What can a multicooker do? What is a multicooker? Forgetful and very busy housewives

My secret is...

If your multicooker does not have COOKING, FRYING or STEWING modes, then don’t worry. If there is no water in the dish, then the multicooker fries, if you add a little water, then it simmers, and if you pour a lot of water, then it cooks. In this case, only the time is adjusted and that’s it.

Anna (Rameshwar)  The “Baking” program is more intensive than the “Stewing” program. Owners of multicookers often use this mode for standard frying, and they can fry both with the lid closed and with the lid open. While cooking, you should sometimes check how your food is doing. Sometimes you can stir the contents of the bowl (if it is not a sponge cake or casserole) so that you do not get too obvious a crust. In a slow cooker you get such potatoes that after that it won’t even occur to you to cook them any other way. For example, the simplest baked potatoes: lightly salt large pieces of potatoes, put them in a bowl, and add a good piece of butter. No water needed.

Cooking time is 40 minutes (in the “Baking” mode this is the default time). The same dish can be modified and prepared stuffed potatoes: cut holes in the potato tubers with a special knife (you will get potato “spirals”). Stuff the tubers with any minced meat (meat, fish, vegetables), place them in a bowl, carefully put the “spirals” in there, add salt and pepper, add a little oil, a little water and set the cooking time to 50 minutes. Chicken wings are prepared in a very simple way: add salt, mix with your favorite spices, add a little oil. Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Regina (Esmond)  Anna, what if there is no PLOV mode, but there is RICE, is it the same thing?

Anna (Rameshwar)  I think that pilaf takes more time than just rice. and if the meat was fried in advance, then, in principle, the rice mode is suitable.

Valentina (Prunella) Is it possible to replace the stewing mode with baking, but I don’t have a baking function? Is it possible to use stewing instead of baking?

Margarita (Tatu)  I make the sponge cake in the vitezze multicooker, according to the book from it, I set the brown rice mode for an hour, as written, the sponge cake has been cooking for the third hour ((there is no baking mode

Regina (Esmond)  Margarita, even though I have a baking mode, the sponge cake still turned out raw(((((

Margarita (Tatu)  the first time, although it took a very long time to prepare, it was really pale and this time it was not baked (((

Svetlana (Frejdis)  Tell me, is it possible to cook with the lid open?? The instructions say no.

Anna (Rameshwar)  when I need to fry something, I cook with it open.

Anna (Rameshwar)  Multi-cooker modes

The multicooker has several built-in modes. Most often these are the modes:

· Milk porridge

This mode is designed for cooking porridge in a multicooker. Any porridge – from oatmeal to wheat, and with any fillings. You just need to put all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl and set the time.

The mode is used for cooking all kinds of cereals - rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, etc. The advantage of this mode is that the cereals do not become overcooked, but also do not remain hard. In this mode, dishes made from pre-soaked legumes are successful.

· Steaming

Nutritionists know that steamed dishes are healthier than others. Remember this too. For a children's menu, the “steam cooking” function of the multicooker is absolutely indispensable, because... Children should not eat dishes with a crust until they are at least three years old (and preferably until they are five).

· Braising

One of the most multifunctional modes. You can stew vegetables and meat, prepare soups and jellied meat. Cabbage soup or borscht turn out especially well - no worse than those cooked in a Russian oven. The mode is better adapted than others for use in the absence of the housewife - the cooking time in this mode is usually quite long, so you can leave the house, having previously placed all the ingredients of the dish in the multicooker bowl - and return to the indescribable aroma of the finished dinner.

· Bakery

A great alternative to the oven. You can prepare any casseroles, as well as bake pies, muffins and even bread. You can also bake meat or chicken or fry vegetables for soup using this mode.

The temperature of this mode is quite high, so it allows you to cook, in addition to pilaf, also baked dishes. For example, you can bake potatoes or cook pasta with meat. Individuals who use multicookers without a special baking function also manage to bake various dishes in this mode.

Anna (Rameshwar)  Additional multicooker functions that make life easier for the housewife

These functions are not found in all multicookers, but it is usually very convenient if such functions are present in your multicooker.

These are the functions:

Automatic heating

When you left for work, you set the timer and dinner should be ready when you arrive. But the trouble is, you were delayed... If your multicooker has an automatic heating function, it will turn on immediately after the cooking process is completed and will warm the dish until you return. You won't have to eat cold food.

If you don’t want to control everything, then the timer on the multicooker is the right function for you. You do not start the cooking process manually, you may not even be at home - but the multicooker will prepare the food within the specified time frame.
Multicooker - all in one.

Many housewives who purchased a multicooker are still perplexed as to how they managed without it and frantically figure out why they still need a stove. Of course, it’s easy to cook in a multicooker, and it itself combines the functions of a frying pan, a saucepan, a steamer, an oven, and even a bread maker with a pressure cooker. Operating a multicooker is a breeze, you don’t have to worry about food burning, thanks to the special coating of the multicooker, it’s easy to clean, food cooks in it faster and tastes better... Whatever the function is, it’s a plus.

Alyona (Yasmine)  I just fried potatoes (I have a pvnasonik) on the baking mode. The potatoes were fried as if on a stove. I have a question: is it possible to fry in pilaf mode or not?

Alyona (Yasmine) Please tell me what the express mode means, what dishes can be cooked in this mode. There is no recipe in the instructions for the multicooker.

Anna (Rameshwar) I use the Express mode to cook pasta, dumplings, and dumplings. But first of all, the Express program is used for small portions of side dishes - boil 1-2 portions of buckwheat/rice, for example. In my cartoon, Express is a regular Rice/Buckwheat program, only twice as fast, it works until the liquid completely boils away. The time is determined by itself, usually 25-30 minutes for everything.

Alyona (Yasmine)  Thank you.

Pavel (Ambrosia)  Who has a Philips multicooker?

Nigina (Ardiana)  I have Redmond, the sponge cake is wonderful, if there is no baking mode, then the stewing mode is more suitable, it just increases the time by 1.5 times. I would do it that way.

Anastasia (Balamohana)  Hello everyone!)) Girls, does anyone have Arc CF? here it is http://pro-multivarki.ru/2016/09/multivarka-arc-xarak..
Are there any differences in cooking in different MVs? I mean recipes. Or do you still need to get used to your CF and choose the time and mode yourself? I just received my MV, I’m sitting here couldn’t be happier))))) here are my regimes))

Anna (Rameshwar)  I think you need to get used to yours, then there will be no problems. by trial and error)

Elena (Maretta)  Alena, I made potatoes for pilaf. I cut them like poppy seeds, country-style potatoes. They turned out great.

Alyona (Yasmine)  Elena,

Alyona (Yasmine)  Elena, thank you, I’ll try to cook it

Alla (Gealya)  Hello girls!! I bought a multi, but I’m hesitant to cook everything right now, I read the comment about the potatoes, my mouth started watering, there are so many modes, I just got lost, and I have no one to show, I live alone!!

Yulya (Kaori)  hello everyone) I have a multi “Smile”. There is no baking mode, but there is a cupcake mode. Is it possible to replace baking with cupcake mode?)

Tags: What is a multicooker and what is it for?

Multicooker REDMOND RMS RM 4520 Stylish and convenient things for the kitchen Original gifts...

May 2, 2013 - And yet I ask this question: why do you need a multicooker? ... In general, I came to the conclusion that it is extremely useful for housewives who...

May 15, 2014 - The multicooker runs on electricity. It can become a real lifesaver for those who do not have gas in their home. Cooking...

Multicooker - is it even necessary??? | Topic author: Eduard

I’ve been cooking for a long time and it’s pretty good Maxim))). There are two real men at home: one adult - the husband - loves to eat, the other - the son - a growing organism and also loves to eat + everyone works and studies + little time + I spend all the remaining time from work in the kitchen. As a result, you have to cook almost all the time. I read and read on the forums: everyone praises them - they say the multicooker is super! and boil, and bake, and fry, and steam, I don’t understand one thing: all the ingredients are put into it at the same time, which is practically not in any CORRECT recipe for a dish. I would like to hear the opinion of "LIVING" people, not advertising

Dima  Main + multicookers - this is simple cooking Vadim, there is a timer, i.e. he came home from work, and dinner is ready.
- eats el. energy Andrey, an acquaintance said that the food tastes the same, takes up additional space in the kitchen Yuri.
But this is all theory. in practice I can’t say anything.

Although in your case, Sasha, a multicooker is an essential item.

Oleg  Yes... if you're lazy and don't have gas...

Victor  Oh, I don’t think it’s worth it, the step-by-step is ready, it’s like art

Stepan  I see you are excited about the purchase! We want it too! If you buy first, write a review for me [email protected]

Konstantin  Everyone decides for himself, of course. But I have an electric stove. And I can't live without a pressure cooker. In our family, broths were always cooked in a pressure cooker. On gas. I'm used to it. That’s why I started looking for a similar electric unit. I found an ARC multi-pressure cooker. Yes, everything is laid at the same time. But I can first fry Stanislav in it, and then add the rest of the ingredients. And set the program. Of course, I don’t bake in it. It seems to me that the unit called multiVARKA is not intended for this. And no one canceled the oven.

Valery was also kind of on fire, but only because of the “delayed start for milk porridge,” but she calmed down. And if they took it, it would be Panasonic.

Pavel  I also cook very well and at home there is someone to eat. Moreover, we do not accept semi-finished products: sausages, ready-made dumplings, etc. Only natural and freshly prepared. For myself, I chose the option of cooking in the oven, and specifically in a baking sleeve, foil or parchment. I come home from work, quickly wrap it in foil or throw in a sleeve of meat, fish or chicken, which I usually marinated the night before in wine or beer, or simply in spices and olive oil - there are many ways to prepare your homemade semi-finished product, put it in the oven and just 40 minutes resting from work. I take a shower and drink a cup of rosehip. Then I quickly make some salad, or a simple side dish. That's all. I don't feel like I spend all my time at the stove. In this situation, I don’t feel the need for a multicooker yet.

Georgy  I have a regular multicooker, Polaris, for two years. Not a multi-cooker-pressure cooker, which we already have now, but somehow didn’t have yet. Nikita is indispensable for me when preparing everyday food for the whole family. And on holidays you can happily stand at the stove)
Lyona wrote above very correctly about the “simultaneous addition of ingredients”; I also do frying, for example. And in general, I’m trying to explain to all “newbies” that they CAN open the lid during the process, check for readiness, don’t be afraid! You can finish the two-hour extinguishing operation in an hour if it’s already ready. You can cook soup using Stew, and pilaf using Soup. You get to this point very quickly through experimentation!) I do it as it suits me)
PS The multicooker DOES NOT EAT electricity Vladimir) AND DOES NOT take up much space in the kitchen))

Evgeniy  The multi-cooker allows you to save time - you can stew the meat for at least 5 hours and you don’t have to watch, add water, and you can go about your business or even leave the house. You can add food as the process progresses - the lid opens and you add it as many times as you want, it won’t get any worse. The delayed start is convenient - you add potatoes, turn it on at 18:00 and go to work - the multicooker will cook everything for you when you arrive. I have a PANASONIC and I don’t recommend another one. MANDATORY - you need to buy a ladle and tongs made of silicone - the attached spoon and any other plastic objects will scratch the coating and the inside of the pan will be damaged.

Yaroslav  You have already drawn your own conclusion. It won’t cut it on its own, but if you throw it away right away, the taste will be just right. One plus is that it turns itself off. So I decided that I needed it for someone, but I didn’t. But I thought about it for a year.

Peter not needed
will gather dust

Nikolay  I’ve had Panasonic for quite a long time, I also hesitated for a long time before buying, but I decided to buy Vyacheslav and I don’t regret it for a second. I haven’t used any recipes for a long time, the cooking process has become, as it were, incidental, i.e. before you had to put everything aside and stand at the stove, but now it’s useless, I know that nothing will burn or run away, so cooking can be done with combine something else. It’s not true that a multicooker consumes a lot of electricity, it consumes less than an iron, and not everything in it is to the same taste Leonid, and in the hot summer, cooking is a pleasure, there is no steam room in the kitchen and no greasy splashes. What they write on the forums is true, it seems to me that skeptics simply do not want to understand the principle of operation of the Ilya multicooker, and therefore consider it a useless thing, everyone who has seen me cook in a multicooker and tried what I have prepared does not remain indifferent to it. During cooking, it is not necessary to add all the ingredients at the same time, you can do this in stages, as when cooking on the stove, the lid can also be opened and closed like any other lid, and if the products are added at the same time, then each of them will be cooked like this , as needed, this is one of the features of the multicooker, the main thing is to choose the right cooking mode. Another big plus is that the food does not burn, with a minimum amount of fat, but not steamed like in a double boiler. I have three adult men in my family and each has their own whims when it comes to food, as long as you can’t feed me anything else, I please everyone))) This, of course, does not mean that the oven and stove can be cleaned, but some dishes, for example, dairy, porridge, pilaf, stew, some meat, liver, boiled pork, cabbage rolls, sponge cake, cheesecake, you can’t cook that on the stove...

Multicooker: what is it for? Video - Woman's Day - Wday.ru

The multicooker can easily be called the most versatile kitchen appliance available on the market. It is very compact, consists...

Why do you need a multicooker? For those who still doubt | Website about...

Sep 10, 2014 - What is a multicooker for? What's the tastiest thing to cook in a slow cooker? Is it needed at all? Who needs it and why...

Now we have a “multi-cooker boom” in our country. I will not be mistaken if I say that this miracle of technology is discussed on every women’s forum. But I still don’t have it.

So, in order to understand why I need a multicooker and whether I need to buy it, I decided to carefully study the reviews about it. And this is the opinion I have about this miracle saucepan.

The multicooker saves time.

According to most housewives, the main advantage of this kitchen assistant is that while food is being prepared in it, you can go about your business and even go for a walk or jog. After cooking, it will turn itself off.

But, if you have a modern oven like I do. The same thing can be done in it. Load the ingredients for soup or stew into the pots, turn on the timer and forget about what you are cooking. Then the oven will do everything for you. By the way, the oven also has a delayed start if you suddenly need dinner to be ready before you get home from work.

In general, I personally am against electrical appliances operating unattended. Wombs are...

The slow cooker produces incredibly tender meat and delicious pilaf.

And if you compare meat from a slow cooker with meat cooked in a cast iron??? I doubt the slow cooker will win.

Now about pilaf. I don’t see any point in cooking pilaf in a slow cooker, just like soups that are fried. After the pilaf has been soured, rice is added to it and then the cauldron and stove do their job themselves. So why do we need a multicooker for this purpose?

Super function of the multicooker - “Warming” mode

Your soup will stay warm all day. How healthy is that! The child came home from school and ate hot soup, the husband came for lunch and he had hot soup, you returned in the evening, and again you had hot soup right there. On the one hand, this is good, but if you look at it from the other side.

It is difficult to talk about the preservation of some useful substances and vitamins in vegetables and cereals. With any minimal heating, food continues to cook, which means microelements are destroyed.

To verify this, I propose to conduct such an experiment. Cut the potatoes and fill them with water. Let it boil, cook for a couple of minutes and then turn off the stove. Try the potatoes - they will be raw, but if you try them again after 30 minutes they will be ready. Thus, it turns out that the potatoes will cook while the stove and the liquid in the pan cool. What will happen to it after a whole day of heating???

A multicooker is a salvation for mothers with small children.

I probably agree here. The multicooker cooks delicious porridge without additional intervention. I poured in the cereal, poured in the milk, pressed the button and everything was free. This is really cool. As a mother twice over, I know that there are children with whom it is very problematic to cook.

But if your children are adults, and you perfectly know how to cook porridge on the stove in just 10-15 minutes, unlike a multicooker which takes at least 40 minutes, or if you rarely eat porridge, then again there is no point in it.

The multicooker bowl is easy to clean.

This is a significant plus, but not for me. My dishwasher washes my dishes.

By the way, while studying reviews of multicookers, I also learned that the lid of the multicooker has rubber bands that absorb odors. Therefore, if you first prepare a stew with spices, and then cook the porridge, the porridge will smell like spices. Not a very pleasant fact.

And the multicooker only has one bowl, unless of course you bought several extra ones. And it's very inconvenient. If you cooked soup for lunch and plan to cook porridge for dinner, then you still need to find a container into which to pour the soup from the multicooker in order to free it up for preparing the next dish.

Saves energy

The power of the stove and multicooker is 2000 W and 700 W, respectively. But to cook porridge on the stove it will take us 10-15 minutes, and in a slow cooker – 40 minutes. How much electricity will be saved?

So, studying reviews about multicookers, I came to the conclusion that I personally don’t need a miracle saucepan. And I also understood who needs a multicooker and why.

  1. Young mothers with small and restless children.
  2. Students living in a dormitory.
  3. Young people don't know how to cook.
  4. People renting apartments without a good stove and oven.
  5. For those who bought an apartment and are just starting to equip it. By the way, during repairs, a multicooker can also become a lifesaver.
  6. For summer residents who do not have a modern stove.

In addition, a multicooker will be useful for those who often travel by car and stay in guest houses, where there is nothing else except an outlet.

By the way, one of my friends says that all household appliances are designed to make our lives easier. And it’s hard to disagree with this. Therefore, I recommend that you adhere to this principle when you decide whether you personally need to buy a multicooker.

A multicooker is a special hermetic one with a lid and a special coating, powered by electricity and having many automatic functions. The built-in processor allows you to cook various dishes in it according to specified programs, without spending a lot of effort and time. It is, to some extent, both a saucepan and an oven combined.

The need for a multicooker

A multicooker is indispensable for people on a diet, when one of the family members is on a diet or simply leads a healthy lifestyle. After all, you can do without frying food, which, as you know, is harmful to health and adds extra pounds. It preserves the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements in products.

Most models have a convenient delayed cooking function, where you can schedule it for a specific time. If you don’t want to get up early in the morning to cook, for example, porridge, then you can program it to cook. The built-in “alarm clock” will turn on the mode and prepare breakfast at a certain time. You just need to set the necessary program in the settings in the evening and add the cereal.

Also, you can’t do without it if you don’t have an oven or stove. This happens at the dacha, on a trip or in rented accommodation. And if your health does not allow you to cook for a long time while standing on your feet.

When a housewife has a habit of forgetting a pan on the stove or systematically burning food in the oven, then a multicooker is what is needed. She simply will not allow this situation to happen - the timer will turn it off when the food is ready.

A multicooker can also be purchased when small children live in the house and there is not enough time to stand at the stove for a long time. In terms of safety, it wins because the outside remains cool, unlike a regular saucepan or oven. A small child, accidentally touching it, will not burn his hands.

Even a school-age child can easily cope with it, because they are so interested in modern “gadgets.” It won't be difficult to teach him. And there is no need to stand over the stove - I threw in the groceries and ran about my important business.

So, it is quite possible to conclude: a multicooker in the kitchen is not just a necessary thing, but sometimes irreplaceable. It is easy to use and maintain, does not take up much space, saves time and does not consume much electricity. You just need to correctly determine the model with the necessary set of programs and functions. After all, there is a very large selection of them in stores.

Video on the topic

The desire for cooked food to remain tasty and healthy has led to the creation of many types of dishes and small household appliances. Some of the most popular ones include a double boiler and/or a colander pan. With the help of these devices, it will be easier to cook, and the food will actually retain all its beneficial properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of a colander pan

Most people use a colander pan the old fashioned way, since this option is simpler and cheaper, and also has a significant number of advantages. First of all, food cooked in a colander pan turns out healthy and nutritious, because all useful elements are preserved. This device is multifunctional, as it can also be used as a deep fryer, as a colander, or just as a regular saucepan.

Using this pan you can boil, fry, bake, stew, or steam food. Do not forget that it can save energy, even if, since the double bottom made of thick aluminum allows you to cook in a mode with less energy consumption. The pan is easy to use and does not take up much space in the kitchen, since after cooking it can be hidden in the kitchen cabinet. In addition, it is much cheaper than. It is easy to wash.

Speaking of disadvantages, it is worth noting that there are few of them: there is no timer for cooking food, like in a double boiler, there is no automatic shutdown function, you can cook one dish at a time, while in a double boiler you can cook several dishes at a time, no food delay functions, as in some steamer models.

Pros and cons of a double boiler

Of course, the main advantage is that food cooked in a double boiler is very healthy; it retains all vitamins and nutrients. Almost all models of steamers are multifunctional; they can be used to defrost food, sterilize baby bottles, and quickly heat up food. It will be convenient for the housewife to simply set the timer for cooking, so she doesn’t have to think about the shutdown time. Some models of steamers help to crush cooked foods, eliminating the need to purchase a blender or mixer. Saves time - you can cook several dishes at a time. What is especially convenient is that there is a delay cooking function.

The disadvantages of this device include the following: unlike a colander pan, a double boiler requires more careful care, since it is necessary to wash the grate and treat the heating element with special means. A steamer takes up more space in the kitchen than a colander pan. A double boiler, unlike a colander pan, consumes electricity, which means it will not save money. For older people, it is more difficult to use than a colander pan. Of course, we must not forget about the pricing policy: a good quality double boiler costs several times more than a colander pan.

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude: food prepared using a double boiler, as well as using a colander pan, is equally healthy, dietary and tasty. And this is the main thing. Otherwise, each buyer determines the most compelling arguments in favor of one or the other.

Tip 3: Dolma: cooking on the stove, in a double boiler, in a slow cooker

Dolma is a very interesting and unusual dish, which consists of grape leaves filled with various fillings. Dolma is typical for the cuisines of the peoples of Transcaucasia, Asia and the Balkan Peninsula.

A few tricks for preparing dolma

  1. Minced meat for dolma is most often prepared on the basis of rice; in addition, it may include boiled meat, for example, lamb or beef, nuts, spicy green herbs, onions, and lemon juice.
  2. To prepare the dish, both canned and fresh grape leaves are used, which can be pre-marinated.
  3. Before stuffing, canned grape leaves are usually washed thoroughly so that they become less salty, and only then filled with the prepared filling.
  4. To pickle fresh grape leaves at home, they are thoroughly washed, rolled, placed in a dish and filled with brine. Cover the top tightly enough with a lid and let it sit for several days.
  5. Another option is to use fresh grape leaves without pre-pickling. To make them softer, you need to boil water in a saucepan, add salt and place the washed leaves there. Boil them for three minutes. Another way to soften the leaves is to pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes.
  6. When preparing dolma, sometimes hard veins on the leaves get in the way - these places can either be carefully cut off or beaten with a spoon to make the surface of the leaf flatter.
  7. Dolma should be served hot along with regular sour cream, sour cream sauce or ayran.

How to pickle grape leaves


  • 1 kg grape leaves
  • 2 liters of boiled water
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of table vinegar
  • 1-2 bay leaves

How to do it:

Wash fresh grape leaves very well, roll them into tubes and place in a deep dish or pan. Prepare the marinade by combining drinking water, salt, table vinegar, and pour over the leaves. Add a couple of bay leaves. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for 3 days at room temperature.

Dolma with lamb


  • 300 g fresh or pickled grape leaves
  • 300 g lamb
  • 200 g lamb bones
  • 1 cup rice
  • 1 medium sized onion
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh chopped mint, cilantro and basil
  • salt pepper

For the sauce

  • 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream 20% fat
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • fresh cilantro

Preparation step by step:

1. Rinse fresh or canned grape leaves thoroughly in cold water. If using fresh, boil them for three minutes until they become soft. Dry and place on a work surface with the shiny side of the sheet facing down. Using a large spoon, tap on any prominent veins. Set some of the leaves aside.

2. Cook the rice until partially cooked, drain in a colander, and let the cereal cool and dry. Wash the meat under running water and pass through a meat grinder or food processor. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes. Combine minced meat, chopped herbs, onions and short grain rice. Add spices to taste.

3. Mix all filling ingredients and divide into portions. Make an oval patty from each portion. Place one meat patty on the grape leaves. Cover the filling with the bottom edge of the grape leaf. Now tuck in the sides of the sheet too - the end result should be a fairly tightly twisted tube, similar to a cabbage roll.

4. Take a deep saucepan and place the chopped bones there. Place regular grape leaves (no filling) on ​​top. Place rolled grape leaves with filling on the leaves in a dense layer. Add a little water, press with a lid or heat-resistant glass plate. Place some weight on top of the plate.

5. Place the pot of dolma on the stove, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook for about 50 minutes. Serve with sour cream sauce. For the sauce, peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and remove the green center. Throw it away and finely chop the pulp or put it through a garlic press. Mix sour cream, garlic and herbs, beat until smooth, season with salt.

Dolma with rice


  • 200 g grape leaves
  • 1 cup short grain rice
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • 1 egg
  • 1 lemon
  • a pinch of ground dried mint
  • salt pepper

Preparation step by step:

1. Rinse the rice thoroughly with clean water and let it dry thoroughly. Heat olive oil in a frying pan over moderate heat. Peel and chop the onion and place in a frying pan. Fry until the onion becomes translucent. Add rice, dried mint, spices and freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tablespoon). To do this, rinse the lemon thoroughly, make a thin puncture in it with a toothpick and squeeze the juice into a spoon. Stir the rice mixture.

2. Add a little water so that it barely covers the rice. Simmer over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove the pan from the stove and let the rice cool. Beat the chicken egg and mix with the cereal.

3. Wash the leaves, dry them, beat off the dense veins. Set a few leaves aside. Place a couple of teaspoons of rice and egg filling on the remaining leaves and roll them into tight oblong envelopes.

4. Cut about half a lemon into round slices. Place the reserved grape leaves without the filling in the pan, and place the folded leaves with the filling on top. Place lemon slices on the dolma, pour in enough filtered water to cover the dolma. Place pressure on top. Cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

Dolma with beef in a steamer


  • grape leaves
  • 500 g beef fillet
  • 100 g short grain rice
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • fresh herbs
  • salt pepper

Preparation step by step:

1. Rinse the rice cereal thoroughly until it is clean with water and boil until half cooked - you can do this in a double boiler. Place in a sieve or colander and cool. Rinse the meat and pass through a meat grinder or food processor, add chopped onions, rice, and herbs. Season to taste.

2. Wash the grape leaves thoroughly, remove hard stems, and beat off the veins. Spread the filling over the grape leaves and roll them into tight rolls. Place in a steamer, add salt and drizzle with melted butter. Bring to readiness within 40 minutes.

Dolma with rice and nuts in a slow cooker

It is very simple and convenient to cook dolma in a slow cooker - it turns out no worse than on the stove.


  • 60 grape leaves (pickled)
  • 200 g short grain rice
  • 3 walnuts
  • 20 g fresh mint
  • 20 g fresh parsley
  • 10 g fresh dill
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns

Preparation step by step:

1. Boil the rice until partially cooked. By the way, you can do this right in the slow cooker. Pour the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl, pour 500 ml of water and set the “Cooking” mode. Once the liquid boils, cook for 5 minutes. Then turn off the multicooker, place the cereal in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Chop the walnuts. Place in a mortar along with salt and peppercorns. Grind using a special spice pestle. Peel the onions and chop with a knife. Dry the washed herbs (for example, with paper towels) and chop.

3. Mix rice, herbs, onions, nuts, spices and 1 tbsp for the filling. spoon of olive oil. Spoon the rice-nut mixture onto the grape leaves, tuck the edges under, and roll into tight logs. Place all the leaf rolls tightly in the multicooker bowl, pour in clean water (boiling water), cover with the unstuffed grape leaves that are left, and cook in the “Stew” mode for an hour.

Dolma with meat and rice in a slow cooker


  • 350 g grape leaves (pickled)
  • 500 g minced meat (lamb and beef)
  • 1/2 cup short grain rice
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon chopped dried mint
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg
  • 1 liter beef broth or water
  • salt pepper

Preparation step by step:

1. Wash the leaves and let them dry. Boil the rice until half cooked on the stove in a saucepan for 8 minutes or in a multicooker bowl for 5 minutes. Let the liquid drain and cool.

2. For the filling, mix minced meat, rice cereal, peeled and finely diced onion, dried mint, nutmeg, and spices to taste. Remove the stem from the grape leaves. Set aside some of the leaves and place the rest on the table, place a spoonful of filling on top and, tucking in the edges, roll into long, tight rolls.

3. Place all the stuffed grape leaves in a slow cooker in dense rows, pour in broth or boiling water, then cover the top with the remaining unstuffed grape leaves. Set the multicooker to the “Stew” program for 1 hour.

A multicooker is a real helper in the kitchen. If the housewife does not have enough time, but at the same time loves fresh, healthy food, a multicooker will help her.

We decided to figure out what a multicooker is for and whether it is really necessary.

The convenience of using a multicooker lies in the fact that the dish is prepared in one operation. It is enough to chop all the ingredients, place them in the multicooker bowl, start the desired program and wait for the end of cooking. There is no need for multi-stage ingredients. No need to keep track of time. There is no need to twist the handles of the stove every now and then, either increasing or decreasing the heat.

Modern multicookers offer many different modes and functions that allow you to prepare almost any dish, limiting yourself only to the multicooker. You can cook soups, roasts, fry cutlets, bake bread, cook porridge, stew vegetables and much more. Cooking some dishes is extremely simple - you just need to launch the program. And some dishes are not very convenient to cook in a slow cooker; it’s easier and more convenient to cook the same dish on the stove.

So what types of dishes reveal the benefits of a multicooker most fully?

Cooking soups in a slow cooker is a pleasure. All ingredients are added at the same time, filled with water, and the multicooker will do the rest itself. After the end of the mode, all that remains is to open the lid and enjoy the taste of freshly prepared soup.

2. Stewed vegetables, roast

Vegetables in a slow cooker turn out soft, healthy and tasty. And their preparation in a multicooker-pressure cooker takes only a few minutes. You can add meat to the vegetables, in which case the cooking time will increase slightly. Vegetable stew or roast in a slow cooker will not burn, dry out, or remain raw, as often happens when cooking in the oven.

Porridge is very convenient to prepare. There is no need to ensure that the milk does not run away, so that the porridge does not burn. Add cereal, salt and sugar, add milk or water, select the appropriate function, and you're done. Try, for example, cooking. It also makes good cereal side dishes, especially sushi rice.

4. Steam cutlets

The multicooker has the ability to cook like a double boiler. To do this, you need to use a special tray in the form of a lattice, and pour a little water under it. Steamed cutlets are especially tender. And the main thing is that they are easy to prepare.

5. Stew

The meat is stewed in a pressure cooker for about twenty minutes. No meat dish can cook so quickly on the stove. The meat turns out tender and soft, it does not burn or dry out.

What is inconvenient to cook in a slow cooker?

I would like to say right away that there should be no doubt about whether a multicooker is needed in the kitchen. :) Some housewives complain that it is inconvenient to cook fried foods in a saucepan. Although the multicooker does allow you to fry, this must be done with the lid open. However, in this case, the multipot has no advantages over frying on the stove. And if the recipe requires frying any individual ingredient, then after frying you will also have to wash the bowl in order to continue preparing the main dish.

The multicooker allows you to bake bread and other pastries. However, again, it is more convenient to bake in the oven. Although many housewives actively use the baking function in a multicooker. It's more a matter of habit and skill. By the way, we recommend that you bake for the whole family.

It's a question of time

One of the advantages of cooking in a slow cooker is the time factor. It’s convenient to load the ingredients and get the finished dish as quickly as possible.

But not all multicookers cook quickly. To ensure that food is cooked quickly, food must be cooked under pressure in a slow cooker. That is, a multicooker must also be a pressure cooker. The multi-pressure cooker cooks dishes very quickly: vegetables in five minutes, meat in twenty.

Therefore, by choosing a multicooker-pressure cooker, the housewife will receive the additional advantage of many saved hours waiting for the dish.

Who will appreciate the multicooker?

In general, a multicooker is ideal for housewives who do not like to cook. Or they strive to devote as little time and attention to cooking as possible, but still get delicious, healthy food. Basically, all that is required is to prepare the ingredients and press a button. The multicooker will do the rest itself!

A multicooker will also be indispensable for adherents of dietary nutrition. It allows you to prepare delicious, complete meals without excess fat and frying. And if you use the steamer function, you get excellent steamed vegetables and cutlets.

A multicooker will also be a useful find for young mothers. With the pressure cooker function, you can steam vegetables and porridge for your baby in just a few minutes. And the capabilities of delayed start and heating will allow you to plan breakfasts, lunches and dinners exactly on time, even if mom is busy at these minutes.

Even the most traditional housewives who are accustomed to cooking on the stove will appreciate the multicooker. After all, the housewife does not always have time for culinary exploits. Sometimes it will be useful to simply press a button. We hope that you will decide for yourself why you need a multicooker in your kitchen.

Interesting recipes, successful experiments and delicious dishes.

Numerous modern devices greatly simplify human life. The rapid development of kitchen appliances deserves special attention. Thanks to the new device - the slow cooker - preparing a luxurious lunch or dinner will require a minimum of effort and knowledge.

Multicooker: cook quickly and tasty

How to recognize a multicooker

The multicooker can easily be called the most versatile kitchen appliance available on the market. It is very compact and consists of a body, a lid and a special container for cooking. The latter can be made of ceramic or have a Teflon coating.

The multicooker impresses with its compact size. This is how it differs from massive convection ovens: it takes up little space and weighs only about 6 kg. At the same time, the cooking container can hardly be called small: its volume can be five liters.

On average, each multicooker has eight automatic cooking programs. In some models their number reaches eleven. Having set the correct program, you can do other things: the multicooker will independently prepare a delicious dish and notify you of completion with a sound signal.

Cooking food using automatic programs is very convenient. However, be sure to follow the quantity guidelines provided. This is the only way your dish will turn out perfect

Who should buy a multicooker?

Having a multicooker in the kitchen is a modern trend. Today there are many forums where “cooks” actively share new recipes and photographs of prepared dishes. However, a multicooker is not the most essential gadget. To prevent it from turning into a useless decoration of the kitchen interior, determine whether the “game” is worth the candle.

A slow cooker is necessary in several cases. Firstly, if you don’t like to work magic on a saucepan. With a multicooker, forgotten porridge, boiled-over soup, and over-stewed vegetables will never become sad reminders of your inattention and distraction. The equipment itself will monitor the ideal condition of each loaded ingredient.

Secondly, a multicooker is indispensable if you like to have breakfast in the morning, but don’t like to wake up early. To get delicious hot porridge, you just need to load the ingredients in the evening and set the delayed start. A caring assistant will have everything ready for you when you wake up.

Thirdly, a slow cooker is very useful if you have small children. It will save a lot of time, allow you to please your husband with a luxurious and healthy dinner and not deprive your child of attention. Also, with the help of a multicooker, you can teach your child to cook and you will always be sure that he can take care of himself.

However, there are factors under which you should refuse to purchase a miracle gadget. For example, if you like to cook quickly. In this regard, a multicooker is somewhat inferior to a microwave and a conventional stove. Its task is to cook slowly while preserving all the beneficial vitamins and microelements. Also, a multicooker will be useless for you if you sincerely love well-fried meat and crispy crust. It is better to cook this in a frying pan/oven or in an air fryer. And keep in mind: a multicooker will not at all rid your apartment of the smell of cooking.

What can you cook in a slow cooker?

The multicooker has many programs and modes with which you will get tasty and healthy dishes. Your main task is to choose the right ingredients and load them into the container. The “smart pan” also has a “normal” mode. It allows you to set your own temperature and time settings if a suitable program is not found in the list.

Custom mode is very useful for cooking new dishes and experimenting. You will find many tempting recipes on the Internet and in specialized literature. However, always make allowances for your multicooker model

The “Extinguishing” mode opens up the widest range of possibilities for you. Using it, you can simultaneously prepare a dish from several products at once. For example, combine meat and vegetables, cereals and minced meat, etc. It is important that cooking can take place with virtually no oil. This will significantly reduce the fat content of the final dish without depriving it of taste at all.