a different pattern.

Fill in the shapes with color patterns, using lines as a base. Each picture must contain a template that includes at least 2 colors. Areas where there is overlapping shapes should be filled with a pattern or colors relative to the 2 overlapping shapes. For example, a red pattern overlapping a yellow pattern will be orange. Thus, when drawing food and drinks, you will cover several aspects at once that are important for the child to understand.

Sushi and rolls


Ice cream

Drawings by cells food photo

"Vase with sweets." GCD for OO "Artistic Creativity" (non-traditional drawing techniques) in the preparatory group

Lesson summary for the preparatory group: "Vase with sweets"

(non-traditional technique, stamping with a cotton swab.)

Software tasks: teach children to draw a vase using an unconventional drawing technique (stamping technique with a cotton swab);

expand ideas about food;

consolidate drawing methods;

cultivate neatness.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations depicting food and utensils.

Material: paints (gouache, brushes, cotton swabs, water glasses, sheets of paper, vase templates, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, the theme of our week is “Food”. Let’s remember what food products are: dairy (milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir); meat (sausage, sausages, pate); bakery (bread, buns, pies).

The teacher recalls the names of food products with the children.

Listen to the riddle: “I wear different clothes, but inside I am the same as before: caramel, chocolate, and condensed milk, marmalade. And with raisins and nuts, along with cream mixed in. Children all over the world know that there is nothing tastier than me in the world.”


That's right - candy! Today we will draw candies in a vase.

Look at the sample, the vase is drawn in a new way for you, stamping with cotton swabs. Look at the candies, what geometric shapes they look like (triangle and rectangle).

Teacher's demonstration. -To begin with, you will draw everything with a simple pencil. We trace the outline of the vase using a template, and then draw the candies. -

See how you will draw a vase: dip a cotton swab into the paint, then using the tamponing technique, draw a vase with cotton swabs, first put prints of the cotton swab along the contour of the vase, and then all over the vase.

And we will paint the candies with a brush; we can use them to form geometric shapes. -

Children draw a vase, the teacher prompts and provides help if necessary.

Fiiz. just a minute:

We guys are cooks, (They walk briskly)

We love to help mom.

And now to our kitchen,

Let's walk happily.

We have dry peas, (We show our palms.)

It's not bad at all in soup!

The package suddenly fell out of my hands - (They spread their arms to the sides.)

The floor is covered in peas all around!

We will take the mugs in our hands (Squats with imitation

And we'll collect all the peas. picking peas.)

The porridge is boiling, boiling, (Jumping on the spot.)

Indignant, seething,

Wants to jump out

She doesn't need a big fire.

The dough is thoroughly kneaded, squeezed and unclenched

Salted, sweetened, fists, fingered,

They divided it into pieces. alternately place a fist on

Rolled out round fists, clapping with a change of hands.)

We baked pies.

Brush the top with egg

Then they put it in the oven.

Prepared, tired, (Walk relaxed, slowly)

Together they helped my mother.

But it’s time for us to rest, (Then they freeze in place.)

What did you and I draw today (a vase of sweets).

What shapes do the candies look like (triangle, rectangle).

What technique did you use to paint the vase (padding with a cotton swab).

(A positive assessment is given to all children).